1/2/25- Red flag: FBI rolls out its tiresome ‘is it terrorism?’ false binary for New Year’s attacks; along with ‘additional devices,’ bollards retracted beforehand, etc – yeah, this one was a lie
In virtually all of the staged and faked terror attacks of the last two decades or so, the [perpetrating / facilitating] FBI has set up a false binary in a way that by now has become extremely tiresome. They raise the question of whether the event was a terrorist attack, initially denying that it was a terrorist attack, and later admitting the obvious truth that it [apparently] was. What this is meant to do is eliminate the question: was this a fake/staged or real/organic attack? By raising the ‘was it terrorist’ question, the FBI falsely assumes the authenticity of the attack and creates artificial boundaries around the discourse. Whenever this crude trick is played, a deception is all but assured.
Same goes for ‘additional devices,’ ‘additional suspects,’ etc, which are also marks of false flags: by raising questions about device #2, suspect #2, etc, the authenticity of device and suspect #1 are falsely established.
12/31/24- If India and China have such a superior talent pool / culture for producing talent in STEM fields, as Musk and Ramaswamy (who both benefit directly and handsomely from low compensation of STEM workers) assert, then surely Indian and Chinese nationals are highly over-represented among the most transformational 500 or 1,000 figures in math, science, engineering, IT, and medicine of the last century, or at least the last couple decades. Wait, they’re severely under-represented, in spite of a 10x population advantage? Oops.
Among the 157 Nobel Laureates in STEM fields over the last 20 years, there are 76 Americans (48.4% of all laureates; the US has 4.1% of the world population), among whom roughly 80-85% were born in the US. This means that the United States, with our lazy, dumb-jock, party-animal culture according to Ramaswamy, has produced orders of magnitude more STEM laureates per capita than India or China, and vastly more in absolute terms as well. As a reminder, Musk has no STEM / engineering training and no sole patents, and Ramaswamy has an undergrad degree in biology and a law degree.
Of course, one doesn’t need to be a Nobel laureate to be an important scientist or engineer, but I highly doubt the the situation changes dramatically the next tier or two down. I’m sure that at some point down the skill chain, it makes financial sense to hire foreign labor, but just call it what it is, a cost-cutting measure to improve the bottom line, that’s it.
As for H1B visas, I’m not aware of all the statistics and it’s not a topic I’m very knowledgeable on, but anecdotally I do know that American STEM workers being frustrated by job competition from much-lower-paid foreign workers is most definitely ‘a thing.’ Not infrequently, American workers have even been tricked into educating and training their less competent replacements. That it’s 100% about merit, as Musk and Ramaswamy claim, is bunk.
12/26/24- Why concave earth theory is interesting (though I remain a tentative ‘glober’)
I’ll start by noting the seldom acknowledged truth that what we see in the world around us is not physical reality. Our eyes fool our minds and arrange objects in a way very different to what actually exists. When we look down a road, the road narrows, but the road is not narrowing. When we stand on a beach, the peripheral horizon bends downwards slightly due to the spherical shape of our eyes, but the Earth is not bending downwards. The horizon rises to our eye level, but the land is not rising, and the horizon does not exist outside our minds; these among many other optical illusions that we mistake for reality. Other optical illusions we do not forget as much: e.g. when we look in a mirror, we know that reality is not reflected back to us, but that the mirror flips it horizontally. If we experience these illusions on and near the Earth’s surface, then the arrangements and effects of the faraway things we see, e.g. in the cosmos, are by logic not full reflections of reality either.
As for ‘space’ exploration, we’ve never been to the Moon and have been shown many fake images of Earth (the highest any man has gone is likely around 40-50 miles; all of the images of Earth from afar that we have seen are either outright fake or CGI composite images), and I see two not necessarily mutually exclusive reasons for this:
1) We cannot reach the Moon, or an altitude high enough to see the whole Earth
2) The Earth is a different shape and nature than we are told
Regarding the position of Earth in the cosmos, there are at least ten major categories of reasons why geocentrism is true (as noted on 9/15/24 and many times before), starting with the simple fact that the Copernican principle upon which heliocentrism rests has not gone even 1% towards being proven after 514 years (proving it would require finding a vast number of life-having worlds and intelligent species; zero have been found).
Flat Earthers, obviously, believe that we are being lied to about Earth’s shape, and seem to imply that a globe earth is the opposite of flat (or in other words, that a globe is the natural choice if one wanted to present a maximally perverted depiction of Earth), but if we assume the second point above is true, then the opposite of convex is concave, not flat.
As fringe and rarely mentioned as it is, there are a few reasons the concave model could be said to be more intuitive than convex, or flat:
1) It strongly appears we’re being lied to about the shape and nature of Earth, and concave is the opposite of convex, as noted.
2) If there’s some sort of anti-God motive or motive to confuse humankind about its origins, then concave makes more sense than flat: God (whether the Supreme or a local deity that manages our system) moves from the inside to the outside, from being in a center we return to, to being lost somewhere outside an endless cosmos. There may also be a ‘God is within us’ element. Granted, the location / direction of God/deity in a flat model (above) is also intelligible. In a concave model, when we look up we are looking towards the center of what we call the universe, and ‘outer space’ becomes inner space.
3) The key components of a system, organism, or machine tend to be inside it: a God (or some kind of managing and sustaining entity) in Earth / a universe, heart in a body, brain in a skull, motor in car, nucleus in atom, seed in fruit; eggs, etc.
4) If there were a gravitational field of sorts, it would make more sense to be originating from a divine cosmic force at the center, rather than from the center of a geocentric, inanimate globe Earth, which would either be an underworld or solid rock.
5) That the seven planets and their alignment would greatly affect life on Earth, an idea held by virtually all ancient people around the world, and I doubt by coincidence or delusion, seems much likelier in a concave system – in which a powerful, gravity-like force pushes us downwards / outwards – than a globe or even a flat system. In the conventional, non-geocentric model, virtually all gravitational dynamics on Earth would be caused by the Sun and Moon, and the planets would have next to no role. In a concave system, the planets, based on their position relative to Earth and the center of the universe, would appear to have a sort of ‘deific’ or ‘God adjacent’ status, which is exactly what ancient peoples ascribed them.
To argue from the opposite side in favor of a geocentric-convex i.e. geocentric-globe-Earth viewpoint: from a macrocosm-microcosm lens, Earth could be viewed as the nucleus of the atom, the cosmos as electrons / ‘electric universe,’ and the limits of the universe as the electron shell. Of course, were God to be the nucleus, the planets and stars the electrons, and the Earth the electron shell, the micro/macro argument holds up.
Perhaps the most interesting piece of evidence in favor of concave earth theory is the very large amount of religious (particularly in Orthodox Christianity) and occult symbols depicting what could arguably be a concave system, with a God/deity or [multi-part Godhead] as an octahedron – which might be alternatively depicted as a cross in 2D form – at its center, sitting at the core of a celestial sphere, with Earth on the inside of a larger sphere and turned inwards towards the celestial sphere. In these depictions, God’s head [i.e. God the father] including the eye of providence / all-seeing eye is symbolic of upper portion of the octahedron. The Star of David, Great Pyramids, and up-down triangles that abound in Freemasonry and other occult belief systems could also be representative of an octahedron. Some concave theorists argue that the chief symbol of Islam (an exaggerated crescent, much longer than a moon crescent and at times nearly touching at its two points, with a star within it) is a representation of a concave Earth / universe with heavens at its center. If the crescent is in fact the moon, as it is said to be, the idea that the moon is representative of ‘progress’ (which is official dogma in Islam) doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Additionally, there are a number of old globes that depict Earth on the inside of a globe (a shell opens, and the two hemispheres of Earth are depicted on the inside of the shell), and that contain a celestial globe within that globe. The prevailing depiction of latitude in ancient maps was concave (i.e. the lines bent in at the center, not out / away from it; link), not convex. Dual spheres are also a major symbol in Freemasonry, and in some of them the Earth sphere appears transparent, and it is difficult to discern whether the inside of outside of the globe is being depicted. Of course, in a geocentric convex globe model, dual spheres could stand for a celestial sphere that has a convex, spherical Earth at its center.
Turning to religion, I’m going to call ‘the source’ (a term used by some concave earth theorists instead of God) in a concave model God. I remain open to the possibility that the God or four-part Godhead in a concave model is not the Supreme or First God, but rather a local deity responsible for the operation of the Earth/ of the ‘universe’ system, and that there may be other universes and gods above and/or below us (e.g. in a ‘world tree’ or ‘sephiroth’ construction).
Comparing alternative earth-shape models, concave earth has some major advantages over deeply flawed / incomplete flat earth theory (which I’ve never accepted at all, just heard out):
1) Air and sea navigation work in a concave model, and by all appearances do not in flat
2) Astronomy would appear to work in a concave model (haven’t looked into it enough yet)
3) Concave appears to have a working model with correct, provable scale, and flat definitely does not
The idea that all of what we call the cosmos could be contained ‘within’ Earth might seem preposterous, but no one has been outside the Earth. The stars and planets may be small in size, and there may be some other medium or various types, different media towards the center of a concave system that make our efforts to understand and measure time and space impossible (they are already effectively impossible, which is why astronomers / astrophysicists have had to invent an undefined and invisible filler material called ‘dark matter’ to reconcile their observations with gravity theory). And there may be other worlds and ‘verses’ outside of Earth and the visible cosmos. Claims vary, but there are around 4,000 stars visible by the naked eye, and up to 100 million said to have been identified by telescope, which would be plausible to fit in the space inside of a concave Earth. If ‘stars are souls’ as some fancy, then all souls might fit in this space (for comparison, all human matter on Earth would fit into a sphere less than 1km in diameter). As for how large planets might be, no one would say that a celestial object the size of, say, New Jersey, would be a small object. That is a massive object, millions of times larger than our bodies and thousands of times larger than any airborne object we have ever seen and measured. We are simply conditioned from infancy to believe in the size claims of the conventional model.
The late Steven Christopher aka ‘Lord Steven Christ’ (died in federal prison in 2021 age 54, supposedly of covid) one of the chief concave earth theorists of modern times (the theory dates back to the mid 19th century), looked to have some screws loose, but that doesn’t mean he was wrong. It is common for people with mental illness to touch on shocking and important truths, they just can’t consistently organize or tolerate the rest of their thought processes and function in an ordinary manner. The main hang-up I had with considering concave earth theory is the horizon, and Christopher’s explanation (part in question starts around 6:00) that high refraction from a firmament could create and stabilize a horizon as an optical illusion is very interesting, but I haven’t vetted it yet; the model / software he is using appears to be genuine. The shape of the human eyeball, which creates slight convexity at the periphery of a wide-open view (convex distortion can also be seen when one pulls an object close to the side of one’s eye), e.g. at a beach, may also come into play in this effect. This channel has more explanations of the model.
To be clear, I don’t believe in concave earth theory. My tentative position has been and continues to be a geocentric globe that we are on the outside of, but nobody IMO has seen the Earth from a high-enough point to know (we would need to reach an altitude of around 200 miles to override the convex-bending phenomenon of the human eye), so I remain open to other possibilities, and think concave warrants the kind of thorough debunk attempts we’ve seen of flat earth (which were successful in the case of flat earth, which failed against geocentrism, and which haven’t been undertaken against concave). Personally, I accept geocentrism (under which I’d file concave earth theory, where Earth essentially is the universe as a single system, with perhaps other systems existing that we cannot perceive) as true barring new evidence, but remain agnostic on the Earth’s shape, though again, hold convex globe as a tentative belief.
(One of the bigger problems I see relates to satellites and other alleged orbital objects, though on that topic, I find it very curious that there is no real video showing construction of or external engagement with the International Space Station, interior footage from which has been proven to be fake; and that there are very, very few images of satellites in space that are not obviously CGI; anyway, assuming there’s no deception there, it’s conceivable that in a concave model, like in a geocentric convex model, there is some sort of current or revolutionary force at extremely high altitudes that is able to carry satellites; the same cosmic force that causes celestial objects to revolve around earth. Most Flat Earthers believe that many satellites are balloons or powered drones; balloon-based satellite systems do exist (link), though at this time I just can’t accept the ‘all balloons’ hypothesis due to the many amateur sightings of apparent satellites. A problem with satellites and the concave model is that A) geostationary satellites [almost all owned by governments and MIC companies] would be impossible at their claimed altitudes and B) theorists generally posit a firmament lower than the altitude of non-geostationary satellites [the majority of satellites], though this limit is not quite fixed and could be changed to the necessary altitude to accommodate most satellites, of course with there being no such limit in a convex model.)
12/16/24- Hopefully this isn’t a prediction (Denver COG + radiation sniffing drones = DC nuke/dirty bomb?)
Back in early July I put out some specific predictions (more just spitballing), something I pretty seldom do here. One of them was an imminent Trump assassination attempt, others were a dirty bomb or mini-nuke in a major US city (falsely blamed on Iran, Russia, North Korea, etc), and a fake ET encounter.
Stretching back to the early and mid 2000s and perhaps before then, there have been indications of accelerated efforts to establish a ‘COG’ (Continuity of Government) system in the US, consisting in part of underground installations, with Denver Colorado and the absurdly oversized Denver airport in particular (the airport alone is twice the size of Manhattan and larger than San Francisco) as the site for a backup capital in the event Washington is attacked or destroyed, especially with something that would render the Capitol area irreparable or uninhabitable. There have been thousands of reports from around the US, some including audio, of underground explosions in the middle of the night over the last two decades.
The most convincing explanation of the drones I’ve seen is that they are ‘radiation sniffers,’ presumably to detect the movement of nuclear munitions (or radioactive material to be paired with conventional explosives i.e. a dirty bomb). This would explain the interference with electronics of other drones and ground vehicles below, as well as the more surreptitious night flights and the lack of federal disclosure.
Putting two and two together, a possible and very dramatic conclusion would be that part of Washington DC will be destroyed, perhaps prior to the inauguration or on inauguration day, and the remains/survivors of the government relocated to another city. A less extreme albeit catastrophic outcome would be the destruction of part of a US city (e.g. Houston and Chicago were predicted cities, and there have been drones seen in Texas), meant to spark more surveillance, the elimination of cash, and a renewed clampdown on civil liberties.
Lastly, it could just be a psy-op to stir fear and anticipation for a future event like this (e.g. either nuke or ET; e.g. they were ‘monitoring possible alien activity’), and/or usher in a permanent regulatory framework for very-low-altitude, non-airplane or helicopter aerial vehicles, which currently doesn’t exist. It seems pretty unlikely they would go through all this to achieve the latter, when there may not even be any real resistance to such a framework.
And of course, like most everything else of major significance that happens in this country going back to Gulf of Tonkin (and if we’re being honest, Pearl Harbor [read Day of Deceit], the Lusitania, the USS Maine, and maybe even Fort Sumter), the former two scenarios would have our own ‘intelligence community’ and shadow government behind them. Our foreign policy in the US consists almost entirely of battling proxies of our own intelligence agencies, often referred to as ‘keeping us safe’ (yes, there are some genuine threats out there, but they’re much fewer and farther between than they’d have us believe).
The above is all pretty hamhanded, but that’s the state of the establishment’s talent these days, just look at what Hollywood’s been putting out for the last 10-15 years.
12/13/24- Is the drone psy-op a lead-up to War of the Worlds 2.0? Might they be finally rolling out the fake aliens / a Bluebeam event? Another possibility
I wasn’t going to bother commenting on this, but the head-scratching by the Pentagon, other federal authorities, and now multiple (link) (link) deep-insider blue-state governors (while we have a Dem [fake] president in office), plus Larry Hogan today (link), is getting a little too theatrical.
The drones over Trump’s Bedminster NJ golf course also recall this goofy video, released in 2022, supposedly from Iran. If they can orchestrate a totally absurd standdown at Butler (and stand down NORAD for [non-existent] passenger planes on 9/11), they’re brazen enough to stand down for a drone assassination. Trump and Vance might want to hunker somewhere until Monday when the electors vote and make it official.
12/13/24- In a saner world, Elon Musk would be worth about $38 billion (max), not $400 billion
(in a truly sane world, no one would have $38 billion, since we’d have a much more decentralized political and economic system)
Tesla’s vehicles are nice to ride in, but not uniquely high quality. They’re fast (as are many other EVs), comfortable, and they have a cool dashboard interface. They also seem expensive and annoying to repair, and depreciate rapidly. The Cybertruck has proven in durability tests to be junk, the one-passenger taxi is just a bad idea, and the Tesla semi-truck concept has been languishing for years. Other major car companies (e.g. Mercedes) have already eclipsed Tesla in self-driving technology, without even centrally focusing on it. Model 3s and Ys weren’t necessarily bad buys for owners who don’t plan to resell within 10-12 years, especially given the prior tax rebates in some states, but Teslas in general are not the ubermensches of the mass-market car world they were made out to be (and I was admittedly pretty wooed by them a few years back, by the acceleration, features, etc).
Toyota is the best auto manufacturer on Earth by a comfortable margin, and has been for probably half a century. They have by far the best hybrids, and the best vehicles of every major consumer category (sedan, SUV, pickup, minivan). Their plug-in hybrids (short-range EVs) are considered to be better quality than Teslas, with a much better resale value. Because they’re the best, Toyota has the highest PE ratio of any major auto manufacturer (other than Tesla’s absurd PE); for a comparison (these are ‘forward’ PE ratios):
Toyota: 8.32
Honda: 6.31
Ford: 6.07
Mercedes: 5.06
General Motors: 4.87
Volkswagen: 3.36 (stock took a big hit because of slumping EV demand; while Tesla skyrockets?)
Tesla: 121.95
Non-Tesla average: 5.66
If EVs were to become mandated, and the opposite trend now seems afoot, pretty much all these companies could refocus and likely produce better EVs than Tesla (maybe even Ford and GM). If we adjust Tesla’s PE to the average of these companies, which may be very generous since the other companies have proven, century-long track records, Musk’s 20% stake would be worth $16 billion rather than $200+ billion.
Twitter is generally considered to be worth about $12 billion (e.g. Fidelity’s valuation) to $15 billion, about 70% less than what he paid. Musk’s 9.1% stake in the company would be worth near-zero because the platform is losing money and has no clear path to significant profitability. Twitter lost money most years under Dorsey’s leadership, and its best profit year was $1.2 billion. Over its lifetime, Dorsey’s Twitter operated at a massive loss. Somehow, that made Jack Dorsey a multi-billionaire, even before Musk bought in. (If we are generous and say Twitter/X is worth 20% more than what Musk paid, even though it loses money, his 9.1% stake is worth $6 billion.) Of course, I’m not stupid and there’s clearly a massive amount of influence that comes with owning Twitter (and thereby, now quasi owning a piece of the US presidency), particularly for the unscrupulous, but we have no model for tagging a number to that.
In spite of its many government contracts and insulation from the free market, SpaceX makes little money. Other space companies like Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin are not profitable and lose massive amounts of money and thus have no PE ratio. SpaceX now operates in large part as an internet service provider and Starlink, with revenues of $4 billion in 2023, is responsible for much of its profits; yet there’s nothing very proprietary / unrepeatable about Starlink, they are just the first mover. Any ISP who partnered up with an aerospace company could be competing with Starlink within a year’s time.
If we value SpaceX as a typical telecom company, which is generous, since the space-exploration-half of SpaceX has no apparent path to market-based profitability, and give it a PE of 18, the approximate industry average, Musk’s 42% stake relative to the company’s $3 billion in net income is worth $22 billion, surprisingly the most of all his ventures.
As for the unique value that Musk, who was born into a very wealthy family, brings to these companies as a purported visionary and super-genius, he didn’t invent Paypal’s technology, unbeknownst to most he did not found Tesla, he has no engineering training or experience and limited automaking-executive experience, and no patents solely attributable to him. If being a bit spergy were his secret value sauce, then I’d be a multi-billionaire too; maybe all I need is a fake accent. Musk’s only partially self-started venture other than Mars-hoaxing SpaceX has been an online business directory (a yellow-pages type directory) called Zip2, which was purchased by Compaq in 1999 during the dotcom bubble for $307 million. His brother Kimbal was a partner in this venture (along with Greg Kouri), and their father Errol Musk is said to have been the main early investor.
As I’ve said, I do very much like what Musk is doing with Twitter, and I might like ‘DOGE’ as long as they go after the big fish in the MIC rather than park rangers and mailmen. I really don’t like the popularizing of brain chips and transhumanism, or the space/Mars fakery, whether Musk is aware of it or not (see post from 11/28), and I don’t see his libertarian cred in light of his past. He’s a mixed bag and I give credit where it’s due, criticism/realism where it isn’t.
To put all this in other words, Musk’s requested, retroactive 2018 bonus of $56 billion – for one year of compensation (rejected by a judge, making the lawyer-stockholders who sued Musk uber rich, netting $345 million) – is 50% more than what his entire net worth should be / is by any reasonable value metric outside of the mega-bubble that is Tesla stock.
And really, if we remove all the hype that continues to sustain Tesla and the government-funded fakery from SpaceX, that $38 billion should probably be cut in half or even more.
Maybe I’m an old-school businessman, but if a venture makes no money, it’s financially worthless. The Silicon Valley fantasy / pyramid-scheme capitalism discussed on 3/13/23 (where founders raise money, pump and dump their shares and/or pay themselves high salaries, and then float to safety in their rescue boat, as the ‘company’ – i.e. a free beta app or website with some concepts posted on it – goes over the waterfall) has been fooling Americans and investors around the world for decades.
12/11/24- Kudos to the [partially black] NYC jury for acquitting Daniel Penny, and praise to Penny [and the unidentified black man who assisted him in restraining Jordan Neely] for his courage
None of us signed up to live in an insane asylum. If people cannot control themselves and are melting down in public, assaulting people, and credibly threatening them with imminent death, then we either need to accept that these people will occasionally be harmed or killed, whether intentionally or unintentionally, or place them in a mental institution for their and our protection. On top of his severe mental illness (and heart issues), Neely was on fentanyl and synthetic marijuana (which is not the plant and can cause psychosis). It’s sad that he died, but his death wasn’t a crime. Like George Floyd, Neely died from delirium, drug use, and heart problems before neck restraint.
The race-baiting/-grifting around this incident is terrible, yet predictable. ‘Black people can’t talk loud or they’ll be killed.’ No, you can’t take multiple hardest of drugs, start stripping off your clothes, assault people with them, say you’re ready to die today, and then announce that you will imminently kill people. That’s just a wee bit different than laughing loudly in a restaurant or something. No one in US history or world history as far as I’m aware has ever killed a black person for conversing loudly. And again, the chokehold may not have even been a primary cause of death.
If the bar for black people is set this low, where Neely’s criminal behavior is considered normal and unworthy of alarm, then we ultimately cannot co-exist in a nation as co-enfranchised citizens. Of course, I myself don’t set the bar anywhere remotely that low, I have black friends and do business with many black people on both large and small levels – but that is the subtext of the position, it’s the ‘bigotry of low expectations.’ And I think the vast majority of blacks agree with me, they’re just not represented by the race-baiters in the media.
Peter Schiff had a good take on Neely’s death, though I disagree with him on the Brian Thompson killing. Schiff makes the point that health insurance companies have very slim profit margins. Yes, but the point remains that United Healthcare was a particularly bad actor who took advantage of Americans’ trust in a heavily regulated insurance marketplace to deny claims at twice the industry average. Thompson agreed to receive an 8-figure salary to be UH’s figurehead, and Mangione decided to make an example of him. It’s a much greyer case, and I wouldn’t be shocked if a jury declines to convict.
12/10/24- Multiple ways to interpret the killing of Brian Thompson; many major CEOs in 2024 are essentially prostitutes paid immense salaries not primarily for talent, but willingness to carry out the ill will of shareholders
First scenario: a false-flag event to lead us into socialized medicine. The shooter’s face in the surveillance photo looks different from Mangione’s. The premise is that for-profit medicine has reached a crisis point; socialized medicine is the answer; problem reaction solution. Haven’t looked into this one much yet. Or maybe it’s legit, but ‘no crisis goes to waste,’ and Dems capitalize on the event towards the same end.
Second scenario: it’s all as advertised. In that case, and I don’t encourage violence, but limited or no injustice occurred, and maybe an enormous net justice. If your business model is to deceive and abuse people twice as much as everyone else in the industry does (32% denial versus an average of about 17%, next highest around 20%), karma may catch you. Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.
Two kids lost a father, yes, and kids of mob bosses and other murderers sometimes lose fathers too. When you willingly accept ‘the big bucks’ (tens of millions per year) to be the figurehead, you’re paid to take the heat as well. And sure, other parties are to blame: unions and corporations for buying United Healthcare plans, regulators for licensing them and sanctioning their practices; but it’s hard to argue for a more rational single object of revenge than Thompson. It will be interesting to see if jury nullification comes into play.
The government carries much of the blame, but there’s no face or name to go after. When the government forces you (at least in my state) to purchase health insurance or face thousands of dollars in penalties and gives you a small handful of approved companies to choose from, the expectation is that all of them operate by the same rules, and that there are just differences in the size and quality of the provider network, co-pay amounts/structures, etc. You’re not expecting there will be an especially bad actor in the bunch. UH should be excluded from government-sanctioned insurance ‘marketplaces.’
If we had an open-market system, UH would have very few customers, but the quasi-governmental nature of the health system discourages most customers from doing their due diligence, which UH capitalized on at the cost of Thompson’s life. What we need is a truly open-market model. There would be some abuses and injustices as there are now, but efficiency would skyrocket. Right now we have the worst of both worlds: bloat and inefficiency due to government involvement/regulation, and a profit motive to inflate costs even further.
12/10/24- Social media is terrible for teens and preteens (and probably adults too; I involuntarily quit a decade ago by way of permanent FB ban), but beware: the push to ban them for under-16s is a backdoor to chill free speech with an [eventually biometric, universal] internet ID; parenting is the only solution
There’s no other way to verify age. What, do we go off an honor system? Get real. The only solution I see at the moment is good parenting. I don’t think any child of mine will have a smartphone before they turn 18 or thereabouts. For ’emergencies’ (I was very far from a choirboy, and I can’t recall a single moment when I *had* to call my parents instantly; in sticky situations, avoiding them was usually my goal), they can use a flip phone / Blackberry style.
11/28/24- Is there any possibility ‘Elon’ is fully legit? I just can’t see it; could Musk ‘xself’ even be the fake ET encounter I and others have been anticipating?
Here are some things we know:
1) The Apollo landings were fake, and there’s no evidence anyone’s been to the Moon in the 55 years since.
2) The Challenger explosion was staged to quell inquiries into why we haven’t been back. Absurdly, the actornauts are alive and all but one have been located; two didn’t even bother to change their names.
3) All Mars roving is fake and happens in Devon Island Canada, no craft has been anywhere near Mars.
4) No non-composite image of Earth has been released by NASA, and many provably CGI ones have.
5) It is conceivable that in a geocentric model [with any Earth shape, convex-spherical or otherwise], ‘low-Earth orbit’ could be caused by a non-gravitational force, allowing for satellites.
6) There are at least ten compelling categories of reasons why geocentrism is true / likeliest, as explained on 9/15/24 and prior posts. Several of the most renowned cosmologists and physicists of our era have acknowledged that geocentrism is neither observationally nor mathematically disprovable.
By all appearances, NASA, having lost much credibility over the decades, has outsourced most of its theater to the private sector, e.g. Space X, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, etc. Not enough people will firmly believe the government, but they might believe private companies and billionaires.
Note also that Buzz Aldrin who lied about going to the Moon endorsed Trump / Musk. NASA T-shirt, spacesuit wearing, chronically UFO-touting Joe Rogan has been semi-secretly sponsored by Musk for at least 6-7 years. I’m not saying Rogan is necessarily sinister in any way, I’m suggesting he may have been put into place, managed, or meaningfully steered from time to time by others, either wittingly or unwittingly.
Is it realistic that purported mega-genius and apparent richest man in world Elon Musk is not aware of the first three points above *and* genuinely thinks permanent Mars colonization – one of the least efficient methods for surviving any reasonably probable cataclysm on Earth – is of prime, pressing importance? Subterranean (likely has already been achieved and is hidden from the public), alpine, undersea, on-sea, Arctic, Antarctic, ‘orbital’ / aerial, island, and lunar colonies (assuming it is possible to reach or inhabit the Moon, which it may not be due to radiation) would all be far more practical, economical, and liveable, and protect against 99.99% of terrestrial-catastrophe likelihood over the next few centuries.
Are [conventional-model] ‘space,’ [Rockefeller-funded] ‘Disclosure,’ and Musk’s Mars colonization tales just a show to dazzle and distract us from the many imperfections, abuses, and disappointments on Earth? Is Musk just another figure on ‘the world stage’ to build the background for a fake ET / Bluebeam event nearly a century in the identifiable making? As much as I like his recent stand for free speech and his various other truth-tellings, I’d have to lean towards a yes / likely. Setting Musk up as the ultimate ‘globalist’ foil, only to then be instrumental in the greatest deception ever would be a pretty grand ‘push-pull’ play, and fits their M.O. of setting up and controlling both sides in a conflict / dialectic.
As crazy and ridiculous as this sounds, could Musk, with all his goofy X stuff, his children’s alien-like X22AE names, etc, even be the eventual fake ET encounter himself? I do not believe that, but the thought has crossed my mind. The ‘Planet X’ / ‘Nibiru’ conspiracy theory (which I’ve always considered to be NASA/DoD disinfo) has been around for a long time. Musk has said that ‘aliens may be walking among us now,’ and comparisons of his spectrumy quirks to an imagined/Hollywood-imagined alien are regularly made.
(After I wrote this post, I learned that Bart Sibrel (whose film ‘A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon’ is one of the best on the fake Apollo landings) has gotten onto the topic of ‘[Fake] Aliens from Planet X’ in the past year, and wrote a book about it, though apparently not in relation to Musk (in spite of the low production values, Sibrel’s discussion on it is one of the better video segments I’ve seen online in a while; I’m not a Bible literalist and don’t agree with his universe construction, but he makes a lot of compelling points). (Oddly, a day or two after I wrote this post, Musk said he is a ‘3,000 year-old alien who has played different characters’ on his X account in a 3am post)).
Musk’s Paypal was the most anti-freedom payment company around at the time, and was hair-trigger banning, restricting, and fund-freezing anyone who had links to the right / ‘conspiracy’ realm, as well as gun manufacturers. It’s hard to forget that. Not many people go from a leftish gun-grabbing cronyish capitalist with no libertarian street cred whatsoever to a hard-right, quasi-anarcho-capitalist rebel activist between their early 40s and early 50s (unless they’re putting on an act to profit off of a sudden change in the zeitgeist). I’m sure it’s possible, but I haven’t seen it. Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel, whose company Palantir facilitates obtrusive, warrantless surveillance by the DoD and intelligence agencies, openly sponsored JD Vance’s entire career, political and otherwise, from the moment he graduated from law school. Then there’s Musk’s fixation on Mark-of-Beast like brain chips, etc.
While I can’t quite articulate it or say it with great certainty, I’ve always strongly suspected / basically believed and stated here a number of times that Trump, while obviously not a full insider or close, is part of a layer of Carlin’s ‘Club’ that the rest of us are not privy to, and may be controlled opposition. It seems likeliest that Musk is the same, as I’ve posted about here a few times going back to 5/5/22, 1/12/23, and other posts.
As noted in May 2022, ‘father of space travel,’ Nazi, and close Jack Parsons (an occultist / Luciferian) colleague Wernher von Braun wrote the science-fiction / speculative book ‘Project Mars: A Technical Tale’ in 1953 (it was published 30 years posthumously in 2006), in which the Mars colony is ruled by a leader whose title is ‘the Elon.’ I don’t know quite what to make of that, but it seems worth noting and I have a hard time believing it’s a coincidence.
How I square all this suspicion and aspersion with my support of Trump [relative to Harris] and qualified support of Musk is very simple: what Kamala Joe and Hillary stood for was worse, and controlled opposition is still opposition. I don’t know anyone’s intentions (not even my own at times; because the subconscious) and associations with total certainty, let alone everyone’s; all I can do is pay attention and be honest.
(To play devil’s advocate: it’s at least conceivable that infiltrator employees at the highest-level of Space X are claiming to have done XY and Z, and that Elon Musk, who’s more a businessman than an engineer (like Steve Jobs, he has no exclusive / sole patents, engineering education/ training, or engineering work experience), is basically compartmentalized within his own company, is focused much more on Tesla and other ventures, and believes the lies / doesn’t vet them much, and views SpaceX primarily as a PR machine to build up his mystique. A man can only concentrate on so many things. Pretty hard to believe though.
It’s also possible that Musk is actually aware the Mars stuff is BS / total pie-in-sky (and maybe even that the orbital launches are fake) and the whole thing is mostly or entirely a marketing ploy to create a larger-than-life persona and maximize his influence here on Earth. In any of the above scenarios, the bar that many have set for him does not look to be met.
The premise of Musk being a self-promoting [space/Mars] bullshitter / showman who also does significant good is the least disturbing of the preceding. Some might say it’s the likeliest one (Musk later outing himself as a [fake] alien is highly ridiculous, yet we do live in a circus), though I personally believe that there’s more to the picture, and that his rise is not a bootstrap accident.
In the most disturbing of these scenarios, in which the world’s a stage and Musk is just a character, Trump’s comeback and strange assassination attempt in Butler (perhaps a nick of the ear while on the ground, with Comperatore as collateral damage), Biden’s debate meltdown, and Kamala’s ineptitude all fit together well (as I partially laid out here on July 15th), and Trump’s win was desired by forces higher than Washington and the MSM, and outside our perception; that’s certainly not a belief, just a musing.
I probably lean to something in between: there is a competing, very powerful faction at the highest levels; not just MAGA, but something much bigger than that and international, which Musk is a part of; but something that is not an existential threat to its opponents, and operates according to parameters acceptable to both sides. If that’s the case, we can call them controlled opposition, or maybe it’s better to think of it as a board game where we’re the pieces and they shake hands afterwards, win or lose. I haven’t fully distilled my thoughts on this subject and may revisit at a later time.)
11/27/24- Neither the Alien Enemies Act or Alien Friends Act authorizes Trump to conduct indiscriminate / mass round-ups and deportations using the military; if they want to lawfully use the military, put them at the border
I skimmed the acts, and while I agree with Rand Paul that having the military patrol our streets is a bad look, it’s also illegal: the laws do not permit Trump’s plans of ‘largest ever’ ‘using the military.’ The Alien Enemies Act only relates to nationals of enemy countries; there technically aren’t any enemies of the US since Congress has not declared war against any country since WWII. The seldom mentioned Alien Friends Act on the other hand does permit the deportation of non-citizens (not just illegal immigrants, which is a given, but legal non-citizen residents as well) who have significant criminal histories, gang affiliations, or links to drug cartels, i.e. those who are ‘dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States,’ but says nothing about using the military to accomplish this. Trump apparently confused / conflated the two laws and oddly, the MSM never called him out on that.
The national guard of each state could be deployed by state governors if they deemed the presence of peaceful / not-otherwise-criminal illegal immigrants to be an emergency, i.e. due to fiscal strain or some other unusual justification, but surely this would only occur in red states. Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback, which resulted in one million deportations, did not involve the military and was conducted by Border Patrol (today ICE) agents.
If they want to lawfully round up people en masse inside the country, they need to hire non-military people to do the work. If they want to lawfully use the military, put them at the border until the supposed wall is built, they have the right to defend our national borders.
11/27/24- Here’s how you annex Western Canada as three new US states
1) First, try to admit Alberta. Have US companies conduct polls (which have reached near 50% several times in the last decade, and that’s for separatism without US statehood), and have US representatives open talks with Alberta’s leadership, and promote the case for statehood to the people.
2) Upon joining the US, Alberta creates its own universal health system, comparable to Massachusetts. This is one of the province’s main hang-ups to statehood. Alberta is paying far more to the Canadian federal government, tens of billions per year, than it’s getting back. Their overall tax burden would decrease as a US state. Some state-owned natural-resource trust is instituted to ensure much of its wealth remains at the state level. Once Alberta becomes a state, Saskatchewan, which has a similar political climate, would likely follow. (This is an interesting conversation by Canadians on separatism by the two provinces) (see also).
3) All districts of British Columbia outside of the Vancouver and Victoria BC metro areas hold an election to constitute themselves as a new political body called Columbia and apply for US statehood. If need be, the US military enters to protect the democratic rights of the people and the territorial integrity of the new state. Vancouver and Victoria become exclave cities of Canada, and the state of Washington agrees to annex them. Kelowna and Kamloops become large cities as US investment pours in. Abbotsford joins Columbia.
4) Manitoba is a question mark. Their economic contribution is paltry relative to Alberta and Saskatchewan, and their politics tend to be firmly left-wing, but they may see the writing on the wall and want to leave. The Republican majority in Congress would have to determine the cost-benefit. Yukon and NW Territories are too small in population to be states and might vote to join Alaska. Retaining Manitoba and Nunavut, Canada would remain one of the world’s largest countries and keep about 70% of its population and two-thirds of its GDP.
Sure, Ottawa would be pissed, but Canada isn’t worth much as an ally anymore. They’ve increasingly become an Illuminati puppet state in recent decades. Under Trudeau’s leadership, I would go as far as to call Canada a hostile country, since they blithely lend credence and support to all the worst aspects of globalism and OneWorldism. Strategically, they don’t offer the US many indispensable benefits. The US already has a polar presence in Alaska. Were Canada to ever attack or overtly oppose or undermine US interests in any way, the US could take over the entire country with little or no resistance in days or hours. In terms of trade, there’s nothing they make that we don’t, and they need us as a customer more than we need them as a vendor.
As for NATO, European members need the US militarily much more than we need them. They would not kick us out, they would say something like ‘we are surprised by the result but support the democratic rights of the people of Alberta / Saskatchewan etc’ and that would be the end of it. There would be some talk in Brussels about alienating the US over the issue, but too few EU member states would be on board for that for it to gain any traction.
Again, I strongly prefer the radical decentralization of political power, but if we’re going to go the route of remaining a major national power and are also going to tell the debt-money bankers to F off and cancel the national debt either expressly or via issuance of a new currency – which is an absolutely essential, totally indispensable part of remaining a national power long-term – this would be a wise strategic move.
11/26/24- Interesting to see the WSJ (link) backing Trump’s smartest idea of his presidency: ‘buying’ Greenland, which was heavily ridiculed at the time. As any good Risk player knows, Greenland (and ideally Kamchatka, but we’re not getting that) is essential to victory (the Australia strategy sucks and doesn’t produce nearly enough troops). I’m not an imperialist and think the US is already too large, but it’s objectively good strategy, and no one else but China has the borrowing power to do it.
Someone in the comments brought up a smarter idea: have Alberta (which possesses 95% of Canada’s oil, is strongly right-leaning, and has expressed significant interest in leaving Canada to become a US state) and Saskatchewan (also very conservative, and considered US annexation in the 1980s ‘Unionest’ [correct spelling] movement) hold a vote to apply for US statehood. The people there hate the mannequin Castro lovechild (who couldn’t do a thing about secession) and are sick of Canada’s political direction. They have more in common with the US Midwest / mountain West than the Golden Horseshoe. Canada has the world’s second-best ratio of population to natural-resource wealth, after Australia, most of it in the western provinces, which are farming, mining, and oil powerhouses.
This would also all but guarantee a long-term Republican majority in the Senate, protecting the provinces’ own political interests and protecting the US from leftism (and protect from the possibility of likely-perma-blue Puerto Rico and DC states). The House and Senate do not need Democratic cooperation to admit new states, a simple majority is enough and it cannot be repealed afterwards.
Were that to happen, other provinces and perhaps all of Canada save Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes might want to follow suit. The British-Columbia likelihood would be secession from the Vancouver area, and then dropping of the ‘British’ from name and annexation with the US (which would solve the ‘looks weird on a map’ problem, and make Alaska contiguous). With the British Commonwealth’s relevance and western solidarity with Canada’s federal government both at a low point, there’s never been a better time. ’54-40 or Fight’ was only limited by Russian control of territory northward, not Canadian/British, and as recently as the turn of the 20th century the rest of Western Canada was merely corporate fur-trapping land of the North West Company (and the Hudson Bay Company before that), not part of Canada or the UK. The western provinces were not incorporated into Canada until 1905, have had a poor relationship with the federal government since then (referred to as ‘western alienation’), and were officially considering secession and US statehood by the mid-1970s.
The only clean way the US has to get out of its debt death-grip is to become so large (the annexation of western and northern provinces would make the US the world’s largest country by area), powerful, and wealthy that it becomes impossible to control and ‘too big to fail.’ At that point they can just institute a new currency, stiff the creditors like Nixon did in 1972, eliminate the national debt, and negotiate a special payback deal with China to avoid war. Everyone else can be told to pound sand. The debt was created out of thin air, so the moral duty to pay is nebulous at best. As I’ve shown in past posts, satisfaction of all debt in a debt-based money system (or even a large net paydown of system debt, accounting for both public and private) is mathematically impossible.
“If you owe the bank a hundred dollars, that’s your problem. But if you owe the bank $100 million dollars, that’s the bank’s problem” -JP Getty. Trump knows this truth well. It’s that, times 360,000.
11/19/24- A simple question…
In the hundreds of instances – from both the political left and the right – in the modern era that one can cite, have the people who censor, try to disarm the public, take control of the media, warn about misinformation / institute Ministries of Truth, and legalize state propaganda (Obama, NDAA 2012) ever turned out to be ‘the good guys’? Nope, not even once, and not this time either. Knowing a little history can be handy sometimes.
If you’re going to cite the Alien & Sedition Acts, those were passed by the bad/worse guys (Adams/Hamilton and the federalists; in spite of the recent PR campaign for Hamilton), who were trying to censor the good guys (Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans). The only people who say the federalists were the better of the two are the Federal Reserve and Hollywood. Again, it’s a goose egg for the censors and gun grabbers.
Doesn’t mean Trump’s perfect, so very far from it; but there is a worse party here and it ain’t him. If Trump uses the Alien Enemies Act (passed in the above ‘Acts’ package, but not opposed by the Democratic-Republicans, who kept it on the books in 1801 but repealed the censorship laws) to deport some illegal immigrants, the rule holds; I never said those who secure a border and remove non-citizens can’t be good/better.
11/17/24- Pretty much all of Project 2025 is good
Unlike 99% of its critics / those who claim to be ‘terrified’ by it, I actually took a few minutes to skim through Project 2025. By far the biggest element of the initiative (which is really just a series of essays by the Heritage Foundation, a think-tank, and an unofficial referral mechanism for federal hiring) is to defund or abolish unconstitutional federal agencies and devolve them back to the states where they belong.
An oft decried aspect is its espousal of the ‘unitary executive theory.’ This ‘theory’ is correct and is what we were taught in civics class back in the 90s. The executive branch is the president (and his assistants aka the cabinet), the president is the executive. Presidency-Congress-Supreme Court, that’s the whole federal government. Over the last century, Democrats have tried to unconstitutionally sneak in more and more federal power under the executive branch, and now they may see it taken away or used against them.
As for the mass replacement of agency employees with presidential appointees / the ‘infiltration’ of agencies with small-government people that Project 2025 hopes for, the administrative state is out of control and politically captured by Democrats. Almost 95% of Washington DC residents vote for Democratic candidates, and so do the very large majority in neighboring counties. The agencies are already filled with Democratic partisans and people voting for a paycheck and not principles; reversing that trend is not bad.
If Trump takes a unitary viewpoint on the executive branch, the corporate media will call it autocracy or dictatorship or fascism. No, it’s just a president doing his job and exercising control over his own branch of the federal government. Unelected bureaucrats have no fully independent role in or permanent rights to Washington. Normally I wouldn’t like routine use of recess appointments, but if it’s for the abolition, shrinking, or defunding of illegal agencies, I don’t have a problem with it. If you see recess appointments as dangerous, then send the functions back to the states and you won’t have to worry about them anymore.
The only part of the initiative I sort of disagree with (in the context of political prescriptions) is its occasional references to ‘Christian [values, nation/heritage, etc]’. While I believe in God and think many Christian teachings are good, we shouldn’t mix church and state, especially at the federal level. However – there are no ‘Christian policies’ that are actually suggested. It advocates for a return of all abortion policy and funding to the states (critics describe this as ‘taking away funding’), which is not Christian, just constitutional; and a ban on pornography, internet porn in particular, which is not solely a Christian idea by any means.
I identify mostly as a libertarian, but I have no real issue with criminalizing internet porn. Porn is not much different than prostitution, it does way more harm than good to society (including the people who produce it), and it’s way too easy for kids to access nowadays. They’ll still see porn from other kids with VPNs, still see sex scenes in movies, etc. The best we can do is to try to keep kids from being bombarded with it 24/7. It won’t be any injustice or significant inconvenience if an adult has to go back to buying a magazine or a DVD to view porn, and many adults will just use VPNs. Returning to [easily evaded] late-20th-century porn conditions is hardly the ‘theocracy’ that fearmongers suggest.
Lastly, the initiative calls for an end to ‘critical race theory’ being taught in schools. This is a little murky for me. Yes, there was structural racism in the US for much of its history [the facts of which, slavery segregation etc, should be taught, and nobody is saying otherwise], and yes, it has effects that carry through today. The issue is mainly the people who teach it: many (certainly not all) are divisive, and breed victimhood. It’s not a good thing for kids to be heavily exposed to in high school or even the undergraduate level necessarily. Let them grapple with that subject on their own as adults, or at the graduate level. But like with abortion, Project 2025 leaves that and other education issues up to the states and just wants to get the feds and their divide-and-conquer agenda out of the classroom.
11/17/24- Environmentalism is important, and Al Gore and the other neofeudalist ‘green’ scammers have done more harm to the cause than anyone in history
Though ‘climate change’ is one of the most ridiculous political terms ever coined (climate never has been or will be unchanging, and has changed dramatically through the ages by natural mechanisms), environmentalism is important. Natural resources can become exhausted, ecosystems we and animals depend on can be destroyed, and harm that for human purposes is permanent can occur.
Unfortunately, neofeudalist limousine liberals such as Al Gore have done more harm to the environmentalist movement than anyone else in history. By lying to the people repeatedly with absurd timelines and shifting the goalposts, falsifying climate data at the University of East Anglia and other institutions, inventing a carbon bogeyman and commoditizing it to get rich, and seeding a whole new industry of obscenely overpaid ‘green’ / ‘public-private’ tax grifters, themselves included, they’ve created an enormous amount of cynicism around the topic, and given rise to a near-prevailing, crass, unenlightened attitude that environmental concerns are total bullshit and unimportant. Whatever damage may or may not be done to the environment in the future, they will have the most blood on their hands.
My personal position on the general topic is the following:
1) Population will soon be trending downwards / flat, not upwards. As the economy develops in a region, people have fewer children and sometimes none. This is proving to be true everywhere major development is occurring, e.g. in Asia, and many parts of Latin America.
2) The timelines for irrevocable, systemic, existential harm, if such a thing can even occur without God / the Earth / nature correcting it and wiping out / destroying most of humanity, are grossly exaggerated. We have at least multiple centuries, not 6 years as AOC warns.
3) Many technologies for capturing and removing pollutants already exist and are not being deployed effectively. Many more that are superior to these will be invented. It is very likely that within another 50-100 years of technological and economic development, battery technology will be improved, renewables will be more efficient and make economic sense without the need for government subsidies, and technologies to prevent and reverse all or almost all harm from emissions will come into being.
The problem for the ‘green’ / ‘sustainable’ neofeudalists is that as technology and information-sharing advance without a commensurate increase in the restriction and suppression of the masses, they will be outcompeted and unseated from their privileged socioeconomic place. That’s why they’re so desperate with their ’12 years until the end’ and ‘by 2030’ timelines. They want to lock in a control grid and stay at the top of the pyramid; ‘for the planet.’ Control is all this really comes down to, wrapped in a thin cloak of do-goodery.
11/16/24- People going nuts about Matt Gaetz and the other appointees lack understanding of the US Constitution and American history
The cabinet members are literal secretaries of the president, they are part of his executive branch and are there to essentially carry out his lawful will. If I am a CEO of a large company, I have the ability to fire all management below me. Cabinet secretaries are just management layers subordinate to the presidency.
The cabinet is not a constitutional requirement for any president. The President has the power to appoint no leaders for any federal agencies and recess-appoint himself as the secretary of every agency, and do all the work himself, if he somehow had the time and inclination. While unwise in most circumstances, that’s completely legal and in accordance with the Constitution.
If the President commits an illegal act, he can be removed by Congress the same day. If it was an unofficial act, civil police and prosecutors can arrest and jail him afterwards (hopefully they don’t have a turd of a case that relies on two serial liars for witnesses). If the President passes an illegal executive order, the Supreme Court can block it. These are the checks and balances against an out of control president. The President is the commander-in-chief, but only Congress has the legal authority per the Constitution to declare war and deploy troops, a fact the federal government has illegally ignored since the Vietnam War.
Neither the President nor cabinet members are a real threat when you have a small, Constitutional federal government. 95% of the federal government is illegal and not supposed to exist: HHS, Education, Social Security, EPA, abortion policy, LGBT policy, etc; almost the entire unelected administrative state aka ‘Our Democratic Institutions©’ is undemocratic, unconstitutional and in clear violation of the Tenth Amendment, and largely the fault of autocratic Democratic-party presidents (e.g. FDR, LBJ).
The federal government is not even allowed to own any land, because in 1789 there is/was no US land outside of the territory of the states. It is supposed to lease land for the capital and for any other federal installations from a state. These provisions were all created on purpose to minimize the size, power, and consequentiality of the federal government. Only gold and silver are legal tender per the Constitution, so the dollars in our wallets and the dollar-denominated national debt, they’re illegal too.
The United States was intended to be less centralized than even the EU is today. It’s supposed to be a confederation of sovereign governments aka states that follow the same basic code of law (the Bill of Rights), allow for freedom of travel and trade, and work together only when absolutely necessary (e.g., when an attack on our soil occurs). It took several years of negotiation for the states to agree to form the federal government. Many states did not even want a standing army.
Democrats and establishment Republicans who created this unconstitutional monster of a federal government have no one but themselves to blame if Trump takes the power our Constitution gives him, and it won’t be a dictatorship or fascist or autocratic. If you want to protect against Trump or a future undesired leader, ditch your superhero / daddy complex, shrink the federal government, and devolve power to the states and to yourselves, it’s that simple. When push comes to shove, the executive branch is essentially the president, period. If that notion disturbs you, then shrink the federal government, and make damn sure we have electoral integrity.
This is why Thomas Massie, the most principled and probably most intelligent member of Congress, who I’m sure is well aware of all of the above, responded glibly on the topic of Gaetz and told the the pearl-clutching media to ‘suck it up’ (link). I doubt he loves Gaetz, he just knows the supreme law of the land. I don’t have any particular fondness for Matt Gaetz either, I don’t know Matt Gaetz. For one, he seems underqualified in terms of experience. But he is a lawyer (not that he technically has to be; anybody can be the Attorney General), and Trump can and likely will appoint him.
(For the record, I’m not one of those people who thinks the Constitution is some kind of divine document; but it was created by some extremely smart people, and in spite of being abused, has served our country extremely well. I think Ancient Greece had a superior system, e.g. the Athenian boule, which consisted of 500 citizens chosen by lottery for mandatory one-year terms and was ultimately the most powerful organ in government, even if not involved in day-to-day governance. This would have protected against Congress becoming paid-off representatives of a corporate oligarchy rather than the people. If we’re going to talk about ‘our democracy’ so much, let’s make it a real democracy and have Congress amend the Constitution and create a boule, with some kind of basic vetting to ensure each member has a functional IQ above retardation and can pass an elementary civics test [failure of which results in loss of voting rights or some other harsh penalty, so people don’t fail on purpose].)
11/14/24- Massie at USDA and RFK Jr at HHS would effectively be a ‘MAHA’ alliance. I don’t think there’s much major that they disagree on. RFK could then hire FDA NIH and CDC leadership (e.g. Carson) and act as a so-called ‘czar’ of sorts, while having actual power and not just an advisory role.
(on second thought, Massie’s appointment is unlikely since it would compromise the slim R majority in the House; he also happens to be by far the best member in the House)
11/14/24- At bottom, I saw the election last week as a choice between a multi-polar (Trump) and unipolar (Harris) future. Maybe I’m wrong in that analysis, maybe Trump is just controlled opposition, who knows. Unipolar here is not ‘American Exceptionalism,’ it’s the eventual sacrificing of America to create a world government (which they’re already trying to get in the door with climate and health treaties, etc). An ‘America First’ agenda and retraction of American imperialism means that other national powers and superpowers will be allowed to co-exist with us. While imperfect, I’d rather live in a multi-polar world, where we can still vote with our feet. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
11/14/24- This is what happens when your party has become 99.5% bullshit
11/13/24- Trump’s early picks are not good; returning yet again to the controlled opposition question; Rhonda Massie’s autopsy results still haven’t been released 5 months later
Trump’s early nominations – Iran hawks like Rubio, Waltz, Hegseth, Stefanik, et al – are not good (though could be worse / was worse in 2016), though hardly surprising. As stated here a dozen-plus times, while I preferred him to Kamala, I wasn’t wagering on fundamental, seismic change to our political and economic system, since little objectively changed from 2016-2020, other than the covid and J6 ops. Hopefully I am wrong and in a good way; maybe RFK Jr and ‘DOGE’ will bring some, we’ll see soon enough. Since 2015 I’ve mainly viewed Trump as a possible monkey wrench to the main-line NWO, One Worlder, Agenda-21, neofeudal program, where, in spite of the many sh*tshows that will assuredly happen, the US might not get ground down to mediocrity to pave the way for a world government, and the First and Second amendments might not be put under constant assault.
As far as politics go, the biggest thing I care about is which candidate will do better at respecting the Bill of Rights (and getting rid of debt-based money, not that any major candidates have the guts to go there). Trump did not take action against our most important liberties while in office for four years. Joe/K did, and promised to continue to, while running on a mantra of ‘freedom’ [to abort life and nothing else]. I don’t care much about the campaign-trail noise; if you can’t even leave free speech and the right to arms alone, and almost none of the wannabe totalitarians on the left can anymore (while also, ironically, being even bigger war hawks than the cabinet picks above), I will oppose you.
Before he was elected in 2016, I labeled Trump as potentially controlled opposition. He’s always been in Israel’s pocket, and the same is true of the ‘top tier’ candidates in both parties. The ‘pledge to Israel’ is real, and Thomas Massie reminded us of that. But does that mean that the Israeli lobby actively runs things, or that there is a well organized mafia that protects its interests and steers its assets at certain times in certain directions, as needed? I lean towards the latter, but who knows. Controlled opposition doesn’t have to be managed 24/7, it can just be compromised. If someone has the goods on you and/or butters your bread, you will know the third rails to avoid and the allies to embrace without needing any orders.
(Whether the Mossad/Israeli-Mockingbird question applies to almost the entire top echelon of the ‘opposition’ / ‘alt’ media world is certainly a worthwhile inquiry. The only person who pursued it effectively (link) (see also) – 23-year-old Matthew North, real name Matthew Kiewel – turned up dead mid-investigation. I’m not certain that Kiewel’s theories are correct – and there’s always the chance that some figures who were once controlled / managed have gone off the reservation – but I believe he was more right than wrong.)
11/12/24- Here’s why the Supreme Court can constitutionally end almost all birthright citizenship without legislative or executive involvement
From the Elk v. Wilkins Supreme Court decision (1884), which centered on the issue:
“The main object of the opening sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment was to settle the question, upon which there had been a difference of opinion throughout the country and in this Court, as to the citizenship of free negroes (Scott v. Sandford, 19 How. 393), and to put it beyond doubt that all persons, white or black, and whether formerly slaves or not, born or naturalized in the United States, and owing no allegiance to any alien power, should be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside. Slaughterhouse Cases, 16 Wall. 36, 83 U. S. 73; Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U. S. 303, 100 U. S. 306. This section contemplates two sources of citizenship, and two sources only: birth and naturalization. The persons declared to be citizens are [as the Fourteenth Amendment says] “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof“. The evident meaning of these last words is not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance. And the words relate to the time of birth in the one case, as they do to the time of naturalization in the other. Persons not thus subject to the jurisdiction of the United States at the time of birth cannot become so afterward except by being naturalized, either individually, as by proceedings under the naturalization acts, or collectively, as by the force of a treaty by which foreign territory is acquired.”
If I as a foreign national enter a country illegally, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I may be de facto subject to some of its laws, but not all of them. For example, not its draft laws, and not necessarily its tax laws. I’m not under its complete jurisdiction. And I certainly don’t have any official allegiance to it, I only have allegiance to my country of citizenship.
A reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment would require that those who are born with citizenship to another country (whether recognized or unrecognized), i.e. born of at least one foreign parent, would not be eligible for birthright citizenship, and would have to get [US] citizenship via other means (i.e. through a citizen parent). Many countries already have this law. This would not harm children of dual citizens [with US citizenship], since they would become US citizens via their parents, and thus be able to pass on US citizenship forever.
In other words, only chattel slaves and stateless persons, i.e. political exiles, etc, should be subject to birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment, and the former are whom the amendment (written in 1865, passed 1866, ratified 1868) was written for, not birth tourists or ‘anchor babies.’
Naturalized citizens are, or at least for most of US history were required to fully and permanently renounce allegiance to their countries of birth; this is consistent with a reinterpretation of the amendment: only a person born in the US of non-citizen slave parents, or with no foreign allegiances and under no other foreign authority aka jurisdiction is eligible for birthright citizenship.
To end birthright citizenship, the court would have to overturn US v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), a ruling that challenged understandings in Elk, but it’s a very weak decision, claiming that simple presence or birth in a country makes allegiance to it assured, which is absurd. If my parents are on vacation in or residing for a multi-year work assignment (which is frankly analogous to what many illegal immigrants are on) in say, Australia, and I am born there, I’m not going to have any allegiance to it, nor citizenship. If the Supreme Court did not want to take the rare step of directly overturning Wong, it could overturn it in resolution of federal judge’s ruling against an act of Congress that ended most forms of birthright citizenship.
As anyone who knows me knows, I’m about the furthest thing from an anti-immigrant guy. But the law is being abused, and is obsolete.
11/9/24- A fair middle ground for immigration policy that would cause no serious economic harm
Step 1: Explore ending birthright citizenship. Only children of citizens can automatically become citizens
Step 2: Secure the border, with or without a wall, and reinstate ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy
Step 3: Commence deportations in the following priority order:
Tier 1: Gang members and convicts of felonies or serious misdemeanors, including past crimes
Tier 2: Anyone in immigration custody or migrant shelters, or who arrived in the past 12 months
Tier 3: Anyone who arrived in the last five years (or three)
Tier 4: Anyone who arrived in the last ten years (or five, etc; whatever one defines as a long time)
Step 4: Institute a path to citizenship for 10-plus-year illegal immigrants, but with very strict criteria:
A) Ample proof of 10-year residency required; 2-year probationary period requiring tax/legal compliance
B) Then, a guarantee of residency and travel rights, but no voting or full citizenship for 15 additional years
C) Must achieve advanced proficiency in English and pass a civics test given in English for full citizenship
D) Commission of a serious crime will result in deportation
E) Long-term loss of gainful employment or self-sufficiency, other than by injury, will result in deportation
F) Any welfare benefits received while illegal must be repaid in full prior to becoming a citizen
Step 5: Put some of the federal bureaucrats who are hopefully fired to work in the low-wage jobs held by deported immigrants
The overwhelming likelihood is that due to their importance to the economy and the vast manpower required to find, arrest, incarcerate, adjudicate/process, and deport them, only a small fraction of illegal immigrants will be deported. I would be surprised if they got much past ‘Tier 2.’
Temporary Protected Status is currently being abused by caravan invaders using the CBP phone app, but other people with TPS renew their authorizations annually and have been here with permission for 10-15-25 years. Many have serious careers, own homes, and have US-citizen, fully American children.
I think it’s unjust to deport illegal or TPS immigrants who have been here for more than ten years (or whatever one defines as a long time; five, seven, etc), which includes most DACA/’Dreamer’ immigrants, and almost all illegal immigrants I know. Yes, they or their parents committed a crime by crossing the border, but the federal government enabled that crime and did not punish them, or show any signs they intended to enforce immigration law.
In fact, many were welcomed and even recruited to work by major American corporations. At that point, immigrants saw a green light to have US-citizen children, put down roots, buy property, and start businesses. Most of them have adult or near-adult US-citizen children who will be able to sponsor them anyway. The vast majority of illegal immigrants are hard-working and otherwise law-abiding, and many of them (about half by my estimation, maybe more than half this election cycle) support Republicans. I would go as far as to say they’re probably less problematic than legal immigrants, who I’d wager are likelier to commit crimes and milk the welfare system.
11/8/24- It’s been 2̶.5̶ d̶a̶y̶s̶ 4 days since polls closed and many Congressional districts, mainly in blue states, have only reported 50-60% (edit: now 60-70%) of their votes. There’s no excuse for this, it was not ‘a thing’ before 2016, and it makes confidence in elections and ‘our democracy’ impossible.
11/7/24- The steal was always real; Trump won three times (link)
Nobody outside Delaware ever liked Joe Biden much; he was a doddering, dementia-addled gaffe machine in 2019 and he is today. The only reason Obama chose Biden in 2008 was to comfort racist Democrats in the South. The only people who were eager to vote for Joe Biden in 2020 were the ‘blue no matter who’ crowd. At the time, the consensus even among loyal Democrats was that Joe Biden sucks bad, but he’s better than Trump; die-hard Democrats I know were embarrassed to post Biden signs on their lawns, but did it out of solidarity. Joe Biden did not get by far the most votes of all time, and he may have done worse than Kamala (comparable at best) if one subtracts all the fraud.
Trump lost no popularity during covid, even among the gullible people who did not know it was not a ‘China virus’ but a bioweapon engineered by Trump-hating globalist/Illuminati elements (Daszak, Fauci, Gates, etc). Trump was thought to have no responsibility for the virus by the average person. At the time, it was blue governors who were hated for harming their economies with heavy restrictions and for murdering tens of thousands of senior citizens by locking them in nursing homes. Blue states had higher covid death tolls by far; most red states had low tolls. Democrats were unpopular during covid. Democrats gained no popularity or credibility with the average American during covid.
By November 2020, it was generally only card-carrying Democrats or nervous nellies who wanted the lockdowns and restrictions to continue. Everyone else wanted to get back to regular life and accept that the 0.02% death-rate virus wasn’t going anywhere; this is not to say they had no concerns about it, but they understood that most if not all of us would get it eventually. So again, Trump was not unpopular due to covid. Democrats are trying to paint that picture now by pointing to economic losses in 2020, but those occurred in all countries, not just the US.
The 2020 election was a fraud, as a stated here early the day afterwards on 11/4/2020. That is, was, and will always be true. ‘The Big Lie’ used to refer to denial of the Holocaust (which I have some questions about, but not here), but now it refers to those who point out the truth about 2020. Methinks they protest way too much. Trump won three times, and won bigger in 2020 than he did in 2016.
Most likely, the criminals who stole the election just saw which mail-in voters hadn’t voted on the night of the election, and/or were very unlikely to vote, and/or were dead (my grandmother who died in 2013 had one mailed for her), and then printed up millions of ballots for those people and ‘dumped’ them in the hours, days, and weeks afterwards, during which time Biden went from losing to winning. The moment they mailed out the ballots to all voters, they knew which ones likely or definitely weren’t coming back. That, and/or Dominion Voting Systems rigged machines or gave hackers access and put Trump ballots in Biden’s tally.
They went overkill to give Biden a wide popular vote margin and supposed mandate, in an attempt to close the door on Trump forever. But it was all a lie. Joe Biden lost the 2020 election, Trump won.
11/6/24- Have seen a lot of whining by the MSM on Kamala and sexism. I work in virtually 100% male fields, and often hear candid commentary about politics. Never once did Kamala’s gender come up as a basis for non-support. The most common sentiment was that Trump was a much better president than Joe (and K by extension) and has been unfairly persecuted.
Two people I know implied they weren’t voting for her for gender reasons, and they were both female, business owners, and foreign (El Salvador and Greece). One explicitly said she wouldn’t vote for a female president because ‘we need someone who will put his foot down [in foreign policy matters].’ The other wrinkled her nose and simply said ‘debil’ (weak/soft), which may or may not have been gender-related.
That’s from a decently sized sample of conversations, in the low dozens probably. Kamala lost because voters don’t like her that much, didn’t like her at all in 2020, and because the Democratic party is severely out of touch with the mentality of ordinary, non-TDS-afflicted Americans, and just sucks big time for the many reasons listed below. That’s why Dems lost the House and Senate too. Time to look in the mirror. They likely won’t though.
11/6/24- Trump has two paths: he can embrace unity and honor the libertarian, anti-war, pro-health figures and voters who made this win possible, and go down as a transformative president, or he can cling to the same-old establishment neocons and red-hat sycophants who made his 2016 term wholly unspectacular and below-average in a historical sense, if decent relative to other 21st century presidencies.
11/6/24- Serves you right, Democrats; a teachable moment if there ever was, but will they learn?
Presidency, House, Senate, Supreme Court, black male monopoly, Hispanic large-majority: gone, bye bye.
This is what happens when you censor the people, threaten to disarm us, rig three primaries in a row, steal an election, grease an obvious dementia patient into office, engineer a so-called pandemic that was actually a cold virus, mask not-at-risk toddlers and children, lock elderly people in nursing homes and deprive them of human contact, force through an experimental non-vaccine, destroy the livelihoods of those who refused it, impose vaccine passports and apartheid, stage an ‘insurrection’ with federal agents, favor Ukraine and illegal caravan invaders over your own country and citizens, hog the airwaves for almost a decade with an endless parade of outright hoaxes, exaggerations, and lawfare campaigns; orchestrate a flagrant stand-down to facilitate an assassination, and gaslight Americans into thinking a woman who spent $41 million in 2020 and got 800 votes was the next big thing.
Oh, and fall for the advice of a pompous professor with a bogus, subjective prediction system, and haircut of a 4-year-old boy on his first day of preschool (Lichtman).
Here’s hoping the TDS will finally subside, and the party will return to its roots and find a respectable footing. Or will it be another 4 years of whining and hysterics, ‘resist’ slogans, and no faults acknowledged? Most likely the latter.
11/5/24- Why is it 11:37pm and Wayne County (Detroit) has not even counted 1% of their votes yet? Blue urban and metro counties are toxic to any confidence one might have in ‘our democracy’
11/5/24- James O’Keefe’s videos suggest mass voter fraud throughout Philadelphia and likely in Pittsburgh, Reading, and beyond; if this is happening in Philly it’s happening across the US
City commissioner Seth Bluestein said voters can only register ‘when they verify their ID.’ Poll workers were videotaped accepting identification in the form of ITINs (Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers), which 90% of illegal immigrants get within a few months of arriving in the US, for both good and at times bad purposes (not limited to fraudulent voter registration; gaming welfare system, etc). No legal permanent residents or US citizens have ITINs, they have SSNs.
I know because I know hundreds of / have met upwards of 1,000 illegal immigrants. ITINs are given by the IRS to anyone in the world who shows a foreign passport or government ID card. You don’t need to live legally or even be in the US. A homeless guy on the street in India can get an ITIN.
Bluestein’s workers also accept driver’s licenses, which are available in NJ – and in many other states – with zero legal status. Many, many illegal immigrants in Philadelphia use the addresses of friends and relatives across the river in Camden or other NJ cities to get driver’s licenses there. I guarantee that Bluestein is accepting ‘proof of address’ in lieu of an out-of-state DL (e.g. a bank statement; which again, virtually all illegal immigrants possess in 2024 and which requires zero legal status).
ITINs start with different numbers than SSNs (usually a 9), so these fraudulent voter records should be easy to find. Hopefully a lot of people get thrown in prison over this.
(Do I think a big percentage illegal immigrants are using ITINs to vote illegally? Absolutely not. The overwhelming majority would not risk arrest just to vote. But if even 1 in 100 or 200 is doing so, that’s a potentially election-swinging factor. 1% of 15 million is 150,000 votes.
More concerningly, it opens the door to massive identity theft and identity fabrication. Anyone who can fake an image of a foreign passport can get an ITIN or many ITINs. The IRS is under no great incentive to not issue ITINs or vet them carefully, since they are obtained for the primary purpose of paying the IRS taxes. The IRS does not care about immigration status, or even identity, and just wants revenue.)
11/5/24- Thoughts on abortion and unique gender responsibilities; Kamala can never bring back Roe, it would take a Constitutional amendment
The only *gender-unique* responsibility women have in life is to carry babies inside them if they become pregnant and nurse them once they’re born, until they can eat solid food. Men have the gender-unique responsibility to not let other other men or large animals kill, rape, or kidnap/enslave the women and children in their groups, whether immediate family, clan, village etc. With our unique powers come these unique responsibilities. Other responsibilities in life inside and outside the home are shared by the genders, if not equally.
I support exceptions for abortion, widely available or free contraception, legal and accessible Plan B (no state is trying to ban this, contrary to K’s misinfo), compulsory education for teenagers (about the basics of sex and pregnancy / STDs; not anal, oral, and whatever else they’re teaching nowadays), perhaps free pregnancy tests, etc, and I think some lead time is arguable since conception can take many days. There is also a reasonable debate whether a fertilized egg or embryo yet constitutes a human being; yes, it has neurons and its own genetic code, but so do all the sperm men carry with us every day. I’m not going to share my position in this debate (nor is my position necessarily decided), but it is a debate.
Abortion law is best left up to the states, and currently is. Roe is gone and never getting codified since that would require a Constitutional amendment and two-thirds majority. The idea that Kamala will bring back / codify Roe is a hoax meant to fool gullible people (which describes a big chunk of Democrats, sadly). Trump and Vance have already said they wouldn’t sign a national ban, nor would many-to-most Republicans; it has no chance of passing. There’s always going to be a state a moderate distance away that allows you to have an abortion. That is not a great hardship, and hopefully not something a woman is doing regularly.
Yes, a handful of women have died and ‘bled out in the parking lot’ (but not actually due to restrictive policies, see below); and thousands of fully viable, late-term babies have been murdered since then, millions over the last decades, but Democrats don’t talk about that. Zero US states forbid abortion when the mother’s life is in danger; the only women who have died died incidentally, i.e. they planned to get an abortion for an unpermitted reason, and later learned that their life was in danger. There was no direct connection between the law and their death. Even if you don’t think they should have rules or permission in those states, Kamala could do nothing to change that.
Before you say ‘the government doesn’t legislate on men’s bodies.’ The government has done so since the first draft in 1863, on the basis of the unique male responsibility described above. Frankly, while I would unreservedly risk death to protect people in my family, I would resist/object if drafted (except in a narrow set of circumstances; I’m not dying for a lie to enrich the MIC) and oppose the draft law – I’d probably be too old anyway – but I also wouldn’t imprison a woman for getting an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. But I don’t run things, and the draft law is on the books. And you can make certain types of abortion illegal and prohibit medical providers from giving them without imprisoning women for getting them.
With regards to laws in a general sense, I believe they’re only valid in consensually formed, bona fide communities with a valid social compact, which I would argue most modern nation-states are not.
11/4/24- This is the only real reason I’ve supported Trump over Kamala, Joe, and Hillary
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” (‘Memoirs,’ p. 406)
“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution [80 million killed, and the destruction of individual liberties], it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing a more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community purpose… the social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”
The above quotes are by David Rockefeller. They represent the worldview of the core establishment: the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Kissinger, Mika’s dad (see also), etc. Their goal is a totalitarian, Plato’s Republic-style scientific-financial dictatorship, in which they ban cash/institute CBDCs, implement social credit, and control all information, i.e. the Chinese model, and they have been aiding and sharing technology with China for decades (including Joe’s 8-figure money-laundering deals with CCP front companies that were never investigated, while they rifled through Trump’s sock drawer.) If we let them, they’re probably going to send us into a world war eventually, whether a conventional war or otherwise, and we’re probably going to lose, or win with mortal injuries. The war would do enough damage – directly, or in the form of debt – to the two world superpowers to open the door to a world government.
In short, they want our enslavement, and Kamala (and Joe, Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.) is their approved puppet to move us towards that end. It appears much less certain that Trump, for all his flaws, is equally their puppet. That is the only real reason I’ve ever supported Trump over the alternatives. I find Trump unpalatable as a leader, but just about any path seems preferable to the above. Trump will be gone in four years anyway.
I support a monkey-wrench candidate like Trump because as technology progresses, the world power structure is essentially in a race against time, and disrupt and delay is the name of the game. If they don’t increase control quickly enough, the people will be empowered enriched and enlightened by new technologies, become more independent, and decentralize. Whatever style of polity, society, and economy they decide to decentralize into – be it capitalist, semi-capitalist/mixed, syndicalist, communist, anarchist, democratic, monarchist, secular, theocratic, etc – I’m fine with that, and think all of them can work well enough at the right scale.
All that said, I’m not necessarily expecting any major change to daily life in the US if Trump wins. He doesn’t have a magic wand to lower prices. The Fed will still be the biggest player in the US and world economy. Some immigrants will be deported, but the vast majority are crucial to the economy and won’t be. Congress will block any dramatic budget reforms. The only big changes I worry about are the false-flag temper tantrums the establishment might throw if he gets in.
11/1/24- CNN is now claiming that any post made by any of the 3.9 million users on Truth Social (this time in relation to warmongerer and traitor-daughter Liz Cheney) is being ‘amplified’ by Trump, and is suggesting that Trump himself said it; this perversion recalls somewhat the DoD threats to target as ‘enemy combatants’ those who [unprovably] ‘inspire’ terrorism, in an attempt to chill political speech
Trump’s comments about Cheney were correct and fully justified. A firing squad has 5 guns, not 9, and the firee is not given a rifle; obviously, he was talking about the disgusting spectacle of neocons like Cheney and her traitor father clamoring for war, when all of them are too cowardly to suit up for it themselves.
10/29/24- By shadow-banning the Trump-Rogan interview, YouTube is interfering in the election (again) and defrauding its investors and shareholders; Democrats and the left are the real fascists
YouTube’s mandate from Google/Alphabet shareholders is to host lawful video content, and maximize views thereof and ad revenues therefrom. By becoming a political entity and suppressing content based on its employees’ political preferences, YouTube is defrauding shareholders of revenue.
Through the lens of fiduciary duty, YouTube employees are essentially embezzling would-be ad revenue and using it to promote content that they politically favor. If the company had made and reported political donations to a particular candidate, that would be different, because shareholders would know about it and could decide to divest themselves or not.
We do not live under Our Democracy©, but a criminal oligarchy. The founding father of fascism, Benito Mussolini, defined fascism principally as the merger of state and corporate power.
90% of this merger in the US operates in favor of Democrats, hence the enormous imbalance of corporate donations in favor of Harris. Like other historical fascists, they control [almost all of] the media and the flow of information on TV and the internet, they practice censorship, they seek to disarm the people, they are racist [against whites, mainly white males; if we succeed in spite of that, that’s not our fault], they are sexist [against men] and impose double standards based on gender, and they enforce a particular culture (‘wokeness,’ ‘cancel culture,’ third/fourth-wave superfluous feminism, excessive political correctness, identity politics, LGBT grooming of children, chemical and surgical mutilation of children without parental consent, discrimination based on [unsafe, ineffective] vaccine status, senseless mask usage, $20k ‘forgivable loans’/grants for black people only, preferential hiring and academic admission based on non-white race and/or non-male gender etc). They are and have for some time been your fascists, if unconventional ones; not Trump, not Republicans.
It’s like ‘Russian collusion’ (a charge originating from Hillary, who received hundreds of millions from Russia before the 2016 election, while Trump received virtually nothing), ‘fake news’ (a term coined not by Trump, but by Hillary and the MSM as Pizzagate took off) ‘weird,’ etc: they accuse you of doing what they do and being what they are.
10/27/24- Somebody should have killed Tony before the MSG Trump rally yesterday
Tony Hinchcliffe of ‘Kill Tony,’ which I never heard of before yesterday, sullied an otherwise net-positive-for-Trump rally yesterday. Are we really making black person-watermelon jokes in 2024, at national campaign events no less? And calling Puerto Rico a ‘floating island of garbage’? And having a white gay guy nasally whine / warn that ‘Latinos like to make babies’ and ‘don’t pull out,’ not a good look. I’m all for dumping excessive political correctness, but this was unmistakably the wrong vibe, especially at a capstone campaign event 9 days before the election. It’s just lazy comedy anyway, and not really funny.
And no, he didn’t ‘attack everyone.’ He spared whites, and gays, to name two groups. If you insist on attacking a country or people, make it one with little political impact, not a US territory with proud people who make up 3.5% of Pennsylvanians and 6.7% of NYC, likely including many present at the rally. Or blacks (13% of PA), whom Republicans must make significant inroads with in every state to avoid presidential extinction. This isn’t 1924, Republicans can only win with a ‘big tent’ approach, as I posted about last month. White non-Democrat men – even if they all liked Hinchcliffe, which I and many others don’t – only make up about 17-18% of the electorate. They’re alienating at least as many as they’re entertaining.
Trump himself (if he had the maturity to admit fault) should say it was a mistake to let him speak and that his views don’t reflect the campaign. The bad taste left by Hinchcliffe should be washed away with a disavowal, the absence of which will be seen, by some at least, as an endorsement. Even though it was only a fraction of a 10-minute bit, the material was a massive miscalculation; he continues to defend it and should be thrown under the bus. Of course, it may have no real effect either way and get forgotten in another day or two of news cycle churn. Given that it was an official campaign event, something should be said. A campaign staffer issued a terse, boilerplate statement, but that’s not enough.
I’ve said a million times that while I unequivocally prefer Trump to Kamala, he’s had poor taste all his life and has flaws up the wazoo, so I’m not holding my breath on that, as I sadly never can when it comes to reasonable, constructive conduct in national-level politics.
I’m sure most blacks and Puerto Ricans won’t be swayed by one comedian’s joke, but even if this doesn’t move the needle or affect the outcome at all, and it might well not, it’s about setting the right tone for the administration and ‘movement;’ is it for everyone or are there first and second-class citizens? Republicans will be incredibly moronic if they stigmatize/’otherize’ the very voters they need in order to secure any political power whatsoever into the future. Again, I’m fine with ending all the PC eggshell-walking, but this wasn’t even funny, and a campaign event is not the place to test out controversial material.
10/24/24- Washington Post: “Trump May Use Military Against Americans” (link); Biden’s DoD literally authorized this JUST 27 DAYS AGO – Biden already gave the order for military and military intelligence to be used against the American people if needed. Trump did not do that while in office for four years. We live in a bizarro world.
10/23/24- More fake stories today from fired / scorned John Kelly (the lone source for “suckers and losers,” “I need generals like Hitler’s” and most of the other claims/tales, none of them with any corroborating evidence). Nobody except the NYT and Atlantic believes you, sir; looks like you’re just out for revenge.
10/23/24- The Democrats have already done every single thing they say they’re ‘terrified’ Trump will do, yet did not do while in office for 4 years
Implement mass censorship including via tech platforms (check)
Disseminate propaganda to Americans (check, authorized by Obama)
Organize violent protests and riots via party-linked groups [BLM Inc., Antifa, etc] (check)
Harass and illegally surveil political enemies (check)
Weaponize justice system and civil courts against political enemies (check)
Attempt to assassinate political enemies (check)
Use the military domestically to kill American citizens (check / authorized by Biden-Harris on Sept 27th)
10/23/24- Democrats are angling for a repeat of the 2020 Steal: Maricopa County says they may need *10 days* to count votes, Fulton County says they may need several days
Joe Biden and the Democrats stole the 2020 election by means of their deeply corrupt, totally unprincipled party machines in five US counties: Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Fulton (Atlanta), Maricopa (Phoenix), Clark (Las Vegas). It’s not that complicated or large-scale of an operation. Rig a few neighborhoods in each of these cities, done deal.
These counties flipped the election to Biden in the days after the election, as surprise, late-night ‘ballot dumps’ tipped the count in his favor. Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, and North Carolina were the last states in that order. PA & NV were not called until 4 days after the election, on November 7th. NC was not called until November 13th, ten days after, and Georgia was not called until 16 days later on the 19th. Arizona, where Biden was behind prior to said ‘dumps,’ was called at 3am the night of the election, 5 hours after polls closed. Now they’re saying they need 48 times more hours than that (240+ hours) to count. 44 of 50 states were called by 2am on election night.
Some obvious questions: why do big cities in non-swing states not need so much time? Why do non-swing-states in general not need so much more time, and are generally reporting 99% or more of precincts the night of the election? Why do rural precincts get their votes counted on time and urban ones do not? They’re not any bigger, there are just more of them, they’re equally staffed. There are far fewer mail-in votes (which should be largely abolished) in 2024 than in 2020, yet they say they need more time to process ballots. The only explanation why these deep-blue cities need so much time is an intent to commit massive fraud to the extent needed to secure a Democrat victory.
Other than the isolated ‘chad’ incident in Florida in 2000, just about every state in every election in my lifetime, and the winner of said election – prior to Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 – was called within hours of polls closing, usually well before midnight. There was no watching and waiting for days and weeks. The scam that was covid ended 3 years ago and is no longer a [lame] excuse to delay the results and commit fraud. Obviously, the issue at hand is that the people are not allowed to choose an establishment-unapproved president in the United States. Reminds me of this Onion segment from 2008, before Post-Truth America took full root (link).
Many many Americans are getting tired of sharing a country with people who look past these absurdities. Secession and/or nullification are coming soon unless we implement a fully transparent, citizen-verifiable electoral process.
10/22/24- The Vanessa Guillen funeral story (no named sources) sounds fake. We already know that intel agents have lied repeatedly about what Trump said and did – golden showers and all that – not to mention lied to us about all kinds of other things for the last 80 years, they have no credibility. And CIA/intel propaganda has been legal inside the US since 2012; I’m sure it would all be authorized to ‘save democracy.’
10/21/24- Good podcast episode: ‘Coach Colin’ and Eddie Bravo (link)
The last 10 minutes are the highlights, as they go into the fake alien invasion and demons as ‘aliens,’ extremely important themes which have been frequent topics here for the last 7-8 years. Great to see them get some rare exposure, given all the space/UFO disinfo artists and dupes polluting the ‘alt’ podcast world.
10/20/24- Pennsylvania had twice as narrow [official] margin in 2016 than in 2020, and was called the night of the election. The Dems stole the election in the days afterward in 2020. Now the Shapiro-appointed Sec of State is setting the stage for another theft and saying it won’t be called for several days (link). We need to abolish mail-in voting unless you live overseas, out of state, or are legally disabled
Covid has been over for 3 years. There’s no reason for people to be mailing in ballots. Get your ass to the polling station and vote like everyone has for thousands of years. If you’re ‘too busy to vote’ on Election Day and can’t make time for it, then it’s not a priority to you and you don’t vote.
10/18/24- Blockchain + Paper is the best and perhaps only reliable way to electoral integrity
Election day is a national holiday, you vote in person (unless you apply in advance for a mail-in ballot, with cause proven), you show ID and proof of citizenship, you cast your paper ballot, you are given a receipt with an anonymous blockchain ID # on it, the ballot is counted by hand and added to the public blockchain ledger.
Citizens then go home and confirm online that their vote was counted and correctly. If it wasn’t, a complaint is filed. If complaints pass a low threshold or fail an audit, the voting precinct’s records are turned inside out and put under state and federal supervision. The FEC performs random audits on precincts to ensure paper ballots match blockchain entries.
The majority of Americans are on a Dominion machine or other hackable voting machine. We can’t guarantee electoral integrity until the above is implemented. People need to be able to personally verify their vote was counted and correctly attributed. Blockchain is the best and only really reliable way that that happens.
10/18/24- DoD changes rules to permit US military including military intelligence agencies (DIA, etc) to ‘use assets’ to kill US citizens on US soil; unelected DoD bureaucrats and military officers are now judge jury and executioner, and it’s all classified (link)
Psychological operations / propaganda within the US against US citizens were also legalized via the Smith-Mundt Act in 2013 (link), coinciding with the wave of fakery I’ve called out since then.
This is what people mean by the Deep State.
Unsurprisingly, crickets on this from all the ‘save our democracy’ peeps.
10/13/24- Insufferable crone Joy Behar says men are useless; the implications of normalized misandry; gay, half-white Obama insults straight black men (link)
(I came across the above clip in a video that also showed Obama [a half-white gay man married to an apparent tranny with male anatomy] scolding and insulting straight black men on Friday (link) for supporting a Republican candidate in record numbers, by insinuating / stating they’re doing so for purely misogynistic reasons – the same black men who mostly voted for Hillary (who called black men ‘super predators’) in 2016. Kamala is a turkey who got 0.0002% of the primary vote in 2020 after $41M in campaign spending and has done zero good while in office for 3.5 years, that’s why she’s behind in the polls. Out-of-touch, TDS afflicted Dems F’d up by nominating her and thinking they could hoodwink us with cornball ‘joy’ messaging, bused-in rally attendees, and near-lethally cringe ads like this. In another clip, NYT editor Mara Gay said that men who aren’t ‘with her’ need therapy.)
‘Broadly speaking, men are useless’
Cited grounds for usefulness (not joking) included – and were limited to – gossip, accessorizing, interior decoration, house cleaning, and gathering socially with other women.
Men continue to operate all the fundamentals of the world economy. Somewhere around 90% of women, maybe more maybe slightly less, do not work, are subsidized by male-funded checks (welfare, alimony, child support, etc), and/or are employed in tertiary, often government-funded service jobs not usually essential to human survival. Were all men to disappear tomorrow, almost all women would die out in weeks or months, since their population of billions depends on a male-designed and run economic machine for daily needs, and could not adapt to the shock in time. Were all women to disappear, men would, in a strictly material sense, become much richer and suffer no major hardships. A percentage of men would need to become teachers and nurses. Since the majority of doctors (64%; 82% of surgeons) are men, excess male doctors could become nurses. Over 70% of EMTs and paramedics are male and the excess could also serve as nurses in an emergency. This isn’t misogyny, just obvious reality. The View, conversely, is extreme and delusional misandry. (Yes, yes, women do plenty of good, I love the women in my life, for the obligatory gender back pats; but it doesn’t follow that men are useless, or that women pull exactly the same weight as men.)
If we really get technical on the ‘don’t need no’ subject, men, strictly in terms of perpetuating humanity, don’t need women. Since men have X and Y chromosomes, they can create both men and women themselves: produce an XX female egg from stem cells in their skin (link), fertilize the egg, develop the fetus in an artificial womb, and breastfeed the baby; some men can lactate naturally, others with hormonal induction. These technologies, apparently invented by men, exist for animals (e.g. mice, sheep) but have been held back from human use due to ethical questions and need of further safety testing. Women on the other hand cannot create men, since they lack the Y chromosome (they can create sperm from their stem cells, but only X-chromosome sperm). I absolutely do not want any of the preceding strangeness to happen, though it is a scientific reality now.
Assuming we are upholding the idea of gender equality, we have to take this profoundly delusional (and hateful) rhetoric seriously and push back against it, not infantilize these [enfranchised] women by humoring them in spite of their irrationality. That’s what we do with toddlers, not adult citizens. However dumb The View and its panelists are and as little I personally care about the opinions of Behar or Whoopi, it’s been the most watched daytime TV show in America for the last 10 or 20 years. And while it would admittedly be silly to dwell on one talk show clip, this is an idea we’ve heard thousands and thousands of times by other voices big and small, particularly since the late 2000s, early 2010s. If this sentiment actually resonates with a sizeable percentage of women in this country, we are and will continue to be in big trouble politically and otherwise, and frankly, I wouldn’t be shocked to see women lose suffrage some decades down the road if too many of them continue down this path. I don’t usually wade into gender issues, and there are idiots on both sides of the gender aisle, but some trends have to be countered.
10/10/24- ‘Mind your business’ Tim Walz: “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy” / ‘Freedom’ Kamala Harris: “Social media platforms have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy. . .if you act as a megaphone for hate or misinformation, we are going to hold you accountable.”
I was permanently banned from Facebook 11-12 years ago for ‘hate speech’ with regards to the Sandy Hook hoax, and banned from YouTube for ‘hate speech’ about 9/11 (i.e. that it was a conspiracy and involved media complicity). I spoke out about these issues not to spread hate or misinform, but to help others.
Obviously, the problem is that one man’s hate and misinformation is another man’s truth and love. Democrats cannot prevail in an open marketplace of ideas, so they have to resort to Orwellian truth ministries, censorship, shadow-banning, and ‘fact check’ propaganda. Gun-grabbing, censor-happy Harris and Walz are a disgrace to all who founded and have fought for this country. As imperfect as Trump is, he’s never really spoken or acted against our two most important liberties.
A flag-burning law, even if passed which it almost certainly wouldn’t be (since any Republicans of libertarian bent would vote against it), would amount to a microscopically small restriction on speech in practice, relative to the massive, state-encouraged/sponsored censorship that we’ve already seen on the internet over the last decade and that affects all of us daily. And no Republicans want to ban books, they just don’t want taxpayers to be forced to purchase pornography and then supply it to non-consenting schoolchildren.
Recently, Bill Gates compared ‘vaccine skepticism’ to violence: “if you’re inciting violence, if you’re causing people not to take vaccines, where are those boundaries?” I guess he forgot he’s crossed that line over and over.
Our Democracy© = The Big Club’s oligarchy. They are the demos/people, and we are slaves or cattle. (Of course, in reality, they are defective, power-mad sacks of shiz, but who don’t know that these days…)
10/3/24- Western agricultural corporations and West-backed oligarchs (aka Friends of the Big Guy) have taken over as much farmland in western/central Ukraine as territory Russia has in the east (link)
I was in Ukraine for a couple weeks back in 2014, in the wake of the Maidan protests (unlike Tim Walz I won’t lie and say I was there for them) and CIA coup to overthrow Yanukovych. I was traveling by car from Poland (the same car I have now that I took down to Panama this year), mainly in the western half of the country, out to a little beyond Kiev. There was some sporadic fighting going on at the time, but only in the eastern fringe of the Donbas region.
Many don’t know, but Ukraine, known as ‘the breadbasket of Europe,’ has some of the best agricultural land in the world. As far as the eye can see, the fields are near-black due to the natural richness of the topsoil, and they get plenty of rain. And obviously, there’s plenty of cheap labor available; before the war, many middle-income people, not unskilled farmhands, were only earning $100-300 a month. Widowed babushkas in rural areas are surviving on low 3 figures per year, maybe even double-digits in some cases if they do their own gardening.
Western agribusiness interests and Joe and Hunter’s oligarch buddies (whom said interests are partnered up with) have now bought up a comparable amount of farmland in western Ukraine (likely for near pennies on the dollar) as territory Russia has taken since 2022, vast portions of it in the last two years. For comparison, the amount of prime Ukrainian farmland taken by oligarchs and foreign corporations is nearly as large as the state of Pennsylvania and larger than Hungary. Again, that’s top-notch, uninterrupted farmland.
Sadly, millions of Ukrainian-flag-waving Americans actually think that NATO and the war machine are good now, just because the blue team is in office (the same who were anti-war when W Bush was in). It’s time to finally get the message: the establishment is not for us and has no ethics, foreign and domestic predation is their game; the substantial prosperity we enjoy here, i.e. enjoy for now, is incidental to that.
10/2/24- In an attempt to distract from Vance’s clear debate victory (which flipped betting odds back to Trump overnight), shadow government has Jack Smith unseal new J6 allegations
Attention Deep State: nobody but the TDS folks cares about J6 anymore, or ever did. It was a fed-led tour of the Capitol building involving <1% of the protesters present. No cops died except the ones you suicided afterwards to keep them quiet about the traitor spooks they were unfortunate to have witnessed.
Some good and incisive material by comedian Jimmy Dore on the ridiculous J6 hysteria, from the Rescue the Republic rally in DC (didn’t go, but support Jimmy and a lot of the other speakers).
9/28/24- We might get a big [likely Israeli false-flag] response to Nasrallah killing; a Trump-favoring event?
In a post on July 10th ‘What’s in the False-Flag Hopper?’ I spitballed on four possible false-flag incidents: a Trump assassination attempt which happened three days later (Crooks was clearly a patsy and the standdown undoubtedly intentional), a massive, 9/11-rivaling or -exceeding terror attack in Israel and/or the US (my guess was a dirty bomb, falsely presented as a ‘suitcase’ nuke to rile Americans) by an ‘Iran-linked’ terror group; a cyberattack of some kind, and a ‘covid 2.0,’ either as a variant or new disease; not that the latter two were creative predictions at all.
While an organic counterattack by Hezbollah could occur, through the false-flag lens, the event could be perpetrated either as an official Mossad op or by ‘rogue elements,’ i.e. ultra-hardliners within the agency. It might occur in both the US and Israel, framed as revenge for Trump’s assassination of Iran’s Suleimani and for Nasrallah’s death, with a secondary purpose of electing Trump, who seems to be favored by said Israeli groups and is perceived by Americans as being stronger on national security. The event would be said to be perpetrated not by Iran or Lebanon/Hezbollah themselves, but by some shadowy ‘linked’ group, with the two nations being blamed for ‘harboring’ said group(s), justifying war, strikes, ‘kinetic action’ etc against one or both countries, like we saw in Afghanistan.
I would wager that Russia and China, who are already stretched thin with problems closer to home, would stay out and a true WW3 scenario would be averted. But Israel would get its way by having the US fight its wars, and billions or trillions more would be shaken out of the taxpayer piggy bank.
A question if such an event were to happen, or that might dictate whether it would happen at all, would be of ‘conspiracy fatigue’/desensitization, which we witnessed after the Trump assassination attempt, as a flagrant, multi-agency standdown was essentially ignored and swept away within a week’s time. 9/11 came as a shock after a few decades of relative peace, prosperity, and normalcy; not fresh off of a 3-year worldwide covid psy-op, nine years of 24/7/365 media propaganda/hysteria about Trump, and 12 years of fake shootings and bombings starting with Sandy Hook (which many many people know were fake, even if they can’t consciously admit it). There’s also the question of the internet [in its ubiquitous form, with video streaming], which has diminished the effectiveness of every psy-op since.
9/21/24- Kamala finally told Oprah what ‘the promise of America’ and ‘freedom’ mean (link)
“The greatest expression of patriotism is to fight for the ideals of who we are, which includes freedom to make decisions about your own body, freedom to be safe from gun violence, freedom to have access to the ballot box, freedom to be who you are and to love openly and with pride, freedom to just…be. And that’s what who we are, we believe in all that.”
In other words: unrestricted late-term/partial-birth abortions, tax-funded pride extravaganzas (I’m 100% live and let live, but the promotion by governments has gotten over the top), mail-in/drop-box election fraud nationwide, 2nd amendment infringement and intended destruction, and 44.6% federal rates plus state taxes (the other half of your money can just be; and pay property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, import taxes built into prices, etc).
And if someone gets the nu flu again, we’ll put masks on your children, force you into experimental gene therapy, and have jackbooted thugs fire on you with paintball guns if you try to leave your house (brought to you by ‘mind your own damn business’ Tim). Yep, sounds about right.
9/21/24- A question to follow up on is how Americans should respond to nationalist / border-enforcement movements in Europe, which like many instances of nationalism have an ethnic component, since a nation is a group of people, not a piece of land.
I witnessed the state-sponsored invasion of migrants firsthand in Germany while living there back in 2015. People were being hustled in with zero regard for skill, education, ability to speak the language, or utility to the country, and given free apartments, free groceries, free everything, and it’s only accelerated since then. It’s a disgrace.
Americans can support European national integrity while not standing for ethnonationalistic rhetoric and dog whistles in US politics; if on no other basis that they are completely toxic to improvement in US politics, and guarantee Republicans/non-Democrats will lose every election as far into the future as the eye can see. The US nation/people will soon be irrevocably non-majority-white and nationalism/’America first-ism’/whatever you want to call it must recognize that.
As noted on 12/25/19 and other posts, everything comes back to debt money. If we end debt money, the wars that destabilize foreign countries (which are started in part to create new debt) will stop, exploitation of foreign countries will decrease, and the need to import ‘new blood’ to buoy a perpetually contracting economy will cease (perpetually contracting because interest that does not exist accrues and debts mature, the only way out of that whirlpool being to create new debt serviced by new people).
9/20/24- All traces of ‘white nationalism’ (most of which is promoted by anti-Constitutionalist, covert federal agents), all winks nods insinuations and other gestures, must be extirpated from the Trump campaign and Republican politics or they will fail spectacularly in 2024 and beyond
I actually sympathize with the idea of so-called white nationalism (as the term has been newly defined in the media, see below), in the same sense I sympathize with nationalism of any color. Just as Indians were allowed to form India, the Japanese Japan, Jews Israel and so on, and are allowed to preserve their ethnic majorities there today, the white majorities in white countries have the right to take measures to preserve their ethnic majority and exclude non-nationals from residence and/or citizenship if they want to. No one questions the right of non-white countries to do so. It’s a completely preposterous idea that an unlimited influx of foreigners must be allowed/made to happen in a country solely in order to prop up a privately owned debt-money system that requires perpetual economic and population growth. Borders, language, and a coherent cultural identity, in the form of nationalism, are important (for now at least) and can provide nations with protection from external, predatory forces that exist.
As for the term white nationalism, it has multiple meanings. One, the real or original meaning, is that all white people are a single tribe and should be living together without other races or colors. Some espouse not just separatism, but killing all non-whites. Certainly, I don’t support that. But the media has created another meaning for the term, which is used as a smear, and is now employed more frequently than the original: any nation that is majority white, and does not want the racial, cultural, and social composition of its nation radically, rapidly altered by its rulership or by internationalist forces. I wouldn’t brand this ‘white nationalism, since it does not involve one white tribe at war with the world; every European nation is different, and definitions of whiteness are various today and have changed continuously throughout history, and will continue to change. That second form of ‘white nationalism’/nationalism involving whites I do sympathize with, even if it’s not a particularly salient issue for me personally (I’ve given a lot of thought to the idea of races, and in no scenario I can think of is eternal racial separation either workable or of any clear, ultimate, metaphysical value; though as explained below, there may be a temporary political value to having a degree of racial heterogeneity or separation among countries).
In my opinion, the main reason nationalism involving white nations is so viciously demonized by the power structure relative to non-white nationalism is that at the current time at least, white countries are the only ones with the likely wherewithal to successfully resist globalization and world government. For whatever reasons one may suppose and whatever credit one gives or doesn’t give, white countries are currently on average 2-10x more productive per capita than most non-white ones, have the highest levels of law, order, and safety, and the lowest levels of corruption, hence why a huge percentage of the world wants to come to white countries. I’m not claiming any kind of absolute, overall ‘supremacy’ or superiority, these are just facts at the current time. They weren’t always the facts, but they have been for some time. If any sizeable chunk of the approximately 900 million whites (by the narrowest modern definition) and approximately 50% of world GDP contributed by majority-white nations refuses to join a world government, it won’t succeed.
That all said, it has to be accepted that the objective of majority-white nationalism in the US, whether it is a good bad or neutral aim, is never going to succeed. The country is too big, already much too diverse, and for various reasons, whites aren’t having nearly enough children. There are 700 million overwhelmingly non-white/mixed-race people to our south with a much higher growth rate. The demographic trends all but guarantee that whites will lose and continue to decrease their majority here. Most likely, it’s soon going to become like pushing white nationalism in Mexico (which has a white population that is indeterminable, but perhaps around 15-20%), i.e. a totally futile exercise achieving nothing but agitation and alienation. In many of our lifetimes the white population in the US is probably going to dip to 30-40%, a portion of whom will be Democrats.
The future of the US nation-state in its current form is obviously multi-racial. If the US broke up into multiple states, perhaps there would be some new nation-state that happened to be large-majority white, but that is not our current context. If the Republican party and Constitutionalism have any chance of survival and future influence, they must completely remove all white nationalists – most of the leaders of which, e.g. Nick Fuentes, Laura Loomer, and others (e.g. the fed-infested Patriot Front; see also), have clearly been federal agents intent on undermining Constitutionalism and facilitating world government; and others like Ann Coulter (her disrespectful remarks to Vivek) who may not be agents but must just badly want to lose – from their midst, and welcome minorities with open arms (they already do, but have to disavow and drive off the Loomer ‘curry and collard greens in the White House’ types), with the hope that they will see a place for themselves in the Republican party and eventually in greater numbers stand by the philosophical traditions of Constitutionalism and the goal of limited government, and understand that those are the things that made America great – not some vague, vacuous ‘promise of America’ and ‘yes we can/when we fight we win’ (can what? win what?) BS Kamala and the Dems are pushing, which will make us mediocre.
There’s no other way forward for big-L Libertarians, Republicans and Constitutionalists. If nationalism with a white majority is one’s political position/preference, then European countries (and/or some future nation-state that doesn’t exist yet) are the only places that might remain a long-term reality. In the US, that ship sailed away about a half-century ago.
9/15/24- Ryan Wesley Routh (link) sounds just like a CIA asset, a potential MK-Ultra’d whackjob. Any 50-something Westerner (any Westerner period) who fought in Ukraine was either an agent or on the radar of the agency, which has been involved in managing the country’s defense (more than olive green t-shirt guy has) from the beginning of the war. On top of that, he formed an NGO called the ‘International Volunteer Center’ to recruit Afghan Taliban members to fight in Ukraine (?!)
(Edit: as more info surfaces, the guy, in terms of his life prior to yesterday’s event, sounds like a relatively free-ranging whackjob rather than a competent and witting asset of any kind, though given the above activities and his extensive criminal history relating to illegal weaponry, I have zero doubt he was on the radar of intel/FBI, making him a prime candidate for manipulation, whether via conventional or more exotic, MK-style methods)
Given how badly this attempt was botched and how far from success it was, if it was engineered, I see three main reasons as to why we’d have this outcome, leaning strongly towards #2 or 3:
1) The power structure has just become terrible at conducting operations, which has been the case since around 2010-12 / since the internet age arrived in full (though this seems too high stakes for that; then again, they botched Sandy Hook terribly and then had 5 dead children sing at the Super Bowl a month later, and showed us at least 7 of 19 hijackers who were alive and well after 9/11, so who knows how crazy they’ve gotten by now)
2) They knew the patsy might fail but if he did, would still create a sense of inevitability of Trump’s death, and lay the groundwork for another Butler copycat to finally succeed before November/January, or
3) All the world’s a stage, Trump is ultimately controlled opposition, and higher forces than the left or right want Trump to be president, and carried out both this and Butler to help him get elected.
And yeah, maybe the guy was acting totally independently and with the knowledge of no one, and the ‘incompetence’ at Butler (i.e. flagrantly intentional standdown) emboldened him to be sloppy/reckless. But given all of the above, that seems exceedingly remote.
9/15/24- Breaking news: Kamala has tested positive for covid and has a cough, therefore the second assassination attempt on Trump has been canceled out
9/15/24- Ten reasons why geocentrism is [in all likelihood] true
I’ve written on this in many posts on this page; just to consolidate most of them into a list:
1) Absence of proof that Copernican principle aka mediocrity principle is correct after 500 years (no proof of any other life-hosting worlds or intelligent beings, let alone a large number of them)
2) Absence of proof that Earth moves and moves through space (“A great deal of research has been carried out concerning the influence of the Earth’s movement. The results were always negative.” -Einstein)
3) Flaws in Newtonian gravity, fabrication of ‘dark matter’ to reconcile observations with the tattered theory
4) Same size of Sun and Moon, an exceedingly unlikely coincidence that a toddler wouldn’t believe (Google: “it is all thanks to a striking coincidence, that the sun is 400x as wide as the moon, but also 400x further away;” see post on 2/21/23 for odds of this.
5) Occult numerology implanted into heliocentrism: Earth is said to orbit the sun at 66,600 mph. The sun’s rays hit the earth at a complementary angle of 66.6 degrees (90 minus 23.4 degree tilt). Newton conceived gravity theory in the year 1666.
6) State-sponsored fakery related to the Moon missions, Earth’s appearance from space, and aliens. If there’s nothing to hide or misrepresent, why fake it?
7) Inaccessibility of Antarctica; in a flat model, Antarctica would be the edge, in a geocentric globe model, which seems likeliest, there might be some energetic / physical base or phenomenon at the bottom. Researchers and tourists are limited to <0.1% of Antarctica.
8) Verification by world-renowned cosmologists/physicists that geocentrism is observationally viable, rejection of Einsteinian relativity by major physicists, continuation of study of aether theory (which was only abandoned due to Einsteinian relativity). (“Our observations of the heavens can be explained by assuming either the earth or the sun to be at rest.” -Stephen Hawking)
9) Large-majority belief in a spirit world and afterlife across all religions and even among most agnostics and many ‘soft’ atheists. The notion that this paranormality or paramateriality would relate only to an unspecial world hurtling through space is preposterous (nobody imagines aliens being in heaven).
10) Widespread belief in astrology. All societies going back at least 11,000 years (to Gobekli Tepe) placed an enormous, central importance on the movement of the planets and the stars and their effect on Earth, which in the conventional universe model would be next to none. I personally think there’s something to astrology, even if most daily horoscopes are BS.
9/15/24- How Bill Clinton singlehandedly destroyed Haiti; on Haitian immigrants as a scapegoat
In 1994, Clinton pressured the Haitian government to cut rice tariffs from 50% to 3% (link), while heavily increasing federal taxpayer subisidies for US rice production (i.e. his rice-grower buddies in Arkansas). This flooded Haiti with nearly free rice (which was said to cause health problems; I personally avoid US-grown rice due to risk of high arsenic levels), putting most of Haiti’s rural population out of work. With no one to buy their crops, these people were forced to move to cities, causing overpopulation, wage suppression, gang activity, and drug trafficking, and the rice-growing land, much of it consisting of tiered fields on mountainous terrain fit for no other purpose, and infrastructure created over decades and centuries fell to disrepair and eventual waste with no one to maintain them. All the rice grown in Haiti had been consumed internally and no export infrastructure existed. These subsidies and manipulation of tariffs continue to the present day. The Clintons then returned after the 2010 earthquake and conducted ostensible humanitarian missions that for the most part were a cover for political payoffs to Haitian politicians, money laundering, human trafficking, and sex trafficking.
Based on personal experience, I’m of the belief that, though sophistication, education, and adaptability for life in the first world do vary from country to country and region to region, the vast majority of people of every county on Earth are basically good and normal. There are no lines on the map I’ve crossed where this truth fails to hold. Millions of Haitian immigrants are already fairly highly concentrated in NYC and South Florida. They aren’t causing mass chaos or disruption. They’re working and living normal lives. However, this migration occurred over decades; Biden/Harris’s policies are causing absurdly large, sudden concentrations of completely unvetted immigrants without jobs or support networks in cities that are then subjected to the crime and aberrant behavior that has been reported on. With demographic trends what they are, ‘we’/the debt-based money system clearly need large-scale immigration, but it needs to be controlled and migrants vetted individually.
9/15/24- Laura Loomer has no place in any Republican political campaigns
The second I saw Laura Loomer, my radar went off. That Trump and his inner circle actually hold her in regard, or supposedly do, is worrisome, though not surprising given Trump’s persona and family. (More worrisome than the predatory machine Kamala stands for? No.) She has no credentials, no experience, and doesn’t appear to have any special insight or analytical ability (glomming onto conspiracy theories pioneered 15-20 years ago doesn’t count). At best she seems an attention-hungry clown who will do anything to cause a stir and put herself in the spotlight, and at worst controlled opposition meant to undermine and discredit populist Republicans.
9/12/24- Still no update on Rhonda Massie’s death; a fake website on the subject now tops Google results
It’s been 11 weeks since her death and no preliminary or final autopsy results have been released. Many anonymous comments on news stories said she had cancer; now a website titled ‘Understanding the Death of Rhonda Massie’ tops the search results about her death, and also claims she had cancer. But the site refers to a completely different Rhonda Massie of Illinois who died of cancer in 2022, yet shows pictures of the Rhonda in question and of Congressman Thomas.
Thankfully Thomas Massie hasn’t let his foot off the gas since his wife’s demise, and recently sponsored a nationwide Constitutional Carry bill (link). It’s unlikely to pass at this time, but still good to keep the pressure on as 29 and soon to be 30 states adopt the practice, up from 4 states at the time of the fake Sandy Hook shooting in 2012. If nothing else it will force Dems in red and purple states to show where they stand.
9/11/24- Thoughts on the debate, i.e. the two spooks and Kamala versus Trump
As for Trump’s supposed blunders, the mentally ill woman in the city in question did kill and eat a cat on camera, but she wasn’t an immigrant. Migrants did kill ducks and geese from a neighborhood park, which are almost like community pets in our society, and it’s considered barbaric to kill them. Migrants in NYC have been amply documented stealing anything that isn’t nailed down and causing stores to close down. It may be a small percentage of them, but when their number is millions, that’s a big problem. But yeah, in a tactical sense, it was a poor choice to go down the sensationalistic and hyperbolic/unproven eating-pets road and give the media that soundbite; another misstep of the night was going on out of the blue about ‘strongman’ Viktor Orban, a person most Americans have limited regard for or even knowledge of.
Trump didn’t lie about the 2020 election. A dementia patient, who in his self-serving decades in Congress had no popularity outside his own state and no laudable accomplishments (and who got <15% of the first three primary votes in 2020 and stood in third place until it was re-ordered and rigged by the DNC and media), did not get 20% more votes than ’08 Obama and by far the most votes of all time. J6 wasn’t fascism or suspension of the Constitution, it was a fed-led riot condemned in real time by Trump which involved <1% of the protesters present, none of whom were armed or killed anyone. The only killing that day was done by Capitol security in cold blood.
The biggest mistake Trump made (again) was not in any soundbite, it was in talking about Kamala too often and not focusing enough on his own ideas. Instead of saying ‘destroyed our country / worst ever’ x100 and reminiscing x100 on his ‘greatest economy ever,’ he needs to focus on what specific, positive changes he will effect to improve things from this point forward.
Kamala showed us she is capable of avoiding questions and repeating talking points ad nauseum (and Trump, to be sure, was guilty of the same). This passes as ‘presidential’ and ‘belonging on the stage’ to the media. David Muir is a CIA agent/asset a la Operation Mockingbird, so no surprise that all the scolding, stern looks, and ten of ten ‘fact checks’ went in favor of Kamala.
Nobody won the so-called debate because it wasn’t a debate in any normal sense of the word, as no presidential debate has been for decades. Other than abortion to a limited extent, there were no questions that both sides thoughtfully proposed solutions to and tussled over. The bulk of it amounted to two drawn out, disjointed, repetitive campaign speeches, with Trump having to detour several times to defend himself from the hostile moderators, something Kamala was spared from.
Kamala is a mere appendage of an international power structure that wants to end national sovereingty and individual liberty, and eventually enslave humanity with traceable digital currency (unlimited taxation and inflation), panopticon surveillance, and a Chinese-style social-credit system. She’s not a free-standing entity, she’s a paid-for tool, like Joe. She’s in league with blood-drenched ghouls like Dick Cheney, who facilitated the greatest crime in American history and just endorsed her. That’s all you need to know about Kamala. I dislike much about Trump, but it’s a hard sell to say he’s worse than that.
9/11/24- I’ve said just about all I care to say regarding 9/11. The guilty plea and 18-year trial delay are a flagrant cover-up. There were no hijackers (i.e. on the planes; they just went through the motions and took flight lessons to build a back story), no passenger planes, no Flight 93, no Let’s Roll. The attacks were committed by Israeli and US intelligence elements and their media, and enabled by the US government. If you believe anything else about the event, you are living in a fantasy world.
8/25/24- Report from Bitcoin Beach; how to mainstream Bitcoin as a real and transacted currency, not just buy-and-hold ‘digital gold;´ my basic position on Bitcoin
During a recent trip I was in El Salvador and spent a night in El Zonte, aka Bitcoin Beach, a very small and fairly subdued coastal town. I was interested but not optimistic about the rollout of Bitcoin in El Salvador and as I’d assumed, almost no one on the street level is using it, and its presence in the country is basically limited to the occasional ‘we accept Bitcoin’ decal in a high-tech or high-end shop window. Some bars and hotels in El Zonte accept it, but otherwise its use there and everywhere else I was in the country including San Salvador is low and bordering on nil. Even in these El Zonte bars and hotels, I suspect 90% or more of transactions are in USD (which is the de facto currency of El Salvador; they previously had a USD-pegged currency analogous to the Panamanian Balboa), and the pulperias and pupuserias there are not accepting Bitcoin, nor do they likely have any real understanding what it is. To a large degree Bitcoin Beach is a marketing gimmick, though one to which I’m sympathetic. In the much larger and more active El Tunco (a better tourist destination), which neighbors El Zonte, Bitcoin has little to no visible presence.
In probably 80% or more of my daily transactions throughout Latin America, the vendors have not even accepted debit cards, let alone would use Bitcoin, or if they do accept cards they often strongly resist it in preference for cash. Like the majority of the world, Latin America is generally an analog society: you put this [full-and-final] thing in my hand and I’ll put that in yours, otherwise no hay trato. This got me thinking on how Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency could actually be used widely as a currency, not just as ‘digital gold.’
As I wrote in a post here back in 2016, reports of the death of cash has been greatly exaggerated; in spite of the endless anti-cash propaganda in the media – and contrived, transparent, annoying campaigns by pro sports stadiums, airlines, and other major corporations to eliminate cash – paper cash is still king on over 90% of the world’s surface, and is extremely common in almost all the rest, including the US of course. The only place cash could really be called endangered (but having been to all the countries there recently, is still completely possible and normal to use literally everywhere) is [urban areas of] Scandinavia, a region that hosts <0.3% of the world’s population and probably half that in its big cities. On the rest of the continent including in Germany, its biggest economy, cash predominates. So again, cash is not going anywhere.
Back to Bitcoin, there must be a physical manifestation of the cryptocurrency for it to be used and trusted on a mass scale, otherwise it’s just not going to be used in most of the world. This could be accomplished pretty simply:
1) Major exchanges create paper bills and corresponding non-custodial, non-personal digital wallets for various denominations of satoshis (100 million satoshis = 1 Bitcoin / 1 BTC). The lower the denomination, the higher the premium. The lower the denomination, the greater the usability of the note. AI could vastly simplify the creation of wallets each time a bill is produced and transferred, reducing the administrative workload by exchanges.
2) A smartphone app is created to scan Bitcoin notes, which at point of sale or upon purchase of the notes verify that the note corresponds to a digital bitcoin wallet (i.e. the actual funds) that has not been emptied. The app is made available as a standalone scan tool not tied to a particular person or cell phone account, enhancing privacy. The scanner allows the note-bearer to verify the bill or empty the wallet i.e. extinguish the paper bill. The latter would likely be infrequent due to the premium paid to obtain the paper bill, and its wider usability.
3) Brick-and-mortar dealers and online resellers sell the paper notes at a premium, in the same way gold dealers sell gold and silver bars and coins now. Buyers scan the notes upon purchase to verify authenticity.
4) The notes do not serve as money per se, they simply act as a verifiable representation of a digital bitcoin wallet, in a portable, anonymous form. The exchanges would become Visa / Mastercard-like clearing houses that process the daily extinguishing of paper notes. To prevent counterfeiting or copying of notes, there might be some kind of transaction function on the scanners, to secure the genuine note for the current bearer.
5) At some point, assuming they were cooperative with Bitcoin, regular banks could handle the notes and allow bank accounts denominated both in Bitcoin notes as well as digital Bitcoin. For account holders of Bitcoin notes, the banks, who would be become legal owners of the notes and wallets upon deposit, would be obliged to furnish the account holder with paper Bitcoin notes upon withdrawal, though not necessarily the same notes that were deposited. Use in regular banking would give the notes the fungibility that we see with USD cash notes. Visa, Mastercard, etc, could issue debit cards linked to these Bitcoin accounts.
There need never be a centralized note-issuing authority; for much of modern history, e.g. throughout the 19th century, banks issued their own paper currencies / claims on bank deposits (they still do; all the currency we use today is issued by [private] central banks, except there is nothing for the bearer to redeem and nothing backing central-bank currency other than the barrel of a gun on the head of taxpayers), and exchange-issued paper Bitcoin currency and coins would be no different.
The premium charged on the notes could be substantial, since most people would otherwise not use, trust, or understand Bitcoin. Via organic price-discovery in the free market, this premium would become baked into prices denominated in Bitcoin notes. Prices in Bitcoin notes would be higher, driving some people towards education about how digital Bitcoin works and into purely digital use of the currency; however, a countervailing factor driving people away from solely digital use and preserving the Bitcoin-note supply would be the enhanced privacy and the wider, everyday usability of Bitcoin notes
While I don’t at all dismiss Bitcoin, I’m not an evangelist or true believer either, as it has too many weaknesses and vulnerabilities (including political ones; if any crypto were to rise above and beyond, I would expect/hope it to be an untraceable privacy coin like Monero), but imperfection hasn’t stopped society from embracing other money and technology en masse.
As for the general merits and drawbacks of Bitcoin versus gold and silver (which I think will ultimately be seen as superior, though Bitcoin may have its moment at the head of the pack, and by moment I mean decades, potentially) and other forms of money, I gave those here on 3/31/23. Gold and silver are chemical elements as old as the universe, and as far as I’m aware at least, cannot be created or destroyed. Bitcoin and its network are a replaceable brand at the end of day – though the same can be said of the USD, Euro, etc. A gold-backed, anonymous / ‘bearer-based’ cryptocurrency would allow for the best of both monies.
8/24/24- Google News/Big Brother’s top headline ‘Cheryl Hines brutally trolled after RFK Jr. endorses Trump’ is fake news: 90% of the votes (80k vs 8k) on the top 20 comments on her letter are in strong support
RFK Jr’s opening line, that Democrats have become “the party of war, censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag, and big money,” has been promptly vindicated; not that it needed any vindication, it’s been obvious for the past 15-20 years.
We keep hearing from the MSM that ‘the other Kennedys’ don’t support him. The only other Kennedys who mattered politically died violently decades ago. Kudos to RFK for standing up to his family members; and they’re not universally in opposition to his politics anyway, several are in support.
8/22/24- I don’t feel good that Donald Trump has often been an object of support on this blog. He’s vain, egotistical, and in some ways, incredibly ‘unmatured’ (too old to call immature) as a human being. That’s true, and it’s depressing. Yet he’s the guy in the gap right now, and he’s literal child’s play compared to the forces behind smiling (she quit cackling) and ‘joyful’ Kamala. When you realize what these people / demons have done to us and intend for us, it’s like comparing a bratty toddler to a serial killer.
(As I’ve said many times, Trump’s already been president for four years and there was hardly monumental change, and no fascism or dictatorship. I thought foreign policy was a bright spot: we did not really enter Syria, and generally stayed out of conflicts. But ‘the swamp’ was alive and well, and none of the Q-Anon ‘4D chess’ ‘declass’ mass-arrest nonsense came to pass; general thoughts on Q-Anon given here on 8/29/20. If a Trump presidency can stall or interfere with ‘Deep State’ / Illuminati / Insert Term machinations against our country to any significant degree, I think that’s the best realistic outcome at this very pathetic juncture.)
8/21/24- RFK Jr. will endorse Trump on Friday (and maybe even join him as VP, who knows); they’ll both be in Phoenix then and RFK says major announcement is planned
With RFK pulling in his own voters, independents, and libertarians, Kamala may be on the ropes. She got 0.0002% of the vote in 2020 despite spending $41 million, and nobody cared much about her or wanted her to be president a mere 31 days ago. With a 28% favorability rating (i.e., the TDS core), she was/is the second-least-popular VP in modern/recorded US political history, the phony festivities and ‘joy’ at the DNC notwithstanding.
I’m guessing it’ll be an endorsement. Secretary of Health, head of EPA, and Attorney General have been floated as possible positions he might have in the administration.
Someone mentioned Director of CIA which I found interesting; he could release the still-classified (after 61 years) documents about his uncle, set the record straight on his father’s murder by the agency, and maybe help abolish the abomination altogether. A pipe dream in all likelihood, but one can hope.
8/18/24- Trump is becoming a gaffe machine and Vance isn’t helping; what Vance can do to stop the bleeding
Trump’s been providing a lot of ammo to his critics lately: that he’s ‘up in all the polls’ (you can say they’re not accurate – how many people don’t want to say they’re a Trump voter to some random MSM-linked pollster on the phone? – but he’s not), that Kamala isn’t black when she’s clearly part black (if only 35-40%; her Jamaican dad was somewhat mixed race), that he’s drawn ‘bigger crowds than anyone [in history or political history],’ that the civilian Presidential Medal of Freedom is ‘much better [than the Medal of Honor], because the recipients aren’t dead [or wounded]’ (I think the suckers and losers thing was a lie, and there’s been a lot of disinfo about what he’s said, but this doesn’t help disabuse people). Even if there’s some harsh truth there (that doing good as a civilian is better than dying for a lie i.e. almost all recent wars, even if the soldier had noble intent and displayed heroism), it’s not a good look. Trump has always had a show-biz schtick he’s kept up, but the wheels are shaking and too many of the hip shots he’s accustomed to taking are going off target.
To capitalize on sympathies post-assassination attempt, Trump needed to call for unity, choose a VP with crossover appeal, and create a bigger tent, but he’s been doing the opposite and playing to a base of devotees that is too small and already locked up anyway. Some say he has PTSD, which is certainly understandable, and even if he doesn’t, the incident could cause a person to consciously or subsconciously sabotage his own efforts out of self-preservation.
As a registered Republican (I registered in 2007 to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries, but do think Rs are much better for the country than the current Dem platform is), if I could have chosen someone like Massie, Paul, or even Vivek as presidential nominee, would I have? Absolutely. Would Trump be way better off with one of them as VP instead of Vance? Yes. Was this obvious for weeks and months before the VP pick was made? Yes. I identified the big issues with ‘frontrunners’ Vance and Burgum after <5 minutes of research.
To be clear, I want Trump to beat Harris and think the country would be much better off without the two undercover Marxists in power (Marxists not by the actions they will take, but what I believe is their philosophical lens to view the world; i.e. capital versus proles). But they need to clean up their act and stay disciplined if they want to win. Just calling it like I see it, not going to be like 80% of Democrats and lie and self-delude for years and decades on end if someone on ‘my side’ (and I don’t see Trump that way) is F’ing up.
I also still expect Trump to win, if narrowly, particularly if the Democrats aren’t able to steal Pennsylvania / Philadelphia without the covid rules in place. Even if they do and he wins AZ, NV, and GA, it’s pretty much sewn up (i.e., likely a tie broken by the House). Virginia, a reliably Republican state prior to 2008, is also in the mix now that they’ve abolished voting machines and the mail-in / drop-box shenanigans, and the last polls there had Trump leading. If Nevada’s governor does the same, Democrats are in trouble.
(Regarding Vance’s past statements [mainly childless cat ladies and the postmenopausal female thing; latter of which he did not say, the radio host interviewing him did] and what he can do to mitigate them, he needs to stop with the Trump-like doubling down, and instead sensitively explain his positions that have drawn controversy, most of which I think are reasonable in spite of his poor choice of words and retroactively very poor political tact. Vance’s main point seems to be that if people don’t have children, the nation-state we are currently living under – assuming it should exist – will no longer exist. Thus, in terms of raw national interests, people with children are in fact more important to and more invested in said nation-state. Without them, the nation (as a people) will either go extinct or be replaced by an outside nation or nations of people, governed by a state that will be an essentially different one. It’s hard to argue with that as a point of chief and pressing national concern, even if bringing it up is politically incorrect and hurts people’s feelings (of course, there’s no argument that the population must grow in perpetuity, the only thing driving that is the debt-money system, as explained in a past post on 11/12/2023); though it’s not a good campaign-trail talking point. That doesn’t mean people without children have no value or less value in an absolute / transcendant / human sense, since at the end of the day we as humanity are one organism of sorts or one set of children; and no one would claim that a philosophical or spiritual leader, great inventor, etc, without children is less important to humanity than some guy on multi-generational welfare with eight kids, to use an extreme example. There are a variety of good and neutral reasons that people of both genders don’t end up having children. Vance should try to get an interview and extend an olive branch; not that the MSM is likely to cover it much.)
8/16/24- Jesse Ventura has officially lost his marbles
While discussing abortion policy in a CNN interview (8:00), Ventura claimed ‘men are the aggressors’ in sex and that ‘women are not responsible for pregnancies, men are.’ Not sure where Jesse’s been, but women have had full rights for 50 years now (mainly changes to banking and credit cards; voting rights for over 100, property rights for almost 200, and protection from unsolicited reproductive assistance for just about all of recorded civilization) and can say no, and in almost all instances, excepting bona fide rape, control whether sex happens. Also, women do lie about birth control and otherwise capitalize on situations to get pregnant, as a way to have a baby and/or corner men into commitment. Men lie and misrepresent too, but that goes without saying. Setting that issue aside, with regards to his endorsement of Kamala[/Biden, essentially], it’s sad that Jesse has tossed aside all his past principles (if his governorship wasn’t just another chapter in his entertainment career) and betrayed his past political supporters just to see ‘a woman president,’ without caring who the woman is. Ventura’s days of credible political commentary are over. I think Jesse is confused; if that is what he thinks – that women have no or considerably less self-control, autonomy, and responsibility – then why does he want a woman president?
I do agree with Ventura’s basic position on Walz’s military career (that he had a right to retire and no obligation to go to Iraq) and that the National Guard was egregiously misused in Iraq, but he ignores the fact that Walz violated his oath to defend the Constitution and lied about being in combat (“weapons of war that I carried in war”) in a slimy attempt to steal away our co-most important liberty, alongside the First Amendment. That’s unforgivable for any politician, much less a presidential candidate. Beyond that, something does not sit right about a never-really-deployed National Guardsman equating his military career to active duty service. For almost all of his military career, Walz spent one weekend a month at a stateside military base and taught full-time at a high school. I respect people who sign up to be available in national emergencies, but it’s not the same as having been an active-duty full-timer. It’s him puffing himself up for personal gain, like he does with his Special Forces cap and coaching career (a linebackers coach taking credit as ‘the coach’). In other words, Walz is an attention-hungry, posturing blowhard, like 98% of politicians (including Trump, though at least he’s not fully aligned with the NWO agenda, hence his persecution).
8/13/24- ‘Mind your own damn business’ and ‘save Our Democracy©,’ brought to you by the people (Dems & Rinos/neocons) who: engineered the covid virus and locked down the world for two years without a vote cast, let unelected bureaucrats shutter and destroy millions of small businesses, strapped masks over our and our children’s faces and forced us to inhale our own bacteria and pathogens, did everything humanly possible including threaten and take away our livelihoods disable our passports and instruct our family members to exile us from gatherings in order to coerce us into harmful and at times lethal experimental gene therapy mislabeled as a vaccine, barricaded thousands of elderly in nursing homes to die alone without their loved ones present, unapologetically rigged three primaries in a row starting in 2016 and betrayed the popular will, just attempted to kill an elected major-party nominee and killed an innocent father by flagrantly standing down for the patsy shooter, faked a mass shooting of first-grade children and dozens of other ‘tragedies’ to manipulate our sympathies and steal our gun rights, committed 9/11 and lied to us about it for 23 years and counting, sanctioned wars and military interventions in at least 32 countries over the last two decades alone, and perpetrated or co-perpetrated just about every one of the countless tyrannical misdeeds that have been discussed on this blog. That’s more than a little rich.
I’ve never been a great fan of Trump (would prefer a more libertarian, much less personality-based direction for the party), but seeing past all the feel-good campaign garbage, the preceding is indeed the alternative.
8/13/24- The media really doesn’t want you to listen to the Musk-Trump interview; TDS Democrats have become Pavlovian bots who now respond to ‘word of the day’ prompts
It’s because Trump came across as calm, basically reasonable, and willing to compromise (I wouldn’t claim he hit it out of the park, but certainly defied characterizations that have been made). He talked about issues Americans care about right now, such as cost of living, law and order particularly in our cities, and immigration. He stated that he wants a lot of immigration but the process needs to be regulated. Yeah, he had a lisp or something with his voice that night (maybe dentures/bridgework out or something), but so what. As for the technical difficulties, Musk said his platform was subjected to DDOS cyberattack, which I don’t doubt.
As I’ve said many times here, I believe Elon Musk is controlled opposition on some level (I know he is, based on the Mars and SpaceX fakery), as I do also about Trump, Alex Jones, and others. But that doesn’t mean they are not opposition, it just means they are managed or limited by some superior party in some form, whether wittingly, unwittingly, or a little of both.
The above image makes it clear once again that we have a [deep / permanent] state-run media run by the CIA / Illuminati / choose your term. Like the trained seals they have become, the Dems on YouTube, and surely some IRL too, will clap and bray as their ‘word of the day’ (‘disaster,’ previously ‘weird’ and ‘joy’) has been announced.
8/13/24- Website was suspended for 5 days. Lost access to the email account on file and hosting company made it extremely difficult to reaccess my site. I try to abide by the saying ‘don’t ascribe to malice what you can to incompetence,’ but this made me suspicious, especially amid all the recent censorship around Kamala criticism. The shadow-banning on YouTube has been extreme, and although this blog has a small readership, I suspect/know that some major figures (some of whom I have emailed to bring the blog to their attention) are regular or occasional readers, or people they listen to are.
8/7/24- Forget all the ‘heartland’ BS, Tim Walz is a fraud: a ‘command sergeant major’ who lied about his rank and stole valor to steal the Constitutional rights of Americans, a ‘state championship football coach’ who played a minor role on the coaching staff and never played the game to any notable degree. I’m seeing a pattern take shape: a fake who fluffs himself up and grasps for attention whenever he can, and we’re barely 24 hours in. Vance was joking about his furniture habits, and I’m no particular fan of him, but I’d take a couch diddler any day.
Oh and I forgot, Walz touts his supposed ‘golden rule’ of ‘mind your own damn business’ [when it comes to killing viable, late-term babies], yet he instituted a covid snitch hotline, mandated masks in private businesses, shut down private businesses altogether, locked elderly invalids in nursing homes to die alone, and coerced healthy citizens into taking experimental, sometimes lethal gene therapy products then called vaccines. The irony is physically painful.
Walz listed himself repeatedly as ‘Command Sergeant Major’ when he never reached the rank, a fact an honest veteran would never get wrong; he described ‘the weapons of war I used in war’ while soapboxing to rob Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights, when he never stepped foot on a battlefield (and let his capital city devolve into a warzone as governor); he called himself ‘the coach’ of his football team, 100% implying head coach, then revised it to ‘defensive coordinator,’ which was another lie – it turns out he was a linebackers coach/helper, which was about the least important position on his small high school’s [depleted, desperate] coaching staff. And he doesn’t appear to have ever played the game to any significant degree. Who knows what else will surface in the coming days. The guy is a fake, like Kamala, the no-name assistant DA who diddled a very powerful man 31 years her senior to get herself where she is; and the voters knew it or at least sensed it, which is why 0.0002% supported her in the 2020 primaries despite nearly $41 million in campaign spending.
8/6/24- Kamala Harris wasted nearly $41 million of donor money in 2020 and received just 844 votes (17th place out of 20 candidates), that’s $48,440 paid per vote; Kamala’s supposed popularity is a media-intel fabrication and Big Tech has been working overtime to promote her; the poor man’s Tim Allen from Minnesota doesn’t make Kamala any more legit
8/5/24- A seemingly deflationary stock crash pinned on ‘Hoover’ Trump could provide long-term cover for inflation, rate cuts, national-debt relief, and a ‘managed decline’ of the USD/US empire (wrote this up 3 weeks ago but just posting now; lot of things that I write I never post, and just do it to work through ideas)
An induced / non-PPT-mitigated stock-market crash would provide for the appearance of deflation and normal booms and busts (rather than the essentially straight-up moneyprinting and asset appreciation we’ve had lately), but not actually reduce the money supply, or the government’s ability to service its debt. It would allow the Fed to cut rates and issue new debt at lower interest rates under the guise of stimulating the economy, providing relief from high rates that are now resulting in more than $1 trillion a year, soon to be $2 trillion, in interest payments.
Just as gold and silver manipulation (e.g., the 100:1 ratio of paper contracts vs. physical) cover for Dollar destruction, so would a stock market crash. Just something to think about when considering what’s in the Fed’s toolbox. I have some small positions in stocks / securities, a very small percentage of my assets, but they’re things I consider not particularly vulnerable in a US-centered crash.
Talk of Trump as ‘Hoover’ by Biden and others seems to be on the rise. Yes, they might be referring to the brief covid crash, but they could also be programming us for something bigger. Of course, I might be wrong, and stocks could track with inflation as they have in inflationary periods of other countries, but last I checked stocks were several times overvalued relative to real estate, precious metals, commodities, wages, and the CPI, and I doubt they’ll outperform them forever.
8/3/24- Kamala Harris received only 844 votes nationwide in the 2020 Democratic primary and came in 17th place despite a full-fledged, invitation to the debates, and significant ad spending, with campaign spending totaling nearly $41 million. That may well be the worst performance of all time relative to the resources made available to her. Joe Sestak whom almost no one has heard of got 5,251 votes and came in 15th place. Next were John Delaney (“), Marianne Williamson, Cory Booker, and Julian Castro who got 19k, 22k, 27k, 31k, and 37k votes. The top 10 candidates all got six, seven, and eight-figure vote totals.
Kamala has done nothing between 2020 and today to have increased her popularity, all she’s done in four years as VP is serve as the butt of jokes. Virtually no one could name a single accomplishment or even one notable and positive moment during her tenure. The hype over Kamala has been wholly manufactured by the media-intel complex. Like Joe and Hillary, Kamala was installed in a profoundly undemocratic fashion by desperate party elites (Joe got trounced by Bernie in the first three primaries of 2020, barely cracking double digits, before the entire media got behind him; as did H by Bernie before her ‘superdelegates’ scheme). Democrats are the party of rigged primaries and elections, and of public and private special interests gorging themselves on taxpayer money, not the party of the people.
8/3/24- Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway increases cash position from $35 billion in 2021 to $277 billion this month up from $189 billion in July, which appears to put more than half of their liquid/public holdings in cash, worrisome for the world’s largest individual stock investor
8/3/24- Kamala is worse than just a DEI hire, she’s a PEI hire; when 29 years old she had a relationship with married, 60-year-old political power broker, San Francisco mayor, and California House speaker Willie Brown, described by the SF Chronicle as ‘widely regarded as the most influential African American politician of the late 20th century‘ who then pulled strings for her for the next two decades to get her literally everywhere she went in politics before becoming Joe’s identity-politics aka DEI pick (‘it will be a black woman’) in 2020. Biden expressly stated that she, Jackson, and others would be picked primarily based on their skin color and gender, not merit. It’s a shame that capable black people have to deal with insinuations about DEI, but with 80-90% of them voting for Democrats and thus for ‘equity,’ they should point the finger at other blacks and vote differently if they want to change the situation.
With DEI and affirmative action, sadly, the logical belief a person would have is that a minority or female or gay professional or politician is less likely to be competent than a straight white male one is, not to say necessary incompetence, but a lower likelihood of competence and merit, whereas without those policies, there would be no such conclusion and arguably the opposite conclusion, that they’re likelier to have better than average competency.
I was glad to see Joe Rogan (who often refrains from flying right over the target) note that the sudden support of Kamala speaks to the fragility (I’d call it suggestibility; I wrote a post here in 2016 on how this has been intentionally induced) of the recent American mindset, mainly on the left but also on the right (evidenced by blind belief in ‘Q’ and so on). Kamala went from being generally accepted as one of the worst or least consequential VPs ever (who garnered just 844 [not a typo] votes nationally and zero delegates in the 2020 primary, not even placing in the top 15 candidates, and polled way under 1% among blacks) to a beloved superstar, or so the media tells us has occurred. We saw tens of millions of mainly left-leaning Americans lose their minds during covid (which they now try to explain away as ‘lack of information [we all had]’ or ‘fog of war;’ no, I and millions of others could see very clearly what was going on, before they even did what they did), and this is another example. Yes, it happens with ‘MAGA’ too, but it’s significantly worse on the left.
As an equal opportunity critic, I will add that JD Vance’s entire resume and rise to power appear to have been sponsored by Peter Thiel. I think Trump and Vance are considerably better than Harris-Shapiro or Harris-Kelly (or whoever it ends up being), but Vance was a bad pick, as I noted on 7/2/24. He’s not ‘weird’ but he does lack authenticity. Trump should’ve gone with Vivek or a libertarian like Rand Paul, or RFK if possible, but I’ve never said he had great or good judgment, so am not surprised.
7/24/24- An illegal-alien CIA crack abuser, a tranny named Michael, a cackling quid pro quo escort / mistress (Willie Brown made Kamala who she is), a serial murderer by proxy (H), an Epstein islander, a fake astronaut shyster married to a fake shooting victim (if she goes with Kelly), and a demented pervert who showers with his preteen daughter walk into a bar…and we have the last 35 years of Democratic party politics
7/23/24- Revisiting the ‘Big Ugly Bubble’ post from 2016 (link); the CAPE index shows dramatic, historic overvaluation since 2022 (charts and commentary added)
Egg would appear to be on my face as the Dow has gone from 20k to 40k since this post was written in December 2016, but I stand by my prediction. I’ve never invested much in stocks so I have limited skin in the game, and I’ve done fine in other areas.
The 150-year historical average of the CAPE index (Case-Shiller cyclically adjusted price-earnings ratio) is around 16, and the current CAPE level is 35.5, and reached 38 in late 2021. The average cyclical PE lows are around 6. PEs for non-ultra-prime investment real estate (each piece of which is a business) range from 7-15 in most US locations, averaging 10-12 in most markets. Given that PE ratios are an expression of ROI and time to recoup investment, there is no argument that they’re an invalid value metric. Life is time and if you don’t get your money back and then some in a reasonable amount of time, there’s no point investing. PE-like considerations apply whether we’re talking about stocks, real estate, art, collectibles, or any other investment: how much am I paying to enter, and when can I exit for a gain; or at the very least, a return of my original value? Would a reasonable person wait 35 or 40 years just to get his principal back on a cash for equity purchase, let alone to make a profit? 10-12-15 years sounds much more reasonable. I understand that company earnings often grow over that time, and your share of the company grows along with them, but companies also shrink, go bankrupt, and become obsolete. And anyway, PE is a ratio, not a measurement, and those higher earnings and expectations of growth are already baked in.
If stocks crash 55%, which is merely a reversion to the PE norm, we’ll only be 10% below where we started in 2016 at an $18k Dow, but that is only in nominal terms, in real terms it would be a roughly 40% loss due to all the inflation since then, making stocks one of the worst major investments in the last 20 years (with about a 2.1% annualized return starting at 2004). If stock prices dip to a historically normal PE low of say 6 and don’t just return to the average, we would be looking at an 84% decline, which even if we rewind 60 years to an entry point of 1964, would equate to an annualized return of just 3.4%, or 5.1% (not terrible, but not the oft claimed double-digit average return) if the market quickly rebounded to a 15 PE. The early 1960s were the point when, adjusting for inflation, the US market had finally regained all the stock losses of the Great Depression 35 years before, which serves as a reminder that rebounds aren’t always right around the corner. Japan’s Nikkei 225 index has only in the last year or so matched its previous high from 1989, taking 35 years to fully recover, and that’s just nominally; accounting for inflation the Nikkei is still down enormously from the 1989 highs. None of this is doomspeak, it’s simply the expectation that historical patterns that have held for centuries will continue on.
As for alternative scenarios: in an era when dollars are unlimited, stocks are one of the only limited-supply things (other than prime real estate, gold/silver, art, farmland, etc) that investors can grab onto, and that could buoy prices in the short term until investors see what’s happening and eventually seek a better value / PE elsewhere. It’s also hard to know what blunting or delaying effects the ‘Plunge Protection Team‘ and Fed can produce and have produced most of my lifetime, but I wouldn’t bet on them permanently overcoming all market cycles the world has ever seen.
Given the ballooning national debt, it’s almost certain that whatever happens will be heavily obscured by inflation, which will make it difficult to parse out real losses/gains from nominal ones, especially since inflation statistics themselves are issued by the government and notoriously dishonest. Over a long view, stocks will in all likelihood always trend up, but the question will be, relative to what?
The image on the right above is from this interesting look at stock performance during hyperinflation in Germany (link). Interestingly, from 1913 to 1922 in Germany, stocks lost 84% of their value (the same percentage as above) in real terms (i.e. measured against gold / in gold marks, the pre-inflation currency which was abandoned at the onset of World War I in 1914), albeit most of that loss occurred in the last couple years of that period.
I’m not calling for hyperinflation in the US necessarily. We may have a couple years of severe market ‘deflation’ (in terms of prices) accompanied with currency inflation. Whether they ultimately save the dollar or let it die, and if it fully dies, whether that death is a slow or quick one are anyone’s guesses. It likely depends on whether the politico-military seat of power will remain here, or we have a quasi-world-government or ‘multi-polar’ scenario. My current belief is that they will try to ‘mediocritize’ the US in order to remove it as an obstacle to world government.
7/21/24- Non-update on the KSM trial, 18 years after his arrest and detention
(Updated with photos) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was arrested and detained for 9/11 in 2006, charged in 2008, and 16 years later, still no trial. The pre-trial hearing was rescheduled [yet again] for July 15th 2024. But there was no hearing, no news coverage about it before or since, no updates from the government. They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. The last thing they want to do is present their many lies about the event in a court of law.
7/21/24- Sleepy Joe nods off for good; Kamala endorsed but doubtful will be the nominee
Kamala’s endorsement is likely just decorum, like when Democrats rallied behind Joe the night of his disastrous debate. The NYT, who put the above headline out post-endorsement, is obviously not expecting her to be the nominee. How she drops out is another question; maybe reports of a gravely sick family member who magically recovers post-election. Or maybe she decides to return to a simpler life in the Senate and swaps California seats with Alex Padilla, who fills the VP slot. Call of Shapiro (or someone else out of left field) as presidential nominee remains; to be clear, I don’t like Shapiro, I just think the Dem ‘donor class’ will conclude he is the best option (though I still don’t think he can win, as elaborated below). I’m convinced it will not be Governor Hairdo, Whitmer, Hillary, or Michael O. for the reasons below. Together with Cackle-a, these so-called frontrunners are a veritable clown car.
7/18/24- My call: within 7 days Joe says he will not run again due to health concerns, finishes out term with Kamala as VP, Josh Shapiro becomes the nominee with non-Kamala identity-politics pick for running mate
Of course, I have no crystal ball and could be wrong, but this is my best guess as of this morning. Shapiro is perceived as a moderate / centrist, he’s the governor of the most important swing state, he’s not a cackling clown like Kamala (Joe will finish his term to block her from being an incumbent). Newsom’s track record is terrible and Whitmer has low likeability. My prediction is he runs with an ‘intersectional’ Hispanic or Asian person, perhaps a woman e.g. Senator Catherine Cortez of Nevada, another big state for Dems (other possibilities: Alex Padilla, Wes Moore). This is not to suggest a minority or woman couldn’t be the most qualified (I personally preferred Vivek for Trump’s VP slot; darkly, there’s a chance he could end up there anyway, alongside his Yale Law classmate Vance), only to say that the pick will be guided primarily by the person’s gender and/or race. We can only hope Shapiro doesn’t take a back seat to H; I doubt it, given H’s losing record and likeability struggles.
I wouldn’t bet on Shapiro winning, but he’s their best chance at losing in a way that salvages the party’s image and identity, not that there’s much of anything good to salvage these days. RFK Jr. paired up with a mega-recognition Dem-ish independent (maybe even another white man; gasp) is the Democrats’ best shot at actually winning – RFK polls ahead of both Trump and Biden in a 1-to-1 matchup – but he makes the rest of the party look too stupid, and they simply don’t have the guts to do it anyway.
RFK’s personal history is just about the only thing that could cancel out a large portion of Trump’s “assassination bump,” his name obviously lends a degree of star power (though he would still need a very good, non-partisan running mate), he has a good deal of appeal among independents, and he could actually poach some Trump voters as well as libertarians in a 1-on-1 contest, something no other Dem can do.
7/17/24- More intel/FBI fingerprints on Trump assassination plot
As almost always, there were ‘additional devices,’ most likely built and provided by FBI or intelligence / elements thereof as we’ve seen again and again, in Crooks’s home and car.
No coherent motive has been established, and the shooter’s phone yielded no evidence; I guess they deleted the text conversation with his newfound best buddy, his CIA handler.
Nothing more is needed to peg this one as a ‘Deep State’ / ‘Illuminati’ / choose-your-term production.
7/17/24 [See retraction of video from 7/15 post: was not actually of shooter, though does not alter case in any significant way]
7/16/24- A shocking collection of evidence proving a Secret Service standdown beyond any doubt
Former Infowars anchor Paul Joseph Watson (I do not endorse all of the content on his channel) has put out an extremely compelling collection of evidence (link) (see also) (these videos only present about half of what has been gathered in just a couple days) proving that the Secret Service betrayed the American people and stood down at the rally. This includes video of crowds of people screaming to law enforcement about the shooter for *over two minutes* before he began shooting, and proof that police were notified of the shooter’s presence almost 30 minutes beforehand. At the very least, the Secret Service could have held Trump back from the stage or pulled him off until investigating.
Taking the totality of the evidence into consideration, there is no chance this was just incompetence, though firing all the relevant leadership must be the first of consequences. RFK Jr. – who is being cast by the media as a spoiler for Biden – also must have protection assigned immediately. This event has confirmed further that we are ruled by a shadow government that is the enemy of the American people and of all nations.
7/15/24- Some brief comments on the assassination attempt; an apparent Secret Service standdown, with the shooting itself likely facilitated/engineered by the ‘intelligence community’ [Retraction: video of shooter was not actually of shooter, but of another person. I chalked this up to aging, hairstyle, and it potentially being AI or doctored footage; this does not alter or significantly weaken the case being made]
As I wrote three days prior on July 10th, a Trump assassination or attempt thereof was an imminent potentiality, and indeed it was. In the initial moments, after seeing the made-for-TV fist pump and ‘fight,’ I actually leaned towards the idea it might have been staged by Trump himself to generate sympathy and support, and that his ear wasn’t struck by a bullet, but perhaps by shrapnel or was nicked with an implement on purpose while he was on the ground.
But after a few more minutes of research and consideration, it became that clear that that theory didn’t hold any water: Biden’s Secret Service would’ve had to have been deeply involved, other people at the scene were shot and killed (RIP Corey Comperatore, who died heroically shielding his family), and assuming it was a bullet, a graze of the ear from 100 yards on a moving head is much too close for comfort; William Tell wouldn’t even be trusted. Trump in my opinion is an entertainer before all his other hats, and he may have considered beforehand what he would say and do, or done it out of instinct.
It’s become very clear that a standdown occurred, and that Trump was the target of a conspiracy. We have several witnesses on camera reporting that they noted the shooter minutes in advance, and people in the crowd can be heard screaming ‘he’s got a gun’ beforehand. The Secret Service snipers on another roof appear to be looking in Crooks’s direction and wait to kill until after several shots ring out, and Crooks’s rooftop was one of the only areas of concern in the entire surroundings. The Secret Service committed a similar act of betrayal in the JFK assassination, when they braked the limousine, which was noted by many witnesses but edited out of the Zapruder film, allowing for several easy shots.
The shooter’s identity as a gun-loving Republican does not make any sense, and the incongruency with his act recalls the ‘fake [ / engineered] shooting lottery’ post from 3/18/2019, or may just be a crude instance of ‘live by the [defense of] gun [rights] die by the gun’ messaging implanted by the conspirators.
If I had to take a stab at what actually occurred, it would be that Crooks was mentally deficient or compromised, manipulated into participating by intelligence agents, whether public or of a private ‘Illuminati’ group, and that a second, more competent shooter at the scene was entrusted with the kill shot, but failed due to Trump’s head movements, with intel infiltratators in the Secret Service engineering the standdown. In other words, ‘lone gunman’ 101.
As has been the case from the very beginning, back in 2015, there’s still a nagging notion I have that wittingly or unwittingly, Trump is not only a member of ‘the Big Club’ / approved player on ‘the world stage,’ but also that this event and others were planned in advance. That, or time travelers/clairvoyants are running things.
(See below: bumper sticker from Trump’s 2016 campaign, and card from ‘Illuminati: New World Order’ card game, published in 1985, republished in 1995; card reads: ‘At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you. Have a nice day.’ Many other events including 9/11 have been alluded to and outright depicted in this game. Note also the viruses/virions behind the figure’s head [covid] and the up-down arrows/pyramids, which may suggest a stock market crash – perhaps the covid crash or a future crash – or could be a reference to the octahedron symbology / worship that is characteristic of the ‘NWO’; see post on 10/22/23; see also post from 10/4/20 ‘Why defend Trump? It boils down to one simple point’)
7/11/24- Debunking Allan Lichtman’s prediction chops and ‘keys’ model
Oddly, the figure leading the Keep-Biden charge is a little known and suddenly glorified history professor, Allan Lichtman, who boasts that he predicted 9 of the last 10 elections, allegedly using his ‘Keys to the White House’ model. Removing wishful thinking and partisanship from one’s mindset, the following of those elections were not hard to predict based on common sense and pre-election polls: 2012 (incumbent with improving economy; weak, robotic challenger), 2008 (Obama very popular, Palin a disastrous VP choice), 2004 (incumbent with good economy, Kerry a doof), 1996 (incumbent with good economy, Dole a dud, Perot taking votes from right), 1992 (Perot taking huge # of votes from the right, polls made it clear Clinton had a plurality), 1988 (VP incumbent with good economy, Dukakis tank photo incident), 1984 (incumbent with good economy). Essentially, Lichtman has made two (66%) reasonably difficult calls correctly, 2016 and 2020, and got 2000 wrong (and the extremely suspect voting methods in 2020 changed things substantially for Biden; I got 2016 right and 2020 wrong on this blog, but in the latter case I used my prediction both as a form of ‘positive propaganda’ which I sometimes do here to be frank, and also let wishful thinking [both that Dems wouldn’t cheat and that Biden would lose] weigh in). So Lichtman’s record is essentially one call away from a very bad 33% record, and one of the victories he called was fraudulent. He could have simply been watching what the rest of us were watching, then altered his ‘lean’ and his ‘keys’ explanations to conform to the changing circumstances. His ‘lean’ (currently Biden) may shift at any time, and his calls are not made until the day before the election. If he made firm calls 3-6+ months in advance, he would be much more respectable. The only rule his calls appear to reliably follow is to predict an incumbent with a good economy, which everyone already knows about. In no instances have his predictions departed from that one rule (the ’92 economy wasn’t so hot); yet most Americans, according to polls, do not consider this economy to be good; OK at best, with many hurt by inflation. I’m sure Lichtman is very learned about politics and elections, I just don’t think his prediction record is impressive upon scrutiny. As far as Biden 2024 goes, Lichtman says debate performance historically doesn’t matter; that may be true, but they matter when over 80% of the population according to polls concludes from them that a candidate has dementia; that is disqualifying. Biden didn’t just perform normally but a little poorly, he sh*t the bed for 90 minutes. Everyone saw it, and won’t unsee.
7/11/24- An electoral college tie at 269 is reasonably likely; the only Democratic path to handily beat Trump
As Democrats variously weigh their victory prospects with an imploding[ed] Joe / work overtime to bring Joe down, I thought I’d work up the ‘270 to Win’ map in light of current polls.
Although Trump is leading in all the red states and districts shown, including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan – which we can call the likely-best case for Trump – it’s not unlikely that electoral fraud will flip those states to Biden, which we can call Trump’s likely worst-case. If that happens, Maine splits again, and Joe is able to win Nebraska’s 2nd district [supposedly] again, the result would be a tie at 269.
(Edit: If Joe wins 2nd NE again, he will win with 270 votes. The district has gone to Republicans in 8 of the last 10 elections, including 2016)
Unfortunately for Democrats, the tiebreaker is a Republican-controlled House, so Trump wins. Fortunately for the media, we’d have another four years of lawfare and divisive whining about ‘democracy’ [i.e. our Constitutional republic that was founded on the basis that all 50 states, not just the biggest ones, would have a voice), the electoral college, and the Supreme Court.
Personally, I don’t think it matters all that much whom the Democrats pick. Joe is a disaster and no longer a credible victor even with systemic cheating, Kamala never had any popularity to begin with and won’t suddenly now, and Newsom’s approval ratings are tanking (40%) even in his own dark-blue state, which people continue to flee in droves. His hairdo isn’t enough to get him over the finish line. God willing, the wicked witch (H) won’t think it’s her moment to step back on stage.
If we A) did not live in a divide-and-conquer, two-wings-same-bird, mostly predetermined circus, and B) establishment Democrats had any sense, neither of which obtain, they would use this chaos to bring RFK Jr and a rightish, less partisan Democrat (or much better, a high-name-recognition independent / non-politician willing to run as a Democrat; no one immediately pops into mind – maybe someone like Mark Cuban if he weren’t a Biden fanboy – though I’m sure one could have a very long list after a couple hours of brainstorming) onto the ticket, boot Joe and Kamala, handily beat Trump, and achieve a true mandate, not that I’d want their party to have one; in a 1-on-1 scenario, RFK already polls over Trump (and Biden) in many states. (By the way, this scenario isn’t ‘crazy but it just might work.’ It’s not at all crazy, and it would definitely work; in our clown world, truth and reason appear to many as insanity. Though admittedly, it would be a little jarring/’crazy’ to have the juxtaposition of two reasonable, minimally partisan candidates with the TDS mania that predominates in the party / with its buffoonish leaders like Pelosi and Schumer).
And on the plus side, the Democratic establishment – who will mercilessly shiv or fervently praise Joe and their other members depending on what today’s Beat-Trump forecast looks like – don’t have things like principles and loyalty to get in their way, which makes a shake-up of the ticket much easier for them. But as always, breath not held. I don’t even think I’d want this given the atrocious state of the party, I’m just spitballing.
7/10/24- What’s in the false-flag hopper? Fake-nuke dirty bomb in Texas or Midwest, covid 2.0, cyber attack; Trump assassination, fake ET encounter
As discussed here for years, the decreasingly talented and increasingly aged power structure has been operating off a tired-out playbook that hasn’t been adapted to the Information Age, if such a thing is even imaginably possible without shutting down the internet. (This certainly isn’t to say they haven’t taken any steps to adapt. YouTube is the new TV, and is swarming with spooks masquerading as independent content creators. Operation Mockingbird expanded into YouTube a decade ago or earlier, at the same time that independent channels began to be censored and purged en masse from the platform; hence the fact that the majority of YouTube links on this blog are no longer functional).
Covid failed miserably by past standards, firmly convincing somewhere between 30-70% of people depending on the country, perhaps around 55-60% on average in the US (and a minority of people in many red states), even in the initial months. 9/11 (which was essentially before the mainstreaming of the internet as an information source), Oklahoma City, Pearl Harbor and other false flag events of the 20th century achieved effectiveness approaching or exceeding 99% in all 50 states in the first weeks and months, which was more than enough ‘cognitive/belief unity’ to force through the desired agendas. Any more than say 5-7% non-adherence is not workable. While initiatives might still be bullied into being by a desperate government and censorship might be employed and lately has, the population becomes subconsciously or consciously demoralized by this, the society becomes less productive (e.g. the enormous rise in laziness and resentment of work since covid) and less relevant, and the benefit of controlling said society / plundering it via these means decreases.
Sandy Hook (2012) is when the establishment really began to noticeably falter. Immediately after the event, YouTube activists blew apart the official narrative, which may have only convinced 65-75% of Americans in the initial weeks. Predictably, the anti-gun measures they desired all failed utterly, with gun ownership and Constitutional Carry aka permitless carry skyrocketing in the years since, the latter rising from 4 states in 2012 to 29 states in 2024 (and another 13 with ‘shall-issue’ permits, and may-issue permitting essentially becoming illegal since the 2022 Bruen decision by the Supreme Court). Similarly, ‘vaccine hesitancy’ (as if people should not have been hesitant to inject themselves with experimental gene therapy products) and doubt of conventional medicine have never been higher since the botched covid event.
While I don’t like to give the establishment any ideas, I’m sure they’ve thought of all the foregoing scenarios, and the benefit of normalizing the idea outweighs the cost.
Dirty bomb cast as mini-nuke: an extremely large conventional explosive with ‘dirty’ elements (uranium, plutonium, etc.) goes off in a major US city or perhaps multiple cities, causing detectable radiation and related health issues (but a limited amount of permanent damage and economic disruption), and will be characterized as a ‘nuclear device.’ The bomb, likely another joint CIA-Mossad production, is blamed on an Iran-linked, supposedly Iran-funded terror group. The city is in the middle of America, serving to ‘bring Americans together’ and shortcircuiting the idea of flyover irrelevance. Houston is probably the likeliest target, since it undermines Texas and Southern secessionism or nullification movements (the ‘dream’ of secession is undermined without the inclusion of Texas, an economic powerhouse), which have returned as real threats, followed by Chicago, which was considered by CIA-Mossad for 9/11. Dallas seems too predictable given its history with JFK. The aforementioned are two cities that are large enough to be ‘worthy’ of said attack. The US becomes involved in another war aka ‘use of force’ in the Middle East to ‘disable’ Iran’s nuclear program / military and the establishment and bootlicking citizens and political candidates blather for years and decades about how we were ‘nuked’ by terrorists, justifying even more of a surveillance state than we already have. Another several trillion or perhaps tens of trillions are shaken out of the taxpayer cookie jar. Of course, such an event might also happen in Israel itself.
With all the recent chatter in Washington that a major terrorist attack [i.e. committed by terrorist migrants crossing the US border] is ‘inevitable,’ I wouldn’t be shocked if the seeming murder of Thomas Massie’s wife was not just retaliation, but also a pre-emptive strike to silence the few other anti-interventionists in Congress and the media, in the event of such an attack.
Covid 2.0: a much deadlier pathogen returns, with the predictable lockdown, vaccine push, etc. I called out covid as a pre-planned false-flag event (false flag because it was blamed on a natural pathogen rather than the laboratory that created it) here in February 2020 before the lockdowns even started, and as I claimed in March 2020 with Covid 1.0, an aerosolized pneumonia bacteria or highly deadly adjunct pathogen will again be introduced in ‘red zones’ to cause worldwide terror and ‘shock and awe,’ and some primary, less deadly pathogen will then spread organically among the population. Death rates might be many times higher than the 0.1% covid was proven to have, but the treatment will again likely be deadlier than the disease. There are two dark potentialities: one is that the illness will involve a hemorraghic fever or symptom that the more-clotted vaxxed may be relatively protected against. In that case, unvaxxed people should have safe clotting agents on hand such as vitamin K (overclotting is generally not a risk with it, at least in its dietary form), and familiarize themselves with the general subject and with treatments for hemorrhagic illnesses (vitamin K has shown high effectiveness against Dengue hemorrhagic fever, for example). Another, God forbid, is that rather than the elderly, children may be predisposed, as a way to scare people into submission, though the idea that the elderly will again be targeted to cut entitlement costs down also has a logic, albeit a very dark one.
Cyberattack: a government or major corporate facility (Visa, Amazon, Apple, etc.) is hacked, causing economic disruption. An ‘internet ID,’ long desired by the establishment, is rolled out as a way to keep an eye on dissidents and even more importantly, scare people into self-censorship.
Some other potentials:
Trump assassination: while I have criticized Alex Jones here, he is right on 90% of the things he talks about and is right to beat this drum. It is certainly a possibility, and if recent cases are any basis, odds are the culprit won’t be the person blamed, or if they are, that the person was manipulated into doing it by the ‘intelligence community’ or some covert group.
Fake alien encounter or attack: it’s been a recurring topic here since 2015, and there’s always the chance they will go with this, though I don’t think they’re quite ready. They may never do it in our lifetimes, since if it were to ever fail, it would be game over for super-centralized power. If aliens exist, they are ‘demonic’ entities in spatially close proximity or a parallel dimension, not ‘outer space’ beings from great physical distances away, i.e. the trillions of miles and ‘light years’ of the false conventional universe model. Remember that the word Apocalypse literally means Disclosure.
7/9/24- On May 16th, Representative Thomas Massie introduced a bill to audit and abolish the Federal Reserve (link). On June 10th, Massie informed Tucker Carlson that every Republican in Congress has an assigned ‘person’ and ‘babysitter’ from AIPAC (link). Massie has voted against funding Israel, and sought to have AIPAC register as a foreign agent. AIPAC then spent $400,000 on ads opposing his landslide (76%) reelection in May of this year (link; ads in link). On June 27th, Massie’s healthy 51-year-old wife was found dead, and no cause of death has been released. This was very likely a hit intended to silence Massie and other politicians.
Thomas Massie is by all appearances the best man in Congress, better than Rand Paul and the small handful of other libertarians and Constitutionalists.
Since no natural cause of death has been released or even surmised with any credibility, I’m going to guess that Rhonda Massie, a mother of four, recent grandmother, and MIT-educated engineer, was suicided. She was healthy and the couple had returned from a hiking trip to Mount Rainier with their children and newborn grandson just days prior (link) (see also).
Whether it was the Fed bill or the AIPAC comments (probably the combination) that did it doesn’t really matter; it’s all one monster and one empire. And it’s not just about Israeli or Jewish ‘lobby groups’ (some say mafia) in the power structure; Israel was created by the West, by both Jews and non-Jews, as a means to justify perpetual intervention in Asia and the middle of the Old World. That said, the presence of hardline Zionist Jews (particularly as relates to think tanks such as the Project for a New American Century, or PNAC, and the events of 9/11, which was a joint CIA-Mossad operation; as well in the leadership of powerful groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations) in ‘Deep State’ machinations has indeed risen markedly since the late 1980s, as has the zeal of Zionist Christians in the Republican and Democratic parties. (As for my general thoughts on Israel and Palestine, I gave those back on 12/4/2018: I do not think the Biblical / religious claim to the land made by some Israelis is just or legitimate, and I condemn the targeting of civilians, but most nations of the world including the US were also founded and expanded in an unjust, or depending on one’s worldview, an ‘ajust’/amoral fashion, including many which were supported by external nations and powers; thus I don’t see much difference in legitimacy between those nations and Israel. I don’t believe the US has a duty to militarily or financially support Israel, especially after incidents such as the USS Liberty attack, not to mention the clear involvement of Mossad agents in 9/11, whether officially or as ‘rogue elements’).
By using foreign policy to destabilize Afro-Eurasia at its center (the Middle East), the West remains more geopolitically relevant, the $1 trillion per year in MIC funds can be harvested from US taxpayers, and the banks can reap their additional $1 trillion per year in interest, much of it stemming from war and ‘defense’ spending. Again, that is 2,000 billion dollars and growing (i.e., $1,035 per month per US worker), paid on time, each and every year.
This is what I refer to when I say we live under a dictatorship. Certain candidates, agendas, and opinions are allowed, and if you go off the reservation, you get hammered. We have to stop pretending this is freedom. Sadly, the only likely solution in my opinion, one that can end the incentive for this predation, is secession.
7/5/24- Retraction of false/unproven info
In two recent posts I made reference to Biden’s daughter showering at night to avoid Joe’s intrusions. While the naked shower assaults [I would describe them as such whether or not there was contact], seemingly occurring in her preteen years based on context clues, did happen according to the authenticated diary, there is no mention in the diary of her changing shower times; not that it alters the case against Joe. I watched a video that showed a blurry/distant screenshot of the diary while making this claim, and regurgitated it here. Afterwards I found it suspicious that I hadn’t heard that before, so I skimmed/read the document.
There is only one mention of showers in the diary, however, what has not been mentioned in the news coverage is that on page 92 (link) there is a list of sources of trauma blamed for her addictions:
[preceded by illegible word, maybe Grief] Trauma
-Dad younger [of course, this could mean many things; the car accident was 10 years before her birth]
-Bus driver
-Beau’s death
-Rape & sexual encounters
-Verbal abuse
While I don’t like to violate privacy and felt uncomfortable reading a diary, I think the public interest weighs out, especially in consideration of the destructive nature of Biden’s policies and the effect they have on 330 million Americans and the entire world, and since we already have abundant evidence that Joe is a molester / groper and likely worse. If he were a state-level politician or even a Senator, I wouldn’t be talking about this.
Virtually all of the content on this blog consists of vetted primary-source evidence and my own thoughts thereon, including on related topics such as Pizzagate, with very few secondary sources used, so I wanted to make note of the error.
7/5/24- Vanity Fair, who published a book-length hit piece on RFK Jr. this week, blathers on about ‘Biden family values’ (link); why is Joe Biden often called ‘decent’?
What exactly are these high values and decency very often spoken about? This is a guy who showered with his preteen daughter multiple / many times, which according to the diary caused or contributed to her drug addiction, and sex addiction (which I myself very nearly dealt with in a Philadelphia bar in I believe 2013 [i.e. while she was newly married, which I wasn’t aware of], if it wasn’t for my decision to bring up politics a few minutes in); who has molested female toddlers and young girls many times on camera (check out the extreme, wtf-level creepiness of a 73-year-old Biden with a 12ish year old girl starting at 5:47 in this video; this is not really a compilation by the way, just footage from one afternoon, link to raw footage; here’s another clip from the same afternoon where Jeff Sessions swats Biden’s hand away from his granddaughter, saying ‘don’t touch her,’ to which Biden said ‘what happened?’ (audio at 27:49 of raw footage); see also, standard procedure for Joe); who ignored and essentially disowned his own granddaughter for four years; whose son Hunter, who referred to Joe as Pedo Peter, had an affair with his dead brother’s wife, and based on emails appears to have had a strange relationship with his then 13-year-old niece Natalie [i.e. said brother’s daughter] when he was approximately 50, exactly what kind I will not speculate (on the laptop were photos of Natalie in bra and panties or bikini, of Natalie in Hunter’s bed, and multiple text messages saying that Hunter was accused of being ‘sexually inappropriate’ with Natalie and not allowed to be with her alone anymore). The decency bar is set pretty low these days. And this is only what the public knows, probably the tip of the iceberg. Trump and RFK are miles from squeaky clean, but are choir boys compared to Joe.
7/3/24- Why RFK and Trump should team up, and may need to
Now that the Supreme Court immunity ruling has scuttled the remaining Trump charges, the Trump sentencing has been delayed and may be delayed again or canceled altogether due to evidentiary problems the ruling introduced, and RFK Jr. has severely botched his VP pick, RFK does not appear to have any path to victory. At best, even if he gains much more traction (and I think it’s possible he will lose traction, as voters feel pulled back to their regular parties), I think we’re looking at a 40-40-20, Ross Perot scenario.
The Shanahan pick alone killed RFK’s prospects, regardless of Trump or his legal outcomes. RFK needed a candidate with massive, universal name recognition and massive crossover appeal, to draw in independents, non-voters, libertarians, and Trump voters. Shanahan, a lifelong Democrat, though rich from her divorce from Google founder Sergey Brin, is broke in both of these critical regards. A strong and symbolic VP pick was the main tool RFK had to become unignorable, represent non-partisanship (not a ‘basically Democrat but anti-vax-mandate’ ticket), and break into the national conversation and debates. Half the population / electoral college is Republican and RFK has not made many nods to them beyond his stance on vaccines, which isn’t enough since those are largely state issues anyway, not federal. RFK’s lowest hanging fruit to make himself viable was on the right, not the left.
RFK may have overestimated his own name recognition and ability to carry a ticket. In spite of his last name, he was off the radar of 95% plus of Americans prior to covid, where he entered the discourse by speaking out against vaccine mandates. And as unfair as it is, his vocal problems are a big flaw in a leader.
Even if Trump were to get offed between now and November, RFK would not beat out the replacement Republican candidate by a plurality, nor would he beat Biden’s replacement if Biden steps down. An establishment Democrat like Newsom or, God forbid, Hillary will take Joe’s place and get the lion’s share of the mostly blue-no-matter-who Democrat votes. If Biden drops from the race, he will finish out this term and they will start a fresh ticket in order to push Kamala, who has zero chance against Trump, out of the way; if Joe steps down now and they let Kamala assume office, she would have to be the nominee. Joe will just say ‘I will finish this term but may not have another four years in me.’
So again, RFK has very little to no chance without Trump, and Trump’s chances will be greatly amplified, virtually assured, with RFK. RFK will bring along many of the 7-10 points he is polling with now, he will attract libertarians who like his critical thought and views on bodily autonomy, he’ll attract more independents who see the Kennedy name in a positive light, and he’ll attract some Democrats (a very large percentage of whom do not like Biden) who will be willing to hold their nose if a Democrat is on the ticket. He will also help Trump’s performance with blacks, since JFK and RFK Sr. were and still are very popular among blacks. And jokingly or not, I think Joe Rogan would finally let Trump on his show, which would help further with independents. Virtually no current Trump supporters will abandon the ticket if Trump chooses Kennedy.
Without RFK or a libertarian candidate with some crossover appeal, Trump’s lead is too narrow, whether he faces Biden or a replacement. A few large urban counties can be stolen again and we’ll have a repeat of the 2020 fraud. If he paired with RFK we could be looking at a mega landslide. As far as I’m aware, there are no states where Trump and Kennedy’s combined poll points do not exceed Biden’s, and in most by a large margin.
After waiting four years and ‘proving himself’ as VP, RFK will be the presidential frontrunner for 2028. And if the CIA kills another Kennedy after their 9-year war against Trump, secession and nullification will go from the magazine to the chamber, as it becomes clear that the people’s choice will simply never be allowed in this country. Kennedy also offers some assassination protection for Trump: medical tyranny is the new counter-terror police state, and the last thing the establishment wants in the event of assassination is an anti-mandate guy sitting on deck.
With regards to image concerns, RFK is not compromising or sullying himself by pairing with Trump, he is instead forcing Trump to compromise by agreeing to a unity ticket rather than choosing a lackey from his party. And the presence of RFK will enhance Trump’s desired image as a set-upon hero fighting the system (desired image, not exactly how I see him).
As for how the candidates have commented on the prospect thus far, Trump said it’s ‘interesting’ and ‘would sound good,’ and RFK said ‘he hasn’t considered it.’ He also said ‘I don’t think my marriage would survive it,’ to which his [third] wife Cheryl Hines said ‘I think he’s right’ (link). Hopefully, both candidates will wise up in time and make it happen (though I’m seldom optimistic when it comes to the wisdom or backbone of politicians).
(I’ve made it clear many times that I’m not a cheerleader for Trump, and he sucks in many ways that I’ve outlined, but in many ways he doesn’t suck, particularly on the things a president can control: foreign policy, avoiding foreign wars and interventions (despite his bluster), states’ rights, calling out the permanent state, etc. RFK has many flaws too: he wants to keep government spending high, he has no business or private sector experience, he fell hook-line-and-sinker for the Green New Deal $100 trillion scam, etc. (I think protecting the environment is very important, but the above version is just an epic, multi-generational plundering of taxpayers, and means to control people’s movements and freedoms). The point is that we need to set aside these differences and compromise with a ticket that represents the substantial common ground on which most Americans stand.)
(And in the interest of full disclosure, I currently have a small 40:1 bet placed on Vivek as Trump’s VP pick, which would net me about a thousand bucks. I’m not a gambler and it was the first online bet I’ve ever made, I just took it as a flier. I was not ‘talking my book’ in the last post, and truly think Vivek (or Rand Paul) is the best pick from within the Republican party; that’s why I made the bet, hoping reason would be seen. But RFK is the best overall pick for Trump, and I’d gladly lose that money and many-fold more to see the red team-blue team standoff finally end.)
7/2/24- Thoughts on the debate and what Trump needs to win; and can we stop pretending Joe just started having dementia? It’s been happening for close to a decade. It was discussed in detail here in March 2020 and called out by others months before that, and reached mainstream consciousness by late summer or early fall of 2020
Obviously Biden was a sh*tshow (perhaps literally) both when he was speaking and not speaking, but this is nothing new: millions of us were talking about this before he even took office, including here on 3/8/2020 and many times afterwards, and I certainly wasn’t the first. It just became undeniable to all, but this degenerative process was visible as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in his early to mid 70s, if not before that. That’s a typical timeline for dementia, and he shouldn’t be mocked or shamed; what he should be is out of office and into a prison cell or prison hospital. Trump’s debate performance was far better than Biden’s, but also poor. He spent too much of the debate boasting (I was the best, he is the worst; I ran the country perfectly, he is destroying it) and mad-dogging the camera like Jeff Dunham’s ventriloquist doll.
Trump needs to become an upbeat unifier if he wants to win big, and he must do that to overcome electoral fraud. The ‘loser,’ red hat, hyperbole (I’m the best, they’re the worst) song and dance from 2016 won’t play well enough again. It’s tired out and lacks what charm it once had. The main reasons independents support Trump now is because they associate him with a good economy and Biden with a bad one, and they want law and order, where Dems are perceived as being soft on crime. Immigration is a major issue for people but is being overplayed. More than border security, people want law and order, whether the crimes are committed by Americans or foreigners. Granted, it’s hard to be tough on crime when you’re awaiting sentencing, but 60-70% of the country accepts that his conviction is a farce, and the law and order issue refers only to violent crime, ransacking stores, etc.
None of his best VP prospects are being discussed. He doesn’t need a lapdog who dresses up like him (red tie brigade, etc), he needs someone with great name recognition whom he parts from on some issues, to freshen up the ticket, signal that he is not a fragile egomaniac who needs a sidekick, and to show maturity and compromise and create a big tent: RFK Jr. (if he is interested; he would also provide some assassination protection, I hate to say), Rand Paul, Vivek (because he’s young, intelligent, and not a politician like the other red ties), and maybe even Jesse Ventura (though he may be a tad zany). Trump needs to distinguish or separate himself from his base and stop throwing red meat to them, which turns off independents and potential Democrat flip votes. His base is already locked up, they’re not going anywhere. With all the swing states in play, he needs a libertarian or simpatico person to draw libertarians away from their party, whose 2-3% almost certainly would make the difference.
Burgum would be a good candidate to appeal to upper Midwesterners (whom Trump needs badly to win), but is unviable simply because he stated on national TV very candidly (link) that he did not trust Trump / would not do business with him (I don’t think I would either, but I’m not running for office), so he looks like a coward and a hypocrite (aka a typical politician) if he pairs with him. Same goes for Vance, his past statements provide way too much ammo for short and sweet attack ads. Stefanik has low name recognition and mediocre charisma. Noem is a little too folksy, too good looking (which I feel would cancel out some female support), and shooting the family dog hurts her, and Trump already has the rural vote. Rubio has a whiny voice and may have some big skeletons in his closet that could go from rumor to fact if selected. Tim Scott is OK, but I don’t think choosing a black VP will move the needle too much with black voters; they’re going to see through that, especially after Obama, Harris, and Biden’s incessant ‘it will be a black person/woman’ identity politics. Vivek, who unlike the others in the paragraph above is officially in contention, would do well with Asians, and perhaps Hispanics also, being ‘brown,’ especially since neither of those two groups, both of whom are crucial to winning, has made a national ticket before, and unlike some of the others, he doesn’t appear to have any dirty laundry as relates to Trump.
But since we live in red-team blue-team clown world, I won’t be holding my breath.
7/1/24- Mixed feelings on the ‘official immunity’ ruling
I do not understand all the nuances of the ruling and need to read it, but there are some major mitigating considerations against the claim that presidents are now unrestrained.
For one, Congress can already block the President’s actions and remove him from office in an impeachment trial, and in real time, the military can refuse to obey him. I see nothing in the ruling that precludes impeachment, which allows for instant removal of a president from office. The notion that ‘presidents are now kings’ is exaggerated. Congress retains the power to promptly remove and ban from future office any president who commits crimes. Trump has already been impeached by Congress twice, and it failed twice.
(As for the superior power of Congress over the presidency, if we can’t trust ‘our own representatives’ to act rightly, then yes, we are F’d, and we really can’t, so we are F’d / at the mercy of the government. But it’s been that way our whole lives. The partisan pearl-clutching we’re seeing now is contrived.) (And as for the supposed sanctity of our laws and our ability to enforce them punitively, the federal government has been completely ignoring the Constitution for the last century and longer. The large bulk of the federal government is completely unconstitutional and very obviously, indisputably contrary to the 10th Amendment; yet all of the sudden Democrats and their media on YouTube – who ardently support that federal monstrosity – are becoming constitutional scholars and poring over its articles and sections; it’s about political expediency and winning, as always, not about equally applied principle.)
Secondly, we’ve basically had official immunity for the last century and longer. Nixon never went to prison and was allowed to resign. We’ve had multiple war criminals as presidents in my lifetime. We’ve had two fake presidents in Obama and Biden. The first was not a US citizen, the second stole an election. Our current fake president was involved in multi-million-dollar influence peddling schemes with China, Ukraine, and other countries while in office as VP, and was not even put under investigation, let alone charged. What this ruling really does, disgustingly in the case of W Bush especially, is excuse all the past, living presidents who did things much worse than the non-crimes of Trump, thankfully not including Biden, since his illegal acts were not committed in an official capacity.
While I dislike the principle of expanding executive power and want a relatively weak executive branch, the only thing that really changes here in practice, at this moment in history, is that the bogus J6 lawfare campaign and Jack Smith’s fraudulent, partisan efforts are blocked.
Over the last several years the shadow government has come out of the shadows and is becoming overtly tyrannical, and playing a little dirty now and then may be necessary. If we give up the ability to prosecute presidents for official acts after they leave office, and by extension the ability to wage lawfare and unjustly persecute presidents, as opposed to just removing them from office via impeachment, and some criminal presidents end up walking free as a result of that, that’s an acceptable if unsavory trade-off. It’s sad that our primary concern in this has to be abuse of power by sworn members our judiciary and justice departments, who have taken an oath of good faith and impartiality, but that’s where we are.
Let’s imagine Trump is guilty for J6, though he isn’t; I’d much, much rather have him and one or two future criminals end up walking free (at least they’ll be out of office) than have my entire nation and our political discourse be held hostage by rogue prosecutors and judges with a parade of hoax / highly tenuous charges and investigations for nine years straight and counting.
(6/30/24- I almost never do this, but I’m going to retract the last post since upon listening to the interview, it wasn’t a completely fair characterization of what was said. I do think the danger of crossing the Darien Gap and dangers in other aspects of migrants’ journeys north are sensationalized to garner sympathy, but after reviewing the video footage, it didn’t apply to my case as much as I thought.)
6/29/24- Road trip through Mexico and Central America, some observations
A few days ago I got back from a 17,000-mile road trip through the Southeast US, 27 of 32 states of Mexico, and all countries of Central America, from the Philadelphia area to Panama and back, in my car from the US. The trip had a few different motives including curiosity, visiting some people, and research. Overall it was a great experience, and I miss the food badly. I have some observations and thoughts from the trip that I’ll be posting on here in the near future.
(In terms of safety, despite standing out with my gringo appearance and US license plates (or perhaps in part because of that), I did not experience any actual or potential crime in any country (aside from cops in Mexico who may have stolen an item from my car during a search; I’m not completely sure whether it was there or not; and on a past trip in 2020, a hotel worker in Mexico City stole about $200 cash from my bag in a ‘secure’ luggage room), nor witness any, nor did I see any obvious cartel or gang members, including in four State Department ‘Do Not Travel’ zones, three of them in Mexico and one in Guatemala. Whether that was luck, a blessing, or just the norm, I can’t say, but I suspect the latter. I speak Spanish fluently which was invaluable in terms of getting around and meeting people, but I don’t think there were many or any make-or-break moments where not knowing it would have directly affected my safety. I’m only dwelling on that topic (safety) since it is by far the most common question I’ve gotten. As with everywhere else I’ve been, almost all the people I came across were basically good and decent.)
6/18/24- Post-truth America; about this ‘convicted felon’ stuff…
George HW Bush, a career CIA agent masquerading as a businessman, sowed disinformation on the afternoon of the JFK assassination and lied about having done so (link), and lied us into the Gulf War based on false, sensational reports about Saddam Hussein cooked up by Bush’s Kuwaiti oil buddies (link), which resulted in at least 25,000 US veterans dying from Gulf War Syndrome and at least 250,000 veterans who were sickened and had their lives seriously harmed, not to mention the combat casualties (link).
Bill Clinton (and often by extension Hillary) ordered at least dozens of murders to protect himself / themselves (link), defrauded a number of senior citizens of their homes in the Whitewater scandal (link), engaged in insider trading (link) (link), meddled in and destroyed Haiti for his/their own personal gain (link) and probably in part for illicit sexual escapades, flew dozens of times on Epstein’s jet with barely pubescent girls whom he almost certainly had ‘sexual relations’ with (link), and earned hundreds of millions for his so called foundation i.e. influence-peddling operation (plus a $500k payment directly for a ‘speech’ aka bribe (link), among many many millions the Clintons have earned from speech-bribes) in the Russian uranium deal (aka ‘Russian collusion,’ immeasurably more than the none that can be pinned on Trump) (link), among countless other misdeeds.
George W Bush lied us into the Iraq War (link) which led to the death of 1 million civilians and 10,000 US soldiers with several times more than that maimed, joked about it on stage to a knee-slapping audience at a black-tie press gala (link) (link), and looked the other way so the CIA & Israel’s Mossad [or ‘rogue elements’ thereof, not that that means anything when we consider the nature of their official ops] could jointly commit 9/11 (link) (link) (link) (link), amounting to lying us into the 20-year Afghanistan War also. Then he and his blood-soaked collaborators such as Rumsfeld and Cheney ran the talk show circuit, sold a lot of books, and rode off into the sunset.
Barack Obama misrepresented himself as a straight man (I’m live and let live and ‘not that there’s anything wrong with that,’ but the man played a fake character with a fake folksy delivery to mislead an entire nation) married to a woman (link) (link) (link) (link)(link); is or for a long time was most likely a crack abuser while overseeing imprisonment of people for same, is by all appearances an illegal-alien Kenyan and possibly Indonesian national (who was not automatically granted and never claimed US citizenship) and a US intelligence asset (and son of CIA asset or agent Stanley Ann Dunham) (link) who still may be legally named Barack/Barry Soetoro and who has a fake Hawaii birth certificate (link); had innocent people murdered who knew about his homosexuality including Donald Young, Nate Spencer, and Larry Bland (three gay men from Obama’s Chicago church who all died within 40 days of each other in late 2007; Bland and Young are still listed as unsolved) (link)(link) (link); and defrauded the American people by illegally taking office, and even after fraudulently taking office, repeatedly broke the law further by attempting to enter the US into harmful treaties without Congressional consent (link). He was implicated in the Pizzagate emails (‘spent $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago’), likely referring to sex trafficking of some kind. He also dropped more bombs in more countries than any president since Lyndon Johnson, and bragged he’s ‘really good at killing people.’ (link)
Joe Biden engaged in major international influence peddling and money laundering via corrupt deals with see-through front companies controlled by America’s #1 enemy (link), totaling tens of millions of dollars gained from abusing his power and influence; abused his power again (and confessed to it on camera) so that a prosecutor would be fired who was investigating his son who was in Ukraine as an unregistered foreign agent enriching Joe and his family (link) (link), stoked the flames of a war that has killed hundreds of thousands and in doing so protected his financial interests in Ukraine, assaulted several prepubescent girls on camera in one hour of one afternoon alone including fondling the breast of a 4-year-old toddler who elbowed him away (link), took nude showers with his preteen daughter according to a diary we know is real because a person was jailed over its release (link) (link); disowned and ignored his granddaughter for four years to protect his own image (link) (as if there is or was much to protect), and stole a presidential election (covered in previous posts). And we’re supposed to forget about all that because Hunter got what will be a slap on the wrist on a relatively minor gun charge.
Donald Trump had weird hair and sent some mean tweets. That’s about it. He told J6 protesters to be peaceful in advance, and to go home when they became violent. Fewer than 1% entered the Capitol, and a small fraction of that <1%, many of them feds, were violent against police. The only real casualty of the day was one protestor killed in cold blood by Capitol security.
For all of Trump’s downsides, he is not a war criminal, he’s not a serial murderer by proxy, he’s not a child abuser (let alone of his own children), or at least no evidence suggests he is. And there is no basis from his actual record in office to call him a fascist or dictator, it’s just [extreme] hyperbole.
Nine years of round-the-clock investigations culminated in the allegation that Trump oversaw a minor bookkeeping error, i.e., if we are to believe a demon-channeling porn ‘actress’ (link) and a serial client-betrayer and thief who stole from Trump himself and had already made $3.4 million from books bashing Trump (link), and even then, this filing, if we somehow believe these dirtbags which I don’t and certainly couldn’t as a juror even if I viscerally hated Trump, had nothing provably to do with the election. And some Russian nationals who had no relationship whatsoever with Donald Trump, who never met or communicated with Trump or anyone Trump knows, promoted Trump on Facebook, with a measly $100k spent on said campaign (and this piddling scheme monopolized the MSM discourse and much of the DOJ for 4 years).
Yeah, it’s a weaponized justice system indeed.
6/18/2024- Fake president Biden will reject asylum requests that surpass daily limit of 2,500 (link)
Translation: the debt-based USD system needs an influx of 1,500-2,500 more working and taxpaying human units per day in order for the private banks who own the money system to be able to skim off cream [taxes and interest] without drinking the milk [deflating and foreclosing], or shear but not slaughter.
If you don’t understand the money system, you can’t begin to understand the immigration situation, or much else of what’s going on in the world.
6/8/2024- Another day in the Post-Truth Era; judge orders Alex Jones to liquidate Infowars; comments on Jones, the court order, and Sandy Hook truth
I believe Alex Jones is a gatekeeper (whether he is aware he is one or not), meant to attract and corral interest in conspiracy theory aka critical thought in a single or major locus of ‘fandom,’ where it can be controlled and kept from advancing into the next realm. Most people never make it to Jones’s relatively outer gate and are content with the pablum served in the various inner degrees of the MSM.
Nevertheless, he has brought untold millions of people into the ‘truth movement.’ I began to be slowly turned onto 9/11 truth in 2004-05 after watching Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, in the form of the elementary ‘LIHOP’ [let it happen on purpose] theory, and I started listening to ‘MIHOP'[made it happen on purpose]-promoting Jones around 2006-2007 (it was a professor from my college who fully turned me to MIHOP in 2006 by making a simple comment about the towers’ collapse in passing, which led me to research further). I was a big fan of Jones up until about 2010-11, when he attacked and censored adherents of the [true] no-plane theory, and departed as a listener in 2012-13 when he fiercely defended the idea that people died at Sandy Hook, 7-8 months after it had been proven that nobody did, and I knew he had seen all of that evidence. This confirmed my suspicions about Jones being controlled opposition, whether wittingly, unwittingly, or a little of both (i.e. he could see how his bread was being buttered and adapted himself accordingly). These prior suspicions about Jones were based in many data points, including this incident (see also) at an Austin Texas gun-rights rally. In 2015, Jones abandoned the cutting-edge analysis that made him famous, watered his show down to attract mainstream Republicans into his audience, and devoted himself full time to promoting Trump, and after Trump left office he returned to his roots to a limited degree.
Though he may have increased its popularity, Alex Jones by no means spearheaded the Sandy Hook truth movement. In reality, Jones, in order to save his own credibility, was forced to the join the party many months after other theorists such as James Tracey, Jim Fetzer, and various banned YouTubers (e.g. PaulstalService) had fully established that the event was fake. The clamor from his audience on the subject, in terms of radio call-ins and comments on videos and articles, had become impossible for him to ignore. Prior to that point, Jones tried gaslighting his audience by saying the event was real, and even after his acknowledgement of fakery would waver and occasionally claim children died. Not surprisingly, these facts are ignored by the media.
The judge’s order to liquidate all assets will do little to shut down Jones’s activities or income. He uses a co-packer for his ‘Infowars Life’ supplement line and can open a new supplement company, and looks to have already done so by proxy in ‘Dr Jones’ Naturals.’ He can start a new radio show tomorrow under a different name and let his freshly galvanized audience know about it via Twitter and other means. Selling Infowars without Alex Jones is meaningless, because Infowars is essentially an alias of Alex Jones. The ‘takeover’ will amount to confiscating some used microphones and studio equipment.
As for the idea that targeting Jones with a lawsuit negates the idea that he’s a gatekeeper, he was making multiple millions per year prior to the bankruptcy, and his name recognition, street cred, and earning potential have never been higher. He will keep all his viewers and gain more, he will still sell millions in supplements per year directly or via a sponsor, he will still get asked onto Joe Rogan’s show, he will still pal around with Elon Musk, he will keep his multi-million dollar house in Austin TX under the state’s chapter 7 bankruptcy protections for homesteads, etc. The notion that he has ‘lost everything’ is a joke. Again, the lawsuit won’t bring down Jones; what it will achieve is to chill public speech about staged and faked events among ordinary citizens who do not have Jones’s fame and ability to instantly recover. An effigy of Jones has been burned to frighten the public into silence, Jones himself will be fine.
Nobody died at Sandy Hook, it was a classified training exercise meant to steal gun rights and condition the public to believe in fictional events, under the official excuse of maximum realism for maximum preparedness (deceiving the public being cast to the participating agencies as a necessary evil in maximizing readiness), a secret version of the canceled Operation Closed Campus drill from 2011. We know that because several allegedly dead children sang at the 2013 Super Bowl as shown here on February 6th and prior. Adam Lanza did not exist, Nancy Lanza did not exist. We’ve never seen a single [even blurred] photo or video of the event, the names were not entered into the Social Security death index (which has since been blocked from public access, and the names were added retroactively, years later), the FBI reported zero homicides in Newtown that year, the school and its website had been closed since 2008, among 100+ other exhibits of evidence.
5/30/24- Comments on the Trump verdict
I don’t think everyone’s fully come to grips with how unhealthy our political and informational climate has become in the United States. The media flew into a frenzy about Trump *9 years ago* in June 2015 and has not stopped for one hour of one day since then. It’s been hundreds of thousands or millions of hours of negative TV coverage, nearly 1 million articles on the Russiagate hoax, dozens of official investigations (where his opponents such as Maxine Waters and Pelosi stated that they will never stop investigating him until they find something), state federal and local, all culminating in an utterly weak-sauce criminal charge (an arguable book-keeping technicality in a fairly insignificant report not prepared or provably reviewed by Trump) held up by the word of an atrocious, zero-credibility witness. And we were never allowed to see one minute of what actually occurred in the courtroom.
The treatment of Trump since he announced candidacy in 2015 has [further] shown us that we don’t have a democracy in the United States. What we have, and have had for a century or longer, is an authoritarian, uniparty dictatorship, consisting of Republicans and Democrats [loyal to the same core policies and perspective], but one that only shows itself when an unapproved person is elected, or when an unapproved thought is voiced at a high enough degree or a loud enough level, and then it drops the hammer. It’s never been about Trump for me, it’s about the permanent government that sits in the background (often the foreground now) controlling this country and needs to go if we’re ever going to have real freedom.
The sole reason Trump managed to win in 2016 and was reelected in 2020 is that he pointed out the obvious existence of the so-called Deep State, which continues to have total control, even if it reserves exercising it much of the time. No other president or nominee had done that since JFK (Ron Paul did, but never got the nomination), and people got excited about it. His victory had nothing primarily to do with racism or xenophobia. Trump got elected because he told some uncomfortable truths that Americans hadn’t heard for decades. This disqualified him in the eyes of the permanent government, and they’ve been after him ever since, with the media, intelligence agencies, and their lackeys in the judicial system like Jack Smith and the disgraceful Engoron and Merchan.
The only positive trend we’ve seen in the last 9 years is that the Deep State / permanent government has become so desperate and so endangered that it has had to resort to quasi-overt means of control, such as censorship [through its ‘private-sector partners’], reinventing election rules, clumsily staging pandemics, and monopolizing all TV networks with a single theme of coverage (Russia) 24 hours a day for 4+ years.
If this is the way it’s going to go when the people elect or try to elect an unapproved candidate at a national level, I think secession (or quasi secession, where states simply ignore the federal government, as they did prior to the Civil War) or at least real prospects thereof will be in our future much sooner than later. And by much sooner I mean practically now. We’re going to see more and more radical representatives with radical rhetoric and policies at the lower levels of government as a response to this.
And sure, this conviction that 65-70% of the country doesn’t give two craps about, it might not result in jail time through November, it might get thrown out on appeal, and Trump still might win the election a third time and officially a second time. But that’s not the point here – the point is that we cannot elect a person whom the permanent government doesn’t approve of, without a 24/7/365/decade-long tantrum thrown by the media-intel complex and political establishment until that person is brought down, whether it’s Donald Trump or someone completely unlike Trump in the future.
5/27/24- The Trump lawfare circus; will we sink deeper into banana republic status tomorrow?
Obviously, no crime was committed. A legal settlement of a legal matter, involving a formal contract with a hostile party who was threatening harm, was classified as a legal expense. No crime, end of story.
As I said here back in December 2018 and again last year, the idea that the settlement with Daniels was entirely or even primarily or even necessarily partially motivated by the election is absurd. Daniels simply capitalized on the context of the election in order to extort Trump, who had much to lose in his personal life, family life (including a then 10-year-old son), marriage, golf casino and hotel brands, and TV career. Insisting it must have been a purely political calculation is beyond moronic and is clearly just a desperate reach to bring Trump down. There’s a reason the so-called case was shelved repeatedly, because it’s a turd.
There are two key questions in this case:
1) Was the settlement necessarily made entirely or primarily for political purposes? No, full stop, garbage theory. And ‘make no mistake,’ it was this very theory that originally underpinned the charges, as the media reported to us 24/7 when they were filed, and currently underpins it as ‘in commission of other crime.’ The government and media changed their story and Merchan shifted the goalposts after the abject crappiness of the theory was brought to the public’s attention.
2) Did Trump know exactly how his lawyers and accountants were reporting expenses? There’s no evidence he did, other than the worthless word of betrayer and **proven thief from Trump** Cohen, who spied on (to no avail in the case of Trump), admittedly stole from, and backstabbed clients who paid him very well in exchange for advocacy and confidentiality. Nothing the man ever said or will ever say can be trusted, especially not in a court of law.
If legal expense funds are put towards a variety of ends (not just the compensation of the lawyer and his staff) and they are: for mailing, court fees, printing, e-discovery, lawyer compensation and retainer, reimbursements, etc., was Trump required to report all of this minutiae, or is calling all of the funds paid to settle a legal matter a legal expense enough? The reports were not tax returns. The reimbursement was indeed a legal expense, falling under that general category, but not a tax-deductible legal expense. The standards and expectations for reporting are different depending on the party being reported to. Cohen benefited in reporting the amount discreetly but legitimately as a legal expense. It is entirely reasonable to believe that it was his idea to word things the way he did (so as to secure his large compensation for handling the matter and not bring undue attention to it, or to his benefactor Trump), and that Trump wasn’t aware or did not see the reports filed later. Trump’s campaign surely involved untold thousands of filings involving hundreds of millions of dollars, he has a multi-billion dollar business empire in dozens of different fields likely involving tens or hundreds of thousands of pages of reports per year made to all kinds of entities, and he was 70 years old with a young child and large family. The idea that he personally, rigorously reviews every report filed under his umbrella, rather than relying on lawyers and accountants to do so for him, is completely absurd. A $100k payment (less than 1/10,000th of that year’s political and business turnover) is change in the couch cushions. That ‘he’ signed checks is also meaningless, since the organization’s checks are doubtlessly printed or stamped with his signature. It’s essentially a corporate matter, and if anyone should be in the defendant’s chair based on the existing evidence (and I don’t think anyone should be, other than Cohen for another felony theft charge), it’s the admitted liar, thief, serial traitor, disbarred lawyer, and multiply convicted felon Cohen, not Trump.
Cohen is quite possibly the least credible person in the world as relates to Donald Trump – he [provably, admittedly in all cases] betrayed Trump, betrayed attorney-client privilege countless times by recording Trump (yet came away with zero evidence), stole tens of thousands of dollars from him (in just one known instance, probably tenfold or more total over the years), wrote two [very profitable, one titled ‘Revenge’] books against him, and publicly confesses his hatred for him. Cohen has made at least several million dollars by turning on Trump. Yet he is the prosecution’s star witness and really only source of quasi-direct evidence. If Cohen felt uncomfortable working for Trump, he had years and years to disengage, but he wanted the money, and stole more of it on top. His word does not constitute evidence. I would sooner believe Rosie O’Donnell on the witness stand. That Cohen did time in prison doesn’t mean he was loyal, he had already stolen from Trump, recorded im, etc.; he just got caught and had no means to throw Trump under the bus.
As for the other charges, Biden treated classified material in the same way Trump did, yet no charges were filed. And as for Jan 6, Trump told everyone to go home, and incited no violence. Less than 1% of the protestors present entered the Capitol, and the only person who died was killed in cold blood by the police. The police who allegedly killed themselves afterwards were much more likely murdered for having witnessed feds engineer the violence.
The charges are a farce, as is our JustUs system, as is our electoral system that allowed a profoundly unpopular, demented fraud to usurp the presidency. Unless Trump is sitting in a jail cell in November (and maybe even then), a conviction on this chickensh*t charge predicated on the claims of chickensh*t people (Cohen, Daniels et al) won’t hurt his odds, and might even help them.
(Many times I’ve stated that while I think he’s preferable to Hillary, Biden, and “the swamp,” I’m no particular fan of Trump and never have been. I strongly dislike his egomania, perhaps megalomania, his authoritarian tendencies (or at least fantasies), and disregard / lack of reverence for Constitutional principles. But none of the supposed fascism, dictatorship, or other feared outcomes remotely came to pass in his administration, and even the least charitable interpretation of him and his actions in office comes nowhere near the evil deeds and future plans of the establishment, many of which I’ve outlined on this blog. Setting Trump and his merits aside, we can’t weaponize the justice system like this or law and order is dead and gone in this country. No one at the bottom of the system will respect the law if it’s abused at the top.)
3/18/2024- Texas did not ‘ban’ Pornhub, they simply instituted age verification; kudos to Texas for protecting children
When I was growing up in the 90s, porn wasn’t easy to find, and I’m glad it wasn’t. The most you’d generally get was the blurry channel (IYKYK), a sex scene in a movie [tame compared to hardcore porn], and maybe a Playboy if someone had an older brother. The first naked woman I saw, I was probably around middle school and a friend and I stumbled on some scraps of a magazine someone dropped in the woods.
Today I am concerned about porn on multiple levels. First of all, over the years it’s gotten much more perverse and hardcore. And the weirder and worse of it is not only easily accessible, it’s promoted by Google, Bing, and other search engines (meaning that they will suggest content much more extreme than what was searched for), while they work overtime to censor, shadow ban, and ‘de-prioritize’ important truths.
Just as concerning, it’s getting far too easy for kids, including very young kids to access. It’s at the point where producers and purveyors of porn, knowing how readily available it is, have in my opinion become child sex abusers by proxy, and I have a feeling some of the degenerates behind the industry (e.g. Solomon Friedman of ‘Ethical Capital Partners,’ which owns Pornhub; a rabbi, laughably; he says Pornhub will be ‘a force for good’) are OK with this. I think some people are concerned to even have children nowadays, knowing their innocence can be stolen so easily in this society.
We don’t allow kids to come into easy contact with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, betting, prostitution, nude magazines, or other vices. Online porn is no different and should require proving your age to use it, not merely clicking a link that you are 18+ / 21+. If you’re watching some deviant stuff and you don’t want anyone to know you’re paying for it; well maybe you should just stop watching it. Or go to a store and buy it semi-anonymously. Louisiana has come up with an interesting solution where the state verifies your ID, and verifies your age to the site, but without each site being able to see your personal details, only that your age was verified by the state. This isn’t puritanism on my part; consenting adults can do what they want and have their boat floated anyway they choose, as long as they don’t hurt anyone.
Rather than reform its operations and protect children, Pornhub is instead pulling out of Texas (and seven other states that have similar laws). They claim that compliance with age-verification laws will push users to non-complying websites. But this is only true if search engines allow users to find the material in the first place, and ISPs allow access. Search engines and ISPs should be forced by law to block all adult websites until the website owner becomes registered with the state and the website has been found to institute age-verification practices. The states already do this with strip clubs, bars, convenience stores, etc, which must adopt age-verification before being open to the public. Violators who display content without age verification could be fined heavily, charged with a felony, and made to register as sex offenders, and that would be the end of 98% of it. I’m sure Pornhub’s owners are well aware the Texas law could be enforced, but they know age verification will result in markedly lower internet porn consumption by adults, and they don’t want to lose that money; so they gaslight users with their bogus rationale.
It goes without saying that the dirtbags in power, never letting a crisis go to waste, will try to capitalize on these concerns in their push for an ‘national internet ID [‘to protect children’ ‘for national cybersecurity’ ‘to quell misinformation’ etc]’ so that they can monitor and censor us even more tightly than they already do, but this is totally unnecessary; just remove or regulate the problematic material at the source, as we already do with child porn, snuff films, etc.
Some will cry First Amendment over this issue, and describe porn as ‘speech’ or ‘art’ (it’s neither, just televised prostitution). A recent talking point on the left has been that [pornographic] ‘books are being banned/burned in Florida’ and other states. No, this has never occurred, no books have been banned in Republican states, just like Pornhub is not banned in any state. The books were simply removed from tax-funded public schools for children. Few are calling for the total outlawing of porn (though I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it), they just want to keep it away from children. Why this is even a partisan issue is beyond me. So non-consenting children must be exposed to pornographic material both at school and on their phones or we won’t have freedom? It’s no mystery why Trump won [twice].
As for whether this goes against my politics, I’ve always been sympathetic to libertarianism, but much more than that I am a decentralist. Capitalism, communism, and something in between can all work at the appropriate scale, and communities of people should be allowed to choose what system they want, and should let those who do not consent to said system leave or secede. Consensually formed, legitimate communities and their jurisdictions / polities (consensual, i.e. that were not invented and imposed by a higher authority) have the right to make laws that protect quality of life. If law were devolved down to that level, then people would have a plethora of places to pick from that most closely reflected their values. If they wanted to live in a place where their elementary-school children could be bombarded with extreme, hardcore online porn (either via their own phones, or those of other children with irresponsible parents), they could make that choice. The reason we don’t have organically formed, human-scale political jurisdictions is because parasitic financial interests prefer extremely large states to control, put into debt, and extract wealth from. One or a few big hosts are much easier to deal with than 10,000 small ones.
3/1/24- New music doesn’t suck: the widening chasm between talent and exposure
For years, well over a decade, I was one of the people who lamented that music has fallen way off, based on the pop pablum (Bieber, Swift, et al) and crude hip-hop crud (e.g. Cardi B, Nicki Minaj) featured on mainstream media and radio.
25 or 30 years ago, the best music acts, whether grunge, rap, punk, etc., tended to get the most famous. In the 90s, Nirvana was one of the best bands out there, so were the Beatles (and the many Motown artists) in the 60s. The biggest hits from each decade generally represented [some of] the best music from that decade. Over the past several years I’ve realized that is no longer the case. There are not just a few but thousands of groups who are way, way better than the most famous/marketed ones. I listen to some independent college radio stations in my area (the DJs are not current students and range in age from 20s to 70s; e.g. 103.3 WPRB) that play new/new-ish, very little-known acts [of all genres established and new], many of which are good and great. They might have been around for a decade or more, but their YouTube videos will only have 4- or 3-figure views. Some do concert tours, but often at very small venues for 50 or 100 people at a time. Their worldwide followers on Spotify might only be in the hundreds or thousands. Others have almost no apparent audience at all.
A small group of people in our society control the major record labels, radio stations, and other channels for music promotion. In the past, they were the only game in town. They would promote and produce the records, and the records would be sold in the stores with whom they had arrangements. There was really no other route to production and exposure, and record sales provided an instant income stream for artists. Today, record stores barely exist, fewer people are willing to pay for albums, and technology has made it easier for anyone to make them. Musicians are faced with two routes: make the long, hard slog by themselves or with small, independent labels and risk obscurity, or sell out to big labels and get a chance to become a corporate product and pop ‘star’ / Illuminati darling, elevated more for their usefulness for (or willingness to participate in) propaganda than for their art. More and more are keeping their dignity and choosing the former route.
For many years the music industry has been ignoring the best talent and favoring their groomed, establishment-friendly/social-engineering-friendly, decreasingly compelling acts. As with the movie industry, who is generally unable to put out anything original and has remade and rehashed every good and mediocre production of the last 50-75 years, their talent is in the toilet. It’s easy to then believe that the talent of humanity is in the toilet, but this isn’t really the case, it’s just the talent of the powerful who control major companies and institutions that is, and obviously, this has implications and analogs well beyond music and movies. The rise of censorship and ‘de-platforming’ illustrates the same trend in the intellectual and political realms; their product can no longer compete on a level field. When possible, they ignore and suppress the competition, hoping no one will notice and leave their arena / circus tent. (That our demented fake presiden, who was unpopular / uncompelling even when lucid [and was chosen as VP only to persuade Democrats in the South to vote for Obama], is the best they’re comfortable offering us, that speaks to the same trend.)
We all need to stop giving them our eyeballs and ears, and tune out, turn off, and turn away from them completely, until they go extinct and fresher, more organic, and more inspiring art and ideas can rise to the top. In some sense it feels intentional. Removing inspiration from art and music is a great way to demoralize and conquer a society.
2/28/24- 210+ more proofs of pre-Columbian black Americans added to Trans-Atlantic Deception post, from Alexander von Wuthenau collection
(a sampling from the collection)
A while back on a trip to Mexico, I went to see the previously private collection of German-Mexican anthropologist and art historian Alexander von Wuthenau (1900-1994).
The pieces are on display at the Juan Beckmann Cultural Center (Beckmann is the family behind Cuervo tequila) in the town of Tequila, on loan from Instituto Nacional de Antropologia (INAH), Mexico’s federal archaeological body to which the pieces were donated upon von Wuthenau’s death. It’s not the likeliest destination for scholars and researchers (most visitors are there to learn about/taste tequila), but at least the pieces are on display and not collecting dust in a storeroom like most are. It’s a beautiful town with very nice surroundings, and certainly worth a visit if in the Guadalajara area.
In total, there around 1,400 pieces in the collection, displaying many racial types. In Mexican pre-Columbian archaeology in general, as in this collection, the dominant type is thoroughly mixed race, but there are also a large number of pieces unmistakably showing black, Middle Eastern/Semitic, East Asian, and Caucasian/white phenotypes. As explained in ‘The Trans-Atlantic Deception’ post, much of the Americas was mixed-race at time of European contact (with some mostly mongoloid/Siberian-origin peoples in parts of North and South America), but predominantly black areas existed in the Southeastern US and Mississippi Valley (as well as Maritime Canada, New England, and the Mid-Atlantic), the Caribbean, the Guyanas, Northeastern Brazil, and pockets of Central and South America (e.g. Panama, Colombia, parts of Costa Rica, the Miskito coast, etc), among other areas. People of the familiar mongoloid ethnic type, apparently arriving around 500 BC (there are no appearances in the archaeological record of this ethnic / racial type prior to this point), mixed with prior arrivals (who were black [Melanesians; Ainu, Australoids], presumably arriving from both the North and South Pacific) along a ‘corridor’ stretching from the Arctic, through the Great Plains and Southwest, into Mexico and Central and South America; as well as with later arrivals from the Middle East (around 0 AD) and West Africa (1300 AD, and other contacts much earlier). There is also substantial evidence for Celtic contact, and Norse, the latter being well known.
Much of von Wuthenau’s collection comes from Guerrero, the Teotihuacan area / Valley of Mexico, and the states of Veracruz and Tabasco, the former territories of the Olmec people. The pieces in his collection are by no means the only ones showing black phenotypes, there are several hundred others in the linked post, and many more peppered throughout the archaeological record. Von Wuthenau’s case, laid out in the book Unexpected Faces in Ancient America (out of print and expensive, but available as a PDF), did not focus particularly or exclusively on blacks, but emphasized that Mexico and Central America were a melting-pot region, with a wide variety of races including Caucasians present prior to 16th century European arrivals.
I photographed many racial types while there but will show the 210ish examples of black phenotypes, since I had already separated them out and they relate to the post on this blog. While a number of these show multi-racial traits, I would ask you to apply this test. If you were walking in an a predominantly black neighborhood of a city and the face came into view, would you say ‘that person is black’ or not? The answer is overwhelmingly, yes.
My aim in proving these truths is not to elevate one race or the other (or promote Afrocentrism, which I don’t think is correct); it’s mainly just to show that the history we’ve been told, not just with respect to black history but much of history in general, though it’s presented as unshakeable dogma, is on much less solid ground than most believe.
Click here to view.
While I will continue to post any large batches of evidence I come onto, the existence of indigenous black Americans has already been proven here and elsewhere many, many times over; yet the naysayers including on Wikipedia continue to pretend that a few of the Olmec colossal heads are the only depictions in question.
2/6/24- This is your reminder that at least eight ‘dead’ children sung with Jennifer Hudson at the 2013 Super Bowl
Taken from following video: https://vimeo.com/197587559 (link) (link here to original Super Bowl footage)
See also: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HKrGqfLOh0Xx/ (link)
We live in a society where people who simply recognize clear, unequivocal visual [and other types of] evidence (and have the rare ability to overcome cognitive dissonance and reconcile it into their worldview) are condemned and dismissed by many as ‘vile’ and ‘unhinged.’ Very sad, yet also liberating, since it frees you from caring about the opinions of many others, at least as far as national and world affairs go, since their thoughts on such subjects are shaped heavily, maybe even primarily by non-realities. (And to be fair, at this point, only about half of the US population has a strongly negative reaction to the true theory; primarily people in blue states and those who inhabit the MSM and government echo chambers.)
The 26-member choir who sang with Hudson were billed as ‘Newtown’s Children’ and were expressly not to be named. Newtown CT has 27,179 people, 29.3% of whom are under age 18, so a population of 7,963 children.
In the video we can see with 0% equivocation that six of the 26 are alleged siblings of the alleged dead. If your young sibling were brutally murdered in a mass shooting, would you want to sing at the Super Bowl just 48 days later, dancing, skipping, and all smiles? Even if you somehow did, would your parents allow it? Anyone with eyes to see will observe that another eight of the children (even if you deny a few, which might be reasonable, you can’t deny all, especially in light of their supposed siblings being present) are older versions of the alleged victims.
There may be more than 14 of the non-victims and their alleged siblings, but at this point I’m not interested in proving a thoroughly proven case any further, having come to the conclusion the event was fully fake a few weeks afterwards in January 2013, before this aired (I initially thought it involved real deaths but was staged). (For example, I’ve seen a plausible claim that a heavyset, older ‘Jessica Rekos’ is present, but it’s not conclusive IMO due to weight difference).
The simple scam of Sandy Hook, a classified training exercise presented as a real event, is that families showed pictures of living children who were at that time 4-6+ years older than first-graders, tagged a fake first name onto the old photos, and said that the fake name died, while the real person depicted in the photos lived on. The group-family photos we saw were photoshopped, and younger siblings were often presented as older siblings. (As for the alleged killer, Adam Lanza, he was, unlike the others a made-up, essentially CGI character who never existed. His alleged mother Nancy Lanza was played by Annie Haddad. )
That’s why all the parents were way up in years. None appeared to be in their 30s as one would expect most to be, and few in their early 40s. Most looked to be in their mid 40s and early 50s, and a few looked ready for 55+ communities. Yet they have 6 year-old and younger children? Even in relatively wealthy communities such as Newtown this would be unusual, and in some cases biologically impossible. No, their oldest children were in fact preteens and teenagers in 2012, and are adults now. I wouldn’t be surprised if many or most had fake last names as well, i.e. that their supposed parents weren’t theirs at all. The use of old photos also explains why many children from affluent families are wearing outdated clothes in their photos.
More than half the families disappeared from Newtown shortly after the fake shooting. The children we saw could be overseas, they could be elsewhere in the US under different first and/or last names, perhaps / likely living with different families altogether, some could be transgender children, who knows. No one other than a well versed Sandy Hook theorist, and even then usually not, could ever recognize their much older, adult selves on the street; and due to aging, there would always be a degree of deniability. In a post on 5/27/22, I wrote on the many potential sources for these kinds of ‘cancelable’ identities the government could make use of in fake shootings, bombings, and other ‘tragedies.’
As for the why of the Super Bowl appearance, brazen spectacles such as this, which have been referred to as ‘revelation of the method’ by some theorists, might be a sort of celebration of the psychological operation, as well as a way to convey the futility of opposition: i.e., if we can get away with this, we can get away with anything, so don’t bother trying to stop us. And supposedly (according to some theorists), there’s a form of ‘karma release,’ since they are, in a way, publicly confessing what they’ve done; not that I subscribe to that idea.
If you go to Sandy Hook CT, and I passed through once while on a road trip north, the epicenter of the downtown is[/was] a hair salon called Sandy Hook Hair Company. Their name is styled as ‘Shh…’ and their logo is a bloody handprint (barring further context, a liquid red handprint would generally be described as such). That’s oh so normal for a hair salon, right? The house of the alleged killer, who was known to none of his neighbors, was demolished shortly after the event, as was the school itself [which was actually defunct as of 2008, and non-operational in 2012; the website had zero visits from 2008 through fall 2012, because it was offline]. The families pocketed millions each in donations, and have recently been awarded millions (hundreds of millions) more in lawsuit judgments.
Remember, this is our sick leadership. These are the people holding the levers of the most powerful government on earth. Yes, though we all have to carry on in our daily lives, things are in fact that nuts; time to finally get used to it.
1/7/24- The push for electric cars is more about control than environmentalism; the considerable environmental harm of EVs
As everyone knows, fossil fuels must be burned to create electricity to power electric vehicles, and land is devastated to strip-mine metals for the batteries. You may not know that the vehicles are on average 33% heavier than gas vehicles (the weight of the battery pack alone on Hummer’s new EV is 3000 lbs, more than a Honda Civic), which ruins roads and highways much faster; one study showed more than double the road wear due to high weight and much higher torque. They also burn through tires 30-50% faster, which consist 55% of oil and fossil-fuel byproducts, and 45% of rubber, the cultivation of which destroys rainforests. The damaged roads must be repaved much more often with asphalt made largely of oil i.e. bitumen (not to mention the huge fuel and labor resources involved in repaving), and highway construction and maintenance are a major source of pollution, and yes, carbon emissions. The discarded batteries become toxic waste that poisons our soil and water. Enormous resources would have to be expended to upgrade the electrical grid to support widespread EV use.
The idea that EVs will ‘save the planet’ is beyond farcical. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were a net negative environmentally; if there’s any net positive from lower exhaust emissions, it’s negligible, or at least dramatically lower than is presented by the government.
There are already a wide variety of extremely efficient vehicles that use hydrogen, pressurized air, etc. But there’s no ‘Green New Deal’ plundering of taxpayers, no ‘smart grid’ tie-ins to track and limit our movement, so the establishment isn’t interested in pushing them. I’m all for protecting and improving the environment, but it has to involve more than just shuffling harm around. As always, it’s about control.
(If you bought an EV or hybrid [which I own] for gas savings, reliability, tax credits, etc, that makes sense, but there’s little to no environmental case. I have no illusions I’m doing ‘the planet’ any big favors by driving a hybrid.)
11/12/23- Complaining about immigration is pointless until you understand and abolish debt money
Probably the most common talking point on the right nowadays is that mass immigration and an open border are endangering or ruining our country. Yet I’d wager that well under 1% of the people complaining, maybe under 0.1%, actually understand how our money system works, and why our entire economy would promptly crash without continued large-scale immigration (to say nothing about the enormous workload done by immigrants who are already here).
I will lay out a small-scale scenario to illustrate:
A society consists of 10 people, one government, one bank, and one central bank. All the people farm for food and barter with each other, and up to now have not used money.
To create debt-based money like we have, the bank buys a $10, 10-year bond from the government at 10% interest per year. In other words, the bank lends $10 to the government. The central bank creates $10 of coins and bills and lends them to the bank, let’s say at 1% interest. The bank then lends that money to the government at 10%. The government now has $10 and will owe the bank the $10 after 10 years, plus 10% interest ($1) per year. We already have a major problem: the interest doesn’t exist, but we’ll get to that.
Five of the 10 people in the society go to work for the government digging ditches. The government pays them $2 per year. At the end of year one, five people have $0 and five have $2 each. Now that a year has passed, the government owes 10% interest to the bank on its $10 bond/loan, so it taxes the five citizens at 10%, 20 cents each, and then pays the $1 interest to the bank, who pays 10 cents in interest to the central bank. The bank now has $0.90, the central bank has $0.10, and the five government workers have $1.80 each, totaling $10. The government has $0 and needs more money to pay workers for the next year, so it sells another $10 bond (to keep things simple, a 9-year bond rather than 10) i.e. borrows more money from the bank, which the central bank in turn creates and lends to the bank. The workers distribute their post-tax $1.80 among the other five society members in exchange for goods and services, and a [debt-]money economy is born. At the end of year two, the government will owe the bank $2 interest on its now $20 in bonds/national debt.
Clearly, the following conditions hold in this situation:
A) Within 10 years, the government will not only have no money if it doesn’t keep borrowing i.e. selling bonds, it will be bankrupt since it will owe both the original $20 principal and the $19 interest ($10 for 10-yr Bond 1 and $9 for 9-yr Bond 2), totaling $39, yet at the beginning of year two there is only $19 of taxable money left in the system. There is almost twice as much principal and interest debt owed as there are available dollars to pay that debt. The only way to create more dollars to pay the debt is to create even more debt, which dollars aka [debt/promissory]’notes’ are.
B) If on the other hand the borrowing continues and the economy stays afloat, the bank is the largest beneficiary, since it is making a 9% spread per year for doing nothing other than being the middleman between the central bank and the government, and paying only a pittance in interest to the central bank. This is analogous to the primary dealer system by which most government bonds are sold today, only the interest rates are lower, which keeps things off the rocks for the time being (things like ‘open market operations,’ where the Fed buys Treasury bonds/’lends money’ [that it creates out of thin air with a computer keyboard] directly to the government without using banks as middlemen, aka ‘quantitative easing’ / ‘QE,’ also help prevent crashes and contractions)
C) With the scam able to be laid bare on such a small scale, there is no rational basis for the 10 people to work for or use the phony, predatory money; which is why governments have to force their citizens to use central bank money/notes via legal tender laws.
Let’s say the government stops digging ditches and stops borrowing more money, and is forced to tax every dollar out of the economy to pay interest on existing debt to the bank. By year 10, the bank will not only own all money in the system, but since the bond has matured, it will also be owed its $20 loan principal in full, which again, does not exist. As a result the bank will foreclose on the government and take of ownership of it. The bank will also be insolvent, though, since it had been paying interest to the central bank. So the central bank will foreclose on the bank, and take possession of the government as well (this would not really occur in our system, since the Federal Reserve System member banks i.e. all US banks are the shareholders of the Federal Reserve (9:54) and would be foreclosing on themselves). Thankfully, the 10 people in the society can feed themselves from their farming as they did before, and go back to a no-money, no-government system. Of course, if the government had instituted property taxes rather than just income tax, their land would have been taken to pay the mathematically unsatisfiable debt and they would be homeless and starving.
As everyone knows, native-born citizens in the West are having fewer children these days, and the only other way to keep the money system juiced, the credit flowing, and people generally solvent is to have constant immigration and new workers to be taxed. Otherwise, we will have deflationary contraction as debts are repaid and all dollars and all property valued in dollars leave the economy and gravitate back to the banks. Until those on the right educate themselves on the money system and get on board with ending or at the very least auditing the Fed, their protestations about immigrants have no real merit. While our system is far larger than the one above, and things like fractional reserve banking and OMO give us enough casino chips to keep the game going, the underlying principles are identical.
The banking system is essentially a hurricane that continually sucks moisture out of the economy and back to itself, except rather than raining all the water/’liquidity’ back down onto us, it keeps more and more wealth as the decades go on (both in itself, and in the select multinational corporations it owns and finances) and consolidates more and more power, with the aim of cementing its scam into place forever.
I concur that having uncontrolled, rapid immigration, especially when 90% is from one region, is very dangerous for the future of our country (it would be better to have people from a wider variety of backgrounds so there is more pressure to assimilate and identify as American as quickly as possible), but so is everyone being broke and the banks foreclosing on virtually everything. Until the money changes or Westerners suddenly start having way more children, don’t expect immigration to stop or slow.
Thanks to one man who put this information out in a digestible way that no else really had before (and unsurprisingly got next to no recognition or credit for it), you can learn about the nature of debt money here and here.
“The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled. When something so important is involved, a deeper mystery seems only decent.” – John Kenneth Galbraith
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford
10/22/23- What do Childhood’s End, the Lord of the Rings, and a $1 bill have in common?
Could it be that they’re all talking about the same thing?
(Childhood’s End depicts ‘invading aliens’ identical in appearance to Satan/demons from ‘another planet,’ while Tolkien depicts Mordor as a land within/adjacent to Earth, with Sauron/Morgoth as a Satan analogue.)
9/11/23- After **20+ years** and no trial, the illegitimate Biden regime, with a KSM guilty plea, moves to close the door on 9/11 forever
Osama bin Laden, who died years before the phony 2011 raid, was never charged with a crime and denied any involvement. Khalid Sheik Mohamed has yet to get a trial more than two decades since he was arrested and charged in March 2003, and has been held at Guantanamo since 2008. A guilty plea from KSM sidesteps the need for the government to present evidence in court, which up to now has never been done, and in effect closes the official investigation forever.
For those behind the ball on the fictional tale that is the 9/11 official story:
1) There were no passenger planes. The planes were CGI inserted in the 17-second delay of the six instances of ‘live’ footage. Over the next 10+ years, around 40 amateur clips surfaced, all of them CGI. To collect the proper vantage points for the amateur clips, a small number of agents positioned tripods in view of the towers, and took camcorder footage. This could be achieved by 15 or 20 people. Nearly 70% of the so-called amateur videographers worked in the TV or film industry.
2) There were no hijackers. They were simply names and faces drawn from Saudi vital records. 11 of the 19 were found alive after the event. Atta and the others were CIA or Mossad-linked agents who took flight lessons went through the motions in order to build a backstory and create a paper or witness trail. No Muslims were meaningfully involved in the event. The names and photos used for the Saudi hijacker identities was likely collected from the US consulate in Jeddah.
3) The event was a joint CIA and Mossad operation (whether officially or by rogue elements, not that there’s a clear line between the two), with ‘illuminati’ assistance from the media and so-called amateur videographers (of course, there is much overlap between this private network and our public institutions; and some form of Operation Mockingbird is undoubtedly still afoot). Israeli agents, either working for Mossad or the CIA / clandestine US agencies, were involved in planting evidence, collecting video footage, and potentially in wiring some of the buildings (which were destroyed by ‘three failsafes,’ as described in The Case for No Planes post). In short, the Israelis were involved with most of the on-the-ground, high-risk dirty work, while US conspirators engineered the media presentation of the event and pre- and post-event cover-up / misdirection, via law enforcement and investigatory bodies.
If we can’t/won’t finally discern reality from our ‘cultural myths’ (a term often used by conspirator Philip Zelikow; see link), there’s no point seriously discussing 9/11 or the things it bears greatly upon, i.e. recent history, national and international politics, mass media, etc.
7/8/23- An obvious proof of geocentrism – the Luciferian numerology of the heliocentric model
I’ve put forth a few dozen reasons on this blog why the geocentric model is both viable and preferable to heliocentrism, which is a philosophical choice and not a scientific requirement. But sometimes they’re better emphasized one by one.
According to Wikipedia, the earth orbits at 66,616 mph (often stated as 66,600mph). This is a double whammy, since both 666 and 616 are argued as numbers of the beast by biblical scholars. The sun’s rays hit the earth at a complementary angle of 66.6 degrees (90 minus 23.4 degree tilt). Heliocentrism’s flawed theoretical underpinning of gravity was conceived in the year 1666. And to patch up the tattered theory, 97% of all universe mass is now said to be ‘dark’ matter/energy. These are surely among other examples yet unnoticed, not that any more are needed.
6/29/23- Risks of synthetic and ‘extra-dietary’ vitamins and minerals: copper 1, copper 2, and Alzheimer’s; is copper-2 toxicity a leading cause of the disease?
I’ve covered in past posts how synthetic vitamins can be harmful while their dietary counterparts are not. For example, beta carotene from food, eaten in reasonable amounts, is risk-free/mostly internally regulated and highly beneficial, though synthetic beta carotene has clear links to cancer. Means of administration also matters: mega-dose intravenous vitamin C can act as a pro-oxidant, while mega-dose oral vitamin C cannot and is a potent antioxidant.
Recently I bought a copper supplement, since I take a moderate-doze zinc supplement daily (my current regimen is on most days limited to zinc and magnesium, taken at night) and high zinc levels can deplete copper, an important nutrient. Before taking the supplement I did some last-minute research, and found that copper supplements, including in most popular multi-vitamin brands e.g. Centrum, contain ‘copper 2’ (divalent form), which has been definitively linked to Alzheimer’s disease, and may actually be a/the leading cause of Alzheimer’s (source1, source2, source3); less than 1% of Alzheimer’s cases are thought to be genetic. Some even argue copper-2 toxicity is Alzheimer’s. Copper 1 (monovalent), found in food, has shown no such link, since the liver is able to process and eliminate it, while copper 2 bypasses the liver. The amyloid plaque associated with Alzheimer’s only contains copper 2. (It should be noted that zinc and iron (as well as aluminum and other metals) are also found in AD amyloid plaque, though not nearly to the same extent, and I haven’t yet learned to which forms of the metals this applies; were it to be chiefly non-food-derived forms, I wouldn’t be surprised).
Copper pipes leach some copper 2 into tap water, though the metal also acts as an antimicrobial, and PEX pipes have their own risks [which decrease dramatically after a short period of use], so there’s no perfect option. The best route is to just not drink tap water; I haven’t drunk unfiltered tap for 15+ years and encourage others to avoid it at least on this basis, if not the many other good reasons (pharmaceuticals and other hormone disruptors, fluoride in some instances, etc.)
I tossed the few-dollar bottle in the trash and instead will keep my supplemental zinc dose more moderate/diet-dependent (I started breaking my 22mg tablets of zinc picolinate in half), and might make some small dietary tweaks (longer term, I intend to cut out supplements completely, since I’m skeptical of the risk-reward / cost-benefit of any non-food-based nutrients; maybe aside from vitamin D depending on sun exposure); just a heads up to any readers this may concern, especially those with older-age relatives.
6/23/23- A genuine RIP to the DEI/ESG-sub guys;
So anyway, the Hunter Biden case has shown us yet again that we have a two-tier Just-Us system
International influence peddling (with our biggest enemy, China) and money laundering ring with Jim and the Big Guy to the tune of $100+ million, ongoing influence peddling and money laundering with his phony, 7-figure art sales to secret buyers, felony tax fraud (listing tens of thousands on prostitutes as a business deduction, failing to declare several million in income), felony gun charges, multiple instances of clear perjury, failure to register as foreign agent, dozens/hundreds of solicitations of prostitution, dozens / hundreds of serious drug offenses (crack possession, which Joe Biden via his 1990s crime bill gave untold thousands of black men stiff sentences for), sleeping with brother’s wife, very possibly raping / statutorily raping his way-underage niece as a middle-aged man, abandoning and disowning his daughter (as has Joe by snubbing granddaughter), and depriving her of child support, committing more fraud and perjury when filing for reduced child support, and potentially sex trafficking across state and international lines. Dozens of open-and-shut, slam-dunk cases. Slap on wrist, no jail time. Joe is ‘proud.’
On the other hand, Trump – who beat Biden handily in 2020 and continues to lead him in 2024 polls by a wide margin – gets hounded 24/7 for eight years straight with a parade of hoaxes culminating in a total nothingburger (reporting a legal settlement as a [non-deductible] legal expense, for reasons not provably related to the election, and very plausibly done for other reasons). His extorter Daniels, who sat on her dirty laundry until the election to maximize a payout (no, that doesn’t imply an election link/primary cause for payout, just an obvious mega-amplification of bad publicity), gets no charges. (That, and some overblown BS about classified documents which apparently every president for the last 50 years, as well as that demented guy illegitimately occupying the White House, has been guilty of.)
While I think he did a better job than any president in my lifetime (particularly on foreign policy, e.g. he resisted intervention), I’m not even much of a Trump fan (and at this juncture would prefer RFK Jr. for a more thoughtful, ‘big tent’ direction for the country); but ‘make no mistake,’ ‘let me be clear,’ we absolutely live in a banana republic. I guess we arguably have for decades, it just didn’t unmask itself so brazenly until an unapproved person got into office.
5/26/23- Washington Wrestling Federation: the ‘debt ceiling’ has been raised 93 times since 1940, once every 10.7 months (source)
When can we ‘cancel’ the media and 99% of Washington politicians? This is, yet again, nothing more than the most worn-out theater, another contrived crisis. The number of decent politicians in Congress can be counted on one hand, Thomas Massie and Rand Paul (who has been pushing a balanced-budget amendment for the past 13 years) are all that come to mind at the moment.
The first debt ceiling was $49 billion in 1940 ($1.06 trillion inflation-adjusted). At that time, the population was 142 million. Adjusted for both population and inflation, the debt in 1940 was $2.43 trillion.
Thus, adjusted for everything, the federal debt owed per citizen is 14x higher now than it was back then: $100,000 per man, woman, and child — for a level of government that provides no roads, no infrastructure, no schools, no public safety or emergency services, not even the mail (which is funded largely by user fees).
95% of the federal budget goes towards shuffling money around between citizens [who earned it/won’t benefit from the ponzi scheme of Social Security, and those who didn’t/will], paying interest on illegitimate debt made up out of thin air by the banks, and ‘keeping us safe,’ which for the last 50+ years has consisted mainly of staging false-flag attacks against ourselves and fighting CIA-backed military/terrorist groups the world over. As illustrated in this post, the ‘actual’ federal government, i.e. the 35-40 agencies that are essential to our government in its current form, account for <5% of the federal budget.
If the debt continues growing at its current rate, and demographics suggest it will, it will reach $62 trillion within ten years (the debt on 9/11/2001 was $5 trillion). And if we have another manmade, sub-0.1%-death-rate cold virus in that time, it may get there even faster.
5/7/23 – ‘I don’t need no man’
Can we all stop saying this phrase and variants thereof (men ain’t sh*t, etc)? Yes you do, you need millions of them, and so do I.
Occupation, percentage male (source: US Department of Labor):
Electricians – 99%
Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters (HVAC) – 99%
Carpenters – 99%
Soldiers, combat troops – 98%
Car and truck mechanics – 98%
Other construction workers (includes masonry, roofing, road work, iron work, etc.) – 97%
Firemen – 97%
Industrial and refractory machine repair – 97%
Aircraft mechanics – 96%
Truck drivers – 95%
Welding, soldering, and brazing workers – 95%
Other installation, maintenance and repair workers – 95%
Landscaping and groundskeeping workers – 95%
Radio and telecommunications equipment installers and repairers – 93%
Painters and paperhangers – 93%
Computer network architects – 93%
Computer-controlled tool operators – 93%
Industrial truck, tractor, and machine operators – 93%
Electrical and electronic technologists – 93%
Computer and ATM repair – 92%
Electrical engineers – 92%
Mechanical engineers – 92%
Longshoremen, stevedores, and commercial fishermen – 92%
Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers – 88%
Police officers – 88%
Other engineers – 86%
Civil engineers – 85%
Miscellaneous agricultural workers – 83%
Chemical engineers – 82%
Software developers – 82%
IT and network administrators – 82%
Freight, stock, and materials movers – 81%
Architects and civil drafters – 81%
Obviously, women brought us all into the world and do many important jobs, and men do all kinds of important things not listed, among the most important of all being fatherhood. Mutual credit respect and needing are needed going forward.
And sure, many single women are getting by on an individual basis, without and with outside financial help. My point here is, that in a time when men are increasingly disparaged by Hollywood, the media, and government, and even discriminated against in the name of ‘ESG’ and ‘DEI,’ it should be noted that the machine we rely on for survival would crack within hours and crumble within weeks without the men who continue to run it, 50+ years and 2-3 generations since women’s lib. If we didn’t have this massive propaganda campaign against men – and the millions of punk-ass women and girls on social media that it has given rise to – I wouldn’t feel it’s necessary to point any of this out.
4/16/23- The San Francisco black reparations battle is absurd, see article; clarifying my thoughts on reparations and why I don’t support them
In a post from a few years ago, ‘What $7 trillion can buy,’ which tallied up the post 9/11 bump in military, ‘intelligence,’ and ‘security’ spending, I indicated support for reparations for blacks and other Native Americans. While I do believe reparations (imagined then mainly in the form of diversion of federal BLM [Bureau of Land Management] land and resource-extraction licensing fees therefrom), even if administered imperfectly, would’ve been a better expense than the fruitless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I don’t support them due to the total impossibility of carrying out the program justly and practically. For example:
A) The amount will never be enough for a significant percentage of black people, to toss aside the idea that it will be some kind of permanent guarantee of social stability. $100k won’t be enough, $1 million won’t be enough. We all know there would be a new Al or Jesse stirring the pot afterwards saying it was unfair and doesn’t close the book. And as we know from the Israel-Palestine conflict, it will never be far enough back in history. Slavery ended 219 years ago in the North and 158 years ago in the South. It seems obvious that another 25 or 50 years in the future, a considerable perentage of blacks will still say the wounds are fresh. Yes, I understand that segregation ended more recently, but that was also 60 years ago. No one alive today had a thing to do with slavery, and virtually no one alive today had anything to do with instituting segregation (nor would many Southern whites or blacks alive today, only about 2-4% of the current US population, even remember experiencing it, i.e. were more than 5 years old at the time); and segregation is rarely appealed to as a basis for reparations, which is supposed to be compensation for unpaid labor.
B) Most black people have significant white admixture. As explained in the Trans-Atlantic Deception post, some of that is presumably ancient Eurasian DNA from the mixing of non-black Indians with black Indians centuries and millennia prior to European contact. But at this time, there is no way to parse out which is which. If we base it on a genetic test using contemporary methods, do the majority of black people who have European admixture both pay and receive reparations? Obviously this would be ridiculous. If we base it on micro-analysis of appearance, we are falling into the same line of thinking that enabled slavery, caste systems, and ethnic cleansing in the first place. Additionally, many blacks are now mixed with Hispanic, Asian, African, and Caribbean people who have no link whatsoever to US slavery. While I don’t believe the conventional narrative that blacks are largely African, but rather indigenous black American, they do have some portion of African heritage, and I believe that some were indeed sold by Africans; so must recent West African US immigrants also pay reparations to modern-day US blacks? Even if these black immigrants only have a 0.01% connection to/benefit from slavery, they have more to do with it than the 0.00% that US-immigrant Slavs, Germans, Italians, Scandinavians, French/French-Canadian, most Irish (95% plus), and most English (95% plus) have, who not only did not sell or own any slaves, but in many cases fought and died to free them.
C) Since the North was much more populated than the South, especially in terms of white population (constituting 75% of whites at the time), and since the largest white immigrant waves came well after 1865, the vast majority of the descendants of the vast majority of white people in the US including in my case are not from the South, did not own slaves, and in many cases, arrived here after slavery ended. And only around 15% of Southern whites owned slaves (and low single digits owned large numbers; the average Southern slave owner owned one or two slaves as domestic household staff, not as a large-scale agricultural workforce). That means that 97% of US whites in 1861 owned zero slaves. Among the large majority of Northern whites, many have descendants who fought in the Civil War and died or were maimed. Do those whites, whom I’m also among, get reparations for those war deaths? They should, if we apply the same logic. Do whites who fought and died or were wounded [or lost economic opportunities etc] in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and other wars and [at least arguably] ensured the continuation of the US and enabled its current economy / USD reserve status, descendants of whom I’m also among, get credits or exemption from reparations?
D) Yes, slaves helped build the White House, which was in the South, but the idea that the contemporary US and its economy were ‘built on slavery’ is an exaggeration. The Southern economy had very little do with the North or with today’s economy. Since there were few roads and no railways from the North to South, the vast majority of Southern trade was with Britain (which at that time was much wealthier than the US) and other foreign economies. The Northern economy was far larger than the Southern and the post-war economy took on an overwhelmingly Northern character, and most of today’s agricultural economy is not based in the South. The wealth of the Southern economy had a smaller impact than suggested (certainly a minority influence that doesn’t equate to ‘built on’) on the modern-day industrial and service economy we have today and on the economy we had immediately after the Civil War.
E) As made clear in the ‘Trans-Atlantic Deception’ post, I believe blacks have a majority of indigenous black, non-African heritage (along with a minority of post-Columbian African heritage in some cases), and consider them to be a group that was conquered and enslaved by whites. However, very little of this occurred after 1789, i.e. under the US government. The vast majority of it occurred in the preceding 300 years under Spanish, French, and Portuguese rule, with the slaves later being sold to British colonists and Southern US/CS Americans. As a percentage in comparison to other white-led regimes, the USA had very little to do with the institution of slavery in the New World, and only secondarily benefited from its wider-spread application by other, now extinct entities. As demonstrated in the above-mentioned post, most blacks were already here prior to US formation in 1789, they were just not counted due to non-consideration in US and other censuses before 1800 (which allowed the 12-million trans-Atlantic hoax to be cooked up).
F) If we somehow were to figure out the exact blacks who qualify for reparations, and the exact whites whose forefathers deserved to pay, a virtually impossible task due to the scarcity of records on the black side and the uncertainty of records on the white side (due to mistaken/uncertain paternity, etc., which is also a problem on the black side), we would be grossly violating those whites’ rights since they are not guilty for the sins of other people, and recompense can only come from the offending party / their accomplices and enablers, not from any other party, especially one that wasn’t even alive at the time. This is among the most basic principles in law.
G) Virtually all whites, Asians, and Hispanics have experienced conquest or prejudice in their heritage, including many on US soil and as recently as or more recently than slavery, and it is unthinkable that any of them would get reparations – including recently in cases of people with Irish, Italian, Acadian heritage, etc., as well as Poles, Czech, Finns, Ukrainians, etc etc etc., so why is it thinkable that blacks must get reparations?
H) Throughout history, the vast majority of labor that has given us the gift of life today has gone towards basic food, clothing, and shelter for the worker and his progeny, which black slaves received in spite of their lack of liberty. How do we figure what a slave’s economic potential outside of slavery was, what amount of work a given slave did, and what percentage of their labor would have gone towards the kind of things (e.g. savings, investment, etc.) that slavery didn’t provide? Vast portions of the white population including me have distant forefathers who were poor and survived by the skin of their teeth, in some cases in physical accommodations that were comparable to or arguably even worse than those of slaves. It’s totally absurd to suggest that all whites (the vast majority weren’t) before 1865 were building intergenerational wealth dynasties that carry on and benefit their descendants today; so it’s absurd to suggest blacks would have done the same. And again, the ancestors of most whites in the US now were either poor or not in the US at the time of slavery, so it’s not as if they had some great head start as of 1865. At the time that blacks were allowed to attend school, after the war, most whites who were in the US or would later come to the US had barely passed the first or second grade, and many were illiterate, and this continued to be the case into the 20th century, which again illustrates the high economic pressure on non-slave workers of the period, and the lack of economic surplus held by non-slave workers; therefore slaves would not be imagined to have a large surplus had they been paid wages, which is further made clear by their low/no economic surplus as sharecroppers after the war.
I) Modern-day blacks have already received vast amounts of unearned wealth in the form of welfare, much more than other groups by capita and in some instances over multiple generations, as well as unearned/less-earned political appointments, election victories, educational admissions, and job offers and promotions that were in large part due to their race. The total of this unearned aid (not to mention higher-than-average costs relating to policing, prosecution, imprisonment, loss of life of crime victims, school spending etc.) would presumably need to be determined across all generations since 1865/1964 and counted as already given reparations. Additionally, the enormous financial cost of the Civil War (including the compounded debt from it) adjusted for inflation (and the human toll described above) must be counted as already given reparations. The entire reparations argument is that black people contributed X to the American economy during slavery, so any above-average costs relating to blacks and incurred by non-blacks since slavery would need to be weighed against that, as well as all the above factors counted. This point goes way into the weeds, and there are certainly valid counter arguments / grievances such as what happened in Tulsa, Durham NC, the role of post-slavery racism and racial profiling, etc. We can agree that the excess/above-average costs relating to blacks post-slavery and borne in large financial part by non-blacks has been great, but that blacks have also made great and varied contributions to our country, and that blacks have suffered injustices post-slavery. For the sake of harmony, I think at this point it is better to stop the bean counting, call it even, and leave it be.
I could go on but I’ll stop here. Yes, slavery was unjust, but so has been pretty much all historical conquest. Often have the conquering parties [i.e. their economic elites, not their masses] benefited materially from conquest, and rarely has the defeated group gotten any reparations. Virtually always has the defeated group simply regrouped and moved forward the best they could. And again, very few whites (probably <5%) have any unique, provable benefit in their lineage from slavery.
(Today, the biggest problem plaguing black Americans by far is not the historical fact of slavery, it is the epidemic of uninvolved fathers since the rise of the welfare state in the 1960s and 70s, and in a related vein, the glorification of gangster culture and of murder/violence.)
It’s over, and there’s only moving on from here. Some may call me hypocritical for having this position as a white person, but I don’t care, the points above stand. There is no way to make it happen in reality in a way that works, is fair, and makes sense. We need to live as one nation (if we’re not going to break apart into smaller entities, which may be the more viable path), and the idea needs to be rejected and forgotten forever.
4/12/23- ‘You may be entitled to significant compensation;’ class-action lawsuits against AstraZeneca begin, Pfizer and Moderna not far behind. Don’t expect much compensation though; as if they have the funds to pay off 4-5 billion people; see post 12/15/2020. Fauci and a few dozen other players on the gallows might be taken as payment in kind; the taxpayer would save $400k a year on Fauci’s pension alone.
As stated here on 1/31/2020, the virus was a manmade bioweapon, as stated on 3/14/2020 (and echoed by many others at the time, including dozens of world-renowned epidemiologists who were opposed to The Science™ Brought to You by Pfizer, and who would later sign the Great Barrington declaration), three days before the lockdowns, a coronavirus vaccine would never substantially work based on universally failed attempts to vaccinate against prior corona and flu viruses; as stated on 4/9/2020 (and a dozen or two other posts in 2020), it would be toxic and more harmful than the disease yet pushed by force or heavy coercion anyway, and as stated on 1/12/2021, the vaccine itself would be used to mutate shed and spread the disease, and in effect would become the disease.
I and many others called all this transparent BS from before day one of the government response and never changed our narrative, and were ready for it because the 90-year-old ‘elites’ use the same tired playbook in their engineered crises decade after decade. So ‘fog of war’ my ass, ‘pandemic amnesty’ my ass. The only real confusion was whether the obviously manmade bioweapon was actually deadly to a considerable degree or not, and by mid-March 2020 before the lockdowns it was clear it wasn’t (i.e. that mortality was well under 1%, at that time on 3/16/2020 apparently no higher than 0.1-0.2%, and ultimately around 0.02% or 1 in 5,000 infections, 5x lower than the flu’s death rate of around 0.1% or 1 in 1,000; i.e., it was clear to many of us even from before day one that it was not much if any deadlier than the flu, if slightly harsher in initial onset).
3/31/23- Trump’s arrest makes it official: we’re shadow-government serfs, not enfranchised citizens
We sat and watched the insane, 40-month-long Russia hoax (on which the MSM had farted out more than 700,000 articles as of 10/30/20; see post), the now-resurrected Stormy hoax, the Flynn hoax, the Steele and golden showers hoax, the impeachment hoaxes, and the list goes on and on. They not only ‘investigated’ Trump to no avail for six years straight, from 2015-2020, they have done so for another three years since he left office. It’s shocking and highly depressing to contemplate, but the witch hunt, which the Democrats assure us is far from over, has gone on for nearly a decade of our lives (apparently culminating in a bogus misdemeanor charge).
Trump’s indictment on the eve of election season has crossed a line and sent an unequivocal message: we own you, we own this system, and if you cross us or threaten us, we’ll take you down and get our pound of flesh, no matter what, no matter who we have to pay off, no matter how long it takes. We’ll engineer a dementia patient into illegitimate office. We’ll even stage a pandemic. Meaning there are no more elections, there is no more democracy; not that there ever really was, but it’s out in the open now. The shadow government has made it clear that if their program is ever disrupted, they’ll throw endless tantrums until they get their way again. As always, I’m no devotee of Trump; Trump is just an example of what happens to an unapproved politician.
There doesn’t even appear to be any crime committed, hence the repeated decision not to prosecute, including by Bragg himself. Obviously, there were completely plausible grounds other than the election to pay off Daniels, given the damage the embarrassing tryst could do to Trump’s marriage, relationship with his young son and other children, hotel and golf brands, and TV career, and the odious rat Cohen (who, recall, not only turned on his friend, but tape-recorded his own clients, including Trump, in total violation of professional norms), the only one claiming it was related solely to the election, has zero credibility as a witness. The election simply offered the whore a prime chance to come out of the woodwork ten years afterwards, go public, and capitalize on her dirty laundry, but that fact isn’t Trump’s fault. The case against Daniels for extortion looks far stronger than the case against Trump.
And the Trump Org’s categorization of ‘legal’ isn’t at all incorrect. It’s not as if Trump claimed it as a tax deduction, his company just filed it under ‘legal;’ which is exactly what it was. It was a settlement payment made to a threatening, potentially litigious party, coordinated by his lawyer. Threats of all kinds to a person or company are extinguished with monetary settlements all the time, whether it relates to a slip-and-fall accident, sexual harassment, a disgruntled employee, a person in possession of sensitive information, or what have you. It doesn’t have to be savory, and the defended party doesn’t have to be fully or at all in the right for it to be considered a legal matter; any dispute mediated and settled by your lawyer in his or her capacity as a lawyer is a legal matter. Did Trump have to publicly file it as ‘porn star payoff’? Does a company have to file a line-item sexual-harassment settlement as ‘Suzie said the CEO looked at her boobs’?
The great thing about this is that if the weak-sauce case fails, it will seriously undermine all the other strained, recycled accusations the Democrats admittedly have in the hopper, and we can hopefully move closer to ending this circus.
3/31/23- The complete absurdness of ‘Soros-backed’ as anti-Semitic; its disturbing implications
Ron DeSantis and others have been criticized as anti-Semitic simply for saying the phrase ‘Soros-backed’ (as well as racist just for criticizing the disgraceful Bragg).
Fact: George Soros is a multi-billionaire, and Jewish
Fact: George Soros funds organizations that fund i.e. back politicians, including city DAs, in order to reach his own ends. So far, Soros has invested at least $40 million to elect far-left DAs.
Fact: There are a lot of other Jewish [and of course, non-Jewish] billionaires involved in nefarious and/or selfish activities, and many of them should be personally criticized. Surely there are also super-wealthy Jews who aren’t, but that’s besides the point.
What the ridiculous charge ridiculously implies is that we can’t criticize any actions of any specific Jews in the power structure; for simply uttering a Jewish name in relation to a misdeed is supposedly anti-Semitic. If there were anything that would breed more bona fide anti-Semitism, this would be it.
3/31/23- The reasonably organic rise of Bitcoin versus the insanely contrived push for CBDCs
Obviously, nobody wants ‘CBDCs’ other than banks and those at the highest echelons of the power structure. The media wants us to believe otherwise, promoting it as the inevitable next big thing that is cool and necessary ‘because digital;’ even though we’ve had digital transactions for decades now.
There isn’t a single unconnected person who has ever said or will ever say ‘I wish the Fed/my central bank could not only track but also control every dollar I spend in real time, and limitlessly tax and inflate-away the value of that dollar with impunity.’
But there are perhaps billions who have thought, I wish prices didn’t always rise more than wages, and I wish I could actually save money that kept its value, and wasn’t forced into making investments I don’t really understand/can’t do my due diligence on just to keep pace with inflation.
I may write a longer post on Bitcoin in the future, but I think there is a serious case for it. Beyond the fixed supply and impossibility of inflation, the network and the consensus of value that have been built, combined with the security of the encryption, are its primary value. Wampum and Federal Reserve Notes have no inherent value, the value is simply that there was/is an infrastructure in place to transact with them and a long-lasting consensus that they have value and should be accepted in exchange for goods and services. Nobody in their time and place would argue that it wouldn’t be sensible to hold those things. As for the ‘digital gold’ argument, Bitcoin has some big advantages over precious metals, mainly in terms of portability and ease of [no-cost, discreet] storage. The obvious big disadvantage relative to a precious metal-based currency is there is no physical fallback in the form of an element that can never be created or destroyed, in the event that that network and security were to be upset or surpassed, and the value consensus were to disappear. But again, the same threat has always hung over FRNs (and all other fiat currencies), and may be coming to fruition now or soon, yet ‘[fiat] cash ruled everything around us’ for multiple generations.
Continuing on the gold-Bitcoin comparison, I don’t like to give ‘the elite’ any ideas, but the biggest threat to precious metals is probably fake discoveries that artificially inflate the supply and enable continued suppression of the price (e.g. claims of undersea or asteroid gold that will never actually be harvested and could be traded on the paper markets and passed around by unaccountable, opaque central banks).
Some have surmised that Bitcoin was essentially created as a psy-op to ‘make crypto cool’ and pave the way for CBDCs. While this may well be true, it’s neither here nor there at this point. Bitcoin has utility to ordinary people and can arguably enable liberty, CBDCs have none and will undoubtedly ensure slavery.
3/24/23- MSM mum on Cruz CBDC bill; will the Democrats break from their 15-year trance and finally step up?
There’s essentially one big agenda currently in play, and that is to chip us, track us, and tax us without limit (directly, or via inflation). In other words, make us all into slaves under the ownership of one world authority (and afterwards, eventually complete the [Satanic] objective of destroying us or trying to turn us into non-humans altogether via transhumanism).
All roads lead to that bigger agenda, whether 9/11, Sandy Hook, Agenda 21 and ‘green’ control, covid and vaccine passports, etc., as discussed at length in this post from 2016. The distortion and destruction of family, culture, nations, and language lead there as well, since those things are obstacles to the imposition of external control. Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which the Fed is piloting in the public sector in certain cities as of this year, would be the biggest overt step yet in that direction. Unsurprisingly, resistance to the currency by Republicans in Congress (in the form of a bill by Ted Cruz) has garnered zero MSM news coverage (other than Yahoo Sports).
It’s disgraceful that having even a degree of liberty in our already debt-based, slavery-based monetary system (by not having every transaction logged, traced, and permissioned) is now a Republican issue. I used to say that, setting aside the rhetoric, there was no real difference between the parties’ actual policies, but in the US at least that is rather suddenly no longer the case. Behind the ‘Love Wins’ / ‘Hate No Home’ branding, the Democratic party has now become the party of war and military intervention [once more of a Republican thing, but not anymore], surveillance, censorship, medical apartheid, child muzzling, fake ‘settled Science’ in climate, medicine, and other fields; fake ‘intelligence community’ reports, fake shootings and bombings to grab guns and dismantle civil liberties, tax- and inflation-funded bank bailouts, and even [further enhanced] monetary slavery. I’m no disciple of Cruz, and certainly not of Grassley and the other co-sponsors, but they are absolutely right with this bill. We also need to ban Federal Reserve Notes masquerading as USDs and abolish the Fed outright, but in the here and now, CBDCs must be halted in their tracks.
As a voting bloc in Congress, the Democratic party has totally lost its way and been anti-freedom on every single, solitary issue since the day Barack Obama was elected in 2008. I truly can’t think of one liberty-promoting or protecting measure backed by Democrats since Bush left office 15 years ago, and no, subjecting non-consenting children to male twerking and kindergarten sex-ed isn’t liberty. I can’t think of too many during the Bush years either, but at least they were generally pro-civil liberties (1st amendment, etc.) and anti-war back then. Now it’s as if they’ve been conditioned to oppose or be silent on anything Republicans support, no matter how sensible and important.
3/13/23- Flashback 5/1/19: ‘Save the Planet’ or Fake Aliens Will Do It for You
Last month in Davos, the buffoon John Kerry likened himself and other WEF attendees to beneficent extraterrestrials here to save the ignorant masses from themselves, i.e. epically scam the citizenry with ultra-costly ‘green’ ‘public-private partnerships’ that do nothing or next to nothing to alter the [ever-changing] climate, while also restricting us like never before via ‘sustainable’ Agenda 21-style rules.
In previous posts I mentioned that Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End (1953) tells of ‘aliens’ (who in the book look exactly like Christian demons; hooved, leathery, winged, etc.) who ‘arrive'[/appear] to ‘save’ mankind (and corral them under an ‘alien’-led, human-administered world government) on the precipice of ‘nuclear war’ (I question the apocalyptically destructive power of nukes, see post 10/24/22), in a scene identical to the movie Independence Day, minus the giant laser beams (though in Clarke’s book, the ‘motherships’ are supposed by many to be mere holograms). The idea of aliens as world-‘uniting'[subjugating] saviors is almost as old the idea of the fake alien invasion itself, and not coincidentally is the same age as NASA, and just about the age of the UN within a few years.
Saving the planet and saving us from nukes (or perhaps from some manmade disease we’re ‘unable to cure’) would seem to be the two main pretexts to bring in the [fake/demonic] aliens.
As detailed in the 2015 post ‘Fake Aliens and Other Endgames,’ the primary purpose of fake[/absurdly exaggerated] events such as Sandy Hook and the dozens of other fake shootings and bombings, along with the predicted covid and others, is to ‘prime’ us to believe in unreal things more and more readily, with less and less evidence and persuasion needed. Policy changes, theft of freedoms, and other motives are important, but secondary.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” H.L. Mencken
3/13/23- Bailouts prop up Silicon Valley’s fantasy capitalism
‘We lose money on every transaction but make it up on volume.’
The most common Silicon Valley business model isn’t fake it til you make it, it just seems to be ‘fake it.’ Think of some nonsense name or misspelling, Kudzoo, Noopi, etc., make a cutesy website, put your founder in a black turtleneck and glasses and ideally get him on a TED stage ASAP, and start borrowing money like crazy. It doesn’t matter if the business is a good idea or you ever turn a profit; most of the big tech companies never do, or if they manage to ten years later, they’re around the corner from obsolescence or their users are fleeeing to a free version. Just blow it up as quickly as possible, get an absurd valuation, pay yourself as high a salary as you can get away with, and hope nobody notices or cares that there’s no path to profitability. I believe a number of these startups are intelligence fronts (and that a number of Big Tech founders including Zuck and Musk were put in place by intelligence agencies) and exist primarily to gather data and locations.
3/4/23- Revised/revisited thoughts on Scott Adams and ‘hate groups’
I previously had a long, tangent-filled post up about this and wasn’t really comfortable with it; the scope of race relations and their history is too wide for a casual post.
While Adams’ comments were harsh and unfair to many blacks as individuals, I think they could actually be beneficial to the public discourse. The rise of anti-white/’black and brown’-supremacist and ridiculous ‘woke’ ideologies (which are not in the spirit of liberty and tolerance of classical liberalism, but instead have morphed into a form of true fascism, where corporations work in lockstep with government to impose and enforce an artificial culture) has gotten to such an advanced point that it might take that kind of shock-jocking to back us out of it.
As for the truthfulness of his warnings, if I learned anything from my travels it’s that 95% or more of people everywhere are basically good and decent, even if they hold some rational or irrational prejudices, as we all do to varying degrees. The group/statistical issues that Adams refers to are ultimately cultural in cause (mainly stemming from a lack of involved fathers, as well as the glorification of gangster culture, which go hand in hand) and need to be addressed from within the black community. Until they’re solved in substantial measure – and they can be, given that they weren’t much of ‘a thing’ prior to the late 60s and 70s – I won’t be surprised if Americans of all races (including middle- and upper-income black people) follow Adams’ advice (to varying extents of course), sadly. I could go on as to whether this black social degradation and fracturing is intentional – I believe it is, and was engineered externally – but that’s the subject for another post.
2/28/23 – This is your official reminder that ‘the Science’ and ‘the Experts’ were wrong (i.e. lied) about EVERYTHING, and therefore the ‘baseless debunked conspiracy theorists’ (the large bulk of them anyway) were wrong about nothing: the manmade nature of the virus, the bat and wet market hoax, adult masking, abusive child masking, natural immunity, vaccine side effects, vaccines blocking transmission, vaccines stopping infection, transmission from surfaces, the death rate, the effectiveness of therapeutics — literally everything that was said about it by the government, media, and Big Pharma was dead wrong / a complete lie. Now that this understanding is finally going mainstream (almost three years after I and countless others began beating that drum on a daily basis), the media-intel complex aka shadow government, their plea for ‘pandemic amnesty’ having fallen flat, is scrambling to deflect the scrutiny beam towards China.
(To be clear, I’m not referring to lower-case science and expertise, which I respect and defer to in cases where my own understanding falls short. I am instead referring to the fraudulent government- and media-linked figures purporting to be/represent such as they carried out one of the greatest psy-ops in human history.)
2/21/23- A supremely simple point to make the case for geocentrism: the same size of Sun and Moon
A few weeks ago I posted some quotes from mainstream, world-renowned cosmologists and physicists admitting there is no unique mathematical or scientific basis for heliocentrism, and that it is a [flawed] philosophical choice. Most people would be blown away by these admissions, but remain unaware of them.
I’ve brought this up in past posts (e.g. Why I’m a Geocentrist on 9/8/20 and prior posts), but another simple point one can make to members of the heliocentric faith is that the sun and moon appear to be the exact same size. The odds of this not actually being the case are unfathomably low. Google’s explanation is shown above: “it is all thanks to a striking coincidence, that the sun is 400x as wide as the moon, but also 400x further away.” A 4-year-old would not believe such an absurdity to explain the same size of two objects in his view, yet most adults accept it without question; to be fair, most don’t even realize they have accepted it, myself included for most of my life and adult life; such is the power of lifelong brainwashing.
Due to philosophical variables, there’s no way to calculate precisely how low the odds of this coincidence are. But let’s operate off the intuitive premise that the sun and moon are the two co-primary objects in the sky, based on the fact that of all objects in the sky, they have historically been seen as two objects in one separate set, and have far, far more effect on terrestrial life than any other two sky objects, to the extent that their effect is enormous and no other sky objects have any provable effect on terrestrial life whatsoever.
For the sake of coherence, let’s say that the range of proximity between two objects is between 1-1,000,000x, i.e. that an object could be the same distance from an observer as another object, 1x, or up to 1 million times farther away. Similarly, we can say that, even accounting for microscopic objects, a 1 to 1 million-times size differential is within the realm of comprehension: i.e. an object is ‘1x larger’ than another object, the same size, or is up to 1 million times larger. Obviously, even on earth, an object can be more than a million times farther than another object from an observer, I’m just setting the limit at a million for rhetorical purposes.
Now, if one stubbornly denies that the first comparison of size should be counted as meaningful and demonstrates a bias towards 1x, and holds that the first number has equal probability of being anything up to a million, it’s still 1 in 1 million odds that these numbers would match twice in a row i.e. 1:1 odds the first draw, times 1:1 million odds the second draw = 1:1 million odds. However, if we accept the objects as co-primary objects in a two-object set, and accept that it is immeasurably more intuitive that a 1x comparative size (or something somewhat close to 1x) would likely obtain, the odds of the first relation of size matching with the second relation of distance rise to 1 in 1 trillion (1 million times 1 million), or in any case, 1 in millions or billions depending on what limited size differential (say between 1x and 5x), and probability of such a differential occurring twice in a row, might be presumed as being reasonably likely.
If you accept the scale of the conventional model and dismiss the same size as a coincidence, you are placing a bet on 1 in 1 million or 1 in 1 trillion odds that the Copernican model [fiercely backed by our Luciferian, supreme-God-hating power structure] is correct. It’s your prerogative, but that insane bet, whatever extremely low odds you tag on it, is what you’re making.
Even if you were to reject my logic as arbitrary and instead say that we have to compare our situation with that of ‘other’ planets and moons in ‘our solar system,’ as the New Scientist article above admits, in no cases are the sun and the 166 moons supposed to be the same size when viewed from any of the eight planets, so even if you limit the realm of possibility to what our own ‘solar system’ is alleged to be, you’re still dealing with extremely low odds that I’m not going to bother to calculate, probably approaching or exceeding millions to one.
If we stretch out the 1x base to allow for ‘galactic scale’ increments of thousands of miles, we’re still at many thousands to one odds, even within the confines of the alleged solar system, and even if we deny meaning to a high discrepancy in the first relation/comparison. Whether one figures the odds to as 1000, 1 million, or 1 trillion to one, considering that geocentrism already works with all observations and that heliocentrism is already essentially a philosophical choice, the likelihoods land resoundingly with geocentrism. That heliocentrism currently has consensus is meaningless, since the majority has been completely wrong about major scientific questions throughout history.
If you ignore all of the above paragraphs, ascribe no meaning to the huge discrepancy in the first comparison of size, and totally disregard the scale of the conventional model, and boil the equation down merely to 400-to-1 odds, you are placing your bet on those piss-poor odds that Copernicus’s mediocrity principle – for which there is absolutely no supporting evidence (i.e. of habitable planets or intelligent species) after more than 500 years – is correct. There is no other way to describe this but as [very uninspired/uninspirational, unintuitive] faith; it can’t be called reason. I have no problem with faith and have my own articles of faith, but that’s what it is.
In the Tychonic and Ptolemaic models, it is assumed that the sun and moon are roughly the same size, because 1) they can be the same size in these fully functional astronomical models that were used successfully for almost 2,000 years prior to Copernicus, and 2) they do appear to be the same size to viewers on Earth. This common-sense model is far superior to the harebrained, unproven conventional model.
As stated many times here and as others have noted, there is no elegant, perfect mathematical basis underpinning the conventional 400x claim, it’s all based on deeply flawed gravity theory and unproven relativity theory. That’s why 96-97% and rising of universe mass has now been claimed to be undetectable ‘dark matter/energy’ (Space.com article: “What’s 96% of the universe made of? Astronomers don’t know”), it’s a strained attempt to reconcile gravity theory with observation and shore up the failed theory. Gravity [i.e. universal cosmic gravity, as opposed to a gravity-like, perhaps electromagnetic force unique to earth] is not only not 100% right, it’s 97% wrong / lacking, i.e. garbage-bin bunk in any other context.
2/19/23- The Eunice Dwumfour case: a likely political hit being hushed up by tech and the media; black Republicans are the establishment’s nightmare
It’s an obvious fact that if black Americans even slightly parted ways with the Democratic party, if even a third let alone half of them broke ranks and stopped unconditionally siding with the party that oversaw their enslavement and in recent decades has overseen a major cultural and socioeconomic decline for their majority, the party would be finished, and no amount of election cheating and chicanery could plausibly bridge that gap. Hispanics and Asians, skeptical of its increasingly divisive (identity politics), impractical (banning gas engines that run the entire world by 2030), socioculturally extreme (gender denial, father and mother denial, sex ed and drag-queen twerking for preschoolers, etc.), alarmist (T-minus 12 years to world end starting in January 2019), and brazenly scammy agendas (multi-trillion-dollar ‘infrastructure’ bills involving no actual infrastructure and $100 trillion ‘climate change’ plan, a pork mega-bonanza that will do nothing to alter climate, which continually changes naturally), are already drifting away in significant numbers, and the party can’t afford to lose any considerable chunk of its uber-reliable, presupposed 13.6 points, or it’s donesville forever, which would upset the two-party equilibrium the empire runs on.
That likely explains why the establishment media is so overtly vicious towards black Republicans, specifically black Republican women, who are new to the game and can’t be as easily smeared with the ‘Uncle Tom’ label. A loss of just 2 or 3 of the aforementioned points (say, a decline to 67% D voting from the current 87% [-2.72 overall points; even half that drop would spell doom], with black women currently in the low to mid 90s D support level) would be disastrous and relegate the party to permanent minority status.
NJ city councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour apparently had some promise as a political leader. As a single mother, she didn’t fit the picture-perfect family image that politicians typically seek to present, but that could’ve worked to her benefit and sadly, enhanced her political cred as a ‘real black person;’ at least in Joe Biden’s eyes.
Her murder smells like a political or shadow-gov-sponsored assassination. No known enemies, no motive or suspects, a clean, professional hit that apparently left no evidence, or at least none that the FBI and media want to show the public. As the above images show, there is other video that has not been released to the public, i.e. at least one clip of her speaking to her killer moments before the hit, which may have been a form of final ID confirmation. The above images also prove that Google is now suppressing any inquiry into her death, indicative of higher-level machinations.
We’ve seen with John Fetterman, Stacy Abrams, Elena Kagan, AOC, George Santos and others that if politicians have the right skin color, gender, background, ‘intersectional’ victimhood, or ridiculous fake-working-man hoodie schtick, they can be fabricated from whole cloth – from part-time mayor of a town of 1,000 or other lowest-level post to state to federal politics – in the space of just a few years, so the fact that she was only a city councilwoman doesn’t at all rule out a hit job; her higher aspirations may have been voiced and already in the works. This isn’t at all to impugn Dwumfour’s political motives or merit, only to say that whatever a person’s actual legitimacy, it’s known that they can now be rapidly made and installed – be handpicked by others and incubated – rather than eventually become in a relatively organic way. Maybe this has always been a reality, though it seems more pronounced and transparent in recent years, and would change the game in terms of political arcs and assassinations.
(Whataboutism disclaimer: While I sympathize with the smaller-government, pro-liberty vision of some Republicans, I’m essentially a libertarian and have no love whatsoever for the mainstream of the Republican party, the Paul Ryans, McConnells, etc.; I only want the party to succeed as the only practical foil for the increasingly authoritarian rule of the Democrats: pro-war, pro-CIA meddling, pro-censorship, pro-surveillance, pro-Big Tech, pro-Big Pharma, pro-disarming of the people, pro-vaccine mandates, pro-medical apartheid, etc., all under the false and highly flexible justification of ‘reasonability’ that we saw in Weimar Germany and other eras; though I don’t necessarily expect this foil to work, since at the end of the day, with respect to all but a few federal-level politicians, it’s a one-party, permanent-government state. The Republican wing of the bird is simply much less dangerous at this time. Sure, it’s still the party of crony capitalism, corporate welfare, and imperial wars, but so is the Democratic party in essentially equal measure, if one hasn’t been asleep for the past 15+ years; that on top of all the Ds’ other odious, Orwellian positions enumerated above. But again, I’m strongly opposed to the Republican establishment; I encourage more libertarian and Constitutionalist infiltration of the party.)
2/7/23- Good documentary (if a little partial) on the need to space out childhood vaccines, and ideally reject many of them altogether. Children born in the 1980s received 6-7x fewer vaccines than children born today. There is no reason children today need so many vaccines. Mercury and aluminum-free vaccine variants are available upon request. (I don’t necessarily endorse any other content by the filmmaker or the posting Bitchute channel)
Dr. Robert Sears – described as ‘unorthodox and dangerous by controlled, unfree Wikipedia – is a fairly good source for a reduced, more spaced-out vaccine schedule, even though his recommended schedule still exceeds the schedules of recent decades in number of doses.
2/7/23- Microcosms and macrocosms: does the universe mirror the atomic model? Some geocentrism quotes to share with skeptics; a comment on astrology
The sun and stars have been posited by some to be electric in nature; just a thought in the context of the geocentric globe model.
Consider also the paramount importance of astrology in all societies of antiquity, recorded as far back as Gobekli Tepe from 9,600 BC and doubtlessly preceding that. This was not just about time-keeping, which can be done with pebbles on the ground or scratches in a tree. Were all the planets and the sun to revolve around earth, their prominent role in human life becomes a much more intuitive idea. Sure, daily horoscopes may be catchall BS, but that doesn’t mean the whole field should be dismissed. In a related vein, see the post ‘Ghosts and Geocentrism: on the Incongruity of Beliefs’ from 5/11/19.
“Let it be understood at the outset that it makes no difference, from the point of view of describing planetary motion, whether we take the Earth or the Sun as the center of the solar system. Since the issue is one of relative motion only, there are infinitely many exactly equivalent descriptions referred to different centers – in principle any point will do, the Moon, Jupiter…So the passions loosed on the world by the publication of Copernicus’ book, De revolutionibus orbium caelestium libri VI, were logically irrelevant.” – Fred Hoyle
(Why should we be so certain of the nature of cosmic forces that move the planets? We haven’t been beyond 50 miles or so from earth. We’ve seen no stars closely, and all alleged images of the sun come from government.)
1/29/23- Thoughts on Damar Hamlin’s video from yesterday
The coincidence theorists and establishment bootlickers gloat, but:
1) Tiffany Dover is still dead
2) The 100s of thousands or millions who died suddenly are still dead and sadly will continue to die
3) The 10s or 100s of millions of others including Hamlin who have heart damage are still heart-damaged
4) Deep-fakes are incredibly, uncannily sophisticated these days, though that’s not my claim at this time.
Assuming he’s alive, the vax still caused grave damage to his heart and took him out of the public eye for 25 days, potentially including for the ‘body-double’ game in question. Many of the thousands of other young, fit athletes who collapsed on the field were not as lucky. The until recently unheard of issue has become so commonplace that the CDC had to issue a warning about ‘blood clots on game day’ (see also this poster).
1/28/23- Dissecting Esquire’s ‘Tiffany Dover Was Never Dead’
The supposed ‘fact-check’ piece put out in April 2022 by Esquire – like the Atlantic, Economist, Wired, Vice, and hundreds of other outlets, just a corporate-owned tentacle of the media borg, posing as an independent publication – settles nothing:
“A nurse fainted while receiving her Covid-19 vaccine and, as conspiracy theory expert Brandy Zadrozny knew right then, that was just the beginning. This is the story of how a lie spreads.
It was the last month of 2020 and the end to the pandemic was finally in sight . . . we’d all have our turn to get the shot and this painful chapter would be behind us. But, it turned out, it wouldn’t be that simple.”
“Zadrozny was on the anti-vax beat long before Covid, and she’s been covering Internet conspiracy theories since before anyone knew what QAnon was . . . writing about conspiracy theorists can be scary, even dangerous, when you think about the ways they twist and weaponize information . . . And that brings us to Tiffany Dover—the story Zadrozny has spent the last year chasing, the perfect storm of online misinformation and the anti-vax movement. She tells the story over five episodes in the first season of Truthers, NBC News’ new podcast series about misinformation.
. . .
Making matters worse, after Dover passed out on camera, she mostly disappeared on social media. It’s a reasonable thing to do when you’re being targeted by trolls online. But then the would-be Internet sleuths went to her family’s pages to find photos of her and her children which [sic: should be ‘that they might have shared,’ since there were no photos] they shared online. They called the hospital [who was forced to cover it up, likely on national security grounds]. They showed up at her home [where they did not find her, because she’s dead]. The hospital put out a statement [“]. That wasn’t enough for the truthers. So, they put out a video of Dover posing with her colleagues [a masked woman with different hair, eyes, and forehead]. The truthers accused the hospital of using a body double [the body-double photo was posted in December 2020, with no further photos, masked or otherwise, ever surfacing; all the other ‘proofs’ were also in December 2020]. It was all just more fuel.
. . .
But who were these people? What kind of person spreads a baseless conspiracy theory about a real person—a frontline worker in the middle of a pandemic—being dead? [critical thinkers who don’t blindly believe the media and government]
. . .
Today, algorithms keep us siloed in feedback loops that are difficult to break free from, but with Tiffany Dover is Dead*, Zadrozny hopes maybe she can help pull some people back . . . After years of the public being inundated with disturbing news stories about the rise of misinformation, she hopes zooming in on a single story might cut through the noise.”
So, ‘conspiracy theory expert’ Zadrozny spent a full year in a 5-part series ‘chasing the story,’ yet apparently neither attempted or secured any interviews with Dover or her family, friends, or co-workers, and found no trace of her since December 2020. Not much of an investigative journalist. Dover wasn’t a fleeing fugitive or international secret agent, she was a 9-5 nurse living in a small Alabama town of 1,300 people. Zadrozny’s ‘chase’ came up dry because Dover is dead. Since Zadrozny’s five-part ‘investigative’ series contains no evidence post-December-2020 (otherwise it would be cited in the article), we can be sure without watching what it does overwhelmingly contain: propaganda against critical thought generally.
1/27/23- 25 months later, Tiffany Dover is still dead from the plandemic vaccine; is Damar Hamlin dead [or comatose, or disfigured/disabled]? I’d wager yes.
A week or so after Tiffany Dover died while promoting the toxic vaccine, news outlets bashed the ‘bizarre, baseless conspiracy theory’ that her death in fact occurred and was covered up to avoid bad PR. Dover has never resurfaced since December 2020; no [unmasked] photos, video, interviews, social media postings, nothing.
We’re now seeing the same frantic ‘fact-checking’ with Hamlin, the same 24/7 masking of the face (at a time when pretty much no one is even wearing masks), etc. I’ve seen this show before; my bet is Hamlin is dead and died right on the field. This video gives a good and [darkly] humorous breakdown of the cover-up scheme thus far. The power structure has been faking and fabricating deaths for decades, so faking lives is not beyond the pale.
If he’s not dead, he may be in a coma or have suffered some kind of disability or disfigurement, which would be nearly as bad from a PR standpoint. In any case, it’s clear something about his condition is being hidden from the public.
This is not at all to limit the scope of vaccine deaths to a small handful. Thousands of high-profile people have dropped dead prematurely and ‘suddenly’ since early 2021, and I’d guess hundreds of thousands or even millions have died alongside them, most of them in the days weeks and months afterwards, as strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, and other clot-caused deaths, as well as cancers and other issues from damaged, ‘reprogrammed’ immune systems.
I’d guess more have already died from ‘the jab’ than actually died from the virus itself (not ‘with’ the virus), or at the very least, more eventually will. Those who have already been vaxxed should let their bodies recover from the spike protein bombardment (studies indicate it takes 12-15 months) and stop further boosting.
1/12/23- A closer look at Lex Fridman; clearly a controlled/manufactured figure
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” – Vladimir Lenin
Today I traced back some of the early history of Lex Fridman, who has become a dominant figure in the ‘IDW’ circuit (a term I despise, though as noted in a previous post, there does appear to be a group that is organized to some degree that needs a name, and no other name has been coined, so I’ll just use it as a rhetorical convenience), and now, like the supposedly organic Rogan, has practically anyone on earth at his beck and call for an interview. I previously pegged Fridman as ‘98%-plus chance of spook’ in my view, and am going to bump that to a clean 100%.
The fake origin story for Fridman that has been perpetuated is that he started his podcast in 2018, and using nothing but his charisma, wisdom, and immigrant moxie, slowly bootstrapped his way episode by episode from relative obscurity to fame, rightfully earning a place at the top echelon of the ‘alternative media,’ also referred to as the ‘intellectual dark web’ and numerous other terms.
The real story is that Fridman by all appearances is a media-intel plant who was installed by higher powers: after getting a PhD from Drexel in 2014 and contributing nothing particularly salient to the field – i.e., work that may well have been original and helpful to the field, but was apparently not more notable than the contributions of his thousands upon thousands of non-famous peers – he went to work for Google, ‘became friends with’ Bilderberger, surveillance advocate, NSA bedfellow, and Google CEO Eric Schmidt, became a professor at MIT after time at Google, ‘became friends with’ king of space fakery Elon Musk, and ‘became friends with’ Joe Rogan and had an appearance with him booked – all before uploading the first episode of his podcast.
As the late, likely assassinated commentator Matthew Kiewel aka Matthew North illustrated (I don’t agree with all of North’s worldview, but he was a very skilled and perceptive researcher), Musk – who we can understand simply as a representative or sales rep of some extremely large and powerful public or private intelligence network – may have been instrumental in sponsoring Rogan, and it appears the same is true of Fridman. North described Rogan’s podcast as ‘the realest fake thing you will ever see.’
It’s a podcast circle-jerk that always has the same members: Musk, Rogan, Fridman, Sam Harris, the Weinsteins, Jordan Peterson, Alex Jones, and so on (it could be that some of these, e.g. Peterson, Weinstein, are not fully wittingly involved). Does anyone really believe all these people magically became perfect buddies and began interviewing each other (and mostly only each other) in the last 5-8 years, at the exact time Google – Fridman’s employer – began purging the thousands of authentic channels from the internet (and Musk’s Paypal removed their means of sustenance in many cases)? While always suspicious, I admit I was fooled more than I am now, but no, I don’t see these associations as organic. That’s not to say these people have nothing interesting to say, but it’s not a natural, spontaneous occurrence that they have ended up in front of our faces.
As for why Fridman was artificially erected in the last two years, I’d argue it was because Rogan had gotten too big, and more hubs/loci were needed to make the network more resilient and more credible.
The following are some highlighted moments of Fridman’s first two years as a podcaster/Youtuber:
2014: eight MMA-related videos are uploaded to lay the groundwork for dudebro street cred and Rogan menagerie membership
2015-2017: uploads of videotaped MIT lectures, where he briefly introduced guest speakers he did not select, which he now passes off as ‘podcasts’
October 2018: episodes #1 and #2 are little-viewed interviews with little-known AI researchers, episode #3 is with world-famous AI theorist Steven Pinker. Fridman tells Pinker he has an appearance on Rogan’s show already scheduled, meaning his interview with Rogan was scheduled before episodes #1 and 2 were even created.
December 2018: episode #8, Eric Schmidt of Google
March 2019: episode #17, Eric Weinstein
April 2019: episode #18, Elon Musk
June 2019: Arianna Huffington
September 2019: Leonard Susskind, world-famous physicist
October 2019: Michio Kaku
November 2019: episode #49, Elon Musk again
November 2019: Noam Chomsky
December 2019: Ray Dalio, one of biggest hedge-fund managers ever
January 2020: Paul Krugman
March 2020: Jack Dorsey
April 2020: four interviews with Richard Dawkins
May 2020: Stephen Schwarzman, CEO of Blackstone, one of world’s largest investment funds by assets
September 2020: ‘first’ interview with Rogan, after having already been on his podcast
As for ‘networking at MIT,’ I’m sure the tens of thousands of other PhDs from MIT (726 awarded per year) can simply email all these world-famous household names and secure 3-hour interviews with them at will.
Here is an excerpt from Fridman’s first widely watched podcast upload, episode #3 with Pinker:
Fridman: “You said that it’s important to think about reason, and one of my favorite people who likes to dip into the outskirts of reason, uh, through fascinating exploration of his imagination is Joe Rogan, so uh, who has through reason, used to believe a lot of conspiracies, and through reason has stripped away a lot of his beliefs in that way, so it’s fascinating actually to watch him through rationality kind of throw away the ideas of bigfoot, 9/11, uh chemtrails, he no longer believes in this.”
Pinker: “Yeah, he’s become a real force for, for uh, for good.”
Fridman: You were on the Joe Rogan podcast in February . . . I will be on his podcast in a couple weeks.”
Due to the stunning breadth and depth of the evidence, 9/11 is the ultimate litmus test for determining the legitimacy of a commentator. Fridman, who was born in 1983 and arrived to the US in 1994, compares it to Bigfoot, which has little to no verifiable evidence behind it. If you really look at the evidence for a 9/11 conspiracy – there are literally dozens, 25-30+ hours of exposition of unique evidence in documentary films – and you do not walk away from it, give up, and close your ears, and you still can’t conclude it’s a conspiracy, you’re simply not committed to the truth and have other needs or duties to self or others that come before the truth. Anyone who claims to be a deep thinker and is vocally, publicly opposed to 9/11 truth is a fraud, plain and simple (however, if someone just says, I don’t know yet, I gave up looking into it, don’t want to spend any more time or energy on it and have other things I need to focus on – fine, that’s his or her prerogative; it’s major weak sauce, but not the same as publicly mocking and opposing it). So, on that basis alone, not that any more basis was needed, Fridman is not legit; his ASMR, Rod Serling-ripoff delivery and get-up aren’t fooling me and shouldn’t be fooling anyone. The schtick is little more credible than his countryman Zelensky’s 24/7-worn olive-green t-shirt.
I hate to be negative and go into ‘witch-hunt’ mode, especially since much and probably most of what people like Rogan and Fridman say is not objectionable, and very often true and interesting; but tired of seeing these controlled voices soak up the masses of people who have defected from the traditional MSM.
1/12/23- Merrick Garland appoints Special Counsel to investigate Biden; looks like Joementia has been ruled out for 2024
12/31/22- Demystifying WSJ’s ‘where have all the go-getters gone?‘ piece: people become lazier and more criminal under totalitarianism, always have, always will
WSJ is scratching its head, asking why people aren’t working as hard as before? No, it wasn’t that covid made us realize our own mortality – I still don’t directly know anyone who died of covid, though I know at least two who unexpectedly dropped dead within days to weeks of getting the vaccine – and no, it wasn’t that ‘the stress of the pandemic made us step back and take stock of what really matters.’
Maybe the latter is a factor, but it’s mainly just that the vast majority of people – whether consciously or not – now understand that beyond the charade of democracy, we live under a monstrous, totalitarian regime, which unmasked itself to an unprecedented degree the past couple years. The power structure believes they own us and just permit us to be free, like grazing cattle, and that they can corral us or worse when they see fit.
Free people – at least people who think they are free – work hard to create futures for themselves. Slaves hardly work, they do the minimum to avoid punishment. These are widely accepted phenomena. People are now forced to recognize that their world and future aren’t quite what they thought they were, that the government can snatch everything away and up-end our reality the moment a cooked-up crisis hits. That sort of happened with 9/11, but this affected our lives so much more directly, immeasurably more. And people know how much worse it could’ve been had the establishment been dumber and more reckless than they already are.
It doesn’t matter what people think they believe; most people, to limit cognitive dissonance, will tell themselves a digestible narrative about what occurred. They will even lash out at and mock people like me, just as I have lashed out at truths I later came to embrace. But they have a working brain and they know what they saw during covid: evidence-free mandates that destroyed livelihoods and multi-generational businesses, irrevocable abuse of and experimentation on children, 74-year censorship of ‘the science’ behind vaccines that from the beginning obviously didn’t work, a massive spike in ‘sudden deaths,’ a deluge of propaganda and pressure that dwarfed anything that came before. They can’t unsee that, they can only bury it in the back of their mind.
Crime has gone way up for similar reasons. The establishment unmasked itself, showed itself more clearly than ever as a thug and criminal, and people are just emulating that and feeling more licensed to commit crime. Likewise with prices, it’s not just monetary inflation – people think, I better get mine while the getting’s good, because with our insane leadership, who knows what tomorrow holds. This short-term, ruthless mentality is prevalent in China and other nations with totalitarian regimes, whether covert or overt totalitarianism.
12/11/22- ‘What I eat in a day,’ Cronogram, and some comments on health and diet
Not infrequently, people in real life ask me what my diet is like, what my opinion is on different diet trends, etc.
Basically, I’m not on board with any of the major diets: vegan, keto, carnivore, paleo, meat + fruit, 80-10-10, McDougall starch, fruitarian/30 bananas, Whole 30, Gundry, etc etc etc; if a diet is new, has a name, and has booksellers /promoters, it’s probably not good; packaged novelty is marketable, nuance isn’t, tried-and-true isn’t. That’s not to say many of these diets have brought nothing good to the conversation; they have, but the package can still be rejected. I believe they are all considerably flawed and result either in deficiency, or imbalance and too much of a good thing.
The only diet name I am on board with is ‘whole foods [365]’ i.e. the general avoidance of oil (esp industrial), [processed] sugar, flour (esp refined), and anything artificial. I would approve of Fuhrman’s ‘nutritarian’ diet (though describing a diet as ‘nutrition’ doesn’t really qualify as a name brand) if there were more recognition of nutrients only available in animal foods, but cannot ‘endorse’ it due to its essential denial of any animal-food benefits. I do believe animal consumption. I think there’s something to be said for gradually reducing animal-food consumption in older age, and Fuhrman’s approach may have the most value for older people with [age-relative] sub-optimal cardiovascular health.
I think fats are healthy in moderation and should not at all be avoided, but that fiber and antioxidant consumption are key to avoiding cardiovascular and other problems with high fat. Macro-nutritionally, I usually eat about 40-40-20 carbs-fat-protein by calories (in the above example 41-37-22), which was more fat than I thought I was eating and is a ‘high-fat diet’ by any conventional measure.
I believe I’d have a little more strength with more animal foods, but try to weigh that against longevity and disease-prevention (e.g. not just heart disease, but also cancer and diabetes). The inescapable fact I’ve seen from hundreds of data points is that male vitality (hormonal/endocrinal, muscular, etc.) and lifespan oppose each other, and you have to strike a balance. This is absolutely not to say that you can’t have both in considerable measure, but you cannot maximize both, dishonest juiceheads like Liver King and the Rock notwithstanding (I’m not claiming the Rock has been on PEDs for all of his adulthood [or is necessarily now]; but certainly large portions of it).
Yesterday I heard about a great, free tool called Cronogram, which allows you to easily input your daily diet and track macro and micronutrients, and I entered in an estimate of the day’s food after the fact (see chart above). The following is what I ate (calories are well beyond basal metabolic rate, but I did some walking and have a fairly fast metabolism). It’s not perfect or meant to be, but was pleasantly surprising in terms of macro- and micronutritional balance and sufficiency.
It goes without saying that my diet varies considerably from day or day or week to week, and by season. I tend to eat more fruit in the summer for example (esp melons, tropical fruit), and I often eat a number of other fruits and vegetables not included here, change up the menu completely, etc. But I imagine the macro (fiber was probably 10-15 grams higher this day than often is) and micronutrient profiles stay fairly consistent, say within a 20% margin up or down.
Breakfast:4 soft, pan-toasted [fairly coarse-grained; Ula brand] corn* tortillas/tacos, with 12 oz low-fat/low-lard refried beans (i.e. mashed pinto beans; 1.5 grams fat per can; don’t trust canned lard much) and 2 slices of provolone cheese as fillers
Snack: 1 orange and 1 kiwi, 1.5 ounces almonds
Lunch: 1/2 cup dry buckwheat* groats (non-roasted) with himalayan salt (sometimes add small pat of butter), cooked in water; shortly followed by small/medium handful of walnuts, and date-peanut bar
Dinner: Large cast-iron mix of onion, mushrooms, kale*, olive oil, sauerkraut, half a sweet potato, can of cannelini beans, and half-pound of ground turkey* (lean mix was more coincidence than intentional), with rosemary and oregano. I also mixed in some spicy tomato sauce but forgot to put that in the calculator.
‘Dessert:’ Bowl of frozen blueberries* (usually do fresh berries but like frozen better as a dessert)
(I eat red meat about once a week on average and eat fish, seafood, and poultry more often than beef and pork. I usually do 0-2 eggs per week unless going out to breakfast etc; likely 0.5-1 per week averaged, often eaten with fiber e.g. beans or vegetables; yes, eggs taste good, and are nutrient-dense as is said again and again, but as you can see above, a balanced whole-food diet can well exceed micronutrient needs without eggs, and there are no special nutrients in eggs that weren’t covered adequately, e.g. biotin, choline, etc — while I believe there is a cardiovascular risk with high real-world yolk consumption (vastly higher in cholesterol than any other food; adding 3 extra-large eggs would have more than tripled – 952mg vs. 313mg – my cholesterol intake for the day, which already contained cheese and a half-pound of meat); even if there are theoretical physiological scenarios where the risk could be mitigated or eliminated, such as those discussed by Paul Saladino and other carnivore-diet advocates, there is no way to monitor internal physiology and know if such scenarios – e.g. zero cholesterol oxidation, and a zero-inflammation arterial environment – are actually being created or maintained, making it an unnecessary crapshoot as a daily food)
Supplements (these change periodically, the only consistent ones of late being the minerals; at times I’ve been a pretty big supplement guy and I still experiment with them, but treat them more as recreational substances / non-daily ‘nootropics,’ exercise/physical-work boosts, or travel items than indispensable parts of my diet. Once I determine that a nutrient is needed, should be increased, etc., it is rare that the cost-benefit / risk-reward of just buying the whole-food source is not superior, and involves fewer wasteful purchases. I can’t tell you how many $30+ supplements I’ve bought where I took 5-10-20 pills and never touched it again. At least with foods you’re getting calories, fiber, better bioavailability, and full synergy of all nutrients therein, and there’s seldom any real risk of ill effects with foods compared to synthetic supplements or extracts. Also, many important nutrients, e.g. glutathione [cysteine glutamate glycine], vitamin K2 [K1], carnosine [alanine], retinol [beta carotene], collagen [vitamin C], among many others, are primarily created through precursors that are abundant in a healthy whole-food diet; the endogenous creation of such compounds is surely preferable to ingesting a powder of unknown purity, production date, bioavailability, etc):
Every day: low/moderate-dose vitamin B complex (Bronson ‘B Complex with Vitamin C’ which I take is a good value) (update: I now only take this as needed for energy / performance enhancement; I made the change because B12 and B-complex supplementation are associated with the risk of some cancers; several synthetic vitamins, e.g. beta carotene, vitamin E, also have a possible cancer link, which is one reason I don’t take a multi-vitamin)
Every night: 15mg zinc/1mg copper (Jarrow-brand Zinc Balance), 425mg magnesium
Occasional, 0-3 times/week: 500mg creatine (mainly for energy and cognitive benefits, low dose to minimize cancer and kidney harm risk; dose for muscle gain is typically 3-5g); 500mg taurine (for same purposes; daily use should be avoided to prevent desensitization); vitamin D 2000 IU couple times a week; 1-1.5 teaspoons cod liver oil (more for natural-form vitamin D than the preformed A, which I’m confident I convert at a normal/good-enough rate from beta carotene)
-Fiber content was high, 85g (average intake in the US is 10-15g/day, with 95% of people under RDV). Hunter-gatherer groups, which have low cholesterol levels (usually around 115-130) without much regard to their level of animal food consumption, generally get from 60-100g of fiber per day.
-Caloric composition was 75% plant, 25% animal
-While my diet is high fat, I believe the high fiber keeps triglycerides and cholesterol down (which were approximately 38-40 triglycerides and 42/79 HDL and LDL/VLDL at last measure a year ago)
-Cronogram’s caloric overage does not account for exercise
-Yes, I know it’s a lot of beans (about 1.75 cans). There are zero intestinal/gas issues once your body gets used to them, which for most people takes less than a week. The key is to eat them somewhat regularly.
-Vitamin D content was only 5% RDV without the cod liver oil, which brought it to 117%; I only take this in later part of fall and winter
-Potential improvements: a little more color, and more raw foods (e.g. some raw vegetables/salad; as noted, I eat more raw fruit in the warmer months), slight ratcheting up of O3 fats, maybe from hemp seed substitution or some sardines, which I eat often; I don’t think my 4.92:1 is at all bad, but the oft stated 4:1 or even 3:1 is better. I don’t think it’s possible to go much below 3:1, or maybe 2:1, while getting sufficient healthy fats and maintaining a good macronutritional balance. It’s not an issue I pay a lot of attention to or ever track daily, and think it will sort itself out if you eat healthy. Cronogram says I was short on water, though 5ish cups felt like enough, and there was another cup or so from cooking, water in bean cans, etc. Slightly more polyphenols and antioxidants could be beneficial.
11/29/22- Lex Fridman = Mockingbird-type spook, 98%-plus certainty; along with much of the ‘intellectual dark web’ (Sam Harris et al), as well as space/Mars-fakery Elon, Chomsky, and others outside of that menagerie; yes there are some authentic players in the mix, but they always fund & control ‘both’ sides the best they can
It’s a hard thing to accept, but do you really believe the trillion-dollar machine that runs the world will fail to spend the relative pittance it would take for them to maintain control / exert heavy influence beyond the MSM level – which they know well has fallen by the wayside and is watched by few people? No, they’re going to attempt to control the second level, third level, and perhaps beyond. They’re not going to let 20-30-40% or more of the population just fall through the cracks.
All the ‘IDW’ voices (the term is ridiculous on its face, yet there is some palpable, organized group that overlaps with much, maybe even a majority of the term’s usual referents) rose to prominence during, and more so after, the YouTube slow-motion censorship purge/memory-holing of 2014-2017. Prior to that period, it was more or less a free-for-all, aside from the goofball shills who sought to muddy the water and garner large shares of the viewership; but at least there was a degree of open competition. After it, those genuine voices were all gone, and were replaced by a slickly produced closed circuit of a couple dozen allegedly independent voices, who 98% of the time just interview and promote themselves.
There’s a lot of nuance of course; these people speak a lot of truth, they say interesting things, they’re worth listening to on occasion, but I think the listener stay on guard.
11/29/22- Economic commentator George Gammon (who’s made some important points about CBDCs recently, which the Fed just began piloting with commercial banks) made a good point today: “When have the people who have pushed censorship [invariably on the basis of ‘dangerous misinformation’] been the good guys? The answer is never.”
(to which can be added) When have the people who have gone for our guns/disarmed the public been the good guys? Never.
The people who have supported these things have always been the despised, spit-on tyrants – who have failed in 100% of instances – as well as the deluded, derided masses who lent them power.
It’s time to get on the right side of history; and no, that doesn’t mean you don a red hat and watch Fox News 24/7. I myself don’t do either of those things. What it means is that you disown and disavow the evil elements of your political ‘team,’ think independently, and abandon the left-right paradigm.
11/15/22- Przewodow false flag: so Russia bombed a village of 400 babushkas in extreme rural Poland? Get real. ‘Earlier reports suggested the debris looked similar to Ukrainian air defense missiles . . . but Poland’s foreign ministry later confirmed a Russian-made missile was responsible;’ just another transparent attempt to throw us into war. (Update 11/16/22: Poland ‘de-confirms’ Russian missile claim, says was a Ukrainian missile; NATO’s Stoltenberg: “let me be clear. . .Russia is ultimately to blame”)
11/12/22- Enough with the surprise batches, drops, and dumps [that gave us our fake, fraudulent, demented president]: three easy steps to electoral integrity
1) Apply for mail-in ballot, prove reason (old age/disability, military, foreign residence), re-apply every 2 years, ballot must *arrive* and brought to the counting room *before* election day. Late ballots trashed. Counting of mail-in ballots starts the morning of election day and ends by election day afternoon.
2) Election Day, not week or month. Generous hours, e.g. 7am-10pm. Show ID / prove who you are. If there aren’t enough poll workers make it mandatory like jury duty. Make the day a national holiday. Incorporate all paper ballots, abolish hackable electronic machines. Paper ballots are counted periodically as they are being cast, counting ends by 11pm. All precincts must report complete results by midnight on publicly viewable platform. Late precincts excluded from vote. Media reporting and ‘calls’ become irrelevant.
3) Put two perforated tags on each paper and mail-in ballot with an anonymous ID number, one tag for poll workers and one for the voter. The poll workers enter the ID number onto a publicly viewable blockchain. The voter can then go online and verify that his or her vote was counted for the correct candidate.
I thought of this in five minutes, and it would cost less than a thousandth of government revenue to pull off; if we don’t have electoral integrity, it’s because they don’t want us to have it.
11/9/22- How my worldview/’universe’-view has been informed by ‘ET’ fakery
At one time I accepted the conventional universe model, but then I gradually noticed that:
1) There is no reliable evidence for alien beings or ‘other planets’ suitable for habitation
2) There have been no real Moon missions, all of them were fake
3) There have been no real Earth images, all of them fake or composite
4) There have obviously been no Mars missions, if we haven’t even reached the Moon
5) There has been no open exploration of Antarctica, which might debunk the conventional earth model (due to serious, unresolved problems with the otherwise more intuitive flat model, I tend towards a geocentric semi-hollow globe at the moment, with an Earth-specific, gravity-like force holding the waters, and perhaps with some energetic / physical base or phenomenon at its ‘south pole’)
6) Gravity theory has become untenable and relies on an absurd, imperceptible, undetetable filler material – ‘dark matter/dark energy’ – to constitute 96-97% of all supposed mass
7) There is no unique mathematical basis for the heliocentric model, which is merely a philosophical choice
8) While simple self-aggrandizement explains space fakery, it doesn’t at all explain alien fakery.
The natural conclusion is that they have been slowly falsifying a context in which outer-space aliens (from ‘light years’ away) can exist, so that they can eventually show us non-human beings whom they will falsely present as outer-space aliens.
The only two possibilities I can see from this are that A) the aliens themselves will be wholly fabricated by man and will not exist [but will be used to justify a world government run with or without covert demonic assistance] or B) the ‘aliens’ are real but are demonic in nature and spatially close or extra-dimensional, and use the hoax to stage a quasi-overt demonic coup of Earth a la Childhood’s End (a covert coup may have already effectively happened). Personally, I tend towards the latter.
(By demons and demonic in this and other posts, I am simply referring to any non-human beings that are not benevolent. The concept is not necessarily limited to or within the Christian framework; almost all religions have a name for such beings, and they are widely believed/asserted to have been encountered during mystical and psychedelic experiences outside of the practice of organized religion, etc.)
11/2/22- Did the maestro of organized religion/Great Impostor create the new faith of Scientism (with its expectation of ‘alien’ contact and with its major goal of space travel, a goal which has taken on a thoroughly religious and almost eschatological energy among its faithful, in spite of the highly ‘scatologic’ evidence of any serious progress thus far, and in spite of there being nowhere in this dimension to go, even according the conventional universe model, other than [what in their CGI and by their flawed mathematical models they imagine to be] a dusty, arid, lethally frigid, radiation-soaked wasteland with no breathable air or water; which we haven’t reached even a millionth of the alleged distance towards) as a backdrop for his final act and attempted coup? Did Arthur C. Clarke first warn us (intentionally or otherwise) 70 years ago in Childhood’s End?
It’s a concept I’d thought of long before coming across the book – as have others, e.g. Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry in the heavily suppressed and never published, never leaked (other than a handful of its 150 pages) TV manuscript ‘The God Thing,’ which I will cover in-depth shortly – and one that all people should familiarize themselves with.
10/31/22- Not spending a lot of time on it, but the Paul Pelosi thing is by all appearances a gay sex tryst gone awry, turned censorship-promoting hoax, as Democratic operatives sought to capitalize on the scandal and misdirect the public from it at the same time.
The ridiculous official story is that a ‘friend’ of Paul Pelosi who Paul also doesn’t know, an at least thrice-accused child molester including of his own male and female children and stepchildren, bisexual ‘Castro nudist,’ Green-Party member, and hemp jewelry designer who lived in a ‘hippie collective’ adorned with LGBT flags and handwritten BLM signs – who supposedly lived a double life as a Q-obsessed ‘ultra MAGA’ Republican – arrived at the mansion’s door at 2am in his underwear wielding a hammer and asked to make a phone call. The 82-year-old Pelosi then opened the door and let the naked hammer-wielding stranger into his home, and turned his back on him while he went to get his phone from the bathroom. Pelosi and DePape then waited peacefully inside the home for several minutes until DePape began to strike Pelosi at the exact moment police arrived, after they were ‘let inside by an unknown person.’
Nancy is the most powerful person in the US Congress and third in line for the presidency, and Paul runs a very successful venture capital firm, undoubtedly fueled in part by Nancy’s inside deals. They’re worth $114 million. Many named sources have confirmed they have full-time staff and security, as anyone would expect.
The apparent truth is that Pelosi either hired the mentally unstable DePape as a gay prostitute or had an unpaid tryst with him, there was some kind of loud altercation well prior to the hammer attack that prompted Pelosi, his staff, and/or a concerned neighbor to call police (the ‘unknown person’ puts serious doubt on who actually called), and DePape may have struck Pelosi once with a hammer as police arrived and tried to defuse the situation. Panicked political operatives then faked DePape’s blog and social-media posts (this could be easily accomplished, simply by changing the name on a banned or inactive account), perhaps arranged a payoff and legal representation for him, and used their media allies to cast the event as a Q-Anon attempted assassination that demonstrates the need to suppress ‘radicalizing’ online content. The crime scene was likely tampered with, e.g. the breaking of the sliding door, which doesn’t at all align with the rest of the story, and the easily planted, very Magic Passport-esque list of other targets for attack (as if a person would carry a list around everywhere), conveniently packed in a baggie with duct tape and zip ties. As for the true extent of Pelosi’s injuries, recall that he was treated in Zuckerberg General Hospital in San Francisco (yes that Zuckerberg). Just another day at the office in the shadow-government-run circus we call a republic.
Hopefully Paul Pelosi won’t fake a stutter and start hamming it up on the media circuit in support of censorship, which tangentially brings to mind former congresswoman Gabby Giffords, who faked her head injury after the staged 2011 Tucson shooting, as this short video by legendary banned YouTuber The Paulstal Service helped elucidate in funny fashion. Giffords is the wife of space fraudster Mark Kelly, who used the incident to springboard to a Senate seat and is now seeking reelection.
10/24/22 – Follow-up: 5 months later, no further images released of fake Uvalde shooter; some comments on ‘aliens,’ nuclear weapons, and asteroids
As called here the day after, this was another fake one. Up to now we’ve only seen the same two images that were released within a day or so of the incident, both of which could be easily photoshopped. This, for the alleged second-worst shooting ever. Like at Sandy Hook and the dozens of other classified training exercises in the US (and NATO allies), nobody died.
I believe the primary objective of such events hasn’t been to grab guns, though that’s a major goal; it’s to condition people to believe in things that aren’t real – such as a [largely] fake pandemic, fake nuke or dirty bomb (which may well be next up to bat), or fake ET encounter (which could dovetail off of a fake or ‘real’ nuke) – a scenario discussed in the Fake Aliens and Other Endgames post from 2016.
Thankfully, I think it’s all backfiring. While a sizeable group, perhaps 30-35-40%, have been conditioned to believe in fakery more readily, a critical mass, say 25-35%, now tend towards disbelieving by default (with the remainder less creduluous than before and ‘not sure what to believe’), up from say 5-10% a decade ago, which breaks up the media messaging and dilutes its potency too much to work.
Remember, these are the same people who engineered 9/11, before cell-phone cameras, before YouTube and video uploading, and before the ubiquity of the internet, when the power structure could still control a narrative sufficiently, i.e. to 90-95%-plus adoption. That era is over and they haven’t adapted, so they’re desperately resorting to failed repetition and censorship.
(‘Aliens’ might appear at a moment of supposed ‘nuclear armageddon’ – they’ll either be faked outright by man e.g. with the aid of holograms and/or classified weaponry [such as was likely deployed on a relatively small scale on 9/11 as directed energy], or be malevolent extra-dimensional/extra-terrestrial-but-nearby beings, commonly called demons, Satan, and other names, who would be falsely presented to us as intra-dimensional, outer-space beings. I know I return to this bizarre theme often, but I’m 100% sure such a thing is in the hopper, and likely intended to happen within most of our lifetimes; given the establishment’s underwhelming talent level of late and recent record of flubbed event executions, I also believe it will fail if attempted, which, particularly if faked outright, would be both terrifying (a word abused in the Twittersphere lately) and hilarious. Another post potentially relevant to this topic is from 7/2/20: The Book of Revelation: Divine Prophecy, Sinister [Human/Demonic] Plan, or Both?
Though I believe nuclear energy is real, I’ve long suspected that the threat of nuclear weapons is a bogeyman exaggeration meant to cow humanity; and as major powers including apparent enemies have cooperated with respect to the Moon hoax, they may well do so also to an extent with nuclear weapons. The 1960s and particularly the 1950s, while society was perhaps more malleable in the wake of World War II, seem to have been a little-appreciated period of ‘macro’/’meta’ deceptions: fake space travel, fake Moon missions, the flying saucer hoaxes, the founding of NASA, the closure of Antarctica [see post 6/15/19], and perhaps included, the mass-testing of nuclear weapons (as well as the birth of the ‘climate change’ / global warming hoax); things which have all been completely dormant since that time, now more than 50 years ago. It’s not an idea I’ve fully embraced since I haven’t looked at it deeply enough, and there are apparent foils to the theory, e.g. reported weapons development in Iran, etc., but I believe there is considerable misrepresentation of their true destructive potential. We live in fear of nukes, yet none of the testing – the detonation of more than 2,000 nuclear bombs, including 500 above ground, rivaling a major nuclear war in scale – made any significant impact on nature or mankind. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, while disastrous and tragic, had core blast zones about one mile in diameter, in a relatively small but 145,000-square-mile country in a 197 million square-mile world. Even in supposed multi-century or -thousand-year contamination sites such as Chernobyl, wildlife ‘repopulated’ the area in less than a year, if they ever even left, something that can’t really be known since people were excluded for decades and still are in most areas, and since the voice of Belarussian and Ukrainian villagers living nearby is even today highly limited in reach, and back then practically nil. In a similar vein, as discussed in the ‘Grigorian Mathematics’ post from 2019, asteroids are a non-extinction threat and in all likelihood a tiny fraction of their claimed size. To remind readers, the geocentric Tychonic model has never been disproven, as even controlled Wikipedia admits, and without a force law like gravity, which has never been witnessed on Earth and now has to posit an invisible, undetectable, 96-97% filler material called ‘dark matter/energy’ to function theoretically, the planets, Sun, and other celestial bodies such as asteroids can be any size relative to Earth.)
10/21/22- Re: the child vax ‘guidance,’ the best way to respond to the CDC is simply to ignore them, on this and anything else. They can’t be reasoned with, they can’t be reformed, because they were always just an appendage of Big Pharma disguised as a government agency, at least their leadership; just as the Fed and sadly even the Treasury department are organs of the banking system and subservient to private interests.
Even in blue states, as long as parents continue to personally ignore the CDC as most had been prior to this vote, any school mandates that might be issued will fall apart on week one due to low compliance.
9/11/22 – As always, never forget: no passenger planes, no hijackers, no OBL (never charged with the crime, died in early 2000s; 2011 raid and at-sea burial a hoax), no KSM (21 years later, still no trial; charges announced 14 years ago), no Taliban, no Al Qaeda, no Muslims, dozens of Israeli agents apprehended (joint DoD/CIA/Mossad operation), MSM fully and consciously complicit; or you can believe in fairy tales, your choice
9/4/22- In gun-control push, fake president Biden repeats tired claim that F-15s are needed to resist tyranny
What good did F-15s and Apache helicopters do us in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam? The US has lost every major war since Korea (arguably including it), and the enemy in most instances has won with standard-grade rifles and pickup trucks, something Americans are loaded with (500 million firearms).
Even if a fully staffed military could win, which it can’t, a critical mass would refuse orders from the commander in cheat; and even if active-duty troops hypothetically obeyed, the reserves are far larger, and would never leave their civilian lives to fight their own citizens, including many veterans.
Among non-military, the percentage who might actually take up arms to fight an insurgency (assuming they had arms, which they don’t) is way under 1%. Among the minority who would ideologically support quelling one by force, I doubt 1 in 100 or even 500 would actually be willing to suit up and fight. Virtually all would just leave the country or allow the insurgency to secede where they had control. The recruiting campaign would turn out something like this.
The only way the power structure would ever attempt an armed conflict on US soil is either by instigating a world war against a world power like China, or by smearing an elected leader in the world media, blacking out the non-corporate domestic media the best they can, and having UN troops ‘rescue’ us.
Those too would have no better chance of succeeding, since no foreign nation could successfully occupy the US, just as the world’s most powerful nation has failed utterly in all of its many attempts to occupy against ragtag resistance in small nations <1/20th of its size.
Not that it’s any great consolation, but as the demented usurper constantly says, ‘make no mistake / let me be clear:’ if the world power structure can’t ultimately get its way here, they won’t occupy or defeat us because they can’t, they’ll just try to destroy the country to make it less relevant.
8/9/22- Trump cannot be disqualified from office as a result of the political FBI raid
The Constitution sets out the qualifications for the Presidency: 35 years of age, and a natural-born citizen. That’s it. Qualifications cannot be added or removed without an amendment. The only disqualification is conviction of an impeached offense. There are no other disqualifications, none can be added.
Congress cannot pass a statute to override or alter the Constitution. The only reason that garbage part of the law is still on the books is because the Supreme Court hasn’t had time to throw it out yet.
It’s laughable to think that a serial murderer or rapist would qualify for the Presidency, yet someone who committed a minor mishandling of classified information wouldn’t. Can Congress pass a law saying jaywalkers or DUI offenders are now disqualified? It’s called separation of powers. The people propagating this lie are the same ones who tried to pass CDC ‘guidance’ off as law over the last 2.5 years.
The completely political FBI raid was just new fodder for the MSM propaganda outlets, and a fishing expedition for evidence related to the exaggerated, fed-infested, fed-led ‘J6’ incident.
This is no novel legal take on the issue, but the whole story, especially when taken together with the Russia hoax, impeachment hoax, etc., is too outrageous to ignore.
7/5/22- Highland Park: by all appearances, a Boston Marathon/Las Vegas-style fake shooting
Some assorted observations: it’s been described as a ‘bloodbath,’ but none of the alleged 42 dead and wounded have been shown, only about a 1 square-foot splash of alleged blood.
The alleged killer has (among some amateur material) professionally produced, Hollywood-grade music videos alluding to the shooting, in which he wears body armor and a combat helmet. Very unlikely for an unemployed 21-year-old, but no problem with a CIA (who has been allowed to wage psychological warfare against US citizens since the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which legalized domestic propaganda) or FBI budget.
The few witnesses I’ve seen have had a blasé, unperturbed demeanor, almost all of them wearing sunglasses to hide their eyes, and no tears or real crying can be seen. Wikipedia article is on a 7-day block from editing, as we’ve seen with every fake shooting.
The tiresome M.O., which we saw at Boston and Las Vegas among other staged events, is very simple: a small casualty area is designated beforehand, often blocked off in a non-obvious way, e.g. with trash cans, signage, food carts, etc., moulage i.e. injury make-up (which in this event they may not have even bothered with) is pre-applied under clothing or ready to be applied rapidly while simulated first-aid occurs (i.e. applying fake blood or gore while appearing on video to tend to a victim, which we saw unequivocally at Boston, where amputees were used as crisis actor victims), and drill participants ‘protect’ the victims i.e. block non-participants from seeing what’s going on. Loud shooting noises, possibly from a loudspeaker or from firing blanks, are heard and the crowd predictably scatters. Bystanders get only second – or third-hand witness accounts of anything beyond noise and have no real idea whether the event was genuine or fake.
Like at Uvalde, Sandy Hook, etc., documentation is non-existent. 3̶6̶ 48 hours and counting and there is no video or photo footage from an incident involving thousands of people, all of whom had cameras and video recorders on hand, and surely a number of CCTV cameras, none of which have shown any of the seven bodies or any of the dozens of people allegedly wounded.
Follow-up 7/6/22:
Even if the alleged shooter / the person playing him is real, as appears may be the case, it doesn’t at all imply the event was real or that anyone died; the possibilities are many:
1) He could be drugged to oblivion and hustled through the court system
2) He could be replaced with someone else who is mentally ill / disabled and unable to defend himself
3) More likely, real court proceedings may not even happen. Recall [that your government is insane and] that in Operation Closed Campus – the template for the fake Sandy Hook shooting and similar subsequent incidents, virtually all of them during the Obama and Biden administrations – the ‘full-scale’ FEMA and Homeland Security training exercise included, extremely bizarrely, not only the arrest, prosecution, and conviction/sentencing of drill participants / characters in actual court facilities but also news-media reportage thereon, as well as the hospital treatment and medical examination / autopsy of fictional victims, perhaps even more bizarrely. In that case, the person playing Crimo could be a foreigner relocated to another country, an American relocated domestically under witness protection or abroad (e.g. as an intelligence agent/asset), a transgender person now disguised under a new gender identity (with surgery and future living expenses paid for by the government; or a woman who dressed up as a man for the drill), etc.
6/13/22- Plenty of familiar patterns emerge around fake Uvalde shooting
5/30/22- Only the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are clinging to the toxic, ineffective vaccines, ranking the worst in travel freedom after North Korea
Updated travel regulations compared to February. Red indicates vaccine required to enter. Rule does not apply to citizens and residents. Orange in Europe indicates need to enter via a neighboring country to bypass requirement, elsewhere it involves proof of recovery. Indonesia and Papua New Guinea require vaccine but not test (and I’d imagine it could be fairly easily bypassed there). Like I said previously, if all countries require it and there’s no workaround, I won’t be traveling abroad; I am just ‘combating misinformation’ that one is needed to travel.
5/27/22- “He [Ramos] was shooting for 1 hour 17 minutes;” flashback to lyin’ Sally Cox from Sandy Hook
Cox claimed she was “hiding in the closet for 4 hours and wasn’t sure if it was over,” when police had allegedly performed four fine-toothed sweeps of the building within one hour.
At Uvalde, how on Earth could a shooter keep himself busy for an hour and 17 minutes in a single classroom of 10 year olds…and have several of them survive it by hiding under a tablecloth?
The whole thing is steaming, screaming BS to anyone paying attention to these details and yes, your government is truly insane. On the bright side, there aren’t actually any human beings interested in committing these particular atrocities.
5/27/22- Salvador Ramos is a fictional character, like Adam Lanza and the other fake heroes and villains of post-truth America
It’s now more than 3 days since the second-worst (and by all appearances fake, like the worst was) shooting in US history (in terms of its nature), thousands of reporters (and data-miners, white-hat hackers, bribe-able employees of social media companies, etc.) from hundreds of domestic and foreign news outlets backed by billions of dollars are on the case – and only two images have emerged of the alleged shooter (including many versions of the same photo; a variety of zoom-ins, black and white, etc.). No video of him, not a single photo with friends or family, no other social media photos, no yearbook photos from the likely thousands of people he shared a school with over the years, no nothing. The guy didn’t exist (or if he did, had/now has an alternate identity / nationality), nobody died; it was either a training exercise, a raw propaganda operation (which has been legal inside the US since the 2011 NDAA), or a combination of the two. Predictably, the media discourse has already shifted away from actual reportage on the event and moved mostly onto gun-grabbing (which, re: the below post, has been promoted by Elon Musk; no surprise there).
As was the case with Adam Lanza, many of the 9/11 hijackers, etc., Salvador Ramos is in all likelihood a made-up name tacked onto a doctored photo of another face, or just an auto-generated one. The tears and tragedy are fake, the heroes are fake, like Todd Beamer (if real, likely living under another identity) and the rest on Flight 93 were. All we’ve had so far are mostly anonymous anecdotes about ‘him’ (and named people are paid off all the time, e.g. Tiffany Dover’s family for just one instance). Anyone, including paid participants in the apparent training exercise, can say they knew a person or that he worked at a Wendy’s etc.; you can’t prove a negative, and corporations and NGOs agree to cooperate with and are infiltrated by FBI/DHS/CIA all the time.
The main ‘mental health conversation we need to have’ is that in post-truth/truth-optional America, a large (albeit rapidly shrinking) majority of the population is chronically unable to discern reality from theater, and unwilling to admit they’ve been hoodwinked dozens of times over the past 10 years.
5/25/22- Within a few hours, the Wikipedia page for the Uvalde non-shooting was set to extended-confirmed protected, which is rarely used and is the highest level of control/censorship. We’ve seen no footage of a shooter entering the building, no footage of bodies, bad crisis acting, smiling parents, crying reporters who shed no tears, lackadaisical police milling around, pre-planned political grandstanding, pre-written gun-control bills, fundraisers galore, etc etc; all the things we saw after Sandy Hook. At this point I’m confident pegging this one as a fake. It’s early, but whenever things start off like this they’ve only gotten less credible as the days and weeks ensue.
5/25/22- There has never been a real mass shooting of young children in world history, and Uvalde is likely no exception; the Operation Closed Campus template
All killers of young children in human history have been conventional serial-killer types who get off on individual domination, sometimes expressed through sexuality. There have been untold thousands of such people, and unfortunately they do exist beyond any doubt. Their motives and methods have been studied heavily and have a remarkable consistency; the victim is selected, the crime is committed with great ‘care’ and intention, and the murderer does not conveniently commit suicide, but instead memorializes his act, and hides it so that he can strike again later. Thousands of people have also made a career on the study and apprehension of this type of criminal.
There is on the other hand no archetype of the mass shooter of random children. There have allegedly only been two of them. Adam Lanza of Sandy Hook did not exist and was a photoshop fabrication and the product of a bad Deep State scriptwriter, with a partial basis in ‘his brother’ Ryan Lanza. Nobody died at the event, which was a classified training exercise cast as reality. The Dunblane massacre, the impetus for widespread gun-banning in the UK, was proven to be either fake or staged; the suicided patsy was carrying a gun of a different caliber than allegedly killed the schoolchildren (which could be explained as sloppy execution of a fake event, rather than it being real and committed by operatives).
If there are only two incidences of an apparent phenomenon in all of history and they were both proven to be faked, logic dictates that the category itself is fictional and that the next one and most likely all future ones will also be fake/staged. Similarly, with respect to UFOs, another common vehicle for media propaganda, there were zero sightings of artificial metal craft prior to the 1920s when humans invented metal aircraft. Given the [supposed] age of Earth and humanity, logic dictates that all sightings of metal aircraft since then have in fact been human in origin, and that non-human metal aircraft are fictional. Free-fall building demolition by airplane is another fictional category of event which, like the random-child-targeting shooter, was dreamt up in order to terrorize the public.
There are no categories of crime or ‘tragedy’ that have a fake rate higher than say 0.5-1%. So for every 10,000 robberies, there might be 50 that were staged (e.g. to disguise a pre-planned murder). For every 10,000 suicides, there might be 50 or 100 suicided. The only crime categories that defy these percentages are hate attacks (a la Jussie Smollett), terrorist bombings, and mass shootings, most of which are fake/staged for propaganda purposes. If we specify child mass shootings, the fake rate was 100% prior to yesterday and is likely still 100%, far higher than the three aforementioned categories, which do happen organically on rare occasion.
Operation Closed Campus was the template for Sandy Hook and in all likelihood Uvalde. The 2011 ‘full-scale’ school shooting drill in Pottawattamie County Iowa had a breathtaking scope that included the Department of Homeland Security, Iowa emergency-management agencies, state and local police, emergency radio operators, emergency medical personnel, moulage, local doctors and hospitals, the Red Cross, medical examiners, news media reporters, prosecuting attorneys, judges, and crisis actors to play both the victims and their parents. Every aspect of the shooting from start to finish, every element of it the public might witness was scripted and simulated. The public was disturbed by the needless realism and breadth of the exercise and it was promptly canceled after large outcry. Obviously, they decided to classify the program and take it underground and the next year, the fake Sandy Hook shooting happened (and the Boston bombing shortly afterwards), the first of many fake shootings during the Obama administration.
With regards to Uvalde, I’ve detailed in past posts how the children were faked at Sandy Hook; old photos of real children were simply tagged with a fake name, and the name died. The real children lived on, and in several cases sung the national anthem at the 2013 Super Bowl. I’ve also discussed the various sources of fake and real-but-‘cancelable’ identities (in a post on the sidebar from 2017-18), which surely number in the thousands in the US alone.
On the Uvalde killer’s bizarre profile, see the ‘Fake Shooting Lottery’ post from 3/18/19, where personal traits of all kinds are mixed and matched so that every fellow citizen of every demographic can be seen as an untrustable, potentially ‘active’ menace to society; the message being that only authority can be trusted. See also the post on the Thousand Oaks fake shooting from 11/12/18.
5/5/22- Though Twitter may improve, Elon Musk is another ‘player’ on the world stage
Many on the right and in the conspiracy sphere have recently lauded Elon Musk as a champion of freedom. Sure, Twitter may improve under his leadership (could it have gotten any worse?), but lest we forget:
1) During his tenure at PayPal (which made him a billionaire), a thoroughly anti-freedom company, Musk oversaw some of the most draconian and impactful censorship by delaying, withholding, and outright stealing funds from any remotely subversive companies and individuals, including but not at all limited to licensed gun retailers.
2) Musk continues to oversee space fakery through his role at SpaceX, and perpetuates the hoax that Mars colonization is possible, when we’ve never been to the Moon, which is 630x closer than Mars is said to be. If we accept Bezos’s figure of 70 miles, which is the farthest/highest human flight ever (the ISS is unmanned and the fake Apollo missions barely cracked 25-35 miles), Mars (supposedly 149.5 million miles) would mean surpassing that record by over 2-million fold. All ‘Mars roving’ takes place in Arctic Canada. It is in all likelihood not possible for humans to reach any of the planets aka wandering stars. Even if it were, as relates to guaranteeing the survival of mankind from any realistic disaster, this could be done far, far more cheaply and practically on Earth (deep underground, under the ocean, on mountaintops, in uninhabited regions, etc.). Mars colonization is an opiate for the masses as real wages stagnate or decline and liberties including freedom of movement are restricted; see posts on ‘the future’ from 12/11/18 and Mars from 11/30/18.
3) ‘Father of space travel’ and close Jack Parsons colleague Wernher von Braun wrote the science-fiction / speculative book ‘Project Mars: A Technical Tale’ in 1953, in which the Mars colony is ruled by a governor called Elon.
As much as we may want to look the other way, there has been similar predictive ‘programming’ / material with regards to other high-profile figures such as Alex Jones, Ron Paul, and Trump. What it means – whether these people are intentionally implanted into world affairs, or just forecasted by [apparently non-benevolent] clairvoyants – I can’t say, but the phrase ‘all the world’s a stage’ seems truer and truer over time. I supported Trump in relation to Biden and Clinton, I campaigned for Ron Paul, I’ve heavily listened and occasionally still listen to Jones, but I’m convinced there are things about these figures [/characters] that we are not aware of.
5/3/22- Thoughts on Flat Earth and Its Conflation with Geocentrism
In the most recent longer post – which proposed that the basic elements of the conventional universe model were likely seeded to humans by non-human beings, e.g. angels / demons or analogous entities (or if not, was a concoction resulting from advanced human mathematics that has no relation to actual space) – I defended some elements of flat earth theory, mainly to show that astronomical and natural phenomena can be explained more than one way, as part of a demonstration that geocentrism and a discarding of the conventional model are far more viable than most believe; there is a long history of association between the occult and astronomy, from Jack Parsons to John Dee and prior, and the myth of deities or demigods sharing divine knowledge and technology with humans has echoed across many religions. The post suggested that earth is actually the center of ‘the universe,’ and that the conventional universe model and its unproven laws of gravity are merely a mathematical re-expression of the cosmos that places the sun at its center, seemingly as a form of sun or ‘light’ worship i.e. worship of Lucifer as an impostor of the highest God. At present, I fully embrace geocentrism but remain agnostic on the shape of the Earth, though the globe is most consistent with observations.
Unfortunately, geocentrism has been rolled up and packaged with flat earth theory, which, wrong or right, is severely incomplete. People who outright dismiss or are deeply skeptical of flat earth, i.e. the vast majority of people, tend to default to the conventional model, absent a third option. But all the unorthodox notions around our ‘planet’ and ‘universe’ that are espoused by flat earthers — the proximity and nature of the Sun Moon and stars, the nature of space and space-travel fakery, the intentional creation of earth and the cosmos, the existence of supernatural beings and of a spirit world or dimension, the strange situation in Antarctica, etc., which make up most of the appeal of the theory, while having nothing directly to do with earth shape — become fully plausible and defensible once a person embraces geocentrism and Earth-form-agnosticism, and abandons certainty of a flat and circular Earth. All of the effective lines of attacks that have been set against flat earth fail utterly against a geocentric globe model, which still allows the alleged dynamics and distances involved in the conventional model to be discarded.
That said, while I fairly firmly suppose a globe earth in a geocentric or ‘limited-multi-centric’ universe or multiverse (with Earth as one of a few or several major elements), I remain open to flat earth and sympathetic to the position for a few reasons:
1) No one has personally seen the shape of the earth. All NASA footage of earth is CGI, artwork, or composite, and in an effort to re-establish / strengthen credibility, private companies like SpaceX have now become involved in fake space travel, fake Mars missions, etc. Commercial space tourism will likely be real but will involve moderate-altitude trips well below the threshold of visible curvature. If we believe Bezos’s claimed altitude, 70 miles is the equivalent of being 1/12th of an inch off of a 9-inch basketball, and most prior launches were half that altitude.
2) No one has been to the Moon (see recent daily-blog post), Mars, or higher/farther than about 50 miles altitude, which is not high enough to see curvature. The spherical / oblate-spheroid human eyeball creates an illusion of curvature at the periphery of its view on an open horizon, regardless of altitude, e.g. on a beach or other open horizon, so extreme altitude of 200+ miles would be needed to detect curvature. (And whether earth is spherical, flat, or otherwise, no one has accessed deeper than about 5 miles of its surface, on areas comprising far less than one one-millionth of Earth’s surface. Personally I believe the earth, whether round or otherwise, to be partially hollow and contain a void; I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that all ancient cultures posited an under/innerworld.)
3) The earth seems to be flat from all terrestrial experience. An objective up and down appear to exist. Life on a level surface is far more intuitive than on a sphere, regardless of what we’ve been taught.
I tentatively reject the theory for a few major reasons, chiefly:
1) There is no fully working map or model for flat Earth that can be proven to accurately depict the size of the land masses and distance between them.
2) Nautical and flight paths, including many between the Northern and Southern hemisphere that are frequently taken (Santiago to Sydney, Johannesburg to Sydney, Johannesburg to Singapore, etc.) , defy the prevailing flat earth model, requiring air speeds of 900-1100mph. I have not seen a single instance of support for flat earth in the nautical and aeronautical communities.
3) Observations of the Moon do not seem to be possible in the flat earth model.
4) Observations of the stars do not seem to be possible in the flat earth model. For example, the Southern Cross is not visible from the Northern Hemisphere, and North Star not visible from Southern.
Flat-earth counter-arguments to these points, some of them mine and some of others, consist of the following:
1) Wind resistance and sea currents at the outer fringes of a flat model. For example, airplane speedometers are based on mechanical output. If air conditions at southern or outer latitudes are different (e.g. there is less density or resistance at the same altitude) and planes can fly more easily through them, it could be that speed readings are distorted. Marine speedometers are less vulnerable to this, but sea travel is heavily restricted beyond the 60th parallel and distances there cannot be independently verified. Air and sea travel are recorded with nautical miles, which are not an objective measure of distance, but rather a minute of latitude or longitude, which also makes independent verification far less likely.
2) The Moon is a multi-faceted projection of sorts or ‘4-dimensional’ object, or the Moon is masked by technology e.g. a hologram. Perhaps notably on this point, there are many references to a green moon. The Apollo 10 mission patch, just prior to the fake Apollo 11 mission, depicts a green moon, the Moon Room in the Shining is all green, and there are many references to green Moon (e.g. “the Moon is made of green cheese”) in folklore. This is not my belief, just a point for consideration.
3) We live in a simulation, either digital/computerized or mental/perceptual, that creates the appearance of a spherical earth, but the earth is flat outside the computer simulation or imperfect mental perception of reality.
4) We live in a flat, rectangular or square realm (akin to a church) that has invisible portals on at least one edge (and apparently on the northern edge), which seems to be the Enochian construction, contrary to the prevailing flat earth model, based on an azimuthal equidistant projection.
5) The Southern Cross is often visible from parts of the Northern Hemisphere closer to the equator, e.g. the Caribbean, and if stars are far lower altitude than conventionally believed, it is conceivable that non-visibility could be due to distance rather than obstruction.
Again, to be clear, I don’t necessarily believe any of these arguments, and since none go beyond speculation and aren’t backed by evidence or even a coherent theoretical explanation, I don’t accept flat earth, though I also entertain the possibility that one or more of the above points may be true.
As discussed at length in the last full post, there are many apparent proofs of globe earth that are not in fact proofs, e.g.:
1) Ships disappear bottom-up over the horizon: perspective compression into the horizon’s center-line and atmospheric interference can explain both of these phenomena on a flat plane.
2) Astronauts and cameras on high-altitude balloons have witnessed curvature: NASA has repeatedly been caught faking Moon and Mars missions and passing off CGI images as real. High-altitude balloon camera have invariably used a fisheye lens, which artificially create a convex image when looking down [to earth]. All curvature disappears when the view levels out, and the horizon inverts to concave when looking up.
To reiterate some of my basis for geocentrism, stated at greater length in the aforementioned full post and in the posts here on 9/8/20 and 5/11/19 :
1) There is no proof earth is moving, it has never been observed moving and no experiment has ever detected it. As detailed in the aforementioned post, no experiment has even alleged to detect earth’s motion, a fact Einstein, Hawking, and many high-profile physicists who came before them have admitted.
2) There is no proof gravity is real, or real outside of Earth. 99% of the proposed conventional model must consist of invisible, never-detected ‘dark matter’ in order to be reconciled with gravity theory. Buoyancy and density can explain all phenomena attributed to gravity. Some of the universe model works with gravity theory, but no one has been to these places or has any knowledge of the forces at play there, which may be entirely different than terrestrial forces. Hundreds of years after its alleged discovery, gravity has yet to be observed on earth, and Newtonian and Einsteinian gravity theories continue to be doubted and debated at the highest levels of academia. Einstein was by all indications a plagiarist fraud who was erected by the establishment by design, and any deference to his viewpoints should end. In a geocentric globe model, alternative forces such as electro-magnetism could hold waters and objects onto Earth. Like gravity, light theory is in large part theoretical and incorrect, e.g. the theory that light is a particle i.e. made of photons. Photons have never been observed and light is supposedly the only particle that has no mass; a likelier explanation is that light is not a particle, but that luminiferous aether theory, which holds that light is only a wave and that it propagates through aether, was and is correct. Aether theory prevailed until the late 1800s and was only rejected due to Einstein’s relativity theory.
3) There is no theoretical necessity of a solar system with the sun at its center. All astronomical observations are consistent with a Tychonian geocentric model modified for elliptical orbits.
4) Heliocentrism is the result of philosophy not science, and is based on the flawed mediocrity principle, which asserts that Earth and humans are one in an immensely large, nearly infinite set, however there is no proof of any more than one item (Earth, humanity) in each set, suggesting uniqueness and specialness. As explained in a number of posts, there are many indications that aliens — as little green men from planets ‘light-years’ away — are a Hollywood and DoD fabrication to lay the groundwork for a fake ET event that is intended to be used as a justification for a world government. If aliens in the literal sense of foreigners ever do visit us, they thus will be akin to angels or demons, or nearby extra-dimensional creatures of some kind.
4/12/22- NYC subway shooting looks like more classified-training-exercise fakery
There were dozens of such events in the Obama administration, including Sandy Hook and Boston, virtually none under Trump, and they resurged sharply early in the Biden administration.
Primary: condition people to believe in fake events (such as a largely fabricated pandemic)
Secondary: grab guns, in this case ‘high-capacity’ magazines
Flashback to 2016 and 2018 posts:
“Behind the Scenes at Europe’s Biggest Disaster Drill (‘Over the next four days, some 2,000 blood-covered volunteers will act as ‘victims,’ with fake sliced limbs and open wounds recreating the blood and gore of such a large-scale incident.’)”
From 2012 until 2017-18, there was a community of thousands of investigators on YouTube and various forums who would thoroughly debunk these fake ‘tragedies’ and ‘mass casualty incidents’ in a matter of days or hours. Due to censorship and COINTELPRO actions, that community no longer exists or is down to about 1% of its original size. I’ve already given these events enough of my time and won’t pore over each and every one; but this one doesn’t pass the smell test.
3/8/22- The US just announced its plans for a false-flag bioweapons attack on Ukrainian civilians
3/4/22- Australian TV shuts down live Q&A when counter-narrative is presented
Then Twitter suppressed the clip as ‘age-restricted adult content.’ “Ukraine misinformation” censorship is coming right up.
(link to second clip)
3/3/22- Good and very prescient lecture from 2015 on how things got where they are in Ukraine
2/28/22- Like we’ve seen dozens of times in other countries in recent decades, the 2014 Maidan incident was an intel-engineered coup. CIA/NATO agents murdered innocent Ukrainian protesters, blamed Ukrainian police, and then overthrew elected president Yanukovych and installed Zelensky. Since then, Zelensky has been stirring the pot, pushing Ukraine into NATO/EU, bombing ethnic Russians in the Donbass, etc. Eastern Ukraine has been part of Russia for 1,109 of the 1,112 years prior to 1991 (except for three years of Mongol occupation from 1237-1240), going back to Russia’s founding as Kievan Rus in 879 AD. All of Ukraine was part of Russia from 1721 to 1991. Ukraine has only existed as an independent nation for 31 years, the last 8 of which have been as a US puppet regime.
I’m no fan of Putin’s administration, but I’ve been in most of Ukraine post-2014 and I’m just calling it as I believe it is, and not as the intel/corporate-controlled Western media reports it. The only way for lasting peace in Ukraine is to split it in two, let the nationalists and pro-EU population in the west have their own state (including Lviv, Kiev, and possibly Odessa) or join Poland as they did before, and the rest in the east form a second nation or join Russia as they did before. People who don’t like it can move to the east or west part. Most pro-nationalist moderates in the east would probably choose to stay, since they already speak Russian and their socioeconomic position under Russian government would improve. There is no reason this shouldn’t happen, there is no long history of a Ukrainian state let alone one in the current footprint. A split would be far preferable to a prolonged nationwide war in Ukraine or a WWIII scenario.
These maps make it clear that the best and only viable path is two states (IMO, Russia will likely try to secure most or all of the medium and dark blue areas – the main question mark being Odessa and contiguity with Transnistria – and pressure/take Kiev and possibly Odessa as a bargaining chip, eventually giving it back or ending a siege in exchange for favorable truce terms):
2/26/22- Thoughts on Ukraine
Any comment on the geopolitics of this conflict must be prefaced by the statement that I firmly believe that both Russia and China are ultimately part of a single world political elite to which the West also belongs. I think it of it as a very competitive board game that is played daily. You play the game, you take it seriously, you get angry at times, but then you walk away from the table, grab a beer and talk about life. At the end of the day they are on the same team, want the same things (domination of the people for their own benefit), and are loyal to the same core lies.
I admittedly thought Russian troops, if they entered at all, would not go farther than the Donbass and DPR/LRP claimed territory, though I did figure that if they ever have an opportunity to get away with taking half or all of Ukraine, now is it. There is little political will in the West to oppose Russia, because our governments have been too busy conducting a two-year terrorist psychological operation against their own people that has resulted in financial and psychological exhaustion. So if Ukrainians will have anyone to blame for the loss of their independence, it’s the shadow government that rules the West and that carried out the pre-planned covid scamdemic (with perhaps some aid/political cover from China).
I won’t pretend to really understand all or most of the nuances of Ukrainian nationhood and identity. My impression from being there is that east of the Dnipro and in the Odessa area are where Ukrainian ethnic or at least linguistic distinctions become less pronounced. I would also argue that the people at that geographical point start to resemble Russians somewhat more than they do Poles. There is undoubtedly a Ukrainian people about as much as there is any other European nation, but what portion of Ukraine is their most essential homeland is harder to say. Having been as far east as Kiev and Odessa, there is a significant Russian presence, and Ukrainian seemed to be less commonly spoken than Russian, particularly in Odessa. Kiev is certainly a thoroughly/distinctly Ukrainian city as far as the self-image of the people I encountered, though not as much as in the Lviv area, where the national identity/Ukrainian nationalism is strongest.
As for the nation’s distinctness relative to Russia, within the Russian Federation there are dozens of peoples who are far less similar to [white, European, ‘quintessential’ if you will] Russians than Ukrainians are. Russians and Ukrainians could be called the same people (particularly in the east) to about the same degree that Bohemians and Moravians, Transylvanians and Wallachians, or Bavarians and Prussians, among many other examples, are the same people. Though one could also credibly argue they are as different as Norwegians and Swedes, Scottish and Irish, Spanish and Portuguese, who obviously have their own nations. While it has a distinct language and people, Ukraine has only existed independently for 30 years. Prior to that it has always been a province of Poland or Russia, the west half belonging to the former and the east half to the latter, though Russia alone controlled the whole territory from 1721 until 1991, and most of the east from 1283 until 1991. The Russian nation’s founding ‘iteration,’ as Kievan Rus in 879 AD, encompassed most of modern Ukraine, including the kingdom’s namesake Kiev, and held it from 879 AD until the founding of the Tsardom in 1283, save for a three-year period of Mongol occupation. Thus, Russia has controlled all or large eastern and northern portions of Ukraine for 1,109 of the last 1,143 years.
Though I support the possibility of Ukrainian nationhood (where it is desired by the people) on some piece of territory, I don’t see any reason why Donbass and Crimea must be part of Ukraine. If the people there almost all speak Russian, are Russian, and prefer to be part of Russia, they should be able to secede, as well as potentially become annexed to Russia. I similarly wouldn’t have a problem if areas of the US seceded and remained independent or joined Mexico or Canada. Nation-states are arbitrary lines in the sand that were in most and perhaps all cases imposed by force and not the consent of the governed, and aren’t some eternal death pact, especially not when the politicians in charge push national constitutions off to the side or toss them in the trash whenever it is convenient to them / whenever they decide to cook up a crisis, as is the case in the US and most nations.
The best outcome to make the greatest number of people happy (i.e. citizens, not the Western political elite) would probably be for Russia to continue to recognize and/or annex the LPR and DPR, which consist almost entirely of Russians, and for Ukraine to agree to remain neutral and not join NATO or the EU. Ukraine and Georgia do not belong in NATO, neither does Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Italy, etc. NATO is a defense pact for North Atlantic-bordering nations, not an army to be abused for Western imperial whims that can be continuously expanded to Kazakhstan, Brazil, Mongolia or however far (and no, that last one isn’t a joke; Mongolia is already a ‘global partner’ of NATO, along with Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, and others). If the remainder of Ukraine doesn’t feel it is strong enough to stand alone and defend itself, perhaps it could become a semi-autonomous region of Poland, which has basically been its status (i.e. its western half) for most of history when Russia didn’t control it. Then the tussling over Ukraine would end.
As I’ve said, Ukraine absolutely has a right in principle to exist as an independent nation. Unfortunately, that is very unlikely to happen in practice. Ukraine is a fairly modern country at this point and could survive and eventually thrive independently without a problem, were it not for its location. Adjacent empires such as Russia, Poland, Austria, and most recently, the US/Western empire, have been unwilling to allow the large and strategically important territory to be truly independent and democratic for the last 1,100+ years, and at that point you have to ask if independence for the whole territory is really possible within any remote likelihood. If there’s some kind of neutrality treaty and alteration of Ukraine’s constitution to reflect that status, that might be able to achieve peace for a significant period of time, during which time the competing empires in question (the US/EU and Russia) will hopefully fall away to decentralization and Ukraine can stand on its own feet beside less powerful neighbors. The West i.e. the core NATO countries have long been using and abusing Ukraine as a tool against Russia and justification for military buildup and expenditure, particularly since 2014, and Russia could be said to just be defending its interests, in the same way the US government did in the Cuban missile crisis along with the hundreds of coups, regime changes, and assassinations we’ve perpetrated to retain influence and control in our neighbors in Latin America (and non-neighbors in Chile, Argentina, etc.), not to mention much farther afield in the Middle East and elsewhere. Yes, the Putin regime is corrupt and fairly oppressive. But the Ukrainian regime is basically a US puppet government, also has a major corruption problem (including by letting Joe and Hunter’s graft escapades go unfettered and unpunished) and suppresses political speech, and was attacking ethnic Russians in the Donbass prior to Russia’s entry. It’s not the black-white situation that media war propaganda invariably portrays.
Ultimately, I don’t really take a side in this. Were Ukraine to be a truly independent country with a relatively honest government, I would undoubtedly support Ukraine [in defending majority-Ukrainian regions beyond the Donbass], but that isn’t what we have. I support the Ukrainian and Russian people, and I always advocate for the right of a bona fide, consensual community of people to secede and become independent from a central power. But in terms of the political leadership and ‘national interests’ in play, there are no good guys here (i.e. at the highest levels) in my opinion, and that includes the US. The only reason our own government in the US doesn’t act as bad as Russia’s in terms of individuals rights is because of our guns and the lip service they must pay to our heritage (and let’s get real; we essentially have state media in the US; all the ‘private’ network channels and social media giants act as one with the government). Inherently, as people, I have little to no doubt that our rulers are at least as bad and corrupt, if not far more so. I’m not going to back their imperial machinations for an excuse to ‘virtue signal’ and engage in uninformed, simplistic soapboxing. The bottom line is that all empires need to be undermined and dismantled. Doubling down on empire by erecting a new bogeyman and calling for yet another foreign intervention is not the way forward.
2/7/22- A few new points that further establish Stanley Kubrick’s role as director of the Moon landing films
A) As noted, Kubrick demanded via contract with the studio that his last film, the aptly named Eyes Wide Shut, was released on July 16th, 1999, the 30th anniversary of the first Apollo launch on July 16th, 1969. Kubrick’s only cameo in Eyes Wide Shut is at the [Moonlight] Sonata Cafe, which in the unrated European cut has only posters for The Shining at its entrance (in spite of it being two decades since the movie, which is not Kubrick’s most famous/acclaimed, was released) and where all the tables including Kubrick’s table are adorned with very unusual Moon-like light fixtures. The out-of-focus background behind all the characters gives the appearance of stars. There’s also a number 30 in bold print on the red sign as Tom Cruise walks down the stairs. I believe the character Nick Nightingale (where the bird is often associated with muses) and Bill (Tom Cruise), who speak with the Moon fixture and not the characters dominating the frame, and with Kubrick visible in the background, are analogous to Danny and Jack and their Room 237 scenes in The Shining. In this scene, Nightingale introduces Bill to the secret societies depicted in the movie, and his downfall begins. In The Shining, it is the clairvoyant Danny who leads his father Jack (both of whom I’d argue represent a part of Kubrick) to enter Room 237, which marks Jack’s full unraveling.
B) In The Shining, Jack, an aspiring author, seemingly spends his days writing a book. It is later revealed that all he has ever typed is ‘All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy.’ The typewriter font strongly resembles A11, or Apollo 11 Work (link). After releasing ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ in April 1968, which was filmed for three years from 1965 to 1967, Kubrick produced no films in 1968 1969 1970 or the first half of 1971, the period of the Apollo ‘missions’/films. Clockwork Orange was released in February 1972 and filmed in the second half of 1971. The make of the typewriter Jack is using is Adler, a German word meaning Eagle, which was the name of the supposed landing module, the origin of the phrase ‘The Eagle Has Landed.’ The Apollo 11 mission patch depicts an Eagle (the bird) landing on the lunar surface. Kubrick demanded the typewriter be repainted as the film progressed, from a very light grey in its first appearance to a dark grey by mid-film. Jack’s writing room contains two huge, dual columns, representing the number 11, and a mural of totem poles that strongly resemble the Saturn rockets. In addition to ‘A11,’ the number 11 is embedded throughout the movie in visual, audio, and other clues. For example, the film was released 11 years after the [fake] missions, dual columns representing the number 11 appear repeatedly, including several times with an A-shaped stepladder in front of them; Jack, while descending into madness, bounces a tennis ball off the wall 11 times; Jack notifies his wife he has accepted ‘the job’ at exactly the 11:00 mark; the tennis ball, the tenth toy rolled to Danny who had been playing with nine, initiates Danny’s ‘voyage’ to 11 in Room 237 (or 10 toys on carpet + 1 boy = 11); and in the ending frame, Jack is shown photographed on July 4th (7 + 4 = 11) with 11 faces visible behind him. The year is 1921. When the two middle numbers are added together, this forms 1111. The date by two simple additions becomes 11, 1111, which add up to 6 or 33, numbers of occult significance. In a similar example, Hallorann [otherwise unnecessarily] lists the quantities of various items of the freezer in the storeroom (which as noted below, he calls the ‘story room,’ not store/storage) as 15, 30, 12, 40, 50, 24, 20 = 191 = 1+9+1 = 11. Most of these points are taken from The Shining Code, which I came across this week and while it may or may not contain a handful of stretches, is well worth a watch. Though they may seem a stretch by themselves in a vacuum, they are consistent with all the much more obvious evidence. The dual-column/dual-upright-line motif is very heavy to the attentive viewer, and there are no or virtually no numbers visible anywhere in the movie that are not significant. Even the SKU-type numbers on storeroom boxes have a relation to Apollo, such as 11, 39, etc. Kubrick is known for obsession with every detail of scenes, in The Shining and his other films. Several scenes in the movie had dozens and in some cases 100+ takes.
Another clue I picked out after skimming the film is that when Jack announces the job at exactly 11:00, he says, “look I’m at the hotel and I still have an awful lot to go through, I don’t think I can get home before 9 or 10.” He says the words ‘9 or 10′ during seconds 11 and 12 of minute 11; this is a play on words where Jack is saying he must finish the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 projects [in the Arizona desert before returning home] (see point below for more ’11’ references’). Aside from the timing, the intentionality of Kubrick is clear because few would say ‘I can’t get home before 9 or 10,’ rather one would say ‘I won’t be able to get home until 11/won’t be home until after 11,’ or ‘I won’t be home until 9 or 10,’ or less commonly, ‘I won’t be home before 9.’ ‘Of course, Jack couldn’t have said, I won’t be home until 13/14,’ where he was possibly involved in Apollo 13 as well, and ‘won’t be home until 12’ also fails as a play on words, since 12 would need to be finished before he could return. Neither could he have said ‘I won’t be home until after midnight,’ since the mission-12 relation would likely be lost even on an observant audience. Apollo 9 and 10 were non-Moon-related [alleged] flights to low-Earth-orbit altitude and Moon orbit, respectively.
C) Kubrick lied about the reason he changed Stephen King’s Room 217 to 237. Kubrick said it was because the Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood, Oregon (where the film was set), did not want to scare guests away from staying in Room 217. However, the hotel has no Room 217. Note that at the time The Shining was produced the Moon was said to be 237,000 miles away (often stated in encyclopedias as the round number 381,600km or 237,115mi), which has since been changed to 238,900. Additionally, while King’s novel and the film’s plot are set in Colorado and the filming occurred in Oregon, Kubrick set the opening scene on Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park, Montana. He also switched King’s red Volkswagen Bug for a yellow one, likely symbolizing Apollo[/Lucifer], a sun god associated with the color gold/yellow. Additional nods to space and Apollo are made in the hotel’s storeroom/pantry, which contains many crates of Tang, popularized by / associated with astronauts, as well as ‘Golden Rey’ packaged foods, meaning golden king, a reference to Apollo. Dick Hallorann, the in-season caretaker, unmistakably refers to the room as the ‘story room.’ In the middle of the film, as Hallorann is en route to the hotel (having left Florida for Colorado after sensing that Jack has entered Room 237), a red VW bug is shown crushed under a tractor trailer, representing Kubrick’s intentional departure from King’s storyline.
One point I noticed myself regarding Room 237 is that while he is in Florida, Hallorann telepathically senses or ‘shines’ that things have taken a bad turn at exactly 1:11:11 in the movie, with the ominous music for it cued at exactly 1:11:00, presumably the point when Jack begins walking towards the room. Danny has the same vision at 1:11:43. Jack is shown having entered the room at 1:11:50, all these occurring in the 11th minute of the second hour. So to be clear, Jack/Kubrick gets the job at exactly 11:00 in the film, and does the job at exactly 1:11:00. I also noted that at exactly 2:11:00, Jack sees Danny for the first time during his murder rampage and begins to chase after him to kill him. In other words, 2:11:00 is the exact second when the maze-chase begins, which is the movie’s climax/final scene. Danny disappears into the maze at exactly 2:11:11. Since Danny and Jack both represent Kubrick, this may represent an extreme feeling of loss of or disgust with one’s self as a result of carrying out the deceitful project. Apollo, like Danny, is Kubrick’s/Jack’s baby, symbolized best in Danny’s carpet/Room 237 scene. So again, 11:00, 11:11, 1:11:00, 1:11:11, 2:11:00, and 2:11:11 are all moments of major significance, both on the film’s surface plot level, and in terms of Apollo symbolism.
D) The only visible letters on the key for Room 237 are ROOM N, which (along with Moor Moron and Moo) form the words Moon Room. There were many other ways to do it: make the O a normal size that would be visible on the tag, use the number symbol, omit the number symbol or N altogether, omit the word room, etc.
The first points above (under A) I found myself, and most of those from C and D I learned from the aforementioned Shining Code and the film ‘Room 237,’ which looks for symbolism encoded in The Shining. While I think much of it is bunk consisting of big logical leaps, there is a good section on Moon clues from 50:31-59:13.
In addition to the above, other evidence (copied from the longer posts on 12/30/19 and 12/14/18), which was already enough, is reposted below (including more/the primary evidence from The Shining):
1) The original moon landing film footage was ‘taped over’ by NASA. The centerpiece of a $200 billion project (inflation-adjusted), of perhaps the greatest [fake] accomplishment in human history, and perhaps the most important [fake] video footage ever, taped over like a bad home movie? Never; give me a break. The excuse is that the film was ‘expensive’,’ i.e. a couple hundred dollars or roughly one billionth of the project cost. Ridiculous.
2) The Saturn rocket and shuttle plans were ‘lost’ by NASA (see also). Many questioned whether the rockets had the fuel and thrust to reach space, and whether the shuttle could protect the astronauts and journey 237,000 miles at high speed. Well those schematics and specifications – again, the results of a $200 billion project, and the key to ‘returning’ – are unavailable, even in copy form. This is because the plans weren’t even theoretically sound, let alone successfully enacted. The rocket only needed to wow the crowd and take the shuttle out of sight of spectators on the ground, then drop it immediately into the ocean where the ‘return’ was filmed in advance and falsely presented later as live footage; it was all rushed, if enormously expensive, theater. NASA has admitted we ‘lost the ability to go ‘back.’’ Putting aside the lack of proof that the Saturn rockets could provide the necessary propulsion, the tinfoil spacesuits were grossly inadequate to pass through the [alleged] Van Allen belt.
3) All ‘moon rocks’ outside of NASA custody have been proven fake or lost (see also). All of the alleged moon rocks held by museums or privately owned have been proven to be phony upon inspection: unique rock types from Antarctica, petrified wood from the US, and meteorites. Those that hadn’t been examined have disappeared. The only ‘real examples’ left are under glass, in NASA custody, and not available for independent analysis. With the moon rocks, raw video footage, and rocket plans gone with the wind, there is no direct, physical evidence of the moon landings, only cheesy film props like the lunar lander and spacesuits.
4) Unedited footage shows that NASA faked their only image of the Earth. A black piece of paper with a circular cut-out – in reality only showing a tiny portion of the Earth’s surface, which at their real altitude would have dominated their entire field of view – was used to simulate a distant blue ball with clouds, surrounded by black space. This is the only live video of Earth from the Apollo missions. In the edited version shown to the public, only a few seconds were broadcast. Why fake the shot, why not just wait until reaching a greater distance?
5) We’ve never been back. A perfect first attempt, five more of them in three years, all flawlessly executed, but no returns in 50 years and counting. Surely there would be much more to learn and explore: the geography, the geology, the mineral wealth, the possibility of telescope installations. Settling for a few [fake, terrestrial] rocks on one tiny portion of the surface and calling it a half-century is laughable. Equally telling is the fact that no other world power – e.g. the Soviet Union, Russia, China, etc. – has even attempted a manned mission to stake their claim, conduct their own research, etc.
6) The Challenger accident was faked to quiet inquiries into why we hadn’t been back. All of the Challenger astronauts are alive and well, as a recent post demonstrates. By the 1980s, people had begun to wonder when we were going to ‘go back,’ and why we hadn’t yet. The initial explanation was that it was too expensive. After Challenger, NASA was able to claim that they couldn’t put their brave astronauts at risk again, not without good reason. See Snopes’ feeble debunking (link) of the ‘fake sibling technique’ used in the Challenger incident and also employed at Sandy Hook and on 9/11.
7) Several extremely compelling clues point to Stanley Kubrick as the director. Many scenes in The Shining (1980) make reference to the Apollo missions and the [alleged] distance to the Moon of 237,000 miles, associating the number with a skeleton in the closet. In one of them (link), Danny, while wearing an Apollo 11 sweater (that he wears in no other scene) and playing on a carpet reminiscent of Launchpad 39A, the vehicles that surround him representing earthly endeavors left behind, upon being prompted by a yellow ball rolled towards him by an unknown person (makng it the 11th toy on the carpet, in addition to his ten vehicles) slowly rises from a crouching position to an exaggerated upright posture, as if to launch, then walks into the forbidden Room 237 (which Kubrick changed from the Room 217 in the Stephen King original), the only numbered room in the movie, where the Moon is said to be 237,000 miles away. Jack is Kubrick, and the young-woman-turned-corpse inside 237 (link; maybe NSFW part 1 part 2), whom he embraces under a Moon-like fixture, represents the payoff and his later disgust and regret. Kubrick’s last film, Eyes Wide Shut, aptly titled, was held after its completion and posthumously released on the 30th anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch date (July 16th 1969, 1999, the latter date also that of JFK Jr.’s death in a plane crash). The odds of all this – where Kubrick is said to have nothing at all to do with it; and is not just a random person selected after the fact, but had been long fingered as the Apollo director, where the hoax needed a skilled perpetrator – are immeasurably low.
This is only a small sampling, and several dozen more major exhibits exist, such as the bizarre, shamed demeanor of the actor-astronauts at the first Apollo press conference, where they resemble blushing teenagers called into the principal’s office for misbehavior; or Neil Armstrong’s 25th anniversary speech (‘much left undone’ ‘truth’s protective layers;’ link to full version), after decades of total seclusion from the public eye. The conspiracy critics, typically self-styled champions of reason and empiricism, generally haven’t looked at any of the above evidence, let alone refuted it, focusing instead on weaker points they can explain away easily and acting as if the others don’t exist.
Only one or two of these evidence groupings would be enough, but that all seven obtain absolutely cements the case it was faked. Given the mounting evidence of space-related fakery, we can toss out any fantastical claims that Mars, which is [allegedly] 138,000x farther than the Moon is said to be (where the Moon is allegedly about 7,000x farther than the highest real space flight of about 35-40 miles altitude) has ever been reached. Like NASA’s Moon is the Arizona desert, its Mars is a short airplane flight away in Devon Island Canada, where its Mars ‘simulations’ [cast as reality] are performed.
We never went to the Moon and haven’t gone even 0.02% of the reported distance, and neither we nor anyone else is going anytime soon. If we do allegedly go sometime soon, it will again be fake.
There are only two approaches to all of the above evidence (which, again, is well under half or even a quarter of the total body of evidence): you explain away each and every one of the dozens of points as coincidence, and there is nothing there, or you accept just one of them, and all the rest make perfect sense.
2/6/22- You can still travel to 177 out of 194 countries without a covid vaccine; here’s a map showing where
I have been monitoring this situation and took the time to click through countries I was uncertain about. Source is IATA Travel Map.
Green means there are either no restrictions or you need a test to enter (often even with a vaccine).
Orange indicates there is some catch or annoyance. In Europe it involves entering from a green Schengen country. In other countries it involves either quarantining for a short period or having a documented recovery.
Red means you need a vaccine to enter. I’d imagine that in many of these countries the enforcement / document verification is limited, and in the European countries there are no border stations when entering by land. Red and orange do not apply if you are a citizen of the country or member of closely allied countries (e.g. in the EU/EEA). You can travel to many of the red countries without a vaccine if you have a visa or are there on business, etc.
To be clear, I would never undergo a medical procedure I didn’t believe in, even if zero countries were open to me; I am only putting this out to debunk popular notions that non-vaccinated people can’t travel anywhere.
2/5/22- It’s time to cancel ‘cancel culture:’ on Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Rogan
First of all, I hate the term cancel culture. Because a bunch of sell-out hacks in the media and TV news don’t have the power to cancel anyone, whatever that even means, let alone dictate what my culture is. I haven’t cared what the media says about anything for over 15 years i.e. just about all of my adult life, save a year or so. The only reason I pay them any attention now is to keep tabs on what my enemies are up to.
Whoopi Goldberg, while short on tact in her recent comments, wasn’t incorrect: Judaism is not a race, it is a religion and perhaps a culture. In its broadest sense it is a nationality and ethnicity, and just as there are plenty of Germans who could be mistaken for Italian, and Italians for Germans, Spaniards for Irish, and Swedes for Greeks, there are countless Ashkenazi Jews who do not bear stereotypical Jewish features and are completely indistinguishable from non-Jewish Europeans (as well as many non-Jews who might be presumed to be Jewish). I thoroughly know this to be true because I’ve been to those countries, and because my university had a very large Jewish population and my state has a large number of Jews.
In contrast, there are no or virtually no East Asians, blacks, or whites with low admixture who would be confused for members of the other so-called races (these are really the only three groups that could be called races, with everyone else – e.g. Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, Southeast Asians, non-black American Indians, etc., a mix of the aforementioned broader categories, as proven in the post on black history; the only arguable exception being Dravidian which could be its own race). Ultimately, in a technical sense races likely do not exist at all, since there are no definable lines between them, making racism itself a flawed position, but that’s another argument. Races are useful enough for organizational and reference purposes for all governments of the world to treat them as if they exist, and no government on Earth including Israel refers to Judaism/Jews as a race.
Though the definition of the Holocaust has been recast by some interest groups over the last 10-12 years as having occurred only to Jews – with the organized killings of the millions of others now recategorized on Wikipedia and elsewhere as ‘Nazi crimes’ or ‘Holocaust era crimes’ – the Holocaust is and will always be the mass killing of non-Aryan or otherwise ‘unfit’ people inside the territories controlled by Hitler. This includes Jews most notably, but also Poles, Serbs, gypsies (i.e. Sinti, Roma, etc.), dissidents, priests, gays, mentally challenged, disabled, and other categories. This is not about minimizing or one-upping / matching Jewish suffering, as said interest groups argue, it’s about keeping historical narratives in an accurate direction.
Thus, unless we say that Poles, Czechs, Italians, or Spaniards are a different race from Germanic peoples (where the nation we call Germany is itself a melting pot of various ancient white ethnicities and nationalities/tribes, including Slavs, Celts, etc.), we cannot say that Ashkenazi Jews are not white, especially given modern understandings of whiteness, which include Southern and Eastern Europeans, and according to the US government, also includes Middle Easterners, encompassing Mizrahi Jews, and even South Asians, etc. Yes, there was undeniably a genetic, phenotypical, and religious element to the targeting of Jews under the Nazi regime, but it’s not quite definable as racial, so Goldberg’s statement was fully correct, if inadvisable. At worst she should just clarify her comments: “they weren’t targeted on basis of race, though I know it’s thought of that way, but actually on nationality / ethnicity and religion.” Yes, Hitler thought Germans were a race (and that the various nationalities mentioned including Jews were not part of that race), but that doesn’t overwhelm or replace the fact that they aren’t/we for decades have said they aren’t races. It goes without saying that I’m no fan at all of Whoopi Goldberg or The View, but I’m looking at this situation in a vaccum.
As for Rogan, yes, one of his comments in particular (made before he was even really famous) was offensive, but I would contend that there are no or virtually no black, white, Hispanic, or Asian men alive today, particularly those above age 25 or 30 who grew up in a less tightly regulated speech environment, who have not made racist comments here or there, that if recorded could result in controversy. I am talking about people who lived their lives honestly and in the open, and didn’t spend their youths in terror of saying the wrong thing and being recorded or offending someone. While my town was mostly white, I grew up in a highly diverse environment. My high school was very diverse and my high school and youth football teams were probably 35% black and 15% Hispanic. Pretty much every black man I know today has used ‘white boy,’ ‘white-ass pussy/bitch,’ ‘cracker’ or other racial epithets at points in the past when angry, or in jest when in a group mostly of peers. I don’t look askance at these people now since I realize it’s just something that happens on occasion, and that they don’t harbor some deep, ever-present hatred of white people or me. A couple times when in a mostly black neighborhood, I have been threatened, told to get the F out, and asked what I am doing there because I am white; but similarly, that’s not something I carry around with me and take out on black people. And pretty much every white man I know including me has used racist language a handful or more times in my presence (whether in jest, or when wronged by a black person, etc.), and probably all of them outside my presence. I’m speaking about men specifically because I was not privy to nearly as much frank conversation by women.
We need to accept that due to our history and culture, these things, while they should be avoided and minimized in the future, have happened to all of us in the past. If we continue down this path, of scouring decades worth of video, social-media postings, or whatever else for any remotely problematic statements, there will be no almost no one of any race left standing. All we will have left are the most ‘intersectional’ people – who are seemingly not subject to public[/establishment] account and whose past comments are immune to controversy and consequences.
A degree of bigotry, while one should seek to minimize it, is an inherent part of being a member of a group. In order for people to think of themselves as part of a group, down to the family level, they need to think of outsiders as such, and it is a natural tendency to think of one’s own group as somehow special or better (of course, the power structure does not want families, nations, or any groups, they want atomized, isolated individuals who adopt an artificial culture beamed in from Hollywood and the media and who can be most easily coerced by centralized power). This can be seen in the names of many Native American tribes – whose tribal names translate as simply ‘the people’ or ‘the real people,’ where everyone else was apparently not a person or not real. From my observations, Hispanics, East Asians, Middle Easterners, South Asians, Pacific Islanders/Hawaiians, and other groups are just as racist and bigoted as whites, and often far more flagrantly. And yes, a huge percentage of blacks and Africans have also been guilty of racism. There are worse traits one can have than being racist or bigoted, and many bad traits that are comparably bad. We need to look at racism and bigotry, like greed, pride, envy, or any number of other sins, as things that are inherently part of all of us and our relationship with ‘the other,’ but that we should seek to limit and internally atone for/think about, without being exiled from society as the media would want.
The only difference between Joe Rogan and everyone else is that the establishment currently hates Rogan, and Rogan has had thousands upon thousands of hours worth of often alcohol and marijuana-influenced, locker-room-style conversations, made over twenty years, that were recorded and posted to the internet for the whole world and the very well funded media machine to comb through. Over all that time he said one or two offensive things. He apologized, time to move on. As for the ‘N-word,’ it’s silly to ban words. I understand it’s highly offensive, but so are a lot of words and phrases. He said the word as a way to discuss the word itself, not as an epithet. As far as I’m concerned, no words are illegal.
Rejecting the media’s cancel-culture program, which the majority of people already have done, isn’t just a preferable thing, it’s a necessity. Because if we don’t do it, there will be a continuing backlash, and people will overcompensate and become more racist and more openly racist than ever before. This trend is already afoot today, in varying degrees across segments of both the white and black ‘communities,’ segments that could broaden. And again, since the media and power structure hate humanity and want us to be destabilized and divided as much as possible so that they can conquer, this effect is desired by them.
1/5/22- Your day in covid fact checks
1/4/22- Betty White died shortly after getting the plandemic booster aka clot shot, her agent denies it was cause; no death cause disclosed other than ‘natural’
Died in her sleep; probably a clot-induced cardiac arrest or pulmonary embolism (clot in lung)…
1/2/22- This is how ‘covid hospitalizations’ are dramatically inflated, possibly by upwards of 100x; and the establishment’s gravy train rides on
For those still who still haven’t pieced it together:
1) PCR tests can detect asymptomatic or old cases, and most covid tests are asymptomatic. The Nobel-prize-winning inventor of PCR, Kary Mullis, who publicly lambasted Fauci as a moronic (and dishonest) political hack, and who unexpectedly died one month before covid was first detected, asserted that PCR is useless for detecting viral infection.
2) The CDC admits that PCR can show a false positive for up to 12 weeks (way longer if cycle # is higher)
3) All hospital entrants are tested for covid, regardless of symptoms/reason for visit. E.g., a child with a broken arm or stomach ache, or an adult who is undergoing surgery, is tested for covid. Many lower-income people, especially immigrants, use the emergency room as their primary-care physician.
4) All positive test results are counted as ‘covid hospitalizations,’ regardless of symptoms. Additionally, all people who die in the hospital (which is where people very often go to die) and tested positive are ‘covid deaths.’
5) Well over 99% of Omicron cases are presenting as common cold or light flu. So anyone who has the sniffles or is even asymptomatic and goes to the hospital for any reason – in the heart of cold and flu season – (or even who had a cold 2-3 months ago, due to PCR oversensitivity) is likely to become a ‘covid hospitalization.’ This could mean an inflation of omicron hospitalization numbers by 50x, 100x, or more.
I called out this BS technique here going back to mid-March 2020 before the lockdowns started. I know of someone who was admitted to the hospital for something entirely unrelated, but was an asymptomatic positive and counted as a ‘covid hospitalization.’
The media and government get their fear fuel, the hospital gets its $12k insurance reimbursement for doing nothing, and the people get F’d.
1/2/22 – The CDC admits the flu is deadlier to children than covid – ZERO children without serious health conditions (or extremely morbid obesity) have died of covid – but all children must be subjected to experimental gene modification 2-4 times per year to go to school, eat in restaurants, or go to the movies, which is already a reality in NYC and San Francisco.
The covid psychosis must end now, and its proponents must be ejected from power and where appropriate, brought to justice. At this point there may be hundreds of people in the federal and state governments and regulatory agencies who deserve capital punishment (not that they’ll receive it) for intentionally withholding and blockading therapeutics, endangering nursing home patients to inflate the death count, and coercing people into vaccination that has killed hundreds of thousands worldwide, each of which amounts to genocide, let alone those who are guilty of architecting and engineering the virus release itself.
1/1/22- FDA now needs 74 years to release Pfizer trial data, says will release by year 2096
12/28/21- FDA says it won’t release [the still not approved, only emergency-use-authorized] Pfizer vaccine trial data until the year 2076, FOIA law requires release within 20 business days. How can we believe The Science™ if they won’t even show us what it is?
12/27/21- A few minutes of number-crunching and extrapolation — from this Columbia University study and the CDC’s admission that only 5% of ‘covid deaths’ are primarily a result of covid — make it clear that the plandemic vaccine has *already* killed considerably more people than covid has, including Tiffany Dover who is still dead from the Pfizer vaccine one year later (along with Hank Aaron and countless other high-profile victims, such as a healthy 3-year-old last week). I’ll leave that work to the reader this time.
Anecdotally, I know two people who died (relatively young, of cardiac events) immediately post-vaccine, and still know no one by name who has died of covid. Data from the UK indicates that vaccinated adults under age 60 have been dying at twice the rate of non-vaccinated adults since April 2021.
If you’ve already taken the vaccine, just accept that you were misled about the safety, effectiveness, and the durability of the vaccine, and please reject the constant boosters and allow your body to get back to normal, which according to studies may take 12-15 months. If just a quarter or a third of the two-dose population resists continued dosing, the passport and mandate schemes will promptly collapse. As of today, only 18% of Americans have taken the booster shot.
12/27/21- Study in European Journal of Epidemiology of 68 countries and 2,947 US counties finds ‘no discernible relationship’ between vaccination and a reduction in COVID cases; and instead indicates that vaccination promotes the spread of COVID, as stated here on 1/12/21. As stated repeatedly since March and April of 2020, it was obvious the vaccine would never work due to the nature of the vaccine and virus; no comparable disease has ever had a successful vaccine. As for the supposed reduction in risk of serious symptoms the vaccine offers, the rate of hospitalization without a vaccine – for alpha and delta, let alone omicron – is already <1%, so there is no remotely reliable way to credit the vaccine for a recovery not involving serious symptoms. The only reason ICU units are full is because there is only one ICU bed per 12,000 people (+- 5,000 depending on the region) as detailed in the posts on 8/21/21 and 4/13/20.
12/21/21- Only 18% of the US population is now ‘fully vaccinated’; the CDC is caught lying about the number who have had ‘at least one dose’
As expected, the media has played with the numbers. A US News story misleadingly reports: “These breakthrough infections are rising among the 61% of the country’s fully vaccinated population, including the 30% who have gotten booster shots.” This would suggest to the casual reader that 30% of the population has had a booster, but in reality it’s only 30% of the 61%, or 18.3% of the population.
Additionally, the CDC is not only using the term ‘doses’ as propaganda to make it seem like more people are vaccinated (as stated in the post on 1/11/21), it was also caught misrepresenting third booster doses as first doses to inflate the ‘at least one dose’ statistics. How their records could be that sloppy (and not fraudulent) is hard to imagine. Given that, they’re probably counting vaccines that were thrown out by the thousands as ‘presumed doses’ or similar chicanery, so that 61% figure itself is highly questionable.
12/21/21- Follow-up on ‘Omicron;’ the [non-]cure is far, far worse than the disease
As stated here in the first few days, the so-called ‘monster’ variant ‘Omicron appears to be the mildest yet, and may well be little or nothing more than one of the thousands of viral strains and variants known as the common cold. Like the common cold, it can lead to pneumonia (which can cause lung damage) and death in people in very precarious health. Like the common cold, there could be billions of ‘cases’ per year (there are 1 billion common-cold cases per year in the US alone or about 24 billion worldwide and 1 billion flu cases per year worldwide) and like the common cold, it by all appearances presents no existential threat to mankind.
One item of concern is that the vast majority of Omicron cases are so-called ‘breakthrough’ cases (see also) (see also) (a farcical term given that the so-called vaccine has very little efficacy, if it doesn’t facilitate infection), meaning that vaccinated people are much more likely than non-vaccinated people to be infected, which suggests a covid-specific (or possibly overall) compromise in immune function amongst the vaccinated, e.g. as vaccine antibodies reduce or halt the body’s production of natural antibodies. If you’ve already gotten vaccinated I implore you to stop getting boosters and allow your immune system to rebound, rather than bombard it with inflammatory spike proteins every 3 months.
In a related vein, it was revealed several months ago that the Red Cross would not take convalescent blood plasma from vaccinated people. The Red Cross and FactCheck.org stated this was ‘inaccurate’ without elaborating or debunking the story, then immediately announced it would stop collecting convalescent plasma from anyone since they allegedly had enough by way of their ‘industry partners.’ Translation: we can’t publicly reveal that we cannot accept convalescent plasma from vaccinated people, so we will privately receive vaccine-screened plasma from external organizations.
Another indication of Omicron’s mild nature is that the NFL, in order to avoid league disruptions, has stopped testing vaccinated players who claim to be asymptomatic while forcing non-vaccinated players to submit to constant testing regardless of symptoms (I say claim because they may have the sniffles or an occasional sneeze and not disclose it) due to the significant likelihood vaccinated players were unknowingly carrying (and spreading) the relatively harmless Omicron variant. Obviously, this is also an attempt to dam the bad-PR deluge of vaccinated player after player testing positive.
11/29/21- ‘Omicron’ and the Covid Fear Formula/Funnel: The Weaker the Virus, the Stronger the Measures
In spite of all the fearmongering around the ‘monster’ Omicron variant, all evidence thus far indicates it is the weakest strain yet, just as Delta was weaker and more contagious than ‘Alpha.’
This is a good moment to discuss the shadow government’s covid fear formula or ‘fear funnel’ if you will: the more contagious the mutation, the less deadly; the more ‘with covid’ deaths, the fewer ‘from covid’ deaths; the more cases, the fewer serious cases…all the while, the numbers stay pumped and the measures stay in place, wearing people down, restricting their liberties, depriving them of their livelihoods, until they give in and allow the government to establish ownership of their bodies (often in a misguided trade-off for liberties that they’ll ultimately lose anyway, since the powerful will take whatever is yielded). Thankfully, I think far too many already see through the vaccine passport ruse for it to succeed, yet its perpetrators are trying to keep up an air of inevitability, hoping to ‘fake it until they make it.’
As detailed here in early and mid 2020, the following is essentially the whole playbook for the scamdemic:
1) The original manmade bioweapon virus was never very strong, but select areas were targeted with weaponized pneumonia bacteria via aerosol and/or the water supply as liquid and vapor (see also). Nightmare stories of strange symptoms were circulated in the media. This is the only explanation how deaths in continental ‘red zones’ New York City, Milan, and Wuhan were far higher all other cities on the face of the Earth, including immediately adjacent areas that were infected at the exact same time. Nowhere wanted to become a ‘red zone,’ so they instituted heavy measures (and none did become one, since they weren’t targeted with dual bioweapons; see predictive programming below on 3/28/2020). Nursing homes were also targeted to fuel the initial death count by mass-murdering blue-state governors such as Andrew Cuomo, Phil Murphy, and former PA Health Secretary Richard/Rachel Levine (link).
2) Massive fraud in health statistics was committed as the CDC and other health agencies order doctors to classify ‘with covid’ deaths as covid deaths. Since 65 million people die per year from all causes, the potential to find ‘with covid’ deaths among them is enormous, especially since people who are in the final stages of dying of other diseases are more susceptible to common-cold infections, yet don’t usually die from them. For each ‘case’ they counted, hospitals received a $12k payoff from the federal government.
3) As the virus becomes more contagious and less deadly, more and more are ‘marked’ at death as ‘with covid’ (since all people admitted into the hospital, who are already sick, are tested for covid) while fewer and fewer actually die of covid. This doesn’t matter, since they’re statistically treated the same, and so-called ‘covid deaths’ stay level or even rise, fueling a continuation of the various measures and mandates.
4) As the entire Greek alphabet of variants is run through (and maybe even recycled, Omega 10, Omega 11, etc), more and more boosters are rolled out and required to keep ‘passports’ in good standing, ignoring the fact that we have had untold thousands of distinct variants of cold and flu viruses with little to no fanfare (maybe millions over time; covid alone has had over 12,000 mutations), hence the total failure (by any normal standard) of vaccines for cold and flu viruses, of which coronavirus/SARS-Cov2 is one.
11/24/21- People think Travis McMichael is guilty and Arbery is innocent because they don’t understand what a citizen is; the bigotry of low expectations
Post-verdict update: The guilty verdicts didn’t surprise me, though I thought we might get a hung jury. Because the disgraceful charges against Rittenhouse failed, the jurors gave in to public pressure and the Arbery defendants had to be sacrificed to appease the mindless lynch mob. This is post-truth America: reason and critical thought are out, emotions and propaganda are in. Three citizens watching over their crime-ridden neighborhood who questioned and followed a repeat trespasser wearing street clothes and not jogging attire (boots, khaki shorts) were attacked by the trespasser and defended themselves appropriately, and will now spend the rest of their lives in prison for it because of the frenzy ginned up by our terrorist media and shadow government.
They may or may not have had racist or bigoted beliefs, but if they did, all communities are composed entirely of imperfect people: people who in small and large measure are dishonest, manipulative, narcissistic, treacherous, stupid, uninformed, lazy, irresponsible, inconsiderate, cowardly, impulsive, arrogant, violent, perverted, insane, fanatical, solipsistic, self-centered, decadent and whatever other flaws we might think of. While the media has cast it as the one and only sin, bigotry, though it is not admirable, is not the worst quality one could have or a capital crime that makes one subject to attack or fair to rob, or that keeps one from rightfully defending his neighborhood. The media’s obsession with it stems from its unequaled usefulness as a divide-and-conquer angle (whether with regards to race or religion). We should all strive to remain open- and fair-minded, but Hispanics, Asians, blacks, whites, etc. are very often racist on some level and have a preference towards their own ethnicities to one degree or another.
Even if the McMichaels were mistaken about Arbery’s actions at the property, i.e. whether it was misdemeanor trespassing or felony burglary he had committed, they never ‘hunted him down.’ They followed him with vehicles. There is zero evidence of a prior intent by the McMichaels to kill or inflict harm. There is not even any evidence of an intent or attempt to make a citizen’s arrest. There is evidence that they were following him until he could be questioned by police (the police were only seconds away from arriving at the scene). Arbery’s mistake was that he had watched too many Hollywood and media propaganda pieces, and not studied enough civics and history, and believed his life was in grave danger. Arbery could have stopped or kept walking and said, “I’m not talking to you, call the police if you want,” and all would have ended well.
And even if we assume the McMichaels were intent on a citizen’s arrest and that a citizen’s arrest was unlawful due to the potentially minor nature of Arbery’s crime, it was Arbery who escalated things without reason. You don’t get to create a life-or-death encounter by wrestling for someone’s gun just because the person is attempting to perform a wrongful or mistaken citizen’s arrest on you after you committed a minor crime rather than a serious crime, or because the arrester misidentified you. A wrongful citizen’s arrest or detention is not a threat to your life. What you do is stop for the person (or calmly walk away), do not speak if you don’t want to, wait for the police to arrive, then sue the person if the detention was wrongful. That’s how it needs to work in a civilized country that is owned by the people (not the government and the police) and that respects citizens’ rights.
Travis McMichael is a citizen. He has the right to watch over and even patrol his neighborhood to ensure crimes aren’t taking place. If he reasonably believes someone has committed a crime, he has the right (and responsibility) to follow that person, question him, and potentially detain him. If the person walks or runs away, he has the right to follow or chase the person. He doesn’t have the right to shoot the person unless his life is in grave danger. He didn’t do so until his life was in grave danger.
Ahmaud Arbery was a citizen. He didn’t have the right to enter the property of others. It may be something that is often tolerated, but it wasn’t a right. If concerned citizens questioned him about it, he had an obligation to stop and politely answer their questions. Even if he wasn’t satisfied their inquiries were reasonable, or believed they were racially motivated, he as a civilized fellow citizen should have waited until the police arrived to avoid escalating the encounter. Or alternatively, he could have walked away or run away and dealt with the police if they decided to investigate and pursue him. He didn’t answer the concerned citizens, and should have expected them to chase or follow him as they did, but not to attack him.
Travis and Greg McMichael didn’t attack him. Arbery was not a wild animal, he was a 25-year-old enfranchised citizen and wouldn’t be expected to run away when questioned about his trespassing, and didn’t have the right to charge and attack Travis McMichael when frightened, needlessly turning a crime investigation by citizens into a life or death encounter. When Arbery charged, grabbed the gun, and began punching McMichael, he became an armed aggressor and had to be killed.
Citizen is both a political office and law-enforcement position. As citizens we accept that we collectively constitute the nation and collectively own the country, we give each other equal say in political decision-making, we recognize a plethora of rights that non-citizens and non-humans don’t have. With those rights come responsibilities, including the responsibility to act in a rational, peaceful manner. That people didn’t expect Arbery to act like a rational, peaceful citizen speaks to notions of black inferiority both inside and outside the black community, a phenomenon that is often called the bigotry of low expectations.
If I were in a predominantly black neighborhood and armed concerned black citizens attempted to question me, I would absolutely stop for them and say ‘how can I help you?’ even if I knew or suspected they were racist. If they wanted to call the police, I’d wait until the police arrived. If I ran, I’d expect them to give chase and to detain me if they witnessed me committing a crime, or had a reasonable belief that I had done so. I wouldn’t expect them to try to kill me at any point, so I wouldn’t think my life is danger and try to attack them in turn. If I went for their guns I’d expect to be shot and for them to walk free, since I was the aggressor who raised the stakes.
People who think the police have absolute domain over all matters of law and order and that the people are obligated to hide in their homes have no grasp of the historical, foundational meaning of what a citizen is, and of why we respect each other and recognize rights within each other. It’s a slave mentality (which in most cases just stems from a lack of education in history) that replaces citizen ownership of the country with state ownership of the country. It turns the state into a monarch, the sovereign of the land, and turns the citizens into subjects under the state, not over it. This country was founded as a rejection of that notion.
11/22/21- YouTube hides dislikes to protect establishment propaganda
The reason for the YouTube’s removal of the dislike count is that all MSM and establshment-linked videos, particularly anything covid- and vaccine-related, were getting about a 10-to-1 dislike to like ratio. YouTube’s cofounder Jawed Karim (from before it was taken over by the Google Deep-Staters) called the change ‘universally disliked.’
11/17/21- With righteous acquittal in the cards, MSM furiously backpedals on Kyle Rittenhouse hatemongering
Another good breakdown by Jimmy Dore. Three days after the Rittenhouse self-defense shooting, after spending no more than 5 minutes looking at the original footage, I formed a judgment and explained everything that is only recently being reported and is finally accepted as self-evident by the bulk of the American public (including most of the partisan left who had previously been calling for his head) and hopefully soon the jury, including the fact that Grosskreutz aimed his weapon directly at Rittenhouse. I have a laptop and no special resources, and the obvious facts I pointed out were accessible to anyone with a pair of eyeballs. The Young Turks has a $20 million budget and a writing and research team, and covered the event over many segments spanning several months, yet these facts consistently eluded them, or so they claim. Obviously TYT is lying and has no credibility, that has always been known and isn’t being discovered now, this is just a good angle to expose the flagrant, infernal deceitfulness of them and the rest of the corporate media. That there were any charges at all in this case is a disgrace.
What I didn’t realize at the time of the post on 8/29/2020 is that convicted serial child rapist and diagnosed psychopath Joseph Rosenbaum, the first attacker Rittenhouse was forced to dispatch, had been released from a mental hospital that same morning due to a suicide attempt the night before (the bag he threw at Rittenhouse contained his release paperwork), and throughout the protest was repeatedly chest-bumping and shoving armed men and asking them to shoot him.
Here’s hoping my posts on the case of fleeing adult burglar cast jogging good-boy Ahmaud Arbery (another divide-and-conquer, shadow-gov initiative) (like with Trayvon Martin, the media, controlled Wikipedia, etc., insist on using only high-school-age photos of Arbery, who was 25), who was rightfully or at least necessarily shot while lunging and wrestling for the gun of Travis McMichael, will also be vindicated.
11/17/21- Putting covid case rates in perspective; a rate of 1,000 is not high, yet the media is freaking out and governments are locking down over 20, 50, 100
A covid ‘case’ rate of…
10 means 1 in 10,000 people
100 means 1 in 1,000 people
1,000 means 1 in 100 people
…has a cold virus with a 99.98% survival rate [for the majority of people i.e. all people under age 50; the averaged rate for all age groups is 99.7%].
If you invited 100 people to a party and one of them had a cold or flu (from which, like covid, he had a 99.9% chance of recovering) and didn’t show, would that be a pandemic? Obviously not. Well that’s worse than covid ever was anywhere. And whenever it came close to that rate, herd immunity developed and rates plummeted back down. If we tested and counted ‘cases’ for the common cold, the rate would probably be 5,000 or more. The normal flu rate would likely be in the high hundreds since there are 1 billion flu cases per year.
The covid case rate in most places currently is 10-20 [per 100k people], meaning 1 out of every 5,000 or 10,000 people, and again, that one person has an averaged 99.7% chance of recovery, or even if he or she is in the highest-risk demographic and health category (age 80+ with comorbidities), about a 95% chance of surviving. As detailed many times here, most of the hysteria is based around the tiny excess capacity of the hospital system, which takes very very little to be maxed out.
One of the best indications I’ve seen of how insane and politicized the discourse around covid has been and to some degree remains now is that Democrats were recently polled, and the majority believed that of those who get covid, 50% end up in the hospital. The actual figure is <1% (and that’s not the ICU, just the hospital). Their view of reality is more than 50-fold off. If I’m off of reality by 40 or 50%, I’m ashamed; they’re off by 5,000%. I don’t like to get too partisan here and don’t really support the Republican party, certainly not the party establishment, but this is proof positive of a complete overrun of the rational faculties by propaganda.
11/14/21- Montage of dozens of healthy high school, college, and professional athletes literally dropping dead from cardiac events induced by the plandemic vaccine; lull in blog activity
As for the lull in posts, the themes/events discussed here over the last 20 months have been reiterating themselves again and again and I felt it was unnecessary to beat a dead horse. Since I think this is the most important subject of the present time, a strong focus has been placed and will remain on debunking the massive torrent of covid propaganda, but I’m also sick of discussing it to an extent.
We the know the release of the virus and the response were pre-planned as a medical 9/11, we know the biggest vaccine and lockdown advocates are also authoritarians and population-reduction fanatics, we know the statistics are fudged and blown out of proportion, we know the vaccines do nothing to stop the spread of covid, we know the most-vaccinated places are invariably seeing surges and not drops in cases, we know low-vaccination places with herd immunity and ivermectin use have very few cases, we know the vaccinated are superspreaders and walking mutation factories (who are harboring higher viral loads asymptomatically), which was by design; we know the vaccinated are dying and becoming permanently disabled from side effects (and I still don’t know a single person by name who died of covid).
9/23/21- Croatian president declares end to national vaccine campaign and bashes media hysteria; not a single story by the MSM covers it
And I mean not a single story from any large media outlet (at least none that Google won’t censor), other than ‘Total Croatia.’ Romania also closed down its vaccine centers and sold off its supply of doses after 73% of the country refused to be vaccinated, with crickets from the media.
9/20/21- The media is continuously calling for Biden to require vaccines for air travel – not that it’s stopped them from trying before (just like it didn’t stop the CDC from pretending to have domain over private rental contracts), but Biden, even if he were a legitimate president, and Congress have no jurisdiction over the operation of airports or airlines or over the entry or exit of US citizens, only over the entry of immigrants and commercial goods.
This is a common misconception, especially among people conditioned to have a fetish for centralized power. Airports are owned and operated by states, cities, or private entities. CBP and ICE have jurisdiction over immigrants and commercial cargo entering the country, but not citizens. They have no jurisdiction over anyone or anything leaving the country, unless it involves a crime (and even then it’s usually a state or local matter). Federal employees are given a revocable right to work in the facilities by the airport owner and are guests there, they are not running the show; for example, almost any crime that happens within an airport or on an airplane is dealt with by local law enforcement and state/county prosecutors, not federal. Another example is that some airport owners have booted the TSA from their facilities at will (link). Whatever happens with Biden and his illegal mandates, I won’t comply and will abstain from flying commercially or find a workaround.
The only reason the federal government is getting away with forcing US citizens to get tested before returning is that they are essentially asking the airlines to require that all passengers on US-bound flights show a test before boarding (via ‘health rules’ unilaterally issued by unelected bureaucrats at the CDC, which have no real legal meaning and amount to advice aka ‘guidance’), and the airlines are unsurprisingly complying – there is no statute or Constitutional provision that supports such a request. At least four federal judges (link) (link) (link) have ruled that the CDC lacks authority for its various dictates (with no judges upholding them), but it keeps issuing them anyway, and the media and executive branch keep pretending they’re legitimate.
9/19/21- Biden’s point made absolutely no sense, but this was never about truth or rationality; it’s about obedience, conformity, and faith in authority. It’s also very likely about having the vaccinated harbor high viral loads and act as walking mutation factories, in order to increasingly harm the non-vaccinated (especially as boosters #3, 4, 5, 100+ are rolled out), who perversely will be / are being blamed for the outcome.
9/11/21- So far, 68% of US land area (62% of contiguous US) has formally rejected the illegal Biden mandates. North Carolina and Pennsylvania next (nevermind on PA; no chance with their attorney general)?
9/10/21- Never forget: joint operation by US and Israeli intel (whether official or ‘rogue’ elements, as if the agencies themselves aren’t already often lawless) + private ‘Illuminati’ network including media personnel, with considerable overlap between all three groups of course; no passenger planes, no hijackers, no Flight 93, no pancake collapse, no Muslims, no ‘jihadists,’ no Taliban, no OBL, no KSM (still hasn’t been tried 20 years later, ‘no date anticipated anytime soon‘), no Al Qaeda, minimal to no Saudi involvement.
9/10/21- 331 million Americans minus [a supposed] 177 million ‘fully vaccinated’ [with an ineffective, likely toxic, experimental compound] = 154 million non-vaccinated (46.5%) (47 million of whom are under age 12), not 80 million as Biden repeatedly claimed. That means 38.2% (not 25% as Biden repeatedly claimed) of eligible Americans are not vaccinated, and roughly half of Americans under age 65 are not vaccinated, despite ‘full and final approval’ by the no-credibility FDA.
9/9/21- ‘Per day’ is another ‘over 10 years’ propaganda device; only ‘0.02 children per day’ (i.e. *eight* of 74.2 million Americans under age 18) have died [supposedly] of covid in the last 12 months, and 100% of them had serious comorbidities
About 10 years ago, no pun intended, the corporate media and establishment politicians and media began using the phrase ‘over 10 years’ to discuss the cost or revenue of a program (e.g. that a tax cut will ‘cost’ [‘cost’ a government who is thereby presumed to own you and all your money] a sizeable $300 billion ‘over ten years,’ as opposed to the relatively insignificant $30 billion per year, amid around $9,000 billion per year – or a truly absurd $90,000 billion over 10 years – in all-level government spending). This allowed them to multiply or divide any statistic by 10, depending whether they wanted it to look bigger or smaller.
A new, more brazen device was used at least twice in Biden’s slurred speech today (which ended with a creepy whisper of ‘get vaccinated’): the phrase ‘per day.’ This transparent trick – which recalls ‘just pennies a day’ in TV commercials – allows Biden to divide any number he wants to make small by 365; again, while multiplying any number he wants to appear large in comparison (such as BS projections about the number of non-vaccinated who might die ‘over 10 years’) by 3,650.
As the shadow government salivates over forced child vaccinations (and forcing our soon to be socially and emotionally stunted children to breathe in carbon dioxide, bacteria, and other pathogens all day long), note that only eight children (or 0.02 per day according to Biden) have died of covid in the last 12 months, and all of them had serious comorbidities/illnesses. Keep that in mind as they gear up for that propaganda campaign, which has long since begun and will hit full steam very soon, probably in just a couple months. This is while it is openly admitted that the vaccine does nothing to stop the spread of covid (and in all exceeding likelihood enhances the spread), only to (supposedly) prevent serious symptoms, which, again, are a non-factor for children.
By the way, the oft repeated ’80 million’ non-vaccinated population is actually 153 million (46.5% of the population) – assuming the government’s stats are true – and a majority of Americans under age 65 (approximately 51%) are still not vaccinated; this otherwise disgusting Washington Post article tells the truth about the numbers, that only 54% (53.5%) of eligible people are ‘fully vaccinated,’ which when excluding the extremely heavily vaccinated elderly is actually a minority of Americans. Biden plays with the numbers 1) by excluding non-vaccinated, eligible people age 12-17 (almost none of whom have been vaccinated) from his ’80[-some] million’ (which is probably 89.9 million, if not higher) which would otherwise bring the figure to well over 110 million; 2) by including vaccinated people of that age bracket because it suits his purposes, and also 3) by counting the ‘at least one dose’ people (the overwhelming majority of whom’s appointments are long overdue, and are never going back; which should tell you a hell of a lot about the vaccine when 30-40% of people aren’t going back for dose #2) as vaccinated, when they are banned from restaurants in places like NYC and San Francisco, and in Israel and soon to be elsewhere, three doses (soon to be four, five, etc.), not two, will be needed for your ‘green pass.’ As Twain said: lies, damned lies, etc.
9/9/21- The ’emergency rule’ for companies with over 100 employees in fake-president Biden’s slurred State of Union speech is not law, not Constitutional, and thus not enforceable
The Department of Labor [of the ‘United States America’ as Biden called it] has no jurisdiction over employees’ medical decisions or companies’ policies about them. It only has specific powers regarding fair labor practices, union disputes, federal unemployment, etc.
There is zero Constitutional authority for federal vaccine mandates. All the federal government can do is try to bully companies into compliance by withholding funds, though even that is illegal in states without vaccine mandates, since it violates the Tenth Amendment and separation of state and federal powers.
State mandates may be sanctioned by one wrongheaded court precedent, but they’re against the natural law the country was founded on, which recognizes self-ownership and bodily autonomy (yes, that didn’t apply to slaves, but that aberration was corrected); thus they don’t have any legitimacy either, and any party trying to enforce them is a criminal committing an act of aggression.
9/7/21- I believe I had covid recently and kicked it in under 48 hours without pharmaceuticals, here’s what I did
This was a few weeks back. I chose not to write this in real time so as not to alarm others who know me in real life. I don’t know how or where I got it; my diet and sleep routine had slipped for a few days prior, which may have factored in. It set in on a Thursday afternoon and was essentially gone by Saturday late morning/early afternoon. The worst of my symptoms were a persistent, dry cough, mild sore/tight throat, mild fatigue, and headache/heaviness in the head. The overall severity was equal to or a little less than a light flu, more than an average cold, with an energy drain not normally present for me with a cold.
I suspect it was covid because I haven’t had the flu in well over 10 years (can’t remember last time; never had flu shot) and rarely get colds, and if I do get a cold it’s never been in the summer from what I recall, and the severity is less. The cough was dry and involved little to no phlegm and no nose congestion, which I typically get with a cold. The run-down / weighted-down feeling felt similar to February 2020, which was the last time I felt sick and is when I suspect I may have had covid (went away in 3-4 days with minimal symptoms, just mild fatigue/malaise and light cough). There are other indications it was covid, described below.
Treatment Regimen
Here’s what I did to try to kick it. This may have been overboard but I was determined to suppress it and try to keep symptoms from getting any momentum:
A) A tea containing elderberries and cinchona bark (had possibly once on Thursday, 2-3 times Friday, and 1-2 times Saturday). Take a medium handful of dried berries and medium handful of bark (approximately 1 ounce, relatively well-cut/ground ideally but I had lot of large chunks also), boil for about 10 minutes, simmer 10 minutes, steep 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Followed tea with 1.5 teaspoons vitamin C powder (about 6,000mg) in cool water (heat about 85 degrees denatures vitamin C), mixed with a tablespoon of beet powder to blunt the tartness and aid nutrient delivery, taken with a 25mg zinc picolinate tablet (Solgar) and sometimes half an orange (for vitamin C-potentiating flavonoids). I took an extra 1-2 servings of vitamin C apart from the tea. (I also took a 2000 IU vitamin D capsule Friday and Saturday, though personally I don’t credit that much or at all, since I think my levels were already pretty high from sun exposure; of course, for general health I believe vitamin D is critical.)
Elderberry is the highest natural source of quercetin, which creates zinc ionophores that have been proven to block covid and SARS replication. Cinchona is the highest natural source of quinine and the source of the original quinine pharmaceutical drugs, and it contains quinoline compounds that are highly similar to the drug hydroxychloroquine. Quinine and chloroquine also create zinc ionophores, which is the basis for HCQ treatment (and the reason why non-zinc-supplementing regimens either failed or were less conclusive). Vitamin C especially in high doses is a very potent immune enhancer and antiviral.
B) My ‘flu/cold crusher’ recipe twice on Friday and once on Saturday; see post below on 3/14/2020. Additions to the recipe were a small amount of kimchi, turmeric, ‘Italian spice’ blend (oregano, rosemary, marjoram, thyme), and saffron (small dash, about 10 threads, added for taste). Rice, bone broth, celery, and kale/greens were organic, chicken was non-antibiotic. Large amounts of black pepper and raw finely chopped garlic (slightly beyond the optimal culinary range for me, and I like both ingredients a lot) were mixed in after cooking was just about done.
I cooked the rice in half bone broth (chicken) half spring water, and was sure to mix chicken skin and fat into the dish. Chicken legs are much preferable to breast if have to choose one. I prefer a whole chicken to cuts because I think it tastes better, allows you to mix white and dark meat (and add organ meats that may be included with the giblets), and transfers flavors and nutrients from the bones and skin into the meat.
C) Occasional snacks of vitamin C-, quercetin- and flavonoid-containing fruits: e.g. oranges, kiwi, canteloupe (also to aid with hydration), organic blueberries; snacks of nuts (e.g. mainly pistachios and walnuts, some almonds) for minerals, and a good amount of water. I had taken some steps to improve my diet (which wasn’t at all bad, though I tried to make it better) by Thursday afternoon, but didn’t go full-bore with it until Friday morning.
More on Symptoms, Test Results
Symptoms set in mid/late afternoon on a Thursday in the form of a persistent, dry cough and mild headache / malaise. The worst day was Friday. I woke up with what felt like a bad hangover (though hadn’t drunk anything) and had pain on one side of my face (and somewhat towards center) which felt nerve-related, and as if someone was grabbing the top and middle of my cheekbone. I had considerably reduced but not absent taste and smell, which I tested by tasting and smelling bitter/pungent foods. The face pain subsided an hour or two after I woke up and the taste and smell came back to 100% (or close to it; was definitely at 100% within a day or so) 3-4 hours after waking, when I noticed it had dropped. Although it can happen from many viral infections, I’ve never had anything remotely like the facial pain or loss of taste/smell happen, which furthers my belief it was likely covid when combined with the other symptoms. Saturday morning I felt much more normal but still with a light headache and malaise, and by around noon the energy-drain had dissipated sharply and my cough went down. A mild cough and sore throat (possibly just from all the coughing) lingered for the next day or two. Since then I’ve felt completely normal.
I took a rapid test late Saturday afternoon and it came back negative (normally I wouldn’t bother with testing and would just stay away from others until symptoms passed – as I always do when I’m sick, whether of covid or any other contagious illness – but I was half-hoping it would come back positive so that I could officially be documented as a ‘recovered’ person, even though I most likely already am, as are most other people; I was also possibly going to be around a lot of older people soon for a sports league I’m in, though it ended up getting canceled for rain). They also took a second sample for a PCR test that day, which came back negative a couple days later. Tests for strep throat also came back negative. My oxygen level was at 99% on Saturday and never felt low. Thankfully the swab wasn’t nearly as deep as it was in 2020 (when I needed it to return to the US from abroad), and stayed within the nose; there are also oral PCR swabs available now, though I didn’t request it.
Sure, I may just be naturally resistant to it as some people are and it’s possible (though in my opinion very unlikely) it was the flu or just a cold; and at my age, weight, etc., symptoms are unlikely to get too serious as it is, but I believe the above helped. Personally, I believe I suppressed replication and cleared the infection rapidly enough for levels to be below contagiousness thresholds by day 3. While I credit the above with helping me and think it will help anyone, I’d certainly advise others who are at a higher risk to complement it with proven pharmaceutical treatments that the vaccine/control-obsessed media and government ignore: ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, [pharmaceutical] HCQ, prednisone, etc., though even for older people I believe these often aren’t necessary if natural factors are maxed-out.
9/6/21- Rolling Stone and other ‘news’/propaganda outlets publish story about ivermectin overdoses that’s proven completely fake; Google News and MSM keep running the story anyway (link)
Rolling Stone has issued a correction, but the many other outlets that published the fake report have let it stand. Unsurprisingly, McElyea has suffered no consequences for his false tale and acting performance on multiple news interviews; for example, the loss of his medical license.
To keep a grasp on their lie, MSM outlets continue publishing stories on vague ‘increases’ or ‘surges’ in poison control calls, often from low single digits to high single digits, an underwhelming fact buried deep in the article.
9/3/21- The government is treating all Afghan refugees (as well as refugees from all countries) with ivermectin – I thought it was just a ‘horse dewormer’? (link)
Ivermectin has been around for 45 years and is one of the most widely prescribed drugs in the world (and safest; I can’t find a single overdose death or permanent injury) – for humans…and horses, dogs, etc.. It’s not some new, niche veterinary/equine drug like the media has cast it. It’s not experimental in humans; the human application of the drug won its inventors a Nobel Prize, and its antiviral activity has been repeatedly demonstrated.
There’s no difference between ‘horse ivermectin’ and human ivermectin; the dosage isn’t different either – ivermectin marketed for horse use is sold as a paste, not pills, and you just use arithmetic to adjust for humans and for the condition you’re treating; this can be accomplished in about 5 minutes of research. As for the inactive ingredients in horse formulas we’re being sternly warned about, there’s nothing at all of concern for a one-off treatment: corn oil, polysorbate 80 (emulsifier approved for human use in food), apple flavor, and aerosil (a silica-based thickener used in toothpaste and approved for human use in food).
Obviously, the media just wants to discredit anything that’s not the ineffective vaccine. Ivermectin is not patentable and costs <$5 per dose so will never be promoted as a therapeutic – they want you on the $3,000/dose remdesivir, which barely does anything. From Twitter:
8/27/21- Update on the plandemic vaccine and magnetism
When I first heard this rumor, I was admittedly somewhat skeptical – though given what I know the establishment is capable of, I considered it to be possible and in no way dismissed it out of hand; as a person who tries to be rational, I suspended judgment and awaited more evidence; unlike the media, who either intentionally covered it up with or uncritically toed the line at every opportunity. The level of coordination that we see amounts to a state-controlled media, by a ‘shadow’ or ‘Illuminati’ government that has its tentacles in most larger countries. The monopolized corporate media has long functioned as a parallel government alongside our [mostly bought-and-paid-for] elected government.
What’s more likely, that all the people in the US and elsewhere coincidentally made it up months ago, or that many other batches in addition to the enormous Japanese batch have been ‘contaminated’ (if not designed to be that way)? I’m sure the way they’ll spin this is ‘J&J and Moderna have had issues, but Pfizer, that’s the ‘fully approved’ gold standard; no, as Israel and Iceland show, Pfizer doesn’t work either – they’re all to be avoided, magnetic or not. And no, I’m not necessarily implying they all have magnetic material or that it was certainly intentional, and if it was intentional, it may just have been piloted in a few places to observe the effects.
8/26/21- 8+ months later and Tiffany Dover is still dead from the plandemic vaccine
I just checked back and there has been no video footage of her (interviews, etc.) since the day she was vaccinated, and no social media posts showing her face. Of her two posts made this year, one is of a sunset, and the other doesn’t show her face and reads ‘meet me on the other side of paradise ♥‘ (the previous year had at least several dozen posts). Check out past posts here from January and December for other evidence she’s no longer with us.
Wouldn’t the MSM have loved to put this to bed and do at least one live interview, to corroborate their flurry of ‘fact checks’ after the rumors first came out? Wouldn’t they love for her to say she’s fine and dandy and give a boost to the ailing vaccine campaign? They can’t; like 99% (and I doubt that’s even an exaggeration) of the vaccine-related deaths – which I’d wager rival or exceed covid deaths, without even considering the long-term effects – her death has been covered up by the government and media.
8/26/21- ‘Stop the spread:’ Oxford University study reveals that ‘fully vaccinated’ people carry 251x more viral load than the non-vaccinated (link)
Step right up for booster #3…soon to be #50, #100…
While most likely not the first to suggest it, I called out the vaccinated-as-superspreader possibility here back in January:
“1/12/21- I have come across multiple reports that young, healthy people, medical workers, who have received the plandemic vaccine are shedding and thus potentially spreading the virus, and being put into quarantine after getting the shot [the second shot in particular]. That isn’t supposed to happen with a functional vaccine; that’s just called getting the disease and recovering, which makes the vaccine pointless or worse. Disturbing as it is, the potentiality of the vaccine not as any kind of cure, when it is far inferior to the immune system, but instead as a vector (whether intentional or not) [yeah, I’m gonna say it was absolutely intentional at the highest levels of development] to infect more people, must be considered.”
These exclusive, vaccine-passported, corporate-sponsored events of late are essentially serving as labs to breed yet more variants that will harm the non-vaccinated. Yet, all of us getting vaccinated and eventually carrying viral loads thousands of times normal, developing immune issues, and harming others most certainly isn’t the solution. The solution is to get healthy and never get plandemic-vaccinated if you haven’t yet been vaccinated, or to stop getting vaccinated if you already have. Then let our bodies and immune systems sort out all the damage and hopefully restore us to good health.
(As the ‘fact-checkers’ have rushed to point out, this isn’t quite an apples-to-apples comparison, since it compares ‘original covid’ with [presumed] ‘Delta.’ That suggests at least one of two things: Delta is far less deadly than original covid, if more contagious, and/or the vaccines don’t work at all and only make things worse for the vaccinated and those around them. Almost certainly both, since I doubt it’s possible Delta could have a 251x higher viral load, not cause a vast amount of death, and still be a similar disease. In all likelihood, ‘Delta’ has a higher viral load and less lethality, and in addition to that, the vaccinated are carrying much higher loads of it than the non-vaccinated, and acting as ‘superspreaders.’)
8/22/21- Anonymous source: ‘Taliban committing door-to-door rape of dead bodies’ (link) Incubator babies, anyone?
Again, I’m no fan of the Taliban, but if this happened at all I’d sooner peg it as a one-off by an infiltrator than on the group itself. Though I’d heavily wager it’s just made up.
8/21/21- The hilarious moment when MSNBC uses Notorious B.I.G. lyrics to push the plandemic vaccine
‘Maybe not at the same rate as Biggie’s beef,’ no, more like a 1 in 5,000 (0.02%) or lower risk of death ‘on these streets,’ assuming covid even ‘sees you.’ As for the scaremongering about ‘96% ICU capacity,’ the ICU is almost always fairly full, even without covid. There is only one ICU bed per 7,000 to 17,000 people in the US: i.e. about three regular beds per 1,000 people, and between 2 and 5 ICU beds per 100 regular beds, depending on the hospital. Did the government solve this simple problem in their multi-trillion-dollar covid spending bonanza by creating (or at least purchase-ordering) an emergency reserve of ICU equipment? Nope.
8/20/21- If any significant number of US citizens (‘thousands’ reportedly; few of the people in the video footage who are attempting to leave appear to be American) who want to leave Afghanistan are prevented from doing so and then harmed, you can be 100.00% sure that the pull-out was primarily an ill-intentioned stunt with some kind of ulterior motive (since they could’ve easily pulled out in a couple weeks’ time, while also executing an evacuation of people and equipment; it could ill-intentioned on other levels), seemingly to lay the groundwork for a new false-flag, so that the next time they’ll say ‘of course we have to stay forever, look what happened when we didn’t.’
8/20/21- No more case-counting, tests, or quarantines: there are an average of 2.7 MILLION CASES A DAY of the flu (estimated 1 billion per year), which has a death rate of 0.1%, at least 5x higher than covid’s 0.02% [or lower]. Do we regularly test for the flu? Covid is a cold virus – how many common-cold ‘cases’ (rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, other coronaviruses, etc.) are there per day? 10-20 million?
Viruses either fail and die off quickly like SARS, or they succeed and mutate into less deadly and more contagious forms, like we’ve seen with all the flu ‘variants’ and with all other cold viruses (which have so many ‘variants’ every year they don’t even attempt to create a vaccine for them) and like we’ll see/are seeing with covid, unless they keep unleashing new covid-like bioweapons on us. There is zero evidence ‘delta’ is deadlier than original covid, and it’s probably much less deadly (and more contagious). Instead of doing things like the ridiculous quarantining of 20,000 high school students in Mississippi, we should follow Singapore and other nations and end the silly, alarmist practice of testing and case-counting, and just treat the rare cases that become serious. Obviously, the media and government have no interest in this, since it reduces their power.
8/19/21- Surprise, surprise: the one time CNN ‘fact checks’ Biden and puts up a bewildered/embattled-looking photo of him in the last 36 months, and it’s to support continued intervention in the Middle East; this is what ‘the shadow government’ refers to
We saw a very similar CNN-Fox News lockstep amid the bogus 2013 ‘red line’ chemical attacks in Syria, later proven to be misconstrued and carried out by the CIA and Mossad-backed ‘rebels’ (with some indications the whole thing was faked and the supposed victims were wearing make-up/moulage), as well as with the vaccine hysteria, bank bailouts, etc.
8/19/21- The number of Italian centenarians grew 24% between 2019 and 2021, from 14,456 to 17,935 (link); the isolation, stress, and restriction of medical care from the lockdowns surely killed more of them than covid did. The vaccine played no role (the statistics are from January 2021) and has probably killed even more of them prematurely. The government and media are several times more lethal to Italian centenarians than covid was.
8/17/21- Is the predictable media hysteria over the Afghanistan pullout A) an MIC temper tantrum now that the $7 trillion post-9/11 gravy-train is slowing to a halt, B) a possible pretext for a massive false-flag attack meant to fire said train back up, and gloss over the faltering covid psy-op, or C) something that should have been done 20 years ago, since war there was never winnable, and since the Taliban and Osama bin Laden had 0.00% role in the 9/11 attacks (or any of the dozens of ‘foiled’ and actual terror attacks engineered by the West since), which were carried out by ‘rogue elements’ (maybe a generous characterization) of US and Israeli intelligence, as well as private ‘Illuminati’ elements, a fact that has been crystal clear to millions of us for at least 17-18 years? Answer: all of the above. (Yes, the evacuation could have been handled better, but we should have been out of there in a matter of weeks.)
Yes, it’s a tragedy and disgrace that soldiers died for practically nothing, arguably worse than nothing since many more innocents died, and it’s an even bigger tragedy and disgrace if that continues on (I hate to say that kind of thing because I know it deeply offends some and may seem disrespectful, but the thicker the lies are laid on and the longer they sit, the more painful it is pull them all off). The 20-year war has been a failure since a year or two after it began. There never was a good time to pull out, and never will be; the Taliban has had control of much of the country for at least 10 years (2009 2011 2014 2018 ‘Taliban Controls 70% of Afghanistan’), through the whole of the Obama and Trump administrations. I don’t support the Taliban, but we don’t have the resources to right every wrong. If you feel strongly enough about westernizing Afghanistan, either suit up or send your own sons there.
8/16/21- Revisiting the ‘Three Vaccine Endgames’
A few months ago I proposed the most likely three ‘endgames’ for the experimental plandemic vaccine, in order of likelihood:
1) A conditioning step for a ‘Mark of the Beast’ (see post on 7/2/20 for thoughts on this), like the War on Terror is/was: a means of eroding civil liberties and eliminating cash, and facilitating unlimited taxing, tracking, and inflation (since we pretty much all have both vaccinated and non-vaccinated loved ones, we can only hope a [failed] conditioning step/incremental move will be the case, a foot-in-door to get people to believe lies and accept things into their bodies anytime a contrived medical crisis hits)
2) A depopulation weapon against the non-vaccinated (who would be hit by a new bioweapon that would spare the vaccinated, likely the mRNA-vaccinated specifically) (alternatively, the vaccinated themselves could breed increasingly dangerous variants which would increasingly harm the non-vaccinated, and the non-vaccinated would be perversely blamed for the outcome)
3) A depopulation weapon against the vaccinated.
While some are concerned about mRNA animal trials and the prospect of antibody-dependent-enhancement (ADE) deaths, there are several big reasons why #3 seems relatively unlikely:
A) The areas ‘the powers that [shouldn’t] be’ want to control the population of the most (Africa, Asia, Latin America) are unlikely to be vaccinated in large numbers relative to the West, and are barely vaccinated at all currently (0-10% of population).
B) TPTB must have known that many in the West wouldn’t take the vaccine (maybe far fewer than they bargained for, but still many), and they probably aren’t the people they want around. Wiping out the vaccinated would be a political disaster for them, since ‘anti-vaxxers’ (i.e. people against experimental vaccines; I’m not a ‘hard’ anti-vaxxer per se, I have all the common immunizations and was recently re-vaccinated for tetanus) would constitute the overwhelming majority for decades and centuries to come. (As a counterpoint, they might plan to ‘make up the difference’ in the West by rushing in immigrants and winning them over politically with financial handouts, etc.)
C) TPTB want decades and centuries of forced/universal injections, medication, microchipping, etc., probably some ‘smart-city’ hybrid of Demolition Man and THX 1138 (see also). Wiping out a huge percentage of the world population with a vaccine, while there may be enough plausible deniability to avoid criminal liability, would discredit that agenda forever, since enough people would make the connection that the vaccinated had been harmed disproportionately.
To address #2, whether there are risks of being put under attack or not, I’m never, ever taking a vaccine for a manmade pathogen with a 99.98% or higher survival rate, which I know is meant to lead to permanent tagging and enslavement of humanity, and I don’t in any way believe the non-vaccinated are under existential threat of a mutation, which are generally less lethal than the original. But given the possibility of a ’round 2′ attack (a new bioweapon that is much worse than ‘delta’), it may be wise for all people, the vaccinated and non-vaccinated alike, to both refuse vaccination / stop continued vaccination and prepare themselves for a much worse covid-like bioweapon or ‘variant,’ by taking measures to mitigate the effects (getting to a healthy weight, eating healthy, having significant supplies of medicine on hand – megadose vitamin C, zinc, quercetin and/or foods like elderberries that contain it in high levels, hydroxychloroquine or natural quinine compounds like cinchona; ivermectin which is showing great efficacy especially in India, etc.; anything that protects against covid-like symptoms and modulates cytokine production). Again, if #1 is the outcome, this will be moot, but the likelihood of 2 or 3 seems considerable enough to warrant preparations.
(A fourth option would be delayed depopulation, where the vaccinated are able to have children but their children are sterile, which we’ve seen in experiments with animals fed GMO foods, but again, this would seem to shoot TPTB in the foot by creating a kind of population they don’t want. Yet, they might hope that a generation or two down the line, the children of vaccine resisters – like many of the descendants of American revolutionaries have been – will be programmed and not follow in their footsteps, and the delayed sterilization of the vaccinated will prove irrelevant to their goals.)
Sadly, some version of all four scenarios combined, with none of them in the extreme, is probably the likeliest to be intended: the vaccine itself kills many but the deaths are ignored as they have been, the vaccinated breed variants which harm the non-vaccinated disproportionately, but slowly and not in extreme numbers (though enough for the media to be in hysterics about), the non-vaccinated are perversely blamed for it and attempted to be pushed to the fringes of society slowly or suddenly, some older non-vaccinated die from vaccine-bred pathogens and that political resistance is lessened to a degree, most of the younger non-vaccinated live but soon grow old and many of their children do not escape programming, humanity as a whole loses fertility and more become dependent on ‘social credit’-enabled, establishment-controlled reproductive technology, and some are sterilized altogether. Yes, it’s dark, but that’s why it’s so important that we perceive this assault on our freedom and do whatever we can to resist it and halt it in its tracks. As stated in the post below, I believe this agenda is failing and will ultimately fail, and that some of the above effects could be averted completely; we need to do what we can to protect ourselves and limit the damage along the way.
8/12/21- Why the vaccine campaign has likely already failed, in spite of the desperate mandates and steaming ahead of ‘vaccine passport’ schemes in a few places; it’s been 8 months of 24/7 propaganda and veiled threats since the first injections, and only 46% of Americans under age 65 have been vaccinated (and in virtually all other developed countries, that percentage is even lower) – the other 54% have had months to get it, and it couldn’t be any easier – most simply have no intention of getting the experimental vaccine, even after imminent approval by the corrupt FDA; the vaccinated not the non-vaccinated (I’m not saying ‘unvaccinated,’ because my spellcheck tells me that isn’t a word, and it isn’t; a common propaganda ploy is to remove hyphens between words to make concepts seem more permanent; counterterrorism is one example; in this case they are also attempting to draw parallels with unwashed, unclean, etc.) are the source of the various ‘variants’
(It should go without saying that this isn’t some absolute declaration of victory. There are a host of things the rulership could still do to terrify or coerce people into vaccination, via new bioweapons or other stratagems. Whether they’d work as intended or be counterproductive to their goals is another question. Beyond physically resisting, we can only hope and pray that they give up their pointless quest for control and let us move onto a new chapter; if they have some ‘dark assistance,’ perhaps even it will grow tired of their increasingly crappy Hollywood propaganda, uninspiring, crappy politicians, flush the toilet, and start fresh with a new group of sell-outs.)
As of yesterday, 50.3% of the overall US population was said to be ‘fully’ vaccinated (i.e. in a possibly compromised state of health from an experimenmpound that is barely effective now, is the probable cause of the supposedly more infectious mutations – rather than the non-vaccinated being the cause – and won’t be effective at all in a few months’ time) (if you’ve gotten on board and plan to stay on, get ready for gene therapy at least 4x per year for life, all for an illness with a 99.98% or higher recovery rate; I suggest cutting your losses and getting off the ship, especially if you’re younger, or even if not, since these things are likely going to cause chronic inflammation and autoimmune disorders if the spike-protein bombardment continues on much longer and the body isn’t allowed to recover).
Let’s break down that 50.3% figure further: 16.5% (54M/328M) of Americans are age 65 and older, of whom 70% are ‘fully vaccinated,’ so those people comprise 4 percentage points of the 50.3%, meaning only 46% of the population under age 65 have gotten the shots, after months of eligibility. Getting it couldn’t have been any easier – just walk into your local pharmacy morning noon or night with no appointment, at no cost – so there are no accessibility issues.
The 54% of non-vaccinated Americans under 65 are not ‘hesitant’ or unable to find their local pharmacies, they have already run the cost-benefit/risk-reward and have no interest in getting an experimental vaccine for this highly contrived, obviously pre-planned, so-called pandemic. Additionally, since vaccine rates have fallen off a cliff in recent months, few of the ‘at least one dose’ people are getting a second; most had their appointments long ago and didn’t show up, probably due to side effects or regret. Contrary to media reports which cast them as imminently ‘fully,’ the large majority are never coming back for dose #2, let alone the #3 boosters being promoted for this fall.
Sure, any day now the media will be frothing at the mouth over ‘full approval’ by the no-credibility, bought-and-paid-for FDA, and maybe get a handful of detractors on that basis (most who say they’re waiting for FDA approval really aren’t; they just don’t trust it) – – ‘there are no excuses anymore’ [again, to decline brand-new, experimental 4x per year gene therapy for a cold virus] – – but they’re not getting a sizeable chunk of that 54%, nowhere near the 90%-plus of people they need for this compliance exercise to succeed. Many states have already pre-emptively blocked mandates and passports, and even in the few empire strongholds where they’re partially in place (NYC, San Francisco, LA), enforcement outside of mega-corp establishments in trendy neighborhoods will be lax or null, or even if it isn’t so low, there will be plenty of options for the non-vaccinated majority; businesses generally don’t love turning away paying customers (and remember that way more than 54% of households have a non-vaccinated member, since a vaccinated person often has a non-vaccinated spouse; probably more like 65-70% of households are mixed status, without even considering childrens’ status).
The non-vaccinated will continue to be blamed by the media for the many ‘variants,’ when the vaccinated are the likeliest cause. Even then, there is little to no evidence the variants are any deadlier – they appear to be less deadly even compared to the mild impact of the original – and it is the typical evolution of a virus to mutate into more contagious and less deadly forms in order to perpetuate itself.
Like they did with the tiresome dozens of failed fake shootings over 5+ years beginning with Tucson and Sandy Hook, and surging again even today under Biden, the establishment is moving right through all the predictable, pre-formulated steps in their 1990s-era playbook, without realizing that they don’t have nearly enough people on board yet, without understanding they have lost much of their talent to win hearts and minds (the demented buffoon they had to not only resort to as their knight in shining armor, but grease into the White House with massive election fraud, pretty much says it all), and without remembering that they no longer have the complete monopoly on information they had during 9/11 and prior crises.
(Yes, they still hold the financial levers and wield massive power, but given that the establishment has been consistently failing/backsliding with literally all of its core projects for the better part of 15-20 year, in spite of the unprecedented financial backing they’ve given them – from climate change to gun-grabbing to unification into continental blocs and currency blocs; all these agendas have only weakened, not strengthened since the mid/late 2000s, hence its soaring reliance on tin-pot techniques like censorship – we need to consider the possibility of both world-scale conspiracy and incompetence. People generally either deny conspiracies altogether or become paralyzed by their inevitability, often based on Biblical prophecy (see post 7/2/20 ‘Book of Revelation: Divine Prophecy or Sinister Plan?’). Few seem to be prepared for a scenario of sloppy, poorly conceived conspiracies and failure by a stubborn power structure who has held onto the reigns for decades too long (or if there’s a hereditary structure and the reigns have been passed at the unseen highest levels, perhaps their kids are just untalented and/or unmotivated in comparison); which is obviously far more promising in the long term, but could be very tumultuous and ugly in the short.)
Unfortunately, what the failure of the vaccine push could end up meaning is that we’ll be switched onto a new form of shock therapy: a series of Floyd-like race provocations, a 9/11-scale false-flag bombing or cyber attack, a major war, or maybe even the long anticipated fake ET event.
7/25/21- They’re trying (and so far failing) to reinstitute masks because without the visual aid of a population of unpaid masked crisis actors, people don’t seem to notice very much the 0.02%-death-rate cold virus among us, and are rapidly slipping away from their hoped-for ‘new normal’
7/25/21- The FDA – which has ignored the highly effective but unpatentable and dirt-cheap Ivermectin and lauded and fast-tracked the marginally effective and $3000-per-treatment Remdesivir – while they surely have some scientists of integrity in their ranks, is on the whole a politicized, bought-and-paid-for, extremely low credibility organization, and thus there is no doubt that they will imminently approve the plandemic vaccines no matter how many deaths and severe side effects they cause; so official approval should have no bearing on your decision to resist getting the vaccine, or if you’ve gotten it, continuing on with the annual (or twice or thrice annual) vaccination regime that is very obviously intended.
Due to the pre-planned nature of covid, its 99.97-99.98% survival rate, its clear status as a manmade bioweapon, the uncharted territory of brand-new mRNA ‘vaccines’ aka gene ‘therapy,’ the likelihood that most people already carry the T-cell antibodies, and the hasty rollout of the injections compared to the ten-year average, the covid vaccines will rightly be called experimental (and unnecessary) for at least the next 15-20 years – including until the children of vaccinated people, who may be the true targets of the depopulation agenda (note that genetic modification of small mammals from eating GMO foods caused high cancer rates in the first generation with ability to reproduce retained, and sterility by the second generation), have grown to sexual maturity and adulthood – and should be avoided at all costs. Since viruses virtually always mutate away from lethality, the ‘Delta variant’ and however many other ‘variants’ we see will in all exceeding likelihood not be true mutations, but additional manmade bioweapons intentionally released onto the population, more control-freak temper tantrums to try to force the people into belief and obedience.
6/22/21- World population GREW during ‘the pandemic’
Population growth was trending consistently downwards with some larger falls year to year, so it’s entirely possible the pandemic had no measurable effect on population. This illustrates the minuscule death rate and mass reclassification of non-covid deaths as covid deaths. Not to say the manmade virus and vaccine won’t ultimately cause huge population loss in some indirect way, some of which I’ve covered in the ‘endgames’ post below, but it hasn’t happened yet.
If the trend below were to continue perfectly, covid would actually be responsible for about 600,000 of the claimed 3.8 million deaths, meaning 85% of claimed deaths were falsely attributed to covid, a percentage that wouldn’t shock me whatsoever. But again, the real death toll may be even less than that. There are around 65 million deaths from all causes per year, with the death rate rising prior to covid due to the aging world population.
Given how all vaccine deaths are denied and buried, while non-covid deaths were and are classed as covid en masse, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if after one year’s time the vaccine were to directly kill more people than covid in reality has, not that the media or CDC would admit it, to say nothing of the vaccines’ longer term effects, which may be far worse. I personally know of two non-elderly people who died from cardiac events almost immediately after taking the vaccine, and two people who may have actually died of covid (both were overweight and in poor health, one with lung deficiencies; a third person was almost 100 years old and was falsely counted as covid but died of another illness).
Population growth rate:
1990: 1.81% (+)
1995: 1.52%
2000: 1.35%
2005: 1.26%
2010: 1.24%
2015: 1.19%
2016: 1.14%
2017: 1.12%
2018: 1.10%
2019: 1.08%
2020: 1.05% (the population was higher at end of 2020 than start of 2020)
6/21/21- Jon Stewart shreds sold-out propagandist Stephen Colbert on manmade virus theory. Also, regarding the ‘breaking’ story on the virus’s artificial origins, I must point out that I said here that covid was extremely likely to be manmade in the post on 1/31/2020 “Bioweapons Are Why We Need Decentralization” (unfortunately Stewart repeated the same ‘I’m not a conspiracy theorist’ mantra), a month and a half before the lockdowns, which was a foregone conclusion not just for me but millions of other people very early in the goings (see also post on 4/13/20 “Gates-Backed [Daszak-led] EcoHealth Alliance and CIA-Front USAID Funded the Creation of Modified Bat Coronaviruses with Human Infection Potential in 2015 – to the Protests of Many Scientists (and the journal that published the results initially hid both groups’ involvement)”). Colbert used to be very funny and reasonably cutting edge, and is now a walking exhibit of the disgrace and degeneration that corrupting power can bring.
Good breakdown of the spectacle by Jimmy Dore here, original clips here and here.
(I’m going to partially retract this post since Stewart is still an insider/limited hang-out to an extent, e.g. he is in fact one of the executive producers of the terrible show, though one of four so it’s not like he’s running everything. The interview was scripted to a large degree and I think some of Colbert’s ‘now wait a minute’ concern hearkens back to his Colbert Report character and is just playing the straight-man to Stewart, though the Ron Johnson quip went way beyond that, reducing the theories to Republican partisanship. Colbert has become a flagrant propagandist and Stewart strays closer to the truth than Colbert, but is substantially off the mark himself in a number of respects. For example, he’s done great work for the 9/11 victims, but never called out the event for what it is. At the end of the day, he’s still playing in the establishment sandbox / swimming in the baby pool, which is where you have to be if you want any sizeable audience. I appreciated Stewart’s bit here and certainly would prefer him to Colbert as host, but don’t want this post to read as unconditional praise.)
6/20/21- There is zero evidence Ahmaud Arbery was murdered or that any crime was committed
Anyone who has a functioning brain and feels like getting angry should watch the recent 48 Hours special about the Ahmaud Arbery shooting. In one instance, Arbery’s lawyers express frustration that police were investigating whether Arbery was shot unlawfully in the hours and days afterwards: ‘there’s a black man lying dead by the side of the road, and you’re not sure there was a crime committed?’ No, I’m not sure, since the dead man may be the aggressor himself, which he was and was alleged from the first 911 call to have been. In another, McMichael’s lawyers say ‘my client shot Mr. Arbery because he lunged and tried to take control of his weapon,’ and the 48 Hours hack reporter asked, ‘and that’s actually going to be your defense?’ Of course it is. The McMichaels are described as ‘hunting’ and ‘hunting down’ Arbery. If they’d really wanted to hunt Arbery, they already had about 100 opportunities to shoot him at close range that they didn’t take. For much of the episode, these clips are interspersed with pictures of the 25-year-old Arbery when he was 8 years old.
Like almost all of the ‘names’ on the BLM list (Floyd, whom I’ve gone over, Breonna Taylor, who was living in a drug house with a drug dealer who was in a shootout with police, Jacob Blake, who was a wanted felon known to be armed and dangerous and who was at best trying to slam on the accelerator while police had hold of him and at worst reaching for a gun, described by media as ‘entering the vehicle;’ Ricardo Munoz, who was sprinting headlong at police with two butcher knives), Arbery is by all indications a bogus addition.
This is what the evidence suggests happened: Arbery (who had multiple convictions including for theft, and in a separate incident, for fleeing from police after it was discovered he was armed with a handgun, which could have easily gotten him killed) was prowling a home undergoing renovations to steal tools/materials (during a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood) (which, and I’m not lying, was described by 48 Hours as ‘entering the home, possibly to get a sip of water’), and was spotted by a neighbor and fled i.e. ‘jogged from’ the scene. Greg and Travis McMichael had the right (and duty) as private citizens to police and protect their community and look for, detain, and question the reasonably suspected thief, and attempted to do so. There is no evidence the McMichaels ever pointed a weapon at Arbery. There is clear evidence that Arbery charged Travis McMichael and wrestled for his gun prior to shots being fired, where McMichael had no choice but to shoot. Even then, Arbery could’ve backed off after the first shot and survived, but kept punching McMichael in the face while wrestling for the gun. Arbery had theft convictions, he was wearing street clothes not jogging clothes, he walked not jogged up to the house and then ran away from it. The curious, passing jogger narrative is BS. McMichael never pointed a gun at him (there’s no evidence of such), the ‘unarmed’ Arbery tried to grab the gun, which made him armed, and was shot. Arbery is dead, no crime was apparently committed.
One reason this incident has been dwelled on is because the power structure hates when armed men assert themselves and protect their own communities. They want everyone disarmed, subservient, and reliant on centralized power. If I were to be approached by local armed men who are concerned about a crime and want to question me about something, I’d respect their right to do so and politely answer their questions. If I was having a bad day or resented it (e.g. due to a suspected racial/ethnic bias), I might walk away. At worst, I’d run away. In no moment at any point in my life would I have tried to grab their guns from them. Even if I were subjected to a citizen’s arrest, I don’t have the right to kill (or threaten to kill, by grabbing their guns) my arresters, since they don’t intend to kill me. I’m supposed to wait until police come and then they decide what to do. That’s the way it’s worked for 1,000+ years. If Arbery didn’t know about citizen’s arrest or understand the rights of a citizen, that’s nobody else’s direct problem. The McMichaels witnessed Arbery fleeing the construction site, but even if they hadn’t and were overstepping their citizen’s arrest rights, it was obvious they had no intent whatsoever to kill Arbery – whom they were asking to stop so they could talk to him and wait for police, whom the McMichaels called from the getgo, and who they informed Arbery that they called – so Arbery had no right to lose control and raise the stakes to life or death by wrestling for their guns. If Arbery misunderstood the situation and thought they were trying to kill him, that is his problem for being irrational (he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia), not theirs.
That not just Travis McMichael (who there’s no evidence committed murder) but also Greg McMichael and William Bryan were charged with murder is an absolute disgrace to our legal system. We’re entering an era of what is truly lynching of white men every time they’re involved, even indirectly, in the violent death of a black person, who in the overwhelming majority of the high-profile instances has been an out-of-control criminal who was a deadly threat and/or who otherwise had made extremely poor life decisions that put him/herself in a high-risk situation. There is no rationality, no evidence, no reasonable doubt, just capricious, trumped-up charges and convictions. Arbery was not ‘lynched’ as the media has parroted; he made a stupid, reckless decision and died for it. (As always, we need reform to correct injustices like profiling and disparate sentencing, but twisting situations into things they’re not only worsens race relations and undermines that cause.)
6/20/21- Thoughts on ‘Juneteenth’ and an incredibly stupid media talking point
I’m fine with the holiday, and think it’s worthy of addition to the list. If we have too many now, we should drop Presidents Day (that or Columbus Day), which came as a merger of Washington & Lincoln’s birthdays. July 4th could be seen as a celebration of Washington, and Juneteenth of Lincoln. The timing of it, as the world power structure attempts to institute bio-tyranny and make us all into slaves, is certainly ironic.
I’ve heard the incredibly idiotic talking point about ten times in the last two days that ‘it took 2.5 years after the Emancipation Proclamation for the North to free the slaves in Galveston.’ Texas was part of the Confederacy and thus was inaccessible enemy territory to the North, and for those two years the North was busy sacrificing the lives of 370,000 white men (and another 400-500,000 wounded/maimed) to win the war and take control of the South.
5/30/21- The labor shortage is real and dire; debunking the ‘wages need to raise’ / ‘surplus of crappy jobs’ talking point
It’s been said in the media and has now echoed among the populace that there is in fact no shortage of workers, just a shortage of good jobs, and that all that needs to happen is for greedy employers to buck up and pay their workers more. While job quality is a structural issue in the long term, raising wages in the current environment is no solution whatsoever to the dire, nationwide labor shortage we face in the here and now.
The reason is that the minimum combined state and federal unemployment benefit is currently about $575 per week, which is essentially tax-free under Biden after adding the exempted $10.5k amount onto the $12.5k standard deduction, so that’s equal to about $700 per week gross or $17.50 per hour for doing nothing. That’s the minimum; the average benefit is more like $700, equal to about an $850 working wage or $21/hour.
If you’re getting $21/hour to not work, what differential do you need to earn to go to work for 50+ hours a week (accounting for getting ready, commuting, unwinding; plus stress, gas costs, wear and tear on car, lunch costs, clothing costs, loss of low-income social benefits, higher taxes, etc.)? Would it be $32/hr, $35/hr (which is what an engineer or accountant might make), maybe more? For ladling food onto a plate, stocking shelves, or running a cash register? I don’t think so. Hello automation, hello permanent UBI, hello mass population-reduction event(s) (which may well be underway now).
Even the most ambitious minimum-wage advocates don’t venture much beyond $15/hour, because they know it’s just unworkable (and even that figure is unworkable for many jobs, and in many areas of the US). Yet even if it rose to that level everywhere tomorrow, it would do nothing to ameliorate the shortage, since people would still be losing at least several dollars per hour by getting jobs and working.
The only solution is to end the covid fearmongering (which in turn would lower home prices, rent, and other costs substantially by increasing supply), take more responsibility for our own health, accept the fact that we’re all going to die of something whether it’s the 0.03% or lower chance of covid (and that’s assuming one got infected) or much higher chance of many other causes, and end the UBI aka federal unemployment. (People who truly can’t find work can go on welfare, which from what I understand is low-paying and hassle enough (reporting to offices constantly, etc.) to barely be worth it as a voluntary lifestyle.)
Don’t get me wrong, the ultra-wealthy in this country ($50-100M+, the top 0.1% or 0.01%) have way too much money, but that’s not who the small business owners who employ half of Americans are (nor is it medium-sized business owners). I support (private-sector) unionization, I support rising wages and a stronger middle class, but competing with a government who is paying people $21/hour to sit home with no end in sight is a non-starter for businesses who don’t get bailed out, don’t get unlimited 1%-interest credit lines like the mega-corps, and don’t have a printing press like the Fed. (No ordinary business owner – except for maybe the highest-paid professionals, and even then most often not – has an extra $25-30k per employee per year, after worker’s comp, benefits, employment taxes, etc., sitting around that they can just toss away to compete with the ‘enhanced’ unemployment; not $10k, often not even $5k. And if the very few who do had to give it up, most would skip the stress and work and go out of business.)
(And no, I don’t believe the most powerful people who run our country haven’t spent the 5 minutes that I have running these numbers. They’ve gotten much richer in the covid economy, not poorer, and the labor shortage is squeezing their competition out of the market – the smaller and medium sized business owners – and in conjunction with the covid shutdowns is forcing more of them into a state of dependence on centralized government power, employment with large corporations, and thus in many cases, coerced vaccination. They want everyone plugged into the machine to the highest degree possible.)
5/13/21- Now that the CDC has made it much easier, the more than half of American adults who are not vaccinated should make any health decisions based on our own beliefs and risk tolerance as we are entitled to do as free people, and immediately stop wearing masks indoors and out if we see fit (we should’ve done this since the beginning, but especially now). Any worried people can wear masks and get vaccines; if they work as claimed there is nothing more to worry about. Businesses don’t like confrontations (and have no right to know your vaccination record) or political statements and aren’t going to ask anyone if he or she’s been vaccinated. Many cashiers will wear masks for a while for C.Y.A. reasons and in some cases out of personal worry, and not say a word about it to the customers.
Obviously, the CDC’s hope is that if people see other people without masks, they will equate that with vaccination, which will create peer pressure to get vaccinated (that and that some will feel guilty lying by omission or commission, which they shouldn’t at all be when their government is insane, highly deceptive, and predatory; and the flagrant bullying and ultimatums by the government as the massive vaccine push sputters, including by our fake president twice today, will temper any of that guilt pretty well). But everyone knows that half of adults haven’t been vaccinated, and will quickly acquire firsthand knowledge that unmasked doesn’t at all mean vaccinated (which you yourself could provide them; ‘I’m not vaccinated but I’m not wearing a mask anymore’). And certainly the establishment will hope for resentment from the experimentally vaccinated people, who might demand proof of vaccination which soon becomes an official vaccine passport or ID. In spite of that, the benefits of immediately dispensing with this insanity strongly weigh out in my opinion.
5/13/21- What the CDC’s new mask ‘guidance’ means for me as an unvaccinated person
I effectively haven’t worn a mask since the start of ‘the pandemic’ (and never got covid as far as I know). I’ve never once worn one outdoors except when forced to, and indoors when forced to wear one, I close my mouth and breathe through my nose which is virtually always fully exposed. In the rare event that a store employee or stranger asks me to pull it up, I either say no, sometimes with choice words, or simply ignore them and continue walking, and no one has ever pursued me. This isn’t some hard-ass move, I just recognize the plandemic for the control/obedience exercise it is, and have since before day one of the measures; I haven’t given a crap about Fauci or the CDC’s mask rules since the start of this, my probably 50+ covid posts tell the many reasons why, and I certainly won’t start listening to them now. (In truth, I’m considerably more concerned about being close to vaccinated people than unvaccinated people, but the horse is out of the barn at this point, we need to move on, and I don’t avoid people in either group).
So now that the CDC has issued its latest covid-apartheid ‘guidance,’ only two things will change for me and many of the 55% of US adults (and 90% of world adults) who are not vaccinated:
1) I will lie by omission if possible or commission if necessary about being vaccinated anytime doing so is convenient. Of course, that amounts to playing their game which I hate doing, so to balance it out:
2) I will be more energized than ever about trashing it and the plandemic everywhere I go, and at every opportunity. It might even be a good idea to start making up vaccine horror stories (I already know of two real heart-attack deaths in non-elderly people (early 60s) within days/a week or two of getting vaccinated, and several close acquaintances who regret getting it) to discourage people even more.
4/26/21 – ‘Trust the science:’ CDC quietly admits there is no chance of infection from touching surfaces: ‘generally it’s less than 1 in 10,000′ [when you touch a CONTAMINATED surface] **’there’s really no evidence that anyone has ever gotten covid-19 by touching a contaminated surface.’**
This is an extremely important story, presented very well by the Ron Paul Liberty Report.
The ‘common-sense’ hand-washing, the grocery and shopping cart wipe-downs, the 3-day porch waiting periods, the fist and elbow bumps, the cash cooties, the hand sanitizer shortages, the excessive cleaning at schools and businesses, the ‘contactless’ and ‘touchless’ transactions – they were all pointless theater (I was in Mexico during ‘the pandemic’ and was even forcibly sprayed head to toe many times while entering downtown pedestrian areas, museums, etc.). Again, we are all now unpaid crisis actors. Many got rich off the hysteria and will continue to do so, and the health of many was likely harmed from the chemical exposure. Like the flu, colds, and other respiratory viruses, covid is by all appearances transmitted by inhaling a heavy viral load of airborne droplets from an infected, symptomatic person (sneezing, coughing, long conversations, etc.). Like with flu and colds, the specter of asymptomatic transmission is very likely BS. The vaunted covid science, presented as some eternal law beyond reproach, skepticism, and inquiry, was [very quietly] acknowledged to be bunk within a year’s time.
The plandemic is not and never was about evidence, reasonable likelihoods, or a sustainable, rational response; it’s about obedience, control, faith in authority, groupthink, and getting into line, just like 9/11 was. I don’t expect many to acknowledge their errors anytime soon, since it’s easier to fool people than convince them they’ve been fooled.
4/26/21- An example of blatantly false pro-experimental-vaccine propaganda in the Daily Mail and Drudge Report
Drudge Report (whose owner Matt Drudge has morphed into a pro-establishment kiss-ass in recent years) and Daily Mail both report ‘Vaccinated Americans can travel to Europe by June,’ unequivocally implying that one must have a vaccine to travel.
But this isn’t the case. The headline stems from a quote by Ursula Von Der Leyen, an EU bureaucrat with no active or direct power over national immigration policy, who offered her opinion that the ‘speedy pace of vaccinations in the United States will enable free movement and the travel to the European Union.’ US vaccine propagandists, in the media and agencies like the FDA and HHS, make these kinds of statements all the time, but they have bearing on immigration/entry policy.
Even the EU ‘Green Pass’ ‘immunity passport’ mentioned in the article (which is a concept that hasn’t been implemented) allows for a negative test result without a vaccine. I monitor the travel-requirement situation fairly carefully, and there are currently no countries in the world where an experimental covid vaccine is or will be required to enter (and the only country I’m aware of where a vaccine is even accepted in lieu of a negative test is [the republic of] Georgia). Citizenship, residency/visa status, and/or a negative test result (in most cases just a test result, and in many just a questionnaire form) are the only criteria considered: check for yourself here. People who are rolling the dice with their health ‘to be able to travel,’ often without even having specific travel plans, are uninformed on the actual rules. Yes, a few cruise lines require them (many don’t; and honestly who gives an F about cruises) and corporate airlines, who were barely surviving before covid, may bluff a requirement, but will back down if enough people decline the vaccine, and will instead resort to propagandizing for the vaccine while accepting negative tests (since family and couples vacations will be scuttled if even one member resists the contrived vaccine agenda, and they will just travel domestically or by car instead). Every country with unimplemented proposals for a vaccine passport also allows for test results (which themselves are onerous and unjust, but my point is to debunk the idea that a vaccine is actually needed).
4/21/21- Derek Chauvin was basically just lynched by an emotional, unreasonable mob
This is a good breakdown by Peter Schiff (link), who is one of the only high-profile people willing to speak the whole truth on the George Floyd affair.
As noted last year, George Floyd, who was a career criminal with 5 prison sentences and 3 jail sentences including for armed robbery and home invasion, hadn’t turned his life around. People who have turned their lives around don’t drive around drunk and high on multiple hard drugs (meth and cocaine – both powerful vasoconstrictors – as well as fentanyl) in the middle of a Monday afternoon attempting to buy even more liquor with counterfeit money, and they don’t scream, rant, rave, and fight when they get caught for it. I point this out not to smear Floyd, since I hope and believe anyone with drug problems can break his or her addiction (and in today’s world, often had an understandable reason to turn to drugs in the first place; and with the Fed, all money is already counterfeit), but to debunk the community pillar, gentle giant, responsible father characterizations. If Floyd really were a role model for his community – and he never was, that whole idea was fabricated by his family and the media to stoke racial divisions and maximize a lawsuit payout – they would be in serious trouble.
He was a large 50-year old man who had lived a rough life (much of it in prison) and was in poor health for his age. He had advanced heart disease, high blood pressure, more than 90% blockage in one artery, and had put himself in a situation of extreme stress. Men in those circumstances die young all the time of heart attacks, even without being in extreme stress and under the influence of just about every street drug one can buy, including two that can directly induce cardiac arrest (link).
Chauvin did do some wrong, should be fired, and may deserve some kind of negligent homicide or failure to render aid charge, and perhaps a term of 1 to 3 years, certainly not life. I haven’t looked at all the evidence so wouldn’t weigh in on charges or sentencing. The bar was not remotely reached for murder, and Floyd was probably not far from death anyway; he may have even died that day from all his excesses, without the arrest. I don’t believe Chauvin intended to kill Floyd; I look at it as considerable, possibly criminal negligence and incompetence by Chauvin, combined with severe complications from Floyd’s health and level of intoxication and agitation, resulting in a death that wouldn’t be reasonably expected to happen absent one of those two sets of factors. In the little viewed full video of the incident, Floyd repeatedly screamed he couldn’t breathe while in a standing position, making it more reasonable for Chauvin to ignore him. It seems entirely possible Floyd was gone the moment he passed out, and the level of pressure applied by Chauvin before and after that can’t at all be gauged. The crowd also deserves blame for threatening and menacing Chauvin throughout the incident and distracting him from Floyd, who was out of control and had to somehow be subdued. The degree of criminality, particularly anything in the realm of murder, is murky and potentially very limited.
Chauvin was sacrificed by fearful jurors looking to save their own skins and prevent riots. Years before BLM was ‘a thing,’ I’ve called for significant reforms in policing (less profiling and sentence disparities, an end to incarceration for non-violent drug offenses, and more use of patience, calling for backup, and de-escalation if doing so does not endanger the officer), but mindless scapegoating (in the Biblical sense) isn’t justice. Of course, this assumes the whole event wasn’t some kind of psy-op, which I don’t rule out.
4/10/21- The Three Covid Vaccine Endgames
I’ll go into each of these further at a later time, but assuming one has come to terms with the obvious fact that this whole thing – the restrictions, the vaccine passports, etc. – was a contrived, pre-conceived course of action – I can’t see any other basic possibilities:
1) It’s population-control weapon against those who take it – via some kind of autoimmune disorder, or anti-fertility effect. Sure, they’d probably prefer to cull the hard-core resisters, but may figure that most of them will eventually buckle under the system anyway or be eliminated by other means, and there aren’t enough of them to make a serious dent in population.
2) It’s a population-control weapon against those who disbelieve the propaganda and don’t take it, where some future pathogen spares those who have had the virus and/or the RNA injections.
3) It’s less harmful or ultimately non-harmful, but will either directly serve as a ‘Mark of the Beast,’ or condition people into accepting one at a later time; all they would have to do is release another engineered virus or concoct some other threat; this possibility, as a transitional step, is probably the most likely (and certainly the most hoped for in my case, as a failed conditioning attempt, since I have many loved ones who took the vaccine), but who knows.
I don’t have to go into the consequences of each of these, but none of them are good: clearly, the only option for the 76% of US adults and 85-90% plus of world adults who haven’t yet taken it is to recognize this for the raw power-grab that it is and resist, and for the 24% who have to refuse the ongoing regimen that is coming.
4/8/21- The DoD’s statistics prove covid is little more than a ‘Great American[/world] Psy-Opera,’ a Medical 9/11, a theatrical play in which we’ve all been forced to take part, as stated here a day before the restrictions set in; we’re all [unpaid] crisis actors now
While touting a new ‘military vaccine’ (which I’m sure many servicemembers are none too keen on taking) an Army Times article reported that the Department of Defense recorded 271,000 covid cases in its purview, with 3,841 hospitalizations and 332 deaths. This includes Veterans Affairs patients, a population in average or below-average health, with average or below-average quality of medical care.
These statistics show that our own immune systems are [at the very least] ‘98.6% protective against serious symptoms’ that would warrant any hospital treatment, and [at very least] 99.87% protective against death: no vaccine needed. None of the experimental vaccines are even close to this level of effectiveness, putting aside the strange features of the RNA injections. If 1 out of every 2 or 2 of every 3 mild or asymptomatic cases went undetected – an extremely conservative estimate – that means the real death rate is 0.06%, 0.04%, and probably much less, also as asserted here a few days into ‘the pandemic.’
I’d wager that the rate of deaths from vaccines – which have been frantically buried and ignored – is or will soon be greater than or equal to bona fide covid deaths, which have been wildly inflated, or is at the very least comparable, meaning the vaccine, even if there is nothing sinister about it and there most certainly is, given that the whole thing has been planned for decades, is useless (and probably much worse than that).
Beyond the modest medical reality, covid has been little more than a societal act of theater, a medical 9/11 (the apt term psy-opera, more fitting than just psy-op, was coined by the creator of the 9/11 documentary by the above name [the best 9/11 documentary, if one sets aside the creator’s bizarre personal antics], Ace Baker, who ironically is himself a disinfo agent). As one YouTuber funnily put it, through the compulsory wearing of masks and compulsory distancing, we have all been made into unpaid crisis actors; it’s past time to go on strike.
4/8/21- Biden’s ‘ghost gun’ law is about the establishment’s fear of the people, not criminals and gun violence; exceedingly few criminals use so-called ghost guns, they are a complete non-issue in gun crime
Criminals can and do routinely get guns in a wide variety of ways: 1) buy them on the black market 2) buy them legally before getting any adult felony convictions 3) steal them 4) pay someone to buy guns for them, and/or have a friend buy guns and then report them ‘lost or stolen.’ Few to no criminals manufacture so-called ghost guns.
First of all, it takes time, money, and planning to do that. Street criminals are generally short-term or no-term thinkers unwilling to invest significant time or capital to achieve a goal, and they only need one weapon (that doesn’t necessarily even need to work that well, or work at all), so spending thousands of dollars and waiting weeks to months to create one gun is out. Secondly, there is no good ghost-gun technology for pistols, and pistols are what 95%-plus of criminals use, not ‘high-powered assault weapons’ aka semi-automatic rifles. Virtually nobody makes the plastic, single-use ghost-gun pistols from 3D printers other than as a novelty or political statement. Automated CNC milling technology for AR-15 rifles, on the other hand, is relatively advanced and can produce high-quality weapons. I’ve never seen one myself, but the technology on its face is fully sound.
‘Ghost guns’ could be helpful to a popular resistance who wanted to rapidly and discreetly manufacture several dozen, hundred, or thousand AR-15 or similar rifles to formidably challenge police or government forces. That’s the reason Biden administration is after them; and to try to score a cheap, narrow victory where a broader one is unavailable (like the frenzy over bump stocks – an ineffective, pointless novelty item – after the fake/staged Las Vegas shooting). They already know all that I’ve noted above, they just want to pretend the law is about something it isn’t.
4/3/21- How the ‘doses’ propaganda has spun out of control; all the low-hanging fruit has already been picked, and only 24% of US adults and 15% of the general US population (and a far lower percentage of the world population) have been ‘fully vaccinated’ (another propaganda term, since a few months or year from now you’ll inevitably be told you need covid 2.0, 3.0, 10.0 ‘updates’) in spite of the constant touting of the ‘100 million’ number; why the evil and contrived ‘vaccine passport’ scheme will fail; be warned: unless you resist, they’re coming for ever more plandemic vaccines for you, and they’re coming straight for your kids
Even major publications like the National Review (I’m not really a reader, but saw it on a news aggregator) have been fooled by the ‘doses’ trick, stating that ‘40% of adults have been dosed,’ based on the oft touted ‘100 million doses’ statistic. No, only 24% (reportedly, 51 million of 209 million adults) have actually received the vaccine. My projection (which frankly was purposely too optimistic as a means of discouraging people from getting vaccinated) for where we’d be at this point was somewhat low, but I still don’t see the ‘vaccine passport’ scheme succeeding in the US, because:
A) People of all ages who really wanted to or felt forced to be vaccinated have already done so. Overwhelmingly it has been elderly people, medical workers, first responders, and teachers. Anyone of any age who had any determination to get one could have checked at vaccine sites for extra doses (which ‘vaxholes‘ frequently announce on Facebook) and gotten one. In spite of that, under a quarter of people have gotten it. Few people are anxiously waiting for ‘their turn’ as the media suggests. In fact, they have been throwing out doses en masse because nobody wants them. Old people are far friendlier to the concept than younger, who feel they don’t need it and are more likely to suffer from any long-term effects of the experimental compounds. They and ‘essential workers’ were the low-hanging fruit. That fruit has been picked, and it’ll be a much harder slog from here, a slog I hope and pray fails.
B) Children are unlikely to be vaccinated easily. Old people don’t have children anymore, and fewer than 15% of adults under age 65 have gotten the vaccine. Of these 15%, many, let’s say half, will not want their children to get the experimental injections even though they themselves were willing to do so. Most of the other 85% certainly won’t want their kids to get it. There’s no clear path to getting a considerable percentage of children to take it, any more than 10-20%; in any case, nowhere near the heavy majority they need.
If you’ve already gotten the vaccine, which was a very bad idea given the recovery rate and more than that, the underlying agenda of totalitarian control, I’d strongly suggest you wait before signing on to an ongoing regimen of covid 2.0, 3.0, 10.0 ‘updates’ and ‘boosters’ that will undoubtedly soon come (and dramatically magnify the ‘doses’ propaganda into the billions, even while a small minority of people worldwide have actually been vaccinated), and if they are toxic, will likely do you the most damage. Be warned and harbor no comforting delusions: unless you stand up and resist, they’re coming for way more pre-planned vaccines for you, probably multiple per year, either forced or heavily compelled, and they’re coming straight for your kids.
4/3/21- The fake shootings – i.e. covert, compartmentalized training exercises cast as reality to the public, in the model of the canceled Operation Closed Campus – were rampant under Obama, dropped dramatically under Trump, and are back full-steam under Biden
As has been established exhaustively here and elsewhere, the Sandy Hook, Parkland, and Orlando shootings, Boston bombing, Nice truck attack, Bataclan shooting and bombings, Christchurch shooting, and several dozen other ‘tragedies’ in the US and core-NATO/Five-Eyes countries from 2011-2016 during the Obama administration were classified ‘mass casualty’ drills involving local, state, and federal agencies, as well as the media and local hospitals, precisely mirroring the ‘Operation Closed Campus‘ prototype, a DHS training exercise in 2011 that was canceled at the last minute after public outcry, at which point the ‘full-scale’ drill program went underground, sidestepping the question of sentiment and approval of the people.
In all likelihood, the personnel involved are told they must participate on the basis that the national-security benefits of maximum preparedness outweigh the costs of deceiving the public, are made to sign NDAs, the breaking of which could cost them their jobs, and are threatened with severe criminal charges or even secret, indefinite detention if they divulge the classified information and cause a national panic. This way, participants are compartmentalized and not made to know that their drill was part of a broader program, rather than a one-off event. The events are undoubtedly fake yet involve many people, and there’s really no other way I can see that they could pull it off (unless select departments and towns themselves have participated in some very large-scale program involving the mass embedding of intelligence / clandestine operatives into ordinary society: local law enforcement, education, medicine, etc.). Brutal examples of actual or potential defectors are likely occasionally made or threatened, outside the law. And where would a defector run anyway, knowing that the domestic media itself is directly complicit in the deception, and foreign media would be unable and probably unwilling to confirm the wild claims? (The above and below is all my personal opinion and belief, and the disclaimer applies as always).
The motive behind the events has been secondarily to promote more gun control and security theater, and primarily to bend people’s standard for belief and make them more suggestible so that they would eventually come to believe in other, greater forms of deception, for example, claims that a cold virus that has only killed 1 in 3,000 people worldwide [supposedly; in reality more like 1 in 10,000] after 18 months is an existential threat that justifies dispensing with life as we know it; and perhaps far more outrageous absurdities in the future.
The difference under Biden’s administration compared to Obama’s is that due to dramatically tightened censorship by tech monopolies like Facebook, Google, and YouTube (my channel was deleted without warning, along with thousands of others), we can’t collectively study and thoroughly expose these events anymore, or at least not nearly as easily, since the alternative platforms are still extremely small. Of course, I don’t claim to know with total certainty about the authenticity of each and every shooting, and there are occasionally real shootings, perhaps 10-20% of them. There are also ‘hybrid’ or ‘augmented reality’ events like the Tucson shooting, where Gabby Giffords faked her injuries but some of the others may have died, as well as conventional false-flag operations where real victims are killed by parties other than the patsy blamed.
As for why the fake shootings declined sharply under Trump (with Parkland the only major example I’m aware of, while there were dozens under Obama), it’s either because A) Trump or his cabinet members refused to go along, and/or B) the engineers behind the training exercises knew the chances of passing major gun control legislation during his administration were zero, and paused the program during that time.
1/27/21- Kudos to Marjorie Taylor Greene for telling the truth that Sandy Hook (along with Parkland and many others) was 100.00% fake (and that the election was stolen) (news story) (nevermind, she took it all back; color me non-shocked)
Think of her what you will, a political opportunist looking to get richer, etc., and I’ve given my detailed thoughts on Q-Anon, but the taking on of this kind of heat suggests a person is for real entirely or to a large extent, to whatever extent I agree or disagree with their positions. If you’re not yet informed on what occurred at Sandy Hook (a classified/undisclosed training exercise at a closed-down school, cast as reality; and even involved ‘dead’ children singing at the 2013 Super Bowl with Jennifer Hudson), and/or you want some comic relief, check out the following videos (safe for work, etc.) (these contain a tiny portion of the total evidence, but it’s far more than enough):
Link Link Link Link Link
1/26/21- With the help of Joe Rogan and other supposed ‘alternative’ voices, the Mars colonization, UFO, and alien-contact themes have been accelerating; this (i.e. a fake ET threat/encounter of some kind), a staged nuke / dirty bomb, and perhaps weather manipulation (resulting in save-the-planet totalitarianism) are the fallback plans (along with a currency crisis to force in a world currency e.g. SDR, created back in 1969) – the establishment’s very limited, 40- or 50-year-old hand of cards to ‘unite’ humanity in ‘lockstep’ towards a world government), if covid and future psy-ops like it should fail
All supposed ET phenomena can be explained by the following:
1) Wild imaginations, profit motive, and/or planted, lying witnesses (whether government-planted or otherwise; the motive for world powers to manufacture a context for aliens – via propaganda, easily-faked ‘crashed spacecraft,’ etc. – has already been covered here at length)
2) Sightings of classified, human aircraft mistaken for non-human UFOs (e.g. the Nazi flying saucers, the technology for which was seized in Operation Paperclip, explaining the rash of sightings in the 1950s); and in the future, the casting of classified manmade technology as alien (e.g. large-scale directed-energy weapons, which may have been tested on 9/11 alongside other, more reliable demolition methods)
3) Extra-dimensional (not spatially distant) or intra-dimensional, physically out of reach but fairly nearby beings (who may even resemble the imagery of aliens we’ve been shown, by design) (nearby, e.g. in off-limits Antarctica (see June 2019 post below), or even inside the Earth; no person has been more than 2-3 miles inside the Earth; more than 99.99% of the Earth’s interior below a few feet’s depth – i.e. aside from mines, is totally uncontacted and unexplored; the existing interior model is theoretical, mostly based on one test done in one spot), perhaps ‘angels’ and ‘demons’ (whether in the Christian form, that of another religion, or as described by no religion) the existence of whom I assign far greater likelihood than outer-space aliens, given both the vast amount of known fakery around (as well as endless foreshadowing by the establishment) and total absence of evidence for the latter, as well as the positing of and widespread belief in the former (angels, demons, gods, demigods, dwarves, elves, fairies, etc.) for all of known history and by all world religions up to and including the present (as well as universal, detailed belief in an underworld).
4) With regards to evidence for ‘ancient aliens,’ it was in all exceeding likelihood just the high-tech human civilization that existed prior to a ‘reset’ triggered by an enormous natural disaster(s) either around 5,000 or 12,000 years ago, likely the latter. With now well over 100 sites showing fine-cut, immense, and extremely old stonework that sits below the stonework of ancient civilizations (where they kept and built on some sites, and plundered others for their own use e.g. the Pyramid casing stones), along with dating/erosion studies done at the Sphinx and pyramids (which were not built by the Ancient Egyptians and not tombs), it is indisputable that this is not humanity’s ‘first rodeo.’ The body of evidence for a pre-cataclysmic civilization is already too large to be explained away. Crop circles, if not made on the ground by men as a hoax, could have been made by classified technology, or perhaps the non-human, non-alien beings above.
[Jokes aside, what I am implying here? First, I don’t believe in the heliocentric model, I believe in geocentrism, which has never been disproven based upon astronomical observations and which I’ve covered in a post below. Second, I don’t believe gravity is the governing force in our universe, I believe it is something else we don’t yet understand. As telescopes become more powerful, cosmologists have had to posit invisible ‘dark matter’ as a 99% filler substance in order to make observations consistent with gravity theory. Claims of the sizes of various celestial bodies (planets, stars, asteroids, comets, etc.) are extrapolations from gravity theory, not observed realities. As for Mars, we’ve never been there, and ‘Mars roving’ is occurring in Arctic Canada. As proposed in the most recent post, I believe the conventional universe model and gravity theory are an extremely advanced, perhaps non-human-in-origin ‘mathematical reinterpretation’ of reality, not a true representation.]
1/25/21- I can at least comprehend how people were brainwashed about covid, with the deluge of propaganda about weird symptoms, bioweapon origins (even if it was originally a bioweapon – which in all likelihood came from Western elements, including the many Westerners stationed at Wuhan virology lab – nothing can be done about it, and the vaccine will be worse). But you would have to be shockingly, almost unimaginably dumb – or in most cases, willfully deluded hook line and sinker – to believe that, smack dab in the middle of Biden’s ‘dark winter’ (in which just 1 in 40,000 people *supposedly* died from covid in December), in the heart of flu/cold season, covid was magically ‘plateauing’ by day 1.5 of the Biden administration and now supposedly declining (link), as California and other states lift lockdowns (and no, it’s not due to the vaccine, which has only been given to about 4% of Americans). The medical police state, population reduction, and vaccine-towards-microchip/bio-tagging are the over-arching agenda, but I may have underplayed just how much the covid hoax had to do with unseating Trump. The karmic comeuppance due to these people – who destroyed hundreds of millions of livelihoods worldwide (and permanently discredited our electoral processes) for political gain/revenge – is mind-bogglingly huge, and will hopefully come to pass in this lifetime for all of us to witness.
1/24/21- Hank Aaron died 16 days after receiving the plandemic vaccine, which he took to assure rightfully skeptical black Americans that it was safe. He was 86, but he had no major health issues aside from joint problems, and no cause of death has been released. They lied and continue to lie about Tiffany Dover’s death from the vaccine, threatened/paid her co-workers into silence, and made a fake video of her using a masked body-double to calm the public. Take from these things what you will; for me they say to stay far away.
We know the establishment and their media lies 24/7, but even they acknowledge the thousands of other ‘health impact events’ (where death is also counted as an impact event). This sets aside the long-term effects (particular with multiple doses per ‘cycle,’ and one or more cycles per year), which must be considered given that the plandemic was conceived at least 20 years ago, if not much longer.
1/23/21- Fake-rebellious, MSM-manufactured puppet AOC calls for ‘reining in media environment,’ ‘people can’t say things that are false’ (link)
I called out Ocasio as a media-darling fake years ago and this just cements it further, not that that was needed.
People have been vehemently disagreeing over what is true and false since the dawn of recorded history and beyond. As for the sacred ‘Science’ [the capital-S religion, generally invoked by people who verify little or no information on their own], most scientific and medical theories of the past have been discarded, and many if not most of today will be also. That’s a big part of what real science is: proving ‘true’ things to be false, and it never ends. ‘Settled science’ sooner or later becomes an oxymoron.
That Sandy Hook was a real shooting and 9/11 involved 19 hijackers are supposedly true things, yet I can stand in front of anyone and respectively put forth 500 and 2,000 or more compelling exhibits of evidence why they are most certainly not. (I bring up the former because ongoing lawsuits against ‘Sandy Hook deniers’ are one of the more important theaters of this war on free speech; Sandy Hook was a training exercise at a closed-down school in which no one died and crisis actors were indeed used (link) (link) (link) (link))
On profoundly subjective grounds of ‘false,’ ‘misleading,’ ‘rumors,’ etc. China Joe and establishment minions like AOC want to bring in CCP-style censorship. Evidenced by the piss-poor product of their culture / propaganda factories in Hollywood in recent decades, they can’t win hearts and minds the 20th-century way anymore, with good old-fashioned propaganda, and the aged ‘elites’ (among whom Dementia Joe is practically a young buck, or at least a close peer) haven’t updated their playbooks in 25 years. As a result, they are resorting to tin-pot tactics like this.
Censorship and isolation from the truth will only lead to backwater irrelevance, talent/productivity-flight, disinvestment, and a smaller pie to steal from. Our anational rulership ultimately doesn’t care about that, they can just look for a new host if ours turns unproductive. For now, though, the US is still the world cultural and financial capital / center of gravity in many ways, and they have to keep a wrap on things so foreign countries don’t get any big ideas, especially when it comes to resisting the plandemic agenda.
1/22/21- The propagandism of zero-credibility CNN – watched mostly by captive audiences in hospitals, nursing homes, airports, and gyms – has gotten even more transparent, as this thorough lampooning by the Jimmy Dore Show illustrates. The rather normal-looking panelists on screen are hardcore enemies of the First Amendment, the American people, and world at large, whether you are on the left or right. Trump was unquestionably correct that the corporate media cartel – led by Zucker’s CNN, Iger’s CBS, Shell’s NBC, Roberts’s MSNBC/Comcast, and Bakish’s ABC (….) (as well as Fox, without a doubt, though to a slightly lower degree) – must be called the foremost enemies of our nation. They are a more present danger than any foreign government has been or will be, and should be stripped of their monopoly on broadcast licenses and broken up; it’s not as if they are the best and people actually want them to be in the prime spots they occupy, they are just there and have been there for so many decades. We need a new and more diverse broadcast and cable news landscape. (Disclaimer: While I watch Dore regularly, I don’t agree with many of his viewpoints – e.g. on UBI, which would create permanent dependence and come with massive strings like compulsory plandemic vaccines and eventual chipping – and certainly don’t endorse Noam Chomsky, who is the ultimate gatekeeper of the left)
Stelter: Will there ever be a solution, a real clear, full solution to this information crisis?
Stamos: You know, people have so much choice now. They can choose what their news sources are. . .***we have given a lot of leeway to people to have a very broad range of political views***. . .the challenge is figuring out how do we bring those people all back into the same consensual reality? (then goes on to equate half the country with ISIS and terrorists / ‘violent extremists;’ when views get too broad, they fake pandemics and steal elections to reassert total control)
1/20/21- In coverage of the fraudulent inauguration, MSM hack Lester Holt asked plagiarist-journalist Mike Barnicle ‘The president spoke of unity as we thought he would . . . what are the deeds that will have to follow to fully deliver this message?’ Barnicle’s subtle-as-brick response was ‘get hundreds of millions of Americans vaccinated as soon as possible to get the ball rolling and get the job done,’ which was the chief aim of the plandemic. ‘Unity’ = silence and compliance, ‘our democracy’ = we-the-powerful running things, ‘perfect union’ = well-oiled totalitarian machine, ‘God’ = sub-supreme impostor.
1/20/21- At phony inauguration after election theft / shadow-gov coup, Biden says ‘democracy won,’ ‘we need to listen to one another’
30,000 soldiers (who were effectively disarmed and made to remove their magazines due to distrust by Biden and Congress) blocking the entrances, crowd excluded, chat disabled, comments turned off, muzzles universally on. Such openness; the oft used term ‘our democracy’ has nothing to do with those of us outside the power structure, it is code for the establishment’s status quo, for shadow-government rule (and ‘perfect union’ code for total control): in their eyes, they are ‘the people’ who count and who run things, the rest of us are mere serfs or cattle.
1/14/21- [Approved, non-censored] Comments on [Rothschild-owned] Economist article (link): ‘Japan has ultra low covid deaths without a lockdown of any kind because they are disciplined, hygienic, and wear masks.’ Yes, then I guess Chad, Burundi, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia (who has had *zero deaths* – population 16 million, no broad mask usage – which CIA-front Voice of America News chalks up to ‘culture and luck’), and Bangladesh must also be paragons of order, obedience, and public hygiene [since they have far fewer deaths than Japan]; not. Many of the places with the strictest, most onerous policies ‘paradoxically’ have the ‘most deaths’ and ‘worst outcomes’ because they also have the most evil / most infiltrated governments, are over-testing with flawed PCR tests, and fraudulently classifying deaths as being from covid, and in some cases may also have been subjected to intentional seeding of some pathogen, especially in ‘red zones’ like Wuhan, Milan, NYC, and potentially many other cities (as discussed here at length in March and April; maybe just an existing pneumonia bacteria via the air (the technology for which has long existed) or water supply, which was then wrongly assumed to have resulted from covid infection).
1/14/21- As it often does, the shadow government is pre-emptively accusing others of what it itself is doing. For example, its operatives (the Clintons, the Bidens, etc.) were in bed with Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs and the Russian state, and they accused Trump of same. Similarly, the Biden election theft is a shadow-government [semi-non-violent] coup against the [twice] elected Trump administration, and they’re frothing at the mouth over an ‘insurrection’ to protest it.
1/13/21- In June 2018, corrupt hack ‘Rep.’ Maxine Waters did something much worse than Trump, and didn’t get so much as a slap on the wrist. Trump said ‘fight like hell,’ generally and not at a specific time or place, which obviously meant let your voices be heard on the streets, on social media, etc., phone your representatives and call for an audit of the election, not physically fight; to clarify the meaning, he explicitly requested both before and during that the protesters be peaceful and not commit any violence, and even to disband once violence began. In politics, the word fight rarely to never means actual violence. Waters, by comparison, instructed people to go to the homes of Trump cabinet members, confront them at restaurants, etc.: “anywhere you see them, get out and you create a crowd . . . push back on them . . . tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere . . . they’re going to absolutely harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the President, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’” Water’s words unequivocally demand constant physical confrontation (and essentially the criminal dismantling of an elected presidential administration, by preventing there being a cabinet; all this in protest of immigration policies pretty much identical to Obama’s), and at the very least amount to incitement to / conspiracy to commit [mass] criminal harassment against specific individuals, and is significantly more threatening than what Trump did, which is merely encouraging protest, explicitly peaceful protest. Trump has no responsibility for the personal choices of his 75 million supporters. By convicting Trump, the Senate will only sink deeper in the non-credibility morass that the Trump-obsessed media and Waters’ hypocritical House colleagues have dived headlong into. Rather than shut down Trump’s support, the obviously politicized charges would just turn him into a persecuted martyr figure and create a cause that ‘successors’ can more easily rally around, and the throwing of red meat to the TDS crowd (who are mostly a kept voting bloc as it is) would have little to no political impact other than give them a reason to gloat obnoxiously on Facebook for a few weeks, further motivating the 50-60% of people who disagree with them, and fire up the media that well under half of Americans care about or pay any attention to (way under a quarter, really). As always, opposing the bogus charges is not about Trump, it’s about upholding free speech and preserving some sanity and semblance of rule of law in this country.
1/13/21- The election was blatantly stolen, which is clear to anyone who looks at the wildly disparate statistics relative to past elections, but the judiciary cravenly turned their backs on 75 million Americans and refused to even consider the evidence. That is unforgivable and bad enough; now the perpetrators themselves are desperately trying to legitimize their crime and make each and every detractor, including every remotely prominent media personality, ‘say uncle’ and ‘admit’ that there was ‘no fraud whatsoever,’ as the idiotic clown Jim McGovern (who spoke masked, by himself, on a zoom call from his private office) tried and failed to do with Jim Jordan yesterday. If after this kind of thing and the stunning (well not to me, but maybe others) several-dozen-company lockstep Parler shutdown (with all of them falling precisely into line in less than 24 hours time), you still can’t see that we live under a monolithic, very long-tentacled power structure (there’s no conceivable way one could ascribe all that instant political, judicial, and corporate cooperation to economic incentive alone) – call it the shadow government, Illuminati, ‘Big Club,’ whatever – then I guess ‘some men you just can’t reach.’
1/12/21- I have come across multiple reports that young, healthy people, medical workers, who have received the plandemic vaccine are shedding and thus potentially spreading the virus, and being put into quarantine after getting the shot. That isn’t supposed to happen with a functional vaccine; that’s just called getting the disease and recovering, which makes the vaccine pointless or worse. Disturbing as it is, the potentiality of the vaccine not as any kind of cure, when it is far inferior to the immune system, but instead as a vector (whether intentional or not) to infect more people, must be considered.
1/11/21- How ‘doses’ will be the new covid propaganda term to promote the experimental plandemic vaccine
I’ve discussed here ad nauseum how the vast majority of ‘covid deaths’ are not actually from covid (and how the overall bump in death is low to nil, especially relative to our huge population) and the person merely died ‘with covid,’ often with no or mild symptoms; or was merely assumed/suspected to have had covid when it in all likelihood wasn’t. Anecdotally, every one of the three people I know (all second-degree acquaintances) who were said to die ‘of covid’ was in a nursing home or hospice already, and had days to months left to live as it was.
‘Cases’ is another term used to inflate statistics (as opposed to patient, sufferer, etc.). Every positive PCR test result, regardless of the identity of the test subject, is a ‘case,’ so from what I’ve gathered and heard from a medical worker, if the same person receives a second third or fourth test to verify whether or not he or she still has covid (where severe cases can last several weeks), those are yet more counted cases. Anyone with any cold or flu symptom who has been within 100 miles of a covid patient (included a suspected one) and is thus ‘suspected’ to have covid can also be a ‘case,’ no testing necessarily required.
After briefly checking the current vaccine statistics (where the ‘100 million people’ projected for January is shaping up to be about 6 million people or 1.8% of population, most of whom were medical workers coerced into taking it; in most countries the vaccinated percentage is well below or not much more than 1%; and I doubt it will get easier after the low-hanging fruit), it’s clear that ‘doses’ and ‘doses per 100k people’ will be another propaganda device, instead of just telling us how many people have been vaccinated. The vaccines require two separate injections, so right off the bat, ‘doses’ is at least double the actual number of vaccinated people.
And the plandemic vaccine – if it works at all and doesn’t just damage or destroy your health (even people over age 70 have a 95% chance of survival, and that’s probably more like 98-99% when accounting for undetected infections, and that’s if they even get infected at all; worldwide, fewer than 1 in 1,000 people over 75 have died of covid after one year) – may only give immunity for a few months, so ‘doses’ could go from a 2x multiple to a 6x, 12x or higher, especially if the roll-out fails long-term as I expect and injections across a small number of vaccinated people pile up over a year or two’s time; in that case, a seemingly substantial ‘1 billion doses’ say one year from now, which would undoubtedly be touted enthusiastically by the shadow government, would at a 4x-12x multiple range (4x = one person, two vaccine cycles, two shots each) only equate to around 1-3% of the world’s population, an abject failure by normal inoculation standards.
1/10/21- The 36-month Russiagate hoax, a fake [effectively, relative to the response] worldwide pandemic (granted, that was in the cards anyway), failed impeachment, failed investigations, a phony race conflict ginned up by BLM Inc. (race relations have never been better), a stolen presidential election . . . now one cop dies at an overwhelmingly peaceful protest of 100s of thousands, we have no idea who killed him (wouldn’t be shocked at all if shadow-gov operatives killed him at either the protest or the hospital just to smear Trump and create at least one good reason to be outraged), the social networks are going nuts, and Democrats scream that Trump must resign or be impeached 10 days in advance of leaving for ‘inspiring’ a protest. It’s truly insane.
To impeach is to charge with a crime, and ‘inspiring violence [/terrorism]’ is a fake, impossible-to-prove-or-trace (or even know you committed it) crime (it’s not yet a crime, but they want it to be) that was made up by the Orwellian counterterrorism police state in the wake of 9/11. You either personally commit violence by intention or gross negligence / pay a proxy to commit it, you threaten it, or you directly incite it. Those are the only violence crimes, and Trump is guilty of none of them. He explicitly asked the protesters to be peaceful, and multiples times even to go home, the latter of which he had no duty to do.
The past few years, many of the ‘Progressive’ left have not only transformed from fierce Iraq War critics under Bush, to quiet good boys and girls under Obama, practically today to war-hawk Middle East military tacticians and drumbeaters for conflict with Russia and Syria, who rue Trump’s more restrained foreign policy (since they must viscerally hate everything Trump says and does, no matter what) – they’re now aligning themselves with the worst of the un-American, anti-liberty neocons like Bill Kristol (and his PNAC collaborators) and contributing to the chilling of free speech on ‘inspiration’ grounds, which were used to drone-murder US citizen and journalist Anwar Al Awlaki (who was probably a US intel asset himself) and his uninvolved 16-year-old son without charges or trial.
1/9/21- After four weeks, it [still] appears that Tiffany Dover is dead from the plandemic vaccine; numerous ‘fact-checks’ notwithstanding
(see also this video; search results shown at 6:31 before they were removed from website)
All indications are that 30-year-old nurse Tiffany Dover has been dead for weeks, following her injection with the experimental plandemic vaccine on December 14, 2020; in spite of the cover-up at her hospital, and deluge of ‘fact-checks’ that have insisted otherwise, with their emphatic ‘False’ shield of course. Any claims that she is dead have been wiped from Facebook, YouTube and other networks, and remain only on less censored platforms like Bitchute. Let’s look at the following evidence:
1) DeKalb County, Alabama records showed the death of a 30-year old Tiffany Pontes Dover, which was her full name, in December 2020 in the town of Higdon, a half-hour drive from her Chattanooga TN hospital. Searches for Dover on vital records databases now end in a ‘timed out’ error and do not show any results, regardless of when the search is done, and do not time-out or show errors for any other searches, including for much more common names. Her Pontes and Dover-surname relatives in Higdon have also been blocked from searches.
2) None of her social media accounts have had any activity since she was vaccinated.
3) ‘Fact-checkers’ and her hospital insist she is alive, but she has not appeared anywhere in public since she was vaccinated. She was alleged to have appeared in a single video with her co-workers, but the woman was wearing a mask and it is impossible to tell whether it’s her. It is certainly possible that her co-workers would have been coerced into appearing in the video with her stand-in, and agreed to stay silent on national security grounds.
It would have been extremely easy for Dover to have appeared in a brief video interview or few-second-long social-media post, just to say, ‘Hey, these dozens of articles and videos claiming I’m dead are false, here I am.’ Yet that hasn’t happened after several weeks. From what I’ve seen, she’s most likely dead, and they’re most likely just hoping she is just forgotten in the national discourse. Now let’s see all of what the ‘conspiracy theory’ must entail, just so you can remember how insane and out of control the leadership of ‘our democracy’ is:
A) Tiffany Dover was made to participate in a propaganda video to promote the experimental vaccine
B) TIffany Dover was killed or maimed (most likely killed) as a result of the plandemic vaccine, and more broadly the mega psy-op that is covid
C) To cover it up, her hospital created a fake video using a masked body-double who was likely searched for frantically in the 24 hours following her death and cosmetically made over to match her as closely as possible, almost certainly at the direction of ‘Deep State’ personnel, e.g. intelligence agencies or covert departments of the CDC, likely for ‘national security’ reasons (private pharma companies could not pull off a gag order nearly as easily)
D) Corporate-media and their ‘fact-checkers’ leapt into action on cue and proliferated the apparent lie that she is alive across the internet, and multiple vital-records websites were forced to alter their databases and search results.
1/7/21- Contrary to media reports, Trump did not concede to Biden or endorse the fraudulent election results; he simply said he will be leaving office without physical incident at the end of his term, which he will be forced to do based on the disgraceful actions of Congress and the federal and state judiciaries (if people think judges can’t be compromised on a regular basis, they are kidding themselves), which have totally discredited the American electoral process to all people who are paying attention and willing to put their TDS in check enough to think critically (e.g. see the absurd, impossible statistics and immediately know, without Snopes or CNN telling them so, that some serious BS was afoot).
1/6/20- Unless the courts fulfill their duty to fairly examine the evidence and order audits where appropriate, Trump should not concede or in any way recognize the fraudulent, illegitimate vote counts, he should only leave ‘under duress;’ propagandist shepherds Hannity and Levin corral and tranquilize the mainstream right
As I’ve said many times, I don’t support Trump in an absolute sense. I strongly object to many aspects of his policies and person. I do however support our country having some semblance of a democracy, where our votes are real and are counted, at least to a high approximation. Both this election and this pandemic were thoroughly fraudulent; that’s the truth, nothing else will ever be the truth no matter how often or how vehemently mainstream propaganda outlets, Google, and controlled Wikipedia insist otherwise.
The PA Supreme Court acted illegally by unconstitutionally altering state voting laws, there are 200,000 more ballots than voters in PA, the Dominion machines are shown to have grossly manipulated tallies in Michigan and other states, dozens of precincts had more votes than voters in Milwaukee, there is obvious fraud in signatures and military absentee ballots in Georgia, video of poll watchers being blocked from entry, thousands of affidavits alleging that fraud was witnessed. Biden did not get 20 million more votes than Hillary did. Trump did not get 12 million more votes than 2016 and lose. Most notably, there was absolutely no verification of the overwhelmingly pro-Biden mail-in ballots, evidenced by the more than 30x lower rejection rates in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and other states compared to 2016 and prior elections, i.e. virtually no rejection at all. Going just a fraction of the way towards normalizing that rate by means of an audit would by itself flip the election to Trump, ignoring all other manner of fraud, as well as ignoring the marked potential for many more, not fewer rejectable mail-in-ballot irregularities caused by fraud versus past elections (since the process was expected to be massive, chaotic, and prolonged, and thus easier to commit fraud in without being detected, and as the 36-month Russiagate hoax showed, there was obviously a very powerful element that wanted Trump out at all costs), which would result in a higher than normal rate, not 30x lower. Another factor that would produce a higher – not 30x lower – than normal rate had the ballots actually been verified was the huge number of first-time mail-in voters, who are more likely to make a mistake, where most mail-in voters in past elections have voted that way before. In reality and not the truth-optional, clown-world dimension of public consciousness, Trump won and Biden lost. Biden and Harris are shadow-government-backed usurpers aided by a multi-state, multi-million-vote fraud campaign enabled by and conducted behind an overwhelmingly fabricated pandemic, as Trump truthfully stated today, resulting in a total Twitter ban. But this isn’t about Trump, it’s about our nation not becoming a full blown, undisguised shadow-government dictatorship under Biden, Harris, or whomever else they tell us their compromised electronic voting machines and/or unverified mail-in ballots have elected, and who they then bum-rush into office while the media screams their ‘no evidence whatsoever’ chorus. If they successfully do it to Trump, they can continue doing it to anyone else they don’t like further down the road (we’ve basically had a disguised one for decades, but the mask has been slipping way down in recent years).
If the judiciary refuses to honor the voters’ franchise and give Trump a fair shake in court, rather than unethically and irresponsibly throw out his cases on standing grounds, Trump should simply leave the White House ‘under duress’ in two weeks, and by that I mean never concede or sanction the illegitimate electoral counts, and leave because he must under threat of violence/arrest. He has no duty to endorse a lie. If some of his supporters then respond violently (which itself would more than likely be a false flag, like some of the violence today) to the glaring reality of election fraud, the election fraudsters will be 100% responsible, Trump will have zero responsibility.
I often listen to both left- (NPR) and right-wing talk radio while driving, and the primary theme on the right for months prior to the election was ‘let’s make ourselves heard at the polls’ [knowing there would be massive fraud, and that voting is increasingly meaningless, as little meaning as it already had]. Hannity had a daily countdown to the election for a full year. Now he and his cohorts are cheerleading for the plandemic vaccine and scolding the protesters, ‘let’s all go home, we have to honor the courts (who have refused to even look at the cases), we have no right to enter any property in Washington.’
I don’t support any acts of aggression, but occupying government buildings, especially Congress where the supposed representatives sit, is not aggression. Government buildings are at least ostensibly, supposedly the property of the people and no one else, so the people cannot trespass onto them. They have a right to peaceably assemble on government property at any hour of the day. (They don’t have the legal right to enter politicians’ residences, yards, etc.) When the people have a legitimate grievance, they can personally report to the actual site of their government and seek redress. If the politicians decide to deny redress, hide in bunkers, and ignore the people as they are doing now, then who knows what will happen.
Cruz’s electoral commission needs to be created, and it needs to include both sides. Why are the Democrats so afraid of an impartial audit of Biden’s ballots, and so desperate to sweep this under the rug, aka ‘unite and move forward?’
If the politicians of the mainstream right and left are two wings of the same bird and the left-right paradigm is thus false, as I believe they both are, we still need to re-establish legitimate voting, on the chance that a great enough percentage of people do eventually wake up and decide to shrug off the two-party duopoly, and vote a third-party or truly anti-establishment candidate into power. I’ve never held my breath on that prospect, but we need to preserve that avenue of reform, even if it’s not a very likely one.
1/2/21- The average vaccine approval timeframe is around 10 years, and the experimental plandemic vaccines were released in a few months; not that I trust the FDA, but none of the the covid vaccines are even FDA-approved, only emergency-authorized. Whatever the continually lying establishment says, there will be no reason anytime this decade – or beyond, since the whole thing is so obviously an engineered, profoundly malevolent power-grab – to believe the plandemic vaccine is safe. No job or amount of money – let alone admission to a bad movie or ‘sportsball’ game – is worth more than your health (the contrived ‘immunity passport’ scheme won’t even work, since three-quarters or more of people want nothing to do with the vaccine). Sick or disabled with a billion in the bank is worse off than healthy with a zero balance; better to just start over or go on welfare and food stamps if need be, and let others be the guinea pigs.
1/1/21- Truth-Optional America[/Canada/World]: Flu Infections ‘Drop by 98%’ (link) (link) (link) but Nothing to See Here (blatantly mendacious, typical ‘No, ____’-style ‘fact-check’ debunked)
The flu has been thought to exist for at least 2,500 years, probably far longer. There are upwards of 1 billion ‘cases’ or infections of flu per year, each and every year, with no extreme, fundamental variations; like with covid, the vast majority of them curable by the immune system, and a few deadly (i.e. around 700,000 per year confirmed [and many more than that unconfirmed as general pneumonia which kills 2.5 million per year]; which is indeed ‘a few’ in a population of 7.7 billion, 1 in 10,000 people).
Flu infections are said to have dropped by 98% in the ‘unprecedented times’ of the plandemic. Only the dumbest or most indoctrinated, or those totally in the grips of a propaganda spell, could actually believe that this, after thousands of years with no exceptions, has actually occurred (of course, in many cases, people aren’t paying attention and aren’t aware of the fact at all). Yet that manipulated camp sadly comprises a sizeable chunk of the population (including millions of otherwise very intelligent and perceptive people), if only half or less of the population nowadays, where it used to be 90%-plus. I don’t need to say that it is beyond obvious that flu cases have not magically dropped by 98%, and don’t tell me it’s about cheapo masks (and for those who cling to this point, if masks are working so incredibly well for flu, the most contagious disease in the world, why not for covid?); they are simply being fraudulently counted as covid, including as ‘suspected covid’ (loosely suspecting any sore throat, cough, or fever that walks through the door to be covid makes it a CDC-sanctioned, Medicare-reimbursed ‘case’) and flu and cold deaths are being fraudulently reported as covid, along with heart attacks, cancer deaths, car accidents, homicides, suicides, overdoses, etc.
It is an accepted truth that when people are not ready to believe something, usually because the cognitive dissonance associated with it is too painful for them – i.e. that their own rulers have engineered and perpetuated mass bodily and economic destruction based on a deception that had been planned long in advance, in some cases for much or all of their lives – no amount of evidence can convince them. You can show them one damning, incontrovertible piece of evidence, and they dismiss, ignore, or reject it; and 1,000 more exhibits won’t do the trick, at least not right away.
Thankfully, I believe we are in a period of general awakening, where a far larger portion of the population than ever before, at least in any of our lifetimes, has partially or fully overcome this pathological defense response. The aged rulership hasn’t adjusted to this fact, and are steaming ahead with their decades-old playbook.
As they sputter and increasingly fail, the shadow-government rulers are resorting to tin-pot tactics – blatant, ham-handed censorship and/or ‘fact-checking,’ and even murder of a number of Western dissidents (after 7-8+ years of channel takedowns and ‘purges,’ and COINTELPRO-style harrasment, several of the most prominent and particularly incisive YouTubers have turned up dead at very young ages over the last year; along with some other suspicious deaths, e.g. that of high-profile anti-forced-vaccination activist Brandy Vaughan, and of otherwise-healthy PCR-test inventor Kary Mullis, who on several occasions prior to his August 2019 death publicly stated that PCR tests – the mass roll-out of which is the prelude to attempted and likely failed forced [or compelled, via bogus and contrived ‘immunity passports’] vaccination – are not valid for detection of an active viral infection or illness).
12/25/20- Yes, it has been one of the crappiest years ever for most of us, but to be more specific, the widely derided 2020 wasn’t bad just by chance – it was the year of a crescendo [which hopefully doesn’t go to further heights, though I’m sure they’ll try] of very transparent shadow-government temper tantrums, of the pulling back of curtains, the overplaying of hands by a rulership that is much less talented and less subtle than it fancies itself, and unable to win hearts and minds and adapt its playbook to changing informational conditions; it is plummeting in efficiency and is basically on life support by the fiat debt-money machine. There was a time when almost all of the mainstream left, right, and unaffiliated believed the mainstream media ‘messaging’ to a significant degree. Then they chose to spend virtually all their airtime on Russiagate for 36 months straight, and totally discredited themselves as remotely balanced, sane news organizations (they’ve always been propaganda outlets, it just wasn’t quite as obvious to so many people). The establishment as a whole has lost its creative edge, perhaps best evidenced by the spectacular decline of Hollywood and celebrity. For several years they outright-faked and staged upwards of 50 shootings and bombings in a failed gun-grabbing gambit, most notably Sandy Hook and Boston, repeating the same formula over and over to no avail. They settled for a piss-poor, last-resort candidate in Joe Biden and were then forced to openly steal the election, delegitimize the democratic process for decades, and alienate half the population from politics in order to get rid of Trump. They effectively faked a pandemic (fluffing up a historically mild-to-moderate flu/cold virus into an existential threat) and played that long-held card (fake nuke / dirty bomb and fake ET encounter are really the only major cards they have left), yet after a year-long, full spectrum propaganda onslaught, the Rockefeller Foundation’s dreams of ‘lockstep’ are far from reality; 60-70% of the population overtly state they will not take the vaccine at all or anytime soon, and half the nation sees the event for the thinly veiled ‘Great Reset’ power grab it is; and most of the other half may well see it soon, but are currently in denial. So sure, many have been duped, but not nearly enough. After 9/11 and Oklahoma City, they were able to hit high-90s persuasion / approval rates; these days, they barely crack 50%. That is far too low-pressure an environment to institute the sweeping, fundamental changes they seek. And we have to suffer through bungled attempt after attempt and the vast economic, social, and psychological damage that results. I like everyone else hope that 2021 will be better, but if it is that will have to be our doing, not theirs.
12/25/20- The shadow government is apparently returning to false flag terror, which it has almost forgotten to continue staging during the covid plandemic; the clownish Nashville attacks are almost certainly an operation. As the US splits between the relatively free states (to whom many residents of imperial states are fleeing) of the Plains and Southeast and the [Illuminati] crown-loyal state governments of the West Coast and Northeast, the shadow government hopes to short-circuit the development by creating crises there and implementing more control measures: if covid measures fail, then security-theater measures will have to do. We can likely expect Dallas, Kansas City, Nashville, Atlanta, Miami, Jacksonville, Charlotte, etc. as the venues of the biggest upcoming false flags.
12/25/20- Career-long disgrace Anthony Fauci’s greatly feared ‘hell month’ hasn’t at all panned out, as I and many others expected: roughly 1 in 40,000 people worldwide died [allegedly] from covid in December, among them many fraudulently mischaracterized cold and flu deaths (and deaths from old age and other causes); the real number is probably well under 1 in 100,000; since December 2019, around 1 in 5,000 people worldwide have died allegedly from covid, and the majority of those deaths are fraudulently reported as such (everyone I personally know who supposedly ‘died of covid’ was in his or her 90s and on the edge of death; the real total figure of actual covid deaths is 1 in 10,000 or much lower. Meanwhile, around 65 million or about 1 in 100 people have died this year from all causes. Covid remains a relative non-entity; no masks are needed, no distancing is needed, no vaccine is needed; again, Sweden had it right: they took limited to no measures and lost [from covid, allegedly] around 7,000 out of 10.5 million, which is acceptable for society, in as much as death itself in all its causes must be accepted.
12/15/20- The plandemic vaccine – funded and promoted by eugenicists and population-reduction fanatics – may expose you to 8-12x more covid infections than the one (or zero) infection per year you could conceivably get otherwise: long-term fertility loss (by non-stop attack on the testes), sterilization, and more is most likely in the agenda: if you give in to this transparent operation, ‘you may be entitled to substantial compensation’ a few years down the road (not really though; pharma companies are immune to lawsuits)
Covid antibodies are said to last for at least 5 to 7 months and ‘maybe much longer.’ Anecdotally, I know someone who got somewhat serious covid in April (bad fever for 1.5-2 weeks), and was recently in a setting where almost everyone got sick, including people he was very close to, but he didn’t.
While the disease may not go away in the warmer months, it remains true that northern countries have had more cases and deaths (northern climes also tend to have more shadow-govt-dominated countries, and do more testing and fraudulent death reporting), and ‘surges’ (which are hundreds to thousands of times smaller than those of real pandemics of the past) tend to happen more often when people are indoors in colder weather. So there are fluctuations in risk throughout the year.
Based on the duration of antibodies, it seems very unlikely that one would be infected more than once per year ‘in the wild.’ Yet the Pfizer and Moderna shots, for example, require double-dosing (with a second dose after 21 days), and may only last 2-3 months. So you’re looking at 8-12 self-inflicted covid infections per year, when doing nothing could get you 0-1 infections, 80% of which will have no symptoms and 99.98% of which will be cured by the immune system. This doesn’t even account for the effects of partial or full group / ‘herd’ immunity, which could easily allow for zero infections per year with no vaccine.
A Chinese study came out today demonstrating that each covid infection can inflame and eventually damage the testes (which would be under a constant covid onslaught with the proposed vaccine regime, with no opportunity to recover), and as an internet meme I saw today joked, a few years from now we may see ‘non-attorney spokesmen’ telling victims of the 2020-21 covid-19 vaccine that they ‘may be entitled to significant compensation.’ What they forgot is that vaccine manufacturers are immune to liability.
Based on who has been promoting the vaccine and who is ‘first in line,’ population reduction via fertility reduction seems to be the most likely near-term goal, with the ultimate goal of this transparent shadow-government operation a ‘Mark of the Beast’ or step theretowards. Don’t be a guinea pig, and don’t give in to the defective, power-mad rulers who want to have their way with us.
12/14/20- Reject the Poison Plandemic Vaccine: Why It’s an Easy Decision
After almost a year of the plandemic, there are essentially two types of critically thinking, reasonably aware people in this world. One group thinks that covid is very likely a bioweapon, likely very dangerous, perhaps even with some long-term immunocompromising effect comparable to HIV (or some other life-altering consequence: long-term and severe lung damage, etc.) that lingers after an apparent recovery, that the measures are thus justified, and that great lengths should thus be taken to avoid getting infected. The other camp (where I’d place myself, barring a preponderance of evidence to the contrary that hasn’t yet surfaced after almost a year) believes it’s minimally lethal, ranging from a mild cold to a bad flu (both of which can kill people in weak health), and is primarily a psychological or social engineering operation meant to strike fear and compel obedience (which is consistent with one of the primary themes of this blog since it began in 2015, that via all manner of staged and outright-faked ‘tragedies’/disasters, not just shootings and crimes, but also things like the engineered measles outbreak in California, the population was being made more and more suggestible, ‘primed’ to accept increasingly absurd narratives and premises (link)) and that the vaccine and the control measures are both far worse than the disease itself. Anyone who looks beyond Snopes will before long come to the conclusion that covid – the disease itself, not just the reaction – was planned at the very least two decades in advance, but it was pre-planned by profoundly evil Western persons, not ‘the Chinese.’ Obviously, the vaccine is a major milestone in or culmination of that plan, and not something you want to be involved in.
In either case, whatever the danger level, injecting yourself with the disease several times, maybe even several times each year (plus whatever other compounds are present in an experimental vaccine; if there’s any sterilization or fertility loss involved, it would seem likelier to come from a long-term or annual vaccine schedule) makes no sense. You may as well take your high chance of not getting it at all (I haven’t gotten the flu in many years as far as I know, in spite of there being 1 billion infections per year), and let your immune system – which has a much, much higher, proven success rate than the vaccine’s claimed rate, even among the elderly – defeat it if you do. As determined here a few months ago, only 1 in 700 Europeans over age 75 have died ‘of covid’ [supposedly of covid], and the large majority of those deaths were really from other ailments, so it is hardly wiping out the old in droves. Letting the disease run its course – where based on normal virus dynamics it can only lessen in lethality over time, not grow – would have minimal impact on overall death rate, and be the best thing for society by far, whether the original virus was engineered or not. I understand some younger people have died, but of the three people I know of who have died of covid, or should I say ‘with covid;’ all were living in nursing homes or hospices, every one of them was in very precarious health (all were in their 90s), and days to months from death at the time of diagnosis. That is the typical ‘covid death:’ mostly or entirely fraudulent as such.
Expanding on the two scenarios above, a third and much darker eventuality to factor in, one I considered from the beginning but opted not to discuss until now, is that the vaccine is part of a two-step strategy to cull the world population of all ‘problematic citizens’ and potential dissidents, creating a tiny class of rulers and a large, servile, physically and mentally diminished class of serfs and slaves. Step 1: unleash a low-lethality pandemic in an obviously pre-planned way, thus alerting the dissidents, let it simmer for a while, then attempt to force or nearly force vaccination. Step 2: unleash a higher lethality, related bioweapon where those who did not receive the first vaccination are certain or much more likely to die, wiping out most of the resistance to future tyranny, and rid them from the gene pool. This time, vaccination is fully forced in the aftermath, and any dissident survivors are fully driven into hiding or extreme obscurity. In this scenario, if you, as I do, believe in God and believe that this mortal life is just one phase of the soul’s existence, you may as well resist forced vaccination, potentially to the death, and do what you can to stay healthy and stay alive. Any other choice will result in or lead towards a world not worth living in, as well as great disgrace to your life and soul.
As for the question of why they would spare dissenters from a toxic vaccine, assuming they could get away with forcing them which I don’t believe, the rationale is probably that they will eventually be caught in the dragnet of the medical police state (which, like the counter-[fake]terrorist police state, is really just a stepping stone to tagging/chipping, tracking, and taxing (directly and via inflation) / controlling the masses without limit) and/or presumed by the masses to have been caught up in it, or if not, will become isolated and marginalized to a point where they exert little influence on society. Thankfully, the current segment of covid vaccine skeptics is by no means a small minority: around 75% of blacks (probably because they rightly believe it is likely to disproportionately harm them), 65% of Hispanics, and 55% of whites in the US publicly state they don’t plan to take it (meaning the number is probably higher, since many might publicly say they will take it but privately choose not to).
12/5/20- The immune system is 97-98% effective ‘against serious covid symptoms.’ Promoters of the various vaccines boast an inferior 94% protection rate against them, and who knows if that is even accurate. Why the hell would I inject myself with a disease and take an experimental vaccine that permanently alters my DNA (and will possibly sterilize or near-sterilize me, especially as a man due to potential ACE-2-related effects) and risk grave side effects, when my own immune system is already superior to the vaccine – and when I might like the majority of people never get the disease to begin with? The plandemic has truly resulted in mass insanity. Obviously, the goal from the beginning was to obedience-train humanity with the lockdowns and measures, and then harm or control us with a vaccine; and for that to serve as a scapegoat for a long planned ‘economic reset.’ If you got played by the lie, it happens to the best of us; time to admit it and move forward.
The WHO has stated that 10-15% of known covid cases have progressed to serious symptoms and hospitalization. But they also report that 80% of cases are asymptomatic. If we assume that a negligible percentage of asymptomatic cases are detected (a very reasonable assumption), that means that only 2-3% of covid infections result in serious symptoms, and 0.1% or less result in death, which means the immune system is 97-98% effective at preventing serious covid, and 99.9% effective at defeating or curing it.
12/5/20- Joe Biden is not and never will be the legitimate president-elect. Systemic fraud on an enormous, potentially multi-million-vote scale has already been proven in several states from dozens of angles involving hundreds of witnesses who have risked perjury charges, their livelihoods, and more; it’s just a matter of whether the state legislatures and the courts will honor their oaths and carry out their duties, or be bullied by the shadow government into abdicating them. Merely claiming ‘there is no evidence’ over and over does not change anything. I don’t support Trump in an absolute sense, but it would be better to have him and retain a relatively legitimate democracy than to give that up for the sake of unseating him at any cost. Biden supporters and election fraud naysayers should be very careful what they wish for.
11/14/20- It’s not just Pennsylvania: Georgia mail-in rejection rates are 32x lower than 2016 – essentially, there is no rejection, no validation of ballots at all, and any and every piece of paper thrown in the mail or dropped off at the back door at 4am has up to this point been included in the false tallies, overwhelmingly in favor of Biden of course, frequently to the order of 95-100%. This fraud-drenched election needs to be thoroughly audited, or voting no longer means anything in the US (some thoughts on the question of whether it has meant anything in recent times). (link)
Yes, most of the time our politicians have in a sense been selected for us. Elections are for the most part a farce and a charade. But we the people, for now at least, still have the capacity for free thought. And while the US is at far too large a scale to work long-term, elections are not illegitimate in and of themselves, and could fairly easily – through a cross-corroborating mix of modern technology and traditional methods – be undertaken with sufficient integrity. Even if they yield poor results now, it’s important that the practice be honored and preserved, as a bulwark against dictatorship, whether the conventional strongman, or the modern scientific-financial type – i.e. rule by the ‘experts,’ which is much more dangerous and insidious (a Fed-run economy, ‘believe science’ (an oxymoronic phrase, ) listen to Fauci, etc.).
11/13/20- If the totally unvetted ballots and grossly vulnerable counting machines aren’t corroborated by some substantial degree of forensic and hand examination, there was no election, and is no democracy
There are already several dozen angles that establish large-scale fraud: the vote counts as they stand now are a lie and Biden, if he wins, will be an illegitimate, as well as mentally incompetent, president. The lion’s share of evidence of a stolen election would come from access and hand examination of the fraudulent ballots and fraudulent counting software, neither of which has been granted. Without this transparency there will be no legitimacy to the Biden-Harris usurper regime. Not that past presidents have all been legitimate, given the unconstitutional behavior of many. The very methods used to enter ballots into the count inherently have zero legitimacy – no observation for millions of ballots, no signature checks, no postmarks, late postmarks, late arrivals – no standard whatsoever for validity, hence the 33x lower rejection rates. Were this rate merely normalized – and the massive increase in motive and opportunity to commit systemic mail-in fraud set out of consideration, along with all the other vectors of fraud – Trump would win handily in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and other key states. The Dominion counting machines are incredibly easy to manipulate, as was proven in Michigan. Biden’s backers might feel triumphant if they walk away with a win, which Trump shouldn’t grant without a fight to the end, but in the process of doing so they in their TDS bloodlust will have alienated half the population and delegitimized our political processes. That damage is immeasurably greater than any tweet or faux pas Trump ever made. And if Biden’s fans in America and beyond are too dumb, distracted, or deluded by partisanship to recognize the theft, that obviously doesn’t confer any legitimacy either.
11/10/20- ‘Glitches’ my ass: a manual recount must be conducted in every closely contested state tabulated by ‘election management’ software company Dominion Voting Systems – that includes Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona. There is only one way to count and handle ballots – and that is by hand, on election day, with observers from all parties every step of the way.
11/8/20- Biden attempts to steal the election in broad daylight, and he and his supporters call for unity and love. Trump wins honestly in 2016, and it’s ‘resistance’ and endless vitriol from the same Bidenites. Pretty laughable. Again, I’m not a fan of either in an absolute sense; just count the valid and non-fraudulent votes (which involves a Supreme Court ruling to provide for at least some means of ballot verification, and hand recounts in multiple states), and let the people decide. It’s that or a banana republic with fake elections; in some ways worse than a banana republic, because at least there pretty much all the people know it’s a sham.
11/7/20- Proof of a stolen election for all but the braindead and willfully blind: Pennsylvania’s 2016 rejection rate for mail-in ballots was 1%. In 2020, it was 0.03%, 33x lower. This absolutely qualifies as evidence. If any other important statistic dropped 97%, tax collections for example, the massive discrepancy would provide more than enough probable cause for a full-scale investigation. A multi-faceted case for multi-state, systemic fraud already exists (before much of a thorough investigation has really even begun), but for the brainwashed, the media or Snopes would have to tell you it was stolen and give it their green check mark, and only then you might believe it, without even checking their underlying evidence. Hopefully enough of our Supreme Court justices will be more skeptical and less partisan than that. The fraud goes way beyond Pennsylvania, which based upon this data point alone (setting aside any other manner of fraud, or errors or ‘glitches’ in the counting process), Biden clearly lost.
In 2016, there were around 2,500 mail-in ballots rejected out of 250,000 (1%). In 2020, there have been just 951 rejected out of more than 2.5 million cast (0.03%).
11/7/20- The recounts and lawsuits only need to eliminate 61,000 of 14.8 million ballots across 3 states to allow for a Trump win. That is only 1 in 242 ballots, and includes ‘glitches,’ bad signatures and postmarks, double (or 10x, 20x) voters, deceased voters, non-resident voters, ballot errors, etc. The Supreme Court has already begun to reverse some of Pennsylvania’s outrageous, totally indefensible electoral rules and court rulings. We’ll see what happens, but this is far from over, the media’s incessant lies notwithstanding. I don’t recall them having any problem with Gore’s 7-week-long challenge; in fact, they cheered it on. (As always, I’m not a fan of Trump in an absolute sense, only compared to Biden and the darker arm of the establishment that Biden has firmly represented for his entire half-century career; I want Trump to win, but in neither outcome will I be pleased with the situation.)
11/7/20- The steal is real: all counties in Georgia used ‘glitchy’ software that flipped 5,500 Trump votes to Biden in one [very] small Michigan county (update: more than half of all states used the software)
11/7/20- Given the countless red flags and outright proofs of fraud we’ve seen already, all of the following very reasonable and practicable steps, which should have been par for the course, will need to be taken to ensure electoral integrity. Otherwise, tens of millions of Americans will have deep or total doubt in the legitimacy of the next administration, whether it’s Trump or Biden.
1) Hand-recounting of all ballots in all closely contested states or states whose electoral integrity has been thrown in doubt, witnessed by observers who are close enough to clearly view ballot details, preferably where a mask substitutes for 6-foot distancing, but including with magnification equipment when necessary.
2) Verification of correct completion of ballot. All incorrectly completed ballots must be disqualified.
3) Verification of signature. If signatures do not match by a reasonable degree, the ballot must be tentatively removed from the count. Voters whose signatures don’t match will be notified by mail of their involvement in possible voter fraud, whether as perpetrator or victim. If the discrepant signature is in fact the voter’s own, he or she can promptly report to a nearby state or federal prosecutor’s office within a specified time period, show photo ID, and sign an affidavit to this effect, at which point the ballot will be reincluded in the count. Otherwise it will be assumed the ballot was stolen and is fraudulent. I suspect very few will show up.
4) Verification of postmark and arrival date. If a postmark is late, missing, or illegible, the ballot is tossed. If there is reason to believe a postmark has been fraudulently backdated, ballot is set aside and removed from the count until an investigation into possible backdating in that area is complete. If state rules mandate that ballots arrive by 8pm or poll-closing on election day – which is a reasonable request given that ballots were mailed out months beforehand, and especially given that all or almost all states had same-day dropboxes available for mail-in ballots – and ballot did not arrive by then, ballot is tossed.
5) Confirmation that a vote was not cast more than once for the same person, e.g. both by mail and in person, or by multiple mail-in ballots. In cases where the two (or more) votes for the same person differ, both are tossed or set aside pending an investigation. If both ballots have the same votes, one ballot is disqualified.
6) Confirmation that the voter was alive on election day, and that the vote was cast in the place where voter resides and is registered.
7) If a given precinct or county is involved in an extreme number of fraud cases, perhaps greater than 1% or 5% of votes cast, suggesting systemic or widespread fraud, where the fraud cannot be unraveled and the true count cannot be ascertained. all ballots from that precinct or county are set aside and removed from the count pending the completion of a criminal investigation and finding of no wrongdoing. If systemic wrongdoing is found, the election in that precinct is re-held, in person and under close supervision. In cases where there is evidence that electronic voting machines have been tampered with and the true result can’t be ascertained, the election in that district is re-held under supervision, in person and using paper ballots. If voter fraud is a myth as Democrats and the media insist (against a deluge of evidence), this should be an easily manageable task involving few districts, or no task at all. For the next several cycles, the problematic precinct or county will be required to conduct paper-ballot, supervised elections.
11/6/20- The steal is real: ‘glitching’ software used in Antrim County Michigan – population 24,000 – flipped over 5,000 Trump votes to Biden, and the same software was used in 33 other, much more populous Michigan counties, and possibly other states, with no reports of pro-Trump glitches (link to story); the vulnerabilities of electronic voting and counting machines to fraud, including flipping votes to another candidate, have long been known
11/6/20- If we had a sane country and rule of law, we would’ve had universal in-person voting (if you can go grocery shopping or go to the DMV, you can vote), and Biden would be in custody or out on bail (since between Bobulinski, the laptop, and Walker there is not only an arrest-ready but a conviction-ready corruption/money-laundering case, unlike the Trump-Russia ‘evidence’ which was a whole lot of nothing), effectively disqualified from running (and Trump would have faced a legitimate challenger whom Democrats actually wanted). Instead we have A) a media who worked in lockstep to bury the incriminating evidence B) an easily stolen mail-in election, and C) a felon poised to declare victory and inhabit the world’s highest political office. And people like Olbermann, Maddow, and Colbert are frothing at the mouth that we’re crazy for resisting it.
11/6/20- The media’s blue-in-face chorus: ‘no evidence whatsoever of voter and electoral fraud.’ Is it true? Not even close. (And this is just a smattering of what I recall offhand from a little time spent on Google; now let’s see what a multi-hundred-million-dollar effort with thousands of paid analysts and hundreds of thousands of volunteers will manage to turn up.)
-A dozen Milwaukee precincts with far more votes than registered voters, incontrovertible proof of fraud
-An unobserved, unexamined, 4am, 150k-ballot ‘dump’ with a ridiculous 94% Biden votes – an impossible ratio at that scale, even in their bluest cities – which flipped the vote to Wisconsin overnight
-Alleged turnout in Wisconsin that defies credibility, 20 points higher than in the last 6++ elections, and the highest turnout for any state ever, this for a terrible Democratic candidate rammed through the primaries by the media and party establishment, whom every Democrat I know of voted for with rock-bottom, record-low enthusiasm
-Absurd regulations in Pennsylvania: no postmark, no signature, i.e. no control on or proof at all of vote validity; not only that, but invalid votes openly cast late have outrageously been ordered by corrupt, partisan Pennsylvania judges to be accepted
-Video of union workers in Philadelphia violating election law by placing giant signs instructing Biden votes at the poll entrances
-Covert video of a USPS higher-up discussing fraudulently altering the postmark on ballots by tampering with machinery
-Video footage of Philadelphia poll watchers with citywide permits being thuggishly blocked from entering counting sites
-Audio recordings of Philadelphia vote counters chuckling that poll watchers can’t see what they’re doing from 6 feet away
-Numerous dead Biden voters found in Georgia; I myself having personally seen multiple mail-in ballots for long-dead relatives
-2 days for Georgia to process less than 5% of their votes, while most non-swing states, including many with mail-in votes, finished virtually all their counting on election night
-Thousands of proven non-Nevada residents who voted in Nevada
-Double voters who in some states successfully voted both by mail and at the polls
-In that vein, a number of voters reported as having requested 15-20+ mail-in ballots, which is obvious, highly intentional fraud
-Elderly Nevada residents who attempted to vote in person and were told their vote was already cast by someone who stole their mail-in ballot, and that this had been a common occurrence that day; among other examples I don’t now recall
11/5/20- It took the non-swing states 3 hours to count 90-100% of the votes, and has taken the swing states 3+ days to count 10% that was in their possession the day of the election. In Georgia, it took 2 days to count 2%. Proof of fraud in several states already abounds. Demented, decrepit, doofy, and deeply corrupt Joe Biden – quite possibly the weakest candidate ever – did not get more support and better turnout than any candidate in history. This election is a sham and needs to be scrutinized and overturned.
11/5/20- Thoughts on how Constitutionalists, libertarians, and conservatives should respond to all this
Trump should pursue all lawful redress to the fullest extent – reversal of the outrageous state election rules, which should hopefully lead to the mass examination of ballots (verifying that signatures are correct, that the voter lives in the state, did not vote by paper ballot, is not dead, etc.), and recounts in states with indications of electoral fraud (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and possibly others) – but we cannot condone any violation of the Constitution by Trump, even if it is popularly known that the other side has attempted to cheat the country, and it is known by upwards of 100 million people. Trump must temporarily step aside for ‘President Pelosi’ in January if the issue isn’t resolved by inauguration day, and let her deal with any fallout. If Biden is installed illegitimately, states, juries, and individuals can ignore or nullify any unconstitutional action, and states can and hopefully will secede if necessary. Since the incoming federal government doesn’t have the ability to enforce their unconstitutional agenda – whether extreme and tyrannical covid mandates, vaccination orders, weapons bans, etc. – it will be better for half the country, including local politicians and police, to just ignore them, rather than petition Trump to violate our foundational principles in order to ‘win.’ However, if judges continue to insist there is no evidence of anything untoward (just like Biden emptily insists there is no evidence of corruption crimes, where there are considerable amounts of it) – when there is – and refuse to hear challenges and conduct recounts contrary to what the law requires, then more radical steps by Trump and his campaign may be needed to preserve political integrity.
Tens of millions of Americans know the Democrats cheated en masse, particularly in their 100% blue, totally unaccountable and opaque city wards, to a far greater extent than they usually do. Proof has been presented of dead voters, double voters, and stolen identities. We know the alleged 91% turnout in Wisconsin, 20 points higher than the last 6 elections and higher than any turnout in US history, is steaming BS, to say nothing of the impossible ‘over 100%’ turnout in many precincts. We know Biden has dementia and is deeply corrupt and compromised. We know large portions of the populace are so TDS-addled that they simply don’t care about any of that; their minds long ago shut down, emotions have taken over, and they just want Trump out at all costs, and that many Biden supporters who do know better are just voting to protect their government jobs and transfer payments. This country has deep flaws and vulnerabilities, and if and when things go down, all blame needs to be pinned on the party that has no principles, no law, no accountability, and thus no legitimacy.
The people and representatives of the 27+ states that did not vote for Biden, including their governments and police, again, can and should simply ignore any unconstitutional actions, and even stop paying federal taxes and evict federal presence if necessary; or secede if that’s the only route left. The federal government does not have the power or popular support to bring more than half the states that possess the large majority of the country’s 400 million guns (as well as a proportionally larger share of active duty and veteran military) to heel. I don’t advocate violence, and none would necessarily be needed; like it often is with street criminals, the practice of the Second Amendment might be deterrent enough against illegal actions. In the event of any attempted medical or other tyranny by Pelosi, Biden and ilk, the best approach for disenfranchised citizens will be to disregard the existence of those non-representative politicians and go on as normal, while remaining armed.
11/4/20- Three (or four) easy steps to fair, undisputed elections
2) Institute required paper-ballots for all voters, no exceptions
3) Corroborate the paper result with required electronic voting on a publicly visible blockchain, either at home or at computer terminals at polling stations, where you are given an anonymous blockchain PIN and can view your vote online afterwards (with the PIN displayed, not your name). Any discrepancies between paper and electronic trigger an examination. Any fraud concentrated in certain areas or in favor of one candidate would be immediately apparent on the night of the election and transparent to the public, and problematic precincts would be subjected to long-term federal oversight. The tiny percentage of voters who both do not have access to a smartphone or computer and can’t visit a polling station could be visited by prior appointment by a social worker or poll worker to process their electronic vote, and given a PIN to make sure the vote was entered as intended.
4) Require some form of voter ID/verification for in-person voting (I’m not a fan of ‘official’ papers and people having to carry them, but a wide variety of alternatives could be permitted: multiple forms of non-official ID in place of government ID, multiple ‘secret questions,’ etc.; this would eliminate 99% of dead-voter and other identity fraud). If you’re not willing either show ID or spend a minute verifying your identity, you shouldn’t be voting.Putting aside the more difficult task of amending the Constitution, the last three would be extremely easy to implement and would eliminate almost all fraud. This could be implemented for a one-off expense of way less than 1% of the federal budget and if we don’t get it, it’s because the shadow government wants to be able to continue ramming their pre-selected candidates through the primaries and general election.
11/4/20- It looks like my original prediction on 10/30 will be much closer than the ‘final’ one, but likely not exact either. Assuming this doesn’t get stolen in Pennsylvania, Trump could eek out a win if he takes Nevada or Michigan. With videotaped fraud (e.g. implications by poll workers that they plan to cheat for Biden, not in Erie but in Philadelphia i.e. ‘I have my six feet . . . you can’t see [what I’m doing] without binoculars,’ refusal of entry of Republican poll watchers) and outrageous rules and rulings in swing-state electoral commissions and courts (in PA, no postmark, no [real] signature, no problem), Trump’s campaign should sue up to the US Supreme Court for examination of not only ballots but also voter registration records (where in many counties, dead ‘voters’ allow for more registered voters than citizens) in any state where it’s close: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin (e.g. the magic 4am absentee batch that went 140k Biden to 9k Trump and flipped the state to Biden). As for dubious claims that millions of ballots are surely yet to be received and counted, most Biden-heavy mail-in early-voting has already been tabulated, and turnout has already exceeded the very hotly contested 2016 election by 9 million votes; sounds more like they set the stage to manufacture ballots. That this election had to take place during an obviously engineered pandemic – probably the greatest hoax the world has ever seen, in terms of response relative to reality – with news anchors gleefully remarking on how swing states had the highest infection rates, makes any and all lawful tactics fair game.
11/3/20- Turnout looks to be low so far among Biden supporters (as of 4pm Tues) and bodes well for Trump, in spite of ‘97% certainty’ predictions of Biden victory by the Economist and other establishment rags. Maybe deep down voters know that there wouldn’t be any positive change under Biden, and there’s no reason to vote for him: his administration dropped more bombs, engaged in more illegal wars, spied on more Americans, and for people who attack Trump on those grounds, separated (and caged) more families and deported more people than Trump. He’s corrupt, he’s sleazy and molests children on video, he’s dishonest, too old and weak, senile, and he has failed the American people for 47 years straight, to the great benefit of his wallet. He has no business running anyone’s life, probably not even his own at this point. For all his considerable faults, Trump has been much better than Obama and Biden and if it’s between the two choices, there’s no contest.
11/2/20 (9AM)- Updated and final election prediction
I think Wisconsin and Minnesota could go either way but placing bets on Trump. Virginia and New Mexico are also toss-ups but likely to go Biden, Colorado and Maine have close to even chances for Trump, perhaps with a small edge for Biden. These distinctions are only for discussion’s sake, and any non-dark-red states can be considered bets on a Democrat win. (Add 1 electoral vote to Trump and subtract 1 from Biden for Maine’s 2nd district).
11/2/20- New Hampshire libertarians and/or Las Vegans could tip both states to Trump
New Hampshire is one of the only states and the only New England states without a mask mandate, and the state has some of the most intact Second Amendment rights, which Biden has openly pledged to steal. Hillary won New Hampshire by just 0.3 points, her slimmest victory in 2016. The fairly large percentage of Libertarians there are likely incensed by the covid measures. As an unregistered, small-L libertarian who sometimes votes for the party, I know that they have the highest average level of ‘conspiracy-realm’ awareness of any major party, and the large majority recognize the covid plandemic for what it is: a contrived power grab; among most Libertarian voters, it’s not even a question. Gary Johnson is one of the most well known and ‘qualified’ (as a former US Senator) Libertarian candidates in recent history, and gained 4.15% of the vote there in 2016, by far the highest share ever, the average share in the prior 5 elections was around 0.7%. Johnson was endorsed by NH’s largest newspaper, and had a New Englander running mate (former Mass. governor). I was in New Hampshire just prior to the 2016 election, and there was a visible on-ground effort for Johnson, and some actually believed he could win, or at least help the party gain double-digit national traction long-term. I doubt that currently holds; it would hopefully be obvious by now that a successful third-party will have to have some kind of serious compromise element to it, to draw people from the right, left, and center. Jill Stein got just 0.87% in NH in 2016, and if there are many Green defectors, they won’t necessarily all go to Biden; the potential advantage in a third-party shift is firmly in Trump’s favor. Joe Biden’s hardline lockdown stance and nanny-state running mate ruins any chance he might’ve had with those Libertarians, even those who strongly dislike Trump; they’d abstain before voting Biden. Many will hold their nose and vote for Trump in an attempt (perhaps misguided, perhaps not) to short-circuit the plandemic and more importantly, the ‘biosecurity[ theater]’ agenda, which is liberty’s clearest and most present danger.
If that doesn’t happen against considerable odds, Las Vegas (which gave Hillary virtually all her votes in her 1.5-point- victory in Nevada) has been hammered by Biden’s pro-lockdown-ism, which is poison to the city’s very existence, in terms of shutting down events and hindering travel, and just the mantra of extreme caution at all costs. If the norm becomes masks and ‘distancing’ every time a relative handful of people get a mild, flu-like illness, Las Vegas is dead and gone as a tourist destination. Sure, some may believe Biden’s restrictive policies will help with a full re-opening, but those people were likely deep in the tank for Biden already. Some percentage of covid-fatigued Democrat voters or more than them, non-voters and independents, will shift to Trump on pro-opening grounds alone. Johnson also got 3.29% of the vote there in 2016, which as in NH will likely drop this year and go mostly to Trump. Putting Las Vegas aside, an uptick for Trump in other areas of the state, which comprise about 30% of the total population, could make up the difference. If Trump wins Minnesota (or Wisconsin; both have 10 electoral votes) but loses Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and then takes either Nevada or New Hampshire, that will hand him a national victory and break an otherwise tie at 269. If he loses Minnesota and Wisconsin but wins Michigan or Pennsylvania, which have more votes than WI and MN, he likely won’t need Nevada or New Hampshire. If Trump were to lose both Pennsylvania and Michigan, fail to take Nevada or New Hampshire, but win either Minnesota or Wisconsin, Maine’s second district would also act as a tiebreaker and give Trump a 270-268 win. Covid response is said to be Biden’s signature ‘issue,’ including a nationwide mask mandate; but attitudes toward masks in New Hampshire may bode poorly for him.
11/1/20- As noted in the longer post below, ‘excess deaths’ is 100% garbage as an indicator of covid deaths for at least two reasons: 1) it does not even consider that the unprecedented panic and lockdown measures themselves have caused any deaths, when they may have already killed and absolutely will eventually kill as many or more than covid has, and 2) it does not account for demographics, where countries with increasingly aged populations will have ‘excess’ deaths (compared to the past) every year for decades to come. The older a country becomes, and the West gets older every year, the more people who die every year. Even when they adjust for it, the brackets used are far too large and are overweighted on their old end, e.g. ’15 to 64′ in one study, and ’75 to 84′ in another, where deaths shoot way up towards the 84 end. It’s a shame I even have to point these obvious factors out. So much for the ‘experts.’
11/1/20- Yet again, a reminder that the covid-19 [micro-]pandemic ended in May; since then it’s just been another disease. If we apply the covid mentality to future contagions or other health threats, we will be locked down for life
As I’ve laid out exhaustively, covid-19 does not at all qualify as a significant pandemic. It is 300x smaller than the Spanish Flu and over 1,000x smaller than many historical pandemics. If you have a town of 7,000 people and one person who was already unhealthy dies from a disease, that’s not a major event. That’s what covid has amounted to one full year since it was identified (1 million of 7.7 billion people dead, started November 2019 in China; 65 million per year die of all causes). (And if we go through this another 10 times over the next 5 years and 10 out of 7,000 people end up dying, or it stays at this rate forever, that won’t be remotely major either.) In the places first affected in March – Europe, the Eastern US – the barely-there covid flu effectively ended from mid-May to early June depending on the area, as called here in mid-March. The people including me who claimed it would go away by the warmer months were right, it did [basically] go away by then (in the areas that were being spoken of at the time), as the charts in the linked video demonstrate. Nowhere did the covid spike last more than 2.5 months. Any fear and panic after that point derive from a desire to exert control, a failure to independently examine the data, or an inability to comprehend or reconcile scale, the tiny death numbers relative to very large populations.
For those who believe the measures are still warranted, what are we supposed to do when a real pandemic, perhaps something comparable to the real Spanish Flu, hits, as it inevitably someday will? Will it be years more of lockdowns, ghost towns, and canceled everything? Years more of Netflix and grocery deliveries, and paying peoples’ bills with $4 trillion, monopoly-money deficits? That’s not remotely sustainable or desirable, and again, we have been doing all that for a relatively mild cold virus. Starting in mid/late-March when it became obvious to me and many others that the threat wasn’t high, we should have just decided to live with the risk, knowing that life itself involves risk and eventually death. Your chances of dying from covid-19 when it first arrived were probably smaller than they are of dying from something else now, by virtue of being a year older. Time doesn’t stop, risk of death rises every single year, death can never be avoided.
The lockdowns were a complete disaster and total failure, and never should have been attempted in the first place. Everywhere that locked down or wore masks made a grave mistake. All those places did was stretch out the tiny number of deaths and make the societal misery last for years instead of weeks (and I mean misery from the measures, not the disease; the security-theater measures had little impact on the disease itself), when if they had just done nothing (other than common-sense measures that almost everyone already did, like not socializing or hugging others when you are sick, and washing your hands before eating or if you’ve been around many people) the impact would still have been very small relative to the scale of the population. Putting aside the question of lost time, the lockdowns themselves have almost certainly killed more than covid has anyway, by way of delayed treatment and diagnosis for far more major diseases like heart disease and cancer, the economic damage that shortens lives and worsens health outcomes and longevity, the enormous psychological and emotional harm, etc., which is why ‘excess deaths’ is a garbage metric. Sweden has 10.2 million people and has lost 5,900, most of them close to death anyway, with no closures, masks, or lockdowns. I’m sorry for any of the 5,900, but that’s practically nothing (they normally lose 100,000/year from all causes, which will rise due to their increasingly aged population, another reason ‘excess deaths’ is a garbage statistic). Sweden kept their heads and nailed it, everyone else went insane and failed utterly. When you make a misjudgment and fail, the best thing to do is recognize it and change course, not double down and continue on.
Even if the virus was originally manmade, as it likely was, viruses take on a life of their own and generally mutate away from lethality, not towards it: away from lethality and towards contagiousness, which means a rising number of bogeyman ‘cases,’ a decreasing death rate (already extremely low), and in some places like the US, more fraudulent ‘died with covid’ [and not from it] death reports. Sure, the shadow government could release a deadlier pathogen on the world and call it covid-21. They can do that every year if they decide. While we can maintain our sanity and resist their control, we unfortunately can’t as easily stop them from killing us. That is a reality that has existed for many decades and must be accepted.
(13:30 for charts)
10/31/20- Why the ‘shy’ or undetected Trump segment is even bigger than it was in 2016
Our political climate is often described as divided, ‘toxic,’ etc., but what’s more notable is that for most of the population, it is the most stifled ever, at least that I’ve ever seen, not just by the Big Tech censors, but by people themselves. There is plenty of debate on social media between the outspoken few on the left and right who just don’t care what others think, but the majority – perhaps out of concern of being alienated, misunderstood, or judged – have remained on the sidelines, and it’s far worse in person. If someone dares to bring up politics in mixed company, it’s common for many or most in a group to stay silent, to avoid turning things sour and knowing that anything they say ‘can and will be used against them.’ This has always obtained to a degree, but it’s worse now. In some contexts, I myself choose not to engage, and I don’t even really identify as a Trump supporter, certainly not fundamentally, and advocate for some ideas from both the left and the right (within a small-scale, decentralized political context). The reason is because I may not have the time to explain my nuanced position, I may know there’s no convincing the person, I may for whatever reasons not want to stir the pot in that place and time.
It’s undeniable that at this moment in time people on the left are, on average, considerably less tolerant of people on the right than the reverse. There are harsher judgments, more vitriol, more potential consequences (and even echoes of [soft, for now] Bolshevism) than ever before, and almost all print and TV media fuels that sentiment. There are already websites that ‘dox’ all Trump donors, apparently to visit revenge on them or write them off as people. No one did that for Hillary or Biden supporters, and no one will. At least three Trump supporters have even been assassinated in cold blood at protests. Any celebrities, corporate executives, academics, media personalities – anyone who is a public figure outside of deep-red areas who stands against Democratic causes or backs Trump is often shunned, smeared as potentially ignorant, racist, etc., and the reverse isn’t nearly as true. In the 2016 lead-up, Hillary was assumed the very likely winner by most, so anti-Trump sentiment hadn’t fully developed. The hostility and thus disincentive for public Trump support only grew once he became president. (Of course, there are many reasonable, peaceful Biden voters, as well as some unreasonable and violent Trump supporters.)
Most of the towns in my area vary from light to dark blue, and I noticed that there are almost no Trump signs, fewer than 2016, and quite a few Biden signs. This is even in places where 40-45% of the population vote Republican. But then when I drive to a decidedly red area, the Trump presence is as visible as ever, yet there are usually a small number of Biden signs, showing that Biden supporters do not need fear retribution to the same degree. I don’t believe it’s that there is so much less Trump enthusiasm than 2016, but that the negative reaction to Trump support, perhaps particularly during covid, has gotten strong enough that in many areas that are not deep red, people feel it’s just not worth it to publicly identify as a Trump supporter and rile up 10 or 20% of their mostly staunchly Democratic neighbors, and irk and draw harsh judgment from another 20 or 25%; but that won’t change their vote, and if anything, they may vote more eagerly than they did before. This also applies to the polls. People know that data isn’t really private, a fact that is truer than now than 2016, and many don’t want to share their opinions with a stranger, who at a media or polling company is likely to be a Democrat, for the the reasons in the above paragraphs. Thus, the ‘shy’ or reticent Trump voter segment is probably a good deal bigger this time around (sure, there are ‘secret’ Biden supporters as well, though I doubt nearly as many due to the above differences, and because most of the undetected Trump support is in high-population areas that have a greater electoral impact, where that of Biden would generally be in low-population rural areas). The vast majority of pollsters never adapted to this fact – perhaps intentionally in order to make Trump look unsupported and encourage voters to join the alleged majority and vote him out, discourage Trump supporters and volunteers, and/or allow for an election theft (or use the polls to accuse Trump of same) – and as a result I expect they’ll be thoroughly embarrassed and discredited in a few days.
10/30/20- Some electoral map predictions
As they were in 2016, with claims of 99% certainty of Hillary victory on the afternoon of election day, the polls this cycle are garbage. The main question is whether the people who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him in 2020. I really doubt they won’t. Some have lost a degree of enthusiasm (but will probably still vote for him), but at least as many have gained in enthusiasm. Looking beyond the media echo chamber, I do not know of a single person in real life who saw the neverending Russiagate hoax, the impeachment circus, or even the plandemic, and said, ‘Well I used to support Trump, but now I just can’t.’ The only people who I’ve seen come out against Trump on any of these subjects are his fiercest opponents, who have never been remotely in play as swing voters. I’d wager just the opposite has occurred, that the number of Democrat defectors – as a result of four years of unproductive temper tantrums by politicians and the media – is far higher than Republican.
In reality, Trump may have picked up more voters than he had in 2016 by proving his presidency hasn’t really been a disaster (and is arguably better than the last few administrations; huge problems like the soaring debt were baked into the cake before he was elected), which anyone not afflicted with orange-man-bad TDS, who looks at what has actually gotten worse and gotten better, can see. Trump’s support among blacks and Hispanics seems considerably higher than it was in 2016, and I think many East/South/West Asian, African, and Caribbean immigrants, who are moderates as a generalization, have been turned off by Democrats’ central focus on Marxist-Bolshevist BLM and the radical ‘Green New Deal’ (banning airplanes, instantly or rapidly banning gas engines, and a ludicrous $100 trillion in inefficient, crony-directed spending). Putting the BS polls aside, it’s hard to argue that Trump’s overall voter base has shrunk since 2016 – notwithstanding what might almost be called a fake pandemic being engineered during his presidency (‘fake,’ where the gulf between the minor reality and [pre-planned] massive reaction is so incredibly wide) – and Biden is not a strong challenger.
My prediction is that Trump will win by a slightly smaller margin than 2016, but if fraud is limited by the courts it could be an identical repeat or an even bigger margin. It’s basically the same scenario as 2016, but where Trump loses 1 out of 3 of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. I chose Wisconsin mostly on cultural-regional grounds, grouping it with Minnesota and perhaps [northern] Illinois, and on a hunch that Democratic turnout there may be slightly higher than the other two states. I think an equal outcome to 2016 is almost as likely, but that would be a pretty boring call. A realistic best-case for Trump is 328-210, where he takes his 2016 states plus New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Nevada, which were Hillary’s slimmest victories. This is a simple and obvious mode of analysis, but I think it’s likely to apply in the current climate. Maine, Colorado, and Virginia are also in the realm of possibility, with each of them won by 5 points or less, and where all but Maine went Republican in 2000 and 2004, for example. New Hampshire, which Hillary won by only 0.3 points is not unlikely as a Trump win. Libertarian Gary Johnson, who had high name recognition and experience, will likely have gotten more voters (4.1% in 2016) than Jo Jorgensen will, which could easily tip the state to Trump.
As always, while I’d rather have Trump as president than Biden, I’m not expecting fundamental, sweeping changes (those I would like, such as abolishing the unconstitutional Federal Reserve and FRN/USD, fully restoring the Tenth Amendment, etc.), and don’t view Trump as any kind of messiah. I do think it’s important to have a president who isn’t on board with the covid hysteria that has done great damage to society here and elsewhere, over a non-pandemic that has only killed 1 in 7,000 people worldwide, with many or most of that tiny number dying from other causes; as well as one who will help maintain the integrity of the Supreme Court, not smash the game board or make up new rules as the Democratic party seems prone to do when it doesn’t get its way.
10/30/20- The Biden emails and laptop are exactly what Russiagate was alleged to be but never was
The corporate media farted out more than 700,000 articles on that topic over a 4-year period, yet nothing of real substance, and certainly not criminal substance, was ever produced. Now there is proof after proof of all manner of political corruption crimes by the Bidens, and all we have are crickets and censorship. Trump was arguably unethical many times in his career, but unlike Biden, he apparently committed no crimes – let alone political crimes that should disqualify anyone from public office for life – and played within the system.But since the FBI is likely still teeming with the same dishonest people who were behind the Russiagate hoax and who have ignored crimes by insiders for years, I’m not holding my breath anything will come of it.
10/29/20- The Supreme Court’s decision will be easy: all ballots mailed late should be rejected. If you didn’t vote on time, you didn’t vote. Any ballot improperly filled out or with gross discrepancies in the signature should also be rejected.
10/28/20- The Police Did No Wrong by Killing Walter Wallace, the Riots Are Idiotic; No Injustice Here, Just Sadness
If Walter Wallace had mental illness, it’s hard to say he deserved to die. But I see little to nothing wrong with what the police did. They might have used tasers but weren’t given them by their department, and they had a right to defend themselves. When a physically formidable-enough, out-of-control man – a career-criminal armed robber and domestic abuser with a long rap sheet, who faces stiff sentencing in the future – comes after you with a knife, you have three options:
1) Run away, but if he’s faster, you’ll die
2) Shoot him in the leg, tase him, or spray him, but if you miss or adrenaline takes over and he ignores it, you’ll die
3) Back away, order him to stop, hope he stops, and shoot to ‘stop the threat’ (which often means killing) if he doesn’t (which is what they did)
It has been proven that within 10 feet, which Wallace was, a knife is usually a greater threat than a gun, equal at best, and tie goes to suicidal criminals with nothing to lose since they get what they want either way. In some instances, knife attackers have taken up to 10 shots before going down. All Wallace would have had to do was charge, and the cops in that millisecond would be at a disadvantage, with one of them in mortal danger; just one stab can easily kill. Police aren’t paid enough to roll the dice in that kind of scenario (no one is, really).
Tranquilizers apparently aren’t an option, since the appropriate dose is too specific to individuals, and it doesn’t act fast enough. Some kind of gun-fired net or other immobilizer might be helpful, but an effective-enough version doesn’t yet appear to exist. Killing is unfortunately the only option.
I’ve criticized aspects of policing in the US in past posts and some reforms are needed, but police like all citizens have the right to defend their lives. Wallace was both mentally ill and a longtime violent criminal, a very bad combination, and his time was up. The bigger tragedy is that ten kids will grow up fatherless, but that likely would’ve happened sooner or later anyway, probably within a few months, by death, institutionalization, or [another] prison sentence. This was just another case of suicide by cop. No injustice, just sadness. (Sure, there may be some longer-term indirect injustice in play, but in the heat of the moment that gets tossed out the window.)
10/22/20- With just 13 days left until the election, Joe Biden has chosen to hide for the next 6 out of 7 days. This is a completely unprecedented move, and clearly something is not right, in a huge way. Of course, the something has already been identified: it’s because he fears public questioning on his many crimes, because virtually no one attends his micro ‘rallies’ where they never show the tiny crowd (most of whom are his own staff), and/or because he has many more bad days than good/lucid ones, or all three of those; I’d guess all three.
10/22/20- When people say Joe Biden represents a return to decency, I’m a little confused. Are they referring to his crack-fueled corruption escapades with Hunter, where Joe, aka ‘my guy’ ‘pop’ and the big guy,’ was always guaranteed his cut of the loot? Was it when he claimed that funneling tax money and favors to campaign donors post-election is ‘just human nature’ (maybe for corrupt, power-hungry humans like him)? When he readily jumped into bed with a regime that jails citizens for dissent, harvests the organs of prisoners, and detains millions in concentration camps? Or maybe it was when he stole the livelihood of a Ukrainian prosecutor who might have blown the whistle on his family’s criminality? And if we’re just referring to a president’s appearance and bearing, are Biden’s hairplugs, chiclet teeth, and demented ramblings really much better than Trump’s hair swoop, fake tan, and Twitter tirades?
10/14/20- If you had any questions whether [intel-bedfellow and thus non-private, subject-to-breakup] companies Google and YouTube – in addition to Twitter and 95% of the print and TV media – are in the tank for Biden and have been from the beginning, this should answer them for you]
This has been going on for a decade-plus, and was the case for Hillary; and of course, as many already know, the search non-recommendations (where the results are increasingly manipulated also) are not exclusive to politics and apply to virtually any subject of remote controversy or ‘unfavorability’ to the establishment.
10/9/20- Thanks to Abbie Richards for creating this handy infographic for conspiracy researchers; with some notes added
10/9/20- It’s obvious the banks are in on the corona scam; ‘doors stay shut until a vaccine;’ do not take a toxic, ineffective vaccine; you don’t need a flu shot or a covid shot to be healthy; half of all people do not intend to get a covid vaccine
On three occasions now I’ve spoken to lower-level bank employees at multiple banks who (upon my asking, to paraphrase, ‘when are you going to open back up like everyone else?’) ‘have gotten wind’ [from higher-level management] that the extremely strict policies (which are stricter than anywhere else, where almost all other businesses have more or less opened; banks in my area are appointments only, or doors shut altogether, drive-through only) are ‘here to stay’ until ‘most people’ have gotten ‘the vaccine.’ Similarly, mega-corporations like Microsoft have shifted to workers to permanent remote work until a vaccine is released.
Since private banks own the system and covid was planned for decades, it’s no surprise to me whatsoever. Just ask yourself, do you think it’s a good idea to submit to the grand culmination of a project that has so far involved intentionally destroying hundreds of millions of livelihoods and ending hundreds of thousands of lives, which is to inject you with whatever this vaccine will contain (or at the very least, condition you to accept things being forced into your body)? Half of Americans have publicly stated they do not plan to take the vaccine, and among black Americans, who Bill Gates wants at the front of the line, only 25% say they plan to take it, where the real percentage may be even lower.
(pinned) 10/6/20- The Covid Measures Were All a Mistake. The Masks, the Distancing, the Closures, Everything. We Would Be Far Better Off as a Society Had Nothing at All Been Done. Time to Admit It and Move Forward. (see post below)
10/8/20- What percentage of Trump supporters aren’t showing up in the polls? Why Trump is likely still in the lead, and a prediction for November
Firstly, two points for consideration, which have already been made by others for a while now:
-A small but significant percentage of Biden supporters have become zealots who summarily dismiss those who express even nuanced or situational support for Trump or any of his actions, and if those people express strong opinions in favor of Trump or say something deemed politically incorrect, will try to get them fired, ‘dox’ them, etc. The reaction of extreme Trump fans to Biden supporters, while not friendly, is not nearly as visceral or motivated.
-Virtually all of the corporate media – TV and print – has always been in the tank for Biden, evidenced by their 93% negative coverage of Trump. CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, LA Times, the Atlantic, the Economist, etc. etc. – all completely in for Biden since he announced his candidacy. Fox News is the only ‘mainstream’ exception, though they too are a controlled and illegitimate news source who are in service to the establishment. Many people assume that the organizations who conduct polls – who are effectively a branch of the media – harbor a similar bias, and they’re probably right. With ‘Big Data’ and widespread information-sharing, and companies like Google, Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook teeming with anti-Trump employees and leadership, many would rather not be documented as a Trump supporter, given the viciousness of some of his opponents. They also may not want to reveal their relative support for Trump in front of a strongly anti-Trump family member or significant other who may be present, or if there is group / peer pressure to be anti-Trump (e.g. for Hispanics and blacks). So what I’d imagine they do in many cases is to tell the pollster – even when the agency seems neutral, or is even Republican-affiliated – that they are busy, heading out the door, would rather not share their political opinions, etc., or just hang up, and fail to be counted.
If just 1 in 5 Trump supporters opts to be silent in their support in today’s toxic and divided political climate, Biden and Trump are tied within a point or so error margin. 1 in 4, and Trump is winning by a considerable degree. 1 in 3, which I think is still entirely realistic and maybe even probable – especially in ‘purple’ and light blue states, where politically divided households and ‘Trump shaming’ are more common – it’s a landslide (I’d guess it’s between 1 in 3 and 1 in 4, maybe more in some areas). For Biden, in contrast, there are virtually no uncounted supporters, as there is no little to no potential penalty for publicly identifying as a Biden supporter. This is putting aside the very real possibility of any pro-Biden bias in the poll questions, or outright fraud in the poll results. On the street, even in my decidedly blue region on which the election may hinge, I don’t know any enthusiastic Biden supporters, only reluctant backers who feel they have no other choice; like with Hillary in 2016, they don’t like Biden or Harris, they just dislike Trump. And as with Hillary’s ‘more than 99% certain’ victory the day before the election, Biden’s alleged wide lead is likely just an illusion generated by the media to make the Trump campaign appear defeated and to cover for what is almost certain to be widespread electoral and voter fraud, given the new opportunities for it (cash for stolen or purchased ballots, the huge number of ballots being mailed to deceased people, etc.). Another factor is the half of US adults who are ‘unlikely voters,’ and not contacted in polls; this group may have been chiefly responsible for Trump’s 2016 win. Who knows what the rest of the month – or week – holds, but I’d wager a slim victory for Trump as I did in 2016, accounting for some voter and electoral fraud.
A tie at 269 – decided by the incoming House of Representatives – would seem to be the worse end of reasonable likelihoods for Trump, which would occur if Trump takes Wisconsin, Iowa, Florida, and Ohio (which he won in 2016) and Biden wins Pennsylvania and Michigan (which Hillary lost), though I think Trump has at least half-odds in Pennsylvania assuming the fraud in Philadelphia is somewhat limited. If Trump takes Michigan as he did in 2016, he wins, even if he loses Pennsylvania. New Hampshire, which Hillary won by only 0.3 points, could also flip to Trump and prevent a tie. (Well actually, the worst of reasonable likelihoods for Trump and otherwise is rampant electoral fraud, vote-counting chaos, a flurry of lawsuits and refusal by Biden to concede, Russiagate circus 2.0, and a path to President Pelosi in January, but let’s not go there.) (Yes, Trump could go dictator and refuse to concede if he genuinely lost, which would obviously be a bad scenario; I just don’t believe he’s at all likely to end up in that position based on his 2016 support and the weakness of the Biden ticket, nor do I think he’s bent on going to those lengths; it’s just more hand-waving and projection from the Democrats – [preemptively] accusing Trump of exactly what they themselves plan to do, which is refuse to accept defeat; the same strategy they pulled with the Russiagate hoax, where the Bidens and Clintons were deeply in bed with powerful Russians (and Ukrainians) to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, and their media-intel allies threw a 4-year, 600,000+ ‘news’-article temper tantrum over a fake dossier and $100k in Facebook ads that had no link to Trump.)
Again, I consider myself a Trump supporter only relative to Biden, and to Hillary in 2016, and I’m a registered Republican only due to my support of Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012. I’d describe my stance today as primarily decentralist, with a mix of libertarian and Green elements. There’s a lot about Trump I don’t like, and his worldview and ideology appear to be miles away from mine. I’d prefer to see him beat Biden, and that’s about as far as I go on the issue. But I call it as I see it, and the poll figures are very likely BS for the reasons above.
10/7/20- In protest of Cuomo’s synagogue closure, Orthodox Jews in NYC burn masks in bonfire (link)
Previously, they were arrested for attending funerals that were broken up by police. These people understand there are more important things – like honoring God, preserving family and community, living in freedom and with dignity, and dying with dignity – than (supposedly) avoiding a minuscule chance of death from a cold virus, even among the elderly; as I’ve proven, only 1 in 700 Europeans over age 75 have died of covid, and fewer than 1 in 7,000 of the general world population have died.)
10/6/20- The Covid Measures Were All a Mistake. The Masks, the Distancing, the Closures, Everything. We Would Be Far Better Off as a Society Had Nothing at All Been Done. Time to Admit It and Move Forward.
For covid-19 to be equivalent to the Spanish Flu (which itself was a fairly light pandemic historically, relative to the larger ones per capita; covid-19 is likely not even in the top 1,000 pandemics; most covid-level pandemics weren’t even recorded, or in many cases even noticed), 220 million people would need to die. After the Spanish Flu there was no ridiculous elbow bumping, no [meaningless] immunity certificates/passports, no [ineffective, potentially toxic] vaccines, no [pointless] weekly testing, no ‘new normal’ garbage. One in 35 died, people dusted themselves off and got back up (they never really stopped in the first place in most cases), and everything instantly went back to the way it was. It has been nearly a year since the first reported cases in China, 1 million are said to have died, and a huge portion of those are fraudulently reported. Most likely there are well under 500,000 genuine deaths worldwide, when nearly 65 million will have died of all causes this year (a number that will grow disproportionately as the world population becomes older). Around 1 in 7,000 worldwide have supposedly died from covid, which is not many at all. In the last debate, there was fearmongering that 1 in 500 or 1 in 1,000 might eventually die. Even that is an extremely low number, when major diseases like heart disease and cancer kill 1 in 4, 1 in 6.
There should have been no lockdown, there should have been no ‘safe and responsible measures.’ It was all a mistake, other than perhaps temporary border closures. We should not be wearing masks now, we should never have worn masks at any point, we should never have distanced, we should never have closed businesses, we should never have put our lives and families on pause for a year, we should never have irrevocably destroyed the country’s economic future (not to mention the enormous social and psychological damage) by tilting into $3-4 trillion deficits to pay everyone off for lost income and for staying home (let’s get real, all or the better part of those huge new deficits are now here to stay). It was all pre-planned, contrived BS meant to exert control and initiate an economic and currency reset in the US and Western countries. Life involves death for all of us, and you can’t hide from death by staying home and wearing masks. Sweden, for example, wore no masks, closed no businesses or schools, and 1 in 2,000 died, which is very low; moreover, there is no crisis there from [exceedingly rare, and in some cases faked to scare people] heart or nerve or spinal damage. Every other nation should have done the same thing.
Pneumonia kills 2.5 million people worldwide, and many of them were flu and colds that progressed into pneumonia and were never identified with a test. Officially, the flu kills around 700,000 per year worldwide. Regarding Trump’s alleged culpability in the 200,000 covid deaths, since when is a president responsible for all respiratory illness deaths? Respiratory illnesses are the third (chronic respiratory diseases) and fourth (acute infections) leading causes of death yearly (link). Flu ‘pandemics’ (aka flu season) and common-cold ‘pandemics’ (aka normal winter conditions) that are about as lethal as covid occur multiple times each and every year, and no blame is cast. Has any pandemic death toll of the past ever been said to be the fault of a politician? No, as far as I know. Will every future epidemic or pandemic be blamed on politicians? If it’ll score political points, probably.
I realize it’s an emotional issue for people. I realize a tiny number (relative to all-cause deaths) have died. I admit I got taken in to some extent by the propaganda for a week or two in late February early March, and then called it out as BS prior to the mid-March lockdown. It’s time for all others to call it out as BS – BS relative to scale of response. Scale matters. Propaganda is powerful, and I won’t perpetually resent people who have been overtaken by it (as almost all people were in the months after 9/11, including good people and intelligent people; the overwhelming majority of good people and smart people were utterly fooled for years afterwards). But none of this stands up to logical scrutiny. It is an insane and totally unsustainable and undesirable way of life, and needs to end now.
10/5/20- Kudos to Trump for not being an ass like Biden and wearing a mask when he is nowhere near other people; predictably, 95% of the corporate media criticized him. The new trend of politicians practically having their official portraits taken with masks on, and media personnel reporting in masks is the height of stupidity
10/4/20- Why defend Trump? It boils down to one simple point; follow-up question: is Trump controlled opposition?
-Trump is by no means all good, but appears to be at least somewhat independent. As I said before, he is compromised in terms of certain foreign allegiances (namely, to belligerent, expansionist Zionist elements in Israel and the US), but his foreign policy has nevertheless been considerably better than Obama’s or Bush’s, and could be called restrained in comparison. Trump at least appears to have some level of care for the US and its welfare, and some level of real opposition to the shadow government. Maybe it’s just a show, maybe he is controlled opposition, but there do appear to be at least a few degrees of departure or distinction. Even if Trump’s worldview and plan are somewhat misguided, and we can be sure they are, it would be hard to do worse than the agenda the shadow government is clearly progressing.
-We know that the establishment’s plan (I am referring to an international but primarily Western network of people who display assocation with some kind of Luciferian or ‘Mystery Babylon’ belief system; call it the shadow government, dark network, dark state, deep state, Illuminati, whatever you want) is the destruction of national sovereignty, and total control and indeed slavery of the world population. Biden is completely and proudly aligned with that plan, as was Hillary (Hillary is also a serial fraudster, IMO a serial killer by proxy via hitmen, and a would-be war criminal). Once you see that, it can’t be unseen, and you can’t ever pretend Biden is a nice or relatively good person, especially as he not only doesn’t repent for his past misdeeds, but continues grasping for more power. (Putting his associations aside and just looking at his 47-year public record, he has no place in the White House.)
I don’t like Trump’s hair style, I don’t like that he’s sometimes a bully, I don’t like certain things he’s said and done, but with the above contrast in view – of being fully with ‘them,’ the above group, or not – considerations of manners, personal conduct and appearance, and ‘presidential’ comportment go completely out the window. As I said, maybe I’m deceived and Trump is in fact controlled opp (a degree of true opposition, for which conventional Republicans don’t qualify); I accept that as a real possibility; for now, I’m on the fence on the question.
(I had a graphic added here that was partially incorrect – a clip from The Simpsons was mis-dated (though the Simpsons has indeed predicted / known in advance a huge number of events) – so I took down the related paragraph also. I do believe Trump may have been pre-selected for ‘the world stage,’ but will present evidence for such in a later post. This is one exhibit, from the ‘Illuminati’ card game, published in 1995, which has foreshadowed at least a dozen major events and personalities of the 21st century; notice the apparent viruses / virions behind the face (as well as the up-down arrows, which may symbolize an intentional economic crash; the up-down triangles are also a symbol of occult significance): is populism the virus, and compliance with the shadow government’s draconian measures the cure? Put another way, was a virus pre-planned to be released in the event of a wave of populism, where populism would then be blamed for the medical and economic fallout, and people would run back to their masters? There are at least 5 or 10 other instances in TV and films I’ve seen where Trump’s future presidency is arguably suggested. As Lenin said, “the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Again, it may be that I’m wrong altogether, or misunderstand the situation (there are stranger explanations than him simply being fully in on it for decades), but it’s an idea that seems worthy of consideration.)
10/1/20- Thoughts on the first ‘debate;’ Trump won handily in spite of Wallace’s best efforts
Trump’s strategy was to come out heavy and wear down or fluster Biden early, which was not a bad strategy at all based on Biden’s typical mental state. Biden, who was likely chemically aided with a cocktail of cognitive enhancements, withstood it better than expected, and Trump perhaps continued on too long with that strategy rather than changing course. Even then, Biden resorted to sneering and snickering in half of his answers rather than answering Trump’s points directly, and by insisting true facts ‘have been discredited’ and that ‘no one believes them,’ although he was almost always saved from further embarrassment by Chris Wallace. As for who played dirtier, Biden called Trump a clown, a racist, a white supremacist, a liar, stupid and idea-less, the worst president ever, and a failure. Trump called Biden stupid and a corrupt career politician with a sorry 47-year resume (true); he could’ve hit lower on Biden’s obvious dementia, lack of stamina for the job, and Jerry Springer family background, but didn’t. Biden didn’t take the high road, he is just weaker in a schoolyard-roast context, far less funny and quick on his feet than Trump is, and his frequent deer-in-headlights, stare-at-podium demeanor was characterized as ‘presidential restraint’ by his fans. If you tune out the partisan characterizations and read the actual transcript, there was a relatively substantive debate in which both sides did discuss ‘the issues’ to roughly the same extent they usually do. Yes, there was some mudslinging, but when you have a President with a 15-year-old’s maturity level and a contender with a cognitive state wildly varying from age one through dead, that’s what you get. There have been presidential campaigns throughout history, including a number of them in the 19th century, that were just as dirty and dirtier than this.
As for Chris Wallace, it was clear he was in for Biden from the beginning, and hit Trump with all the TDS favorites, even those from many years ago (‘fine people on both sides’ was explicitly not referring to neo-Nazis, etc.; it is entirely true that there were many fine-enough people present at Charlottesville and elsewhere who at that time did not want the wanton teardown of monuments without a public, peaceful debate; even if they were mistaken about the monuments, they are not bad people; as for the Proud Boys, I’m not familiar with their ideology but from what I know, the founder McInnes is not an apparent racist and in addition to that has a non-white wife and mother to his children, and there are blacks and non-whites in both their leadership and membership; while Wallace gave Biden a pass on ‘you ain’t black,’ his segregationist ties, and his direct culpability for mass incarceration of blacks for non-violent drug offenses). Trump correctly characterized it as effectively a 2 on 1 debate. Every time Biden faltered, he lashed out aggressively and called Trump names, and Wallace interceded on Biden’s behalf each and every time to mitigate the damage. Trump clearly didn’t take the high road either, but being ganged up on will produce that, and Trump isn’t a high-road guy to begin with; and Biden based on his infernally low associations sure isn’t either. As far as I’m concerned, being ‘presidential’ means little. If I know the politician is corrupt as I did with Biden, Hillary, Obama, Bush, and Clinton, it just makes it all the more insulting and maddening.
My thoughts on Trump from the October 2016 post stand today. He is moderately better than Hillary or Biden, and better than Obama was. He still has insider connections – e.g. with respect to Middle Eastern foreign policy and hard-line, expansionist Zionism; among other of his special interests – and is compromised. but does not appear to be a full-fledged insider. He is vain, selfish, immature, hasty, and uncouth. He stiffs honest businessmen while living the high life (though in fairness to Trump, most of the contractors involved knew or should have known that these entirely debt-financed behemoths in Atlantic City and elsewhere may well have failed, and were a roll of the dice by the developer, with limited personal liability in case of failure). He frequently appeals to negative emotions to rally his base. He’s far from perfect and not hardly a savior, but on all the points he was better than Hillary, he is again better than Biden, whose platform is virtually identical to Hillary’s.
We would be much better off with a compromise ticket that focused on the wealth of common ground between the Bernie left and the libertarian right, e.g. something like the now disbanded ‘Unity 2020’ party (which selected Tulsi Gabbard and Dan Crenshaw), but most people election after election continue to cling to the false R-D paradigm. Neither I nor many others want to see Trump win debates, and would genuinely enjoy seeing good candidates take him to the cleaners, even a left-leaning ticket, e.g. Jesse Ventura and Gabbard. But in this case, he did win, and as the underdog against the media and their ally in Biden, it’s hard not to root for him on that basis alone. Though on the other hand, maybe Trump’s just a ‘heel’ or hero depending on perspective, and we’re all watching WWE.
9/29/20- Biden consents to earlier this week, but today refuses an earpiece-check before debate; demands to take a rest every 30 minutes (for one of the most demanding jobs in the world)
(Post-debate update: While it wasn’t highly apparent during the first debate, it has already been made 100% clear many times over that Joe Biden has early/mid-stage dementia, which generally comes in waves, so I stand fully by my past characterizations. Even if he manages to rein it in for 90 minutes through luck, days of special sleep and nutritional preparation in his basement, a cocktail of drugs, and/or an earpiece, most or all of which applied, along with a prompt return to the basement for a lengthy recovery, the day to day reality of sopping corruption and now mental incompetence remains.)
People need to stop pretending Biden is a real candidate; he’s a puppet with relatively advanced dementia who would be controlled by the worst, most corrupt, most power-hungry forces in the Democratic party establishment, and the corporate and special interest donors that own it. Whatever you think of Trump, that’s who he’s running against.
9/25/20- Has ‘Karen’ Become a Sexist and Anti-Caucasian Racial Slur? I’d Say Yes
You don’t have to be a white nationalist or anything close to be tiring of the increasing amount of anti-white propaganda, mainly coming from the media, Hollywood, and the entertainment world and echoing into society by copycats. When an occasionally funny piece has come from a show like SNL, which is typically horridly unfunny and near talentless these days, I’d chuckle, but for a while now it’s been getting over the top, as the Kimmel/Anderson clip below demonstrates.
Every other group in society is allowed to and routinely does cry foul at even the slightest hint of prejudice or mockery: Jews, Hispanics, blacks, Asians, whoever. And every group has negative stereotypes that have a dash or more of truth, but lately it’s pretty much only whites who are allowed to be publicly ridiculed. Our society is too PC, and I’m all for free speech, humor, and ruthlessly poking fun, but it needs to be 100% equal opportunity; there can be no protected groups.
We see videos entitled ‘Karen complains about ____’ ‘Karen freakouts compilation.’ Unsurprisingly, they are allowed to remain up indefinitely by Twitter and YouTube, and are often promoted in their search engines. But highlight reels of negative-stereotypical behavior by ‘Shlomo,’ ‘Shaniqua,’ etc., or whatever other character probably wouldn’t even make it onto the sites, and if they did would be decried as bigoted, hate speech, etc.
The more disturbing aspect of ‘Karen’ that prompted this post is that it’s now often being applied – in addition to the initial obnoxious or meddlesome cases – to shame white women who publicly oppose or express displeasure about pretty much anything; zero-credibility, controlled Wikipedia has associated ‘anti-vaccination beliefs’ with the term. Not only that, but at a number of the BLM protests, white women/couples are simply eating at restaurants nearby, and the women are threatened and chased away as ‘Karen,’ without the user of the term knowing a thing about them other than skin tone. As pretty much always, none of this is a genuine development based on actual race tensions, which have never been lower in American history, it’s just the usual domestic and foreign antagonism from our primary enemies in the media-intel complex, meant to keep us on the back foot and on the defensive.
9/24/20- Let’s Get Real about the Recent BLM ‘Names’
Breonna Taylor was choosing to live with her boyfriend who was most likely a drug dealer, and she herself may have been involved in dealing, I don’t know and neither does anyone else. They may not have found drugs at the time, but in all likelihood there was a solid basis for the raid, and it wasn’t the wrong apartment, her name was on the warrant. If you live with a drug dealer, especially in a city with drug homicides, there’s a chance you’ll be raided, either by the cops or your competitors. Maybe it’s not true, but there are good reasons to believe the cops announced themselves, and the boyfriend shot at the cops first (maybe not having heard them), at which point cops opened fire. Taylor was standing near the door and caught in the crossfire; not sleeping, not murdered intentionally. It’s a shame, but that’s really as far as it goes; the injustice is potentially minimal. Most or all drugs should be legalized, but they’re not now, and while some dealers of certain drugs aren’t at all bad people in my book, other dealers are.
George Floyd was a career criminal with 8 prison terms and past home invader and armed robber who was drunk, on meth, on coke, on fentanyl, starting to drive drunk, screaming, insisting he couldn’t breathe repeatedly while standing up and not handcuffed, flailing and refusing to stand still or get in the car, not young (46), in less than perfect health, and had covid. Chauvin kneeled on his neck for much too long and should be jailed for a significant period, and the other officers should likely be fired and perhaps charged with a minor offense relative to Chauvin’s. All that said, that Chauvin and Floyd worked together at the same small bar for years and allegedly didn’t know each other, along with Floyd’s prominence as the ‘main’ BLM victim, points to high possibility of a faked or staged event.
Daniel Prude was naked, on PCP, delirious, spitting, screaming, insisting cops shoot him or ‘give him the gun,’ and resisting arrest. Under remotely normal circumstances, the spit hood wouldn’t have caused asphyxiation or death. What are the cops supposed to do in this situation? Get bit or spit on by a mentally ill, naked drug user who may have incurable diseases? Short of tranquilizing him, options at that moment were limited.
Jacob Blake had a felony warrant for rape and theft charges for which he was being arrested, refused to be arrested and fought and headlocked one of the officers, was tased twice, appeared to be holding a karambit knife and was told repeatedly to drop the knife (which explains why the cops didn’t get too close or try to tackle him), and refused commands to stop with guns drawn on him, where the assumption would have to be that he was going for a gun or larger knife, the latter of which was found in the car. That he had kids and that they were in the car means little, since in a number of such instances children have been present, shot and killed, etc. He was clearly not at all a stable individual and it may well have been suicide by cop, which is among the most common category of police killings.
Ahmaud Arbery was in all likelihood not ‘hunted.’ He had entered a vacant house and ran away when spotted by a neighbor. Whether or not he was there to steal, and he may not have been, if I myself wasn’t guilty of stealing and a neighborhood watch patrol tried to stop and question me on it, which they have a right to do as citizens (which is a civic office, not just an empty title) and members of the community (citizens’ arrest/detainment and open-carry are legal), why would I lunge at them and try to grab the gun, which might leave them no choice but to shoot, and then after the first shot, continue wrestling for the gun? If I didn’t do anything, I would just stop, wait for police to arrive, and then ask for a lawyer if uncomfortable; that or run away, or just walk away without attacking, which he could have also done. By all appearances, the three men were looking to apprehend a perpetrator, not cruising around to commit murder of random blacks, in broad daylight and in an area where many black people live. Nowadays, that kind of thing only happens in propaganda-filled movies and TV shows written by people on an apparent mission to destabilize and undermine America, not in real life; so if Arbery’s decision wasn’t his own fault we can blame it on Hollywood and TV programming (yes, there are still hate-based murders, but the victim is very rarely to never randomly selected; hate-based random assaults on the other hand do still occasionally happen, but are also very rare and seem to be staged or fabricated by the victim at least as often as not).
The media-intel machine exists to deceive, divide, and attempt to conquer us and has faked events worldwide on dozens of occasions (Sandy Hook, Boston, Las Vegas, LAX, Dallas, San Bernardino, Nice, Munich, London, Paris, etc. etc.), including events involving cops and criminal charges, so first of all, we don’t know even know which of these incidents are real, or fully real. But taking them all as real, none of the above people are heroes or faultless, and I could easily produce one or several white counterparts for each of them, whose name you’ve never heard, let alone chanted. If these are the worst cases of abuse we can point to then the police, for all their problems (militarization, participation in hoax-drill events like Sandy Hook and Boston, profiling, non-violent drug arrests, bogus revenue-generation stops, civil asset forfeiture, among others), aren’t nearly as rash as the media says when it comes to deadly encounters.
9/23/20- There are 1,100 police killings per year, and the media are cherry-picking a handful of events from 6, 7, 8 months ago and twisting them now to fit their agenda. Assuming all the events are genuine, which is far from guaranteed given the dozens of faked events of the recent past, the blame or certainty of what even occurred is clear cut in almost none of them. If you are getting riled up, you’re being played. The whole thing (as a sudden crisis) was obviously cooked up by the media to short-circuit resistance to the theft of our liberties, our society, and soon, our economy and the value of our money. A huge percentage of white people aren’t on board, a huge percentage of black people aren’t on board; it’s the media, maybe a few dozen paid, violent rioters within tiny pockets of one city, and several hundred non-violent protesters and opportunistic looters drawn into the fold.
9/23/20- Special treatment of any group – via affirmative action, admissions preferences, gender quotas, safe spaces, etc. – does them more harm than good, and promotes resentment, bigotry, and supremacism by ‘non-special’ groups; the Constitution and its enforcement are all we need; identity politics is a dead-end for true equality of opportunity
(Of course, ‘enforcing the Constitution’ wouldn’t only apply to race issues, but would also entail ending the Fed and terminating the debt-based USD, ending all the illegal, undeclared wars, closing the 700 overseas military bases, abolishing the large majority of federal functions and agencies including the DHS, TSA, CIA (as a non-military agency), NSA, and FBI and devolving those functions to the states; as well as a number of other major changes)
This point has long been obvious to many, but needs to be restated, and restated more openly.
The Democratic party agenda is now comprised almost entirely of identity politics, welfare handouts, race or gender-based loans, grants, and government contracts; questions of what the party ‘will do for me/you/us’ [at the expense of the others]. Following RBG’s death, some Democrats bemoan a dark future for these supposedly ‘special’ groups, whether blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, ‘trans,’ etc..
Special treatment always increases resentment and bigotry, and can even engender supremacism, whether or not it’s admitted and openly expressed. It’s deeply unfortunate and can be very unfair, but take the case of a black (or Hispanic, or American Indian) doctor or lawyer: in a society with affirmative action or other special treatment such as admissions preferences, it is either marginally or substantially more likely, though obviously by no means certain, that a black (or Hispanic or American Indian) doctor will be less competent than average. Barring other, mitigating evidence, there is a higher initial risk in choosing that doctor. That is a raw, inescapable fact, and is not racist. In a society without affirmative action or demographic admissions preferences, it’s more likely, excluding other factors, that he or she will instead be more competent than average, having overcome greater obstacles. I’ve been seen by black doctors, and I’ve never had any problem or poor care. My point is on group-based likelihoods that result from group-based legal treatment, upon which individual decisions – e.g. the decision of a customer – are sometimes fully or partially made.
Take also a female chief executive. In an organization with gender quotas or group-based, ‘optics-considered’ selection processes (such as Biden’s campaign), there is an independent likelihood that the woman is underqualified for the position. This may engender less respect, deference, and cooperation from her subordinates than there would be in a company that selected based on merit. Of course, like with the doctor, the subordinates or customers may investigate further and determine the person is fully qualified. But she must fight that likelihood from the outset, and among some, may never overcome the assumption.
Whatever the form of institutionalized preference or protection, the message is the same: this group is weaker, they cannot fend for themselves, they are perhaps inferior or unequal. While it’s harsh, that’s just the raw message, prior to the consideration of additional information, as would be initially interpreted by any outside observer. ‘Forced equality’ can convey a condition of inequality. For the group, that implication of inequality outweighs any benefits that come from individuals in the group taking jobs or admissions spots on a non-merit basis. The only kind of group-based protection that would be Constitutional and worthwhile would be of citizens from non-citizens, e.g. placing a cap on the number of foreign students in a public university, which are funded by citizen taxpayers for the furtherance of national interests.
Everyone sees the world through a different prism, from the perspective of his or her person, family, nation, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc. We will never totally eliminate nepotism, prejudice, or bigotry. These ills are inherent to and thus not fully extricable from groups, which are integral for survival and have many good characteristics alongside the bad. Over time, as separate groups interact and intermix, those ill effects and ill feelings will be tempered or eliminated, a phenomenon I’ve seen in my own life repeatedly as I have met new people and visited new places. Many modern nations once consisted of dozens of tribes and kingdoms, who hated, feared, killed one another. Over time they became one nation, lived and worked together, and can’t even remember that past.
The best we can do, and have already done, is to order equal treatment under the law, and bar systemic, institutional discrimination in public places and institutions. The process is slower, but it works, and works permanently. It wouldn’t ever be a utopia or anything close, but it’s the best option in our heterogeneous society to minimize racism, allow individuals and groups to improve their own lots, and avoid any movement towards national or regional separatism or unofficial segregation. The aforementioned shortcuts (and media-driven circuses like BLM) do more harm than good and reverse ‘racial progress;’ though that’s the aim of many highest-level people who are behind such measures: to divide us, pit one group against another, and destabilize and weaken society, which makes ruling it much easier.
9/22/20- This May Be One of the Cringe-iest Videos I’ve Seen (Kimmel and Anthony Anderson at Emmys) – Establishment-Backed, Marxist BLM Has Jumped the Shark, and Hollywood and Celebrity Are Deader Than a Doornail
I can’t imagine that anyone, white, black, or otherwise, wouldn’t be utterly embarrassed by this. Who thinks that this is funny, or forceful, or anything but complete and total disgrace? It’s so bad, I don’t even want to scroll past it regularly, so I’ll link it here.
Evidenced by this kind of desperate floundering, as well as the years upon years of remakes, imitations, prequels, and sequels, Hollywood and celebrity has lost virtually all the talent and influence it once had. The tree has been dead for a decade or more, it’s just propped up by money and hasn’t fallen over yet. Nobody cares what these degenerate sellouts have to say anymore on any issue, even if they film it in black and white and look soulfully into the camera.
(Yes, I understand there are elements of satire, but the overall delivery cannot really be fully classified as comedy [unless the aim was to ruthlessly lampoon BLM, which I highly doubt given the thinnest of skins we see in Hollywood]; in any case, it was a piece of propaganda that was executed horrendously)
(As always, I support a reduction of and eventual end to undue brutality, profiling, mistreatment, sentencing, etc., whether of blacks or any other group, and right now it’s still mainly but not only blacks (other groups get profiled: Hispanic immigrants, white men with long hair or other features, etc.) [though with respect to actual killings by police, the data shows no disproportionate use of lethal force against blacks after adjusting for demographic crime rate, and in fact shows extra restraint]. But BLM has been discredited and a new, non-partisan movement or organization should be started. In addition to its overt alignment with the Democratic party, BLM sugarcoats each and every black person involved in a given incident, no matter how criminal, violent, or out of control he or she is, and indiscriminately villainizes the police officers involved. Then there’s the mindless Antifa vandalism, theft, assaults, and murders; the avowal of Marxist i.e. totalitarian communism by its founders, the calls for destruction of the family, the inappropriate and unwanted conflation with and adoption of gay and ‘trans’ agendas, the list goes on. It has become, or really, was from the outset, a garbage organization with a garbage platform, and it needs to be abandoned immediately.)
9/21/20- Did Jake Gardner Commit Suicide, or Did He Get Tillman’d?
For anyone who has studied the case of Pat Tillman – a famous NFL linebacker and Afghanistan veteran who was praised for quitting the league and enlisting in the Army just after 9/11, but who later defected from the cult of ‘keeping us safe’ interventionism and was on the verge of becoming a very public and compelling voice in the anti-war movement – it seems far likelier than not that he was assassinated by a member of own squad (that, or perhap by a sniper in the vicinity), which was then covered up and cast as a ‘friendly fire’ accident.
Jake Gardner’s case is different in many ways, but is worthy of comparison. Gardner was also a combat veteran, h killed someone who attacked him and tried to seize his weapon outside of his business, and he was then disgracefully charged by a politically compromised Nebraska district attorney, and supposedly killed himself on September 19th as a result. With 48 hours or so having passed after his death, all we’ve heard is that he died ‘by suicide’ and ‘by his own hand,’ ‘outside of a medical clinic’ and seemingly in plain sight, while en route back to Nebraska to face his charges, which are an odd place and context for the act. No further details on how he supposedly killed himself, who witnessed the act, etc., have yet been provided. His body was reported to simply be found by police outside the clinic after an anonymous 911 call, and no information even suggestive of a suicide has been released. Just prior to his passing he stated to friends that he feared for his life and had received a number of death threats.
In spite of the bogus charges by the Wisconsin DA, Kyle Rittenhouse’s self-defense shootings have, like Gardner’s, been defended by large portions of the public, and he will in all likelihood be pardoned in the event of a Trump re-election, but his case has problems in terms of ‘optics’ – he was underage and in some states not eligible to carry, he was not defending his own property, he clearly wanted to be ‘in the mix’ and was very conspicuous about it. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with any of these things, and his attackers, who tried to grab his weapon respectively while he was peacefully standing and later in retreat, deserved to die or we can at least say fully ‘had it coming.’
Gardner on the other hand was outside of his own bar which was being wantonly destroyed by a mob of rioters, and was defending himself, his elderly father who was present (and who had just been attacked by multiple young rioters), and his livelihood. He revealed his weapon to deter an imminent, cowardly mob assault and a ‘protester’ i.e. violent criminal attacked him and began choking him from behind, tried to seize the gun, and was not at all wrongly killed.
Something the anti-American (or anti-liberty, anti-Constitutional, totalitarian, etc.; they admittedly use BLM as a vehicle for Marxist communism, so the adjective applies) BLM engineers certainly don’t want is the creation of Bernhard Goetz-like folk heroes. More Americans would empathize with people defending themselves and their communities (I’d say a large majority already do) and those who already empathize would feel freer and more emboldened to take action to do so themselves.
A veteran who has risked his life for his country (regardless of the merits of the war), survived two major brain injuries, started a successful business in his hometown, and has a distinctive appearance and easy to remember name has the necessary ‘ingredients’ to inspire large numbers of Americans. Tillman had many of the same characteristics. This is why I use the term in the title, at the risk of sounding flippant.
Looking at the prospect of future Tillman-like political assassinations more broadly, veterans as a group are already in the crosshairs and are deeply feared by the shadow government, and based on a number of leaked DHS, FEMA, FBI, and intelligence documents and training drills (regarding ‘homegrown threats,’ etc.), they may be described as public enemy number one of our shadow rulership: the ‘Deep State,’ the Illuminati, however you want to describe and call it. They are armed and proficient with arms, they love their country and act on the principles they hold, they are not averse to risk, they are often disillusioned with the government and war machine, they will not easily be or at all be fired on by their fellow soldiers, they are capable of providing credible and moving testimony on the ills and evils of imperialism, and they are lionized or held in special esteem (as a group, if not always individually) by much of the public.
Of course, it could be a suicide, and I await more details, but it deserves much heavier scrutiny than usual.
9/15/20 – I wasn’t exaggerating when I said the establishment’s only response to true conspiracy theories is to instantly diagnose or ‘psychologize’ the theorist/critical thinker, rather than engage in any way with the evidence that has led to the theory. See this ridiculous piece by The Cube on UK mainstream media for a prime example
Critical thinker: Hey did you hear about that Event 201 exercise last October where they rehearsed a coronavirus pandemic, pretty much with 99% accuracy? There’s a good breakdown of it in the Plandemic documentary. There was also a Rockefeller Foundation report from 2010 called Lockstep that echoes all this in every possible way. If not you should check it out.
Obsequious buffoon: Are you feeling anxiety about the pandemic?
Critical thinker: Huh? Well yeah, I am about our liberties being under siege. The whole thing just seems like a pre-planned hoax. The CDC itself admits the large majority of deaths have little to do with covid, and they ordered doctors to report all deaths ‘suspected as covid’ and ‘with covid’ as covid deaths, so the numbers are way off, and they’re practically nothing compared to other causes of death anyway. I’ve also seen TV shows and movies from 10 and 20 years ago that mirror the plotline to a T – the name, the lockdowns, the ACE enzyme, hydroxychloroquine, everything; really freaky. Obviously it was known about well in advance.
Obsequious buffoon: Can you explain to me why you believe in conspiracy theories? Do you feel under threat?
Critical thinker: What the f-? Nevermind.
9/15/20- A viral comment on the very slippery slope of ‘safe and responsible measures’
I saw this being reposted on YouTube videos and think it should be shared. Many of these things, including the last few, have already happened in China, and Australia is now monitoring citizens’ movements and car travel with drones. We need to say no to the mask and distancing BS now in order to cut the perpetrators off from pushing more control measures onto us. The insanity has gone on far too long and life needs to move forward.
It’s just a mask.
It’s just voluntary social distancg.
It’s just two weeks – to ‘flatten the curve.’
It’s just temporary.
It’s just to prevent an overwhelming surge in the health care system.
We’re all in this together.
It’s just ‘non-essential’ businesses.
It’s just until the surge is over.
Its just to keep others from being scared.
It’s just a sign of caring.
It’s just two more weeks.
It’s just six feet.
It’s just communion or singing.
You can still meet on videochat.
It’s the new normal.
Anyone who does not comply is making things worse.
It’s just until October.
It’s just until more cases go down.
It’s just until we get a vaccine.
It’s just until the virus is no longer an issue.
It’s just the deletion of a YouTube video.
It’s just the deletion of a Facebook post.
It’s just the deletion of a YouTube account.
It’s just the deletion of a Facebook account.
It’s just to protect others from misinformation.
Anybody who does not agree must be a right wing extremist or a white supremacist.
It’s just a nasal swab.
It just hurts for a few seconds.
It’s just for everyone’s safety.
We will need for you to return for repeat testing once every week.
You ideally should wear goggles or an eye mask for ‘more perfect’ protection.
It’s recommended that you wear a mask while you are at home with family members.
It’s advised that you maintain social distance while you are at home with family members.
It’s just until there are less than 6 new cases per 100,000 people.
This may not end until the second half of 2021 or in 2022.
We need to ramp up the testing and tracing.
This is a testing checkpoint. You must submit to a test.
It’s just an app.
It’s just to let us know who you’ve been in contact with.
It’s just to let others know you’re safe to be around.
It’s just a few places that don’t accept cash.
It’s only a temporary coin shortage.
It’s just a no-cash policy.
It’s a convenient card that tracks all your transactions.
It’s just a ban on singing in public.
It’s only facial recognition.
It’s just an ankle bracelet.
It’s just to let us know that you are complying with isolation.
The drones will be monitoring you for your protection to make sure you are complying with quarantine.
You should not have sex without wearing a mask.
You are not allowed to have sex with anyone who is not a member of your household.
It’s just a little prick.
It’s just a quantum-dot tattoo embedded into your skin.
This device provides a brief electrical current to allow the RNA or DNA to enter your cells.
It’s for your health security.
That’s just a conspiracy theory.
It’s so we can keep track of your immunization status.
It’s just a temporary side effect.
It’s just a coincidence – it has nothing to do with the vaccine.
If you feel sick at any time or for any reason, it just means it’s the virus that’s causing it.
If you get sick, then you just have to start again with more isolation and injections.
It looks like we will need multiple booster injections to give you the best protection.
It’s just a new type of mask with built-in temperature and virus sensors that you need to wear all day.
It’s just for medical information and paying for things.
It’s just an immunization passport.
It’s completely voluntary, but you need it if you want to be able to participate in society.
It’s just that you can’t board an airplane without it.
It’s just that you are not allowed to be employed without it.
It’s just that you cannot go to school or university without it.
It’s just that you cannot enter any stores without it.
It’s just that you cannot renew your driver’s license without it
It’s just that you are not allowed to leave your house without it.
It’s just so you can be allowed to drive on the roads.
It’s just so you can be allowed to vote.
It’s just so you are allowed to keep your job.
It’s just so you can allowed inside stores.
It’s only a restaurant closure.
It’s only one small business that has closed.
It’s just a one-time stimulus check.
The economy will eventually bounce back – it will be a “V” shaped curve.
It’s just a temporary job loss.
It’s just a temporary unemployment check.
It’s just a temporary moratorium on evictions and foreclosures.
It’s just an eviction notice.
It’s just a foreclosure notice.
It’s only needed in order for you to be allowed government assistance.
It’s just a temporary bank closure.
It’s just a bank holiday.
It’s just a ban on cash.
The dollar has been devalued.
It’s a brand new digital cryptocurrency designed by Microsoft.
If you care, then you reduce your talking, or stop talking completely when in public.
It’s only required if you want to leave your house.
It’s voluntary but your children will need to be removed from your care.
It’s mandatory.
Without it you will be fined.
If you don’t have it you will be placed in a quarantine facility.
This should end no longer than one year after the entire world has been vaccinated with all four doses.
It’s just until there are no more new cases.
It’s just until we completely eradicate the virus.
It’s unrealistic to think that we can completely eradicate this because it mutates and adapts.
We now believe that the virus will always be with us.
It’s the onset of a brand new pandemic. It’s called “Pandemic Two.”
It’s just a little chip. It’s for health security.
Stop asking questions. This is the law and you are expected to follow it.
This is a lawful order. We are here to remove you and your children from your home. We will be taking you to a safe facility. Please get into the van.
Welcome to the quarantine facility. This is a locked facility for your safety.
You will need to wear a hazmat suit.
It’s just a mask.
“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it”. – Joseph Mengele.
9/14/20- Excellent Piece by James Corbett Illustrating the Many Parallels Between the No-Planes 9/11 Deception and the 95%-Fake Covid Plandemic; We Need to Stand Up, Speak Out, and Refuse to Get Played Again by the Increasingly Predictable and Ham-Handed Clowns in the Shadow Government
(Thankfully people are doing so far faster and in manyfold greater numbers than they did after 9/11. And yes, I and many others did explicitly predict years in advance a fake / vastly exaggerated pandemic that would be carried out, like 9/11, to steal money and liberties; example.)
9/11/20- A Brief Reflection on 9/11 (There Were No Passenger Planes or Hijackers Involved; See Post): As We’ve Seen with Covid, the Media-Intel Propaganda Machine Is Still the ‘Head of the Snake’
While the banking system has immense power, the media and its ‘intelligence-community’ collaborators, even if they were elevated to position by financiers themselves, could truly be described as having become our real government. If the establishment media chose to undermine the banking system and cause a monetary revolution (at least in terms of discrediting and dismantling what we now have, not necessarily to decide what comes next), or change foreign policy, it would probably succeed. If it wanted, with the help of its operatives in intelligence, Hollywood, and federal agencies to start an unprecedented, worldwide panic over an extremely low lethality cold virus, it could and did do so. To win back a free society, we need to reject the media’s transparent ‘messaging,’ tentatively reject any reports from discredited intelligence (until vetted and proven valid by credible parties), turn off the TV, and think for ourselves more. Voting is of far secondary importance for effecting change; individual enlightenment is much more important. Even while active/daily viewership of and trust in mainstream media is plummeting, too many people still turn to them during certain kinds of events; additionally, too many skeptics of the media believe that most other Americans believe the media (even when that isn’t true), which leads them to step in line and keep quiet.
If you’re not yet aware of what actually occurred on September 11th, please see the post ‘The Case for No Planes,’ which proves that no passenger planes were hijacked and flown into the WTC or Pentagon. The explosions came from within and/or cruise missile, and computer-generated airplane images were added during the 17-second broadcast delay with the complicity of the entire mainstream media, from ABC to CNN to Fox News, and later to the 40 or so ‘amateur’ videos that trickled out several years after the event (almost 70% of the non-anonymous versions of which were released by CGI and TV/film industry professionals; similarly, a clear majority of the interviewed on-ground witnesses to the supposed planes were not random, ordinary citizens, but members of the media, including high-level media executives, with very few non-media members interviewed; at that point, within 15-20 minutes of the first explosion, the false notion that planes hit the towers had engulfed the nation and become irrefutable fact; the many bystanders who insisted there were no planes were completely drowned out of the discourse). While almost certainly not an officially sanctioned operation, the plot appears to have been carried out by elements of intelligence agencies, primarily US and Israeli, who were likely associated with a private, international ‘dark[/Luciferian] network,’ a very real thing often referred to as the ‘Illuminati,’ whatever its real name and precise nature. If you’d rather watch than read about the subject, start with the banned film 911 Taboo.
9/8/20- Why I’m a Geocentrist
In the most recent ‘full’ post I went into how little we really know of what is above (and below) us; where the Moon landings were all faked, no non-composite, non-CGI photos of Earth from a great distance have been released, and there is still no compelling evidence man has personally gone beyond 25-35 miles above the Earth (the notions of man having observed Earth from afar, let alone of his imminent exploration or colonization of other planets, continues to be mere fantasy or science-fiction and has never come to fruition, and may never do so due to physical obstacles or limitations; the farthest reached below the Earth’s surface is about 8 miles, via a tiny 8-inch-diameter borehole in one spot; the deepest that has been explored by man himself is essentially only about 2 miles below the surface, e.g. via mine shafts in a small handful of locations; similarly, until just a few decades ago significant swaths of habitable land on Earth had been unexplored, sections of Antarctica still are, and only 19% of the sea floor has supposedly been explored, and to what extent that is true we really don’t know, and it’s not clear what qualifies as ‘explored;’ as far as what of the greater sea depths has actually been lit and seen with the naked eye, it is almost certainly a negligible portion, below 0.1%, 0.01%, or much less). I also made some points in favor of geocentrism, including the following:
1) There are functional geocentric models that are completely consistent with all astronomical observations (e.g. a Tychonic model with elliptical orbits). Thus, heliocentrism and later non-centrism must be said to be based primarily in philosophy, not science. The heliocentric philosophy is mainly predicated on the Copernican or mediocrity principle, which holds that one item in a very large set is likely not ‘special’ or fundamentally different than the others in the set, e.g. one grain of sand on a beach. The problem is that there is no concrete, credible evidence that the two ‘sets’ – of Earth as a life-hosting place and of humanity as intelligent beings – contain any more than one item, which wouldn’t make them sets at all, but instead each one of a kind, so the Copernican principle does not apply, and a central and/or special status (or at least, a ‘limited-multi-centric’ model, with Earth as one of a limited number of major realms) for Earth and humanity can be assumed, as many of us intuitively know to be the case anyway. There’s really nothing ‘medieval’ (in a pejorative sense) or backwards about geocentrism, and nothing advanced about believing in an infinite, non-centric universe, it is simply a shift in perspective from one guided by the science-fiction, CGI-illustrated stories we have been fed since birth, to one rooted in direct experience on Earth, independent of such indoctrination. Again, geocentric models can be 100% consistent with all astronomical observations, and there is no science that uniquely supports heliocentrism, it is essentially only a single, flawed philosophical principle that has held it up. (For those preferring to appeal to the authority of a specialist, “I can construct for you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations. You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds. In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong in that. What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” – George F. R. Ellis)
2) As discussed in the daily post from 5/11/2019, the most fundamental and deep-seated of beliefs that continue to be held by myself and the vast majority of the human population are wittingly or unwittingly not concordant with heliocentrism i.e. non-centrism, or an infinite universe of billions of ‘light-years’ in size (well actually, infinite light-years in size, as required by the hardcore-atheism of modern-day cosmology, which to avoid discussion of God essentially asserts no beginning, end, or physical bounds of the universe). These include belief in a soul, in a spirit world/dimension or heaven/hell, an afterlife, in some form of divine or extra-dimensional intervention in earthly affairs, whether as supreme divine intervention, destiny/fate, reincarnation, prayer-answering, as angels, demons, non-supreme deities, ghosts, or spirit beings among us; in potential eternity of romantic and/or familial love, in reunification with ancestors or spouses who watch over us, etc. The person who rejects all such concepts is rare, and the overwhelming majority of the population today is guided to a great extent on a daily basis and makes the most major of life choices based on these kinds of beliefs, most of which I assert to be valid. A parallel spiritual world or dimension around Earth makes sense in geocentrism. But such a spirit world existing around a random, ‘mediocre’ ball – and thus counterpart billions of spirit or ‘post-life’ worlds existing around or in correspondence with untold billions of other life-hosting balls – hurtling through space and spiraling around a sun that is also hurtling through space does not make intuitive sense at all, and is rather ridiculous. The above beliefs however are by comparison very reasonable if Earth is a central or relatively central, immobile ‘realm’ or ‘phase’ of existence, regardless of its form or shape.
3) No experiment in history up to the present time has proven that Earth is moving, a fact admitted by Hawking, Einstein, and others. No real, non-CGI video footage has ever documented the motion or rotation of Earth. It was only the unoriginal works of the plagiarist fraud Albert Einstein in the early 20th century that led to a manufactured scientific consensus against the existence of aether or ‘luminiferous aether’ as a medium for the propagation or ‘movement’ of light (which had been substantially bolstered / proven by a number of experiments, e.g. the Michelson-Morley experiments, in the late 19th century, just prior to Einstein’s engineered elevation to fame; contrary to characterizations by Wikipedia and other establishment-controlled sources, Michelson himself said, “The conclusion contradicts the explanation. . .which presupposes that the Earth moves;” Einstein said, “I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected in any optical experiment;” Hawking said, “Before the theory of relativity was put forward, it was difficult to become reconciled to this negative result [of experiments meant to detect Earth’s motion]”), where light is still not a particularly well understood phenomenon, and its fundamental nature as a particle or electromagnetic wave continues to be under debate. If aether had not been discarded by Einstein and his followers, there would be no theoretical, let alone scientific / empirical basis for a moving Earth. However, if the Earth were later proven to be rotating in an experiment or by observation, neither of which has occurred contrary to claims otherwise, there’s nothing about a rotating Earth that is necessarily incompatible with geocentrism. Gravity-based cosmology now incorporates made-up, hypothetical concepts such as dark matter in order to be able cram astronomical observations into the conventional-model box. Positing a divine or unknown, non-gravitational force that causes rotation of either the stars or the Earth is certainly not less plausible nor less speculative than claiming that 96-99% of the supposedly universe-governing gravitational matter is invisible.
4) One of the original linchpins of the heliocentric model that requires Earth to orbit a larger object is gravity, yet over time gravity theory has proven not to remotely account for most astronomical observations, and cosmologists have resorted to proposing unprovable, unobservable factors such as ‘anti-matter,’ ‘black holes,’ ‘dark energy,’ and ‘dark matter’ (which are said to comprise 96-99% or more of the universe) to try to salvage the concept and shore up the conventional model. For more than 50 years dark matter and energy have been presented as real, yet there remains no concrete evidence whatsoever that they exist, nor a coherent explanation of what they even are. If the gravitational pull of large bodies does not even come close to accounting for most astronomical phenomena, and must be ‘assisted’ nearly 100% by invisible, alleged, unverifiable matter in order to keep observations consistent with theory, we should question whether the theoretical force of gravity exists at all and whether earthly phenomena said to be linked to it (e.g., g-force) have other causes, which would vary depending on which Earth model is being discussed. If a theory only goes 5% of the way towards explaining observations, it should be scrapped and an admission should be made that we simply do not yet understand celestial dynamics, rather than making an empty, desperate claim that there is 20x more matter than can be perceived.
5) That the Sun and Moon, the two main ‘lights’ in our sky, which have both been ascribed great and comparable importance throughout all of history, would be observed as exactly the same size, while one is allegedly 400 times larger than the other, defies probability to an overwhelming extent. The official explanation is that the Sun is both 400 times larger and 400 times farther (no Astronomy magazine, I don’t believe it); if we accept a reasonable size-differential range of 1x to 1,000x, the odds of this, analogous to rolling the same number on a thousand-sided die twice in a row, are exactly 1 in 1 million. It is far likelier that all people of the pre-heliocentric past were correct, that we have been lied to, and that the two bodies are in reality roughly the same size, and that unknown, non-gravitational celestial forces/dynamics are either causing their movement or the Earth’s movement. Relating also to the point above, it is not at all unreasonable to assume unknown celestial forces substituting for gravity, especially in a geocentric-globe model, since humans have never been even remotely close to the altitudes in question, let alone studied them intensively. Just as a person living in a vacuum or deep underground would have no inkling of the nature of terrestrial climate and weather, we would have no inkling of natural phenomena at altitudes/distances beyond our experience. Such a force or forces that could cause revolution and suspension of stars, planets, the Sun and Moon, could also cause orbiting and weightlessness of objects flown to a great enough height (as well as ‘hold down’ or ‘bend’ the seas and pull falling objects in a geocentric-globe model, or in a non-globe, non-flat model). Since we’ve never been to ‘space’ beyond 25-35 miles and it’s obviously different in nature from Earth, it is entirely reasonable to suppose it has characteristics that we do not yet comprehend. To reiterate the first point above, all astronomical observations are consistent with a geocentric model, including all solar and lunar phenomena.
6) While I don’t believe in most daily horoscopes, I do believe astrology is a legitimate science or field of study in some way, whether or not it is understood today. Agricultural astrology was accepted for millennia, even recently, e.g. it was studied by Ben Franklin and included in his ‘Old Farmer’s Almanac,’ a fact omitted from most discussion of the book, and is still practiced today. An apparent primary or central focus of civilizations who performed feats we still do not understand today was astrology, the movements/positions of stars and planets. There are no ancient, advanced societies who did not ascribe paramount importance to astrology. It seems exceedingly unlikely that these disparate, far flung civilizations were all totally, fundamentally wrong about astrology or the importance of star position. In the vein of point #2 above, it is also unreasonable to believe that random, merely imagined patterns among alleged septillions of stars, many of which are said to be trillions of miles away, would have any considerable role in or effect whatsoever on an unspecial planet at a random point between them. Yet in a geocentric model with much smaller distances and a limited number of stars, it makes sense that stars and planets would have some active divine or heavenly role that could bear substantially on human life, as was believed by all past civilizations of advanced achievement.
In the aforementioned post I described myself as ‘leaning geocentric,’ but due to the above advantages of a geocentric philosophy, I now prefer / accept geocentrism or ‘limited-multi-centrism’ (where if Earth is not at the center per se, it is one of a limited number of realms) over heliocentrism / non-centrism. If new and valid evidence surfaces that would suggest otherwise, I remain open to it, though I don’t at all expect it. This isn’t at all a rejection or condemnation of real, terrestrial science, it is skepticism of unobservable or independently unrepeatable phenomena, unproven, untested theories, and computer-generated imagery largely or exclusively provided by government agencies with a long history of perpetrating grand deceptions against the public. As for the exact shape or form of the Earth, I remain agnostic on that. No credible person or agency in any Earth-shape camp has witnessed the whole Earth from a great enough distance or altitude to cast a certain judgment, and all Earth models I know of have problems that appear to be unresolved.
9/5/20- The Wuhan ‘Zombies’ Were Either Faked, Poisoned, or Sick from Something Else; A Major Prop in the Corona Hoax Examined (link)
This article presents a strong case that the Wuhan ‘zombies,’ who reportedly fell dead in the middle of the street, were either pretending, were poisoned, or were sick from some other pathogen, primarily since nowhere on the face of the Earth has seen a similar phenomenon. This was one of the main ‘props’ used to spook the populace, along with celebrity performances by Tom Hanks and Chris Cuomo, and apparently false rumors about bizarre symptoms. If the aforementioned dead weren’t genuine covid victims, that would suggest, as I’ve longed believed is probable, that China is ultimately controlled by the same powers that control the West, and is in on the hoax. That’s how you can reconcile claims that Biden and other powerful Western figures are ‘bought / owned by China,’ while they are clearly also beholden to the Western shadow government. They’re not owned by China, they’re simply controlled by the international powers that control both the West and China and use the latter as a testing ground for the high-tech totalitarianism they wish to incrementally foist on the rest of the world.
8/30/20 – CDC Admission: Only 6% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Are from Covid-19 Alone!
Subtracting cases with non-covid primary causes of death (Alzheimer’s, suicide, homicide, serious cancer, heart disease, etc.), where a person merely died ‘with’ covid and not from it, and assuming no further malfeasance or ‘mistakes’ (e.g. outright-fraudulent death-reporting by connected doctors, faulty test kits, deaths wrongly ‘suspected’ of being covid and counted as such without verification via testing, etc.) there have only been around 50,000 covid deaths in the US, which makes it smaller than the 2019-20 US flu-season toll of 62,000. Real deaths aside, covid-19 is easily one of the greatest hoaxes in human history, as well as one of the most evil plots ever carried out, given that it has destroyed likely hundreds of millions of livelihoods and is with zero doubt part of a broader plan to track and enslave the entire world populace.
8/29/20- The Establishment Media Has Been Obsessing Over Q-Anon and [Non-Debunked, Real] Pizzagate for Months; Thoughts on Q-Anon
I fairly regularly tune in to NPR and right-wing talk-radio to keep abreast of the latest propaganda themes on both sides of the aisle (and at the same time to try to glean some unbiased news from them), and have noticed a huge portion of NPR’s programming is now devoted to discussing Q-Anon, and by extension, Pizzagate; similar articles have also come out recently in the Atlantic, New York Times, and other establishment rags. Almost universally, the commentary consists of puzzlement and lamentation that people could possibly believe there is a shadow government that is not only up to no good but up to the worst things, unsurprisingly with little to no critical examination of the evidence that has engendered such beliefs in great numbers of people; the commentators instead leap straight to psychological diagnoses, explaining how ‘conspiracy theorists’ are crazy.
While I’ve never been a believer of the full Q thesis (that Trump is orchestrating some kind of mass takedown of the powerful, that Mueller was actually in Trump’s camp, etc.), and assume it has been co-opted into or created in the first place as a psy-op, I do agree with many of its core claims (whatever ‘it’ is; which seems to be a group of anonymous [now banned] Twitter and 4Chan accounts claiming they are associated with Q-Anon): that there absolutely is a ‘Deep State’ aka shadow government aka permanent government aka media-intel-banking complex, that a certain faction or subset of political and economic elites have long been involved in child sex abuse and sex-trafficking of children and adults, including in a ritual format and including murder, which ties in with Pizzagate, a subject I have gone into at length; and in terms of more contemporary developments, that Epstein, who had [has, since he’s most likely still alive] ties to the Mossad, CIA, and possibly other agencies, was obviously running a blackmail operation – financed initially by Les Wexner, Leon Black, and other billionaires – to control powerful figures in the US and around the world.
As noted in the extensively sourced Pizzagate Is Anything But Fake News, which proves that the many-faceted investigatory findings called Pizzagate are absolutely not a ‘debunked conspiracy theory,’ but serve very much as a lens into a real and important problem. If you’ve heard that Pizzagate is ‘batshit crazy,’ baseless, etc., which you invariably will in any establishment discussion of the subject, check out that post.
The Q-Anon position appears to be that covid-19 was triggered primarily to short-circuit a major development in the supposedly looming ‘declass[iffication of FISA documents]’ and mass arrest of Deep Staters. While I don’t at all buy that as the plandemic’s primary goal, since it’s clear from a wealth of predictive programming that the coronavirus scheme was conceived at least 20 years ago, I would accept it (in the form of distraction of public scrutiny from the general topics involved in the Epstein case, e.g. rampant sex abuse and blackmail among the political elite; any such mass arrests however seem highly doubtful) as another of the many birds targeted with one stone.
8/28/20- The Kyle Rittenhouse shootings are a clear case of self-defense, no crimes were committed; Were/are shadow-gov operatives in the Kenosha police trying to set up a militia vs. protesters street battle?
Regardless of all the variables – Kyle Rittenhouse’s background, the merits of BLM and its status as an engineered protest, the merits of the ‘Blue Lives Matter’ movement and the possible engineered status of any BLM-counter-protests – this was a case of self-defense, and the bogus first-degree murder charges are clearly political in nature. People have the right not just to own firearms but to bear them in public. If someone attempts to wrestle away the arm, it becomes a potential life-or-death encounter and the attacker can be shot in self-defense. In Rittenhouse’s second encounter, one of the rioters who he shot was also aiming a pistol at a him, which makes it even more clear-cut. It doesn’t matter what Rittenhouse’s opinions on things are, why he was at the protest, or whether he was ‘looking for trouble.’ He was apparently conducting himself peacefully and thus has a right not to be attacked.
As for whether the cops should have swarmed and arrested Rittenhouse for walking down the street afterwards, the cops did not know Rittenhouse was the shooter (armed protesters have become a regular sighting at these events) and he was not holding his gun up or in any kind of threatening manner. In a Constitutional society where our rights are respected, police should not be alarmed or threatened by the sight of armed citizens, even at protests. (I agree that a black man is significantly likelier to have trouble open-carrying in America and would almost certainly have been treated differently, but that doesn’t mean that a white person shouldn’t be able to exercise his or her rights. We need to respect the rights of all people; treating non-blacks worse and denying them their rights does nothing to help black people, it only lowers the bar for all of us, which is the goal of the media and shadow government. I encourage all black people to exercise their rights to arm themselves, bear arms publicly, and take an active role in protecting their communities.) In the broadest sense, as for whether I might support a violent insurgency against the status quo, BLM’s billionaire-backed Bolshevism surely isn’t it, so it’s a moot question.
The most significant part of this incident might be the possibility that elements within the Kenosha police are attempting to set up a ‘street battle’ between militia groups and protesters.
8/22/20- The Covid-19 Micro-Pandemic Was Over in NJ in May as Predicted, Yet the Masked Madness Continues
In mid-March prior to the ‘lockdown’ I stated that the covid-19 reaction was wildly overblown, and that ‘the curve’ would be reduced to baseline or insignificant status within 7 to 8 weeks. In mid-to-late May daily deaths began to decline, and deaths have lagged serious infections by a week or two; which means that the barely-there pandemic, which has only killed 1 in 10,000 people worldwide, where the Spanish flu killed 1 in 30, was essentially over in early May. Yet it took until late June for many businesses to open, and a percentage of people are still walking around with masks. I’m speaking about the NYC / Philadelphia area, which was affected earlier than other parts of the country.
A testament to the long-ago end of the pandemic is the empty hospitals. In April, the tiny capacity of hospitals (where there is only one hospital bed for every 400 citizens or so in a given area, and only one ICU bed for thousands of citizens) was close to its limit. Now, there are fewer people in hospitals than ever, since covid is more or less gone and some people are hesitant to seek treatment for non-covid issues. I asked someone who works at a major, top-5 hospital in the Philadelphia area if the ‘scene’ at her hospital was still crazy, and she scoffed at the notion, and said there are only 15 covid patients currently being treated at her hospital, which serves well over 100,000 people, upwards of 200,000. The owner of the Twitter account linked below has filmed at a dozen-plus hospitals in the Washington DC and Baltimore area, and in every case both the hospitals and testing sites are desolate, with no evidence of a pandemic, let alone a serious one.
No RNA-virus vaccine other than MMR has ever worked, no coronavirus vaccine has ever worked, no cold vaccine (of which coronavirus is one) has ever worked, no flu vaccine has ever worked reliably, and even Fauci and the establishment ‘experts’ are predicting a best case of a mere 50% decline in the already-minuscule likelihood of a serious infection. That’s not immunity, just like flu-shot takers are not remotely immune to flu. I will much sooner take the 99.96% chance that my immune system will defeat the virus without medication or a vaccine (or that I won’t get infected at all), than inject myself with the virus, supposedly to avoid that 0.04% chance that I would die (the chance for me is actually far lower, since that percentage is for all age groups). Our shadow-government rulers plan to keep our economy shut down or suppressed for months more, and in some places try to force-inject the population with a disease and who knows what else, ostensibly so that instead of 1 in 10,000 people dying from covid, 1 in 20,000 will die, and that’s at a best case. Obviously, this circus is the result of a political and social agenda, not a medical emergency.
8/16/20- The Spanish flu was 277x bigger than covid-19 per capita (even accepting all the falsely counted covid deaths); cut the comparisons.
The Spanish flu killed 50 million of 1.8 billion people (2.77%). Covid-19 has killed 760,000 of 7.6 billion (0.01%). In places with no or minimal measures, the Spanish flu killed more than 5% of the population. In two places with minimal measures, Belarus and Sweden, covid-19 has killed 0.005 (1 in 20,000) and 0.05% (1 in 2,000) respectively. Accounting for death-reporting fraud, the Spanish flu likely killed 500-750x more people per capita than covid-19.
8/15/20- The world has an average of 2.7 million flu ‘cases’ per day (1 billion per year), killing upwards of 1 million people per year (and unlike ‘coronavirus-linked deaths’ and ‘suspected covid deaths,’ flu deaths must actually be proven), along with millions of common-cold cases per day. Since covid isn’t considerably worse than the flu or a bad cold, it doesn’t need to be counted case-by-case, or beaten by a vaccine, lockdowns, masks, or medication. Like with colds and flu, it already is beaten – by the immune system in 99.8-99.9%-plus of instances. And like with colds and flu, that’s acceptable. We have an open, relatively sane society (sane relative to this one) with cold and flu viruses – without digital tattoos or microchips, immunity passports, and UPC-scan-like temperature-taking upon entry (stupid, since almost all fevers are not from covid) – so we can have one with corona viruses. In no country on Earth, including countries that did virtually nothing, has coronavirus killed more than 1 in 2 or 3,000 people. That in no way justifies fundamentally altering our lives. Premature heart disease and cancer kill 1 in 4 and 1 in 6 respectively. The altering of life we’ve seen is due not to a bona fide major health threat, but to a transparently pre-formulated political agenda to control and even enslave us, whether suddenly or incrementally. I don’t permanently begrudge people for being taken in by the tsunami of covid propaganda, since I and others were with previous events like 9/11, but at some point, hopefully weeks and not years from now, you have to recognize the vastly disproportionate response to the threat level, and to other medical risks, which gives away the game that this is a political / social / economic-engineering event.
8/6/20- If you still have doubts covid-19 is a pre-planned exercise meant primarily to institute a medical/scientific dictatorship, justify forced vaccination, and perhaps usher in bogus ‘immunity passports’ or even a microchip / tattoo – with secondary objectives of discrediting Trump, enabling massive voter fraud and the election of a mid- and soon late-stage Alzheimer’s sufferer / puppet President, eroding local-scale communities and economies, and providing a cover-story and scapegoat for the controlled implosion of the fiat/debt/Dollar bubble – watch this brief video
We’ve had pandemics hundreds of times worse than covid, thousands of times worse adjusting for population. The flu infects 1 billion annually and routinely kills 700,000 officially, and upwards of 1 million per year unofficially, still more than coronavirus has after 9 months, even if we count the huge percentage of fraudulent death reports, and in modern times nothing has been done for any of them that is in any way comparable.
Comparing the historically-minor medical reality to the increasingly ridiculous response, covid-19 is accurately described as a hoax, and an extremely pernicious one. Sure, a relative few have died (<0.01% of the world population or fewer than 1 in 10,000 people have died, and many, probably most of those claimed deaths are false), but people die of a multitude of other things that we say or do virtually nothing about in comparison.
In banning recreation and social and religious gatherings, imposing ‘lockdowns,’ and now in Australia, allotting people just one hour per day of ‘yard time’ to exercise outdoors, it’s clearer than ever that the agenda behind covid-19, as with 9/11 and so many other engineered events, is to move us closer to the status of government-owned minimum-security prisoner, and further away from free citizen.
7/3/20- Wall Street Journal: ‘New Data [from Europe] Reveal Just How Deadly Covid-19 Is for the Elderly’ (WSJ laments a ‘staggering death rate;’ when 1 in 666 people over age 75 have died in Europe from covid-19) (link)
If an outsider looked at life in 2020, the absurd extent of the proposed precautions relative to the impact of the virus, they might think humanity had become insane enough to forget that death-not-by-covid exists.
The article notes the disproportionately high toll in nursing homes. The average stay in a nursing home is two years. Sadly, almost everyone there is going to die very soon. A sizeable percentage will die just a few weeks or months after admission, with or without covid-19. In many cases, people who got coronavirus may have died a week or two earlier than they otherwise would have. In those who died of pneumonia, the death could’ve been the cold, flu, or something else, but since covid-19 was present in the facility, they assumed covid and blamed covid for all deaths without even testing the dead. Pneumonia from cold, flu, covid-19, and other causes is just about the only thing that can kill you when you’re old, frail, and don’t have another serious disease, which is the case for many nursing home patients.
11.8% of the US population is 75 or older. Europe is significantly older, so let’s say it’s 13% there, or 96 million of its 741 million people (as I’ve pointed out, Italy alone has 800,000 people over age 90, almost all of whom will die in the near future, and 17,000 citizens over 100). The article notes with alarm that 80% of [supposed] covid-19 deaths in Europe are in people over 75, 144,000 of 180,000 people (the true number actually caused by covid is almost certainly under 100,000 total). Without even accounting for the rampant, CDC-sanctioned death-reporting fraud (see also) , that means that just 1 in 666 (0.15%) of Europeans over age 75 died [supposedly] of covid-19 (96 million/144,000), and the number who actually did die of it is probably well under 1 in 1,000. Again, 665 out of 666 Europeans over age 75 have survived covid-19. That also means that 17,916 out of every 17,917 Europeans under age 75 (645 million people under age 75 / 36,000 of them supposedly dead from covid) have survived the covid-19 outbreak. 1 in every 666 older senior-citizens have died, yet from WSJ’s article you’d think we lost an eighth, quarter, or half of that age group.
It’s proven that a huge portion of covid-19 are fraudulent – they’re wrongly assumed as covid, covid was merely present and had nothing to do with the death. Adjusting for that, we’re talking about maybe 200,000 bona fide deaths worldwide, which is 1 in 38,000 people. The data shows that the worst conceivable scenario – if it eventually became as ubiquitous as the common cold – could mean that up to 1 in 1,500 [mostly very old] people or so, adjusting worst-case scenarios for demographics, would die from it per year for a couple years. It’s not a major cause of death now, and there is no reason to believe it ever will be. As for people you know dying from it, the average person knows about 600 people. Moving to the second degree – the friends family and acquaintances of friends family and acquaintances – that number explodes to hundreds of thousands of people; hearing of a few deaths doesn’t signify a major pandemic (by the fourth or fifth degree you’ve covered pretty much the entire human population).
To repeat, we’re looking at virtually zero deaths among children, maybe 1 in millions; among non-senior adults, the rate is 1 in many tens of thousands, and among ‘the most vulnerable’ age group of senior-citizens, 1 in 666 have died, where senior citizens over 75 statistically have a substantially higher than 1 in 666 chance of dying each year anyway, whether or not there is covid-19. As noted before, the overall [supposed] covid-19 death rate in the general population is about 1 in 16,000 people, where something like 1 in 3 die from heart disease and 1 in 4 from cancer. How does 1 in 16,000 justify a ‘new normal’ and shutdown of the entire world? Neither would 1 in 1,600, nor 1 in 160.
Covid-19 is obviously being used to promote long-term social-engineering goals (increased surveillance, mandatory vaccines, institution of medical tyranny / scientific dictatorship), but it’s looking more and more like a primarily political operation to unseat Trump at any cost. People who are on board with the absurd, pointless, counterproductive mask, distancing, and shutdown measures are either A) not looking at the data, or unable or unwilling to reconcile it with the vast scale of society or B) intentionally hyping it to further their social and political objectives.
Does that mean that, in an absolute sense, I want Trump to be president of this country? Not at all. But neither do I want a mid-stage dementia sufferer backed by warmongering psychopaths who stage pandemics (and shootings, and bombings, etc.) and destroy nations and economies to achieve their political ends. It has never been clearer we need a third party to break out of the two-party, lesser-of-two-evil duopoly.
7/2/20- The Book of Revelation: Divine Prophecy, Sinister [Human/Demonic] Plan, or Both?
While I acknowledge that the Bible is full of wisdom and truth, and I believe it contains some divinely inspired word and respect it as a special book, I would say that it is an imperfect product of man, as both individual books/texts and a compilation of texts. The texts were written by many different men, chosen for inclusion in the canon by many groups of men over a thousand-plus years, translated by men, and there are are many texts that are not considered part of the Bible in some religions (e.g. Enoch), but are in others. There are also at least a few verses of questionable good and truthfulness. Man’s integral if not exclusive role in the Bible is why I’m not a Bible literalist, and I don’t consider it, as a single, whole text, to be perfect or the direct word of God.
As we enter a period where world powers clearly aspire to implement dystopian social-credit systems, to track, tax, and control the population with no limit via microchips, biometric identification, and other technologies, some of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation, surely one of the most important books in the Old and New Testaments, are claimed to be coming true. What I’ve considered, though, is whether Revelation is a prophecy from benevolent prophets inspired by God, or could instead be a plan, a ‘script’ of sorts invented by malevolent forces, human and/or otherwise. It’s clear that some people in power badly want some of the things prophesied, if not the ending of the story, to come to fruition. So a natural question is, did [prior people like] they themselves write the prophecy?
It’s certainly conceivable that writers at the time of Christ could, by themselves and without assistance from other beings, envision world domination, and imagine alignment with or allegiance to the ruler of the world to be displayed in a permanent ‘Mark of the Beast.’ The envisioned application of the mark in contemporary times is the microchip or barcode, but back then it could have been a tattoo or iron-brand. Both interpretations are allowed by the text of the book, and there is really no high technology of any kind that is implied. It’s also conceivable that if such an outcome were to be beyond the foresight of man, that evil men received inspiration from non-human, sub-God being(s), and that such beings had a hand in the writing of the book, as well as in formulating some elements of organized religion.
It’s also possible that the prophecy was not divine but represented contemporary fears of the writers and was posited as happening in the near future (i.e. during Roman times), but then later, when Christianity began to be used more heavily as a political tool of control and conquest, power-hungry people took an interest in the potential of Biblical prophecies as a long-term ‘battle plan’ against free people; there is ample evidence that since at least the late Middle Ages, if not well before then, the Western world has been infected with something approximating continuous rule by people who have some relation, association, and/or allegiance to each other. A fourth possibility is that the prophecy is not true (or if it is, that it won’t happen anytime soon), that people in power had nothing to do with the contents of the Bible, had no plan to use its prophecies against the people for most of the last few centuries, and in order to lend themselves more gravitas began to consider ‘becoming the [Biblical] bad guys’ and emulating Revelation prophecies only in the last 100-150 years, as the concept of a world government and world financial system/currency took firmer root in their diseased minds.
To continue with the original premise that Revelation could have been written for evil purposes, presenting a conspiracy of man and/or ‘demon.’ i.e. a sub-God malevolent being, as a divine prophecy would be a very effective way to quell resistance against such a plan. This is a disturbing truth, but one that cannot be evaded. On the one hand, the faith that one is on the side of God is a powerful thing, and has often inspired people to resist to their deaths various worldly agendas. On the other hand, if such people of faith were a minority, it might lead them to be brushed aside as insignificant defectors, while the majority fall victim, and the plan succeeds and gains a foothold. Presenting the plan as a widely told prophecy also makes the plan and its proponents ‘larger than life,’ and gives them an air of grandeur and inevitability. A prophecy, if originally made with good intentions, might also be altered later by sinister forces; recent scriptural re-interpretations like pre-tribulation rapture could allow for the resigned acceptance of the mass-elimination of dissidents, for example. Again, this is a disturbing question, but a valid one. Of course, the prophecy could also be both true and made by benevolent prophets; but since it came from man, and since there are a number of other ‘competing’ prophecies in other religions, I think all scenarios (correct prophecy, incorrect/obsolete prophecy, originated as plan, adopted as plan) are fair game to ponder. By ‘both’ in the title, I am referring to a form of pre-determinism, where man’s actions are known by God in advance, even if man is not aware he is moving on a certain path and fulfilling a prophecy.
If people are able to retain a general faith in God and ‘spiritual connection’ but reject or suspend belief in prophecies from other men, it might allow them to better resist these potential outcomes, and increase the likelihood of some unpredicted third outcome, which history shows has always been the likeliest result anyway. As for whether the above suggestion, that parts of the Bible might have been written for a nefarious purpose, would be blasphemous, it is hard to imagine that man would be punished by God for doubting the claims of other men, who are fallible and often driven by worldly interests. Man has reason and spirituality, and does not need other men past present or future to discern truth and reality, or have a relationship with God. One can respect other people and accept knowledge and guidance from them without believing they are unique messengers of God, delivering divine word.
(As I’ve said many times, I believe in a benevolent, one God, and I consider the teachings attributed to Christ to be good. Beyond that, I think many of details are on less solid ground. I emphasize this point because prominent, likely establishment-funded documentaries in the ‘truth movement’ like Zeitgeist undermine the legitimacy of religions while not making a statement of faith, and I think it’s important not to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater,’ and translate inquiry into the legitimacy of some or all organized religions as criticism of general religious faith.)
6/27/20- It’s Irrational to Believe Covid-19 Was, Is, Will Be, or Could Have Been a Major Pandemic; Not This Past Spring, Not Later This Year, Not Ever
Unless the shadow government engineers its ‘return’ as a fundamentally different pathogen, there is no reason to believe the coronavirus will ever become a serious pandemic. (And we’ve long known the shadow government can kill many of us, individually or as a group, through a virus or otherwise, so there’s no point dwelling on that now or ever.)
Coronavirus was reported in virtually every country and territory on Earth 5 months ago. It was proven to be in Italy by December 2019. That means it spread like wildfire – back then. Dozens of data points – sewage analyses, spot testing of large cities, universal testing of small towns – show that a double-digit percentage of people, upwards of 30-50% in some areas, already got the virus. If it returns naturally (as opposed to being spread intentionally again), it will return as the flu- or cold-like virus we had the first time – a low-lethality, highly contagious pathogen that does not result in immunity after infection and does not in any way justify a societal shutdown.
In Lombardy, where death-certificate fraud was rampant (in Italy, 99% had pre-existing conditions / comorbidities, and the majority had several of them), only 15,000 people supposedly died, most in their 80s, many in their 90s and beyond. This is out of the province’s population of 10 million people, so 0.15% of people or 1 in 700 people died. That is not a historic crisis; it’s frankly a minor blip that would barely register under normal circumstances. Nationwide in Italy, 1 in 1,764 or about 0.05% died. Considering that many countries and regions did little or nothing, had few or no medical resources, and fared far better than Lombardy, Lombardy has to be considered the worst conceivable death-rate outcome. Not coincidentally, the death rate there is directly in line with the flu death rate, and the true case incidence was probably flu-like as well (we don’t know the incidence, since only 3% of the population has been tested; it doesn’t matter [just like testing doesn’t matter with flus or colds], since the virus is not really present there any longer).
Even if a ‘second wave’ were to be 10 times worse than the first has been – which is totally unrealistic given that the pandemic has already reached everywhere, and viruses tend to mutate away from lethality – it would not even kill 0.1% of the world’s population. If everywhere became a ‘nightmare scenario’ ‘red-zone,’ deaths rise by 10-fold, and ‘everywhere became [Lombardy] Italy’ (which is impossible since the average age there is double that of many countries), just 1 in 700 people would die. Because Italy’s population is uniquely old, 1 in 700 is much worse than the worst that could conceivably happen, even if no action were to be taken and all attempts to contain the virus failed utterly, as they did in Lombardy, NYC, etc.
Is it reasonable to fundamentally change life on Earth, force people to accept a vaccine or even a microchip and be taxed, traced, and controlled without limit, wear masks everywhere and never socialize or celebrate on a medium or large scale for years on end – in order to prevent 1 in 10,000, 1 in 1,000 people, 1 in 100, or even 1 in 10 people from dying? As sad as the latter would be, absolutely not, it would not be reasonable or worthwhile. So far, 1 in 16,000 people worldwide have [allegedly] died from covid-19. (And it’s all a moot question, since the measures kill more than they save.)
At this point, and for about two months now, individual support for the draconian measures must not be said to be based in science, rationality, or an examination of evidence, but are instead political or emotional / psychological in nature (just like the 9/11 aftermath was almost entirely psychological, and there was no real threat), or in today’s peculiar climate, a mix of both. (Admittedly, I too was affected psychologically by this event, but I tried to remain aware of it and keep it in check.)
(I don’t like to view things through the ‘Q-Anon’ lens since I don’t think Trump is a true outsider and I strongly disagree with much of his politics, but you have to wonder whether this is just another [vastly ante’d up] Russiagate, Cohengate, Stormygate, Impeachmentgate, Floydgate, yet another of the engineered crises we’ve had every day of Trump’s term, and before he even won the election. The timing of this event did coincide directly with the prompt failure of the impeachment charges, and Trump’s opponents who staged the other crises are so insulated from ordinary life, so viscerally opposed to him that I wouldn’t at all put this past them as a last-ditch attempt to unseat him and somehow get a dementia patient elected president [the polls showing a Biden lead are bogus, as were the ‘99% certainty’ (1) projections of Hillary victory]. While the ‘Trump virus’ or ‘Trump is the virus’ premise is tempting – where covid would simply disappear as a major issue some time after Trump’s November defeat, just as the swine flu got little attention during Obama’s term – my leading theory is that this is primarily unrelated to Trump, since the agendas in play have existed for many decades, and a push for them was poised to happen regardless of who would be elected in 2016, evidenced by the numerous pieces of blatant predictive programming, dating to well before Trump’s rise [that is, unless we go a step further and say that Trump’s election itself was anointed as acceptable and/or otherwise foreseen by the power structure, which I don’t rule out, since ‘the world stage / world as stage’ metaphor for major world events seems increasingly to be literal, rather than figurative (see link; from 1995) (2) (3); the card game is only one source, there are hundreds of similar exhibits in cartoons, movies, books, many of which I’ve posted before]. The election-season timing and its potential to derail Trump could be a secondary (a close second) motivation and benefit.)
The lockdown didn’t work anywhere, there has been no success with the measures taken, no one made a mistake by going to the beach or a bar, no one made a mistake by opening states or countries back up, no one made a mistake by not shutting down at all, e.g. Sweden, who did no lockdown, required no masks, and has [supposedly] lost 0.05% of its population or 1 in 2,000 people. The lockdown killed far more people than it saved, and it destroyed hundreds of livelihoods and permanently altered hundreds of adult lives and hundreds more childrens’ lives for every one [median-age 81] life lost, lives that were in many cases already close to death and could have been taken by a cold, flu, heart attack, cancer, etc. It’s time to acknowledge the enormous folly and reverse course. I’m sorry for anyone who lost a loved one, but I also haven’t asked that the world come to a halt any time I’ve lost loved ones in the past. Time moves forward, and we can’t stop death by hiding in our homes; it does more harm than good. I’m sorry for the health workers who have undergone stress, but the medical capacity is tiny and only covers about 1 in 400 people (for all ailments, not just corona), and it takes very little to completely overwhelm it. Anecdotes from health workers about busy hospitals do not necessarily indicate any kind of existential threat (if we used just a sliver of the stimulus for medical preparedness, we could have sufficient capacity in the future).
As for the ‘experts,’ they can be wrong, they can be politicized, even those in white coats. Fauci’s career is riddled with terrible predictions. The WHO is a ‘globalist’ / One-Worlder organization, and the CDC, like the FDA, is an arm of the Western shadow government, whose reach is not restricted to intelligence and investigative agencies. These health agencies are compromised by powerful interests, they do not have the public’s interest at heart and never have. After 9/11, 100% of the counterterrorism and national security experts, decorated generals, etc., who spoke to the media were dead wrong about what happened, what the threats were, how we should respond, and it’s not much different now.
The ‘surges’ are minuscule, and are significant relative only to the minuscule ‘first wave’ death tolls before them. It’s absurd that we are even mentioning single- double- and triple-digit health statistics in a population of 7.7 billion, where 60+ million die annually – we have never done so with any other disease or non-homicide cause of death, including cold and flu which kill 1+ million annually from pneumonia. The reason is because this event is 99% economic, political, and social engineering stunt, 1% health threat.
All that’s needed to end this ‘pandemic’ is a change in perception. Not a vaccine, not distancing, not masks. If there’s any ‘second [large] wave,’ based on what has happened thus far it will be 100% certain that the pathogen is merely a second bioweapon attack on the world.
6/11/20- Moving the Plandemic Goalposts: From Pushing Down the Curve, to Eliminating It, to Masks and ‘Distancing’ Until a Vaccine, to Mandatory Vaccines . . . to Microchips? No, That’s Just a ‘Conspiracy Theory’
Sure, this doesn’t directly link a microchip agenda to Covid-19, but the timing is way too much for a coincidence, and the event is ongoing. As for the ridicule of such inquiry as ‘conspiracy theory,’ decreasingly few take that term’s derogatory connotation (which was concocted by the CIA in the wake of the JFK assassination) seriously anymore.
6/6/20- Blacks Are Mistreated by the Justice System, But the Data Doesn’t Support Disproportionate Brutality by Police
Police kill about 1,100 people per year in the US in a category of deaths that are generally defined as justifiable homicides. Blacks are over-represented among the dead, as is often decried – but black men, if only a small percentage of them, are also several times more likely as a demographic group to be involved in high-stakes, violent criminal incidents than white men are. Adjusting for demographic crime-rate, white men who commit crimes are considerably more likely to be killed by police during arrests than black men who commit them; not less likely. I went into this several years ago, when ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests were first highlighted by the media. There are exceptions, but the white men who are killed by police are generally cast as lunatics, criminals, drug addicts, bums, etc., and their stories are quickly disregarded, in many cases barely reported or not reported at all; even when the killing is outrageously unjust, there is no national outrage, or in other words, the media doesn’t manufacture a national outrage or ‘national conversation.’ Their lives ‘didn’t matter’, because they had no champions in politics or the media, and no one really benefited by calling out their killings [when wrongful] – not soapboxers like Al Sharpton (who seem to care very little about justice or truth, and just want the spotlight), not Democratic politicians, not the media that seeks to destabilize and divide the population 24/7/365, black against white, cops against non-cops, etc. (It would be easy to characterize George Floyd in unflattering ways – – as convicted ringleader of a home invasion, convicted armed-robber, convicted thief, crack abuser, employed as part-time porn actor, high on meth and fentanyl, apparently very drunk and attempting to drive away from the scene, who was screaming about claustrophobia and refused to get into the police car; his lengthy rap sheet and five prison sentences have been described by the media as ‘brushes with the law’ (link) (of course, this isn’t to say the officers who killed him shouldn’t be jailed) – – but he instead has been cast as a gentle giant, community leader, role model. This isn’t to smear Floyd, just to demonstrate his wildly favorable portrayal by the media, which helps expose the whole thing as a ‘social justice psy-op,’ whether it was faked, or was completely real and just seized on by the media as an opportunity to push an agenda.)
Sure, we could point out that men like Eric Garner and George Floyd weren’t involved in violence (though Floyd was apparently about to drive drunk and/or high) (we could also point out the irony that Floyd [assuming it happened as reported, and the whole things wasn’t yet another fake or staged event] was arrested for using counterfeit currency, when US Dollars / Federal Reserve Notes and all fiat currencies are legalized counterfeit issued by the legalized criminals in the banking system), but for every one of those cases, we can find a white person who didn’t present a threat to police either, e.g. Tony Timpa, who was killed after calling the police for help, with multiple officers pinning him down by their knees against his pleas for 15 minutes, including multiple minutes after he stopped breathing, and joking about it all the while; the police were charged with misdemeanors, which were promptly dropped.
There are dozens of major reasons for the higher crime rate among black men, not limited to but surely including historical factors like slavery, segregation, and discrimination; economic factors; single motherhood (which is encouraged by the social welfare system), the introduction of drugs en masse into black neighborhoods by intelligence agencies, the imposition of a false history and heritage which I have spent a great deal of time helping revise, deeply disparate conviction rates and sentencing outcomes, chemical and pharmaceutical compounds that harm blacks more than others (link), etc., but that’s another, much longer conversation. Neither police nor any person can be expected to take any of these many factors into account when actively defending his or her own life; I certainly wouldn’t. (Though again, I’m not claiming George Floyd was endangering the officers, or claiming he was not killed in a criminal homicide/murder; I’m speaking on killings by police in general.)
Police brutality is real, racial profiling is real, racism is real, sentencing disparities are real, criminal homicides and murders by police (even if they do not specifically target blacks) are real (race itself does not appear to be real, because it cannot be defined/bounded even in the allegedly ‘purest’ people; in the same vein, there is a huge amount of genetic diversity/difference within the alleged races – especially among people called black); unfairness for black citizens in America is undoubtedly still very real. All that said, the notion that police disproportionately kill blacks for racist reasons, the ‘hands up don’t shoot’ mantra – which seems to be the main basis for the protests – is not supported by facts; the statistics actually indicate a greater degree of restraint being practiced with blacks, probably to avoid a negative-PR tsunami (and the resulting firings, criminal charges) like we’re seeing now. The killing of non-violent, non-threatening offenders like Floyd and Garner happens to people of all ethnicities – the incidents that involve blacks are merely highlighted more often, usually for political- and social-engineering purposes, while those that don’t are generally ignored. We need change, but it has to be rooted in truth, not lies, exaggerations, and mischaracterizations.
6/1/20- Thoughts on ‘Black Lives Matter’
I’d like to clarify my position on the Black Lives Matter movement in the context of the recent events. First, I hold no ill will towards anyone who attends the protests. I agree with most of the ‘official’ goals, like trying to put an end to profiling and disparate sentencing (which can be reined in, but may be impossible to end altogether because institutions consist of people who have opinions and worldviews, who can exercise their own discretion in a variety of open and less open ways). I choose not to participate in the rallies because I’ve never considered BLM to be a genuine, grassroots movement. There a lot of well meaning people within it and I applaud them for wanting change, but it was created by the establishment, by the media and shadowy NGOs, and it is sustained and periodically resurrected by the establishment; so on net, I’m not expecting good things.
I participated in Occupy Wall Street in 2011, and found that it was heavily co-opted by shadow-government and Democratic-establishment-linked organizations, and was full of undercover law enforcement and perhaps intelligence agents posing as protest leaders and rabble rousers. The real protesters within it were ultimately drowned out by the well oiled, trillion-dollar machine that infiltrated it, and the same seems true of BLM. That said, it’s not like BLM is a definable entity that somehow owns all racial-justice protests or runs them, but people do latch onto the phrase enough (rather than come up with their own messages for their signs) to make it seem official, and strengthen and entrench its official element.
When protesters (many of whom are provocateur [often white, often paid] outsiders) loot and destroy property in or around their own neighborhoods, what does that accomplish? It doesn’t constitute justice, it doesn’t threaten the broader infrastructure and force concessions, or seriously challenge or re-appropriate any vital corporate or government interests. It just makes where they live worse, makes prices higher there (due to the risks and downsides of doing business there) and jobs fewer (“), makes outsiders less likely to want to live near the people there, and more likely to want to keep them where they are, and it probably makes life harder and less comfortable for blacks who live outside of those neighborhoods. That’s the hard reality; most people white black and otherwise just want to live in peace, ease, and goodwill, to the greatest extent they can. It also makes police feel separated from society, feel under attack, and feel justified in their increasing militarization. Given all that, i’s no wonder the establishment and its media, which consists of 95-100% whites at its highest levels, promotes BLM at every turn. That said, paid provocateurs have been intentionally trying to define the protests by looting and violence, as they have done with so many other protests of the past, so it may not be fair to give in to these characterizations; though it seems to be true that much or most of the looting, regardless of who started it, is not being done by provocateurs.
As for whether violent protest is inherently bad, violent actions have worked throughout history, even more than peaceful protests have: but only towards the ends of territorial secession or autonomy, which doesn’t seem to be the goal of any significant percentage of the movement.
5/31/20- First Arbery, Then the Central Park Incident, Now Floyd: We’re Obviously Getting Played, Again
Does anyone really believe, after months of relative silence [by the media] on the issue, for upwards of a year prior to the coronavirus, that these recent events – which have now become weekly, almost perfectly scheduled occurrences – are all organic?
Clearly, the shadow-government / media-intel complex has decided to initiate a new destabilization campaign against the American population, as the ‘first wave’ of the [overwhelmingly] manufactured, pre-planned coronavirus crisis begins to wash out. A day cannot go by with at least one line of attack against the people, to keep them off-balance, distracted, scared, anxious, and unable to move towards any productive form of change.
My guess is the following:
1) The killing of Arbery was resurrected intentionally, known about and held in waiting
2) The Central Park incident may have been an outright, play-acted hoax
3) And as has already been proven, nearly all of the Floyd riots have been partially engineered, and have involved violence either by undercover law enforcement, intelligence, or ‘NWO’ / ‘Illuminati’ provocateurs, where said private network has deep infiltration in both police and intelligence agencies. In one ridiculous scene, a full pallet of bricks was left in the area of a protest, without any explanation (link). [White, older] ‘organizers’ have also been filmed slipping cash to black, teenage protesters, who then commit random acts of violence (link). [I don’t like to link so much to one channel and don’t necessarily endorse all its content, but for whatever reason this channel is one of a few that hasn’t been banned]
Then you have the killing of Floyd where, if it happened as reported – which is always in doubt given that the media works almost exclusively with managed events and crises – appears to be a case of some form of homicide, somewhere between negligent manslaughter (by failing to render any aid, and not changing positions for three minutes after Floyd lost consciousness) and murder depending on the exact circumstances of incident, on Floyd’s pre-existing medical status and actual cause of death, Chauvin’s record, etc., but undoubtedly some form of criminal homicide, in which the other officers should be charged as accesories, occurred (this is assuming that Floyd actually died and the whole thing wasn’t staged, which I don’t at all rule out, since I know with 100% certainty that other similar, politically or socially catalyzing events – e.g. Sandy Hook, Boston, San Bernardino, Nice, Munich, dozens of others – many of them involving police officers, have been faked outright, and amount to actual theater).
Even if Chauvin’s charges prove to be heavier than they should be, making an example of one person to deter future brutality isn’t the worst thing in the world, when almost all of the thousands of similar offenders of the past have gotten off with a paid vacation.
All that said, don’t be a puppet on a string, and get jerked around on cue by the media.
5/17/20- A population-adjusted 2-8 million people died from the 1969 Hong Kong flu pandemic. An adjusted 6 million died from the 1957 flu. There were no lockdowns, no nothing, life went on. Coronavirus has killed 300,000 people so far, 0.05% of the population or 1 in 25,000 people, fewer than die each year from drowning and dozens of other causes. As stated many times, 61 million die each and every year; far more perspective is needed. If 6 million die in the future from a bad flu, that will mean losing <0.1% of the world population, and life will go on. If we did nothing about this and the media and shadow government didn’t go nuts over the virus, it would have barely registered.
It should be eminently obvious to everyone by now that the coronavirus was a thinly veiled hoax planned ahead of time as a means to implement a ‘new normal’ of a worldwide medical police state. In the many countries where there was no lockdown or minimal measures taken, the virus killed 0.1% or much less of the population in every case. The lockdowns have undoubtedly killed far, far more than they saved, and made only a marginal impact, if any, on the death toll from the highly contagious and very low-lethality virus itself. As noted, 500+ adults have lost their livelihoods (and thus 2,000+ children have lost financial support and had their lives altered) for every 1 [extremely dubious, given the CDC’s fraudulent methodology] coronavirus death.
It couldn’t be clearer that this is a medical 9/11, a totally preplanned ruse to steal money and liberties, and if the Chinese government had anything to do with it, which doesn’t seem likely, the West was centrally involved.
We all need to say no to ineffective and toxic vaccines (they don’t work for colds or flu, and won’t work for this; that they’re obsessed with injecting you with something should give everyone great pause), no to pointless mass-testing (if it’s not that deadly, why do we even care who has it or has had it? We don’t care who has colds and flu), no to meaningless ‘immunity certificates’ (when there are already 30 mutations and counting), no to wrongheaded, invasive, futile contact-tracing and temperature-taking (again, we don’t care if someone has a fever from a cold or flu, so are we going to arrest adults and children with colds, mild flu, and ear infections now and force them into quarantine?!]. It’s time to speak up and put an end to this insane, evil agenda.
5/14/20- Trump Says He Would Use Military to ‘Distribute’ Coronavirus Vaccine (link)
As I’ve explained, a coronavirus vaccine would like the flu vaccine in all likelihood be ineffective, since 30+ strains already exist and mutation continues. It would like the mercury-laden flu vaccine in all likelihood be toxic, probably far more so than the flu shot, given the gigantic economic, social, and political agenda that is so obviously behind this pre-planned pandemic event.
And no, egg isn’t on my face regarding Trump: while I preferred Trump to Hillary in 2016, I never once posited Trump as a true outsider, and thought he might only be mildly to moderately better or marginally worse, and that Hillary was a guaranteed [continuing] disaster. That said, Trump has in most cases so far backed off his ‘red button’ ‘red line’ bluster, so we’ll see what happens. Either way, I do know that I am among at least tens of millions who won’t have anything put in my body involuntarily.
5/14/20- Facebook and YouTube Ban Coronavirus ‘Plandemic’ Documentary (link)
I’ve argued for years that the establishment Western news media including Fox News is 100% propaganda, akin to a 24/7 bad movie, and that the onslaught of ‘messaging’ that we are subjected to in this country is every bit as purposeful and potent as that of China, the USSR, Nazi Germany, etc., if not even more so. The linked CBS segment further supports that belief.
(No, they are not driven by money or clicks, they operate on a closed circuit, and are not subject to democratic or market forces: largely bank-owned major corporations are funding them with advertising, and the federal government has granted them exclusive licensing.)
Some takeaways:
The tightening of censorship by tech giants is ‘improving fact-checking services.’ (This echoes language in HR 6666, which describes breaking down your door and arresting you as ‘providing testing services in residences.’)
‘One person’ or ‘one organization’ has engineered all protests and all speech in protest of the destructive, agenda-driven lockdown.
Dissidents who protest the unconstitutional lockdowns or question the virus’s origins are ‘what we call threat actors’ [and ‘Chinese-linked actors’] ‘seeking to sow propaganda and discord’ and worse, are even ‘the bad guys,’ which in media-intel propaganda-speak tends to mean they are fair game for anything and everything.
5/10/20- Dr. Phil Is Still Right, Drowning Kills More People Per Year Than Coronavirus [Allegedly] Has (link) (link) (link)
And the drowning deaths are all real, most of them children, while at least half of alleged coronavirus deaths are fraudulently attributed to the virus. ‘New normal’ my ass.
5/10/20- Visualizing the Exploding US Federal Debt
I saw a post on YouTube that the national debt represents 275,000 tons of $100 bills. I then spent about half an hour crunching some numbers, and figured I’d share the results.
If you laid $100 bills end to end you could cover the distance from New York to Los Angeles 8,928 times: that’s 24.9 million miles worth of $100 bills laid end to end to reach the national debt.
There are 4 million miles of roads in the US, meaning that at a 24-foot average width you could coat all roads in the entire country with $5 bills, and you would only reach $23 trillion.
Once the debt reaches $38 trillion, it will be possible to cover the entire world’s 40 million miles of roads, both paved and unpaved (at a generous estimate of 20-foot average width), with $1 bills (4.2 trillion square feet of currency). This would also be more than enough to cover the floors walls and ceiling of every dwelling on Earth (about 1.16 billion of them) with $1 bills.
If you were to count the cost of preserving the status quo (there are more than $200 trillion in unfunded federal liabilities, setting aside the vast amounts in unfunded state liabilities), the debt in $1 bills would completely cover all states east of the Mississippi.
And if you were to include all potentially outstanding USD debt in derivatives, mortgage debt, all public and private debts, totaling roughly $2 quadrillion, you could coat all of the US, Canada, and most of Europe (about 9 million square miles) with $1 bills.
(Before you call for ‘fiscal conservatism’ aka ‘austerity,’ and ‘paying down/back the debt,’ (which would be good things in an ideal world, but don’t apply to our situation) try to obtain an understanding of debt-based money, and you will see that doing so is impossible, and attempting to do so is undesirable and would simply result in mass foreclosure. The only long-term solution to the world debt crisis is to terminate the major currencies – either honestly, or by inflation – and undergo a monetary reset.)
5/8/20- Staying at Home Kills Over 1 Million Annually from Colds and Flu; Why ‘Excess Deaths’ Is a Garbage Metric
It’s universally accepted that staying home in fall and winter causes and worsens flus and colds (including colds from non-covid-19 coronaviruses), creating a ‘season’ for those illnesses and killing well over 1 million annually. Then there are all the other known-to-be-lethal factors that staying at home (and job loss) brings, whether they are causative or just correlative to said flu and cold deaths: stress, inactivity, poor diet, social isolation, lack or absence of caregiving and supervision of elderly by family, fear of seeking medical care for emergency / potential-emergency non-coronavirus issues, inability to seek non-emergency / preventative / diagnostic / supervisory care due to offices being closed, poor or delayed care due to distracted medical personnel and diverted resources/equipment (which have in many cases sat idle), loss of medical insurance in the case of job loss, etc., etc..
Covid-19 is a very ‘flu-like’ illness, as are all coronaviruses, so much so that studies I’ve posted on past novel, human coronaviruses were hindered by an inability to distinguish between human coronaviruses and the flu / colds (link). Why anyone would believe the dynamics now are magically different is beyond me; that covid-19 is so different from all other coronaviruses and respiratory viruses that it is not only greatly ameliorated by a lockdown, rather than exacerbated as would be expected, but that that amelioration heavily overcompensates for the dramatic exacerbation of all non-covid flu and flu-like illnesses that lockdown / stay-at-home undoubtedly and uncontroversially causes: and thus is worth it. Like the laws of physics were suspended for the 9/11 official story, common sense has been suspended for this plandemic.
I saw a nauseating yard sign today that said ‘No Baseball This Year, But We’re Safe at Home’ (with ‘safe at home’ in italics). No, you’re not safe, you’re in many cases in greater danger than you were before [of getting cold or flu, which kills people in many cases], you’re not saving lives, you’re not helping humanity. The alarmism you are aiding and abetting is destroying the economy, crushing the livelihoods of 1,000 or more people for every bona fide coronavirus death (typically in people who were already on their death beds), and directly and indirectly causing far more deaths than coronavirus without a lockdown would. While helping to cause vast amounts of new, non-coronavirus death, these same people will point to that same excess mortality this year as proof that the coronavirus was very lethal, even that we undercounted deaths, and pat themselves on the back.
61 million per year die from various ‘invisible enemies’ otherwise known as illnesses, we can’t stop it, lockdowns will only make nearly all of them worse, and 300,000 from a new virus (0.4% of total deaths) is frankly nothing – even while well over half of those deaths, maybe up to 70-80% have been fraudulently attributed to the virus, and even while the virus (and potentially some co-pathogen e.g. a pneumonia bacteria] was and perhaps is still being unleashed on us by our own shadow government. It’s as if people forget we have a population of 7.7 billion people and lose all sense of number and scale. Viruses, especially those with a 0.03-0.3% death rate, aren’t new or special, they’re ubiquitous and occasionally cause death; if there’s nothing particularly unjust or unfair about death from heart disease or cancer (and there often is, when it’s the result of toxins in air, food, water, and/or of toxic medical treatments), there’s nothing unjust about a virus death (but there is in this case, since it was spread intentionally; but excepting the people who are investigating/establishing the virus’s origins, we may as well overlook the biowarfare question and attempt to move forward in a sane way that departs from the shadow government’s cure/vaccine ‘post-pandemic agenda,’ which will surely be worse than the [apparently relatively mild, putting aside a few outlier cases, real and/or fake] disease itself).
4/30/20- Video Illustrates How the Covid-19 Plandemic Is a Vector to Chip, Track, and Tax Everyone
RFID tagging (potentially through a mandatory vaccine), restricted movement, unlimited tracking, unlimited taxing. For at least a century (in the sense of real progress towards it being made), this has been the agenda, everything else – the various 20th century wars that brought in various ‘new normals,’ 9/11 and the War on Terror, the recent spate of faked events (e.g. Sandy Hook, Boston), this event (a mixture of fakery and reality), a potential future mega-event like a fake alien invasion – is a stepping stone. If they don’t go for a chip with this event, compulsory vaccines will be a way to condition the population for other things being forced into their bodies. To completely derail the agenda, all we have to do is stop believing the official narratives around the events that attempt to further it, and speak up about the fact that we don’t believe. It really is that simple. For this to work, we have to go voluntarily, and for us to go voluntarily, we have to believe it’s in our best interest.
The coronavirus is apparently a weaponized [most likely by the West, not China, based on how the West’s shadow government is responding] cold virus (with a true death rate of 0.03-0.15%, no worse than the flu, and maybe less deadly) and there are already 30+ strains of covid-19, joining the untold thousands of other cold viruses that exist (which is why there can never be a common-cold vaccine). Like the bogus flu vaccine, a coronavirus vaccine won’t work, in spite of all the hype. As for ‘herd’ immunity, we’re basically already there in some hotspots, where 15-30%-plus of the population has already been infected with it. Yet that too will be elusive, like it is with flu and cold, since viruses mutate.
With at least half the deaths fraudulent, we’re looking at around 100k bona fide deaths max, where 700k die from the regular flu. As I said before the lockdown started, it’s a new flu by a new, scarier name, and it hasn’t changed life in any real, articulable way (other than in providing an excuse to enact a pre-formulated agenda).
4/28/20- Staying Home Kills (and wearing masks probably does too): The Lockdown Will Undoubtedly Take More Lives Than It Has Saved, and Likely Has Already
700,000 people a year die from flu and flu complications (e.g. viral pneumonia), and hundreds of thousands more die from cold viruses that also routinely progress to pneumonia in low-immunity people.
We’ve been told our whole lives that ‘colds’ and flu are not caused by low temperature, but by being inside too much. In the last two months people have stayed inside far, far more than any other moment in human history. If being indoors at normal fall / winter-time levels is in fact a major contributor to the deaths of 700,000 people per year (2.5 million die from pneumonia), what might being inside twice or three times as much (or wearing a mask and inhaling your own dirty, low-oxygen air all day) do, in terms of exacerbating and lengthening flu-death season?
Surely it could cause a 20, 30, 50% or greater increase in deaths, which exceeds supposed corona deaths to date. In terms of ‘self-quarantining,’ ‘social distancing’ measures etc. the ‘lockdown’ likely achieved very little, given how contagious the virus is, how long it spread (for months) prior to measures being implemented, how inadequate the measures taken (allowing people to shop regularly, almost always while wearing low-quality masks) would be against that level of contagion.
This doesn’t even begin to account for the enormous effects of stress, isolation, lower activity, worse diet, hesitancy or refusal to seek treatment due to perceived chaos and danger at hospitals, or the indirect, millions-high death toll from the massive, long-term economic and psychological damage (25 million are now unemployed, 500 Americans have lost their livelihoods (which affects many more accounting for their children) for every 1 corona death there has been [i.e. supposedly from corona, often not], and healthy food is generally more expensive than unhealthy food). If it hasn’t already, and it may well have, corona alarmism will undoubtedly kill more in the long-term than it will ever save. Sure, the shadow government can continue releasing new ’rounds’ or ‘waves’ and killing more people intentionally, e.g. next winter, but that’s not a case of man versus natural threats, that’s a whole different animal.
Most ‘non-hotspot’ nations tropical and otherwise, who on average have few ventilators, ICU beds, etc. are doing very little to combat this virus and have had barely any deaths, none of them are emerging as ‘the new hotspot.’ The small handful of countries with many deaths (close to 90% of them) were clearly targeted either by heavy mass-dispersal of the virus, or by natural viral spread plus a co-pathogen like a pneumonia bacteria delivered by air or water (something comparable to the pneumonia bacteria that killed hundreds of people in Northern Italy a few years ago via shower steam), to make it seem like the virus caused the pneumonia.
As 9/11 mixed fictional planes and hijackers with real tower destruction, this pandemic appears to be a mix of city-specific targeting, fake stories to scare people including fake deaths, and the cooking of the statistical books to falsely attribute deaths to the virus. But corona has changed virtually nothing about our physical reality: the world is
>not any different than it was before, deaths from corona are still insignificant compared to all-cause deaths
(representing just 0.3% of deaths this year, and many if not almost all of that tiny percentage were primarily caused by other factors, or the result of an intentional bio-attack on certain cities, neither of which ‘count’ as normal viral deaths), life is not in fact measurably more dangerous than it was, society is not more fragile or vulnerable (except against government edicts and media mind-control).
Like was and is the case with 9/11 (where the dangers of cave-dwelling terrorists and planes-as-missiles were and are essentially just an illusion), recovering from this event won’t be an external project (e.g. medical, military, etc.), but a psychological, internal one. And like with 9/11, most people don’t want to hear that in the midst of it.
4/23/20- Divide and Conquer: Media Caught Staging [Alleged, Probably Paid Goon in Scrubs] ‘Nurse vs. Trump Supporter’ Photo Op
4/19/20- Corona-Madness Update: Walmart Wraps Caution Tape Around Rakes, Garden Seeds, and Charcoal Briquettes; Dr. Phil Was Right
(I’m not familiar with and don’t endorse channel, just using as source for clip) It seems the establishment wants to keep this kind of insanity going on as long as possible. They’ve closed the parks and beaches, cordoned off forest trails, and they’re now trying to keep people out of their own yards: they want you inside (and thus more likely to get sick), away from your family, glued to the TV and YouTube (which in its increasingly censored form has become an extension of TV, with the exception of a dwindling handful of channels), and masked up, breathing in low-oxygen air filled with your own bacteria. The CBC is even butting into your family life, telling you how to speak to your parents and siblings about the virus in text-message group chats.
Yes, people have sadly died, but in spite of city-specific targeting, and accounting for the massive amount of fraud in death-reporting and after-the-fact ‘surges’ (of deaths that occurred weeks before and were added to the total; the US and Italy seem to be leading the pack in ‘liberal’ death-reporting), we might be at around 50-75,000 bona fide deaths, compared to 700,000+ from the flu annually (where unlike corona deaths, flu deaths must be proven via testing; many of the 2.5 million pneumonia deaths per year are likely from flu, but not officially attributed to it; with corona, mere suspicion of the virus’s role, and in the US, the simple presence of the virus in any corpse, is enough to chalk up another death). Subtracting the targeted cities and adjacent regions, we’ve barely cracked 15,000 deaths worldwide; I wish deaths from corona and other causes were zero, but they’re not, they’re 60 million per year: the response should be proportionate to that of other health threats. Common-cold viruses (of which corona may be one, in weaponized / mass-dispersed form) kill hundreds of thousands of low-immunity people per year after they progress to pneumonia. Every single day as many people die (165,000) as have died worldwide from the coronavirus so far. And Dr. Phil was right, more people do die from drowning per year than have supposedly died from coronavirus, twice as many in fact (300,000-400,000 per year), most of them children. (link) (link)
4/15/20- A New Censorship Low: YouTube Has [Shadow-]Banned the Don Henley Song, ‘Inside Job’
While ruminating on the overwhelming likelihood – for me a certainty – that the Covid-19 situation is the product of human conspiracy, seemingly much more likely by Western elements than by the Chinese government, the song ‘Inside Job’ from July 2000 by Eagles-founder Don Henley came to mind (I promise, it wasn’t as corny as it sounds). I’m not acquainted with any of Henley’s other solo work, but I thought the song was catchy when I first heard it as an intro track on a podcast, and it was heavily circulated online the last I checked a few years ago.
Then I did a YouTube search, and came up with absolutely nothing. Eventually I found the song on BitChute, where some banned YouTubers have migrated. Some of the most obscure tracks imaginable are found on YouTube, often with single, double, and low triple-digit views. The odds that this popular song, which is perfect for a visual montage / slideshow, would become magically absent from YouTube are zero.
Anyone who is paying attention knows that YouTube is really ThemTube and has been very heavily censored for years, and now admittedly suppresses any subversive or controversial ideas. But this is a new low, so pathetic that it’s almost funny, where a song with the mere mention of a conspiracy is banned. The apropos lyrics are linked here. With banned songs, and with Facebook doing things like warning and re-educating users who liked ‘false’ coronavirus posts, the US is rapidly moving towards a mode of clownish, ham-handed, Communist / totalitarian-style governance; if we don’t check it, poverty and waning relevance won’t be far behind.
4/14/20- More Evidence Proving City-Specific Targeting and/or Statistical Malfeasance (probably both)
The top 5 coronavirus-death nations (US, UK, Italy, Spain, France) have had 73.3% of all deaths (89306 / 121844). The top 10 countries (all of them USD/EU/GBP nations, plus China and Iran) make up 88.4% of deaths (107693 / 121844). There have only been 14,000 deaths worldwide outside of these 10 countries. When 60 million per year die of all causes, does that really yet qualify as a ‘global pandemic’?
The average number of deaths in the above group of nations (8 ‘allied’ nations, plus 2 enemy nations) is 10,769 (13,904 average if excluding Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany which may have been targeted with less virus and/or instituted a higher evidentiary bar for cause-of-death reporting), and the average in other [‘non-aligned’/non-enemy] nations is 80 deaths. Targeted nations, which have some of the best health care systems and infrastructure, have 134x more deaths (173x more in the top 7 countries) than non-targeted. In a completely connected world that has been exposed to the virus for at least several months, this cannot be dismissed as coincidence, or explained away; if it can, I’d like to hear how – 2x, 3x, 4x would be cause for alarm and scrutiny. The discrepancy is almost certainly due to aerosol spraying or some form of mass infection in a small number of cities (e.g. water-supply contamination), paired with ‘very liberal’ / fraudulent death-reporting methodologies.
(Yes, the nations in question are larger than average and I’m not adjusting per capita (I have already done so below, based on older data), but even adjusting for population the above are more than 10x higher, when they should be considerably lower in many cases. I think looking at it in terms of nations and not just population is helpful, since the powers behind certain nations have certain goals, and when nations that don’t have those goals or power structures exhibit dramatically different patterns, it indicates an artificial i.e. human-directed characteristic of the event.)
4/13/20 – A thought: if coughing and sneezing are meant to expel pathogens from your body, could masks be trapping them in and making illness worse? Conventional wisdom is that germs come from the outside and must be blocked from entering. But an infection, regardless of its nature and source, is an internal problem. Is trapping (and rebreathing) all of your moist, pathogen-rich breath right in front of your nose and bacteria-filled mouth a good idea? It is known that ventilators cause very large incidence of pneumonia, and a somewhat similar dynamic could be at play with masks. People can make their own decisions, that’s just my thought on a potential factor that might be pondered. Of course, the alternative of infecting those around you isn’t good, but unnecessary use (such as wearing one while driving or while by oneself as I’ve seen, etc.) could at least be avoided.
4/13/20- Gates-Backed EcoHealth Alliance and CIA-Front USAID Funded the Creation of Modified Bat Coronaviruses with Human Infection Potential in 2015 – to the Protests of Many Scientists (and the journal that published the results initially hid both groups’ involvement) (40:25; but whole video recommended)
4/13/20- The Farces of an Effective Coronavirus Vaccine, Antibody Screenings, and ‘Immunity Certificates’
As a category of viruses, human coronaviruses, including ‘novel’ human coronaviruses of the past, which were identified as far back as the 1960s, have been predominantly cold-like or mild/moderate-flu-like viruses, similar to the rhinovirus; both categories of which can progress to pneumonia and kill people in precarious health. There is no vaccine for the common cold, or single antibody for it. There is no single antibody for the flu, and flu shots do not work (and make some people sick) because there are thousands of mutations of cold and flu viruses, and a perfect match-up between the strain injected, the antibodies present, and the strain infected is unlikely. People have some flu antibodies, but not all that are required for a total shutdown of the virus (since there are so many strains and mutations), which allows it to continue infecting 1 billion people a year in spite of supposed vaccine immunity (anecdotally, people who get the flu shot get the flu every bit as often as those who don’t). Neither a vaccine nor antibody tests will assure immunity from coronavirus to any high degree. There is no reason to believe a Covid-19 vaccine would work considerably better than the flu shot, as there are already many mutations in the first season alone, and Covid-19 may become an obsolete, mostly extinct strain in the near future. As with flu and cold, the best protection against corona is to get and remain in good health, and optimize your immunity, until herd immunity develops.
4/12/20- ‘But I know a doctor or nurse, and they say it’s bad’
The US only has 2.9 hospital beds per 1,000 people, around 400-700 per hospital, with a 65% occupancy rate, or 1 unoccupied bed per 1,000 people. If we assume three-quarters of those unoccupied beds / hospital departments might be repurposed for coronavirus victims, that’s 0.75 available beds per 1,000 citizens. (I’m making that 75% figure up, but it’s close enough for the point here not to be moot.)
So a city of 1 million people would only have 750 free beds, let alone ICU beds, that are available for any unforeseen catastrophe, i.e. for coronavirus patients; and the already stressed and busy staff are not accustomed to handling and often not able to handle a sudden 40% workload increase. Thus, hospitalization of an additional 750 people per million (which is almost exactly what NJ currently has in hospitalized coronavirus patients, for example), while hardly constituting an existential crisis, would completely overwhelm hospitals and their staff, creating the [true] impression of a ‘crazy’ and tragic situation ‘on the front lines.’ While it is indeed both of those things inside the hospitals and for the families involved due to the relatively tiny capacity of the hospital system, and I empathize with the struggles of both these groups, it cannot be considered necessarily reflective of large-scale catastrophe and carnage on the streets.
If 750 extra hospitalizations per million would be a crazy scene and a maxing-out of capacity, a mere 1,000 extra out of 1 million (0.1% of population) would be chaos. Instead of following our usual crisis-response course of showering the banks and big corporations with trillions in instant bailouts for their bad bets, we should stockpile equipment and supplies to be prepared for a future medical surge, and possibly have some kind of volunteer ‘first-responder reserve corps’ to aid existing, full-time personnel – but that isn’t conducive to fear, panic, money-grabs, and expansion of control via more ‘shock and awe’ events in the future, so the US establishment probably isn’t interested.
As for instances where doctors and nurses are getting gravely sick and dying, medical staff, especially when ill equipped, are far more likely to receive huge viral loads and/or be infected with multiple strains at the same time, which can severely exacerbate symptoms. Again, this is tragic and lamentable, but not necessarily reflective of a typical outcome for lay people.
4/11/20- As the Discredited WHO, CDC, and Mainstream Media Cling to Their 3.4% Death Rate, Updates on Lowest Death Rates (average of 10 lowest countries is 0.3%, or 0.03-0.06% adjusted for unidentified cases):
Faroe Islands (0%)
French Guiana (0%)
Kuwait (0.09%)
Qatar (0.2%)
New Zealand (0.3%)
Singapore (0.3%)
Uzbekistan (0.4%)
Iceland (0.4%)
Latvia (0.4%)
Oman (0.5%)
Costa Rica (0.5%)
Bahrain (0.6%)
Russia (0.7%)
At or around 1% (give or take 0.1-0.2 points): Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Finland, Slovakia, Chile, South Africa, Senegal, many others
Accounting for both asymptomatic and mildly/moderately symptomatic cases (anywhere from 75-95% or more of infections, even if symptoms are more severe than flu; seasonal flu is severe enough to require hospital admission in just 0.3-0.5% of cases) that have not been and in many cases will never be identified as coronavirus infections, and not even addressing the major issue of fraudulently reported deaths highlighted in posts below, the real long-term death rate is clearly 0.125% or lower, possibly closer to 0.01% depending on the country and its demographics (1 in 10,000) (seasonal flu can range from 0.05-0.1%, potentially higher if accounting for the many ‘untraced’ pneumonia deaths). Don’t forget that even common-cold viruses can be deadly to low-immunity people, young and old.
As recently as last night, Colbert (who used to be funny, but has been in TDS hospice care for years now; and been paid $20 million-plus to stay there) mocked Trump for merely doubting the 3.4% rate.
A true death rate of say 0.15% would mean Italy has had 13 million infections (including reinfections, as routinely occurs with the flu), which is comparable to flu and cold patterns, and completely unlike the official statistics is entirely consistent with the nation’s apparent approach to herd immunity.
4/11/20- It’s a Plandemic, a Scamdemic, a Power & Money-Grab – Can the Coronavirus Obedience-Training / Herding Exercise Also Be Called a Hoax? It Seems So
There have been red flags from the outset, but more and more evidence is emerging of the abundance of fraud and fakery around this event. The real death and infection rates are in the area of 100x smaller and larger than reported. Flu-linked pneumonia deaths are magically way down, and ‘suspected coronavirus deaths,’ tallied up as bona fide deaths, look to have taken their place. 2.5 million worldwide die of pneumonia infections every year, only about 500,000-700,000 of them officially attributed to seasonal flu, providing an enormous pool from which to ‘suspect’ and falsely draw. Whether it was a second, third, fourth-ranked factor, or in the US even a non-factor, anytime the virus is found in a dead body, a death is fraudulently added to the ticker. Deaths on the whole don’t appear to be up at all – in Italy, January to March of 2020 showed the lowest total death count in four years, even with the virus.
As noted below, the most likely scenario is that the coronavirus is a low-lethality bug that can be expected to considerably harm or kill the tiny percentage of people, both older and old, who are already on the edge of death, but more than that, was meant to race through the population, resulting in unfounded panic (relative to its mild danger), and to show up in people who die from other causes, allowing anyone who so much as coughs before he or she dies to be wrongly counted.
The techniques and effects involved in the perpetration of what I will indeed term a hoax, given the unprecedented world response to a modest threat (the measures did little to nothing, given how contagious the bug appears to be, and the months it had to spread) – where the death toll is 100x lower than was projected on the day of the shutdown: from 2.2 million in the US to 20-25,000 – include but are surely not limited to the following:
-Outright fake deaths/infections/identities, like we’ve seen in the many fake shootings and bombings (I’ve noted below ways these ‘cancelable’ identities can exist) produced by the shadow government
-Fake/exaggerated/pre-planned infections in high-profile celebrities (we’re looking at you, Tom and Chris)
-Asymptomatic or mild infections of the wealthy/powerful that would go undiscovered in the unconnected
-Targeted infections of cities (not necessarily a more deadly strain: simply being exposed to a greater amount of the same virus can result in worse symptoms and higher mortality) to overwhelm hospitals there and create a panic outside of those cities, and ensuing organic spread of the virus from those targeted cities (where the targeted cities as a group have 40x more deaths per capita than non-targeted areas)
-Extreme statistical distortion of the death rate and toll via many methods: uncounted infections, misattribution of primary death causes, incorrect or purposely false suspicion of the virus’s presence
-A pre-planned, orchestrated response by the CDC and WHO, likely based off pandemic drills like Event 201, with the reaction slated to move ahead regardless of the actual gravity of the situation.
Obviously, the establishment has the resources to sicken or kill us at any time, and forecast, create, and respond to as many ’rounds’ of this as they want. We need to arm ourselves against the psychological elements of the attack (the most important aspect; the virus is a mere vehicle that could be exchanged for any number of threats), which will be far, far worse for mankind than the barely perceptible uptick in death itself, if there even has been one this time – as opposed to the book-cooking, sleight of hand, reshuffling we’ve already identified.
4/10/20- Multiple studies further confirm that coronavirus is far, far more widespread, and therefore far, far less deadly than predicted, and still claimed by the discredited CDC (link) (link)
Two unrelated studies have further confirmed dozens to hundreds of times more people have had this virus than reported. How else could 740-million population Europe be reaching herd immunity with mere hundreds of thousands of supposed total cases? More like tens or even low-hundreds of millions.
For many weeks now, the official statistics have clearly been a complete joke to anyone who analyzes the situation carefully, and are intended to make the death rate seem high and justify a lockdown.
From the beginning I’ve seen two categories of possibilities:
A) Covid-19 is a highly contagious, mild or approximately-standard-lethality flu or cold (there have been many corona cold viruses) by another, more ominous-sounding name, meant to inspire fear and create a panic, or
B) Covid-19 is a highly contagious, delayed bioweapon meant to kill or debilitate us en masse.
Either way, the chances are exceedingly high that either 1) you’ve already gotten it or will soon get it, regardless of the measures you’ve taken or 2) that you will voluntarily get it through a vaccine.
Anyone who thinks things through knows that the ‘powers that be’ can kill any one of us individually or many of us as a group at any time. It’s disturbing, but I just put it out of my mind since there’s nothing I can do about it, and we’re all here for a limited stay anyway. For the time being, the name of the debt-money game is extraction of product, so killing or maiming the people you are extracting from doesn’t make a lot of sense. Putting them into fear to make them more malleable to political orders and social engineering makes plenty of sense.
4/10/20- The apparently extremely contagious coronavirus has been in 180 countries for almost a month, yet 90.3% of reported deaths (90,688/100,376) have still come from just 10 countries: Iran and China, plus 8 nations that all happen to be core NATO members with similar/same social-engineering agendas and USD/Euro/GBP currencies. Excluding China and Iran and looking at the eight nations, they make up 7.8% of world population and 82% of deaths (11-fold over-representation as countries, in spite of top-ranking health systems and infrastructure), much of those deaths in just 6-7 metro areas that make up <1% of world population (40-fold over-representation as a group of cities): NYC area (8,796), Milan (10,238), Madrid (8,532), Barcelona (3,321), Paris (3,040), London (2,120) (total in those 6 greater-metro regions: 36,047).
This vast imbalance appears to me to be due to heavy, intentional seeding of a low-lethality pathogen (except to those who are very old or in very poor health) in a few cities, primarily meant to ‘mark’ victims/carriers in a small handful of cities/regions (which then spread organically), combined with rampant, CDC/health-agency-sanctioned / ordered statistical fraud there and elsewhere to convert that low-lethality marker into a ‘contributing’ cause of death, which makes it a ‘coronavirus death’ regardless of the primary cause.
4/10/20- 160,000 People Die Every Day (including 7,700 in the US), and It’s Obvious That Coronavirus Is Far More Widespread (and Thus Apparently Less Lethal) Than Reported – How Many of These Are False ‘Coronavirus Deaths’? More Evidence of Statistical Fraud (not yet familiar with channel so don’t endorse at this time, but interesting story; I know of a doctor in my area who has reported two similar anecdotes, where coronavirus was a secondary factor or potential non-factor, and the deaths were filed as ‘coronavirus-related/linked’)
4/9/20- Some have asked, if coronavirus lockdowns in the West are a pre-planned overreaction, why would China also shut down its economy? An easy answer, which I’ve begun to establish below, is that the epidemic in Wuhan/Hubei (which is the only geographic portion of Chinese economy that was actually shut down) was likely not representative of the virus in its normal form, but instead, of artificial dispersal at very high volumes, causing more infections, suddenly and of a much higher severity than normal.
Let’s say the Wuhan Institute of Virology stories were true, and China was indeed studying similar viruses just prior to the pandemic. How do we know an ‘Illuminati’ operative did not infiltrate that lab or merely hack its servers, learn what was being studied, and mass-replicate it somewhere else, as part of a plot to make it look like China did it? How do we know the alleged ‘patient-zero’ scientist who disappeared was not a double agent? In terms of technological ability and heavily precedented modes of operation, these scenarios are entirely plausible. If I can think them up in five minutes, surely they would have occurred to the shadow government. There is no way to know that China was behind the virus at this point, and I believe the ‘cui bono’ question and the patterns of infection markedly point away from the Chinese government. There’s also the possibility, and maybe likelihood, that elements of the Chinese elite are ‘in on it’ with those of the West, but we can set that aside for the moment, and concentrate on debunking or undermining weaker premises that can be used to gin up a military conflict.
Like we’ve seen in crystal-clear fashion with 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Gladio, the USS Maine, etc., even Pearl Harbor, there are elements of the shadow government who have no qualms about killing people – inside their own nation and elsewhere. Why believe such evil couldn’t apply to this event?
4/9/20- The supposed ’18 months’ vaccine timeline parroted daily by media talking heads is pretty clearly a propaganda trick – They will likely roll out a supposedly miraculous, FDA-fast-tracked vaccine much sooner than that (if a more-harmful-than-disease vaccine doesn’t already exist), before all the fear and panic wear off (which it already has in many people, and in many never took hold much at all), maybe within the next few months, prior to the fall flu season, leading some to laud the supposed innovation and beat down the doors of their local corporate pharmacy, camp out overnight, etc., to get ‘their vaccine’ [which in all likelihood will be ineffective and harmful, like the flu shot; if not deadly, like the early polio vaccines, which gave tens of thousands of children polio, paralyzing and killing them; though there really shouldn’t be comparisons to polio, which is actually a dangerous, highly destructive disease, and which, unlike the flu/coronavirus, actually has an effective vaccine].
4/9/20- Yes, There Is a Cure for the Coronavirus. It’s Called Decent Health, and a Normal Immune System – The media keeps showing us their ominous ‘no cure, no vaccine,’ bullet-point ‘things you need to know’ [i.e. what-you-should-think] presentation; by comparison though, no one worries that there’s ‘no cure for the flu,’ because there is one: it’s called ‘getting better,’ i.e. the immune system eventually beats the infection. The same thing happens with the dreaded ‘Covid:’ normal immune response has been shown to resolve coronavirus in 99.8-99.98% of patients, based on realistic estimates of the true lethality (maximum 0.2%, minimum 0.02%, most likely closer to the latter; intentionally targeted cities/countries where patients took in an unnaturally high and thus deadlier viral load, or were subjected to some other exacerbating factor, are slightly higher). As for supposedly unique characteristics like lung damage in some of the most severe cases, the same thing can happen with severe flu / flu-triggered pneumonia (link) (link).
Regarding a vaccine, there’s no [effective] vaccine for the flu either. If the flu shot that the establishment is obsessed with you taking went away tomorrow, few would care much, and they would just continue to be prepared to possibly get the flu, and then almost certainly cure themselves easily, as humans have been doing since the dawn of history. No one would really care because everyone knows, even those who dutifully get ‘their’ flu shot every year, that the flu shot doesn’t really work – it’s more an act of faith in conventional medicine, and isn’t at all necessary to prevent or cure the flu. A coronavirus vaccine won’t be any different, notwithstanding the looming propaganda onslaught to try to convince you otherwise.
4/8/20- Deborah Birx Admits ‘Very Liberal’ Coronavirus Statistical Treatment (link) (link) – As small as they still are relative to yearly death toll from seasonal flu and all causes (90,000 corona vs. 700,000 flu vs. 60 million all-cause), it appears [some portion of] the US coronavirus statistics are also outright fraudulent. The world data indicate that the infection has an extremely low lethality rate that could be anywhere from 10-200x lower than reported. If it’s 100x lower (3.4% down to 0.034%, vs. 0.065% for seasonal flu), that could equate to hundreds or even 1,000+ false deaths per day, depending on the type of tests performed, predisposition to infection among age groups, etc. Obviously, the number of incidental cases would be totally dependent on the above multiplier; but this reckless, rubber-stamp methodology (which amounts to fraud) of filing any covid-positive corpse as a ‘coronavirus death’ is disturbing – and completely consistent with what I believe the goals of this pre-planned, scam-laden exercise to be.
4/8/20- The Coronavirus Numbers Didn’t Add up a Month Ago, and They Don’t Remotely Add up Now: A Preliminary Case for Intentional Seeding
It has been obvious from the very beginning that coronavirus spread rapidly by air. How else could an entire cruise ship become infected in a matter of days, or entire apartment complexes, even without shared HVAC systems (where it apparently spread through shared drain-pipe systems – suggesting extreme contagiousness)?
Based on these several cases alone (assuming they are true), we know the following: coronavirus is easily contagious by air, not just physical contact as we were told for months/several weeks (probably so people wouldn’t try to protect themselves with masks), therefore it it is far more widespread and far less deadly than is being reported, at least 10-100x more/less so than reported, probably closer to 100x.
The infection data also strongly indicate intentional seeding of the virus. There are 512 cities (i.e. cities-proper, not metro areas) with at least 1 million people, and many dozens of non-tropical, Northern Hemisphere, multi-million-population cities (e.g., Tokyo, Seoul, Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, Moscow, Almaty, Kiev, Minsk, Bucharest, Budapest, Warsaw, Krakow, Prague, Berlin, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Toronto, Vancouver, San Francisco, to name just a few) that have not shown remotely similar patterns as the six ‘hot spot’ metro areas (Wuhan, Tehran, Milan, Madrid, Barcelona, New York [including NJ, where almost all infections are in Northeast NJ, near NYC]) that still account for nearly 40% of all world infections, in spite of these other cities having had infections around the same time as the apparently targeted cities, even before them in some cases. It doesn’t make any sense: the only explanation is that the virus was put there by man, or that infections there were exacerbated by man. Simply dispersing the virus at high volumes would serve to exacerbate infections in addition to increasing their number, since the higher viral load that is received, the more severe the symptoms and greater the mortality.
Otherwise you’d have to believe that some magical conditions shared by cities in five very dissimilar countries caused the epidemic to be literally dozens of times worse in those cities than average – in spite of the non-hotspot cities having similar or colder weather, and about equal or worse infrastructure, population density, and health care systems. Yeah, no. See the chart below for more:
4/4/20- Enhance Vitamin C Absorption by Taking Supplements Alongside Natural Sources: Pine Needle Tea, Rose Hips (link) (link) (link)
In a post below I covered how to make pine needle tea. It’s an excellent source of vitamin C that is well known for being offered to Europeans by Indians as a cure for scurvy (spruce needles and other conifer needles also contain the vitamin). During this time (and anytime I feel I may be coming down with or at risk of having caught something) I have been taking high-dose vitamin C daily, and usually try to pair it with a natural source such as citrus / kiwi / lemon juice, pine tea, or rose hips, since the whole foods/plants contain a number of flavonoids and other phytochemicals that improve the bioavailability and potency of the vitamin. For a maintenance / preventative dose, you could take 1-2g of vitamin C powder 2-3 times a day, alongside or mixed in with a natural source (see below re: kidney concerns relating to very long-term synthetic vitamin C supplementation).
Rose hips, the fruit of dog rose bushes (rosa canina) and a traditional European remedy alongside elderberry, are the third-richest source of vitamin C in nature (after acerola cherries and camu camu) (it may be advisable to avoid or limit consumption if pregnant; opinions vary), and have been shown to have strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cytokine-modulating/regulating effects. The fruit is sold in fairly cheap powder form online. Above is a small sampling of studies about its benefits, but don’t look for an official stamp of approval: again, the odious, no-credibility FDA will insist there is ‘no evidence’ anything whatsoever works other than synthetic, patented pharmaceuticals. (I stand by my original and continuing assertion that this will prove to be hugely overblown as a major cause of death relative to the reaction [as compared to previous, larger pandemics e.g. swine flu], and has been stirred up as a pre-planned economic and social engineering exercise (including a push for universal vaccination, perhaps attempted by force); but the above practice has long been part of my regular lifestyle, and I figure there’s no better time to continue with it and share with others).
4/3/20- 5G Is Dangerous, But I Think It’s a Coronavirus Red-Herring: Algeria as Evidence
Every major false flag event or engineered crisis has had some major red herrings early on. For the fake Sandy Hook shooting, it was initially the LIBOR connection, the 2, 4, 8 shooters (when there were zero), the SWAT guy in the woods and black ops death squads. For 9/11, it was Fahrenheit 9/11, the Bushes and the bin Ladens, and later, the 28 pages (when Saudi Arabia had little apparent role, Americans primarily and Israelis secondarily comprising the bulk of the culprits, with many ‘globalist’ / ‘Illuminati’ insiders of a variety of Western nations involved and in the know about it beforehand).
By no means is everyone who subscribes to and propagates these misguiding theories a disinformation agent (I myself latched onto some early on), but these theories are a predictable part of intentional disinformation in every event, and should be looked for right away. The discourse becomes falsely bounded by the official story on one hand, and Red Herring A on the other: ‘Is Trump/Obama calling it a terrorist event [or was it not a terrorist event]?’ (when it was not only non-terrorist, but fake) or the classic ‘there are reports of a possible second shooter/device’ (when recently there has been no shooter at all, or in events when there has been such a shooter, the lone gunman blamed hasn’t been guilty at all). Especially in the cases of all-out-fake events (where a classic technique is to interview an acquaintance of a person who didn’t exist, ‘oh yes, John Doe was a great guy, I remember him’), these disinfo props ‘fluff up’ a false storyline and ‘give it [another] dimension,’ like set pieces in front of a theater backdrop: they make it seem more genuine, and lure the public into fantasyland and away from the truth.
I don’t discount the dangers of EMF exposure or of 5G, which will put it on steroids, not remotely; I don’t even discount that some energetic factor may have exacerbated infections in certain areas (as opposed to my leading theory of aerosol or water-based mass infection in a few hotspots meant to overwhelm hospitals and cause a panic, combined with heavy doses of ‘augmented reality:’ distorted statistics, fake deaths, fake infections, exacerbated infections presented as standard ones), but the world coronavirus statistics abound with evidence that contradicts 5G as the primary mechanism of mass infection. In fact, I think disinfo around 5G has been intentionally inserted by malicious parties, so that when the real ill effects of 5G soon emerge, criticism of it will have already been discredited and undermined by apparently false 5G coronavirus theories.
An exhibit of evidence that argues against 5G’s central role is Algeria’s pattern of coronavirus infection and mortality. Oran is the only city in Algeria to have implemented 5G, it’s one of Algeria’s largest cities, yet infections there are relatively low. I’ve seen a lot of other similar evidence (where 5G nations/cities have relatively very low rates of infection compared to other 5G cities, as well as to non-5G cities with high rates), but this is an easy one to highlight.
4/2/20- Elderberry’s Reputation as an Immune Booster Is Likely Due to the Off-Charts Quercetin Content ; Apparently Involves the Same Mechanism as Hydroxychloroquine
Many in the health sphere have recommended elderberry, which is plentiful in the wild, as a supplement to suppress replication during incubation of coronavirus (and influenza), which, contrary to the FDA’s “no evidence is effective” claim, is in fact backed by evidence (example). In addition to large amounts of vitamin C, elderberry has extremely high quercetin levels, 12x higher by weight than blueberry for example (and about 24x more than red onions and broccoli, 36x more than red wine). Extract syrups typically contain 3.8g powdered elderberry which is equivalent to 34g or about one ounce fresh fruit, so it would take about 12 oz of blueberries, a sizeable amount, to get an equivalent dose. If you eat a whole-food diet rich in berries, dark leafy greens, and Allium vegetables (onions, scallions, garlic, etc.) you’re likely already getting enough quercetin. Elderberry supplements often come with zinc in the syrup, presumably because the quercetin promotes conversion to zinc ionophores, which appears to be the primary replication suppressor; this combined with the vitamin C likely explain elderberry’s ancient reputation as a an immune booster. The oft discussed and ‘incredibly promising’ hydroxychloroquine appears to rely on an identical mechanism: the creation of zinc ionophores from quinine.
I feel that it’s good to break down the reasons for recommendations of herbs, home remedies, etc., instead of just appealing to tradition; and also to point out that everything I know of that you can get in medicinal plants like elderberries is also available in whole foods.
(Personally I don’t take elderberry, or any medicinal plants aside from culinary spices; I count on foods first, which almost always provide enough baseline immunity, before turning to ‘rescues’ by more potent herbs or natural but not-really-food ‘mega-sources’ (e.g. rosehips), which can have some side effects of their own [link], if to a much lower degree than pharmaceutical drugs]
4/2/20- Decoding the Death Rate: More on Iceland and Other Nations
Since, although I believe this event to be engineered in some fundamental respects, it would be very difficult if not impossible to manipulate the health statistics of all nations, it’s my suspicion that the examination of ‘outlier’ countries (‘outliers’ which at this point comprise more than 90% of nations, as noted below) – or better put, any nations that do not exhibit Western / Chinese / Iranian patterns – will turn out to be the best way to have gained insights into the nature of this disease, and if it is engineered as I believe, possibly solve the problem of how, why, and by whom the disease was spread, or if it wasn’t engineered (highly unlikely IMO), at least how dangerous it is.
Continuing with the prior topic, Iceland currently has a death rate of 0.16% after 5 weeks of identified cases, with a fully-recovered-to-dead ratio of 118:1. They’ve tested about 5% of their population so far, which appears to be the highest of any country to date. Their testing has begun to indicate that around 50% of cases have no symptoms at all. Since we can safely assume that virtually no asymptomatic people, aside from the wealthy and influential e.g. celebrities and politicians, have sought/gotten testing or treatment, we can start by cutting Iceland’s official death rate in half (i.e., doubling the number of infected persons), pushing down the real rate to 0.08% or lower there.
Based on what we’ve heard from all sources so far, it’s also a very safe assumption that at least half of symptomatic cases (if not 80, 90% or more) are showing mild-enough symptoms that they would assume to be a mild cold or allergy, and so would not seek treatment. So if there were an infected population of 1000, 500 would show no symptoms and not be treated or tested, 250 might show mild cold symptoms and not be treated or tested, and 250 (probably less) might show worse symptoms be identified as coronavirus cases.
Taking seasonal flu patterns (where only 0.3-0.5%, or 3-5 million out of 1 billion annually, become severe; i.e., only 3 to 5 out of every 1,000 people develop severe symptoms that require hospital or intensive care), and [I think] generously multiplying them by 10, is entirely possible that of that 1000, only 50 will show symptoms severe enough and distinct from flu enough to warrant emergency treatment (which may be the situation in Italy, where the actual infection-death rates might be 20x higher-lower than reported; this would give Italy a real death rate of 0.5%, which may be possible relative to Iceland at 0.04%, given its old population and more importantly, its totally overwhelmed medical system in the North). So we are now dividing official death rates by at least 4 (IMO, probably more like 6-10), where Iceland’s real death rate becomes slightly above or much lower than 0.04%. Again, this is a fact-based, conservative estimate, not wishful thinking or ‘virus-denying,’ a term now being used by the media.
Thus, the most reasonable approach seems to be to divide all official death rates worldwide by at least four, much more than that in countries where people out of cultural norms or necessity are avoiding treatment unless symptoms are severe (i.e. most countries, and probably Italy, Spain, etc.; as noted below, I believe the virus was seeded there to create medical scarcity, and that an exacerbating factor e.g. an acute pneumonia bacteria may have been intentionally introduced in certain cities by air or water, or even on individual targets, to create an air of mystery and unpredictability, and stoke fears; this clearly occurred in Iran, and so is likely occurring elsewhere).
If a person had mild cold or flu symptoms that common sense and testing dictate are in all likelihood not coronavirus (where 90% with symptoms test negative for corona), would the person more likely to go to the hospital, or avoid getting sucked into the chaotic medical / political system, the disease-infested hospitals, the locked-down quarantine motels, the isolation from family, the high-4 to-5-figure medical bills even if one tests negative, etc.; or stay at home and see if symptoms improve, which in the vast majority of cases they will? For most people, clearly the latter, a course of action that almost always ends successfully – whether or not the person had coronavirus.
The CDC has estimated that there are 1 billion flu infections per year, with around 650,000 dead (0.06%). I believe does not account for many of the 2.5 million pneumonia deaths per year whose origin as flu was never discovered (i.e. an old person had the flu, became sick with pneumonia, kicked the flu, but eventually died from the pneumonia).
It’s not just Iceland: there are other countries with comparable rates, e.g. Qatar, Singapore, New Zealand; and many official death rates still around or below 1% (e.g. Russia, Germany, Finland, South Africa, Chile, Colombia, Australia), meaning a likely real rate of 0.125-0.25% or lower after dividing by at least 4-8, as echoed precisely by Stanford epidemiologist Ioannidis’s article below. In spite of the abundance of evidence that the true death rate is far below 1%, the CDC and WHO have still not revised their panic-sparking claims of a usual 3.4% death rate.
4/1/20- Iceland as a another case-study for discovering the real death rate
Iceland is a wealthy country of 300,000 people. They’re the only country to have told the banks to pound sand in 2008, and they arrested and/or effectively exiled many criminal executives. I’m a proponent of decentralism before any particular political ideology, and Iceland is one of a few nations that may be at a viable democratic scale, with something relatively close to bona fide political representation. While there’s certainly corruption there, it’s probably among the lowest of all countries, if for no other reason than the mutual accountability that inherently exists at that small-scale of a society.
Iceland’s official death rate is currently 0.16%, with 1,220 identified cases, 2 deaths, and 225 recoveries since the first confirmed infections in late February. Even there, nowhere near a majority have been tested and so at least half the cases must be unidentified, meaning the death rate is in reality well under 0.1%. The bigger, poorer, and/or more corrupt a nation and its government are, the less likely it will be to have traced and correctly identified cases.
4/1/20- On the varying death rates among [the apparently targeted] Western European nations – ‘Word on the street’ (i.e. reports from multiple health officials in Italy, e.g. Walter Ricciardi, a number of commenters on Italian videos, etc.) is that Italy (along with any number of other nations who have likely been leaned on by the WHO and the ‘PTB’) is counting any corpse that tests positive for Covid as a corona death (where a huge percentage of dead people are tested, and <1% of living have been tested; Italy loses about 2,000 per day from all causes, world deaths are 156,000/day), while Germany, for example, has set a much higher evidentiary bar. The bulk of the comments-section discourse of Italian articles and videos seems to be split between ‘this is a manufactured / exaggerated crisis’ and ‘this was an intentional attack / ‘where [what artificial source] did this come from?’ – nothing resembling the sense of mourning-duty-patriotism- ‘science-belief’ that has been suggested for us by the corporate media, and portrayed as the prevailing Italian sentiment (including via the seemingly phony ‘warning letters’ from ‘ordinary Italians’ published in Western media). As reported before, 51% of all reported Italian corona victims had 3 or more major comorbidities, whether primary or secondary to coronavirus (another 25% had two, 99% had at least one), and median age is 81; the potential for / likelihood of statistical fraud remains immense.
3/31/20- Geopolitical Enemies of the West and Western Nations Involved in Heavy QE Account for 94% of All Coronavirus Deaths Worldwide; Western Europe and UK Account for 98.5% of European Deaths After 2.5+ Months of Spread (further suggesting targeted, heavy seeding of a low-lethality pathogen(s) (e.g. virus, paired with pneumonia bacteria in targeted areas) – perhaps by aerosol and/or the water supply (link) (link) (I’m far from certain on the water possibility, but it seems worthy of inquiry)- meant to overwhelm medical capacity in select ‘red zones’ that then serve as avoid-at-all-costs nightmare scenarios for rest of the world) (source)
Just 17 out of the 180 infected countries are responsible for 38,830 of 41,494 coronavirus deaths to date. 94% of all deaths have occurred in Western European Euro-currency-zone nations, plus the US, UK, Iran, and China. It’s my belief from the evidence thus far that coronavirus was planned as a three (or more)-birds-one-stone social-engineering campaign, geopolitical strike, and cover story / scapegoating for a controlled destruction of the USD, Euro, and GBP (mainly the USD, as the world’s reserve currency), with massive value losses from planned huge-scale QE in each currency zone (meant to extricate said Western nations from unpayable debts and undermine confidence in national currencies, paving the way for a world currency, e.g. an IMF ‘basket’ currency) providing ‘cover’ and plausible deniability for the other zones, so that the devaluation and world-currency-roll-out look like the result of act of nature, out of everyone’s hands.
The stark difference in deaths between Western and Eastern Europe (where nations generally have their own currencies) is illustrated below, labeled ‘spread through Europe’ (not really, overwhelmingly just the Western nations that are tied in to the economic and social agendas in play). So far, the UK and Western European Euro-currency nations have suffered 29,455 deaths (98.5% of all European deaths, excluding Turkey), while non-Euro-currency and Eastern European nations (east of Germany, including Russia) have only suffered 475 deaths.
3/31/20- Excerpts from Good Article by Stanford Epidemiology Professor, Echoing Many Points Here (link)
“The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco . . . probably the vast majority of infections due to SARS-CoV-2 are being missed. We don’t know if we are failing to capture infections by a factor of three or 300. . .Reported case fatality rates, like the official 3.4% rate from the World Health Organization, cause horror — and are meaningless. Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes. As most health systems have limited testing capacity, selection bias may even worsen in the near future.
. . .The one situation where an entire, closed population was tested was the Diamond Princess cruise ship and its quarantine passengers. The case fatality rate there was 1.0%, but this was a largely elderly population, in which the death rate from Covid-19 is much higher. Projecting the Diamond Princess mortality rate onto the age structure of the U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%. But since this estimate is based on extremely thin data . . .the real death rate could stretch from five times lower (0.025%) to five times higher (0.625%).
. . .If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked individuals with PCR tests, the number of total deaths due to “influenza-like illness” would not seem unusual this year. At most, we might have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than average.”
3/30/20- Funny but Disturbing Segment from James Corbett
3/30/20- Collateral Corona Deaths, Gone Unreported by Media: Reports from Honduras
I know many immigrants from Honduras and El Salvador, and their reports of the situation there are as follows: A) there is no on-the-ground evidence of any new disease at all, let alone a major one; no one knows anyone who has died or become considerably ill B) as a result of the panic generated by the media, wealthy people have bought up large portions of the food supply to both stockpile food for themselves, and to resell the food to poorer people at higher profit margins, and to sell it for higher prices to panicked, developed countries instead of domestically; this also applies to large landowners with major agricultural operations C) because of their past and present ability to send money from the US (those who are still able to work here), the families of the immigrants I know will generally be OK, but there is concern that large numbers of poorer people in their societies who live day to day will die, fall into ill health, commit crimes and murders, or become further impoverished due to much higher food prices; almost certainly far more than will die from the disease itself (7 so far).
This link echoes what I’ve been told, and describes prices increasing 30-40% for staple foods just over the past month, in a country where close to half of a wage-worker’s income might go towards basic groceries. These kinds of collateral deaths need to be kept in mind as ‘we’ (i.e. governments) continue to respond to this situation.
3/30/20- If Coronavirus Was Engineered, Why Target Western Europe? Potential Major Motives
While I don’t think 9/11 was an official operation of the US or any government, Americans (along with Israelis, perhaps some Saudis) – likely part of some private ‘Illuminati’ network that has infiltrated Western intelligence, media, and finance – were the primary perpetrators. I believe the same parties are in all likelihood behind the coronavirus. I’ve laid out reasons why China, Iran, and Italy might have been targeted if the virus were planted in cities there as I believe it was, but also mentioned Madrid and Paris (with Germany likely getting infected by proximity). Why would these countries be included among the main targets?
1) The powerful in those countries are part of the broader Western power structure that rules the US, UK, Europe, and much of the world (where they are all ‘globalists,’ not nationalists), and the social-engineering objectives and economic systems for their countries are all essentially the same; and less obviously, that
2) If the plan is to destroy the US economy and eventually dollar and attempt to introduce a world currency, the Euro must also be destroyed eventually, or at least compromised as a reliable store of value. If the primary interests behind it are American, destroying European economies and forcing the European Central Bank into a massive QE/stimulus program of its own would provide cover and plausible deniability for the controlled destruction of the USD. Eastern European nations, which have 20-30x lower infection rates, are generally not part of the Euro currency zone, and the few that are are along for the ride, not ‘shot-callers.’
3/30/20- Reminds Me of Our New ‘Enemy’ (looks like they went with ‘some kind of fog,’ and QE/inflation)
3/30/20- A List of Things That Were Complete BS: Lessons from 9/11
The pancake collapse theory
The NIST report and 9/11 commission report, Purdue simulation, and countless other ‘expert’ reports
The hijackings, the 19 hijackers, the boxcutters, and the four passenger plane crashes
The ‘planes’ that were broadcast on TV and 40 ‘amateur’ videos that came out after the event
Flight 93 and the ‘Let’s Roll’ storyline and characters
The in-flight phone calls from Mark Bingham, Barbara Olson, and others
WTC 7’s destruction from office fires
Osama bin Laden’s role in the event
Al Qaeda’s existence as a non-Western-intel asset
Afghanistan and Iraq’s role and guilt in the event
The connection of Islam or Muslims to the event in any way
(sadly most of the 3,000 deaths were real, as are most victims of this seemingly pre-planned virus)
Recall that in the immediate wake of 9/11, not only were most people ‘100% sure’ (based on what they heard in the mass media) that Osama bin Laden did it (and that all of the above were true), but many were frothing at the mouth that he needed to pay: in the moment, almost all people, including me, were very, very wrong about what was happening. This includes people who later became ‘9/11 truthers,’ even those who later understood the shocking truth that no planes or hijackers existed in the event. We had been fed a highly complex explanation as to what happened, involving dozens or hundreds of people and thousands of pages – and it was all completely, totally incorrect.
I don’t yet know what’s going on with this virus or what its nature is, but from the get-go I and others have identified many likely ulterior motives and many anomalies. If the spread of the virus wasn’t engineered altogether by ‘the powers that be,’ as seems most likely to be the case at this time, the economic and social ‘aftermath’ (i.e. the implementation of economic and social agendas, which just needed some spark) was pre-formulated, not to say as official policy, but by ‘rogue elements’ with intimate links to government. If you review all the content on this blog, there hasn’t been a single time in the past, in the dozens of instances when I (and others) have latched onto such features immediately after a given event, that the event hasn’t turned out to be faked, staged, or engineered in some fundamental way. This isn’t to claim supernatural powers of perception: the ability to identify and ‘call’ these events with a degree of competence – just like the ability of a decent mechanic to diagnosis a car problem based on a sound or vibration, from his having examined many other cars – is simply an acquired mental skill-set, and the willingness to adopt the proper, if often uncomfortable frame of mind.
3/29/20- Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D – Some Virus-Preventative Recipes and Snacks
I know some of these are a little expensive, but it may be worth it just while this plays out a little longer. The idea is to maximize your levels of intracellular zinc ionophores, which along with vitamin C and a broadly micronutritionally sufficient diet appear to be your best protections against this and other flu-like illnesses. Eat this once every couple days, and continue supplementing 15-25mg/day and getting zinc from other foods. It would be very good-tasting and could be eaten as a mostly raw salad, or everything steamed / sauteed:
Sauteed oysters (3-5 medium/large; if you buy fresh oysters by the 1 lb tub they’re not that expensive; roughly $10-12/lb), two very large handfuls kale or dark leafy greens (raw or steamed + sauteed), one medium red or yellow onion (cook half of onion, cut up half raw), large amount of fresh raw or lightly sauteed garlic, sauteed mushrooms (optional: add small amount steamed broccoli or cauliflower, small amount of hemp seeds). These plant foods are all quercetin-rich. Oysters are by far the best source of zinc, but other high-zinc foods (e.g. beef; for vegans, legume sources may also work, but the phytates are concerning in a potentially high-stakes situation) could be substituted. This recipe should also be effective if you have or are coming down with something, as is another, similar recipe posted below involving chicken and rice.
For a snack, you could eat raspberries, blueberries, or dark grapes, as well as nuts and seeds. Red wine and black tea also contain quercetin. You could also experiment with tonic water and very low-dose cinchona tea if you prefer to go the potentially more potent but harsher quinine route (another precursor for zinc ionophores), or do both. If the whole thing blows over quickly, you’ll only be a few bucks poorer and a little bit healthier. In addition to its zinc potentiation benefits, quercetin regulates cytokine levels (helping prevent ‘cytokine storm’) as do vitamin C and zinc. EGCG (see also) from green tea and other plants has also been shown to promote the creation of zinc ionophores.
As for vitamin D, since it is a hormone and not technically a vitamin, it seems more appropriate and probably much more effective to get it from the sun than a supplement (not to mention the myriad other benefits that moderate sun exposure likely has).
3/29/20- More Coronavirus Predictive Programming – This Time From the Simpsons, Predictably (from 2010 and 2012); https://www.bitchute.com/video/kScOY9RQAuP9/ (highlights) (full episode segments below; click through to YouTube for remaining parts) (complete with USD destruction at 2:47 second video)
3/28/20- Flashback to 2004; a pertinent thought for the past week (link)
“The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ […] ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do’”
3/28/20- Reminder that an Early to Mid-Stage Alzheimer’s Sufferer Is Still the Presidential Frontrunner – At Least That’s What the Polls Say? (and this doesn’t include the last 6 months of flubs, which were much worse)
3/28/20- More [Likely] Coronavirus Predictive Programming from 2017 (notice the omega symbols on horses)
“Asterix, the Gaul from the eponymous French comic faced Coronavirus, a masked Roman villain with a reputation of stopping at nothing to win.
In the 37th edition of the ‘Asterix and the Chariot Race,’ released in the year 2017, Asterix battles his way across Italy in a chariot race against the Romans.
Written by Thibaut Deleaz, an illustration from the edition – shared by Actor Jaaved Jaaferi on his twitter handle – shows “the Masked Auriga, the Great coronavirus” being introduced.
“Here comes our favourite, straight from Rome! The Champion with MCDL XII victories! The one they call the ‘The Masked Auriga’, the great coronavirus, and his faithful bacillus,” it says.”
3/28/20- The Dollar Died Yesterday, Here’s Why
The dollar has been on the ropes for a while, it had many underlying conditions, but it officially died yesteday from the coronavirus. The current debt (before the corona bill, and before 2020 deficit) is $24 trillion. $4.5 trillion in new deficit spending was just approved, with $2 trillion officially released, and with another $1 trillion or more in ‘regular’ deficits this year, let’s say the current debt has effectively just become $27 trillion; the debt was $7 trillion in 2007. The CPI (1.25x), wages (1.2x), real estate, GDP (1.5x), etc., i.e. ‘the economy,’ has only risen about 1.25-1.5x since then, or around 25%, 40-50% max (and GDP is an inflated statistic). Debt has risen almost 4x or 400% in the meantime.
30-year Treasuries are already at rock-bottom rates. Only the Fed or someone with money to burn would lend to money for 20 years at 1.19%, or 30 years at 1.29%. Rational investors won’t stick around long at those returns. Currently interest rates on existing Treasuries average around 2.5% (less than inflation). Let’s assume some of that can be rolled over into new notes at lower rates, and run some tests on the imminent $30 trillion debt; $35 trillion is right around the corner, and $40 trillion isn’t far off at all (not that we’ll necessarily even make it that far):
$30 trillion:
2%: $600 billion/year (interest in 2018 was around $450 billion, $593 billion in 2019)
3%: $900 billion/year in interest ($7500 per year per employed person, $15k/yr per working couple)
4%: $1.2 trillion/year
5%: $1.5 trillion (half of all tax receipts)
6%: $1.8 trillion
$35 trillion: 2%: $700T, 3%: $1.05T, 4%: $1.4T, 5%: $1.68T
$40 trillion: 1%: $400B, 4%: $1.6T ($27k/yr in federal interest per family; median family pre-tax income $60k)
Of course, this rise will never happen, that kind of interest will never be paid. What will happen then? The Fed will directly buy / roll over debt into short-term Treasuries at absurdly low or even negative rates, the Fed will continue secretly buying trillions more in bonds through shell companies (allegedly ‘foreign bond purchasers’) it controls in the Caymans and Bermuda, and the Fed’s member banks will buy them at 0% since it’s not their money anyway. No real investors / creditors will remain.
Even as the economy has contracted and tax receipts drop, deficits of $1.5 trillion and $2 trillion/year will soon normalize (maybe by next year; we’re already at $1.2 trillion), and every time a crisis comes along, whether smaller or bigger than corona, trillions more in additional ‘relief’ will come. Accounting for that, I’d wager we’re looking at at least $3-4 trillion per year in annual deficits / new debt from here on out (not even counting the trillions more in QE). When you factor in the worsening demographics and the total unwillingness of government to cut or even stop increasing its own spending, I don’t see any backing off this cliff; exchange your USDs for real toilet paper while there’s still time.
3/27/20- 99% of Coronavirus Dead in Italy Had an Underlying Medical Condition, 74% Had Multiple (link)
Mean/avg age of dead was 80, median age 81, 80% of deaths were in one metro area (Milan) where the virus was apparently seeded to overwhelm the medical system. There are 800,000 people in Italy over 90 years of age and 17,000 over 100. 74% of the dead had 2 (25%) or 3 or more (49%) major medical conditions.
3/27/20- South Korea Is the ‘Gold Standard’ for Coronavirus Testing – They’ve Only Tested 0.6% of Population; 50-90% or More of Cases Are Not Being Counted (US has tested 0.12% of population)
3/27/20- Thomas Massie – one of the only honest men in Congress – is aware that the coronavirus is a preplanned event (or at least to him, a preplanned reaction), and is trying to stop the deluge of pork-laden spending to keep our bubble economy inflated, and subsequent death of the USD, which has been engineered behind the coronavirus cover story – as a way to get the US govt out of its impossible debt, and introduce a world currency. As an alternative to a world currency, yes I’d prefer the dollar; but whether saving the imperial dollar is in and of itself a project worth pursuing is up for debate. A positive of Massie’s stand might be to delay the bill long enough for the American and world people to sense the grand scam that is being perpetrated upon them. If Congress really cared about the bills of the American people, they – or even the Fed itself – could divide the bill into two parts and send out stimulus checks only for now, which would cost ‘only’ about $350 billion, not the $2 trillion they are requesting (nevermind; bill passed).
The best long-term thing for the country by far would be for bankruptcy-king Trump to declare the US government insolvent – which it 100% is – cancel the national debt, and start a new sovereign, non-debt-based, non-bank-issued US currency; the banks create nothing, and all material wealth, infrastructure, and production would remain – not holding breath.
3/27/20- ‘New Infections’ = New Tests ; If They Roll out 1M New Tests, ‘Infections’ Will Skyrocket; Actual Infections May Have Already Peaked; Remember, There Are 1 Billion Flu Cases Per Year, 3-5M Severe
3/27/20- UK Professor Panicked Britons and Americans with ‘Chilling’ March 17th Projection of 500,000 UK Deaths and 2.2 Million US Deaths (see also), with 12-18 Month Lockdown / Partial Shutdown. His Latest Estimate? 20,000 in UK ‘or Much Lower,’ Peak and Begin to Drop by 2-3 Weeks [now 578; UK flu deaths 18,000/year]
(Not making light of anyone’s death, but many people die every day and that’s not stopping anytime soon – the response should be proportional; while undoubtedly partially real, this event reeks of intentionally seeded panic, if not also seeded virus; as stated below going back to 3/11/20, the infection rate is obviously far higher, thus death rate far lower.)
3/27/20- Wuhan, Tehran, Seoul, Milan, Madrid, Paris, New York ; Just a Few Metro Areas Still Account for the Majority of Coronavirus Deaths ; Was Coronavirus a 6 or 7-City [Intentional] ‘Medical 9/11’? Looks Like It to Me.
The behavior of the virus doesn’t at all seem normal. Why does Milan’s province have 60x more deaths than Rome’s? Why does Eastern Europe – which has been extremely well connected with Western Europe for decades, now more than ever – have so few cases, while Western Europe has been hit 20-30x harder? Why do countries with poor sanitation, high population density, and few medical resources – who have had little and in many cases no real response to the virus – have far better outcomes than the richest and most cautious? Why is the death toll in Southern Italy after 2 months 25x lower than Northern (267 vs. 7,335; population roughly equal, 27M vs. 21M) and 12x higher than Central (594; 12M), despite continual, heavy contact for at least 5-6 weeks before things got more controlled, with 60% of all deaths occurring in one of Italy’s 20 provinces? Infected people have been all over the world for months, yet a handful of metro areas still account for a huge percentage of deaths, with Milan (25% of all deaths worldwide), Madrid, and Wuhan areas still accounting for nearly half of the world total. In these ‘red zones,’ hospitals quickly became overwhelmed by an artificially rapid contagion – which has made great panic fuel for the media. While a few nations (e.g. South Korea) have had a highly rigorous, militant response, the general response worldwide has been far from congruous and coordinated.
Conclusion? The virus was heavily spread intentionally (not saying by whom; I’d guess by similar or same parties behind 9/11) in a small number of cities (with Barcelona as maybe one additional), where it would be known to overwhelm the medical system. This would terrorize people not living in these areas, and provide a basis to believe the virus was an existential threat to everyone else (in fact, it hasn’t been an existential threat to any society; in hardest-hit Milan region, 99.94% have survived, 99.99% in Italy as a whole). From there the virus would spread organically (e.g. from China to Los Angeles, Milan to Munich, everywhere to London and New York to everywhere, etc.), causing death elsewhere at a rate comparable to the flu. The non-targeted cities (i.e. virtually all cities worldwide) await an apocalypse that never comes, experiencing only a slight bump in flu-death incidence from what may essentially be a new flu strain by a new name, and governments seize enormous amounts of money and new power precedents during the weeks and months of chaos, which in most areas will have been merely an illusion, relative to fears. If the death toll ends up many, many-fold smaller than projected? You can thank your government for locking you down and saving the day, and get in line for your vaccine.
3/26/20- AARP Commercial Predicts Martial Law from Viral Outbreak in 2015 ; Event 201 Training Exercise
No, I’m not claiming most people in the institution itself necessarily had any foreknowledge, but the media company who produced the commercial may have. Predictive programming has been a feature of 9/11 and other ‘black swan’ events, often decades in advance:
See also 9/11 (see 1:35, 1:42):
Event 201 has also been mentioned as a foretelling of the event, where the parameters of a November 2019 pandemic ‘training exercise’ mirrored the real thing in December in virtually every way, though hopefully not in death toll (I believe it won’t).
You can read below for my thoughts on the reasons this might have been staged. Signs are not pointing to the Chinese government, but again, I’m not suggesting it was the elected US government – I’d put the likeliest blame on a private, international, non-governmental network of powerful people, who have intimate links to the media-intel complex of all Western nations, as well as many non-Western nations – potentially China. Warmongers like Mark Levin and Hannity have been obsessing over the ‘Wuhan/Chinese virus’ naming controversy, and are stirring up all manner of enmity with China, today including actual war; don’t fall for the bait.
3/26/20- Consider Combining Zinc with Quinine (or Quercetin, Potentially) to Maximize Anti-Viral Effect, Especially During Incubation
Zinc is proven to be generally effective against viral replication, especially in a preventative sense but also after symptoms present, and a high level of intracellular zinc, especially as zinc ionophores (which can be created in the presence of quinine) was found to dramatically limit replication of the SARS virus during the incubation period. Zinc strategy: consume at least RDA levels of food zinc, take 25mg as supplement daily (15-20mg for women), and consider consuming a small amount of quinine e.g. from low-sugar tonic water (the dose in conventional brands likely doesn’t cut it), or cinchona tea (or large amount of quercetin; see below).
When consuming zinc, be mindful of copper, which needs to be kept in balance. Food sources of zinc – oysters / shellfish, beef / meat, seeds and nuts – are generally also high in copper, in the same way fish that contain mercury are also high in selenium, which binds and removes mercury. If you only supplement with zinc and don’t get any from food, you could become deficient in copper.
Quercetin – found in grapes and berries (which are also known to promote lung health), dark leafy greens, red and yellow onions, capers, and many other foods – which like quinine has a bitter flavor, may be another, much safer and healthier, if possibly less potent precursor to the production of zinc ionophores.
It seems worth investigating whether food PQQ (found in green peppers, green tea, kiwi, and other foods) – which has no side effects – may be chemically related to quinine based on name similarity and be metabolized to function in a similar manner, but I haven’t established this yet.
I still think this whole thing will be end up being, like the swine flu, overblown for most people in the long-term (it’s tragic that anyone died, but less face it, no one was ever talking about or remembering the swine flu prior to this), a pretext to take their money and liberties, but you may as well take some easy steps to protect yourself.
3/26/20- Long-Term Problems with High/Mega-Dose and Intravenous Vitamin C
I try to adhere as closely as possible to a whole-food diet and avoid supplements, but since vitamin C is internally produced in vast quantities in almost all mammals with no ill effects, I thought it C might be an allowable exception to the rule; it’s looking like I was probably wrong on that. Very long-term high-dosing/mega-dosing has been tied to kidney stones (which I knew about and counteracted), but also kidney disease, even failure apparently. This is reinforcing my belief that food (along with the other supporting factors above) is the primary path to health – nature is too intelligent, and too complex to learn in this lifetime; you can’t outsmart it with pills and powders.
I and millions of others will testify that high-dose C still does work against acute illness, both via high maintenance doses and megadoses during/just before illness manifests; so for the purposes of this event, I would say go ahead while we figure out what this illness is, as I plan to myself (especially since I believe this is most likely a manmade pathogen, not to say it’s necessarily the ultimate bioweapon; if seeded intentionally, its goal may be moderate, temporary disruption for economic and social purposes, not huge mortality or extinction) (although as I’ve explained below, I almost always pair synthetic C with food-based C to take advantage of co-factors; I also eat citrus and lemons daily which counteracts oxalate kidney-stone formation), but shift back to foods long-term, with maybe light dosing if needed.
I’ve never gone the IV vitamin C route, a favorite of celebrities and the very wealthy, but I’ve learned that it is paradoxically (or not) a potent pro-oxidant when injected, as this interesting blog (see also) (he is a self-described autistic guy from Australia; the style and format are very unusual and I don’t endorse all theories, but there are many valuable points found within) first informed me – when one might expect it to be the ultimate antioxidant. Again, you can’t outwit nature: try and get six of one with synthetics, lose half-dozen (or more, or everything) somewhere else.
This is not to imply oxidation is always bad. Inflammation and healing, along with other basic functions, are oxidative processes. This makes me slightly suspicious of ultra-high antioxidant foods (e.g. cacao), though in whole-food form I’m comfortable with them for the moment. It’s a field I don’t yet understand but will explore further.
3/26/20- 2019 Record Year for CEO Departures, Later Months Set All-Time Monthly Records (link); Fortune 2/26/20 ‘The Great CEO Exodus of 2020‘
Senator stock sell-offs, huge bump in CEO resignations (probably involving lot of stock compensation, and sale thereof) – – could it be because there’s a big club, and we ain’t in it? Yep, I think that’s it.
3/25/20- A Possible Coronavirus Timeline for US and Italy, If They Mirror China
3/25/20- Germany and Australia as Case Studies for Coronavirus Statistics; Debunking ‘Recovered vs. Dead’ Fearmongering
Exploring further the vast potential for cooking the statistical books discussed below, we can use Germany as a case study. I’ve traveled extensively throughout Germany and three attributes – among many others – that I would use to describe the society and its people are honesty, competency, and risk-aversion or precaution, above average in these regards, including in its civic bodies and institutions. This is absolutely a generalization: there are millions of wild and crazy, uninhibited Germans, there are many crooked, shysty, and lazy Germans; and everyone there and elsewhere is a mixed bag of positive and negative traits (and there are honest and competent people and nations worldwide); but I feel the above can be said to apply as a true stereotype; and I think if any nation’s statistics are to be trusted and considered to be relatively accurate, Germany’s are probably about as good as anyone’s.
Several voices in the conspiracy realm, in which I’d include myself, have dwelled on the roughly even numbers of dead and recovered in some countries, going as far as to say this may equate to a true death rate of 50%. All this does though is show a lag between infection and death, and differences between nations in their defining ‘recovered.’
Returning to Germany, where there have been cases since 1/27/2020 (meaning incubating cases likely starting 1/20/2020 or earlier), it has 35,714 identified cases (so we can safely assume at the very least 70,000 total cases; and maybe hundreds of thousands), 181 deaths, and 3,540 recovered. This is a 0.5% reported death rate, 0.1-0.25% adjusted for unidentified cases, and a recovered-thus-far and dead ratio of 20:1. Faroe Islands, for another example, has 128 cases, 0 deaths, and 38 recoveries. The 1:1 ratio or anything close to 1:1 is patently false.
An alternative case to examine of a nation with relatively broad testing and likely reliable statistics is Australia: 9 deaths out of 2,364 cases (0.38% reported death rate, 0.19% or less actual). Since Australia has so few deaths, the ages of victims are easy to list: 95**, 90**, 86*, 82**, 81*, 78, 77, 75, 68 (this person had severe underlying conditions; the preceding three may also have had conditions but no information was available in news articles) (median age 81, same as world median; mean/average 81.3; world mean is 80.5) (I am not trivializing these deaths, I am pointing out that the person may have been in very precarious health and highly vulnerable to a number of death causes).
**was living in nursing home (avg stay before death 2.3 yrs) *was already in hospital for another issue
3/25/20- More on the Coronavirus Statistics
It would not shock me if 10, 20, 40 million or more people have already been infected, with the vast majority already having unwittingly recovered.
The extreme discrepancies in death rates – which after making a conservative adjustment for unidentified cases vary from 0.05% to a 100-fold-higher 5% (assuming that just half of infections have not been or will ever be identified; it may be 80%, 90% or more that are invisible) – seem to be a function not of differing medical realities, but of several cultural and socioeconomic factors:
A) how many test kits a nation has, and how good-quality they are (most early tests were horrendously bad)
B) what the rules around testing are, with respect to eligibility for a test
C) what the risk-aversion level and other cultural sensibilities of a population are, i.e. how ill a person in a given nation needs to feel in order to consult a doctor or go to the hospital
D) what the precaution level and other sensibilities of doctors in a nation are, i.e., whether a doctor’s examination is likely to result in a coronavirus referral, or simply in sending the patient home with flu / general acute-respiratory treatment and ‘seeing what happens’
E) what kind of health insurance is available, where countries with high-level and universal healthcare have far lower death rates, not always necessarily because treatment is superior, but because testing and treatment are ‘free’ and there is no penalty in getting examined, resulting in a far higher case-discovery rate
F) the population density, transportation infrastructure, and density of doctors, with wealthy city-state nations and the wealthiest European nations generally having the lowest [reported] death rates: i.e., how easy it is to get to a doctor and get examined; where it’s at all difficult, the vast majority will just ride out symptoms, and never be treated or tested
G) how sophisticated autopsy and post-mortem testing are in a given nation, where in a normal year including this year there are 7x more acute-respiratory deaths (i.e. pneumonia, most commonly from the flu) per day than there are currently coronavirus deaths per day, creating a huge potential for corona pneumonia death to be mistaken for flu pneumonia, and vice versa
H) whether or not a country has been subjected to an intentional seeding of the virus, or borders that country and has become an instance of collateral damage; as well as other factors I haven’t identified.
All of the countries with the lowest death rates are at the same end of the spectrum with regards to all or almost all of these factors. The claimed / official 2% figure would merely represent the outcome of these many factors, and have no link to the actual death rate. There is another set of additional factors that could affect the actual infection and death rates (not reported rate / case-discovery rate): what percentage of population use public transportation (higher the %, the more spread), how good care is in a given country, etc., but the above listed factors seem to be weighing most heavily on the statistics as they are reported in the media.
3/24/20- Continuation of the Post Below; on ‘Reopening the Economy’
My point here is that we can’t hide in our homes from death for 2, 6, or 18 months, and governments have in my lifetime hardly panicked about any of these other causes – including those that are 100% preventable, such as malnutrition and starvation. Assuming the coronavirus is not manmade, which is far from a certainty at this point, it is not ‘an enemy,’ it is part of nature and a part of life, as is death, which is coming for all of us sooner or later, if not from coronavirus (and odds are overwhelming it won’t be) then from one of the myriad other ways listed. The societal and economic shutdowns/disruptions cause their own deaths – in a population of 7.7 billion, these collateral deaths may have already neared or even topped the number of coronavirus deaths, but they can’t be easily counted. If this sounds unrealistic, consider that there are already billions of people who are under more stress, eating less healthy, being less active and getting less sun, interacting less with their friends, families, and loved ones, losing jobs and health benefits (yes, there’s Medicaid and unemployment, but these don’t activate instantly, with the latter often taking months to get approved), etc. etc.. I’m not talking about the Dow or the stock market, which aren’t the economy, I’m talking about people’s livelihoods. Our debt-based money system – which requires perpetual, nonstop growth, debt- and interest-paying, hamster-wheel-spinning, cream-skimming – makes the situation all the worse.
If ‘everywhere becomes Italy’ – impossible due to extremely vast demographic differences, where their median age is more than double that of many nations, but just for the sake of argument – it would probably mean somewhere around 1.5 million deaths worldwide, almost certainly over a period of multiple years (this is assuming that twice as many die there as have died up to now; so far, 0.01% of Italy’s population, 6,000 people, have died from coronavirus; Italy will lose 450,000 people this year, or 0.7%, from all causes). This would be tragic, but again, in many cases coronavirus would simply substitute for some other death cause that would have killed people anyway, at around the same point in time.
We can take precautions against coronavirus, flu, heart disease, cancer, and every other cause listed; but we can’t stop any one of them this week or this year, if even this decade. I question how much ‘lockdowns’ and enforced prohibitions (which aren’t that comprehensive; there are no businesses that I need to / often go to aside from restaurants and bars that have been closed) – in comparison to recommendations, etc. – have actually achieved, versus the effect of the huge (and essentially voluntary) shift in behavior.
The curve can be flattened considerably through a continuation of individual, common-sense measures: most importantly, getting healthy and maximizing immunity (impossible according to the FDA; the FDA’s official stance, and this is not really an exaggeration, is that there is ‘no evidence’ that anything is beneficial to human health other than pharmaceutical drugs); and beyond that, keeping some distance, washing hands, limiting errands for a few weeks, etc. This can be done without any official action: just tell people that this is a potentially serious and deadly disease, especially depending on your health and age, so do what you reasonably can to avoid getting it and spreading it to loved ones. Businesses and workers that are able to operate remotely can continue to do so for a while. I have taken reasonable measures to reduce risk and will continue to do so for some time, as I believe will most Americans.
But if government is going to take the additional step of forcibly closing private businesses – e.g. restaurants, bars, airlines, hotels, etc. – or officially urging/ordering Americans not to patronize them, the owners need to be directly compensated for lost sales – not via loans that they have to pay back, but via no-strings money: government employees and pension recipients have not lost a dollar and will be paid in full for every day of this pandemic, not forced to take on loans; in fairness, so should businesses that have in effect been commandeered by government.
3/23/20- RIP to All 156,164 Human Beings Who Died Today, and Will Die Tomorrow, and Every Day This Year; A Breakdown of the Causes
Cardiovascular disease (much of it premature/preventable): 48,379
Cancer (much of it preventable): 26,191
Gastrointestinal and diarrheal diseases: 10,821
Chronic respiratory disease: 10,712
Non-coronavirus acute respiratory infections (i.e. pneumonia, many cases from flu): 7,013***
Alzheimer’s and dementia: 6,876
Neonatal disorders: 4,876
Diabetes (directly caused): 3,753
Liver disease: 3,616
Road accidents: 3,397
Kidney disease: 3,369
Tuberculosis: 3,232
AIDS and complications: 2,615***
Suicide: 2,174
Malaria: 1,698
Malnutrition and starvation: 1,374
Homicide: 1,110
Alcohol & drug use: 963
**Coronavirus and complications, including with coincident causes: approximately 950** (median age 81)
Parkinson’s: 932
Drowning: 808
Meningitis: 789*** (some viral)
Childbirth and birth-related: 530
War (directly caused): 355
Hepatitis: 346***
Fire: 330
Poisoning: 198
Hot and cold exposure: 146
Terrorism: 72
Natural disasters: 26
Other causes: 8,513 (major causes not mentioned: work/non-road accidents, prescription drug deaths, sepsis and nephritis, medical errors, superbugs in hospitals, congenital diseases, unidentified causes of old-age deaths, etc.)
***deaths from non-corona contagious viral infections or complications thereof
(there were actually a lot more than this, since this data is from 2017: source)
3/23/20- For a Brief Diversion from Virus Coverage, Some Mars Fakery
There are areas all over Earth that look just like this these photos released from NASA this month, including Devon Island Canada, where NASA’s Mars ‘training’ facility is based (see post below from November 2018 for more photos), and Earth is obviously what you are seeing here. We’ve never been to the Moon, we’ve never been to Mars, we’ve never gotten close, and there are no signs we will anytime soon. Funny video from a while back on NASA’s Mars entertainment productions: link.
3/23/20- Putting Coronavirus 19 Into Historical Perspective
There are surely hundreds, probably thousands of tiny dots throughout recorded history that were comparable in size to or much bigger than the coronavirus, but went undocumented (or just excluded from this infographic for editorial reasons), or were ignored as minor events. Another way to look at this is that the total number of deaths from all causes each year is larger than the smallpox sphere, and the number from heart disease and cancer each year is the size of the AIDS sphere. I don’t like to look at things this way, but if you were to adjust these spheres for percentage of the population lost, you would literally need a microscope to see the coronavirus. This is hardly to say nothing should have been done, but a more reasonable, better balanced view is needed as we continue to respond to this event and far more serious events in the future.
3/22/20- The Lowest Coronavirus Death Rates by Country
As I’ve said many times, claims of the death rate are useless without precisely equal testing everywhere; there are also demographics to consider, and ‘attribution methodology’ (there were tens if not hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who were already on their deathbeds, and tens of millions of extremely advanced age and precarious health; there may be serious misattribution with respect to these cases, or partial attribution mischaracterized as complete, where the virus only partially contributed to death that was already imminent and inevitable). No country has identified anything remotely close to all cases; I’d be surprised if any nation has found more than 25% of them, and I think it’s wildly irrational to assume more than 50% have been found, so I think it’s reasonable to divide all death rates below by 2, 4, even 10 (and depending on the country, multiply reported infection statistics by 2, 4, 10, 50 or more). Almost none of these invisible cases will ever be identified (or at least not anytime soon; antibody testing could find some of them over the coming years), since people cured themselves in weeks, days, or hours. All of the below nations have had many identified cases for several weeks; only countries with significant case numbers and time infected were included. Dozens more countries are at around 1%, and many others with small case numbers are at zero.
Saudi Arabia: 0/562 (0%)
Qatar: 0/494 (0%)
South Africa: 0/402 (0%)
Israel: 1/1,238 (0.08%)
Czech Republic: 1/1,165 (0.08%)
Finland: 1/700 (0.14%)
Iceland: 1/586 (0.17%)
Russia: 1/438 (0.22%)
Norway: 9/2,538 (0.35%)
Germany: 115/27,289 (0.4%)
Singapore: 2/509
Austria: 21/3,967 (0.5%)
Mexico: 2/316 (0.6%)
3/22/20- ‘Faith-Based Eating:’ A Religious Approach to Nutrition and Medicine; Oseltamivir aka Tamiflu, Sweetgum Trees, and the Flu Virus (link) (link)
While I don’t subscribe to the precise theological details of any organized religion, which I believe in some cases are allegories for inexpressible or hard to express realities, in others may closely mirror the truth, and in yet others are simply made-up by man, I do believe in God, in a way that I would call general or unorganized religion, which I prefer to the term spirituality; institutions do not have a monopoly on religion. Part of that for me is to have faith that the Creator and Creation have provided us with all that is needed to survive and thrive for a time, but eventually die.
I believe that the vast majority but maybe not all people who choose to respect nature’s gifts and use their God-given reason to try and discern a path to good nutrition – and try not to be led astray by fad diets and marketing gimmicks – will find themselves in good health and live for a relatively long time (an example of a group who closely adhere to this philosophy are Adventists (I’m not one) in Loma Linda California, which is considered a ‘blue zone’). Unfortunately, huge bodies of knowledge regarding dietary and herbal synergies have been lost as society has modernized, leaving us to have to relearn nutritional fundamentals and rely more heavily on modern medicine, though there is still much to learn by studying traditional or historical diets that in many cases are the product of centuries of refinement.
I would go as far as to say that eating a diet high in processed and synthetic foods and ignoring the healthful foods that have been provided to us, discounting or dismissing the natural prevention and cure of disease (a position which the disgraceful FDA has taken to the maximum extent possible), and relying exclusively on synthetic solutions and human interventions for health might be called forms of blasphemy, or sins of some kind. I sin all the time in other ways, so I am not judging people for not eating what I believe to be the best diet, I am just including it as a sin alongside other ‘conventional’ sins. (I don’t take this to the extreme either, and eat processed foods on occasion with no guilt; I’m talking about daily habits).
As a standalone exhibit of evidence of a divine hand, consider that the flu is by far the deadliest (causing upwards of 1 million deaths a year, if one counts complications) and most problematic virus for man in the last few thousand years, including this year, in spite of the fear around the coronavirus. The leading treatment for the flu has for decades been oseltamivir aka Tamiflu, which is also being used in coronavirus patients. Like most synthetic drugs, Tamiflu was synthesized from a plant (and then patented), a compound (shikimic acid, also found in lower levels in pine needles and other plants) from the seed pods of sweetgum trees, which will be showing up on trees over the next couple weeks. You can make a homemade Tamiflu tincture by breaking green sweetgum balls, e.g. with a spiked hammer or tool of some kind to cleave the balls, then soaking the pieces in a mason jar filled with grain alcohol or Everclear for a couple/few weeks, until a dark, rich liquid results; a less potent tea can also be made. Is it merely a coincidence that sweetgum balls look exactly like a virus (including influenza and the coronavirus), and are also the leading treatment for the most widespread virus? I don’t believe it is.
There are dozens of other similar examples that I’ll go into at a later time. The infographic shows a few of them (though some that have been circulated on the internet are not really valid, or a stretch). Tightly controlled (when it comes to anything of controversy, where probably several dozen editors will gang up to block any establishment-unfriendly edits, and then lock the page), unfree Wikipedia won’t mention any of the above; they show you a few bad or false examples, and tag it ‘pseudo,’ when it’s anything but.
I wouldn’t describe this – the resemblance of foods to organs or organisms, and notable effect on or support of those organs or organisms – as the far-and-away primary criterion I use to design my diet and select foods, though the color (e.g. nearly all dark green foods are rich in beta carotene and vitamin K, nearly all orange and yellow foods are rich in beta carotene, all dark blue and purple foods contain proanthocyanidins, nearly all red foods are rich in one of a few categories of phytonutrients, among many other hints) and the taxonomy of a food provide many important clues (I look at the issue from several angles, including evidence from scientific studies), but I do feel there is a preponderance of such visual evidence, which supports the idea that natural foods have been provided to us by a higher, creative, benevolent power, call it God, Mother Nature, or whatever you like, and are sufficient for health, without much or any outside medical intervention always needed (assuming an absence of toxins, pollutants, etc., which for many people overcomes their defenses).
As I’ve noted, while there appears to be a moderate danger that warrants that some precautions be voluntarily taken, especially with respect to the elderly or infirm, I don’t believe this virus to be any kind of existential threat, and believe its main long-term importance will be as a pretext for economic and social engineering (planned either shortly after the virus’s emergence, or probably more likely, beforehand; not to say by the elected US government, or any particular government), thanks to the powers of persuasion – amounting to mind control – that are still to an extent possessed by the media, in spite of their heavy loss of credibility in recent years.
I’m not a Christian Scientist who eschews all modern medicine: I live in the modern world, I lack broad knowledge of natural or herbal medicine, and I do seek conventional medical treatment when I feel it is appropriate – certainly for anything involving surgery, dentistry, first aid and wound/skin healing, broken bones, etc.; or potentially, if I ever happened to be dealing with a manmade pathogen. But I do my best to rely on nature as much as possible, so that I can minimize the need for these interventions.
3/21/20- Zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D Are Likely the Best Supplements / Micronutrients Against Coronavirus
I’ve mentioned below that whole foods, sunlight, and a handful of supplements will likely be your best defenses against coronavirus symptoms. I don’t endorse Infowars in any way, but the following link is a good breakdown of studies that demonstrate zinc to be a major antiviral agent, generally and against coronavirus and SARS specifically, throughout the treatment period but especially in limiting viral load considerably during the incubation period. Zinc (zinc acetate has been used most extensively in studies relating to SARS (link) (link); though several different forms have showed a comparably positive effect in most studies. I wouldn’t dwell too much on the form, with food forms preferred if feasible; I get a lot in food, and take a 25mg dose, half a tablet, in supplement form) and vitamin C also regulate levels of cytokines, overproduction of which was a cause of death in young people during the Spanish Flu. Zinc also has a host of other benefits and should be consumed in normal circumstances. The best food sources of zinc are meat, fish, shellfish, seeds and nuts esp hemp and pumpkin, and legumes, with oysters by far the #1 source. Unlike many vitamins, minerals like zinc are not stored long in the body and must be renewed daily or near daily.
With vitamin C, I try to take a supplement alongside food sources of the vitamin, on the basis that flavonoids, co-factors, and any other synergies present in foods may enhance absorption and effect of the supplement, and also to cover myself if the supplement form does not work as well as hoped. The food forms could be citrus, strawberries, kiwi, broccoli, or if you live near pine trees, a pine needle tea (‘mush’ or snap the pine needles – about a handful of them – to break the skin, then steep in very hot water for 10-15 minutes), which is high in vitamin C. The inner reddish bark of pine trees (almost all species, not just Maritime pine, which is a marketing/patent scheme) can also be made into a tea, which has been shown to boost the effects of vitamin C (I’m not really an ‘essential oil guy,’ but breathing the essential oils of pine and evergreen needles, which are present in the air of evergreen forests, has also been shown to enhance immune system response – which I thought may be the origin of the Christmas tree inside the home, as a way to help protect inhabitants from flu and seasonal illness).
3/21/20- Senators Sold Millions in Stock Before Coronavirus Crash (link) (link) – These are not public servants, these are not ‘gentlemen/ladies from X state,’ these aren’t ‘the honorable’ anything. These are in my estimation a protected class of criminals in suits and ties who need to be stripped of their very ill gotten gains and thrown in jail (they won’t though, because insider trading is legal for Congressmen, and Congressmen only). And it’s not just the four named, or hardly just this instance – this is standard procedure; almost all of them, Republicans and Democrats alike, appear to have gotten rich off dirty deals, often on the taxpayer dime.
3/20/20- GOP Releases Terrible Means-Tested Relief Bill
These kinds of embarrassing, out-of-touch antics are why most new voters (e.g. immigrants) and young voters distance themselves from the Republican party, and by default identify with Democrats.The bill disqualifies people with income over $100k AND disqualifies or sharply cuts payments to people below $40k. So the people living paycheck to paycheck – who need the money most – get much less or nothing. And it’s a rebate, not a stimulus check; so if you’re self-employed and will owe taxes (rather than get a refund) it’ll get eaten up, and if you’re an employee and get a refund, you won’t see the benefit until late summer or if you’ve done your taxes, winter/spring 2021, when the pandemic will likely be over in both cases; a useless bill that does little but discredit the very party that introduced it, and alienate the majority (link) of American wage workers who make less than $20/hr i.e. $40k/yr (who are subhumans in talk-radio land, since they ‘pay [low or] no [federal income] taxes,’ as the divide-and-conquer talking point goes; they do directly or indirectly pay property, payroll, sales, gasoline, excise, corporate-income, corporate-payroll, tobacco and alcohol taxes, telecom and utility taxes, and who knows how many others, probably to the tune of 30% or more of their income, but those taxes somehow don’t count. Yes, some get health benefits, but can you blame them for not voluntarily getting ripped off by our health-insurance system? Higher-income people in the middle class pay too much also; I’m for a single, flat 10-15% tax, as explained in a recent full post); the median hourly wage in 2018 was $14.99/hr or $29k/yr.
The nation is supposed to be of for and by the people, so for once in the last 20 years, let’s do zero bailouts for large corporations and banks, they aren’t people, and 100% of any QE or stimulus goes to all adult citizens of all income levels, to help level the playing field since 2008. Yes, some very wealthy people won’t need the money, but they’ll make up a tiny percentage of the relief funds anyway; if we’re going to solve problems, we have to stop playing the game of pitting the [sort-of] rich against the poor.People with small businesses who have been harmed are going to put it directly or indirectly into their businesses, people with jobs will spend or invest it depending on their economic situations. Some of it may go towards travel or vacation and help airlines once this all ends. I’m against QE / a QE-UBI (as well as the USD/FRN) in principle, but normal principles have been out the window for a while now: the top 0.1% has been enriched dramatically over the last 30 years and gained control of way too much wealth, in large part through post-2007, bank/corporation/stock-favoring QE (link) (link) (link) (link).
There could be a separate program for larger corporations and citizen-entrepreneurs in heavily affected industries (food-service, travel), involving very low-interest loans with relaxed eligibility requirements, perhaps with a portion forgiven in the future. Of course, I’m not holding my breath on any of this.
Going back to the Bush administration and much earlier, most of the Republican party has voted to throw money at the MIC and banks at every turn; they lost the mantle of balanced budgets and fiscal conservatism long ago, and can’t suddenly claim the high ground and cinch the purse strings now. They had a big opportunity to make a populist gesture and grow their base, and look to have totally blown it. With opponents like these, it’s no wonder someone like Biden can be a viable candidate in this country (not to imply people have really chosen Biden or the Republicans in question – they were selected for us by the R/D duopoly/mafia).
3/20/20- Thoughts on Trump’s Response to the Coronavirus So Far
Putting aside all the things I don’t like about Trump and disagree with him on, putting aside the ridiculous hyperbole from the media (comparing this repeatedly to WWII, calling it ‘great challenge of our generation,’ etc.), assuming Trump had no knowledge of the virus in advance (if it did come from the West, I’d guess originated in a quasi-governmental or ‘black’ sector / agency in either the US or a foreign nation that may operate outside the knowledge of the elected government; or perhaps much more likely, from a non-governmental, private agency / network of some kind [that has intimate links with said agencies of said governments], which I believe exists: e.g., ‘the Illuminati’ for lack of clarity and knowledge), and accepting the political context within which we live (a too-large nation-state with an oversized, overreaching, century-long-unconstitutional federal government) as a given – I think he himself has been doing a pretty good job up to this point, from my vantage point.
It’s a multi-faceted approach that seems to be heavy on practical solutions (constitutional border controls, requests and not demands that Americans return to or stay in the US, with a mix of voluntary purchasing and unconstitutional commandeering of industry, where the latter has been long established by precedent and at least involves compensating the companies in question), and relatively light on propaganda and authoritarianism (or as light as it can be, given the media’s presentation). Yes, there’s the test-kit shortage and delay in ordering them, so it hasn’t been perfect; but testing is less important than treating the small minority of very serious cases: most people apparently won’t need any treatment at all. Some states, e.g. New York and California, are acting far beyond their rights in indiscriminately forcing businesses to shut down and forbidding citizens to leave their homes, but in general it is good that states and municipalities have been able to make their own decisions and take their own approach, while all states have encouraged the same basic measures be voluntarily taken.
This isn’t a prediction, but my feeling and bet if I had to make one, given the many vectors of attack that are already in place against it, in terms of apparently effective limitation of spread via citizen behavior, successful treatment with medication, etc., would be that this won’t ‘go exponential’ (in terms of deaths; infections may already have done so) as has been assured by the media, and will be over in a matter of weeks, perhaps with some non-catastrophic seasonal returns in coming years.
For all I’ve criticized the treatment of this event and questioned its origins, I’ve personally chosen to take most of the precautions requested, as far as washing hands after doing errands, keeping a distance from people, etc. I work mostly from home anyway and am not the most socially active person in the world, so the change for me has not yet been all that dramatic.
I still think that the description of this as an existential threat is wildly overblown, that Italy Iran and China were in all likelihood victims of subterfuge, and that at the highest levels, the event is likely serving as a ‘dry run’ to gauge the logistical mechanics and command-obedience dynamics for a more serious future threat (or more probably, false-flag operation), and as a way to allow inflated stock prices to inevitably cool down (they are still greatly inflated) and the Fed to inject more QE without triggering a ‘crisis of confidence’ that would occur had this been done outside of an emergency, whether this one is real or mostly exaggerated.
3/19/20- ‘Fact Check:’ How Many Die Per Year from Seasonal Flu (It’s Not 50,000)? ; 2.5 Million People Die Every Year from Acute Respiratory Infections (Most Commonly Flu and Flu-Related Pneumonia), Including 500,000 Per Year Under Age 70
A false figure has been circulated all over the internet by many – including me recently, where I took it at face value – that around 50,000 people die per year from the flu worldwide. But the CDC reported that in the US alone in 2017, 36,000 died from flu and flu-related pneumonia (equal to around 900,000 that year, if extrapolated to all nations), which seems to be the way we’re classifying deaths as corona-caused deaths (where death from complications, or any death during treatment, is counted). Then I came across the study linked above that indicates 2.5 million people per year die from acute respiratory infections, with influenza the most prevalent among them. So it seems certain that we’re looking at around 1 million deaths per year from flu (possibly closer to 2 million) and complications therefrom. With around 1 billion flu cases per year, this happens to mirror the [also widely circulated] assertion of a common-flu death rate of 0.1% per year.
Considering that 27 million per year die from heart disease and cancer (the #1 and #2 causes of death), 4 million from chronic respiratory diseases (#3), and 2.5 million from acute respiratory infections (#4) (including 1.5 million people per year from chronic and acute respiratory illness who are under 70 years old), as well as 1.25 million from car accidents, 300,000 from drowning, and roughly 22 million per year from other causes, this figure of 1 or 2 million for the flu sounds far more accurate (50,000 in retrospect seems far too low for a world figure), since flu-triggered pneumonia has long been known as a fairly common way to die (often one of the only ways to die, if one has no other serious medical conditions) for very old people. While there have been some younger-age coronavirus cases, the median age of the coronavirus dead is 81 years old (where world life expectancy is 72.6 years old), with many in their 90s and beyond. Many of the now 9,000 people who have died in [apparent] relation to the coronavirus or during the coronavirus treatment period/quarantine were close to death as it was, if not already on their deathbeds.
I’m not in any way making light of this tragedy or encouraging more deaths, I’m saying we need to keep things in perspective. Is it reasonable to shut down the entire world for 6 months, a year or longer to prevent perhaps somewhere between 0.01 to 1% of deaths in a given year from happening, when those deaths in many or most cases are going to occur soon anyway, perhaps from seasonal flu, etc., and may in many cases occur during the corona shutdown and treatment period, where someone gets coronavirus and dies of something else during that time that’s unrelated to it, or even dies because of an overzealous response, as people are locked in, stressed out, isolated from their families and caregivers, and unable to stay active, eat well, and care for themselves? When you have a world population of 7.7 billion, this kind of collateral loss of life can add up quickly. You can’t lock up 800,000 nonagenarians (and 17,000 Italian centenarians) (in Spain: 600,000 90+ / 14,000 100+) for a month or longer, deprive them of the very things that in many cases have allowed them to live so long, and expect all of them to come out unscathed. Do I blame people for isolating loved ones in an attempt to protect them? Absolutely not. But my point is, time and death roll on, and can’t be stopped by quarantines, lockdowns, or any other measures, which all cause their own forms of harm.
This may all sound harsh and morbid, but it’s reality. As I’ve said, 57 million people per year die, there are no years off, and we can’t do a thing about it anytime soon. We don’t ‘fight wars’ against all other diseases and causes of death. People don’t just spontaneously die; some specific cause of death must sooner or later take out each and every one of us, and we can only do so much to slow and ameliorate this eventuality.
I’m all for ‘flattening the curve’ to a considerable extent through voluntary, common-sense measures (a degree of social distancing, temporary avoidance of crowds, hygiene, etc.), but there is no reason to have martial law over this, nor is there a right to impose it – which makes me think this whole thing is a pretext for economic and social engineering first (likely known about in advance by some), and a medical event second. If I’m wrong, we’ll see how the government responds in the near future to the thousands of other ‘enemies’ that kill huge numbers of us every year.
3/18/20- The Numbers Around the Coronavirus Suggest an Enormous Potential for Deception
While there have tragically been and will continue to be deaths, the pandemic appears to me to be functioning primarily as A) an excuse for massive QE5 and the controlled [partial] demolition of the stock market (where the bubble was going to pop anyway, and this deflects blame onto China, and short-circuits a loss of faith in the US/USD; the Fed can ‘wash its hands’ of its role in the economic damage) and B) a social-engineering / obedience-training exercise for the people, and basis to take away more civil liberties. In addition to the other statistical problems presented in posts below, consider the following:
1) One test that has already been distributed worldwide in the tens of thousands was reported by Trump administration officials to have a FIFTY PERCENT false-positive rate, where presumably the common flu is mistaken for coronavirus based on the heavy or complete symptom overlap which prompted the test.
2) There are around one billion cases of seasonal flu per year, in every country. If even a minuscule percentage of flu cases (0.1% error rate = 1 million false coronavirus diagnoses) are ‘mis-tested’ or otherwise misdiagnosed as coronavirus, the epidemic will look massive. Unless every single citizen is tested with a truly flawless test, which would be pretty much pointless, since symptoms are about the same as the flu, there’s no way to have any idea what the death rate is (many high-testing countries indicate that it’s 0.2% or lower).
The coronavirus appears to be a new flu by a new name. So long-term, if the virus is as ‘successful’ as influenza, which seems far from likely, the apparent worst case would be that we have two types of seasonal flu, and double the number of flu deaths each year; certainly not good, but not really world-altering either.
3/17/20- Fake Fiscal Conservatives of the Right Decry QE for the People
Today I tuned in to an AM talk radio station and heard blowhard Mark Levin strenuously protesting the plan to pay QE or stimulus to the people for the first time ever (aside from the piddling $300 Bush stimulus, where 95%-plus of the ‘relief’ money went to the banks), instead of to banks, or to corporations for stock buybacks and bonuses (well actually, alongside those; with about 75-90% of the money in the latest proposal still going to large corporations and banks). However, I don’t recall Levin, Hannity, or others complaining at all about the $1.5 trillion bank bailout of about a week ago or the trillions in late-2019 repo bailouts (or about the bank bailouts of the 2008 crisis), or making a peep against the $150 billion increase to the bloated military budget (which costs upwards of $1.5 trillion/year after interest, security-theater, intelligence, and veterans care) for ‘rebuilding’ (in fact, they’ve heartily praised it).
Many on the right seem to love showering corporations, the MIC, and the banks with endless trillions in cold hard cash from the Fed, or at the very least tolerate it – but when it comes to putting money in the hands of ordinary Americans, who haven’t gotten jack squat from any of the past ‘rescue packages’? They practically take to the streets; it’s truly perverse. Fiscal conservatism is the restriction of all public spending and functions – not just social welfare programs.
Bailouts and stimulus are unfortunately inherent aspects of our current debt-money system, which requires perpetual growth (with no interruptions allowed, pandemic or not) and perpetual, increasing output of new debt to pay off old debt; so sadly, in any kind of downturn, they’re actually often necessary to keep the economy from deflating/foreclosing into the hands of the debt-money-issuing/owning banks (if not for you, then foreclosure for someone else), which isn’t good even for the banks; they want to be lenders, not landlords, so they must grease the system with new debt in the form of stimulus in order to keep things moving.
(If one opposes both bank bailouts and fiscal stimulus payments to the people, as I do [although I would and long before coronavirus did support large-scale QE exclusively for the people (as opposed to structural imposition of a nanny / welfare state), in order to balance the scales that were tipped in favor of the banks and mega-wealthy, especially following the 2008 crisis], he or she must also recognize that ‘fiscal conservatism’ or ‘austerity’ in a debt-money regime simply results in foreclosure – unless the paid-off or avoided public debt is replaced with an equivalent amount of private debt; via interest or taxes that pay bond interest, it ends up with the economy-owning banks either way. Yes, QE for the people would cause some inflation, but inflation is not so bad if you sit close to the font of public spending, like the banks and big corporations who have gotten virtually unlimited ultra-low/no-interest cash since 2007 and in some cases before. Granted, the private sector tends to spend the debt it takes on far more efficiently than the government; but when push comes to shove, we still have no control over our economic destiny, which is always one or a few rate hikes from ruin. Fiscal conservatism can only work in the context of sovereign money, where money is a credit to its bearer, not a debt owed back to someone else.)
3/17/20- Coronavirus, a Medical 9/11 [i.e. social-engineering exercise]
Italy lost 25,000 people from the common flu in 2016, coronavirus toll stands at 2,100; US has recently lost up to 60,000 in a year from flu, corona toll is currently 85. World median age of the dead is 81 years old. Death rate of Denmark and other nations with comprehensive testing is around 0.2%, true rate probably half that, which would make it the flu by another, scarier name (that was likely planted in opponent/defector nations to the [imperial / NATO] West – Italy, Iran, China – to blame them for the crisis and deal them a PR blow longer-term).
While all deaths are a tragedy, around 60 million of us will die this year from all causes, with the ~7,000 corona toll (86% of those deaths in 3 nations; meaning <1,000 dead in the other 152 nations) at around 0.0001% of that. Even if ‘everywhere becomes like Wuhan/Hubei,’ there would be 393,000 deaths; or if one doesn’t believe Chinese stats, ‘everywhere becomes like [Northern] Italy’ (which is totally unrealistic, given the very old population relative to most of the world), there would be 591,000 deaths worldwide (based on regional population of 28 million which is about 1/275th of world population; 2,150 deaths x 275) (by comparison, there are around 27 million deaths per year from heart disease and cancer, most of it / much of it premature and preventable; the 2009 swine flu, which was all but forgotten by most until a few weeks ago, killed 200,000). There are estimated to be 1 billion flu infections per year, in every country of the world, most of them mild or asymptomatic, like coronavirus. Viruses and death are and will always be part of life, ‘lockdowns’ and quarantines notwithstanding.
At this point, corona appears to be a ‘medical 9/11’ [i.e. a massive, worldwide social engineering exercise, with some real deaths needed for narrative / effect; almost certainly planned in advance by what I can only call ‘Western elements,’ not to say the elected government] meant to induce a controlled correction of the stock market, distract from QE 5/infinite and continued USD destruction, and take away civil liberties. As you would with the common flu, take care to protect your vulnerable relatives; but there is no good reason to believe this is Armageddon.
3/16/20- Good article by Ron Paul, a physician: ‘The Coronavirus Hoax‘
I don’t like to use the word hoax when people have died, but the article makes good points. As Paul notes, the claimed 2-3% death rate is a complete fabrication. Rates range from as high as 8% in Italy, which has a low testing rate, to as low as 0.1% in Denmark, which has an ultra-high rate of testing that has suggested a death rate about the same as the flu.
The claim of irreversible lung damage is also likely false, as covered below. In about 2% of cases there was fluid in the lungs, described as ‘frosted glass’ or ‘ground glass,’ which temporarily reduced lung function But it isn’t glass, it’s fluid, and will go away once people return to health. Lung function can often be restored, e.g. in former smokers, as well as improved from baseline, e.g. in athletes.
3/16/20- Italian Doctor Compares Coronavirus to a Bomb; He May Be Right, Literally
Last week a doctor in Northern Italy compared the coronavirus outbreaks to multiple bomb blasts, with instant widespread infection (which is probably many times higher than reported; and the death rate thus many times lower).
He may have been literally right: viral bioweapons involving aerosol spray have existed since the 1960s, and there are no plausible explanations for Italy’s rapid, sky-high rate of infection compared to other countries with worse sanitation and health systems, and higher population density. A bioweapon could be deployed by airplane, in a nightclub, busy city square, subway station, etc., or even in the water system. If you doubt this could be done with a live virus, see the following: link, link, link.
With Italy and Iran as apparent targets, that pretty much rules out China had anything to do with it, and strongly implicates Western interests. If the Western shadow government’s goal has been to enhance political control and discredit and harm political opponents, this virus will have been a lucky ‘accident.’ The ‘Chinese bioweapon’ theory that popped up early on appears to be a red herring, inserted to distract from the truth.
In the Democratic debate last night, Biden called for the military to take to the streets, and the media talking heads have been provided with similar talking points: “This is a war” “We are under attack” “We have a common enemy [in the virus]” “In World War II… (insert comparison)”
I’d say this has ‘medical 9/11’ written all over it. It’s become clear that this is a ‘managed’ crisis, with a primary goal of social, economic, and political engineering, not promoting human welfare. Hopefully it will fail; many people already seem to be cognizant of these ulterior motives.
3/15/20- Is the Coronavirus’s Danger Mostly Smoke & Mirrors, or a Reality? The Statistics Suggest the Former.
As I’ve demonstrated in posts below, there’s something very fishy about the coronavirus statistics thus far, suggesting manipulation in the form of intentional seeding of the virus in certain countries (namely China, Iran, Italy; with extent of infection in those countries likely far greater than reported, and death rate far lower), and perhaps fraudulent testing, as well as mischaracterizations in death reporting.
In all of Central America (including Mexico; zero deaths), South America, and the Caribbean, population 670 million, there have only been 5 deaths so far. In all of Africa, population 1.2 billion, 7 deaths, with zero in sub-Saharan Africa. In India, population 1.3 billion, 2 deaths, and in all of mainland Asia (including India, and Russia) outside of China, Iran, and South Korea, population multiple billion, only 14 deaths (with 10 of those in Iraq). In all of Oceania, including Australia, New Zealand, and all other island territories, only 15 deaths. In Canada, one death. That’s 44 deaths total for the overwhelming bulk of the Earth’s surface and population, after more than 3 months (source). That number of 44 deaths applies to everywhere other than Europe, the US, Japan, South Korea, China, and Iran; as noted before, very suspiciously, 90% of deaths have occurred in just three countries: China, Iran, and Italy.
The swine flu of 2009 killed 203,000 people, seasonal flu kills 60,000 per year. Premature cancer (which could be considerably reduced by banning poisons from agriculture and consumer products) and heart disease kill tens of millions of people every year. Opioids prescription and otherwise kill 40,000 in the US per year, car accidents 50,000 in the US. The coronavirus response seems to be primarily about economics, social engineering, and an agenda for control, not saving lives. In any case, the above bodes well for a decline in actual sickness and death (regardless of media narratives) once the spring and summer arrive, with the virus appearing to spread very little in the warmest zones currently receiving the highest amount of ultraviolet light, which is known to kill viruses.
3/15/20- My Working Thesis on the Coronavirus
1) A coronavirus variant was released and seeded widely in the Wuhan area, probably intentionally by Western elements, possibly unintentionally by the Chinese. It was given a scary-sounding acronym and selected as a coronavirus in order to distinguish it from the flu, but is comparable in severity and lethality to the flu. The rapid contagion provoked a harsh response and ‘red zone-ing’ of the area by the Chinese government, creating a ‘worst-case-scenario’ foundation for a worldwide panic.
2) The virus was also intentionally seeded at higher levels in Iran and Italy to punish them for their non-compliance with the Western establishment, and alignment with China. The high death rates there are due to a much greater extent of infection, along with a lack of testing. Insufficient testing, and the discouraging of testing that we see now, could very easily continue to make the death rate seem much higher than it is (even 10-20+ times higher), since the large bulk of infections will go undiagnosed: ignored, assumed to be a cold or the flu, etc., while virtually 100% of deaths will be identified. From there, the relatively non-lethal virus would spread to neighboring countries. As we know from 9/11 and countless other events, the establishment doesn’t have any problem killing its own citizens as means to an end.
3) Celebrities (Tom Hanks, etc.) and high-profile victims have either been unwittingly [intentionally] infected, or are lying about being infected, in order to raise the virus’s profile, and promote fear and panic.
4) The goal of the fear and panic is to provide a false excuse for the long overdue economic correction (instead of the true reason, which is that the economy/market was/is an artificial bubble, bound to deflate), allowing the Fed to issue bailouts and another round of full-bore QE without causing the loss of confidence in the Fed and USD that otherwise might occur (edit: a few hours after this post, the Fed officially announced a $700B ‘injection’ aka bank bailout and 0% rates to kick off QE 4/5 – which has been going on unofficially in the repo market for months). Also, new precedents for control over people’s lives such as ‘lockdowns,’ invasive procedures at airports, long lines, travel restrictions, and forced testing and quarantines, have been and will continue to be attempted. There may be an attempt to institute some world taxing authority or fee-based organization for the ostensible purpose of preventing future pandemics. If its foot gets in the door, other raisons d’etre for the entity or associated entities might be pushed in the future: cybersecurity, counterterrorism, financial stability, etc.
5) Since the disease is probably comparable to the flu, and maybe slightly worse than the flu, which can be deadly, vulnerable populations like the elderly and people with serious health conditions should be protected as much as possible from infection, through measures like social distancing, handwashing, etc.
I consider it possible that I could be wrong on this, but we have to operate on beliefs/hunches, and those are mine at this point in time. Hopefully it’s not a bioweapon with delayed effects, but I don’t rule it out. There are other, much darker and more devious potential scenarios than that, but people can probably figure them out if they want, so I’ll leave them alone.
3/15/20- The Fed Just Gave the Banks $18,000 Per US Family of 4 for the Coronavirus ($1.5 trillion bailout, or $4,600 per man-woman-child). US Families of 4, Many of Whom Were Economically Affected by Virus, Received $0, and Will Pay for the Banks’ $18,000 Via Future Inflation/Interest; Looking Like TARP All Over Again.
3/14/20- The Top 3 Coronavirus Countries (China, Iran, Italy) Are All on the Western Establishment’s Sh*tlist, and Their Death Rates Are 4x Higher Than US and Allies (and make up 90% of all deaths). Coincidence?
Italy doesn’t have the strongest of ties with China in terms of population exchange, particularly the north, which has less tourism than central Italy. Their new government is hated by the West’s power structure, especially since they threatened to commit the unforgivable sin of introducing a parallel currency to the Euro, and also since they aligned with China economically by joining the Belt and Road initiative, which claims to promote a more politically and economically stable Eurasia that would make Western Europe, the UK, and the US much less relevant. Northern Italy, where support for Salvini’s anti-EU Lega Nord (Northern League) is highest, is as prosperous and modernized as just about anywhere in Europe, certainly a little moreso than nearly all of France and Spain, and the country and region have an excellent health system. France (42 median) and Spain (45) also have old populations, almost as old as Italy’s (47). French (32%) and Spanish (24%) smoke about as much as/more than Italians (27%). France gets about as many Chinese tourists as Italy; Thailand has a massive amount of Chinese tourism, more than any other country, and only has 82 cases. South Korea has many smokers (23%; US rate is 14%) and has an old population (42). Germany (48) and Japan (49) have older populations than Italy, with much lower death rates (0.2% Germany, 2.8% Japan), and Italians (83.4) live longer than Germans (81.4) and almost as long as Japanese (84.5). The alleged reasons for Italy’s comparatively sky-high death rate don’t hold water.
France, Spain, and South Korea are all in the good graces of the Western establishment, Italy currently isn’t, and Iran and China obviously aren’t. Italy’s death rate is 6.8%, Iran’s is 5.1%, China’s is 4%. These three countries make up 89.9% of all coronavirus deaths (5241/5829). Compare to South Korea (0.9%), France (2%), and Spain (3%). The US and UK have rates of 2.0% and 1.8% respectively. Death rates of other countries in the top 15: Germany (0.2%), Switzerland (0.9%), Norway (0.2%), Sweden (0.2%), Netherlands (1.2%), Denmark (0.1%), Japan (2.8%). Among these top 15 countries (which account for 96% of all diagnosed cases), the mean death rate in US/UK/NATO/West allies is 1.27%, and the rate for non-allied or potential defector countries is 5.3%, over 4x higher. The ‘Diamond Princess’ passengers have a death rate of 1%. With regards to other major allies of the West, Israel (22 days in) and Saudi Arabia (12 days) both have death rates of 0% currently.
In other words, only 588 people worldwide have died outside of China, Iran, and Italy. Among the other 12 of the top 15 countries (plus the cruise ship), all close US/West allies, there are 500 of those 588 deaths. So in the remaining 127 countries with reported infections, only 88 people have reportedly died worldwide. Does that really qualify as a major pandemic at this point in time? The world median age of the dead is 81 years old.
I don’t know what the causes for all of the above are (manipulations in the testing methodology / equipment, intentional planting of the virus throughout the country, or planting in more vulnerable spots, e.g. in nursing homes/senior-citizen communities); but investigation seems warranted, as some aspects of this don’t seem to pass the smell test. As for China, I consider entirely possible that the virus did not originate from either the fish market or the virology lab, but instead as sabotage from some source in the West. The cui bono (who benefits) and who-is-harmed equations are not favorable for the US/West shadow government’s total innocence.
A more benign/less nefarious factor might be that the virus is far more widespread than thought, with a much lower death rate than thought (perhaps comparable to the flu), and that a lack of testing in Italy and Italy’s marginally older population are skewing the numbers, with most Italians not getting tested, and the 1,441 dead in Italy representing a tiny portion of total cases, both known and unknown. Yet at first glance at least, this wouldn’t seem enough to erase the enormous gap between nations in the total infected: Italy would probably have to have 10 or 20x more infected people than other large Western European countries to have such a high death count, which doesn’t seem at all believable. I’d have to check the demographics and crunch the numbers, but I’m guessing it doesn’t shake out. As for Iran’s uniquely bad situation, I put nothing past the Western shadow government and its allies, as far as intentionally causing death and chaos there at any time, for any reason.
These are not solid claims or accusations against anyone, they are reflections on some alternatives to the official account. However, it does seem likely that at least one of the above scenarios – subterfuge against the above countries, and/or a far higher infection rate and thus lower death rate than thought (along with some engineered effects, e.g. alleged celebrity/high-profile cases [where they could simply be lying, or have been intentionally infected unwittingly], select horror stories) – and perhaps most likely all of them, would obtain. Of course, maybe I’m missing something, maybe it’s still too early; it likely won’t be long to tell.
3/14/20- Whole-Food Nutrition Is Your Best Defense Against Illness, Including Coronavirus; More Thoughts on Coronavirus
Wholesome, whole food – not Purell, masks, test kits, or vaccines – is in all likelihood going to be your most important personal tool in a relatively low-lethality pandemic like this one, if it ends up spreading to a significant degree. Consistently getting vitamins (including vitamin D from sunlight), minerals, antioxidants, polyphenols, and other phytochemicals, as well as fiber, essential fatty acids, and a complete amino profile will dramatically increase your odds of being in the least affected or non-affected coronavirus category, if you did happen to get it. Even among old people (80+ years), 85-90% survive, and it’s probably not that hard for most people who are not severely overweight and don’t smoke to put themselves in the top 80% of health, even if they have one or two conditions. As for myself, since I put a heavy focus on whole foods with high consumption of vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, etc. in my early 20s, I haven’t been considerably sick more than once or twice (nothing for at least 5 years) and rarely feel any symptoms of illness, and if I do, it’s typically gone within a few hours (as always, knock on wood). This isn’t to brag, it’s just an easy way for me to promote this kind of eating, beyond citing the thousands of studies that support it works.
Being cooped up inside and eating a diet of bread, milk, and eggs is not going to position you particularly well to avoid or overcome illness. The only thing I’d recommend aside from healthy food and enough sun is bulk vitamin C powder (and maybe zinc, depending on your diet), which comes in 1 pound or kilogram tubs starting around $25, and taking a daily maintenance dose, and a high-dose protocol if you suspect you are sick (there are many versions online; up to around 20-25g/day might be the norm; there is no toxicity risk: LD50 is ~1kg for an adult)
On reports of ‘permanent’ lung and organ damage:
This is potentially concerning, but it’s not clear what percentage showed significant damage (one article suggested it was about 20% of serious cases, which equates to about 2% of all diagnosed cases, which may equate to anywhere from 2% to 0.2% or fewer of all actual cases), and damage could hardly be called permanent just a few weeks after a partial recovery. Also, damage to most organs can be reversed over time through a healthy diet and lifestyle, and lung capacity and function can be expanded (e.g. in normal people, to an above-average level) and restored in most cases (e.g. among smokers). Of course, that may not always be true (e.g. with severe fibrosis, which doesn’t appear to have yet resulted). Hopefully more information regarding longer-term recovery outcomes will emerge soon.
On the food-supply chain:
In terms of imported food, my guess is that most people involved in the production of food have no choice but to work, so I don’t see that stopping. The biggest risk to the import chain would probably be high-paid, unionized workers in Western ports, who may be able to afford to strike or take off from work for some time, or institute changes that slow food entry (this isn’t anti-union and I wouldn’t necessarily blame them, it’s just what I believe to be true). Most domestic production involves machines and workers with little choice but to work, so that likely won’t stop either. Still, I’d always advise having stored food for a significant period on hand, for this or whatever else may come.
On water:
As mentioned before, there’s one simple solution to a scenario of potential tap water contamination: a typical suburban roof and gutters, which can harvest tens of thousands of gallons of water per year. To purify it, I would either buy a life-straw-like filtration kit, or have extra matches/lighters for boiling (in case igniter fails). Gas service seems unlikely to go offline.
A flu/suspected flu recipe (alternative to chicken-noodle [far superior IMO, in effectiveness and taste]):
If I suspect I am coming down with or may come down with flu-like symptoms (e.g. was exposed to sick person), I have found that the following dish/stew works (as said before, has either gone away or largely subsided same day, or not come at all):
-Large amount of white rice (ideally cooked in chicken bone broth) (interesting study on rice and HIV)
-Chicken (with some fat, e.g. legs, or with skin; if have skinless breast, add small amount of olive oil)
-Large amount of dark leafy greens, steamed; as much as you can cram in dish
-Large amount of fresh garlic, salt, and lot of black pepper (as much pepper and garlic as palatable / tolerable; the steam, garlic, and pepper also clear the sinuses)
-Lot of sauteed mushrooms, onions, and celery, in roughly equal parts
-Taken with meal, large dose of vitamin C (e.g. heaping teaspoon of vitamin C powder, 5-6 grams)
For the moment, perhaps the next week or two, I am practicing a degree of ‘social distancing’ (e.g. not getting too close when unnecessary), and cutting out / condensing errands, until some more information comes out.
If I had to make one bet, though, it would be that this is a partially engineered crisis meant to broaden use of intrusive measures like ‘lockdowns’ and gauge fear and panic dynamics among the public, and within a few months it will be over and done with, with perhaps a similar return next season (with all respect to the dead, this hasn’t been big at all yet, and at this point in time is still 99%-plus fear/precaution, 1% reality as a major world event and cause of death; I’m not claiming it will stay that way, but that’s where it is now). But we don’t have to place one bet – I and anyone else can take reasonable and affordable precautions to always be somewhat prepared for a disaster (before the emergency declarations and supermarket rushes start), while also allowing for the more likely non-apocalyptic scenarios.
3/12/20- We’re Still in a Bubble, It’s Just a Little Smaller Now
In 1990, the Dow stood at 2,365. If the Dow’s stocks returned 4% every year since then – which is a very solid return for doing no work, taking no personal risk, committing no money, and knowing nothing about any of the companies you are invested in, even their names – the index would stand at 7,670 today. If you think 4% is too low a growth rate, US GDP (the official statistic, which may be inflated) has risen about 4.25% annualized since 1990. Real estate and consumer prices are only up about 2.75% yearly since then.
I believe the Dow was headed down to the mid-to-high 4-figures in the 2008 crisis, briefly hitting 6,469 in 2009, but was saved from reality by QE, which hasn’t ended since. The Dow’s fair value at this point is probably between 5,000 and 9,000.
Looking at the Dow during the Trump presidency, it started at around 18,500, and today ended at about 21,200. As some 401k investors mope about their portfolios, they overlook that even after this week’s big drop, their return still equals about 4% per year over the 3.5 years since Trump was elected.
No one knows what effect QE4 aka ‘not QE’ will have – stocks could go down much further to their real value, or could rise from here dramatically on investors’ faith in the Fed and its money-printing/debt-issuing shenanigans (as well as on the Fed’s actual purchase of stocks); a faith, like the extremely tenuous ‘consumer confidence,’ that will someday or another evaporate before many people know what hit them.
3/11/20- Yes, Biden Does Want Your Guns (see also); the ‘Assault Rifle’ Lie
I haven’t talked much about gun control and gun rights for years now because I’ve already said everything I feel needs to be said, but let’s be real about something: they can lie about it on the campaign trail all they want, and say I’m ‘full of sh*t‘ until they’re blue in the face, but virtually none of the leading Democratic candidates, and few Democratic politicians in general, appear to believe in the Second Amendment as it was intended: as a defense against tyranny. It never had anything to do with hunting or personal self-defense. An array of evidence from the period easily establishes that the ‘well-regulated militia’ means all of the gun-owning, able-bodied populace, all the time, akin to Swiss militia traditions – not the National Guard (George Mason: ‘What is the militia? It is the whole people.’ James Madison: ‘a well regulated Militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country’). The Second Amendment was written for one purpose only: so that if free speech and democracy fail, the citizens will have been able to arm themselves in a manner that is exactly equivalent to a government’s standing army, and defeat a government that has turned against the people.
On the ‘assault weapons’ Biden says he wants to ban: about half of the 16,000 intentional homicides per year are committed by gun, with handguns overwhelmingly; specifically, illegal handguns, and a few with shotguns; the rest are by knife, blunt force, etc. About half of 43,000 suicides by gun, pretty much all by handgun. I’ve calculated that an average of around 50 of the approximately 29,500 gun deaths per year, plus or minus a dozen, may be committed by AR-15-like weapons (AR stands for Armalite, not assault rifle), i.e. with semi-automatic rifles, even counting the faked and staged shootings. That’s roughly 0.2% of gun deaths per year. As the graphic above illustrates, AR-15s and other semi-auto rifles, whether in their tactical or friendlier wooden form are mechanically identical weapons, and are equally lethal. If Democratic politicians want to try and ban the unimportant carrying handles and flash suppressors with which they seem to be obsessed, be my guest. But semi-auto rifles, including AR-15s, are the most popular and most common form of rifle today, are involved in almost no murders, and are by no means ‘assault rifles,’ and a ban or heavy restriction on them, which Biden and his will-be stooge Beto are calling for, amounts to an extreme infringement on gun rights.
AR-15s and similar ‘high-powered’ weapons are villainized by politicians and frequently featured in staged and faked shootings not because they kill often, but because they are highly effective against a tyrannical government. One nutjob holed up with an AR-15 or other similar rifle, regardless of gun color or accessories, can shut down a city and keep a few dozen SWAT officers occupied for a day or longer, because unlike handguns, they are accurate and deadly at long range and police must seek shelter and keep their distance. The government may have nukes, battleships, and tanks, but those are only effective against other nation-states: they fail utterly against any kind of irregular, asymmetrical opposition, any time when populations and targets contain a mix of friend and foe: their $750B military hasn’t been able to gain ground against ragtag militias in the Middle East after 20 years, and never will. A formidable citizens’ resistance needs long-range, accurate weapons that can dog an occupying force day and night, from windows, treetops, around corners. Handguns and shotguns can’t do that as well. It’s not an accident that every infantry force, militia, and insurgency in the world uses semi-automatic rifles as their primary weapons. As always, I advocate non-violent means for change and don’t espouse anyone use weapons of any kind to fight against the government, but this is nonetheless true.
An anti-gun stance doesn’t mean I’d never vote for a Democrat (nor do I generally vote for Republicans), but it doesn’t help. And the benefits of gun ownership certainly have their limits: if citizens become propagandized and stop exercising their right to free thought and free speech, gun rights could become more a menace than an asset. Sadly, since 9/11 many Americans have clung to the Second Amendment, while freely forfeiting all the other foundational constitutional amendments.
3/11/20- More Thoughts on Coronavirus-19
Edit: Later today the US’s task-force leader estimated that the death rate might be around 1%. The seasonal flu kills 0.1% of known cases, with many not recognizing symptoms, and most not contracting it at all. If true, 1% is high, but first it must be noted that nowhere near 100% are generally infected or known to be infected by an illness. I don’t espouse that governments do nothing, but there is no right to institute ‘lockdowns,’ forced closures and cancellations of private facilities and events, and curfews. More moderate steps that might be taken could include closing some government facilities like public schools (which should be left up to the states and municipalities) and encouraging closure of some private workplaces/schools until warmer weather hits in a couple/few weeks, as well as blocking entry by non-citizens from infection hotspots. Too harsh a response could slow herd immunity (which comes from non-lethal infection, not just vaccines) and ensure season after season of panic. This isn’t me playing pandemic expert, just trying to put this into perspective the best I can, from what I know so far.
If there is little or no testing and symptoms (in many cases, there are none) are in most cases not easily distinguishable or indistinguishable from the flu or even a mild cold, we can’t have a good grasp on the fatality rate, or the infection rate. This creates the opportunity to exaggerate the danger. While a pandemic, like an alien invasion or war/attack, could be faked or seriously mischaracterized in order to grab power (e.g. to ‘unify’ the people under a world government), I’d never say this entire thing could be a hoax per se; there appear to be far too many countries, hospitals, etc. involved, and clearly many have died from the virus; but that doesn’t mean the crisis won’t be used as a means for new power precedents, for example, the more liberal use of ‘lockdowns.’ The word, previously limited to prison life, has now entered the ordinary person’s lexicon, stemming from its use in the [overwhelmingly fake and staged; including Sandy Hook, Boston, Las Vegas, and dozens of others; perhaps 5-10% are real events, in some years/countries 0% are real] school shooting and ‘active shooter’-type events. Where a social contract exists, the people wholly own the government, and the government itself is not a sovereign entity – so even in the midst of a war, the government has no right to limit the movement of peaceful citizens, or lock down anything.
Fewer than 0.001% of Americans have been tested so far. If the large majority (80%?, 95%?, 98%? etc.) are mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic, and thus are in most cases not being tested, or even treated for anything – how do we have any firm idea of what the death rate is? The average person would shrug it off and assume it will go away soon, which it apparently does in most cases. That person, let alone asymptomatic people, was never a statistical coronavirus case. In small towns and cities with high death incidence, it’s possible nearly the entire population was infected, or perhaps in many cases avoided infection through natural immunity or lowered predisposition to infection by certain viruses (in the same way that knock on wood I and others have certainly been contacted by but haven’t ‘gotten’ the flu in a decade or longer, with no flu shot or medication); without testing, we can’t know. The only data from a controlled population sample seems to come from a handful of nursing homes, as well as anecdotal reports about infection within families, which both could be false or mischaracterized/manipulated. Given all this, an actual death rate of <1% of people infected/contacted by the virus may be more likely than the 2-5% suggested in official reports.
And we have to ask, if the true death rate is 0.25% or 0.5% or 1.5%, and this is a natural virus and not manmade (as has seemingly been suggested in studies that demonstrated that HIV proteins were present, and that remarked on the the efficacy of AIDS drugs against the virus; though as a layman I don’t yet understand these reports), what are we willing to tolerate in order to keep a disease, of which we’ve faced thousands and will face thousands more, from running its course? If we’re going to allow draconian measures to minimize death by coronavirus or flu (and we’ve faced human coronavirus outbreaks before, and not just SARS and MERS), wouldn’t we then also be green-lighted to take draconian measures to prevent far, far more deadly heart disease (647,000/year in US; 17 million per year worldwide), diabetes (mainly causes/worsens other disease), and cancer (606,000/year, 10 million/year worldwide) that prematurely kill a percentage of people every year (along with car accidents, lung cancer from smoking, opioid overdoses, etc.), by dictating what foods can be sold and eaten, and forcing people to exercise? Obviously, government does not have unlimited license to intercede in people’s lives to prevent death from illness, viral or otherwise.
If most older people take steps to avoid infection, and infection primarily occurs (or at least occurs at a higher rate) among younger people in a relatively slow manner (due to reasonable precautions being taken by younger people), herd immunity and warmer weather would stamp out or dramatically diminish the virus’s lethality quickly (perhaps bringing it down to the lethality of common flu strains); which is what has happened with all other viruses: no mandatory vaccines, no lockdowns, no government action at all needed. That doesn’t mean there won’t be deaths. The seasonal flu kills 55,000 annually, and the swine flu outbreak of 2009 killed 203,000, or about 0.003% of the world population, where deaths attributed to coronavirus stand at about 4,500, or 0.00006% (of course, the statistics may be false). In spite of this high toll, the swine flu is regarded by many as having been a hoax of sorts, in comparison to the apocalyptic expectations stirred up by the media.
As stated before, people should have preparations in place to temporarily ride out a wide range of disasters, including pandemics. Having these on hand while also taking common-sense steps to reduce viral infection might keep one and his or her family out of trouble until this inevitably goes away on its own.
3/8/20- A Should-Be Alzheimer’s Patient as Presidential Front-Runner, Continued
To reiterate, Joe Biden has been unable to recall all of the following things:
1) His wife’s identity
2) His sister’s identity
3) His own name
4) Obama’s name
5) God’s name (“go you know, the thing”)
6) Which state he is in
7) Which office he is running for
Significantly, 6 out of 7 of these severe lapses happened in the last 30 days or so. Biden has also displayed decreased inhibition and aggression (both symptoms of dementia), repeatedly lashing out at and insulting anyone who questions or obstructs him in any way. It’s not a stutter: Biden has become considerably impaired, is unfit to lead, and needs to drop out now.
There are many senior citizens (though most of them a lot older than Biden) who have lost a similar amount of acuity, and there’s nothing wrong with that; to one degree or another, it’s part of life. But they and Biden belong on a rocking chair, in retirement (or poolside, golden leg hair exposed for all to behold); not in the highest office of the land, running our lives.
3/6/20- It’s Socialism for the People, or Continued Socialism for the Banks and Military-Industrial Complex; Choose One (or vote/call for neither)
For reasons I’ve outlined before, I don’t support socialized medicine. The government has no right to decide what people do with their bodies, and has no right to essentially enslave doctors and healthcare providers.
Government-run healthcare is said to cost $50 trillion ‘over 10 years,’ or in non-propaganda terms, $5 trillion a year. But health insurance premiums already cost $4 trillion a year – not counting co-pays, ‘shared resposibility’ payments, etc. So it’s more or less a wash, and would seemingly eliminate the maddening ‘certification’ process, the tens of thousands of unrelated, non-mutually-accountable companies that are involved (many of whom are wildly overcharging/defrauding customers/insurers/the government), etc. We already spend 50% more than the #2 highest-spending nation on healthcare (an astounding 14% of GDP; most developed nations with a single-payer option spend 6-7%), so it’s hard to imagine efficiency could go down from here; a wash again seems likely, or maybe even a slight improvement. Again, I don’t support it on ethical grounds, I’m just looking at the numbers.
The imperial war machine aka ‘national defense’ costs $750 billion/year plus the $400 billion per year in interest (which would skyrocket if rates rose modestly) that is arguably 100% attributable to past/current war spending. Then there’s the VA budget, the security-theater agencies, and the ‘intelligence community.’ So we’re in the neighborhood of $1.5 trillion a year for an offensive foreign policy that has in recent decades done little to nothing (or much worse than nothing) for the physical safety of Americans. The rarely mentioned bank bailouts and ‘liquidity injections’ (i.e. ultra-low/no-interest cash) from QE have cost taxpayers trillions more, directly and in the form of current and future inflation.
If we define socialism as the confiscation of private product for public purpose, we already have socialism for the military-industrial complex and the banks (not that these entities are even public). If welfare for these special interests ends, we would be able to (sort of, for a little while) afford many policies of a candidate like Bernie. But it doesn’t and we try to have both, as all of the mainstream Democrats propose, we’ll quickly go bankrupt or destroy our currency (and will likely sooner or later do so anyway, if the status quo continues).
Of course, I don’t support either of these routes. Instead, the federal government’s functions should be dramatically limited as the Tenth Amendment requires, and the states can then decide if or how much to tax and spend for social programs like healthcare. Georgia, Wyoming, Hawaii, and Massachusetts shouldn’t be forced to live under an identical system. A wide range of degrees of socialism-capitalism can work and have worked on a small enough scale where there is sufficient social and cultural cohesion, and local, regional, or state populations can decide what degree they want.
To be fair in all this, if the military-intel-financial imperialism did end, the US and US dollar would before long drop sharply in relevance and value, and the purchasing power of Americans would drop significantly, at least for a time. Our country would then have to rely on productivity and innovation, not bullying, to remain near the top economically. If people are going to vote for the bullying in order to hold onto world hegemony, they should stop the moral posturing and be honest about it; though I suspect that wouldn’t work.
3/4/20- Bernie Was the [Democrat] People’s Choice in 2016, and Still Is in 2020
The idea that Bernie represents a fringe, minority element of the Democratic party doesn’t hold water. Bernie beat Hillary fair-and-square, head-to-head in 2016. Bernie won, Hillary lost, Bernie got cheated, Hillary stole the nomination. The same is happening now. Buttigieg and Klobuchar were bribed to drop out overnight, and Warren may have been bribed to stay in. If Warren had dropped out, as she certainly should at this point, Bernie would be ahead considerably in delegates right now, as he was at this point in 2016. As for Bloomberg, his support in many or most cases may be support for a relative Washington outsider, which doesn’t necessarily translate to Biden votes, endorsement of Biden notwithstanding. Not to say Bernie is far and away the favorite, but I think he could beat Biden in a two-man race, especially if they debate, which could easily go badly enough to scuttle Biden’s candidacy overnight. Every additional minute of public speaking time Biden gets, his chances of embarrassing himself one too many times and blowing it all rise dramatically.
This comment isn’t meant as support for Bernie; I align closely with Bernie on a number of issues, but I think his domestic economic policy is deeply misguided in the long-term, and while we need a formidable defense against our predatory system of imperialism and scam capitalism (our centrally controlled, Fed-run, Fed-owned economy, as opposed to a real free-market economy with free money or sovereign money), Bernie’s thinly veiled Marxism isn’t it. (Yes, I know that isn’t his [stated] platform, and he could never achieve it anyway.) I won’t fall into the false two-choice, R-D paradigm and say who would be better between him and Trump; I just don’t want to stand behind him as a candidate for that reason (nor do I stand behind Trump).
3/4/20- A Should-Be Alzheimer’s Patient as the Presidential Front-Runner in Truth-Optional America: Sounds About Right
It’s very obvious that Joe Biden, who would be 78 at inauguration, is suffering from ‘mild cognitive impairment’ (MCI), which is described in medicine as a first stage in dementia and Alzheimer’s; and should consider seeking diagnosis and treatment for the disease. Granted, nearly all people in or near their 80s have some degree of mental impairment, however slight; most are retired or working relatively inconsequential jobs, though, like Biden should be. But it doesn’t matter, because Biden is the establishment – the debt-money creators and the media and military-intel machine they own – on autopilot, as evidenced by the media’s giddy reporting of his new lead in delegates, and he doesn’t really need to do anything or make any important decisions; his advisors can do that. And no, his gaffes are not all from his hidden stutter, as propagandists at The Atlantic have suggested: that won’t cause you to forget what season it is, what Barack Obama’s name is, and what our founding political document is called, to cite just a few of many dozens of similar examples (introduced his wife as his sister, announced he was running for US senate, etc., disturbingly, 4 of 5 of the aforementioned cases happened within the last month, so I’m not cherry-picking). Even worse would be that Biden is just clearing the way for Hellary’s (or perhaps even Barack’s, though seemingly not likely) brokered-convention return, but no point speculating on that.
(This is by no means meant to mock sufferers of dementia/Alzheimer’s, a brutal disease. People with this condition and with normal age-related mental decline do not lose value as human beings, and can be lucid and correct about things often, or even most of the time; but they have no place in highest-level leadership positions in a complex society and economy, where we need people operating at 100% of their capacity.)
(I’d like to see Trump defeated, but it has to be by the right candidate. Trump has done some good things relative to his predecessors, particularly in the realm of foreign policy, but I’m far from a fan. He’s shown his true colors as a wannabe authoritarian, and yes, fascist. The increasingly apparent disdain for free speech and peaceful protest (sure, some protests are engineered as Trump claims, but speech must be fought with speech, not force), the uncritical, unconditional praise, even worship of police and military, the scapegoating of outsiders: it’s textbook [attempted / early-stage] fascism. Sadly, these tendencies have been checked not by any kind of genuine, liberty-minded opposition, but by a shadow-government hell-bent on keeping all the control for itself. Yet for all his faults and dangers, I’d say Trump has been a considerably better president than Obama, who was merely an establishment lackey, likely with origins in the CIA, overseeing the continuation of the decades-long, incremental destruction of national sovereignty and individual liberty in America [a ‘NWO’ project to which many Americans are oblivious], just as Hillary would have. My hope was/is that Trump’s rocky detour will forestall that agenda and perhaps derail it to an extent as time passes and the world changes in the meantime; we’ll see soon enough.)
3/4/20- Aldi Bean-Buying Tip; Hot Chocolate, Kuna and Otherwise, as the Best Form of Cacao/Cocoa; Are Some Dark Chocolate Bars Problematic as a Source of Polyphenols?
A few unrelated diet points. Aldi’s ‘Dakota’s Pride’ beans ($0.50/can) are labeled as being produced without BPA, while organic canned beans at Aldi / Wegmans / Whole Foods (~$1/can) do not specify BPA content (though I would assume no BPA?). Haven’t seen claim on other non-organic bean brands. Obviously dry beans are the value leader by far, but take more time and consideration to prepare and store. From the limited amount I’ve read, pesticide residue and lower nutrient density doesn’t seem to be a huge concern in non-organic beans and lentils, unlike with other crops.
I’ve recently experimented with substituting cocoa powder (natural, non-dutched) for coffee (while going some days without either to avoid dependence). Saco makes a good organic cocoa powder, $3.99 for half a pound, cheaper than organic coffee. I alternate hot-chocolate recipes between A) the Kuna recipe (my understanding of it: thoroughly mash a banana, mix in cocoa powder [they appear to use the roasted, ground whole bean, which is not defatted], boil, and strain out small amount of banana solids [I eat them separately; easy way is to place strainer spoon over coffee cup and pour in from saucepan]) B) straight cocoa powder (acquired taste), C) cocoa powder mixed with coffee, about 50/50. You could also add a small amount of stevia to straight cocoa for some sweetness. Studies have conflicted as to whether roasting beans (cocoa) or leaving them raw (cacao) results in the highest polyphenol content / bioavailability, but it’s off the charts either way.
[For reference, the Kuna are an Indian tribe of Panama and Colombia, many of whom drink the above recipe 3-4 times daily and have almost no heart disease, and very low cancer rates; there may be some other reason for this, but cocoa and its antioxidant/polyphenol content seems like the most likely candidate; the diet is also high in fish, and high in fiber. Hot chocolate has a multi-millennia history in the pre-Columbian Americas, apparently starting with the Olmec people].
I used to be a regular buyer of Lindt 90% bars, and still buy them on occasion. I took the ‘90%’ cocoa claim at face value, however, I recently noticed that the ingredients may be less than optimal. ‘Chocolate’ is the number one ingredient by weight (no details on processing method), then cocoa butter, which seems to have limited nutritional value (cocoa polyphenols are water soluble), then ‘cocoa powder processed with alkali’ (i.e. dutch-processed, which reportedly destroys 60% of the polyphenol content). Before making a judgment, more info is needed on proportion of alkali-treated powder to ‘chocolate’ content. Apparently though, Lindt does not use dutching for its 70% or 85% bars, the former of which is a little high in sugar (Lindt 85 is also the best taste/health balance IMO, esp if using as a dessert). If dark chocolate bars are a regular purchase for you, you might want to double-check the processing methods. If I’m unclear on ingredients or processing for a product, I just call the company and ask. They’re sometimes uncomfortable with the probing, but in general they’ll answer your questions.
Personally, I’ve found hot chocolate, straight or sweetened, to be the most pleasant way (and longest-standing, historically) to regularly consume cocoa, and it seems like it confers the most health benefits with the least costs, though bars (which I may go back to later) can also do so if chosen wisely. Pure hot cocoa can be an acquired taste, but 92-100% in solid cocoa isn’t, for me or anyone else I know. In spite of the ultra-high (maybe even suspiciously high?) antioxidant content, I don’t rely on cacao as a panacea of any kind, more as a natural medication/supplement to a healthy, whole-food diet.
2/27/20- Thoughts on the Coronavirus
(edit 3/16/20: I retract many statements in this post but will leave it up for honesty’s sake)
First I’d like to answer some common dismissals:
‘The media can’t be taken seriously anymore.’ Yes, the media has cried wolf countless times, with SARS, the swine flu/H1N1, MERS, and other scares. The media lies and has no credibility, its reports are often fake or exaggerated, and it might even fake a pandemic; but pandemics are still a real thing, unless ‘history’ is fooling me again, as it has in the past e.g. with respect to aspects of slavery and other major episodes. The Spanish Flu, as an example, is said to have infected around 30% and killed nearly 2% of the world population (including in the Arctic and remote Pacific) over its 3-year run from 1918-1920, a timeframe that shows that the coronavirus could be far from peaking.
‘The flu kills more people / kills at same rate.’ The common flu has a death rate of 0.1%. Based on statistics, coronavirus-19 seems to have a death rate of around 2%, 20 times higher, and seems to be highly infectious. Though according to some reports at least, entire families have died, which seems to defy the claimed 2% rate.
‘You can’t do anything about it.’ Maybe not, maybe so. You could avoid going out in public for a few weeks or months if necessary, or minimize doing so. By then, it’s possible a cure or treatment plan would exist, or at the very least, the true nature of the virus would be understood. Supermarkets only carry 3 days of food for the local population, but most people have the money to buy three months worth of food right now, and if you shop at the right stores and buy cheap calories (rice/beans/legumes), you can do so for around $60 per person. If the virus spread to the point where a percentage of people stopped working, supermarkets might not get resupplied nearly as much as needed.
Beyond the terrible consequences of another ‘conventional’ viral pandemic like the Spanish Flu, my main concern with the coronavirus is that it is a bioweapon that could cause delayed death for those in good health who don’t succumb immediately. This may not be the case, but it seems possible. The virus appears to be manmade, it contains several unnatural HIV proteins not found in another coronavirae, and AIDS drugs have been reported to be highly effective against it. [There are a camp of people who allege, apparently with some credibility, that HIV is misunderstood, is not deadly, and may not even exist as a single virus, and that AIDS deaths are primarily caused by the harsh HIV treatments (akin to cancer and often highly destructive chemotherapy). I haven’t looked into these claims much, but assuming they’re false and HIV is what they say it is], it’s possible that an HIV-coronavirus hybrid could trigger chronic immuno-deficiency, leaving one vulnerable to death from flu or pneumonia once an AIDS-like syndrome manifests in the months or years after initial infection. If that’s the case it might be next to impossible to avoid contracting it long-term, and for the ordinary person it would be more a case of rolling with the punches than dodging a bullet. Of course, even if it was made as a weapon, it may not have any long-term effects like AIDs and may be designed, like most weapons, to administer societal and economic shock over a limited time period. From my limited knowledge, my guess is that the virus, if manmade, was not a ready-to-use weapon that was released by accident, but for better or worse was an experimental strain and may have been destined primarily for study, whether for weapons use or legitimate medical purposes.
My position on how to respond to the coronavirus would be to be prepared not just for a disease outbreak but for the wide range of events that could disrupt supply chains and require self-sufficiency, including a war, economic catastrophe, etc.. There is still likely a window of time in which to do this, if just a small one; a prior post details ways you can achieve a basic degree of preparedness for as little as $50-100; you don’t need to relocate to Idaho and become a lifestyle prepper. At that point, people can watch, wait, and respond as they see fit, not fall into a panic or be forced into regrettable situations in order to keep their basic needs met. If the crisis is overblown and fades into the background like most viral outbreaks have, you will be very slightly poorer but [somewhat/probably] prepared for whatever else may come down the pike.
It’s hard to imagine an effective strategy for something as insidious as an airborne virus, especially given the long incubation period. Hunkering down and riding it out unscathed might be unlikely or impossible for anyone who lives remotely close to a city of any size and is not 100.0% self-sufficient. Preparations such as food, masks, and antiseptic supplies might allow one to avoid infection for enough time to gain knowledge about the nature of the virus and plan a next move. If a pandemic were serious enough, it’s also possible supply chains would be disrupted and food would run out for a time, leaving people to starve or become reliant on government distribution centers or relocate to Katrina-like aid camps, which would all but guarantee infection and severely impact lives. Most deaths from the Spanish Flu occurred at government medical camps, where ‘superbugs’ spread.
Tip for readers: if you want to get a N95 / P100 mask and have noted that Amazon and big box stores are sold out and Ebay prices are sky-high and climbing, check out an industrial or contractor supply store (in person, not online). They may have pallets of them for sale at affordable prices, but few think to go there; many of these stores have little or no online presence, or if they do, few non-business-people visit their websites.
1/31/20- Bioweapons Are Why We Need Decentralization
Interesting article from Zero Hedge, who perhaps not coincidentally was banned from Twitter today for ‘violating community standards.’ It suggests the disturbing premise that the corona virus may basically be a bioengineered, airborne version of HIV, and that the reported ‘fish market’ origin is a BS cover story.
Wussy internet commentators who have shared this article have at the same time been falling all over themselves and frantically denying they’re conspiracy theorists. However, we still know these three things: A) governments create bioweapons, including deadly viruses; B) governments routinely kill people on purpose, and C) governments make mistakes that cause deaths. Additionally, governments routinely kill and cause deaths covertly to make it look like their rivals did it. Therefore, supposing it to be a bioweapon, given enough evidence, is entirely reasonable, as is freely exploring that idea without yet having any evidence: no ‘I’m not a conspiracy theorist’ disclaimer necessary.
Hopefully this isn’t manmade (though evidence indicates it is), and hopefully it will peter out like all high-death-toll viruses of the past have. Regardless, things like this are why I beat the drum not mainly in support of one political system or another, but in support of decentralization and local self-determination. Only monstrously large nation-states are involved in these kinds of monstrous activities, because of the dose-dependent corrupting nature of power (yes, there are tin-pot dictators who might individually be more corrupt than individuals in our leadership – though probably not, just more public about it – but the small nations they hold the reigns of are relatively powerless).
That is why everyone the world over has a duty to do anything they can, politically and otherwise, within the bounds of his or her morality and ethics of course, to undermine and thwart the centralization of power. Small countries, small groups, and lower levels of government generally don’t do supremely nefarious things like weaponizing viruses, and it’s no coincidence: it’s because world domination is so out of reach for them, they don’t even consider disgusting methods like bioweapons for achieving that impossible aim.
1/26/20 – Recommended video on the nutritional basics to fight cancer, heart disease, and diabetes
Among the legion of nutritional voices out there, I consider Joel Fuhrman to be the single best, at least for the ‘layman’ who doesn’t want to spend a huge amount of time on the subject. Fuhrman stays on target and delivers the most useful information with the least number of words and contradictions possible. Other commentators will tout every one of the hundreds of tips and tricks that come down the pike, and while many are valid and can be helpful, the deluge of information can disorient readers and cause them to abandon or neglect the basics as they pursue miracle superfood after miracle superfood. I’m not a vegan and neither is Fuhrman (though he is heavily plant-centric), but this video (toddler’s-TV-show jingle aside) packs a wealth of good advice in a few short minutes.
Key points: Put a special focus on Brassica and Allium vegetables both raw and cooked, eat nuts and seeds daily including large amounts that may reach 25-35% of calories, pair nuts and seeds with green salads (the operative principles being to combine carotenes and other fat-soluble vitamins with healthy whole-food fats in order to optimize absorption; and not to combine sugar or high-glycemic carbs with protein and fats, especially animal; or if you do, max out the antioxidants and fiber of the meal), including by mixing seeds into a liquid dressing; eat beans and/or legumes daily to keep fiber intake high, be sure to include mushrooms (which are an entire kingdom of the natural world) in the diet.
1/11/20- ‘College students’ chant ‘death to liars’ after Iran reveals truth; smells like a CIA op
So after just a day or two delay, Iran owns up to its mistake and tells the truth about the plane that was downed in Tehran, a clever move that stands in contrast to the US and UK, whose misdeeds often take a century or longer to see the light of day. And in response to the timely revelation, ‘hundreds of college students’ hit the city’s streets to protest the government, chanting ‘death to liars;’ the Western media was all over the story as expected. I’m no particular fan of the Iranian government, but this – like many events in conflict zones involving ‘students,’ ‘aid groups,’ and ‘non-profits’ – has CIA written all over it. And who knows, maybe the shoot-down itself was a false-flag attempt by a foreign actor that Iran short-circuited by taking the blame. If so, chalk up yet another L for Western intel, with six or seven major false flag incidents botched in the last few years.
1/7/20- There Is Nothing We Need Less Than Another Draw or Defeat in Another Pointless War
The US government is already fighting wars in half a dozen or more countries, including 19 and 17 years and counting in Afghanistan and Iraq. We spend $750 billion a year and still can’t beat 1970s Toyota trucks and 1950s AK-47s, just like we couldn’t oust the ragtag Vietcong after 20 years. We laid Libya to waste by air and promptly handed it over to Al Qaeda on the ground, and we’ve staged failed false flag after false flag trying to expand the war in Syria. 1,000 vets a year commit suicide, many because they know they fought for a lie, many times more than that are close to the brink, and nearly 50,000 despairing Americans die every year from opioid overdoses. I’m not a high-speed rail proponent (since very little of our country is designed for it), but many airports and trains look like they did in the 80s, many highways are full of patchwork repairs, and the difference between us and ‘developing’ and even ‘Third World’ nations is decreasingly apparent. Jobs increasingly consist of low-skill, low-wage retail and shipping, and ‘gigs’ to service the highest earners (and well-heeled senior citizens in failing health) by driving them around, buying their groceries, chopping their food for them, and whatever else will be next. Personal service, medical service, government employment, and ‘defense’ are secondary sectors and not an economic foundation: while they’re needed, no foreign country is interested in buying any of those. All our future investment needs to happen here, especially as other nations catch up with us. There is nothing I can think of that this country needs less than another drawn-out defeat in another pointless, fruitless war.
As usual, if one is able to ignore the media noise and political bluster, asking cui bono and following the money will tell you who’s behind the gravely misguided war on Iran. The first three I’d consider a tie, since they each stand to gain a couple hundred billion a year from our staying stuck in foreign quagmires:
1) Military-industrial complex. Private contractors probably end up with at least half the ever more bloated defense budget.
2) Western banks and bondholding funds. They currently collect $479B/yr in interest, which could’ve been completely avoided had we had a sensible foreign policy that actually provided national defense, and the bigger the deficit the greater the interest payments. Of course, as explained below, the debt has to be taken on by either the public or private sector, or America gets foreclosed. Blowing holes in the ground overseas is just the most sure-fire way to keep the debt churning and rip off the American government at the highest possible margins.
3) Saudi Arabia and the oil kingdoms. By having the US destabilize the region and compromise other oil nations (Syria, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc.), supplies are kept lower or more precarious and prices kept higher, leaving them as the world’s most stable and accessible, number-one oil bloc.
4) Trump. A war distracts from his impeachment, and distracts the public from an economic run that must lose some gas imminently. His debt-addicted ‘greatest economy’ is in reality 80-90% hot air, deficits, and here-today-gone-tomorrow ‘consumer confidence,’ and 10-20% real growth.
By no means is this some piercing, novel analysis, since the first three have been the beneficiaries of imperialist foreign policy in the Middle East for decades. That’s the problem though: our foreign policy – throw our weight around in endless wars, stage false flags, threaten to ‘liberate’ any country that stops using the US dollar – has become so brazen, so predictable and tiresome, that a fourth or fifth grader could figure it out.
I didn’t include Israel for a few reasons. Obviously, there are many right-wingers in Israel who are cheering on this conflict. But if you follow the money, the $3B in Israeli aid constitutes 0.2% of war-related expenditures ($750B ‘defense’ + $150B security theater/’intelligence’ + $400B interest, mostly resulting from war] and is a tiny cost of doing business. 99.8% ends up in the hands of non-Israeli-resident parties, both Christians and Jews. While it has a decent domestic economy, Israel’s value to the West is and always has been chiefly as a geopolitical tool. It was created as a handy reason for the West to stay involved in the East and keep the trillion per year eternally flowing.
1/4/20- The US Has Officially Joined Israel in Its Unilateral War on Iran, and No One Else Will Follow
Iran didn’t attack the Baghdad embassy, and an ‘Iran-backed militia’ didn’t either. Rather, as universally reported, ‘supporters’ of an allegedly Iran-backed militia protested and set some fires. Nobody died, nobody was injured. I’m a broken record on this, but Iran hasn’t attacked another country since the mid 1700s, so they’ve never attacked us; we’ve overthrown their government, openly funded a devastating war against them that killed a million of their citizens, surrounded their nation with military bases, staged false flag events (along with Israel and Saudi Arabia) to blame them, and greatly harmed their economy with sanctions. Only a wildly deluded (or deeply uninformed) person could know this and still imagine Iran to be the aggressor and the grave, out of control threat, and the US as the magnanimous defender.
There are ‘US-backed militias’ all over the planet: ISIS and Al Qaeda are two you may know. According to Trump’s ethical calculus, for whatever coherence it has, members of the US military, Congress, and Trump himself – putting aside the US citizen civilians who may be endangered – are now deathly liable for the actions of ‘supporters’ of those groups and any other group in the world that is claimed to be backed by the US, most of which Trump likely can’t even name; not that the US government hasn’t already made enough mortal enemies through its own misdeeds.
If it’s true that Iran is behind the militia, should we be remotely surprised that they’re keeping a hand in the reconstruction of Iraq, their neighbor, in light of the two nations’ recent past? Throughout the 1980s, Iran had to deal with a ground invasion by Iraq’s US-puppet dictator, Saddam Hussein, who used US-provided chemical WMDs against Iran and openly received other military support from the US. The war took more than a million lives on the Iranian side. I’d never try to cast the Iranian government, or Russian, Syrian, etc. as pure and perfectly moral, not by any stretch, and they clearly have their own, more local imperial ambitions, but Iran’s relative right to exert influence on the affairs of Iraq is immeasurably higher than our own.
Israel has for years been engaged in outright acts of war against Iran, carrying out airstrikes, assassinating its politicians and scientists, sabotaging its infrastructure. The Likud-party hardliners in Israel and mostly Republican Christian Zionists in America insist that Muslims are evil and have it out for Jews, but the two co-existed for thousands of years, and co-exist today in all Middle Eastern nations, including Israel and Iran. They haven’t been ‘at each others’ throats for eternity,’ thats a lie; prior to Western meddling, the region was more peaceful than most places on Earth for over 1,000 years. Like people everywhere, the overwhelming majority of Middle Eastern Muslims and Israeli Jews just want to enjoy life and live in peace, and have no desire for war. Only propagandized and/or untraveled people believe otherwise. The reason some Middle Easterners want the Israeli regime, not all Jews or all Israeli Jews, gone is because they know that that regime’s continued existence comes with US and Western destruction and destabilization of the region, and Iran in particular. Israel like other nations certainly ‘has a right to defend itself,’ but no one has an obligation to defend them unconditionally. If the Israeli government plows ahead with its ostensibly pre-emptive, aggressive strategy, that isn’t what the US government (let alone the American people) signed up for, and the US should drop its support and let Israel fend for itself, which it likely can. (I’ve stated my position on Israel and Zionism in posts below: the property claim expired 18-19 centuries ago, but there is an argument for a ‘homeland’ territory, and Israel’s conquest of Palestine could be recognized on the same basis that the tens or hundreds of thousands of other territorial conquests have.)
Of course I don’t expect that at all, since the primary reason Israel was sponsored by the West after WWII was to shake up the Middle East and in so doing, preserve US and Western geopolitical relevance. Again, broken record, but when war is obviously and perhaps imminently on the agenda, something needs to be said, anywhere and everywhere it can be said.
12/30/19- The Complete Unlikelihood of Real Aliens, and Total Farce of Space Colonization
While it’s been a major pop-cultural theme for my entire life, I’m not sure we’ve been bombarded with talk of UFOs, aliens, and space colonization more than over the past couple years. The space aliens idea might be said to have originated in H.G. Wells’ 1897 book War of the Worlds, the basis for the Orson Welles radio hoax in 1938. A few years after Wells’ book, Rhodes’ globalist Round Table movement began, then the League of Nations after WWI. In the 1940s just after WWII the UN was formed, globalist aspirations for total control began to fully took hold, and the EU was formed a years later. During that early-to-mid 20th century time period, the fairly obvious idea of fabricating an external threat to rally the world population around a world government came to the notice of the power elite. Since then, alleged alien sightings per year have skyrocketed, with average UFO sightings per year rising 281x (UFOs as aircraft were totally unheard of prior to the advent of human flight, without a single sighting of artificial craft prior to that point, another impossible coincidence; all reported sky sightings before that time (link) were instead of vividly described airborne watercraft, light/sound phenomena, religious symbols, or deities), overwhelmingly in the US and other core NATO nations, as discussed in Fake Aliens and Other Potential Endgames (if you don’t have time to read it, James Corbett has done a good treatment of the subject in How to Fake an Alien Invasion).
What are the chances that space aliens with any conceivable civilizational start date, who might be millennia ahead of us technologically, would have a hundreds-fold greater interest in visiting our planet at precisely the same moment that such a visit would advance globalist objectives, and was publicly wished for on many occasions? All but zero; zero, insofar as one can claim to be sure of anything. What are the odds that the rise has been manufactured by man for political and social purposes? All but 100%. The manmade UFO trend has consisted of:
A) Real sightings of government and classified craft that are mistaken for ET craft
B) Faked sightings by government operatives and attention-hungry citizens
C) Mistaken sightings by citizens with wild imaginations, fueled by decades of pop-cultural alien obsession.
To repeat, in case the underlining and bold text weren’t enough, over the 10,000 or so years of the latest chapter of our history aka recorded history (prior to which I believe it’s very likely humans or co-terrestrial intelligent beings did have aircraft or flight of some kind; the body of evidence that supports this (Nazca lines, Titicaca shape/naming, etc.) is the grounds for many ‘ancient alien’ theories, which are now obsolete since they fail to account for vast evidence of a cataclysmic, near-extinction event in the past that reset human civilization; the theories are also incomplete since they refuse to consider any divine or extra-dimensional factors, at the same time making unfounded claims about outer-space aliens, a fiction that no one has ever witnessed or knows anything whatsoever about), aside from the unverifiable Tulli Papyrus document which originated in a magazine in the 1950s, no human being is documented having witnessed an unidentified aircraft / spacecraft / flying machine – – until the Foo Fighter sightings of 1944-45, about 30 years after the point when humans built high-altitude flying machines, followed by a deluge of sightings from the late 1940s to present. From this alone one can firmly conclude that all artificial-craft UFOs are overwhelmingly likely to be of human, terrestrial origin.
Moving on, the Moon landing was faked, which we know from evidence including but not limited to the following:
A) The original Moon landing footage, which surely showed signs of manipulation, was allegedly taped over to save a couple hundred dollars worth of film. This was the culmination of a $200 billion project.
B) The Saturn rocket plans were allegedly lost. Again, the results of a $200 billion project. NASA admits we ‘lost the ability to go back.’
C) All Moon rocks have either been ‘lost,’ proven fake [e.g. were meteorites from Antarctica in one case, petrified wood in another], or ‘stolen.’ The only remaining ‘real’ rocks are under glass at NASA and unavailable for inspection.
D) They never could have passed obstacles like the alleged Van Allen belt. The spacesuits were grossly inadequate.
E) We haven’t been ‘back’ in 50 years, and neither has anyone else, nor has anyone else even tried, or until recently even talked about trying.
F) Substantial evidence points to Kubrick as the director. The Shining contains several glaring clues (example: Danny, who is wearing an Apollo 11 sweater, abandons his interest in earthly activities symbolized in his cars and trucks and stands from a crouch on a rocket-pad like carpet tile, then walks to the forbidden Room 237 [which Kubrick changed from 217 in the Stephen King book, and where the Moon is said to be 237k miles away], where the hotel’s [/Kubrick’s] darkest secrets are kept; Danny and his 237 exploration, like the Apollo project, are Jack’s [Kubrick’s] ‘baby’ and initially results in euphoria under a Moon-like light fixture, yet ends in shame and disgust [see also] [see also 2]; the aquatic theme of the soundtrack and the room also seem noteworthy), and Kubrick insisted his last film aptly titled Eyes Wide Shut be released on the 30th anniversary of the first Apollo launch, 7/16/1969/1999. Odds of both the anniversary match and The Shining clues being coincidences? Zero.
Only one or two of these would be enough, but that all six obtain absolutely cements the case it was faked. Given the mounting evidence of space-related fakery, we can toss out any fantastical claims that Mars, which is allegedly 138,000x farther than the Moon is said to be (where the Moon is allegedly about 10,000x farther than the highest real space flight of about 24 miles altitude) has ever been reached. Like NASA’s Moon is the Arizona desert, its Mars is a short airplane flight away in Devon Island Canada, where its Mars ‘simulations’ [cast as reality] are performed.
The War of the Worlds hoax was in 1938, the first UFO sighting as space- or aircraft was in 1944, the UN was founded in 1945, NASA was founded in 1958, the fake Moon landings occurred in 1969, and figures such as Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, and Paul Krugman pined for an alien invasion to unite humanity in the 1980s, 90s, 00s, and 2010s. In an allegedly 4 billion year-old planet, allegedly 2 million years of human history, and 10,000 years of recorded history, that all this would perfectly align with the technological arc of a far-off alien civilization is completely preposterous. Aliens are a Pentagon-NASA-Hollywood con writ extremely large, which long ago took on a life of its own.
Based on the above, if confronted with a strange sky event, especially if reported to me by someone else, depending on its nature of course, I would assume an order of likelihood that:
1) It is an elaborate hoax staged by the shadow government with the involvement classified technology, meant to shock and awe the population into acceptance of world government;
2) It is a divine or extra-dimensional event, involving God or sub-God metaphysical or supernatural beings from in on above or in the general vicinity of Earth, including malevolent beings, who might in some cases technically be called alien;
3) At a distant third, that it is a real ‘outer-space’ alien event (assuming there is a distant, outer space as conventionally understood).
But even were one to ignore or be unaware of all this context, one could be sure space colonization is a farce on the basis of a few spurts of common sense.
If we were really worried about overpopulation (a myth, where population is set to precipitously decline in about 30 years) and pollution, why spend trillions creating space colonies or orbiting cities? By going deep under the ground, under the sea, on the sea, and/or in the totally unoccupied Arctic and Antarctic regions and packing portions of its population into eco-friendly city-pods there (if the establishment does not already secretly have something like this for its own security), mankind could guarantee its security from and resilience against anything that we have any chance of recovering from, and get all the resources that asteroids or planets might offer (which, for example, in the case of ‘rare Earth’ minerals needed for electric power, are on the mostly unexplored sea floor in great abundance) – for a tiny fraction of the cost, surely less than 1% of an ‘interplanetary’ strategy, with no real obstacles or unknowns, and no ridiculous multi-year transit times.
But clearly, the establishment isn’t interested in practical solutions for humanity. What they are interested in is propaganda to dazzle and distract the public as a means to enhance their own power, at the expense of everyone else.
12/25/19- Shadow-Gov Migrant Caravans, Yellow Vests, Trump, Bernie: All Roads Lead Back to Debt Money
Almost all the major political and social trends of the last few years share a common cause that few acknowledge: privately issued, debt-based currency, which has been instituted just about everywhere by now, as the handful of holdouts to Western financial imperialism, for all their faults, have become ‘liberated’ i.e. Empire-compliant one by one over the preceding decades.
Mass immigration and the economic, political, and social changes that result is surely one of the biggest of these trends and fault lines, and maybe number one. The ‘deep state,’ shadow government,’ whatever term one uses, wants migrants for two reasons: A) a heterogeneous, diverse society is unfortunately easier to control (a truth that has been seized on by white nationalists) since there is less real and/or perceived overlap in perspective and interests and people look to the state rather than their fellow man for an ally, but perhaps more importantly that B) debt money requires perpetual growth, or total foreclosure must result. As Western birth rates drop, ‘new blood’ is needed to generate a surplus of output, or the economy will deflate and collapse into the hands of the money creators: the owners and creators of the interest-bearing debt that is all money – banks and funds, principally, along with ultra-wealthy individuals and families – will go from skimming the cream to drinking the milk. (I’m no enemy of diversity, but for a diverse political body to have the best chance of working, its scale needs to be small so that all the people can know and appreciate each other and their many commonalities.)
This is why the shadow government is obviously sponsoring migrant mass influx, and why politicians like Trump have been able to capitalize on the resulting anti-migrant sentiments and get into power. Yet few supporters of Trump and his ilk seem to realize that unless the money system is reformed or non-immigrants have many more children, the need for migrants and the bemoaned inability to ‘take back America’ will persist. You can’t close the borders and have flat or declining population levels, and also have debt-based money (least of all when you have a rapidly aging/retiring populace); the result would be gradual bank foreclosure of the entire society. The Fed and the financial establishment obviously wouldn’t want that, since they don’t want to manage real estate and have to do any actual work. What they want is to maintain control, but also maintain the illusion of a free-market economy, so that morale stays high and people continue working and servicing private and public debts via loan payments (mainly mortgages, and rents that pay mortgages) and taxes.
In countries like France and Italy, there aren’t enough migrants to fill the monetary void that is left when public and private debts are repaid (i.e. when money makes it way back to its bank creators; the money can then be relent into the system, but that does not fill the void, since the interest due on it doesn’t yet exist, and must derive from principal on new, never-before-circulated debt). Birth rates are dropping, the economy is more or less flat in many Western countries (especially those that don’t have ‘not QE’ aka QE4 and $1T/yr+ in ‘debt injections’ [which should be an oxymoron but isn’t], a process that is often called ‘money printing’ and is misunderstood as a no-strings addition of dollars), but the banks and bondholders continue to suck away their debt-service cut, leading to scarcity or ‘austerity’ and political and social tensions. Scandinavia has resorted to negative interest rates, to flooding the population with new money in order to counter this trend. In the US, rising inequality and falling agency or mobility, and the resulting indignation has led to the rise of politicians like Warren and Bernie, who campaign on the amelioration of these ills by means of wealth redistribution (yet their anti-business policies will just result in capital flight and a smaller economic pie to tax, and with an increasingly old population, far too many takers and too few makers, at the risk of sounding ‘producerist’). Neither side identifies the money system as a primary cause behind these major political platform issues.
As for another major political issue, environmental protection, no single factor is worse for the environment than the absolute requirement for perpetual economic and population growth that a debt-based currency saddles us with.
Some want to just blame ‘capitalism’ instead, and it’s a critique worth considering for a moment. I’m not a Marxist, though Marx was on target to an extent in his embrace of economic determinism, where the economic ‘superstructure’ sets the tone for society and molds individuals to some degree. But is it really free-market economics and free exchange that are behind all these ills? No, not really, since that’s not what we have; what we have is privatized central planning and privatized imperialism (or more accurately, privatized mercantilism, where the money creating-banks and their vassal corporations constitute the mother nation that must be fed at any cost, and the people are just ‘human resources’ meant to be exploited to achieve this task) by banks and others who have access to the cheapest money from the Fed (governments, the largest corporations). Debt-money control works whether a society has an enormous or small government, since public and private debts get repaid just the same – whether directly or via taxes (though the financial establishment strongly prefers large, centralized governments since they can better ensure their stranglehold is kept in place). The culprits are primarily greed for power, and power’s corrupting, rotting nature, which led the moneyed interests who controlled the banks to take control of government, which allowed the banks to create debt money, and then take control of everything.
This power dynamic is why socialism – everywhere it has been practiced except anomalous Scandinavia, whose model is itself proving unsustainable after just a few decades – always ends up in a similar condition, only one that’s much more severe due to the disincentivization and inefficiencies of socialist economies: palaces and obscene riches for the corrupt power-holders, and maximum poverty and minimum agency for the masses.
So it’s the centralization of power – not socialism, capitalism, and everything in between, which have all worked well enough on a small scale – that’s the principal problem. And nothing in history has centralized human power more than the institution of privately created debt money. One could argue that eliminating money altogether might help solve the problem of alienation of power from the people, but that would be a massive adjustment that is not currently part of the conversation for the right or the left, and unless power is also decentralized, feudalistic exploitation of the people will continue.
In The Myth of Inevitable Cashlessness I also make the case that the debt-creating financial establishment is the primary force behind the contrived ‘War on Terror’ and staged events like 9/11, where terrorism is just a temporary excuse to institute total financial surveillance and ensure that debt-harvesting becomes as entrenched and efficient as possible. If you’re not up to speed on the workings of debt-based money, you’ll continue to be in the dark, frustrated, and an easy target for political and social manipulation. Renaissance 2.0 (whose viewcount has been frozen by YouTube for 4-5 years now) and Debunking Money are the best explanations of it I’ve come across.
12/12/19- As the ‘Truth-Optional Society’ Festers: on the Impeachment Circus, Censorship
Anyone who’s being honest with him or herself knows that deeply corrupt Joe Biden extorted Ukraine for $1 billion to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his no-credentials son and his ill-gotten wealth. This glaringly obvious fact is known by the media as a ‘debunked conspiracy theory.’ And any honest person also knows that Trump, for whatever highly dubious interest he had in cleaning up Ukrainian politics, wanted to see Biden taken out to improve his 2020 political odds; though at this point the bumbling Biden doesn’t present as much of a threat. (It must be noted that Biden bragged about committing a crime in Ukraine on videotape, and Trump merely made note of this to Zelensky: so the proven criminal is supposed to become our next President, while Trump, who is the real ‘Ukraine whistleblower,’ whatever his ulterior motives were, is to be charged with a crime and removed? Absurd, but par for the course.) Unfortunately, our society (or at least the media discourse / propaganda stream that many identify with, and mistake for society) has become defined not by fair-minded critical analysis but by unconditional, often blind allegiance to political party, so many either don’t know these things, or they do know and publicly deny it.
I don’t particularly like Trump and have extremely limited / close to no belief in his ‘winning’/’deals’ narrative, but I don’t want to give his opponents the satisfaction for a few reasons. The first is that were Obama or whichever other Democratic politician to have committed some similar or much worse violation – and Obama and his administration did in many instances – we all know that nearly every one of the Trump impeachers would be [and was then] silent at best, and fiercely defend the Democrat at worst, with little regard for the merits of the accusations. And if Trump were removed, we would simply revert to the shadow-government rule of the last 100+ years (many of the elements of which continue to be in place under Trump). Were impeachment actually about respecting the Constitution (cue Pelosi and Nadler in three-corner hats lecturing us about the Founders’ intentions for the hundredth time this week) and thereby restoring our political integrity, I’d support it. But it’s not remotely about that and never was. Our political integrity has been on the skids since we signed our economy over to the banks in 1913, our foreign policy over to the military-industrial complex, and our media over to the CIA. So let’s be real: for the overwhelming majority of people, strong, decisive support for impeachment is about promoting two things, and two things only: the pre-Trump status quo (which isn’t considerably different than the current one, hence the term circus), and/or Democratic party interests, depending on which Democratic politician is hoped to benefit (i.e. a centrist or a Progressive).
Unless it happens to align with partisan political goals, as it does in this case, there’s no serious concern for the Constitution or rule of law from the large majority of strongly-pro-impeachment Democrats (or from most Republicans when ‘their side’ violates it) – who made not a peep as Obama entered into 6-7 illegal wars, renewed the Patriot Act, allowed wiretapping of the entire population, detained and killed American citizens without charges or trial, assassinated thousands of foreigners based on AI-processed data with no human input, allowed the Fed chair to hand trillions to banks and corporations, and soon afterwards himself took several mid-6-figure bribes from the same banks ostensibly for 30-minute speeches; among many other eminently high crimes and misdeeds – and who pine for a return to Obama and rue war criminal Hillary’s loss to this very day. Wake me up when you ditch the false left-right paradigm and drop your double standards.
Regarding the fake shootings and bombings, false-flag, war-trigger events, and other forms of manipulation often discussed here – i.e., the primary means used in our democratic world to effect desired outcomes without having popular support for them – they have surely continued, but the online discourse around these events is dead. It would be more than a full-time job to single-handedly study and prove these incidents to be the engineered events many of them are. Previously, this work was undertaken by hundreds of perceptive researchers, who would each put forth one or two pieces of evidence. The platforms used to broadcast these kinds of findings – namely YouTube (which with its ‘commercial viability’ clause has basically become the new TV) and Google- have been sanitized by an establishment who is afraid of critical inquiry, and the voices that had been dissenting to the media narrative have been gradually silenced one-by-one, down to zero today. Silicon Valley, often touted as a spunky counterculture and leading edge, has shown itself to be a corporate borg that is deeply in bed with government and, at the end of day, loyal only to money; any fresh, revolutionary spirit that was once fostered there has been extinguished. As for where ‘truthers’ go from here, I encourage people to voice their thoughts in person, on the street at real-world events, and on whatever free online platforms remain available, as the censored and controlled segments of the discourse rot and eventually become irrelevant, as they inevitably do wherever censorship reigns.
10/14/19- Thoughts on ‘Wokeness,’ ‘Social Justice,’ and Columbus Day
In a previous post found further down the page, “Christopher Columbus: Another One for the Fake History Bin,” I made a brief case that Christopher Columbus either did not exist at all and was a composite, lightning-rod character meant to distract from his dozens of explorer and conquistador contemporaries, or was a real explorer who was born by another name. With the state of information transmission as it was at that time, the Spanish Crown and Vatican, who published Columbus’s letters, had carte blanche to tell the world whatever they wanted about Europe’s first major contact with the Americas, about who the man was and what he saw. Given that in April 1493, the same month Columbus’s letters were published, the Church sanctioned the destruction and conversion of all American civilizations by powers like Spain, France, and Portugal, the assumption that Columbus’s reports (allegedly received from him by Spain’s finance minister) are fully accurate and fair, putting aside questions around the figure himself, is far from a sound one.
Undoubtedly, ‘Columbus’ and European explorers more broadly made an immense impact on the Americas – politically, socially, culturally, architecturally, etc. – and rebuilt it in large part in European form. Yes, indigenous Americans (both black and non-black) made an influence then and now, and yes, non-European immigrants and African slaves and their descendants have as well, but centuries of primary European influence still occurred. Whether European colonization was good for Europe, for the Americas, and for the world or not is a debatable point. Whatever the answer, though, another question stands: should only events of positive impact be celebrated, or merely those of impact, whether good, bad, or mixed? It would be fair to say that when I was a kid, Columbus was celebrated as a hero, in a similar way to George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. I don’t know whether that holds today, and perhaps in recent decades this treatment has shifted more to recognition of the person and his exploits than their celebration.
As is often the case in our dualistic sociopolitical discourse, two fundamentally incorrect, simplistic, and partisan camps guided by false histories have come to dominate the conversation around Columbus and his holiday. One says he was a ruthless murderer, that the American societies he helped destroy were peaceful, more advanced than once thought, even paradisiacal, and that warlike, greedy Europeans ruined it all. The other camp ridicules this group as overly PC, ‘woke,’ or as ‘SJWs,’ and falsely claims that aside from the Aztecs, there was little to no society here, only a sparse nomadic population, and that Columbus did the Americas and the world a favor by settling here.
With respect to the first camp, yes, pre-Columbian societies were advanced. In Mexico and Central America, they built bustling metropolises and had complex cultures and social systems. Many had advanced legal systems that in some cases were adjudicated in multi-faceted judiciaries, with commercial courts, civil courts, and criminal courts. The Iroquois of today’s Northeast US had a constitution that helped inspire our own. Much of the continental US – including the Southeast, mid-Atlantic, and Midwest, were populated primarily by sedentary groups who were interconnected by roads, farmed large-scale agricultural complexes, built large cities with 5- and 6-figure populations, and traded deeply into Latin America. Similar societies existed in Peru, Brazil, and the Caribbean – not just in Mexico. Upon contact with European powers, inhabitants of these agro-urban civilizations were enslaved en masse and de-tribalized as ‘negroes,’ and the scale of the African slave trade was heavily exaggerated to cover it up. Co-existing with these large, millions-strong, sedentary societies were nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes who today carry the ‘Native American’ mantle. For all their accomplishments, though, these pre-Columbian peoples also appear to have gone to war with each other, enslaved each other, and committed genocide and other atrocities against each other, a fact ignored by the main anti-Columbus camp.
Europeans, while not necessarily more advanced overall, had a martial advantage and conquered the Americas, but there was no utopia before that point, and peace did not always obtain. The Inca civilization began just prior to Columbus and displaced numerous pre-Inca groups. The Aztecs and Mayans took over from the Teotihuacano and Olmecs. Some Arabs have co-opted the legacy of the original Egyptians. Celts and other Asia-derived Caucasian groups conquered or absorbed the pre-Indo populations of Europe, Bantus vanquished the San and other extinct African groups, Tungusic people like the Manchu slowly infiltrated the original Chinese and to a partial extent Southeast Asians over multiple millennia. History is full of migrations and conquest, enslavement, genocide, and intentional and unintentional extinction. While Europeans may be currently leading the pack in terms of scale of death and destruction, they weren’t always, and these things are by no means uniquely European practices. And few would deny that alongside the negative there have been many positive results from their presence in and ‘discovery’ of the Americas.
My stance on the holiday debate and similar themes is this: let’s continue to recognize that European contact with the Americas was a moment of great historical impact, one that should not be wholeheartedly celebrated or absolutely rued. Portrayal of Columbus as a swashbuckling, pure-intentioned hero should end, but so should idealization of indigenous American culture and the pre-Columbian era. Instead of burying figures and events that some find uncomfortable or offensive, let’s try to learn the full and unadulterated truth about our histories, including from period literary works that contain offensive terms like the ‘N word,’ which have been banned in many schools. Let’s not lie to help our causes, by denigrating or dismissing the pre-Columbian societies that were here as worthless, backwards, or even non-existent, in an attempt to apologize for and purify our European ancestors; or mock the pursuit of truth or the correction or amelioration of historical wrongs.
9/18/19- Swiss Cantons Shut Down Aggressive 5G Rollout (link)
Switzerland once again illustrates the importance of direct democracy, electoral integrity, and above all, the decentralization of power. 5G’s safety is far from established, and more study is needed. Faster internet, hurried in at the point of a gun, for the sake of more smart/spy devices and slightly better video streaming, is not worth an early cancer diagnosis. Other nations will get steamrolled on the issue as their corrupt, unaccountable, centralized rulership ignores the people and gives 5G the instant green light.
As for direct voting vs. representative government, the latter is fine: as long as accountability is an arm’s length or door knock/bust away, as it essentially is in a small handful of nations (e.g. Iceland). Beyond that scale it is and will always be a sham.
9/10/19- Lull in Activity, Comment on 9/11 (Still No [Passenger] Planes, No Hijackers, No Muslims)
The last few months I’ve been spending more time on reading/watching than writing, hence the drop in activity. I’ll be adding more posts in the coming weeks, albeit probably not daily.
With regards to 9/11 and its anniversary, I recommend reading The Case for No Planes if you are not yet up to speed on the evidence. The post puts forth a preponderance of proof that the [non-existent, CGI] planes and [fabricated] hijackers (link; see also post) we’ll hear about tomorrow, and the Taliban we’ve heard much about this week, played no real role at all in the attacks, which, as crazy as it may or may not sound, were carried out by means of computer-generated images broadcast on TV, in conjunction with the internal explosives (likely along with more exotic, classified weaponry e.g. large-scale directed energy; see post) that destroyed the buildings and remote-guided missiles or drone aircraft that may have simulated a jetliner impact to bystanders. Known as the ‘no-plane theory,’ this conspiracy reality requires deep complicity in the event, to the point of actual orchestration, by elements of Western media and intelligence (whether rogue or official). (None of the core perpetrators appear to have been Muslim.) Coming to terms with this premise – as increasing numbers have – is indispensable in understanding one of the greatest crimes in American history, as well as many other major US and world events before and since. Because this was amply proven years ago, I rarely talk about the event here nowadays, aside from this week of the year when the token retelling of the official tale airs all over the corporate news.
9/9/19- Fiber Consumption – Not Dietary Cholesterol – Appears to Be the #1 Determinant of Cholesterol Levels, and Perhaps Obstructive Heart Disease Risk
In past posts I’ve recommended a ‘high-fiber’ (or what I would term medium/normal fiber) diet as a guard against heart disease and diabetes, with an aim of 40 or more grams a day, about half from ‘super sources’ (legumes, and to a lesser extent seeds and nuts) and half from other sources (fruit, vegetables).
One reason was that most of the ‘blue-zone’ high-longevity cultures include considerable amounts of fiber-rich fruit and legumes in their diets. There’s also the ‘Hispanic paradox’ – where Hispanics, including Hispanic Americans, live 6-7 years longer than other groups – a fact that has long befuddled researchers. From my own observation, the diets of Hispanic immigrants, as a generalization, tend to be rather high in refined carbs, sugar, and oil, not much better than less-food-conscious native-born Americans, and maybe worse. Vegetable consumption is relatively low, deep-frying is frequent. The only pattern that I and others have identified as especially health-promoting – other than high physical activity and strong community – is a high fiber intake, specifically from beans.
I recently read a study that noted wild animals, human infants, and a variety of indigenous human groups all have total cholesterol levels ranging between 100 and 130 (link), with the median around 115. Yet among sedentary modern adults, the cholesterol of non-vegans rarely dips below 140, and most others are near or well over 200 (the adult average is 208, after widespread statin use). The indigenous groups cited eat a significant amount of animal foods and animal fats (none are vegan or vegetarian), usually daily, so how do they manage such low levels? Many reasons, surely, but a major factor has to be fiber, with most getting 40-80g of it each day. That the three groups above all have levels in this tight range seems to squash claims by ultra-high-fat advocates that a high cholesterol is actually optimal, and that cholesterol and triglyceride levels of 200 or 250+ are to be celebrated, or at least downplayed.
High-profile ‘plant-based’ commentators like Michael Greger and Dean Ornish (who I think have some good things to say and follow, but don’t fully agree with) have joined government agencies in warning against animal foods, cautioning an intake of just two [small] servings per week to keep cholesterol levels safe and avoid statins. Yet this appears unnecessary. My total cholesterol was recently tested at 116 (triglycerides 40), and I eat animal products in moderate portions twice a day most days, or around 14 times per week, usually meat or fish/seafood. Almost all other fats come from whole foods, mainly nuts and seeds. I don’t eat much dairy (occasional cheese) or many eggs (maybe a few a month on average), and minimize oil. When I eat animal foods, I always try to include sizeable amounts of fiber and antioxidants in the same meal, and often let legumes serve as the main carbohydrate, or one of them (e.g. chicken with lentils and broccoli; fish with beans and greens). I avoid grains aside from occasional rice, and usually opt for starchy tubers as a carb alternative to legumes. Aside from all that, I eat fruit regularly. Pretty much anything goes for social outings, etc., but I’m talking daily go-to meals. An outsider would see my diet as healthy but normal; there are few hyper-exotic ingredients and no attempt at hunter-gatherer imitation. Due to high nut and seed consumption, it certainly falls in the moderate, maybe even high-fat range, but blood lipids are very low, I believe also due to fiber. (Re: animal foods, I consider domestication and slaughter a necessary evil of agricultural civilization: if in the future I can become sure that I’m not meant to eat them and do not need them or as much of them for nutritional sufficiency, I’ll reduce or stop on ethical grounds, but I’m not there at this time.)
In years prior my total cholesterol level hovered around 150, but I have incorporated more fiber since then (adding the legumes I rarely included previously alongside whole nuts and seeds, especially [non-oil-roasted] walnuts and pistachios, which I credit with keeping my levels in control in past years), and I can be fairly sure that’s the reason for the drop. If you can’t do legumes, try to eat whole nuts and seeds (not just nut butters), which can play a major role in lowering blood cholesterol and fat. Eating more food-based fiber is a pretty boring answer to better cardiovascular health and health in general. There are no novel theories involved, no one-and-only superfoods, supplements, books, or premium memberships to sell. Yet it may be the single most effective strategy available.
How fiber lowers cholesterol and improves heart health is many-faceted, and isn’t something I fully understand yet. Firstly, it can speed digestion and transit time, which might lower the risk of oxidation in the intestines. It improves the gut microbiome, which can reduce systemic inflammation, decreasing LDL oxidation. Last but not least, it absorbs fat and cholesterol during digestion. A large body of evidence has come to suggest, contrary to popular belief, that arterial plaque build-up is reversible. So if fiber lowers the cholesterol impact of many meals that you eat, the overall volume of cholesterol that reaches the blood is markedly reduced, and the body is ‘given a break’ and able to clear existing plaque. In addition to these three, there is a fourth, seemingly direct mechanism at play that I have not seen explained, where some foods (e.g. walnuts, pistachios, other nuts) will lower blood LDL and triglycerides almost instantly, and then provide days or week of relief.
I don’t like to include much personal information here or do anything perceived as bragging, but given the wildly contradictory claims and recommendations in the internet health sphere at the moment, I feel the benefit of sharing my experience outweighs that. Of course, I may be wrong about fiber or misunderstand cholesterol’s link to CV risk. There’s undoubtedly more to the nutritional and physiological picture than I understand now and ever will. I know I’m going to die like everyone else no matter what I do, and only care about this stuff to a limit. I’m just sharing what I believe has worked for me and will work for many others, in place of CV drugs and their many side effects.
8/13/19- Tossing Around Some Epstein Theories
The internet remains abuzz with myriad theories on what became of Jeffrey Epstein. For anyone who has seen all the evidence and has the ability to interpret it, suicide is at the bottom of the list. This kind of observer also knows beyond any significant doubt that Epstein was/is an intelligence asset or agent who was/is running a sexual blackmail operation to help Epstein’s ultra-wealthy backers (Les Wexner and Epstein’s handful of other unnamed hedge fund ‘clients’) and their associates control politicians and other influential figures. In no particular order of probability, I’ll throw a few possibilities into the ring, some reiterated from the prior post (The first and simplest isn’t necessarily the likeliest. ‘Occam’s razor’ [as wholesale objection to conspiracy analysis] is platitudinous, unproven bull. Much evidence suggests an extensive and complex network has long controlled most major world affairs. Whatever reality is, its nature is anything but simple. Why should human affairs and decisions be?):
1) A blackmail target or group of targets paid corrupt guards to kill Epstein while supposedly ‘reviving’ him (link), or to look the other way while someone else did the deed. They didn’t care if others might have access to the blackmail material, they just wanted Epstein dead since he was in the hot seat and under pressure to talk, and figured killing him would be a temporary solution that would also send a message to his associates. They might make themselves known to Epstein’s associates at some point to let them know who among the targets means business.
2) His fellow intel-linked operators paid guards to kill him, or let someone else kill him. Were Epstein’s loyalty to be called in question and a decision made to off him, his murder would allow the operation to continue through a new point man with a new mansion, new recruiters, and a new set of technologies and techniques, and perhaps more importantly, perpetuate the blackmail of the hundreds of people in power who have already been compromised, an extremely valuable asset to let go to waste: do you really think they’d run an operation for 30+ years, get hundreds of power players into their back pockets, and then let it all die with an unstable, epic sex addict like Epstein, who was/is clearly just one member of a much bigger team? That defies credulity.
3) For the same reasons as number two, his fellow intel-linked operators paid emergency personnel to look other way as he faked death and was wheeled out alive, then switched with a corpse either in the hospital or en route to it. Medical examiners, coroners, and doctors can be as susceptible to corruption as most anyone else. For an extreme example see Fahmy Malak (link). That or medical personnel were forced or intimidated out of the way or into compliance and silence by Epstein’s powerful compatriots, who it’s not unlikely already had allies in certain hospitals who were willing to cooperate.
Number one is more likely in a more open system without an over-arching rulership, where separate factions compete hotly for power. Numbers two and three are more likely in a relatively closed system where most world affairs are controlled or influenced by a monolithic, top-down power structure (a less comfortable situation, albeit the one I believe we have). However, none of the three are inconsistent with either open or closed systems.
Assuming 2 and 3 are more likely than 1, keeping Epstein alive makes more sense than killing him. The operation is kept in business, the blackmail material is protected, and with Epstein in his late 60s and ready for retirement after a decades-long career, the next generation’s ringleader knows he won’t be thrown out with the garbage the moment trouble hits.
8/12/19- A Deductive Look at the Alleged Epstein Suicide
The alleged death by suicide of Jeffrey Epstein has dominated news reports in recent days. It’s my belief that in order, the likelihoods are:
1) That he faked his death or was killed by friends/fellow operators
2) That he was killed by enemies/targets of his operation
3) And at a distant third, that he killed himself.
Let’s set aside the establishment media’s reports and reconstruct an outcome from the facts of the case.
Epstein was apparently an extreme narcissist who wanted to live forever and repopulate the planet in his image. He enjoyed writing and socializing, things prison would allow. He appeared to be in good health for his age, wasn’t looking at a life sentence (likely well under 10 years with plea deal and parole), and had the funds for top-notch representation. There’s no apparent way he could’ve hung himself in his jail cell. So we’ll throw out suicide.
It’s clear that Epstein was not a lone operator. A wealth of data points suggest that Epstein was raised to ‘high society’ by multi-billionaire Les Wexner and that he and Ghislaine Maxwell both had links to US and Israeli intelligence. A multitude of firsthand accounts show that Epstein’s goal was to meet as many powerful people as possible, and have his underage masseuses bestow sexual favors on as many of them as possible. Clearly, blackmail and extortion were at hand. Clearly, a man like Epstein, living in unguarded homes in Florida and New York, could not carry on the extortion of dozens or hundreds of highly powerful men for decades by himself. Clearly, he was known to have big-time backup and connections.
So assuming that Epstein was an intelligence asset or agent and was running a large-scale blackmail operation to control politicians and other powerful figures, we can safely deduce two important facts: he was protected, and he was not the lone custodian of the blackmail material. If these are true, his murder by his enemies (i.e. the people his operation was able to blackmail) would both be risky and involve retribution, and would not achieve much. Sure, it could have been revenge and a shot across the bow to Epstein’s associates, but with a hit of this cost and complexity, I’d think all loose ends would need to be tied.
Assuming also that the whole case was not a media-intel show and that members of the Justice department and the people behind Epstein’s intel-linked operation were actually at odds with each other in the prosecution, what outcomes of Epstein would achieve something?
1) A murder by his fellow operators. He may have felt like he was being made the fall guy, and planned to cooperate with investigators. His colleagues/associates took him out to protect themselves and to allow for continued blackmail of the figures in question.
2) A staged death, whether presumed to be suicide or murder. Many in the public, debating how he died, would nevertheless assume the case had hit a dead end, that the investigation was over and justice would not be served. At the same time, the existing blackmail would remain in place, and the business of compromising the powerful would continue on as usual, through a new point man. Whatever is being claimed at the moment, all early reports verify that Epstein didn’t die in the jail. He was wheeled out alive and said to die an hour or two later at the hospital. Were the gurneys to be switched inside the hospital – seemingly an easier feat than perpetrating a deception inside the jail – Epstein could ride into the sunset under a new identity.
A third and probably less likely possibility is that Epstein was taken out by a blackmail subject as a matter of revenge, or as a precautionary measure, under the assumption that although others might have access to compromising material, only he had been charged criminally and had an easy avenue to present the evidence, and thus only he was a clear and present danger. We can call this the Arkancide scenario. In any case, suicide seems by far the lowest probability, enough to dismiss it completely unless much compelling evidence, none of which we’ve seen, is introduced.
8/8/19- YouTube Shadow-Bans Top Federal Reserve Documentary; It’s About Suppressing Truth, Not ‘Hate Speech’
The top documentary on the Federal Reserve’s 106-year fraud against the American people, Century of Enslavement, with 2 million views, was search de-indexed by Youtube as of a few days ago, and is no longer embeddable.
As the media-intel complex brings in more censorship, overt and shadow, under the guise of combating hate speech, the following subjects are included in what we are no longer allowed to talk about:
1) How the money and banking system is a complete and total scam
2) How many recent shootings and bombings were clearly fake events with no deaths
3) How 9/11 was a false flag event (specifically, that no passenger planes or hijackers were involved, which proves that the major media companies were directly complicit in the crime)
4) How many of the alleged ‘hate crimes’ are themselves staged events
5) How the media and ‘intelligence community’ have lied us into war after war after war
6) Anything else that makes the shadow government look bad.
The clampdown has little to do with hate or violence, xenophobia or white supremacism, which have been around for all our lifetimes. As most anyone knows by this point, and as the de-listing of the above documentary illustrates, it’s about far too many people getting far too close to the truth. Unlike in past decades, the ‘counter-messaging’ has been utterly failing, so censorship is all that’s left.
8/5/19- Dissecting the ‘249 Mass Shootings’ Infographic
An infographic is being circulated claiming that most developed countries have experienced 0-2 mass shootings this year, while the US has had 249.
First let’s look at intentional homicide rates. European rates average 2-3/100k, and the US has been around 5, while Latin America, for comparison’s sake, ranges from 10-70. So the US and Europe are fairly close. 5:3 doesn’t look quite as shocking as 249:1. Most murders in Europe are by knife (which are at least as lethal as guns in close quarters, and much easier to buy and carry) and blunt object. Gang hits are committed by beating and stabbing, and domestic murders aren’t infrequent. Suicide rates are comparable. Killing is killing; the tool or method doesn’t matter.
I’ve seen various definitions of ‘mass shooting.’ Typically it is the shooting, fatal or otherwise, of 3 or 4+ victims, including suicides of the shooter. So every drug-corner shootout (even with no deaths) is a mass shooting, every spat at a party, every multi-victim domestic murder.
Since violent crime in inner cities, as high as it is, is markedly down in the last two decades, ‘mass shootings’ are probably down also. If we account for this and take out the dozen or two fake events per year, mass shootings are probably down on the whole from 15-20 years ago.
So if we have 249 ‘mass shootings,’ I’d put a large wager the breakdown is something roughly like this, and maybe someone will take the time to prove it out:
Drug/gang-related shootouts with 0-2 deaths and 1-3 injuries (virtually all with illegal handguns): 100
Drug/gang-related shootouts/hits with 3 or more deaths: 50 (one per US state per year)
Unintentional mass shootings (one victim targeted, bystanders shot): 50
Domestic multi-victim murders and murder-suicides (large majority with handguns): 25
Shadow-government drill-as-reality fake shootings: 19-24
Real mass shootings (the kind everyone is thinking of): 5 or fewer
8/4/19- The Fake Shootings Have Continued – We Just Can’t Talk About Them Anymore
I’ve demonstrated in posts below how, without a shadow of a doubt, the Sandy Hook shooting was fake and involved no deaths. I’ve gone into the other fake shootings and bombings (Boston, San Bernardino, Dallas, Paris, Nice, Munich, dozens of others) and discussed how they’re carried out (including how deaths are faked), and for what purpose: apparently, to maximize ‘readiness’ for a real mass casualty event by means of maximizing the realism of the covert training exercises, including by involving the media and deceiving the public, in order to gauge and manage the effect of these kinds of disasters on American society (that’s the ostensible purpose; the real reason is to dumb down the public by having them believe in fake events, as well as tamp down on civil liberties and gun rights). The blueprint for these ‘full-scale,’ media-involved exercises was revealed in documents from Operation Closed Campus, the first of a series of planned school shooting drills that was canceled in 2011 after public outcry, at which point I believe the program was classified and went underground. Among other indications of fakery, researchers then spotted Closed Campus drill features in the aforementioned events (frequent use color-coded lanyards and nametags, red-handed instances of moulage, obvious direction of ‘players’ to specific rallying points by plainclothed drill directors; substantial supplies and equipment that were in place [literally] before the smoke even cleared: large tents, porta-potties, pallets of water bottles, stacks of pizza boxes, etc.)
Not long ago there was a robust online discourse consisting of a few hundred channels that would collectively serve to expose the shootings and bombings as the drills that many of them are, with each researcher usually finding one or two pieces of evidence that would by just a few days afterwards tally up to a preponderance of dozens or hundreds of exhibits. Suddenly as of around October 2018, and gradually for about a year prior, that discussion has been completely snuffed out by Google, YouTube, and Facebook; even a single search result is hard to find. Websites that might have acted as alternative forums (e.g. Voat) were promptly taken over by white supremacists and neo-Nazis (the top leadership of both groups long comprised in large part of undercover federal agents) and shut down on those grounds (e.g., public pressure on the site’s owner to take the site offline). For whatever reason, Bitchute has failed to gain traction and doesn’t have a significant user base. (I myself have come to talk about faked shooting and terror events less because the M.O. has been made clear, the reasons are clear, and after analyzing the tenth or twentieth event, it gets tiresome. Sure, it is possible other commentators may have similar sentiments, accounting for some of the drop-off, but certainly not all; censorship, many cases of which I’ve personally witnessed, is obviously the cause for the drop to zero.)
The masses of people who a year or two ago vocally doubted that the various ‘tragedies’ are real haven’t gone away or been convinced otherwise, they’ve just been silenced; as for foreigners picking up where Americans can’t, they use the same censored platforms and tend to view US happenings in the broadest of strokes, and aren’t interested in the minutiae of each crime. Like our structural economic problems have only been made worse behind the fake recoveries and booms, fueled for the past decade by the debt/QE addiction of Trump and Obama, our social and intellectual condition will only deteriorate behind the numbing effect of censorship.
I’ve always maintained that there are certainly occasional [real] mass shootings (i.e. of the public rampage kind), and there’s always the initial (slim) possibility that any event, Dayton and El Paso included, could be real. But with the shadow government’s track record, assuming fake until proven real with this category of event has proven to be a more accurate viewpoint.
7/23/19- Why Space Skepticism Is the Empirical or ‘Evidence-Based’ Position
In recent posts there has been talk of ‘fake space’ and alternate Earth shapes, discussion that is surely beyond the pale for many readers. I’d like to lay out my personal ‘judgment matrix’ that has led me to believe skepticism of the conventional cosmological model (without staking a claim on alternate models, which haven’t yet been sufficiently proven in my opinion) is the most rational position, starting with:
1) We’ve never seen the entire Earth from space, or any more than a tiny portion of it, let alone been to the Moon. The highest real footage has shown somewhere around 0.5% of the Earth’s surface from an altitude of around 200,000 feet. The highest real manned footage showed about 0.3%. Any images allegedly of the whole Earth are either from fake missions, or are dubious ‘composite’ photos made up of hundreds or thousands of images not available to the public.
2) We’ve never demonstrated [on Earth] that gravity exists. It’s a theoretical force that allows for an extrapolation to the heliocentric model. There is no earthly evidence of gravity. An alternate force (e.g. electromagnetic) or even alternate Earth shape could explain why objects fall towards the ground.
3) We’ve never detected the Earth’s movement. As I’ve detailed in posts below, the Earth’s rotation or movement in space has never been shown in any experiment, a fact acknowledged by Einstein, Hawking, and many others.
4) We’ve never witnessed Einsteinian relativity on Earth. Like gravity, it’s a theoretical explanation that allows for the rotation and revolution of Earth in space, enabling heliocentrism, yet it’s not needed to explain any phenomenon on Earth, or even any cosmic phenomena.
Consider also:
5) That the Sun and Moon would be virtually identical in size (as seen from the ground) is exceedingly, almost immeasurably unlikely, given the supposed distances involved and confluence of factors needed for this to occur. The numerological elements of heliocentrism being a coincidence is also highly unlikely. The odds of both being coincidences are infinitesimal.
6) That NASA would go to great lengths to fake the Moon missions and continue to fake ISS footage suggests the world power structure has something enormous to hide.
7) That the US-led world would go to great lengths to totally prohibit independent Antarctic exploration suggests the landmass contains some feature that may bear greatly on understandings of our world.
Considering the above and discarding all sacred cows, what are the cosmological possibilities? That:
A) I’m wrong about all of the above; many claims have been amply demonstrated on this blog, but I welcome anyone to verify them on his or her own.
B) The above is true but mischaracterized and/or immaterial, and the conventional model is still correct.
Continuing to other possibilities, many will jump immediately to flat, Biblical i.e. ancient-model Earth, but this is hardly the only one:
C) What we see is the conventional model but it is a simulation of some kind, and the underlying reality is different.
D) We see the conventional model and it is a mix of simulated and real elements.
E) The Earth is spherical and there is some force other than gravity that is causing celestial bodies to be held up and move, and for Earth to float in space (unless there is a physical or energetic foundation of sorts at its bottom), a scenario which would also allow the Sun and Moon to be similar in size. The alleged size of, temperatures of, and distances between celestial bodies are built on assumptions relating to concepts that are in no way visible in or relevant to earthly experience, e.g. gravity, light speed, Einstein’s relativity, alleged Sun distance. There are geocentric models that are 100% consistent with all earthly and astronomical observations. Choosing to discard geocentrism or ‘limited-centrism’ in favor of non-centrism aka heliocentrism was and continues to be more a philosophical / religious decision than a scientific one.
F) The Earth is flat and circular, flat and rectangular, concave, convex, hollow (and we are on the inside), multi-dimensional, or some other form than spherical, and we have not yet reconciled all observations with its true shape, position, and nature.
Embracing A or B requires ignoring or dismissing vast amounts of dissonant evidence. Many will not let the door to these kinds of questions creak open even an inch, and thus label anyone with doubts to be mentally ill, a Bible literalist impervious to debate, or an uncritical dupe who will fall for anything. This is an emotional reaction that in most cases is based on faith in authority and fear of not knowing, and is rarely or never the product only of rational inquiry and independent understanding.
Maintaining an open, uncertain perspective is the most empirical or scientific position with regards to the nature of Earth and the cosmos, since it accounts for all factors: those that confirm conventional notions and the many that defy them or cast heavy doubt, including those that derive exclusively from low-to-no-credibility sources like NASA.
6/28/19- The Democratic Debates and the 2020 Selection; Gabbard and Yang Top Polls, Are Ignored
This week I decided to watch the two Democratic debates, mainly just to gauge the current state of the two-party circus. A Trump-beating party strategy/platform most certainly wasn’t on display: both nights focused almost entirely around providing government assistance to non-citizens and vainly ‘fighting’ the apparently non-existent issue of ‘climate change’ (where there has been no warming for 20 years and for centuries at a time in the not so distant past it was warmer than today, and no category of natural disaster has actually become more frequent or severe. Even were it to be to some tiny degree real, as a political movement it’s completely and totally a scam meant to funnel tax money to special interests and impose a world government, costs far outweighing the admittedly marginal, impossible-to-measure benefits).
Unsurprisingly, the two participants who probably have the most appeal to the American electorate as relatively rational, less-partisan, and anti-interventionist candidates, and who could actually beat Trump – Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang (I by no means support their entire platforms, or would necessarily vote for them) – were almost entirely shut out, ranking 17th and 20th respectively in speaking time allotted. Despite this, they topped most polls as the debate winners, results which most media channels predictably ignored.
With establishment favorites Biden, Buttigieg, and Harris ‘randomly’ chosen to distract from Bernie (who will almost certainly get cheated by his party again, and if he managed to get nominated would – as a known big C Communist in spite of his current platform – likely be beaten badly by Trump in most states) for the main event that would cut off any coverage of the prior day’s debate featuring Gabbard (the candidate who least appears to be a paid-for hack and who has the best chance to beat Trump, though has little odds of getting through her party’s deeply corrupt nomination process), it should reinforce the idea that nominees from the R & D parties have not been organically elected by the people, but selected for us by the media-intel complex, shadow government, whichever name you prefer. Hopefully the unfavored, ‘second tier’ candidates like Gabbard who weren’t given the spotlight and the softball questions will wake up in time and realize they need to run on a broadly appealing third party ticket to finally be able to transcend the two-party duopoly.
6/20/19- Edited Video of Alleged Iran Drone Attack Is Cheap, Transparent War Propaganda (Link)
Today a video was tweeted by Israeli journalist Amichai Stein claiming to show Iran shooting down a US drone, complete with dramatic music and ‘Allahu Akbar’ chants thrown in at the end. It paints a picture of Iranians as violent zealots, when the most widely traveled people on Earth all count Iranians as among the friendliest and most welcoming people on Earth – more than once I’ve seen as number-one in that regard – and invariably as normal, peaceful people living in a modern, developed country. But when war is afoot, the enemy must be villainized and dehumanized. The footage is likely from another event altogether, since by the dubious US intel account of the attack it happened tens of miles from Iran in international waters, where the impact shown happens just overhead of a land-based missile launcher.
Clearly the video was produced by some anti-Iranian external party. The YouTube channel, ‘Iran Military Tube’ (no connection to Iran government or military), was created just a month ago, with a few filler videos posted before this. All that was left to do in this propaganda piece was wave an Iranian passport in front of the camera. Again, no one – or at least no kind of critical mass among the American populace – is any longer buying these bush-league attempts at deception.
6/16/19- False Flag Believers Are Now in the Small Minority – If I Can Find Any at All
In the age of drone attacks, ‘surgical strikes,’ and ‘kinetic actions,’ neither politicians nor citizens nor even soldiers in many instances (and decreasingly so as AI expands) have to dirty their hands or put their butts on the line. For some time, but now more than ever, the process of initiating and waging war has become a media-centered PR game that is more psychological in nature than anything else.
Fortunately, I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t at least suspect foul play in the several incidents in the Persian Gulf region. As the events get ever more transparent and formulaic, [claimed] belief in them, for the first time in memory, seems to be entirely restricted to US and UK high-paid media personalities, and those nations’ politicians (and of ‘allies’ in the Middle East) who are unwilling to face the wrath of the military-industrial-banking complex (similar to what we saw with the bank bailouts, where 96% or so opposed, yet they stole the trillions anyway). The large majority of citizens of all countries including the US, and even foreign governments around the world have officially stopped buying it.
6/15/19- You Can’t Go to Antarctica. Why?
In the most recent full post I discussed the strange situation in Antarctica, including the following:
A) No non-military pilot has ever flown across. No commercial flights have ever crossed.
B) You can’t enter by land without a permit, outside the tiny coastal portion visited by cruise tourists, or at all by air. Commercial flight below the 72nd parallel requires a permit (no permits or limits in Arctic) and private flight over the mainland for exploratory purposes is prohibited by treaty, no exceptions.
C) Any permit application can be denied, and the environmental impact analysis (involving multiple government agencies) required just to submit an application costs $250k.
D) Were a permit to be granted, vast swaths are ‘protected’ from exploration, and routes and equipment must be pre-approved. Motorized vehicles and aircraft for exploration purposes are not allowed. Sled dogs are not allowed (dogs were used in Operation Highjump and survived). Firearms are not allowed. Walking in areas with moss or lichen is not allowed. All human waste including urine must be carried for the entire trip and brought out of Antarctica (reportedly 5.5 million sq miles), involving a separate planning/permitting process with the NSF. Meanwhile, for all the ‘protection,’ there are zero species of birds or mammals (aside from penguins and seals on the shoreline), and only one species of insect, reported to inhabit the mainland (link). At a sixteenth to quarter-inch in length, it is Antarctica’s largest animal (link); with the exception of lichens, all other life is outside the landmass, in the sea and surrounding islands.
E) A permit is needed even to sail beyond the 60th parallel, per the Antarctic Treaty. If you sail beyond it, you will be intercepted by naval craft and arrested, as has been demonstrated.
F) I know of two private attempts to enter (link). In one, half of the crew who stayed behind at the coast allegedly died in a shipwreck and neither they nor the ship were found, and the other half who entered by ATV were promptly intercepted by helicopter and arrested. In the second attempt, the crew were arrested before reaching the coast, then deported, fined, and given suspended jail sentences.
G) All islands in remote proximity to Antarctica (even those that are reportedly over a thousand miles away), are closed to the public as ‘Antarctic territories’ and as part of the treaty zone, prohibited from exploration, e.g. Heard Island, Kerguelen / Desolation Island, Prince Edward Islands / Marion Island, Auckland Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. There does not appear to be any permanent human habitation below the 56th parallel, only government and military. In other words, there are no human inhabitants and is no permitted habitation or even free movement in latitudes beyond the mainlands of South America or Africa, or Tasmania / New Zealand.
H) NASA, the US Antarctic Program, and the Antarctic Treaty System were all founded within a year of each other in 1958-59. While other nations control most of Antarctica (overwhelmingly by core US allies: Australia, New Zealand, France, and Norway, with small portions by allies Chile and Argentina), the US government controls the supposed center/deep interior (Amundsen-Scott base), and has maintained a constant military presence since at least 1929 (link) (link) (link).
Everything there is to know about the place was supposedly established during the ‘Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration,’ mostly undertaken by military or government-sponsored personnel (bound to secrecy, under orders); few explorers went back for the rest of the century, until two people (also military) traversed a section recently, claiming to have reached the center. Sounds an awful a lot like the 1969-1972 ‘Age of [Fake] Moon Exploration.’ Regarding the relative few listed in the link above who survived, many explored only small areas, or could have followed a prescribed route and merely believed they arrived at the pole.
I’ve seen a variety of beliefs, sometimes combined, arise in explanation of the extremely peculiar Antarctic lockdown:
1) The Earth is not a sphere and its circular surface is planar, convex, or concave, with Antarctica as the circle’s edge. The landmass, with the highest average elevation of any continent by a wide margin (Antarctica reported average 7,545 ft, North Pole 0 ft; Arctic Circle ~1000 ft, average world land elevation including Antarctica is 2,755 ft; a fact proponents use to bolster the theory) would contain the oceans, as well as the base of some sort of physical or energetic barrier overarching Earth. This appears to be the Biblical model.
2) The Earth is not a sphere and this part of it is circular with Antarctica as its edge, and there are realms beyond Antarctica accessible by physical crossing of the land, or some sort of gateway or portal within it.
3) The Earth is not a sphere and its surface is a rectangular plane with imperceptible portals along 4 edges, including Antarctica.
4) The Earth is a sphere and Antarctica contains its foundation or support, physical or energetic.
5) The Earth is or is not a sphere and Antarctica has some other thing(s) that must be hidden at all costs: a parallel civilization, Nephilim, classified technological apparati, military bases, ‘alien’ bases; a land, sky, or celestial phenomenon not visible in other places, etc.
I don’t endorse any one of these theories, I’m only listing the more common among them. It does seem that at least one of the above categories, however outlandish, would be true, the ostensible reason for total prohibition (environmental / penguin protection) being not at all credible. As for questioning core characteristics of the Earth and ‘space,’ I lean towards the belief that geocentrism and a stationary Earth are more likely than the conventional model, but I make no hard claims on those two points, or on the shape.
6/14/19 – Has the Establishment – Like All Establishments That Came Before It – Lost Its Edge for Good?
The people in power keep doing the same things, apparently expecting different results:
They stage lame, zero-credibility false flags in Syria and the Persian Gulf, and fewer believe it each time.
They censor and clamp down on their channels and platforms, and the Overton window rapidly expands.
They back Hollywood and music propaganda with bigger than ever budgets, and hearts, minds, and dreams turn elsewhere.
They print record sums to stimulate phony growth, and GDP-for-debt returns steadily sink.
They fake dozens more shootings after Sandy Hook fails, and gun rights remain intact or strengthen (at least in places they had any support to begin with).
There has been one constant observable among empires: all have failed in their grand designs. Do the degenerates we see at places like Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove represent the exceptions of the last 5,000 or 10,000 years, the ones who could finally get it done? I highly, highly doubt it. Are we right now witnessing the international establishment crumbling or stalling out, rather than advancing to new heights of power and control? Quite possibly. Does it mean they won’t go out with a bang, throw a tantrum, and take many down with them? Sadly, not necessarily.
The vast majority of the conspiracy-sphere, Alex Jones as a notable example, gloomily parrots the establishment’s very own plans, treating them as imminent, inevitable milestones to be prepared for and passed. It’s certainly helpful to know the aims/delusions of one’s current rulers, but if history is any lesson, something entirely different will happen, that neither the full-time preppers nor the powerful have called or readied themselves for; and I have next to no idea what it is (which is why I try to stick to debunking falsehoods, including false histories, rather than predicting the future; and I’m not saying there won’t necessarily be a new boss similar to the old one, but I think the people in and structure of power will be different than anticipated). That isn’t some dramatic ending; I’m just stating as a reminder that in all likelihood the people you are reading, whether deep in the establishment or far on the fringes, are largely or entirely wrong if they’re telling what the future will hold.
5/27/19- War Hawks: Put Up or Shut Up
The US has officially participated in at least 30 foreign wars and ‘conflicts’ since Vietnam, resulting in several million military and civilian casualties, none of them fought on US soil or in defense of it; in addition to the surely dozens, maybe hundreds of other conflicts with covert or less direct involvement (e.g. Iraq-Iran War, 1M+ casualties).
That’s a lot of opportunities to suit up and fight for freedom, yet (over 11 presidencies going back to JFK):
Number of presidents who enlisted in the Army or Marines after WWII: Zero
(I separate those two branches because they have suffered about 95% of the total casualties since Vietnam)
Number of presidents who were deployed, or saw combat with any branch after WWII: Zero
Number of presidents whose children have seen combat: Zero
Number of presidents’ children who joined any military branch: Two (Carter son, Navy; GWB, suspended from Air National Guard unit for non-attendance for an entire year, then asked for early release)
I doubt Congress is much better considering their rubber-stamp voting record for ‘use of force’ authorizations, which are all unconstitutional since war must be declared by Congress. This hasn’t been done since WWII; probably because a declaration might lead to a draft, which could come back to bite them or their children, friends, associates, etc, as well as reignite the anti-war movement. All politicians who call for war, as well as the pro-war consultants and pundits – the Boltons, Kristols, and Kissingers of the world – need to put some skin in the game, or their families’ if they’re too old, before they can even begin to be taken seriously.
5/26/19- Army Asks How Enlistment Has Impacted Members, Response Backfires (Link)
I encourage people to peruse some of these stories to get an idea of the individual realities of war, not the glorified, gruff-voiced versions conveyed in pickup truck commercials, Marines ads, etc., which tend to spike at this time of year.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the large majority of people who served in the military and have successful lives and intact mental and emotional health were those lucky enough to have avoided combat (usually navy, air force, mechanics / support staff, etc.), especially long/multiple tours, which have become increasingly common. That’s a generalization and by no means a novel point, but true nonetheless. And while all war is surely traumatic, trauma appears to be greatly amplified when the justness of and reason behind the war are murky or absent, evidenced in the meteoric rise in PTSD rates, suicides per capita, substance abuse rates, etc. Were the troops to provide actual service in actually defending the country, rather than endangering themselves and us in the foreign wars of aggression we’ve had over last several decades, we could reverse this disgraceful trend, as well as begin to back ourselves out of the financial noose described below. Continued military imperialism financed by heavier and heavier debt is not the price of our freedom, it is its greatest threat.
5/24/19- Right-Wing Propaganda: How Fox News Shores Up the Disintegrating American Dream
In the Trump era, the term ‘fake news’ has been restricted to left-leaning sources – i.e.the large majority of the establishment media propaganda outlets, which are indeed fake. Fox News and talk radio hosts who support Trump are singled out as being non-fake; but it’s all fake: while the centrist/establishment/Third Way branch of fake news has its own long known agenda, prominent right-wing fake newsdom, which includes some ‘alternative’ podcasters, has its own propaganda themes, messages I’d argue are more subtle, or for whatever reason are less often confronted, probably because they deal less with ham-handed policy shifts and are based more intimately in 20th and 21st century American cultural conditions that have obtained for the entire lifetime of the propaganda subject, and are often taken as givens. It makes up probably a near majority, perhaps a large majority of programming volume and investment, yet represents a very small fraction of propaganda analysis, which is typically devoted to the imposition of political and social changes rather than the preservation of the status quo.
In a Fox show yesterday (link; not an endorsement of source), one commentator misleadingly stated that the ‘average’ net worth in the US is $692k (another said that it’s possible to be poor with a net worth of $100M, a statement to absurd to address). Viewers may scratch their heads: are all my neighbors secretly doing much better than they appear? No, that’s just what Fox News wants you to think, so you will:
1) Get back to work and stop complaining so you can succeed like everyone else; you’re just not working hard enough. A scam against the group is transformed into a failure of the individual, which seems to be the most characteristic element of establishment-right programming.
2) If working more doesn’t do it, go into debt and consume more so that you can appear to be wealthier than you are.
The $692k figure is technically correct, but what does the average household have, in the sense that most people understand, meaning Americans in the middle of the wealth range? Try $97,000, and that includes equity in a primary residence, so probably more like $60-70k after accounting for costs associated with liquidating and repurchasing a home, and inaccurate sale/purchase price expectations. How about among younger households who have started or want to start families (they and children of whom are then ostensibly meant to shoulder the massive debt burden; ostensible because it’s mathematically impossible)? $11,000.
‘Average’ household net worth (i.e. mean worth): $692,000
Median household net worth, all ages: $97,000 (where 50% have more, 50% have less)
MHNW under age 35: $11,000 (35-44 $59k) (45-54 $124k) (55-64 $187k) (65-74 $224k) (>75 $264k)
Current national federal debt ($22.3T) per household: $175,043 with interest accruing
Unfunded federal liabilities per household ($210 trillion/127.5M households): $1.65 million
Total federal government debt per household, current and unfunded: $1.82 million
Total current and unfunded (pensions, etc.) state and local debt per household: unknown
Average cost of 4 years public/private college tuition: $83,080 / $187,800
Federal debt to ‘household GDP’ ratio at median household income of $59,000: 296%
(in 2000: 110M@$42k@$5.5T: 127%) (in 1960: 69%) (in 1920: 11%) (in 1912: 5%)
Federal debt to household GDP ratio including future obligations not funded at current tax rates: 3082%
It takes some very deep, likely pharma-assisted dreaming to look past these numbers. What this tells us, in addition to general fook’dness and the obscenity of the wealth held by a small handful of families, is that Baby Boomers – who paid 10x less in real terms for education, earned ever rising real wages, and rode Greenspan’s 32-year and counting stock market wave/bubble – along with Gen Xers over age 50, have all the wealth among the various age demographics, and mainly the top 25% or so of them, and in general, everyone else is barely getting by in comparison. And a huge percentage, probably 30-40% of under 35s are financially underwater with a negative net worth in the form of compounding debt. This crisis isn’t limited to the US, with the UK and other nations in similar circumstances.
The notion, while maybe a tad true, that under 35s just have to save and invest more to reach the level of their wiser, more financially virtuous elders (another talk radio theme) is laughable on the whole; clearly the game long was and is rigged. I don’t begrudge the older generation on an individual basis for the perverse state of affairs, or even really on a group basis, I’m just stating the situation. Another talking point broadcast to the mostly older audience is that it’s normal for the oldest generation to hold all the wealth; no, net wealth has historically peaked around one’s early to mid 40s, then declined as earning potential dropped and retirement savings were used up. Social Security was instituted because old people were the poorest group in society. Today people over 75 have 4.5x more wealth than the historically richest age group.
The above statistical trick is part of a broader campaign that keeps ‘consumers’ feeling behind the curve. There is without doubt a peculiar set of phenomena in America: where an outsized percentage believes he or she is much closer to the financial top, and able to get there, than he or she is in reality, and where an outsized percentage believes the average living standard is far higher than it actually is, making it an elusive objective. I haven’t considered this at length and don’t quite have a handle on it, but it does explain how people would easily accept that the average wealth is 7x greater than it is, and how even when the reality for the average person is $97,000, the mark of ‘wealthy’ shown in the link, around $2 million, is considered to be a realistic goal that is within reach, perhaps even a likelihood, when probably not more than a single-digit percentage of the people in the vicinity of the $97,000 median will reach that level or go more than 10, 20, 30% of the way towards it, the point being that there is a vast gulf between expectations and outcomes, much more than in other places. I’m the last person to bash optimism, it’s an attitude that is surely one of the biggest parts of American success, and I encourage people to try to fulfill their potential in whatever form that takes, but when an idea is being used against you in propaganda that in my opinion is meant to destabilize and scam the masses and protect the financial elite (i.e. ultra wealthy, $50-100M++, billionaires), it should be discussed. The first step towards a productive optimism is removing one’s head from sand and taking stock of the situation.
So if left right and center are propaganda, where can one get non-fake news? You can look to ‘Digital Siberia,’ as it has been termed, where this blog resides, and listen to people you’ve never heard of before they get banned, or better yet, take all information with a grain of salt and try and figure things out for yourself.
5/23/19- If ‘Serving’ in Illegal, Misguided Wars Isn’t Good, Why Is Avoiding It Bad?
Today Pete Buttigieg took a predictable line of attack against Trump in criticizing his military record or lack thereof, on the apparent basis that his own record (Navy intelligence in Afghanistan, saw no combat) is praiseworthy, a tired tactic repeated in election cycle after election cycle. (On one hand I find it offensive that blustering, ‘red button’ Trump would play up a mild disability to avoid the draft, and then act like a champion of war and the military. On the other hand Trump’s actual policy thus far is the least hawkish and aggressive and best for the well being of military members of any president in several decades.) This leads to two questions:
A) Why are we supposed to admire Buttigieg being paid to participate in an illegal, unconstitutional war that even accepting the official lie had nothing to do with any of the alleged Saudi culprits (most of whom didn’t even exist), later led to a loss of one million Iraqi lives and tens of thousands of American soldiers, did nothing to make America safe, and failed in all its main objectives (with Taliban in control of most areas)?
B) Why is it wrong to have avoided participation and not unlikely death in a similar, also illegal war that was also started by means of a lie, did little to nothing to make America safe, killed hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese and disfigured multiple generations with birth defects, and arguably failed in all its aims (since the whole of Vietnam is now technically under one-party Communist rule)- including by lying, which might have been the only way to safely do so?
I ask these questions because if we’re going to stop the military-industrial stranglehold on our politics, we need to start by changing our culture and doing away with the taboo around this kind of discussion in a public forum. Then, and hopefully before we have another unjust, non-freedom-protecting/safeness-keeping war, we can finally bring the unconditional, uncritical deference to ‘the troops’ (read: the $1 trillion/yr war budget) and imperialism that underlie rhetoric like Buttigieg’s to an end. This isn’t the 1770s, 1860s, or 1940s, when the cause was clearer and a [convincing] case for justness could more easily be made, even while many strings were being pulled behind the scenes. If any thinking person looks at the conflicts we choose to involve ourselves in today and pays attention to how we got into those conflicts, it becomes screamingly obvious that money and power – not liberty and justice, for us or anyone else – have lately become the primary values at stake (they were always values for some elements within our core rulership, but those elements have now gained near total control over the war-media-intel machine).
5/12/19- False Flag Fever Brewing in Iran Again
The last time ‘grave threat’ Iran – a 3,000 year-old nation – attacked anyone outside its own borders was in the 1700s, before the rampaging US was even founded. Iran clearly has nothing whatsoever to gain from attacking anyone today, and struggles enough with domestic economic issues caused by onerous trade and banking restrictions. Any act blamed on Iran will obviously have been engineered by Western powers, who stand to gain via the expansion of debt-financed war spending and the weakening of civil liberties at home.
Over the last 70 years the US and its allies have harassed Iran by overthrowing its government, imposing economic sanctions, and killing and wounding more than a million of its citizens in the Iraq-Iran War of 1980-88, in part with US-provided chemical weapons. Then over the next two decades the US government killed another million Iraqis in search of those same weapons (and in the process killed and injured 250,000+ US soldiers by the Gulf War Syndrome, of which a third died from related cancers, plus the thousands of actual battle casualties, thousands of suicides, etc.).
Over the last few days the media propaganda outlets of the West have been dreadingly hoping against a Tonkin-style ‘accident’ or ‘miscalculation’ in the Persian Gulf, as the US shifts naval units to Iran’s coast. With the Syria coup and Western-intel-creation ISIS having failed, and the Venezuelan coup also sputtering out (I don’t support Maduro, but don’t back brutal puppet governments in Latin America either), we can only hope the trend continues with Iran and any other countries on the hit list. (I’ve long suspected that all these developments around Russia, Iran, China happen with the cooperation of the political and economic elites in those countries. We know from space-related hoaxes that on issues of sufficient importance, all the major powers are willing to cooperate, treating the world as a highly competitive board game played by friends, one that the people can end at any time by increasing awareness and speaking out.)
5/11/19- Ghosts and Geocentrism: On the Incongruity of Beliefs
Ten years ago, if we took a poll on how many people had higher than zero doubt that the universe and Earth model we’ve been taught is entirely or at least fundamentally true, it would surely have been a low percentage, perhaps 2%, a figure I’m making up for the purpose of argument. Today, that number might be 4 or 5x higher, say 10% if not more, again, made up for argument’s sake. Among that minority, many are not comfortable voicing their doubts, due to the hostility, ridicule, and stigmatization that might result, albeit decreasingly.
Yet from time immemorial to the present, a large majority of people have entertained the possibility of, held firm belief in, and/or even maintain having experienced one or more of a wide variety of paranormal or ‘paramaterial’ phenomena: other planes and dimensions including an afterlife realm, ancestor spirits, ghosts, angels and demons, etc. (again, taken at least one such position on at least one such phenomena; though often more than one). Beliefs or musings about most of these things are today perfectly acceptable, and excepting a minority of philosophical-materialists and absolutist empiricists, talk of them is generally listened to by non-believers and met with at least a modicum of seriousness and contemplation, and not just because they often deal with the dead.
But if any or all of multiple dimensions, benevolent and malevolent spirits, and other such phenomena do in fact exist, what setting for them seems more likely: A) a geocentric (or ‘unicentric,’ or ‘limited multi-centric’) system that was designed and created with some purpose or B) an insensate, undesigned, infinitely large non-centric aka heliocentric system that originated from nothing, where all the paranormality or paramateriality relates in a direct manner only to an un-special speck hurtling through that endless void. I’d argue that it’s pretty hard to say B. To put it another way, what we can call the spirit or extra-dimensional world would in the conventional model either be linked to each rapidly moving, life-having planet and be distinct from other spirit worlds, which is not a very plausible scenario, or there would be some unified spirit world shared by all life-having planets or places, when there is no evidence at all that other such places exist. Since all known, reported, and believed spirit or extra-dimensional activity relates in some way to Earth, by all appearances the only place with life, it would make sense that Earth is at or somewhere near the center of existence.
Given that most people do at least entertain some or all of the above spiritual or extra-dimensional phenomena, I think they ought to extend that open mindset to all fields, and at least consider the idea of alternate world constructions, especially when there are functional, observation-consistent geo/unicentric models, and a momentous social and political agenda behind helio/non-centrism (which as noted below is a philosophy, not an empirical fact), with an apparent endgame of a world scientific-financial dictatorship.
5/5/19- The Copernican Principle and Heliocentric Model Are Philosophy, Not ‘Hard’ Science
In the most recent post ‘Is Space Fake? ‘The Universe’ as a Grigorian Mathematical Model’ I expressed skepticism and tentative non-acceptance of the prevailing heliocentric/non-centric universe model, and introduced alternative explanations for some of the phenomena that are said to prove it. (Personally, while I believe in God, my cosmological view would be best defined as agnostic but geocentric-leaning, with conviction on shape, surroundings, and age suspended.)
Part of the post dealt with how little we directly know of the realm in which we live, and what little we have been shown of it. For example, the highest non-state rocket flight is about 200,000 feet or 37 miles. Indications of fakery abound around the International Space Station (with some ‘orbital’ footage shot underwater, where bubbles are visible, and other clips involving fishing lines to suspend objects) and the craft is in all likelihood an unmanned satellite, at perhaps 200 miles altitude. As established in posts below, the Moon landings were all completely and utterly fake and never happened (see: ‘taped over’ $200B original footage, ‘lost’ $200B rocket plans, never been back in 49 years, fake Moon rocks etc., etc.). Mars roving is a hoax and is taking place in northern Canada. Countless photos of Earth we’ve been shown by NASA are doctored, and in many cases admittedly computer generated (which look identical to the ‘real’ photos).
Putting aside these entertainment productions and focusing on credible evidence, what we have actually seen of Earth and any broader system is <1% (probably 40-80 miles) of what’s said to be above according to the smallest model, the Biblical (which is similar in form to the large majority of ancient models), and 0.1-0.2% of what’s said to be below (via a 9-inch-diameter borehole, seven miles out of a supposed 3,958). The rest amounts to theory and theater.
Since the aforementioned post is lengthy, includes many tangents, and was written by someone without any formal cosmological training, I’d like to rely on the words of others who are better known and perceived as more authoritative to express one of its primary points here. The first is world-renowned, highly respected Cambridge theoretical physicist George F.R. Ellis, who co-authored a book with Stephen Hawking, showing he is no pariah of the ‘scientific community,’ not that that would discredit his ideas:
“People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct for you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations. You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds. In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong in that. What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.”
So basically, some [establishment backed and funded] scientists and mathematicians put on their theology-cosmology hats, melded the two fields together without telling anyone, and few people since seem to have noticed. The second person is Tesla, a critic of establishment-darling Einstein, who by many, very strong indications was a plagiarist, if not a fraud altogether:
“[Einstein’s theory of relativity is] a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense. . . [it] wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. . . the theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.”
While these kinds of quotes are typically employed in arguments about the Earth’s shape, let’s set those aside in this case and keep the discussion to geocentrism and heliocentrism, and recognize that geocentric models are indeed fully viable, a fact unknown to most, perhaps suppressed. With regards to the shape, there’s nothing mutually exclusive about geocentrism and sphericity or rotation, and there are spherical non-rotating and non-sphere models that respectively are workable and seem potentially workable (enough to warrant further inquiry). Some of the latter appeal to paranormal phenomena and/or disputed phenomena such as aether, but none of it is any more fantastical than what the conventional model claims.
The post also contains information on Earth’s supposed rotational speed, and what little evidence there is for it, bringing to mind that celestial bodies may revolve around Earth. See the following:
“The conclusion contradicts the explanation. . .which presupposes that the Earth moves.” -Albert Michelson, whose experiment would prove the existence of aether presupposing a stationary Earth, but instead is claimed to have disproven it.
“A great deal of research has been carried out concerning the influence of the Earth’s movement. The results were always negative.” Henri Poincaré, from whom Einstein plagiarized several theories, then claimed to have never heard of beforehand.
“I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected in any optical experiment.” -Einstein
“All attempts [‘to perceive the motion of the Earth in space’] led to a negative result. Before the theory of relativity was put forward, it was difficult to become reconciled to this negative result.” -Stephen Hawking
Returning to the Copernican Principle, it is a philosophical supposition predicated on the beliefs that:
1) Humanity is not special: there is no reason to believe there are not many intelligent species (objection: beyond the raw imaginings of sci-fi novelists, there are no reasons to believe there are any other intelligent mortal beings.)
2) Earth is not special: there is no reason to believe that the planets are not basically like Earth, or to believe that there are not planets, also Earth-like, beyond our system.
(objection: there is no reason to believe the celestial bodies called planets are like Earth – they don’t have life, we’ve never been to any of them – or to believe that there are any other, independent systems at all.)
The Copernican Principle relies on the mediocrity principle, which states that an object drawn at random is probably not special or privileged. (This quote by heliocentrist/non-centrist Stephen Hawking, an establishment idol like Einstein, may illuminate: “The human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate-sized planet, orbiting around a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies.”) But with respect to Earth, there are no other items that can be firmly concluded to be in the same ‘set,’ i.e. the set might only contain one item, as do countless ‘sets’ (e.g. a work of art, invention; or an iris, snowflake, etc.). A ‘draw’ in this context implies and requires a relatively large set, i.e. more than one or a few, a condition that hasn’t yet been convincingly established.
This notion (unsound, in my opinion) is one of the philosophical foundation blocks on which heliocentrism rests, as do space-alien theories and reality-as-simulation theories. Are these ideas really the product of logic, or just the [externally guided] musings of people who accepted certain premises at a young age and never looked back?
5/1/19- ‘Save the Planet’ or Fake Aliens Will Do It for You
Out-of-nowhere Democratic party donor darlings like Beto and ‘AOC’ have recently been warning of the same impending climate cataclysm that has been predicted since the 1990s, and should have hit 10, 15, and 20 years ago. They laughably claim the world will end in just 12 years and urge trillions in spending for their cronies, higher taxes, and immediate bans on all gas engines and [commercial, non-private-jet] air travel – when pollution is going down, and population will max out and begin to decline in about two decades. We haven’t budged an apparent inch towards the predicted disasters over the thirty years they’ve been rabidly warned against, and maybe even budged backwards from them, yet somehow the next 12 years are when it’s all going to go down; get real. I consider myself an environmentalist to an extent, and there are pressing environmental problems that need to be addressed, but this kind of totally irrational alarmism, whether it’s lunacy or, more likely, a political play, only discredits efforts to solve them.
I’ve shown in a past post that the odds are overwhelming that the concept of aliens as little green men from ‘light years’ away is 100% manmade, a product of science fiction, and in the last post suggested that ‘space’ itself (as the specific imagery we’ve been shown), a necessary construct for the fake creatures, may well also essentially be a fabrication without basis in reality, in terms of the scale and nature of celestial bodies, distances between them, etc. (This is not necessarily a statement on the shape of the Earth, only to say that there are indications of deception around ‘space’ and ‘the universe’ as they are presented to us. And if there is deception, some form of geocentrism – within which there are models consistent with observations – would seem more likely than heliocentrism in my opinion. In any event, given said indications I think the general topic is one that should be open for discussion.)
Aside from fighting an external threat in the form of aliens or asteroids, the causes of ‘saving the planet’ and ‘stopping climate change’ are the only other viable reasons for a world tax system and government, and given the uncharted territory and chance of spectacular, irrevocable failure involved with a fake ET event that has been in the planning since at least the 1950s, the tried and true method of a simple propaganda campaign to rally the people around some issue is highly preferable, hence the climate obsession being spread from fake-grassroots politicians to celebrity appeals to TED talk stages to seemingly amateur YouTube videos.
4/29/16- Dismantling two cheap talking points of the left and right
‘Some people did something [on 9/11]’
Rep. Ilhan Omar recently stated ‘some people did something’ on 9/11. The dunce view on the right is that the official story is true and she is trivializing the event; and the dunce view on the left is that the official story is true and Muslims in general shouldn’t be blamed for the actions of a few [most of whom never even existed].
The correct view without much doubt is that Rep. Omar knows well that 9/11 was a false flag event – a view held by probably 80% or more of Muslims worldwide – and her statement was a nod to skepticism of the plane-hijacker-pancake myth, and a refusal to fully play along with that myth.
To take it further, yes, some people did do something: some CGI artists faked the planes in non-live, 17-second-delayed TV footage (with planted witnesses and perhaps live audio effects on site to aid the media plane deception) and around 30 ‘amateur’ video clips; some non-Muslims demolished the buildings with explosives alongside more exotic weaponry of some kind, and some hijackers were made up out of whole cloth by Western intel and allies.
‘There were good people on both sides [at Charlottesville]’
Trump repeatedly condemned neo-Nazism and white supremacism during and after Charlottesville. His correct point was that many of the protesters were Civil War buffs and others who were there to protest the demolition of history, which they thought should be left to stand and study. Having met quite a few of this group, it’s certainly not a racist one, at least not any more than the general population, and contains many fine people: so Trump was right, and Biden is mischaracterizing his statement to score political points.
There are many blood-soaked postbellum presidents who had at least a comparable hand in injustice and human suffering, in the US and/or abroad, as did Robert E. Lee. The South stood for good things as well as the obvious bad: anti-imperialism, decentralism, a higher degree of liberty [if not for all]: things the establishment hates, hence the wholesale condemnation today.
So if all depictions of Lee must come down, in the interest of moral consistency so should those of Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson (who made us all into [free-range] slaves by installing the Fed; no, not really an exaggeration), FDR, LBJ, Clinton, Bush, and many other executives of the worldwide American Empire and the death and destruction it has wrought, for the good it has also done.
4/21/19- Border Militia Groups Are Citizens First, Vigilantes Second
The shadow government will go to any length to subjugate society under the state or conflate the two, when law and society predate the state by untold thousands of years, and exist in places with little or no state presence, propaganda to the contrary notwithstanding.
There are legal concepts alive today (and fiercely under attack) that recognize this reality, including but not limited to:
1) Jury Nullification: Unbeknownst to many, juries made up of random citizens are superior in power to public-servant judges and legislators, and can effectively veto any law or ruling. Many legalist judges refuse to acknowledge and sometimes actively suppress this constitutionally protected right.
2) Citizen’s Arrest and Open Carry: Put into historical context, the Second Amendment indisputably refers to the whole body of the citizenry as the militia, and affirms the right of that whole body to keep and [openly] bear arms. The armed citizenry has the right to enforce all laws, and never delegated that right exclusively to police.
So as out of place as it may seem, there’s nothing at all unlawful about a man bearing a rifle in public and arresting people who are breaking the law (including giving them orders, handcuffing them); politicians, policemen, and Presidents not excepted. If a man doing this were to be charged, citizens have the right to refuse to convict by means of nullification.
This isn’t about ‘sovereign citizenship’ with its multiple identities, beliefs around maritime law, etc. It is simply honoring the common-law underpinnings of the supreme law of the land, where the citizens are in control, and rejecting the corporatist, legalist takeover we’ve increasingly seen.
Today the leader of the United Constitutional Patriots (UCP), a group that patrols the border and arrests immigrants, was arrested by the FBI. The firearms charges were unrelated to the UCP’s actions, given that they’re legal, but the prosecutor and various agencies made a point of condemning the group’s extra-governmental law enforcement activities, and establishment-beholden funding sites like Paypal and GoFundMe canceled its accounts. I have mixed feelings on the UCP. On one hand, citizens in a consensual community have the right to enforce their borders and regulate settlement. On the other, all people have a God-given right to the Earth, and to travel on it. In an ideal world, viable-scale, bona fide communities would form, and allow travelers to pass through and traders to buy and sell, while controlling permanent settlement. Unfortunately that’s not what we have, which results in a conflict of rights at the border. The people who believe it is what we have hold the potential to reform the status quo, but also to reinforce it, and the more ignorant, jingoist elements within the border militias might become a critical mass and influence things in a bad, truly fascist direction. But more importantly, these kinds of organizations are only a symptom of decades of unconstitutional behavior by the federal government. Correct that behavior and the groups, along with the risks they present, will go away.
4/16/19- Answering “So Is Everything a Conspiracy?”
There are 7.5 billion people on Earth. If each person takes an average of 50 premeditated actions per day, however simple and mundane, that are identifiable as distinct events, that’s around 40 billion ‘planned’ human events per day and 14 trillion per year.
The busiest, most knee-jerk conspiracy theorist might find a few hundred events per year that he concludes are significant conspiracies or deceptions of some kind, let’s say 365 events per year, which is 1 in every 40 billion planned events. However much of the pool of total events is consolidated or dismissed as insignificant, the fraction of them in question is infinitesimal.
So clearly not everything is a nefarious conspiracy, or said to be one. It basically comes down to this:
1) The media are propaganda outlets first and foremost, news reporters a distant second.
2) They report most on the events that fit their agenda, and staged or faked events fit it the best.
3) They cover other happenings as little and briefly as possible, since as random, unengineered events, their propaganda value is generally not maximal; additionally, attention spans and airtime are limited.
To put it another way, it would be helpful to picture ‘the news’ not as a mirror of reality, but as a neverending propaganda film, as I’ve said many times. It has producers, a cast, and a neverending script. The elements of the plot are sought out and selected – and often created outright – not passively received as reports, and only so many of them can run concurrently.
So of course agenda-tailored false flags, hate hoaxes, fake shootings, etc. etc. are going to take up the prime space. Why bother waiting for and twisting the real when you can create the artificial? Anything that isn’t pure propaganda – e.g. sports (as political/racial controversies), weather (as climate change), etc. – will be contextualized in it as much as possible. And anything that’s squarely counter to the narrative, or a mixed bag, will be ignored, a one-off blurb at best. What you may think of as ‘everything’ – i.e. the contents of said film, along with the broader propaganda matrix as false histories, etc. – to lead back to the original question, isn’t, and never has been.
4/15/19- Was the Burning of Notre Dame a Banker-Intel Temper Tantrum?
While the fire was still raging, French authorities stated conclusively, in spite of the recent rash of deliberate attacks on well known churches and the incident’s occurrence on the first day of Holy Week (cue coincidence-theorist ascription to pareidolia), that arson was not the cause; yet offered no details of what was. I’m not at present claiming the fire was without doubt an intentional act, or if I do claim that, tying it to a culprit, but I think the following merits consideration.
France’s massive, under-reported yellow-vest protests show they have been getting serious about canceling their banker servitude, and now their second most famous and perhaps most impressive landmark has been destroyed. Over recent months I’ve seen enough of the way the bank-owned media has handled the yellow vest movement to know they take it as a real threat to restrain or end their racket, and have been intending to answer it harshly.
Let’s look at the banks as a gang-linked bookie, and the government as the gambling addict, which is a precise analog for the financial situation in France and most of the world. If you are a bookie or loan shark and you want an unresponsive person to pay you can A) threaten his life or property or B) injure his person or property to send a message.
As Macron had begun buckling to the yellow vests, was the burning of Notre Dame a shot across the bow, the national equivalent of a broken thumb? I don’t rule it out. Is it below the power-mad ‘elite’? Unfortunately, not at all, if we judge by past actions: virtually all of the major acts of terrorism and destruction of historical monuments in past decades – from Palmyra in Syria to Bamyan in Afghanistan, among others – have been at the hands of Western intel-linked and funded groups. I’d say we can wait until more evidence surfaces, but we’re living in the censorship zone now, and that may never happen, at least not via the establishment media or major search and social platforms.
Of course, were I to be right, critically minded readers would know that obviously, per standard operating procedure, the perpetrators would put the fingerprints of their opponents on the crime, rather than their own. So the yellow vests, who have absolutely no motive or gain in burning churches, would be the party blamed. They or a shadow-government puppet group like ISIS (audio almost certainly faked); in either case, to all at once instill fear, divide French society, crack down on liberties, and both pressure and promote a rallying-around Macron’s embattled regime.
If you don’t know what I mean by national servitude to and ownership by the banking system, educate yourself on debt-based money.
4/11/19- Assange Arrested, Awaiting Extradition: Just Another Day in Oceania
War criminals get Sunday morning softball interviews, book signings, $300k speeches, and do-nothing 7/8-figure bank consultantships, while their whistleblowers get torture and solitary confinement.
Most of the commentariat on the left and right (save libertarians, and people like Dore and Kulinski among Progressives) are useless on the issue: one side ignores it when doing so suits their politics, and the other ignores it altogether.
Something about Snowden, Assange, and Manning never struck me as right, particularly Snowden, and I suspect they may have state sponsorship of some kind. To whatever extent either of those is true, we’re still being shown evidence of war crimes and appalling misdeeds, and still sweeping it under the rug and looking the other way for the sake of ‘national security’ i.e. empire preservation. That’s utter disgrace, not ‘shining city’ exceptionalism.
4/4/19- Conspiracy Theories and Cognitive Dissonance: Psychologizing the Psychologizers
In spite of the CIA’s having had a key hand in weaponizing the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ in the wake of the JFK assassination (after which derogative use of the term in journalism, often by the agency’s Mockingbird personnel, skyrocketed) (link), and despite the mountains of evidence in support of a great number of conspiracy facts that started out as theories, commentators like Joe Rogan – along with many others, left right center and ‘alternative’ – eagerly repudiate any identification as a conspiracy theorist (a term that is in reality interchangeable with conspiracy analyst, critical analyst or thinker, etc., since conspiracies large and small and conspiratorial and duplicitous behavior frequently exist – even more regularly at the higher power levels given the flocking-there by control junkies and sociopaths – and are no rarity; are we to think or theorize on anything but them?) and dismiss wholesale the criticism of official narratives as a mental illness or disorder of some kind. They say that delusional conspiracy theorists – terrified by a lack of cosmic order and unable to make sense of the world – cook up their perspective out of a deep-rooted need to explain things; that they may be right and theorize for truth’s sake are not considerations.
Here must enter cognitive dissonance, or the psychological discomfort that occurs when two beliefs or observations come into conflict. Many people cannot tolerate dissonance (or cannot suspend judgment and suppose that they do not yet understand something), so an explanation often has to be concocted and a reconciliation achieved for any conflicting facts or claims. All of us including me at times fall victim to this, to one extent or another. For example, dissonance is produced by believing that A) government is protector of its people and observing that B) government killed those people. One way dissonance can be eliminated and belief A preserved is by deciding that observation B is wrong, and that anyone who asserts they saw B or builds a case for it is insane, malicious, etc.; other ways are to rationalize or ignore B; this is a simple but important phenomenon.
So we have one group that says that conspiracy theories arise from a need to make sense of, and in some instances this is surely true; but I could just as easily explain that many of that group – including the academics who made the diagnosis – project a disorder onto others out of their deep and perhaps immovable need to limit dissonance and protect their worldview, and thus necessarily marginalize, mischaracterize, attack, and hate any information or messenger that threatens it; and from there could string together a laundry list of very troubling-sounding DSM diagnoses. It’s a two-way street, and the motive to pathologize detractors is the same on either side: i.e. for belief change, and preservation; if not far stronger on the latter side. Let’s resist this ad hominem characterization game, and assume a non-malicious intent and rational basis for any given premise or claim, then evaluate it on its merits, rather than attributing it to ulterior motives or falling all over ourselves announcing that we’re not conspiracy theorists. The establishment, in its recent censorship frenzy, obviously has no desire to air evidence and have an open discourse on any but the most innocuous or small-scale conspiracies, leading one to conclude why: our past and present are rife with, if not in a sense defined by them.
3/30/19- ‘The Adam and Eve Story’ and the CIA Classification of History
The above book (link), written by unknown author ‘Chan Thomas’ and self-published via the apparently made-up company ‘Emerson House,’ discusses the geological basis for Biblical events such as the Great Flood, something that has by now entered the mainstream via interviews like this that I’ve linked to before. It was classified in 1966, seemingly prior to its publication, and declassified (in part) fifty years later in December 2016, when a ‘sanitized copy’ was released by the agency, with entire pages still redacted from the middle of the text. No full versions appear to be available to the public. Having skimmed through the book, I don’t agree with all of Thomas’ claims or perspectives (especially the mechanisms of cataclysm that are detailed) – nor with the widely viewed coverage by the Bright Insight channel (link) – but he does touch on many important themes which are probably the basis for the ongoing censorship.
Aside from the book’s building of a case for a real Great Flood event, some of its classified portions appear to move into detail of non-Biblical/non-canonical geological events such as the sinking of continents by said cataclysm(s), which obviously runs counter to conventional assumptions. Other historical features, such as the destruction of Atlantis and its location at the Richat Structure in Mauritania – where several hundred feet of sand would have swept into the previously sea-and-island region of the Sahara, burying the city and civilization – are also completely at odds with contemporary understandings of geology (specifically, with regards to catastrophism, which appears to be correct due to problems with radiometric dating models, versus the prevailing uniformitarianism), and like the cataclysmic events discussed in Thomas’ book, Atlantis’ placement at Richat (facilitating its movement from legend to reality), which is backed by considerably more evidence than any other Atlantis theory, has been blacked out and boxed out from the substantial academic discourse on the topic.
Whether Thomas’ thesis, which I haven’t read yet, is correct is another question. The main significance here is that fifty years ago intelligence agencies were compelled to suppress inquiries of this nature, and that even today they are not comfortable allowing them to air, and neither are the private sector intel proxies of YouTube, Facebook, etc., who have demonetized and deleted users who so much as touch on the question that commonly accepted anthropology may be wrong, that an ancient civilization was wiped out, and this may not be ‘our first rodeo.’
The ‘mainstream’ i.e. establishment-funded geological position is that there have never been any worldwide, cataclysmic events, therefore all changes and formations must have taken place over hundreds of millions and billions of years. But there are also ‘catastrophist’ geologists who assert rapid, near-instant build-up of the geological column, which could put the [known portion of] Earth’s geological history in the tens of thousands or perhaps hundreds of thousands of years. As for a corroborative indication of age like carbon aka radiometric dating, it maxes out at about 80,000 years, after which the age becomes conjecture based upon external factors, e.g. where the item was found, rather than on its remaining carbon isotopes. I’m not making a statement on the Earth’s age, but it is notable that vast evidence exists for a worldwide cataclysm approximately 11,500 years ago, yet the still-uniformitarian, ‘consensus’ position relies on complete and total denial and dismissal of this and any other remotely recent cataclysm (i.e. any in the last ‘few million years’), on ignoring and marginalizing evidence rather than confronting and explaining it; and also on intel-agency censorship, apparently; circumstances which at the least should raise one’s eyebrows through the ceiling.
In the Trans-Atlantic Deception post I showed how some of the most damning exhibits of evidence are kept in storerooms, hidden from public view by extremely wealthy collectors, or even destroyed or disfigured in some cases. Though I already suspected it, outright classification has shown to be another vector to obscure the past.
So am I a Bible literalist now? No, but I do think certain legendary or mythological events may be in essence real, and put into their forms for ease of storytelling, with names and details changed and perhaps interchangeable with those of other religions in some instances, and with distortions of the facts of the event occurring through the passage of great amounts of time and the frequent splintering off of languages and theologies; as opposed to their always being allegories or mere fables. Many people seem to either discount them altogether or swallow them whole, where the truth is likely in between.
3/26/19- The Establishment Media Exists to Propagandize and Control, Not Report
I’ve said this within longer posts, but to understand why ‘the media’ (i.e. ‘mainstream,’ establishment, etc.) does what it does, promotes agendas no one wants, spends all its time on issues no one or only a small minority cares about, you need to understand what they actually are.
It’s obvious to anyone these days that the media regularly issues propaganda; but it’s not just that, they arepropaganda: it’s the primary reason they exist. The reporters, while surely well meaning at lower levels, and their investigations are just the cover story. They are in essence PR agencies for the power structure, not journalistic enterprises.
The last objection before confronting this fact is that the media are journalists, just not respectable ones: that they’re governed only by views, attention, and money – presumably meaning that of their audience.
They aren’t, or at least don’t have to be. Their money comes from corporate sponsors, the owners of many of whom also own the small handful of media conglomerates themselves, or in any case have heavily overlapping interests. It’s a closed-circuit funding mechanism that has nothing to do with the people, their values, or their desires. If no one watches, no one subscribes, no one believes, and no one cares, they will still get money from their advertisers/owners, and still be able to renew their broadcast licenses, put on slick productions, and shove ‘the messaging’ down our throats on a massive scale.
Of course there is a point where it just doesn’t work anymore, and we may be there already, but the size of the gap between a reality and an illusion of informational authority can be difficult to discern. Even if a person doesn’t believe, if he or she believes that others believe, that in itself is a powerful thing.
3/24/19- After Thirty Months, the Trump-Russia Hoax Finally Peters Out
Mueller’s ‘special investigation’ cost $25+ million and the subject hogged the media / propaganda coverage for two-and-a-half years (link to funny and disturbing ‘mashup’ of media talking points), since the intense coverage of ‘Russian meddling’ began well before Trump was even elected. The Mighty Wurlitzer and its many echoers flatulated a mind-boggling 533,074 articles on the subject, 93% of them accusatory / negative. (And I have little doubt the wind-down was held off to coincide with the start of 2020 election coverage, which has by now gotten fully into gear.)
The wide-ranging probe found that ‘the Russians,’ i.e. thirteen individuals from Russia who by all inquiries and appearances had nothing whatsoever to personally do with Trump, spent around $100,000 on social media (link) – i.e. the fixer-upper bungalow you drove by this morning, or what Rachel Maddow makes every 3 days; or Hillary in the first 7 minutes of a Goldman Sachs speech – a piddling amount when unknown billions are spent unofficially and officially on each side, and where Wall Street alone spent at least $2 billion to influence the election (20,000 times more than $100k). That’s it; and that Cohen and Manafort committed tax violations that had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia or Trump.
It could probably be construed that groups from just about any medium or large foreign nation, ‘the Canadians,’ ‘the Koreans,’ etc. lobbied for a political candidate. A single foreign interest, e.g. a global corporation based in X nation that might be affected by a tariff, regulation, or some other policy change, would in a heartbeat and in all likelihood did spend a comparable or much greater amount to ‘influence the election.’
Meanwhile, Biden’s family are up to their eyeballs in politically enabled Ukrainian wealth gotten in the midst of the Crimean dispute, and the Clinton Foundation did indeed collude with the Russian government for an amount more than 1000x larger than the aforementioned, non-Trump-linked parties spent (link) (link).
Whether or not, or to what extent, Trump is ultimately part of a bigger establishment game, is there anyone left who denies the ‘conspiracy theory’ of a Deep State or permanent government, which the media is an integral part of and which (whether or not it was part of some plan) throws a tantrum any time it doesn’t get what it wants, and fights tooth and nail to block it?
The dreadful question is, what will the media-intel complex’s next propaganda theme or distraction be? Now that ISIS is gone, a major false flag blamed on ‘sleeper cell,’ allegedly Iran-linked ISIS members? With any luck, they will cool it for a while and make an attempt to at least act like real journalists and sweep together their pulverized credibility, though sadly I’m not holding my breath.
3/21/19- New Zealand Blocks URLs That Discuss Fake Christchurch Shooting
In terms of external perceptions, there were few countries that could confidently sport the ‘developed’ label more than New Zealand, not that I was ever convinced; but that veil has dropped. A few days ago the government began banning URLs, not only of those who were sharing videos, but merely allowing discussion of their dubious ‘event,’ in some cases just in the comments sections (e.g. Zero Hedge). The move was claimed to be needed to ‘protect consumers.’ (In the US we’ve had censorship for years via the fake-private, intel-bedfellow social media and search giants, but at least lip service is paid by the government, and websites themselves aren’t banned.)
Censorship is for the dumb, desperate, and/or in decline. Formidable, talented regimes have, at least historically, been able to win hearts and minds and produce effective propaganda. That Western governments are increasingly resorting to it is both promising and worrying.
Frank Zappa once very truthfully said: “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, pull back the curtains, move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” The illusion is disappearing in the West, and free-range ‘consumer’ serfdom is coming more clearly into view.
The willingness of ‘developed’ governments to take over the electronic and information realms at the drop of a hat and dispense with free-speech should highlight the importance of restoring paper ballots. A government that is willing to censor – not to mention far more outrageously stage or fake the events in question themselves – cannot be trusted to hold legitimate elections. Without the ability to spread information and mobilize our fellow citizens in real elections, we can’t call ourselves a democracy.
3/20/19- ‘Homo Floresiensis’ and Earth’s Forgotten Peoples, Living and Dead
The Trans-Atlantic Deception post documented the establishment’s hiding of the worldwide extent of ‘black’ ethnicities, including in America. Some of these groups – e.g. in India (Gond), Thailand (Mani), and the Philippines (Aeta) – are still with us [i.e. in their original identities], numbering in only the hundreds or thousands. Another hidden story, though, which may or may not be related, is the centuries- or perhaps millennia-long worldwide extinction of small or ‘pygmy’ peoples.
The mainstream narrative consists of two parts: one, that there are African pygmies, and secondly, that there was an unrelated, long-extinct ‘hobbit’ race called homo floresiensis that existed on one small island of Indonesia, who supposedly came to an end 60,000 years ago. But many other parts of the world have far more recent pygmy legends or realities, including Taiwan, China, India, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia,Japan, Spain, Morocco, England, Scotland, Scandinavia, and possibly Poland and parts of Eastern Europe, along with the aforementioned negrito peoples throughout Southeast Asia and Oceania, who I would include with them. Folklorist and antiquarian David MacRitchie documented a very short, long-bearded, dark-skinned race in early English and Scottish histories, described similarly to the extinct-as-separate-ethnicity Ainu people of Japan and said to have populated the British isles, if not broader Europe, prior to and for a time after the arrival of Caledonians aka Aryans. Many and disparate histories suggest the general timeframe we are dealing with – as far as last contact with these peoples – is 0 to 2,000 years in the past, not the abstract, more politically digestible 60,000.
MacRitchie believed pygmies of the British isles and their interactions with the first white migrants from Asia were the basis for European and worldwide fairy, dwarf, and elf mythologies. Since the most palpable indications of these peoples are in island nations, inaccessible forest and swamp areas, and remote mountain regions, it seems certain they were on the mainland also, perhaps everywhere, but went extinct there sooner. A stunning example is from Australia, where the existence of pygmies throughout Queensland (link), and their genocide or ‘extinction’ in the 1950s and 60s, has been completely blacked out (link), with most of the population then and now, even historians, unaware that it took place; though not too stunning, as Americans remain just as or more unaware of aspects of our past.
One of the last living pygmy societies outside Africa are the Taron people in the Himalayan region of northern Myanmar, who average 4’3″ in height. The Derung people of China (likely the same word, via pinyin) are said by some to be related, though they aren’t as short in stature. Their story is tragic: they chose extinction in recent decades when baby after baby was born with congenital mental and physical problems, and though they recently numbered in the dozens are today fewer than five. What went wrong after thousands of years? Was it natural, or intentional as in other places?
Historical accounts tell of common characteristics across pygmy cultures: peaceful, harmonious, clever, musical, resourceful, stable, healthy and not congenitally ill; not utopian but nevertheless described as the preceding; yet subjected to hatred, discrimination, slavery, and genocide (ongoing in Africa, often at the behest of corporate interests) upon contact and infiltration by larger humans. Parallels with Tolkien’s hobbits are strong, and I suspect that the author’s works will turn out to ring truer than believed, whether as a closely conforming, intentional allegory of the not so distant past, or, I’d even leave open, an unseen reality somewhere in the present, call me crazy if you want; the latter isn’t my belief, but I leave it an open mind. It’s peculiar that the extent of these small-person societies is never mentioned in anthropology or history, from the high school level through university. To me, this all all bears consideration and investigation as humanity steams along and imperial means continue justifying nebulous, dubious ends. I could draw some connections to ‘big-ism’ (i.e. the notions of a mild big/tall supremacy of sorts, which I consider to be unfounded since in both group and individual senses, there is no size between say 4′ and 7′ where, assuming normal proportions as the pygmies have, any basic human survival functions become disabled or enabled, and there are both advantages and disadvantages of being short, medium, and tall; not to imply that survival ability is how I think people should be valued), problems with American culture, and the need for perpetual growth, but that tangent would be the subject for a longer post. Whatever this neglected history’s implications and broader relationships, its being known is important.
3/19/19- Christchurch Video Footage Strongly Suggests Another Fake or Engineered Event
People who downloaded the Christchurch video footage have been charged by NZ authorities, and a man who shared it was charged with a felony and is being held without bail. Someone I know, having seen crime videos before, decided to watch the first minute or two, and as expected, its joining dozens of other events as a hoax of some kind seems certain.
Anyone familiar with first-person shooter games knows that since the earliest days of Wolfenstein 3D, an ever-present, characteristic feature has been the ability to pick up weapons or ammo off the ground, which are just waiting there for the player. The video begins with the man getting ready to enter, a frame many have seen. He ‘shoots’ one man at the door, then walks in. It’s clear no shooting elsewhere has occurred, yet 30 feet into the building is a high-capacity magazine just lying in the middle of the hallway, in plain view, as it would be in a video game. The shooter intently stops, picks it up, and loads it into his gun, perfectly mimicking the movements and perspective of a video game shooter, then continues on.
I’ve described the other indications of fakery but the totally unnecessary magazine stunt was enough to tell us this was a hoax, or staged event of some kind; again, they are messing with us. The reasons may be many, and I’ll leave you to ponder on them.
3/18/19- The Fake Shooting Lottery
The alleged NZ shooter’s politics are closest to the Green party, and his past would seem to indicate great interest in and appreciation for foreign, particularly Muslim societies and cultures. Yet on the left, podcasters lament the growing danger of alt/far-right xenophobic white nationalists. On the right, talk hosts scratch their heads and muse whether bogeyman ‘leftists’ engineered the attack [a real, deadly one] to vilify right-wing ideology, where again, the shooter isn’t really on the right. A third possibility and likelihood is that the shooting and shooter are fake, and that events like these never or rarely make sense because they are constructed in randomized, wheel of fortune or lottery fashion, or written like Family Guy episodes.
Draw a ball from each of the following bins:
Politics: Centrist-strong left/Green-strong right
Sub-category: Anarchist-totalitarian-moderate
Ethnicity: White-black-Hispanic-Asian
Religion: Christian-Muslim-Jewish-Buddhist-Atheist
Sexual orientation: Straight-gay-trans
Age: Young-Middle-Older-Old
Attack method: Bombing-shooting-knife attack-vehicle attack
Attack venue: Sporting event-mall-concert-church-synagogue-mosque
After debating whether or not it was a terrorist attack and airing reports of multiple shooters, adding a sense of 3-D reality to the 2-D fakeness, we’ll announce this week’s winners:
Centrist moderate gay Buddhist Asian 70-year-old shoots up a concert.
Green totalitarian trans atheist black 20-year-old bombs a mosque.
Right-leaning moderate straight white Christian 45-year-old goes on truck rampage in church parking lot.
The message:
Anyone and everyone can suddenly ‘snap’ and turn into an ‘active shooter,’ and then off themselves in a bathroom stall. Be wary of your neighbors and count on the government for protection. Keep safe by staying indoors and interfacing with TV/internet instead of other people.
As these events unfold, which is taking longer as the censorship of discussion and amateur reportage gets tighter and tighter (YouTube is now not only removing virtually all videos questioning the event’s authenticity, but on the few they allow to stay up [link; safe for work; haven’t watched all and don’t necessarily endorse, just posting to show YouTube response], are also blocking discussion by shutting down comment sections, hiding view counts, and disabling sharing), I always initially leave open the possibility a given event is fully real, or a ‘hot’ Gladio-B-style staged event, and am speaking generally. But with 90-95% or more of them inorganic in one way or the other, the chances of this and any future event being genuine are extremely and increasingly slim.
There’s a reason why they’d produce these events in such a strange fashion: one is to not seem too predictable or formulaic. But the main reason is that while certain groups are targeted at certain times, the enemy must ultimately become everyone, since these events are only the means to the means of total tracking and surveillance to an end of total enslavement: stifled dissent, impossible rebellion, unlimited taxation and inflation, unchecked social engineering.
3/16/19- The Mandela Effect: A Simple Explanation, Leading to Some Complicated Questions
In parts of the ‘deep conspiracy’ realm where things like valid questions around the Earth’s shape and origins are asked, a frequent topic is the Mandela Effect, which you can look up if unfamiliar. It’s an interesting phenomenon, but involves no ‘glitch in the matrix’ or some such. All anyone has to do to prove that, as well as one can expect to prove anything, is to find someone with an attic full of old things, look for that physical VHS tape, children’s book, etc., and see what it said then and says now; theory dashed.
What I view as the likely correct explanation for the effect is that people have a tendency to make things their own. Recounting popular restaurants, bars, or stores in my past, people had a strong tendency to alter the name slightly, in a way that rolled off the tongue better, something which may have also come from the configuration of the sign and prominence of certain words. Though my own examples are escaping me at the moment, a place called ‘Romano Pizza’ might turn into ‘Romano’s.’ ‘Ray’s Mexican Restaurant and Taco Stop’ might become ‘Taco Stop,’ with the true, full wording forgotten and ignored even though it has been right on the building all the while. All it takes is one person to make the twist and it can snowball into permanence.
A question potentially pertinent to this is why certain combinations of letters and words delivered in a certain fashion are more appealing, so much so to completely wipe away their true, actual arrangement. In the vein of the potential role of non-human mathematics that was discussed in the recent post, it seems possible that languages themselves may be operating on unknown principles, and even have been inspired or planned by non-human elements. This may seem a long stretch and to have ‘escalated quickly’ (which itself is a Mandela example, the original Anchorman phrasing different in cadence from the meme, which puts the emphasis on the word that) into conspiracy talk, but a cursory glance at coding systems like gematria and isopsephy, subjects unfortunately co-opted heavily by disinformation agents, will show that there is most certainly something there, even in cases when nothing should be, i.e. that Modern English words match for concepts that predate Modern English or even Old English. The same might be true of music, that not only the artist’s whim but some unknown code may be unconsciously accessed and at play, perhaps one beyond the reach of conscious human intelligence. A related point is that Leibniz theorized “music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting,” which is far too reductionist for me but seems to carry some validity.
3/15/19- Christchurch NZ Shooting: So Far, Apparently Fake or Staged
As noted many times, the crime category of mass shooting, like airplane terrorism, has been made up out of whole cloth by the shadow government of the US and other Western countries to achieve social and political objectives. The overwhelming majority are not organic, with a few copycats making up the remainder. The events never benefit the alleged terrorist group, only the government. Right out of the gate, there are several indications something is amiss, and that this is engineered-as-usual already seems exceedingly likely. I’d usually classify it as fake, but in this case I leave the door open for staged, since the shadow government that rules the West has historically had no qualms with killing Middle-Easterner civilians in large numbers.
1) All discussion of the alleged shooting that does not conform to establishment narratives is being censored, as has become the norm in the wake of fake and staged events.
2) All video of the alleged shooting has been removed from streaming sites minor and major alike, with it available only in torrent form from suspect websites. There is no law against publishing video of homicides, evidenced by the thousands and thousands of videos on YouTube that show lethal police shootings, hold-ups, gang hits, etc. Not only this, but the government of New Zealand has asserted that sharing or even viewing evidence that the massacre occurred is itself terrorism.
3) Text of the alleged manifesto has been removed from the internet, leaving us with no insight to a motive.
4) Many viewers who were able to see the footage before it was removed report that it appears to show blanks being fired towards people lying on the ground, with no blood, exit wounds, debris, or any other reaction, which has been an M.O. in other ‘mass casualty’ drills, like the fake Las Vegas shooting.
5) Images of the event I’ve seen thus far reflect past drill-cast-as reality events: blasé emergency workers, lack of emotion by bystanders, and no visual evidence a crime has been committed, only that emergency personnel are present at a scene.
These situations are tricky, because I don’t think anyone wants what border on snuff films to be normalized or legalized. But sadly we live in a context where:
1) Any person who is willing to confront the evidence knows, with 100.0% certainty, that certain parties in the US and other NATO nations have faked and likely continue to fake ‘tragedies’ like shootings and bombings, among other kinds, then use the events as pretexts to strip the citizenry of important rights and liberties. Shadow government elements within the democratic government are at the very least complicit in these events’ cover-up, if not, as is more likely, staging them themselves, probably under the cover story of classified training exercises for greater preparedness, at the expense of public deception.
2) Unlike in crimes of the past, the government and media refuse to provide the public with any indication, other than their word, that said events did in fact occur as reported. For example, police in Nice confiscated all CCTV video of the alleged truck attack, while showing the public no video proof it happened (having myself been there, the official story is completely and utterly ridiculous) and Connecticut banned the release of any photos or video related to the fake Sandy Hook incident. In the most recent event, we have not even been shown the face of the alleged killer post-arrest.
Given that provably fake events have repeatedly been used to strip rights, the public interest of verifying that the events actually happened far outweighs any offense there might be to the sensibilities of the alleged victims’ families or the citizenry at large.
3/11/19- Is Space Fake? ‘The Universe’ as a Grigorian Mathematical Model
A ‘full’ post delving into some questions about the nature of our world and its surroundings: Link
3/4/19- Bernie Would Get Trounced by Trump
Delusional fervor that ‘Trump is scared of Bernie’ and that Bernie will sail to a landslide victory has been gaining in intensity in recent weeks.
If you look at the primary turnout in states where Bernie beat Hillary, it is tiny relative to the general electorate (e.g. Minnesota, where only 5% of the adult population, and probably a large majority of Bernie supporters, participated in the Democratic primary; few states exceeded 10-12%, meaning only 3-8% or so of adults in a given state took the step of voting for Bernie) and even tinier in terms of electoral-vote heft. Like libertarians, Progressives make up at most 15% of the population, probably closer to 10%. Their concentration is high, even at majority levels, in bluest neighborhoods of deep blue cities of blue states, but these enclaves, from where Bernie fever seems to be sustained, hardly characterize the political and ideological climate of the country at large.
In most of the US, few people will vote for someone who openly identifies as a socialist, and who clearly still sympathizes with relatively ‘full-on,’ failed, large-state socialism in Cuba, USSR, etc. Contrary to hopes on the left, anti-interventionists on the right are probably much more likely to vote for Trump than Sanders, as long as he stays out of war. If Trump were to face Bernie, ‘nose-holding’ would abound and you’d probably get a 60-40ish outcome nationwide; maybe a little better, but in any case, a sound defeat. These doubts don’t reflect my stance on socialism, which I don’t hold as necessarily, absolutely a bad thing, though on the scale of the US it would be; they reflect our political reality, viewed from outside of the two-party circus.
I’d like to see Trump defeated by the right person, but I wouldn’t bet on (or desire) uninspiring Biden, corrupt Harris, or too-left Warren getting by him, nor the low-no recognition Klobuchar. Establishment darling Beto, like Obama and ‘AOC,’ smacks of manufactured celebrity. The other dozen or so have too low a chance to merit comment. Tulsi Gabbard, who sends the establishment into hysterics (with their latest tact to ignore her), is really the only Democratic candidate worth supporting, but her odds of beating back her enemies within her party’s establishment and overcoming the undemocratic ‘superdelegates’ seem very low, and if she pairs with Sanders, his official Socialist identification will sink their ticket.
So as an alternative to likely Trump re-election, that leaves a third-party ticket that’s appealing to the now-majority of independents/ambi-voters, where Gabbard or some other anti-war Democrat teams up with a well known anti-interventionist in the Republican party. Since this is really the only way out of the ‘lesser of two evils’ duopoly, I’ll keep being an occasional broken record on it until it happens. Otherwise, expect the pre-election media frenzy to end with different faces, same system, as it has for the last several decades.
3/3/19- Are the Historical Cover-up Artists on the Retreat?
The cover-up of the real history of the Americas continues on, as evidenced by an article in today’s PhiladelphiaInquirer, as well as higher-profile formats, e.g. propaganda films like Black Panther (that characterize blacks as only African in origin).
The article discusses a painting credited to Gilbert Stuart and purported to be of George Washington’s chef Hercules. The two-page article fails to offer any indication of where the painting came from, or why it was ever identified as Washington’s chef. The most likely scenario would seem to be that the painting was found somewhere near Washington’s home and someone just made it up, either for a quick profit or more nefarious reasons. That the Washington connection was made up was concluded by a panel of art historians two years ago, but for some reason their findings were held until now. Still, we must ask why they decided to publish the article at all, and cast light onto the thorny Agostino Brunias painting used by art historians to explain the Stuart-credited painting’s true origin. Are they feeling pressure from the increasing number of Americans who are onto their machinations, and releasing these kinds of limited hangout pieces to try to preserve credibility?
While they publish an image of it today, Yale’s Center for British Arts issued a memo in 1981 (link) calling for the removal of the works of Brunias (an italian artist who lived in England and later the Caribbean, where he depicted colonial life) from public venue, and sale and sequestration into the private market:
I would recommend the sale of the Brunias paintings [which sell for high-4 and 5-figure sums]…for the arguments below: 1. Brunias is not English and very, very minor . . . 4. We have the prints. . .They are not of high quality . . . 6. They have tenuous connection with British Studies but, I suppose, could, if Mr. Mellon were persuaded, be offered to the Afro-American Cultural Center (if they have anywhere to look after them) or to the Ethnography department at the Peabody . . . [memo concludes:] I do not think we ought to stub our toe over such an unimportant pebble.” [where Brunias is one of the primary sources of illustrations from this period]
Joining the countless made-up items that comprise establishment black history is the title of the Brunias painting in question. The Inquirer article, along with establishment-controlled collections like the Met, calls it ‘Free West Indian Dominicans,’ which doesn’t necessarily suggest a native origin for the subjects.
The problem is there’s no evidence Brunias ever gave his work this name, while multiple pieces of evidence establish that the original and all period editions were called ‘Free Natives of Dominica,’ which is clear and dramatically different in meaning. While the Inquirer does use the establishment-approved painting title, the article at least concedes that the subject’s hat is a ‘Caribbean headdress . . . worn by free Dominicans in the West Indies,’ (note: does not refer to DR) which is true, if incomplete; compare the headdress to those seen in the painting of the Yamasee War below. The article concludes with head-scratching, lamenting that we will probably never know anything at all about the subject. Actually, much can be easily deduced: the Stuart subject is in all likelihood a prominent Caribbean Indian, e.g. a chief or cacique, who may or may not have been spared enslavement. American and Caribbean colonial interests overlapped for centuries, so the painting’s ending up in Virginia isn’t surprising.
Though hundreds of proofs of the falseness of establishment black/American history can be found in the post on the home page, I’ll continue to add some interesting tidbits like this as I find them.
3/2/19- Some Interesting Facts on Root Canals
Strong associations exist between dental health and cardiovascular health, as well as with the incidence of a variety of other ailments, e.g. Alzheimers. Specific anaerobic bacteria profiles found in root canal infections have continuously been found to be replicated in arterial plaque, as well as in heart-attack inducing blood clots in people without significant plaque buildup. Dental infections are also strongly correlative/causative with whole-body inflammation and oxidative stress.
Despite their appearance, teeth are more akin to a spongy mass of fibers than a solid, impermeable block. The tubules that make up the teeth of one person would stretch over 100 miles if separated, and there are innumerable points of contact between a tooth’s root canals and the main canal. It thus seems difficult to impossible to isolate root canal infections (which are painless after the procedure since nerves are removed, but often continue to fester) from the body’s blood vessels, and compression of the tooth releases bacteria into the blood stream continually, making infected molars particularly problematic. Certain blood tests such as hs-CRP can illuminate if one is suffering from this.
Since both root canals and implants involve attaching metal posts to the jaw, seemingly removing the ‘natural’ advantage of root canals, extraction of the failed tooth and implantation would appear to be the preferable route. Unfortunately one has to go out of the country to get implants at a price that’s affordable to most people. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the major dental organizations fiercely insist that cheaper root canals carry absolutely no risks, just as they claimed and continue to falsely claim that mercury-amalgam fillings are harmless, with 47% of US dentists still using amalgams. There is a little known, eccentric Australian researcher who makes many compelling suggestions on how to handle amalgam toxicity, as well as on a host of other subjects (link).
Also unfortunately, supplement marketers and implant-specialty dentists have hijacked these valid points of concerns by making wild claims that dental health is the end-all-be-all and sole key to all disease avoidance, when evidence amply indicates otherwise.
3/2/19- A Clarification on Fat Consumption by Indigenous Cultures
Some of the recent posts may have suggested that a very large majority of indigenous cultures lived on high-carb diets, which is a talking point among vegan activists. The claim has some truth and may have held for a plurality of groups, if not a majority, but by no means applied to all. For instance, many ‘extinct as tribe’ [read: black] American groups, particularly in tropical, coastal areas, e.g. Florida and the Sea Islands, subsisted largely on fish and other seafood, with little plant-based caloric input.
I recently looked into the diet of the Jarawa people of the Andaman Islands, one of the few remaining hunter-gatherer groups. It reflects that of many American Indian groups, particularly those who lived in bison ranges, where muscle meat is dried and fat is stored separately, and where animal fats provide a major, valued calorie source, though high consumption of fruit and honey by the Jarawa would certainly ‘kick them out of ketosis’ on a daily basis, preserving the thorough keto debunk.
Most indigenous diets are not known, and the ‘paleo-neo-modern’ anthropological arc theorized by establishment academia has been repeatedly proven false by archaeology, so there isn’t a clear blueprint to follow. I always consider new evidence and reserve the right to be wrong, but a whole-food, high-variety, colorful, high-fiber diet including fruit, nuts, vegetables, legumes, and moderate amounts of animal foods appears to be the best path if one’s primary health values consist of a balance of vitality, longevity, and the avoidance of disease.
2/18/19- Debunking Cyclical/Situational Carbohydrate Consumption: Basal Metabolism and Resting Energy Expenditure
In my opinion I’ve fully debunked the ketogenic diet and ‘fat adaptation’ as an ill advised long-term dietary strategy akin to simulated starvation, that will almost certainly lead to early death, for whatever benefits it may or may not bring along the way (and I concede there may be some very short-term benefits for some people, depending on lifestyle and goals), and has value chiefly as a crash diet for the impatient and low-discipline obese. Fasting on the other hand has proven benefits, but while it is often mentioned in keto promotions as part of a package, doesn’t necessarily share anything at all with it in terms of daily dietary composition. I may distill and condense the scattered posts on keto, which can be found on this page.
Part and parcel with keto and at times paleo are a few misconceptions around carbohydrates. One is that carbs are not an optimal fuel source, and are only needed for exercise. Another is that fat storage primarily comes from overconsumption of carbs, and that fat consumption does not result in fat storage. A third is that insulin is not meant to be frequently produced.
All of these are false or incomplete notions that center around a disregard for resting energy expenditure and the nature of basal metabolism. The body is a furnace that constantly produces heat and requires constant energy input, and the brain needs constant glucose. Just sitting there requires about 2,000 calories a day. An appropriate level of whole-food, low/no-pesticide/herbicide carbohydrates meets these needs, while resulting in zero or negligible fat storage and few or no ill effects. Inappropriate amounts of any macronutrient – fat, carbs or protein – will result in fat storage. Fats are needed for certain body functions, but are more akin to a vitamin or mineral than some kind of superior fuel source. A diet relatively high in whole-food fats (at perhaps up to 50% or so of calories, mostly from nuts, seeds, etc., with a lesser share from animal foods) is likely fine (I myself do not eat a low-fat diet), but positing fat as one’s daily, primary fuel source is problematic. Observe the following:
1) Untold millions have lived long and healthy lives on either a macro-nutritionally balanced (moderate-carb) or high-carb diet, as seen in nearly all ancestral diets with a handful of exceptions, e.g. Inuit, where longevity was low and maladies were many. Fats were never spurned, but weren’t sought in great quantities either.
2) Exceedingly few people have lived past age 80 and few or none over 90 on extremely high-fat and/or -protein diets. To my knowledge there isn’t a single ultra-low-carb advocate, whether or not a longtime practitioner, over age 75-80. I’m not saying a very long life is the be-all end-all, since we all come to an end in this plane sooner or later, but the fact is that most people would prefer a relatively long life.
The main reasons for this are likely that:
A) Very high-fat diets (which we might define as over 60% calories) that lack fiber intake (i.e. where fats come mainly from oil and animal fats) result in excess fat metabolism into cholesterol, greatly elevating blood cholesterol and lipid levels, which oxidize and gradually result in plaque buildup, eventually causing heart disease, stroke, and the litany of problems relating to poor circulation (e.g. low immunity). Ketogenic diets amplify this effect by causing continual breakdown of emergency fat stores into cholesterol, and additionally produce ketoacidosis, indistinguishable from diabetic ketoacidosis, and the negative anion gap also seen in diabetics, which are both tied to a host of problems.
B) Very high protein diets contribute to acidosis and excessive IGF-1 levels, and are strongly linked to accelerated aging and low longevity.
Yes, subsisting overwhelmingly on refined, low/no-fiber carbohydrates is a health disaster, even more so when pairing them with zero-fiber animal foods. But that’s not what most in the ‘health community’ are talking about, aside from the McDougallite 80% starch people. And even McDougall is not 100% wrong, since the low fat content of his diet (as opposed to a diet of junk-food, fat-starch combos) can allow for higher insulin efficiency. Focusing on the effects of the worst carbs in the context of the worst diets is a simplistic cop-out, like vilifying fats as a macronutrient by associating them with a diet of Velveeta and bacon bits.
As for the idea that choosing fat over carbs will produce a leaner, more toned physique: as long as one eats moderate portions, there’s no reason for worry. Personally, my leanest periods and lowest fasting glucose have been on a moderate carbohydrate, moderate or low-moderate fat diet. When calories are burned, and they’re burned every second of the day, they’re gone, whether from exercise or lying on the couch. While sufficient amounts of essential fatty acids and a complete amino profile are indispensable, the vaunting of fat as the undisputed king of macros needs to come to an end. That my daily diet at times, now and before, would be called high-fat by some is beside the point; it’s the rhetoric – amounting to bona fide carb-phobia in some online circles – that’s the issue.
2/12/19- Ralph Northam and Virginia’s First ‘Africans’
Earlier this week controversy erupted when infanticide proponent and Virginia governor Ralph Northam referred to the ‘first indentured servants’ from Africa who are said to have arrived in Virginia in 1619. Hot debate then ensued over whether the first forced laborers in Virginia, whether slave or servant, were European (e.g. Irish) or African, when the answer is neither.
There are a few problems around Northam’s wording:
1) Blacks around the world with no African heritage, from Asia to the Pacific islands to the Americas, were described for centuries as ‘African’ and ‘Ethiopian,’ among other terms, which indicated ethnic features, not a place of birth.
2) There were some actual Africans in Virginia, and many were indeed indentured servants, not always inter-generational slaves. In the Caribbean and North and South America, many Africans came with ship crews as relatively well treated personal or household servants, rather than being stacked by the hundreds below deck as field hands, which seems to be a fabricated idea based upon one endlessly circulated sketch of an alleged slave ship.
3) Around twenty people who had come from somewhere in Maryland and who-knows-where, if anywhere, prior to that were unloaded off a boat in a river tributary near Newport News Virginia in 1619. No direct evidence, only wild conjecture, suggests that they came from Africa. Internal, short-distance transfer of native American slaves by land and over water was common and characteristic of the real American slave trade, and was in all likelihood the case here.
4) As discussed in the Trans-Atlantic Deception post, Virginia historical societies have had plaques commemorating the event changed from ’20 and odd negras’ to ’20 and odd negroes’ in recent decades, and in recent years to ’20 and odd Africans,’ a fraudulent act when the first, quoted only in John Rolfe’s memoirs, is the true wording. ‘Negras’ is significant because from the 16th through the 18th centuries, Spanish and Portuguese colonists, the largest slave-trading groups, commonly referred to American natives as negro and negra, depending on the gender, since the areas of the Americas they first encountered had large black populations. Changing it to ‘negroes’ severs the link to this period.
To put this into a broader historical context, voluminous evidence proves that:
1) Natives in Virginia and surrounding areas were already cultivating tobacco en masse, in an organized fashion
2) Europeans took over these existing agricultural installations, which were sized in the hundreds and thousands of acres, surrounded large towns and cities, and were already interconnected by road networks stretching as far north as Canada and as far south as Central America
3) The natives in this area, and the Southeastern US more broadly, as well as New England and the Mid-Atlantic states, were overwhelmingly of ‘black’ ethnicity, as universally depicted in period illustrations, with non-black natives, primarily concentrated in the Plains and Southwest (and in Latin America primarily as mixed-race peoples), a small minority there.
4) These American natives were referred to variously as ‘negro,’ ‘of African race,’ and ‘African,’ with narratives that they actually came from Africa fabricated in the 20th century.
5) As it is in most cases, the truth is nuanced and grey when it comes to the real heritage of modern-day black Americans, since ample evidence establishes all of the following are correct:
A) The slave trade story is wildly exaggerated and many aspects of it are outright made-up, but there were limited numbers of post-Columbians who were African and of no pre-Columbian American descent
B) There were pre-Columbians (apparently the first Americans) who were ‘black’ as defined today, but were not of African descent. Some are traceable only to America dating back at least tens of thousands of years, while others appear to have migrated from India, East Asia, and the Pacific islands over a period spanning approximately 600-3,000+ years ago.
C) There were pre-Columbians who were not black and of North Asian/Siberian descent
D) There were pre-Columbians who were not black and of East Asian and near-Eastern/European descent
E) There were pre-Columbians who were black and were of West African descent and/or were influenced by pre-Columbian West Africans (esp in the Caribbean but also parts of South and Central America) who arrived much later than indigenous black Americans, probably over a period from 2,500 to 600 years ago.
F) The extent of slave rape and voluntary intermixing with non-black Americans in recent centuries is wildly exaggerated, but some of the latter has occurred, mainly in recent years and decades. The huge chunk of ‘European’ DNA showing up on genetic tests of many black people with no known white ancestors is not from white Europeans, it is indigenous American DNA that is shares European haplogroups but since it is not a reference population, is classified as generic European / Eurasian. As for ‘sub-Saharan’ DNA, most of that is ‘next-closest,’ since again, indigenous black American is not a reference group and therefore is not possible to appear. See the post for more on this topic.
Because all of the above groups intermixed variously before and after European contact (after contact, intermixing with blacks by mixed race and Siberian-descent Indians became legally prohibited), most people in America today who identify as black are probably mixed from all of these groups, not to say equally, but still mixed. Notwithstanding, the evidence suggests the lion’s share of heritage is indigenous American, a fact diametrically opposed to establishment narratives.
Below is a handful of the hundreds of exhibits contained in the Trans-Atlantic Deception post, specifically those dealing with Virginia and the early tobacco industry:
A) Mid-18th century Virginia tobacco ad
B) Cigar store Indian, 1790
C) 18th century Virginia tobacco ad
D) Cigar store Indian, 1870, description reads ‘it does not depict the typical Plains Indian, but rather an Indian of the Powhatan and Pocahantas period’
E) ‘Negro,’ painting of native Peruvian by Baltazar Compañón, Bishop of Trujillo Peru.
F) Figure from Museum De Moriaan (Morian [meaning Moors’] Museum), Gouda Netherlands (its original name, later changed to ‘National Pharmacy Museum,’ now merged with other collections as Gouda Museum, the Morian portion of which primarily features pipes produced in the city to smoke newly introduced American tobacco.
G) Cigar store Indian by William Rush of Philadelphia (ca. 1790), sold for $66,000 at auction (see rear view)
H) Cigar store Indian, provenance unknown (see more)
I) ‘Tinker figurine of wood representing a standing Indian, possibly Powhatan’ (ca. 1750)
J) British Museum description: ‘Tobacco paper; a native American, holding a tankard and long pipe, leaning against sheaves in front of a barrel, a slave gathering sheaves (presumably of tobacco leaves)’ (mid-18th century)
K) ‘Native Temple of Virginia Indians’ (John Ogilby, 1671)
L) Bromley’s tobacco label (ca. 1760)
M) Paper mache cigar store Indian (ca. 1900). The description reads ‘ They appeared in front of tobacco shops, usually over doorways, and were called Black Boys or Virginians . . . Many of these figures, whether they be crafted in wood or later composite, were destroyed due to their now un-politically correct nature and today they prove scarce.’
N) ‘Tobacco Plantation’ (Richard Holmes Laurie, 1823)
O) ‘Easy Negro’ plaque, with Florida Indian headdress (1853): ‘Me’s de boy of all de nation, Me no like to work in de Plantation. Me radder sit wid friend and have a joke, And have a pipe and have a smoke.‘
P, Q) Tobacco ads, early 20th and 19th centuries
R) Full version of Oxford Dictionary (subscription only), defining the word as “a dark-skinned person of any origin. In early U.S. use usually with reference to American Indians”
(Note: Regarding tobacco in particular, there are no images of non-black Indians associated with the tobacco industry in Virginia and elsewhere prior to the late 19th century: most blacks are depicted as natives, i.e. are in native American, non-African dress, and all natives depicted are black.)
See also these highly illuminating exhibits from state laws and census reports:
A) Testimony of South Carolina cotton planter Harry Hammond to Congress, 1901, describing Yamasee Indians, formerly Guale (see Gullah), one of the larger Mississippian or Mound Builder tribes who were the predominant group in the Southeast and Midwest at the time of European contact several centuries prior.
B) 1890 US census, appendix on American Indian populations: “The Yamasee or Jamassi, were one of a small number of isolated tribes, or dark complexion, found widely scattered among the inhabitants of North and South America . Supposed to have been immigrants from Africa prior to European discovery of America. . . . If this is so, it explains why D’Alyon persisted in slave hunting about Beaufort [South Carolina] (1520), these negroes being valuable as laborers, while Indians were worthless. It were strange, too, if negroes first occupied this section where they now predominate.”
C) “The gruesome attack of the Indians on the English, in Carolina, West Indies, on 19 April 1715, and some days after, in which action the barbarians tortured many men” (depicting Yamasee War of South Carolina; Peter Schenk the Younger, 1715)
D) Negro Law of South Carolina (1848), declaring that ‘the race of slave Indians. . .is extinct [and hence the previous part of the proviso (distinguishing slave from free Indians) has no application’] since the last act was passed in 1740; in other words, black natives had by this time been stripped of Indian identity and become labeled as genericized, non-tribal negroes.
NBA Hall of Fame player and coach Isiah Thomas surprisingly was able to leak some of this true history on a live TNT post-game broadcast last year:
2/10/19- Christopher Columbus: Another One for the Fake History Bin
In the extensive post on ‘black history,’ none of which you’ll hear about this month, there were a few asides and appendices that I think merit their own posts but may have been missed by some readers. And with the talk of fake history, black and otherwise, I feel I should offer some good examples of what I mean, and this one satisfies both needs. It’s my contention that one of history’s towering figures, ‘discoverer’ Christopher Columbus, did not exist in name or likely at all, and is an imaginary or composite character meant to act as a lightning rod or effigy of sorts, to apologize for and distract from the various conquerors and slavers aka ‘explorers’ who sacked the Americas in the late 1400s and early 1500s. If he has any link to a real person whose name we do not know, it is likely a loose one.
Cristóbal Colón, Columbus’ name in Catalan, the language of Barcelona where his voyage was commissioned, literally means ‘anointed colonist’ or ‘Christ-bearing colonist.’ The Catalan word Colón, colonist or colonizer, does not come from Columbus or the age of colonialism and long precedes his birth, dating back to Roman times. In modern Castilian aka Spanish and Italian (as Cristoforo Colombo) his name literally translates to ‘Christ-bearing / Christbearer Dove,’ deriving from Latin ‘Columbus’ (dove, masculine), ‘Christus’ (Christ/Anointed) + ferre (to bear). The surname, originating from his wool-weaver father, is supposedly purely incidental, having no relation to these words.
Columbia is the symbolic name for the United States that survived as Washington DC, District of Columbia, essentially means ‘Doveland’ in Latin. Dove is an imprecise term, colloquially referring to a low-pigment variant of a rock dove aka street pigeon, or in the case of weddings and magic acts, an African collared dove aka turtle dove with a similar or same, rare white-color mutation. It is peculiar that in addition to doves, almost all the images around contemporary Christianity are white: doves, lamb (when sheep are rarely white in nature, white being a bred strain), white baptismal garments, white Communion host (representing the body of Christ), white depictions of Jesus and early saints who were in reality brown-skinned Middle Easterners, etc, many significantly darker than today’s. Do I believe this lightening of Christ and Christianity was intentional? Yes. I know this is an uncomfortable suggestion, and some might say that it’s normal for people to depict God like themselves and with Europeans having taken the conquering position, Christ became white. True, but I believe there’s also an agenda at play. The idea would be to have darker-skinned people worship a supremely friendly, generous white man while they were being slaughtered, expropriated, and enslaved by white people, in order to help short-circuit rebellion. Obviously modern-day Christians have nothing whatsoever to do with this agenda, and implying Christianity has perhaps a millennia or more of this kind of baggage isn’t meant to challenge anyone’s faith, but it does raise the possibility of dual systems: organized religion, with worldly political and economic interests, and overarching theology and spirituality. They do not exist as one, rather the latter can be said to have been co-opted and distorted, perhaps beginning at some point in the High MIddle Ages. That organized religion has been abused does not negate its worth, least of all spirituality’s. Similarly, just because some parents abuse their children hardly means family relationships are a bad thing, for an attempt at an analogy.
In April 1493 Columbus’s first letter was supposedly delivered to Luis de Santángel, the finance minister to Ferdinand and Isabella and who is said to have introduced Columbus to them and persuaded them to finance his voyage. The letter announced the discovery of the Americas (“esta carta. . .de las islas halladas en las indias” literal translation: “this letter, on the islands discovered in the Indies,” meaning the East Indies/western Oceania) and was published in a Latin translation in Rome ‘probably in May 1493.’ On May 3rd and 4th 1493, the Bulls of Donation were released by Pope Alexander VI, ordering that “that the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread. . . that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself.” This sanctioned the conquest and conversion of all indigenous peoples and their removal into reducciónes, essentially slave labor and re-education/’culturization’ camps (often euphemized as “indigenous forced labor”) that were mostly run by crown-appointed Jesuit missionaries, with the inmates classified by skin tone and ethnic features and eventually sold off as chattel slaves or released as lower-caste freemen over the subsequent decades.
If one looks into the origin theories around Columbus, there are about twenty of them, built on dozens of inconsistent, low-credibility documents. Yet these competing theories have to be taken seriously given the dubiousness of the evidence underlying the establishment/’official’ biography. I believe the identity of Columbus, while perhaps having some real basis, was for the most part invented by the Spanish crown and its associates and promoted into a salient figure across Europe/the Western world by the Vatican, the site of nearly all publishing at that time, and that the letters were likely forged or doctored after the fact in Europe (they were admittedly written in Europe, after the voyage), based on fiction and the experiences of one or multiple persons of different identities and names. To reiterate, we have an absurdly suggestive name, incomparably cloudy and contradictory birth information, indirect transmission of voyage accounts, and an obscure death. This is clearly not a completely real person. The purpose, as stated above, was to clear the way and take the blame for the thousands of raiders who would follow, and to provide a false foundation for colonial and pre-colonial history by means of a few forged letters. If issuing independently unverifiable tales from a single point of publication to fool the masses seems like a quaint characteristic of the past, consider the stream of hoaxes emanating from NASA, from the Moon missions to Challenger to Mars roving.
Like false flaggery, which is akin to throwing a paper airplane at the teacher and pointing at a friend, these are all simple, mostly grade-school-level concepts at play, but they work:
1) I didn’t break in, the door was already open / He started it.
2) Make them believe we’re gods (or closer to God than they are)
2/5/19- In the ‘Post-Truth Era,’ Real History is Quietly Replacing the Fake, Tin-Pot Censorship Notwithstanding
By now you’ve probably witnessed the frequent lamentation by the establishment media on the ‘post-truth era’ we’re supposedly living in since Trump’s election. Everything and anything is being increasingly questioned by large chunks of the population, and establishment-owned academia has lost much of its sway. Some of the questioning is ridiculous and sloppily handled, but contrary to what we’re being told, much isn’t, and some of the more extreme claims touch on worthwhile lines of inquiry, even if the detailed pictures they posit as fact rest on what are at best vague outlines or mere possibilities. Of course, I’m not remotely setting up Trump as some Moses-like figure for open-mindedness and intellectual exploration, only as a symptom of a society desperate to extricate itself from all vectors of establishment management. To try and wrap up this trend and nip it in the bud, the media needs to lock it into an easily explainable framework, so they associate it with Trump and chauvinism, and use terms like ‘bro science.’
Independent scholar Graham Hancock recently gave a TED talk that amounted to a prelude to relatively fresh, ground-breaking information on Earth’s and thereby humanity’s past. Hancock’s signature argument is that a cataclysm wiped out an advanced human civilization around 12,000 years ago, the well founded case for which washes away much of what is thought to be known about human history and anthropology, and perhaps geology. The assumption that past peoples were advanced is drawn from the fact that they went everywhere, on purpose, and knew everyone, clearly evidenced by shared symbology. Some of Hancock’s assembly of evidence can be found in this three-hour debate on Joe Rogan’s podcast where Hancock and Randall Carlson put forth compelling evidence as stand-in establishment guardian and ‘skeptic’ Michael Shermer is put to shame (link). I’m not aligned with Hancock’s points of greatest emphasis or some of the assumptions his vision rests on, and I absolutely don’t discount everything we’ve been taught about the past, but the major aspects of history and anthropology these true skeptics of history pick apart are indeed in need of examination, deconstruction, and often disposal. The obscure realm we’re left with is more real a history than the ‘settled,’ 100,000-plus-year-long narratives confidently stated in textbooks. So-called historians who remain closed to this buried evidence and intolerant of the unknown and unknowable are essentially playing in the establishment sandbox, and aren’t engaged in much more serious a pursuit than sports commentators.
The TED presentation, published on one of its many subchannels and perhaps arranged by a well meaning lower-level employee, was quickly attached with a warning that the information was ‘outdated’ and ‘outside TED’s curatorial guidelines,’ advising viewers to ignore it in favor of more ‘credible’ sources linked in the video description. YouTube channel Bright Insight, himself a leading YouTube-based source of some of this neglected evidence, covered Hancock’s talk and TED’s disclaimer well in his most recent video (link; starts around 13:45). Channels like Mystery History, with whom like Hancock I also don’t quite align myself, have become demonetized and besieged with selective copyright claims. Caught between a rock and a hard place in the information age – where internet use and digitization allows for surveillance, but also enlightenment, and where counter-messaging/propaganda has become ineffectual compared to earlier decades – ‘open’ governments of the West now feel censorship, shadow and overt, has become necessary, but its employment has been clumsy and transparent, and as always, pushes people in the opposite direction that is desired.
1/30/19- Jussie Smollett: Another Cooked-up ‘Hate Crime’
‘Hey aren’t you that fagg*t n*gger?’ [Douses with bleach] ‘This is MAGA country!’
Give me a break. This increasingly suspect story has all the hallmarks of a manufactured incident: shifting accounts, strained believability, and great establishment benefit. Who are the no-talent scriptwriters coming up with this dreck? Probably the witting and unwitting media-intel henchmen writing network TV shows, whose transparent messaging mirrors what we see in these ‘news’/propaganda-matrix features.
The question we have to ask is, are real hate crimes in the US anything more than exceedingly rare? Like school shootings and airplane terrorism, they border on being a wholly manufactured class of event, where the vast majority are mischaracterized, staged, or faked outright. If anything, ‘hate violence’ is on the wane, and the media talking point of ‘our ever more deeply divided nation’ doesn’t seem to have much basis.
I’ve been throughout the US and in many parts of the world, in countries ‘developed’ and not, and don’t think I’ve ever once witnessed a hate crime, or anything even moving in that direction, and as far as I know, I don’t know anyone who has witnessed one. Insensitive, eminently un-PC comments? Sure. Schoolyard bullying? Absolutely. As for actual violence, I believe nearly all bigots are cowards in real life, who keep their feelings secret to the grave and rarely venture them beyond the keyboard or outside close company. Were Hollywood’s version of reality to be true, [violent] hate crimes would be a commonplace, almost unremarkable street occurrence, but the only place hate crimes seem to reach us is the TV screen.
Matthew Shepard’s murder, which sparked the first hate crime legislation and which continues to be wrongly invoked, was a drug-related, possibly romance-related hit committed by two gay men and set up to look like a hate crime. A very large number of high-profile hate crimes against various minority groups have been clearly shown to be self-inflicted wounds staged for attention and sympathy, and many of the rest were lightly and often inconclusively investigated. While neither I nor anyone I’m aware of has exhaustively studied the subject, I can say that among the highest-profile, somewhere from a near-majority to large majority have been shown to be from dubious to proven fraudulent, as is nearly everything the media says and focuses on. To answer the counter-propaganda that ‘black-on-white’ hate crime is rampant relative to the opposite, I’d contend almost all of these are crimes of opportunity that have almost everything to do with risk/reward, and little to do with race.
Surely there is occasional violence against minority groups. But whenever it starts lacking it is predictably ‘refreshed’ to create the opposite impression, and whether they stage the event themselves, mischaracterize it, or blow it out of proportion, the divide-and-conquer media-intel propaganda machine is almost always behind it. Along with mass shootings, war-trigger events, and space-related accomplishments, alleged incidents of hate-based violence must move into the ‘fake/engineered until proven real’ category.
1/24/19- Riced Cauliflower + Legume = Win as <$1 Bowl Base or Side Dish
I recently tried out what is now a go-to side, or a base for stir-fry/hash-style or ‘bowl-based’ cooking: any type of bean, pea, or lentil mixed with a comparable amount of riced cauliflower (frozen, for convenience) instead of rice, plus sauteed onions (which go with pretty much everything and anything) to add some moisture and sweetness. Cauliflower is much better on the glycemic front, and serves rice’s role of absorbing flavor and breaking up the mushiness of legumes, while carrying more fiber and a much stronger micronutritional punch per calorie. A hearty portion can be added to any meal for under $1 in ingredients, almost guaranteeing reasonable healthiness (or at least health-neutrality) of the meal, unless you go out of your way to spoil it, and from there the possibilities are endless. Of course, with all the bean/legume talk, I’m not necessarily advocating every-meal or even everyday consumption of them, or elimination of rice, but it’s always nice to have some cheap, [IMO] fault-free staples to add to the rotation.
1/22/19- Chemtrails Go Mainstream; and the Catchall Hoax That Is Climate Change
Not long ago, well under ten years, chemtrails were regarded as the exclusive domain of the arch conspiracy theorist. To accuse someone of ‘believing in them’ was thought to be a great insult. And among the dim, detached, and dissonance-intolerant, they’re still in the realm of the non-existent and fantastical. But today, establishment publications and CIA directors openly call for their ‘implementation.’ Endless evidence, however, proves they’ve been happening for at least a decade or two, if not much longer.
Chemtrails are particulate chaff sprayed from planes, consisting primarily of brain-damaging metals like aluminum and barium, which are firmly causative of Down syndrome and dementia. The modern euphemism for them is ‘geoengineering.’ The ostensible goal is to block the sun to stop the greenhouse effect (though it may actually amplify it, bringing their wanted warming to fruition). Life consists of four building blocks: carbon dioxide, sunlight, water, and oxygen. The first two have now been deemed enemies of the state, in the ultimate human conceit of stopping climate change.
As for climate change, sea levels greatly go up, they greatly go down. They were 400 feet lower before, leaving a continent’s worth of previously human-inhabited land underwater. The alleged case for Climate Change is all smoke and mirrors: hurricanes have not in reality gone up, neither have tornadoes or earthquakes. ‘Disasters’ of great magnitude are part of nature’s workings. There has been no warming for 20 years now, since the brief ‘global warming’ spell of the 1960s through the 90s ended. According to bonehead climatologists the world should have ended 4-5++ times already. Some people insist ‘it’s different now,’ and I don’t entirely disagree; but the climate is supposed to shift slightly every so often, perhaps every decade or two. Due to my line of work I’m acutely aware of the daily weather, and it’s still 85-90 in the summer and 30-35 in the winter here, as it has been my whole life. It snows a few times every year, we have dry spells and wet spells, the leaves fall and grow back. Some years seasons seem short, other years long. Not much has really, identifiably changed.
The establishment (and its minions or useful idiots like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) is obsessed with Climate Change because in terms of a basis for world government, it’s the last stop before Fake Alien Encounter / Invasion, which if they fail to execute successfully, would spell their end.
Don’t get me wrong, I almost voted for the Green Party last election and strongly believe in environmental protection and restraints, and being good stewards of the Earth. Reducing pollution and conserving ecosystems are solutions. Climate Change is a tax-and-control scam. And the establishment lives and dies to scam and enslave us, not solve our problems.
Linked here is a YouTube-censored documentary Skyscratch, which provides a wealth of evidence that chemtrails have long been ongoing: Skyscratch: The Geoengineering Cover-up
1/21/19- Revisiting Indian Drummer vs. MAGA Hatters
After viewing more footage, the kids do appear to be rather douchey and likely drunk. On the other hand, they’re 16-year-olds, who tend to act like asses, exponentially so when drinking. But again, they didn’t appear to surround the drummer, and it’s an odd thing, even at a protest, to walk up to people drumming extremely loudly and singing something no one else understands, and drowning out their voices, ostensibly to ‘bring peace.’ The Indians I know wouldn’t think that’s at all a normal thing to do (if they wanted to break up a fight, they would do it like anyone else, by speaking English and attempting to calm and separate the two parties).
What exactly was supposed to happen at that point? If it was just to create a distraction, mission accomplished; but exactly what reaction is to be expected? My previous assumption that this was amidst a ceremony of some kind doesn’t appear to be true, which makes it all the more bizarre.
The drummer Nathan Phillips looks to be a full-time protester who shows up at events around the country, likely with the knowledge of or notice to the media, and picks fights with people he thinks are disrespecting Indians. In this case he was “coming from an Indian rights’ march,” a sphere that’s crawling with shadow-gov spies and agents provocateurs. Was Phillips just a ‘protest-hopping’ Good Samaritan or was he looking for a confrontation? What the reportage should really be about, if anything, is the debate between the MAGA teens and the Israelite group. Phillips had nothing to do with the arguing groups, and he and his drum could be inserted into any context of disagreement between any two groups, which makes the whole encounter smack of a setup cooked up by media-intel scriptwriters.
1/21/19- Tulsi Gabbard and Rand Paul: Join or Die [Politically]
Establishment turd Howard Dean recently condescended to Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, and in my view issued her a veiled threat, by saying ‘I don’t know what she thinks she’s doing’ in throwing her hat in the ring for the presidency (link). Armchair generals on the left and right alike have decried her calls for peace and non-intervention in the Middle East, labeling her ‘President Assad’ for resisting the repeated anti-Assad false flaggery, and attempting to seek diplomacy before bombs and nation-building.
Gabbard is by far the most palatable candidate on the left: pro-peace, pro-civil-liberties, anti-scams. She stands far above grope-happy Joe Biden (link) (see also), corrupt party henchwoman Kamala Harris, tent-fold, too-old Bernie, and the infernal Hillary. As much as I disagree with Gabbard over economic policy, I’d certainly have voted for her over Trump. (Unless Trump ends or restrains the Fed, he’ll be hamstrung from making a big impact economically. Although I have appreciated his less-interventionist foreign policy, bluster aside.)
Rand, for all his compromises, is the best of the high-profile right. He shares ground with Gabbard on war, civil liberties, incarceration and the War on Drugs, and a number of other issues: many of the most important issues, and those that the executive branch can most influence.
Both candidates apparently want to be president. Hopefully neither can be so dumb as to believe they will sail to a nomination; the odds of it being scuttled by the establishment party mafias and the highest-profile radio host and podcaster opinion makers on both sides are sky-high.
For a year or longer I’ve spammed the internet with calls for a Paul-Gabbard third party ticket to break the D/R duopoly, and it seems to have gained some traction, surely with the aid of others. Unless it comes to fruition, 2020 will be another pathetic ‘lesser of two evils’ election. If Rand isn’t interested, Justin Amash could be another viable choice, though his name recognition is far lower.
1/21/19- The Indian Drummer-MAGA Teen Affair: A Whole Lot of Nothing
I have no idea why the Indian drummer was present at the event, or what he was protesting for or against. I have no idea with what ideology or agenda the MAGA hatters were precisely aligned. I haven’t had the time to investigate, and even if the full truth is being reported, it really doesn’t matter. The kids may be disrespectful, delusional punks. On the other hand, the drummer may be senile and out to lunch; political protests, while crucial to a functioning democracy, tend to attract the unhinged. Or more likely, as is almost always the case, the truth of the matter is highly grey.
I know a number of full blooded, reservation-residing Native Americans and am very familiar with some of their ceremonies, having attended them more than once, and I believe all good-natured, well intentioned spiritual practices/actions should be treated with respect, not mocked. The percentage of Americans who would be classed as more ‘pro-Indian’ than me is not high. Were I as a young teenager approached at a street protest by a chanting Indian drummer, I’m not sure how I would react. Should I back away, should I stand and listen, join in myself? While I don’t envision myself being there in a MAGA hat, I might crack a smile just due to the total abnormality of the situation, especially if contagious laughter from friends were to spread.
There is really no evidence the kids did anything other than apparently support Trump and smile. I saw little show of unequivocal disrespect, and no anti-minority comments or chants as reported.
Aside from that, there’s a few complicating factors here:
-High school males who may or may not have had a few drinks have a tendency towards brash and often highly stupid behavior, so strongly that such behavior can be called a normal step in development, and can never be stopped in all its forms. Were it to completely stop, I would be highly concerned.
-Native American imagery and ceremony has long been co-opted by non-Indians to promote political causes that have little or nothing directly or in some cases at all to do with Native American interests.
-In a world where people actually support and vote for a murderous, traitorous political candidate for the world’s most powerful elected office, and some actually pretend she is a paragon of virtue to be admired, can you really blame simple-minded, immature high schoolers for reacting to this absurdity by swinging in the opposite direction? Such is the danger of our intellectually and ethically bankrupt political climate.
So as usual, this seems like a custom-designed/spun scenario exploited by the media-intel complex. It’s almost as if they use these scenarios, in conjunction with their frequent fake and staged events, to divide the American people. Stop being predictable pawns in the establishment media’s predictable machinations: tune them out, and turn them off.
1/20/19- The Case for and Against Legumes
This morning I came across a video by Michael Greger from five years ago (link) citing studies that, like the study from earlier this week, suggest dose-dependent lifespan increases from legumes, where every 20g added (of legumes, not fiber) was associated with an 8% decrease in all-cause death, which is consistent with the higher end of the 6-27% range below. (I don’t eat vegan or endorse all of Greger’s positions, but his channel is chock full of useful information and helps illuminate patterns by the sheer volume of content and studies reviewed). I think it’s time to take a look at the case for and against this class of plants.
The case for: A) Are among the most plentiful and ubiquitous food groups in nature and have been eaten and cultivated for as long as we firmly know anything about human diet B) Do not promote diabetes and may prevent it, where meals of 70-80 grams of carbohydrates produce no harmful spike in blood sugar and do not seem to result in any weight gain C) Reduce high cholesterol, may reverse arterial blockage, and strongly appear to prevent heart disease D) Are consumed across nearly all blue-zone (i.e. highest-longevity) cultures (with the others eating high-fiber diets) E) Characterize diets of past, culturally extinct societies marked by health and high lifespan, where in historical texts legumes are called pulse (today a less common synonym). F) Do not cause intestinal distress or gas if eaten often, as gut bacteria begin to adjust to consumption from immediately to 48 hours. If the body can permanently adapt to something within 2 days, it is indeed a natural thing to eat.
The case against: Mark Sisson and other paleo marketers carved their bookselling niche (something I bought into, and did glean much good information from) in large part from demonizing phytic acid (which means plant-ic acid), which legumes contain but where the compound is dramatically reduced by soaking, and may have benefits such as cancer protection. Meanwhile they touted nuts and seeds, which contain as much or more phytic acid as legumes and grains do, and some far more (e.g. almonds, Brazil nuts, others); because ‘Grok,’ who as mainstream / establishment historical and anthropological narratives begin to crumble may be more a fictional than factual personage. I think Sisson and the Paleo movement helped a lot of people eat better and become more knowledgeable, but at some point you need to separate the wheat from the chaff, the marketing schtick from what belongs with the broader truth.
1/17/19- The ’20/20 [Whole-Food-Based] Fiber Diet’
More on the thrilling subject of dietary fiber:
Last week a long-term, comprehensive study (link; the publication wrongly characterizes whole grains as specifically health-promoting, when only general fiber is referred to) was published concluding that a high-fiber diet (defined in the study as 25-29g/day, which is also the government’s RDA) results in a 15-30% reduction in all-cause mortality. Not only that, but that there was a ‘6-27%’ further all-cause reduction for every additional 8g/day, pretty stunning considering fiber was the only lifestyle factor being measured. I take studies with a grain of salt, since most of them, or the institutions and organizations from which they originate, carry some kind of agenda; nonetheless, they merit at least passing consideration (if just for propaganda awareness purposes), especially since this one is consistent with anecdotal experience and historical and cultural observations. For instance, I don’t believe it’s any coincidence that nearly all ‘blue zone’ cultures consume high amounts of fiber-rich fruit and legumes.
Given the extra benefits of more fiber, shooting for 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x the RDA seems reasonable without risking permanent residence in the bathroom, and should result in substantial protection against major diseases like heart disease and diabetes, potentially approaching total protection, leaving one to be taken out by accidents/homicide, rarer diseases, occupational cancers, or the inevitable end from pneumonia in old age, etc. As for less common diseases, the immune and general health effects of optimum circulation and stable blood sugar undoubtedly lower one’s risk of those illnesses too, hence the all-cause findings. It’s important to note the study didn’t look at supplemental fiber, so a tub of Metamucil or psyllium husk, while maybe doing some good, won’t necessarily confer the same benefit.
Vegetables might be supposed to stand among the best sources, but levels are lower than one would expect, and it’s very difficult to reach even the ‘high’ RDA from them alone; 5-6 servings might only yield 12-15g, with fruit containing slightly more per serving. Only incorporating legumes, or very large amounts of certain grains (which presents weight gain problems), nuts, and seeds, can get one to maximally protective levels. A strategy of getting half from whole fruits, nuts, and vegetables, and half from legumes thus seems the most reasonable, and most health-protective. A can of beans, which might be just one serving/portion to a bigger or even moderate eater, usually contains 20-30g fiber. [Since legumes, which include beans, lentils, split peas, etc., contain far more fiber, more protein, and lower pesticide residues (especially when dealing with crops with glyphosate / Roundup Ready strains) than grains, and are much more strongly associated with good health outcomes than grains, they would seem to be highly preferable. I myself eat most grains but only on occasion, and avoid wheat mainly because of the extreme gluten levels of modern cultivars, and the widespread use of glyphosate in wheat farming].
So if you stick to snacks of whole fruit and nuts, have one or two veggie-heavy meals each day, and eat a can’s worth of beans or lentils with your lunch or dinner (ideally soaked and cooked yourself), shooting for about 20g daily from each source, you should be set on the fiber front, among many others; where with only 20g from one group or the other, you may be lacking. Getting at least 20g of fiber from a variety of fruits, nuts, and vegetables also makes micro-nutritional sufficiency and broad-spectrum cancer protection likely. We can call this the 20/20 diet (or 25/25, 30/40+, depending on your caloric intake and goals). Or for the crossfitters, COBAD (can of beans; a play on the misguided GOMAD). Now that I’ve started my new diet ‘movement,’ book offers are currently being accepted; fortunately there are no products to patent or supplements to sell.
Here’s how this might look over the course of a day:
One can (or equivalent) pinto beans (31g)
6oz riced cauliflower (4g)
1.5 cups broccoli (3.5g)
5 oz dark leafy greens (5g)
1 medium onion (2g)
1 medium tomato (1.5g)
Half medium avocado (5g)
1/2 cup walnuts (2g)
1 cup blueberries (3.5g)
Half large apple (2.5g)
1 medium kiwi (2g)
Total from ‘supersources:’ 31g
Total from other: 31g
1/9/19- Thoughts on the Trump/Pelosi Wall Speeches
Contrary to Pelosi, there’s nothing fundamentally immoral about a wall per se. If there is a village of people who have consensually formed a community and choose to build a wall for defense and to regulate entry, so be it. There’s nothing fearful about one either, beyond a healthy level of caution one may have of external peoples and their intentions.
When you put a wall around a country of 320 million people who live under an unelected, insane shadow government that [now routinely] fakes events custom-designed to destroy civil liberties and regularly deceives and kills its own citizens, has purchased 5 billion hollow point rounds of ammo for no apparent reason, practices military takeover of mock towns that look exactly like American towns, and writes manuals for domestic re-education camps; it gets hairy. There’s also a problem with what I view as an absolute human right to move about the Earth, when you are blocking free movement from ocean to ocean.
If it’s not secretly for it, or just seeking increased division of the people, the shadow government’s opposition to the wall really comes down to one thing: suppression of national sovereignty. At any moment, the people can assume control and end it all: the monetary scam, the imperialist MIC, etc. They don’t want people believing that they have autonomy, that they control their destiny and the land they live on. If a people believe they can control their borders, they also believe they can institute a non-scam monetary system and put an end to debt bondage, and ‘take back’ their governments.
There could also be something of a domino effect, where if an American wall were built, Mexico might increase security on its southern border, maybe build its own wall. And many European leaders and populist/nationalist leaders worldwide might feel emboldened to enact more aggressive migration controls in the wake of a wall success.
Obviously we have a nationwide drug/opiate crisis (with most entering via ports, by car/truck or ship), but I don’t believe there is a migration crisis aside from the engineered caravans that could each be stopped by the military (including by marginally entering Mexico, if they refuse to do anything about it) and require no wall. I happen to have known many illegal immigrants and these days, it’s fairly unusual to hear of a recent arrival. Nearly as many have gone back to their countries to retire (or found living in the US not to be worth it) as remain here and plan to remain (with a huge percentage of those remaining fully committed to retiring in their homelands, building or having built retirement homes, etc.), let alone are coming in. Certainly, net illegal Hispanic immigration appears to be decidedly negative. The strongly positive period seems to have been from 2002-2007 during the housing boom when labor demand soared. The vast majority of Hispanic illegal immigrants who are here now (and plan to stay long-term) have been in the country for more than 10 years (not uncommonly 20+), are ‘out of the shadows’ and on some kind of track for legal residency or citizenship (and thus protected from deportation), and have US-citizen children, almost all of whom speak accent-free English and have never even been to their ancestral homeland. That ship (mass deporting the plan-to-remains) has sailed.
While I remain against the wall, I also view nationalism as one of the only bulwarks against the One Worlder agenda to erode national sovereignty and supersede nations with a world scientific-financial dictatorship, like they attempted to move towards with the failed European project. I don’t always support the nation-state and believe that in most contexts a city-state scale or smaller would be optimal, but that’s not going to happen anytime very soon and nations are what we have. Excepting violence, an ‘any means necessary’ defense against these anti-democratic forces – i.e. situational support for nationalism – must at times be adopted.
Instead of insisting on a wall and nothing else, Trump should promote and exercise national sovereignty by crafting a deal that includes a permanent removal of political and economic incentives to problematic migration: reform of welfare and tax policies (no payouts/refunds to non-citizens/-residents), voter ID, and citizenship reform (15 or 20-year delay for voting rights). If Trump refuses to consider this kind of meaningful reform, our radar should be up that something else is afoot.
1/4/19- It’s Different This Time, Until It’s Gone
In December 2016 I called for a major stock market correction. At the time the Dow was at 19,993. It shot to 26,800 by October 2018, and egg might have appeared to be on my face, but then it sunk to 21,500 bringing what seemed to be fantasy-land 15-16% annualized gains closer down to Earth. Now it’s seemingly rebounding, and some may feel ready to hang in and await the certain, if gradual, climb back up; but will there be one?
Rewinding 30 years to December 1988, the Dow stood at 2,168, after a recovery from the pre-mania 1987 levels. I vaguely remember what things looked like then and the next few years, and aside from the internet – which while aiding the world, has probably had a neutral impact on the domestic economy – they aren’t fundamentally different now. And where consumption and quality have risen in some areas, in others quality-for-money has dropped: many products are weaker, thinner, smaller, for the same adjusted price.
The question to ask with regard to the stock market is: operating on the premise that things have steadily improved, and that a gain is expected at all, what is a reasonable return to expect for taking no personal risk (no liability for company misdeeds, accidents, or debts), locking up no money whatsoever (where you can pull the rug out from the company and sell with no notice), knowing almost nothing about the companies you are invested in (e.g. index and fund investing), and doing absolutely no work? Again: risking, committing, knowing, and doing nothing. Short of being taken as a mark and fleeced for everything, which is probably the most rational expectation, I’d say it’s somewhere between -2% (the approximate return rate of cash) and +3%. What is a reasonable growth rate over a long-ish period of time? I’d say 2-3%, maybe less. The problem is that that rate in stocks has been 9%. People like to feel that they earned the money, that things are normal, when things are WAY into Ponzi territory, where a few get rich, and the rest always get rocked.
So what does a healthy 3% annual gain over 30 years look like in Dow terms: 5,255, a 75% further loss from the recent lows. Sound crazy? Well the Dow stood at ‘just’ 6,500 in 2009, before QE and the PPT stepped in and pumped it back up, perhaps much before it had hit its real low. Looking at all core economic indicators other than stocks: home prices, consumer prices, GDP, wages, they have risen by between 2 and 3% per year, equivalent to 2x to 3x after 30 years. But let’s say a 4% gain year after year was to be expected: Dow 7,031. 5%? 9,369. 6%? 12,451. 7% is 16,503, but that’s deep in the Ponzi zone.
To the 401k’ers who have reaped huge benefits – half of them based on company contributions – it’s time to count your ‘blessings,’ realize your profits, and avoid getting Madoff’d sooner rather than later. If you stay in, understand that this is gambling, not savings and investment, and this is a Fed-run casino, not a free market. And of course, if we get an inflationary scenario, the Dow number will soar while its purchasing power plummets, an empty victory. To those who will ‘stick it through,’ when the bubble gets big enough there isn’t always a comeback: in the Great Depression, stocks took 20 years to rebound. In Japan, they’re still nearly half off their highs of 25 years ago.
For believers of the Trump winning/deals narrative: even granting Trump maximum credit, there’s no softening most of this blow. On the campaign trail he himself said we were in a ‘big, ugly bubble.’ 5,000, 7,000, 9,000 Dow doesn’t mean Armageddon: for most Boomers and other retired/retiring it will just mean goodbye plans of ‘golden’ leisure, hello humble retirement of yore (i.e. 50 years ago). For the rest of us, it will just be back to the [longer] grind.
There are certainly some alternative viewpoints worth considering: that even today, there is nowhere that on all fronts (scale, track record, infrastructure, culture, language, etc.) is as business friendly as the US (probably true; but to what [rapidly shrinking] degree?); I would argue that this reality or notion has already driven the other aforementioned markers (GDP, consumer prices, etc.) to the heights they are now (80% lower than stocks). That the US military and intelligence machine has the world hostage, and any Dollar/US detractors can be punished. That the stock market is likely to be the investment vehicle for more QE, since it can be hidden from the public, where Fed purchases of real estate, food, or consumer goods would be more apparent and politically unviable. That historical scenarios (e.g. Mexican hyperinflation) suggest stocks are a great inflation hedge. All true, and perhaps countervailing forces against Dow <5,000. The question is what of these is already firmly baked into prices, and what is bubble material? I’d say mostly bubble; only invest what you can afford to lose.
1/1/19- Connect Soaring Chinese Diabetes to American Cheeseburger Obesity for a Key to Good Health
There has long raged a debate in the ‘health community’ over the primary cause of diabetes: sugars and starches, or animal fats and proteins? Substantial evidence indicates that it could be either of them. But the primary cause of diabetes strongly appears to instead be a lack of fiber. Where do you get fiber? The whole plant foods that are ubiquitous in nature: fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, legumes. In the context of high fiber, both starches/sugars and animal foods can be safely eaten.
Most vegans and vegetarians I’ve met are in better than average health, and not infrequently in excellent health. But so are most in the loosely defined paleo camp, many also in excellent health, the ones that go heavier on the veggies, fruits, and nuts, and lighter on the bacon and cheese. What members of both of the internet-warring groups generally have the most in common is a high fiber intake.
The fiber of the vegans slows glucose uptake, which prevents insulin overwhelm. Among the paleo, it flushes out excess fat and cholesterol, preventing cellular fat saturation and ‘insulin lockout.’ Typically-high paleo antioxidant consumption cuts down on the oxidation of fat and cholesterol, protecting arteries. Either diet can be healthy and not promote diabetes or heart disease if practiced judiciously. It’s my belief that high fiber, whole-food-based micro-nutritional sufficiency (which itself almost guarantees high fiber), and the avoidance of toxic compounds (pesticides, pollutants, many pharmaceutical drugs, etc.) are by far the three most important dietary factors, and are attainable in a wide variety of cuisines, modern and traditional; given them, the notion of great objective superiority of one diet/movement over another is for the most part an illusion.
But some diets are just bad. Who are in the worst health in America, to be blunt? Those who eat the most animal or oil-based fat and cholesterol – sources of which have no fiber – along with high consumption of fiber-free starches/sugars: frequent eaters of burgers, cheesesteaks, sandwiches, fries, chips, breaded meats, ice cream, etc.. Fiberless fats and carbs are each potential triggers for diabetes, but it usually seems to be these double whammies that push people over the edge. Refined starches also cause inflammation, which oxidizes animals fats and cholesterols, making them more likely to stick to arteries. This dietary subset weighs heavily in the studies that both of the above camps cite: depending on the study, they appear variously as high-meat diabetics or high-starch diabetics, when the ‘two’ groups of study subjects are almost certainly the same people, and serve to tip the studies’ conclusions in one or the other direction.
Referring back to the title, Chinese wealth has risen several fold over the last two decades. Meat consumption has gone up in proportion, with imports now needed to satisfy demand. Diabetes there has also risen sharply, to crisis levels. The cause? Copious amounts of fiberless white rice, paired with much more [fiberless] meat and less [fiber-rich] vegetables: the analog of the American sandwich or burger diet.
So how can one craft a diet avoid these fates? Look to Hispanics with their higher than average longevity, most probably due to their custom of eating beans alongside meats. What do I myself do? Try to incorporate the best of both worlds: beans and legumes ‘from the vegans,’ and healthy fish and meats, nuts, seeds, fruits, greens, and other veggies ‘from the paleo’ (not that the latter had a monopoly on fruits, nuts, and vegetables), often eaten in combination, where fibrous carbs replace the refined.
12/30/18- A Case Against ‘The Wall’
If Trump and Congress wanted to secure the border, they could easily do it: simply station 10,000 armed border agents (a third of them on the clock at a given time) in off-road vehicles every 500 yards (the proposed wall length is 900 miles), at a cost of say $1 billion per year ($100k/year total cost per agent), an amount equal to just 0.1% of the annual ‘defense’/’intelligence’/security theater budgets and less than half as expensive as projected wall maintenance costs, setting aside construction costs. Upon any entries, which could be detected by drones, large teams of border guards could swarm the group and hold them until speedy trial and deportation. This would immediately stop all illegal crossings by foot, rendering them a waste of time and money.
If Trump and Congress wanted to stop abuse of welfare, the medical system, and other public troughs, they could easily do it: just change eligibility requirements and verify SSN at application, let alone before a check goes in the mail. If Trump and Congress wanted to stop the employment of illegal immigrants, they could do so by similar means. Trump could effect these changes himself by appointing sympathizers to Cabinet positions, who could then shape new agency policy and practices.
But he and they don’t apparently want to do any of that. Like gun control – where the sought bans involve guns that kill a tiny percentage of murder victims, yet are formidable against an occupying military – isn’t about guns, but about general control of people, border control also seems to be.
The US is almost like an island. The days of Five-Eyes Canada as a haven for protesters of US policies and ‘draft dodgers’ (i.e. people who don’t want to participate in illegal wars not declared by Congress) have been over for decades. That leaves only the southern border as a practical, affordable, universally available way out. Empires rise and always fall, sometimes spectacularly. A time might come where Americans choose to move themselves and their possessions to Latin America, if only to begin the process to relocate elsewhere. If the shoe were ever on the other foot, the wall supporters would be clamoring for its destruction.
Perhaps the most important civil liberty is the right to leave, to remove oneself from a situation one doesn’t like or support, and a wall puts a potential end to that, given the wrong leadership. To those who say Trump has a mandate, obviously not all popular mandates are valid, and Trump ran on much more than a wall.
While I oppose TDS-linked, blind obstructionism, with which anti-Wall sentiment has much overlap, and I do believe there is an agenda to flood Western countries with foreign migrants – as a means to prop up the perpetual growth model with ‘fresh blood’ amid changing demographics, and introduce greater linguistic and cultural heterogeneity as a means of division or non-cohesion – there are other, less permanent ways to deal with immigration-related problems. If Trump wants his victory and truly wants to stop illegal entry and reduce its costs, there are many other ways to achieve it, and yes, they do work.
But as for me personally, I don’t support drones and armies of border patrolmen either. Solving immigration problems requires only the will of our so called representatives to remove economic (stopping welfare payouts) and political incentives (instituting voter ID and restricting voting rights perhaps for 20 or so years, comparable to Switzerland). At that point only immigrants with needed skills and/or a non-state support network will come, and immigration will self-regulate. It worked before and will work again.
The continued argument that a voter ID requirement is discriminatory is out of touch and condescending to blacks and other minorities. Maybe it applied to 80-year-olds in 1960s rural Mississippi. Today, all people who vote also have a photo ID.
12/20/18- Reuters: ‘In Syria Retreat, Trump Rebuffs Top Advisers and Blindsides US Commanders’
What appears to have happened in Syria is that the funding and management of ISIS by its Western-intelligence creators that we saw under most of the Obama administration all but stopped shortly after Trump took office, allowing Syria’s democratically elected president Assad to retake his shattered nation and begin to rebuild. The Western power structure is hell bent on a destabilized, non-secular Middle East to preserve a Western role of policeman in the region, and ISIS was their latest device.
It’s hard to cast the ‘retreat’ in a negative light. Whatever you think of his persona and red-button bluster, Trump, in terms of his actual record, has been the best president on foreign policy in almost 40 years. That’s not necessarily saying much; a mild rollback of worldwide US-led terrorism and destabilization would be enough to qualify. And Trump’s ‘rebuilding’ of the $750 billion/yr military (plus hundreds of billions more in ‘intelligence’ and security theater and veterans care costs, adding up to about a cool $1 trillion per year) offsets much of the benefit. With regards to the Kurds in the northeast, I doubt Erdogan will invade once Assad fills the power vacuum. And as for ‘blindsiding’ the troops, true support of the military is bringing them home in safety and sanity to provide actual defense to the nation they agreed to serve.
But I won’t hold my breath before the shadow government throws a tantrum and sabotages Syria and/or the wider region in hopes of drawing renewed US intervention. Staged Iran-linked chemical attack in 3, 2, 1…?
12/19/18- In the Shadows of the Shadow Government: FM 3-39.40 and Domestic Re-education Camps
Since 9/11, a hybrid fake-staged event perpetrated by American and foreign shadow-government elements in which there were no Muslim hijackers or passenger planes, we’ve seen several abhorrent, anti-American pieces of legislation and the erosion of civil liberties. For example:
NDAA 2012:
-Legalized indefinite detention and assassination of US citizens who are suspected terrorists
-No requirement to disclose why, how, or even if a person was/is detained or assassinated
NDAA 2013:
-Legalized the use of propaganda inside the US against US citizens, who were previously ‘inadvertently’ targeted by propaganda allegedly meant primarily for a foreign audience
These developments are almost universally known in the ‘conspiracy community.’ But others – chiefly in the form of field manuals and training exercise instructions, or video footage of exercises (where, for instance, soldiers storm mock American towns and arrest protesting residents) – have been mostly forgotten with the passage of time, such as the Army’s FM 3-39.40 ‘Internment and Resettlement Operations’ leaked in 2012. The field manual describes the operation of re-education camps consisting partially or entirely of domestic, US-citizen detainees. We’ve seen a lot on Chinese internment camps recently, but the US has at least one 147-page blueprint for its own. Here are some excerpts:
Psychological Operations Officer [the re-education prison warden]
3-55. The PSYOP officer in charge of supporting I/R [internment/resettlement] operations serves as the special staff officer responsible for PSYOP. The PSYOP officer advises the military police commander on the psychological impact of military police or MI actions to prevent misunderstandings and disturbances by detainees and DCs. The supporting I/R PSYOP team has two missions that reduce the need to divert military police assets to maintain security in the I/R facility. (See appendix J.) The team:
-Assists the military police force in controlling detainees and DCs [displaced citizens].
–Introduces detainees or DCs to U.S. and multinational policy. The PSYOP team also supports the military police custodial mission in the I/R facility.
–Develops PSYOP products that are designed to pacify and acclimate detainees or DCs to accept U.S. I/R facility authority and regulations.
-Gains the cooperation of detainees or DCs to reduce the number of guards needed.
–Identifies malcontents, trained agitators, and political leaders within the facility who may try to organize resistance or create disturbances.
-Develops and executes indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes.
–Identifies political activists.
-Provides loudspeaker support (such as administrative announcements and facility instructions when necessary).
-Helps the military police commander control detainee and DC populations during emergencies.
-Plans and executes a PSYOP program that produces an understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.
Rehabilitation of U.S. Military Prisoners and Detainees .
The rehabilitation of U.S. military prisoners has long been practiced . . . These new detention procedures are based on rehabilitation and reeducation programs for Islamic extremists developed in Singapore and Saudi Arabia and incorporate lessons learned from Abu Ghraib and other recent and historical U.S. involvement with detainee operations . . . The rehabilitation of detainees plays a critical role in counterinsurgency operations and benefits the overall counterinsurgency.
Military Police Support to Resettlement 10-40.
Operations typically include controlling civilian movement and providing relief of human suffering . . . The authority to approve resettlement operations within U.S. territories is at the Secretary of Defense level and may require a special exception to Title 18, USC (Posse Comitatus Act).
Agencies Concerned With Internment and Resettlement Operations
U.S. FEDERAL AGENCIES: E-1. The DOD, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and other federal agencies provide support for I/R operations . . .
SUPPORT TO CIVIL SUPPORT OPERATIONS: Civil support is the DOD support to U.S. civil authorities for domestic emergencies, and for designated law enforcement and other activities. (JP 3-28) Civil support includes operations that address the consequences of natural or man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories.
2-40. The I/R tasks performed in support of civil support operations are similar to those during combat operations, but the techniques and procedures are modified based on the special OE associated with operating within U.S. territory and according to the categories of individuals (primarily DCs) to be housed in I/R facilities. During long-term I/R operations, state and federal agencies will operate within and around I/R facilities within the scope of their capabilities and identified role. Military police commanders must closely coordinate and synchronize their efforts with them especially in cases where civil authority and capabilities have broken down or been destroyed.
Our freedoms are on the books, but so is our enslavement, buried in some executive order or manual. In the way that a police officer can legally commandeer your car in certain circumstances, provisions are in place for executive seizure of all infrastructure, all corporate and personal assets (property, vehicles, bank accounts, etc.), and indeed, all people. The various ’emergency’ trigger events can all be made to happen instead of waited for, which is why it’s so important to be able to critically analyze these events for authenticity.
And of course, just because some jokers at the DoD wrote up a manual for something by no means implies unparalleled disasters and domestic FEMA camps will come to pass, even if they are desired. To the contrary, there isn’t a single historical empire that did not miss the mark on all its grand projections and prognostications, and fail in all its objectives, sinister or otherwise, before too long; such is the nature of the power-mad at the top of the system.
Apologists might say, well what is the federal government supposed to do in the event of an emergency? Shouldn’t they at least have a plan? The federal government, even before nationwide roundups, is already completely outside its Constitutional mandate. If there were some emergency the states and their people should deal with it as they see fit. If the states allow the federal government to help, that help must observe all individual freedoms. There’s no such thing as a ‘modern battlefield’ inside the US. Land is either foreign territory ruled by a foreign power or domestic territory ruled by the Constitution, with law enforced by non-military police.
12/18/18- Nvidia Generates Human Faces That Look [Almost] 100% Real (link)
I was once told that humans lack the ability to imagine a fully original and realistic face, which seemed to be true – but apparently computers can. I don’t believe the faces are yet at 100%, enough to fool human intuition and ‘gut feeling,’ but they may be close enough to get past the casual observer or analyst.
In past posts I’ve gone through the variety of ways deaths could be faked, and identities ‘canceled’ for political or social engineering purposes, e.g. in a shooting or bombing staged just before an election, or a fake crime committed by a problematic group or personality type, etc.
It’s easy to imagine the many ways this and other kinds of deception could be aided by face-generating technology. We’ve also seen how AI can realistically animate a person in video, using sample movements from another person, or samples of past movements of the subject. Artificial intelligence can additionally fabricate speech, once a sufficient number of samples of a person’s voice (e.g. from the NSA, who ‘inadvertently collects’ all text and voice call records) are obtained.
The establishment has provably engineered hundreds of events, including dozens upon dozens that were outright fake. Given their rock-bottom credibility and advanced technological ability, fake-staged-managed until proven real-organic-unmanaged (‘proven’ i.e. establishing an evidence-based level of certainty above reasonable doubt) and suspension of judgment have to become the new model when it comes to interpreting events of great media focus and political or social impact.
12/16/18- Another Year, Another Fake Government Shutdown
Another day comes, another Mueller-Russia circus act dominates the media-intel propaganda sphere aka ‘the news;’ and as another year ends, another fake ‘government shutdown’ looms.
Local (and to a lesser extent, county) governments, via property taxes, provide virtually all of the law, order, and public-y things you encounter on a daily basis: local roads, gas and electric, running water and sewers, police, fire, EMS, schools. Bridges and interstate highways are funded by tolls and gas taxes. Seaports and airports are funded by duties, tariffs, and aircraft/vessel entry fees built into passenger ticket or freight prices. The USPS is almost entirely funded by user fees, as are state and national parks. (See recent post for more on this topic.)
So for starters, none of these things would or at least should be at all affected, since most aren’t on the federal level, and where they are, are essentially self-funding and operated in the budgetary manner of private enterprise.
But even in a so-called shutdown, which happens every few years and threatens to almost annually, the trillion-dollar ‘defense’ machine steams forward, the Treasury owners get their $400B interest payments on time, the politicians get their $200,000 salaries and huge pensions on schedule. Then what actually stops in the dreaded, frequent event of a ‘shutdown’? Only the most visible things, those that annoy the public the most, elicit the most protest, and inflict the most pain: closed national parks and monuments, slowed postal services, crowded airport security lines, etc.
This phenomenon is known as the Washington Monument Syndrome. The term was coined in 1969 by NPS director George Hartzog, who observed that while most of the profligate federal spending continued apace after the supposed shutdown, the NPS was forced by Congress to close all Washington DC monuments, the operation of which constituted a negligible portion of the budget (the nationwide NPS budget is $3B/yr, or 0.07% of federal spending).
A personal anecdote on WMS: One year not long ago during a ‘shutdown’ I was in Utah on a road trip through Zion and Bryce National Parks, and the Route 12 area. At Zion, most trailheads and lookout entry points in the enormous park were ‘blocked’ with cones and caution tape, but no rangers were present. Foreign and American tourists, who had come from great distances and were apparently emboldened by a few initial violators, almost all walked around or ducked under the tape and entered the park anyway, saw the sights and wildlife, and appeared to respect the environment and pick up their trash. As expected, no disasters occurred.
At Bryce Canyon the tact was more aggressive. Rather than manning the main, small lookout area that most tourists came for, the government-pressured NPS took the same number of armed park rangers and blocked the gate, where those same employees could have respected the tourists’ time and money (most of them were Europeans on a long awaited trip), collected entry fees, and managed the lookout point at a profit instead of a loss. Not only that, but they sent up multiple helicopters, at untold expense, to spot ‘trespassers.’ Like at Zion, most visitors followed the lead of some earlier, unknown rebel, parked next to the entrance, and streamed down an alternate path to the canyon rim, and the menacing, circling helicopters, having no way to corral the scattered tourists and no place to land on the rugged terrain, were ignored and ridiculed. Sure, to be fair, the helicopters might have been there partially to ensure that no tourists ventured deep into the park, or put themselves in danger. But had there been a more reasonable approach to the situation than a spiteful, costly, total shutdown of national parks – starting with limited access, at the least – this wouldn’t have been a concern.
12/15/18- Time Magazine Complains 40% of Americans Don’t Plan on a [Toxic, Ineffective] Flu Shot (link)
And other articles note more than half have never gotten one. Hopefully we can get the don’t-plan-to number back near 100%. I’ve never had a flu shot, and in the last ten years have gotten what might have been the flu maybe twice. Meanwhile people who religiously get the shot every year continue to get the flu routinely, sometimes more than once a season, and expose themselves to unnecessary vaccine additives all the while – mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and many other harmful substances. The flu shot is the most toxic and least effective of all vaccines – so why is the establishment so obsessed with our getting it?
They’ve pushed the agenda through corporate pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS, who having long advertised free flu shots on giant placards outside their stores, recently upped the ante by forcing their cashiers to ask ‘would you like your flu shot?’ at the checkout counter. It isn’t mine, and no, I’ll pass.
12/14/18- Steph Curry Is Right: We Absolutely Haven’t Been to the Moon
I’ve stated a few times recently that the Moon missions were fake without attaching much evidence (which I had already done here before, further back in the post history), focusing more on Mars lately and on the why of space fakery. But in defense of Curry and in opposition to establishment-b**** commentators like Max Kellerman, who called Curry ‘irresponsible,’ a brief rundown of the strongest evidence is needed, each themselves evidence enough:
1) The original moon landing film footage was ‘taped over’ by NASA. The centerpiece of a $200 billion project(inflation-adjusted), of perhaps the greatest [fake] accomplishment in human history, and perhaps the most important [fake] video footage ever, taped over like a bad home movie? Never; give me a break.
2) The rocket and shuttle plans were ‘lost’ by NASA (see also). Many questioned whether the rockets had the fuel and thrust to reach space, and whether the shuttle could protect the astronauts and journey 237,000 miles at high speed. Well those schematics and specifications – again, the results of a $200 billion project, and the key to ‘returning’ – are unavailable, even in copy form. This is because the plans weren’t even theoretically sound, let alone successfully enacted. The rocket only needed to wow the crowd and take the shuttle out of sight of spectators on the ground, then drop it immediately into the ocean where the ‘return’ was filmed in advance and falsely presented later as live footage; it was all rushed, if enormously expensive, theater.
3) All ‘moon rocks’ outside of NASA custody have been proven fake or lost (see also). All of the alleged moon rocks held by museums or privately owned have been proven to be phony upon inspection: unique rock types from Antarctica, petrified wood from the US, meteorites. Those that haven’t been checked have disappeared. The only ‘real examples’ left are under glass, in NASA custody, and not available for independent analysis. With the moon rocks, raw video footage, and rocket plans gone with the wind, there is no direct, physical evidence of the moon landings, only cheesy film props like the lunar lander and spacesuits.
4) Unedited footage shows that NASA faked their only image of the Earth. A black piece of paper with a circular cut-out – in reality only showing a tiny portion of the Earth’s surface, which at their real altitude would have dominated their entire field of view – was used to simulate a distant blue ball with clouds, surrounded by black space. This is the only live video of Earth from the Apollo missions. In the edited version shown to the public, only a few seconds were broadcast. Why fake the shot, why not just wait until reaching a greater distance?
5) We’ve never been back. A perfect first attempt, five more of them in three years, all flawlessly executed, but no returns in 46 years and counting. Surely there would be much more to learn and explore: the geography, the geology, the mineral wealth, the possibility of telescope installations. Settling for a few [fake, terrestrial] rocks on one tiny portion of the surface and calling it a half-century is laughable.
6) The Challenger accident was faked to quiet inquiries into why we hadn’t been back. All of the Challenger astronauts are alive and well, as a recent post demonstrates. By the 1980s, people had begun to wonder when we were going to ‘go back,’ and why we hadn’t yet. The initial explanation was that it was too expensive. After Challenger, NASA was able to claim that they couldn’t put their brave astronauts at risk again, not without good reason. See Snopes’ feeble debunking (link) of the ‘fake sibling technique’ used in the Challenger incident and also employed at Sandy Hook and on 9/11.
7) Several extremely compelling clues point to Stanley Kubrick as the director. Many scenes in The Shining (1980) make reference to the Apollo missions and the stated distance of 237,000 miles, associating the number with a skeleton in the closet. In one of them (link), Danny, while wearing an Apollo 11 sweater (that he wears in no other scene), the vehicles that surround him representing ‘lesser’ earthly endeavors, slowly stands from a crouching position, as if to launch, then walks into the forbidden Room 237 (see also) (which Kubrick changed from the Room 217 in the Stephen King original), the only numbered room in the movie, where the Moon is said to be 237,000 miles away. Jack is Kubrick, and the young-woman-turned-corpse inside 237 (link; maybe NSFW part 1 part 2), whom he embraces under a Moon-like fixture, represents the payoff and his later regrets. Kubrick’s last film, Eyes Wide Shut, aptly titled, was held after its completion and posthumously released on the 30th anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch date (July 16th 1969, 1999, the latter date also that of JFK Jr.’s death). The odds of all this – where Kubrick is said to have nothing at all to do with it; and is not just a random person selected after the fact, but had been long fingered as the Apollo director, where the hoax needed a skilled perpetrator – are immeasurably low.
This is only a small sampling, and several dozen more major exhibits exist, such as the bizarre, shamed demeanor of the actor-astronauts at the first Apollo press conference, where they resemble blushing teenagers called into the principal’s office for misbehavior; or Neil Armstrong’s 25th anniversary speech (‘much left undone’ ‘truth’s protective layers;’ link to full version), after decades of total seclusion from the public eye. The conspiracy critics, typically self-styled champions of reason and empiricism, generally haven’t looked at any of the above evidence, let alone refuted it, focusing instead on weaker points they can explain away more easily.
We never went to the Moon and haven’t gone even 0.01% of the estimated distance, and neither we nor anyone else is going anytime soon. If we do allegedly go sometime soon, it will again be fake.
12/12/18- Can we send the authoritarian tech gurus on a permanent retreat?
Censor-happy Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey just spent ten days meditating in a cave in Myanmar. By all appearances, Jack Dorsey remains an unenlightened, authoritarian ass, like Google’s Eric Schmidt and the other establishment clowns at places like Burning Man and Esalen.
We need to break up the out-of-control, anti-democratic tech monopolies and dispense with their sold out and servile leadership; I’m sure the NSA will welcome them back with open arms. There are plenty of civil libertarians at the higher echelons of IT, and they need to be given a chance to run things in the private sector.
To be clear, I have absolutely nothing bad to say about meditation, prayer, contemplation, ‘spiritual work,’ etc., in and of themselves; but they cannot be used to aid just any purpose.
12/11/18- ‘The future’ (as the media has recently presented it, usually returning to the subject in slow news weeks) is constructed of a few predictable themes, of course with deep ulterior motives:
‘Mind uploading:’ The most frequently repeated theme. Futurists drool that if you manage to live long enough, your mind will be transferred from your dying body to a computer, then downloaded into a cyborg, making you immortal. The problem is the robot won’t be you, it’ll just be an annoying, non-human counterfeit. Your relatives will soon tire of the expensive toy and sell it for parts. The allegedly brilliant people (e.g. Ray Kurzweil) who can’t understand this are more than a few cards short of a deck.
Space travel / Mars colonization: I covered this subject a few posts down. During the fake moon missions, astronauts likely went to somewhere around 100 miles altitude (link), where the Moon has been estimated at 237,000 (and Mars 33 million). The lethal Van Allen radiation belt is at 600 miles, and blocks human travel (link); wearing an Apollo condom suit (link) won’t protect you, when a mere dental X-ray requires a heavy lead apron.
UFOs and alien enemies/friendships: UFOs were unheard of prior to the push for world government, and the number of sightings per year jumped by 281x immediately after the founding of the UN. That’s because UFOs as alien craft don’t exist or have never been seen. What have been seen are classified government aircraft meant to appear or incidentally appearing as otherworldly, with government agents and citizens fabricating the other stories. The reason the shadow government is doing this is that an alien encounter has for decades been planned to ‘unite’ humanity towards a common cause, e.g. an external friend or enemy, and usher in a world government. Few other raisons d’etre are available, with the case for ‘climate change,’ formerly global warming, once a hoped for basis for a UN-levied carbon tax, today more nebulous and less believed than ever. See post.
Sex robots: While I don’t doubt some will resort to sexbots, it’s a pathetic waste of a major part of human existence. That’s all that really needs to be said.
Cashless society/biometric security: An article about cash in Sweden – a totally anomalous nation (and just 0.1% of world population) where huge numbers trust the government (and as another anomaly, have historically done so not entirely without reason) and don’t care about privacy – comes out every week or so. Sweden’s 20% cash transaction rate is said to signal imminent cash extinction. Meanwhile the percentage of cash transaction in the rest of the world sits at about 80%, with no move towards cashlessness, and trust in politicians only declining. Biometric security and phone payments would be a disaster. If you have any kind of liquid wealth, you could be robbed or kidnapped for your all-important phone, and have all credit and debit accounts emptied. With biometrics, you’ll lose an eyeball or fingertip, if they let you live. High-def cameras can already capture fingerprint and iris structure, allowing for 3D-printer replication. At that point your security is forever compromised. Disposable, reproducible, and/or distributed security and payment tokens (e.g. PINs, decryption keys, plastic cards, cash bills) are far more secure than biometric and smartphone payment, and thus more advanced. So why aren’t they being promoted, and are instead being called obsolete? Because they won’t help enslave you. See post.
Let’s repeat: no cash (and later, microchip in body), ‘sex’ with robots, alien threats, ‘climate change,’ world government, Mars theater, promises of fake immortality. These are your permitted expectations and conversation topics. Reading between the lines of these endlessly recycled themes, the real establishment vision becomes clear: unlimited taxation and inflation via the total, unavoidable tracking and surveillance of one’s person and finances (under the guise of counter-terrorism, -piracy, etc.); restricted movement (via things like Agenda 21 and low real wages, as people fantasize about fake Mars colonization and space travel), reduced consciousness (via pollutants, pharmaceuticals), and degraded spirituality.
What the future could eventually hold if the people take more control: free or near-free energy, unrestricted travel, increased but not unlimited lifespans, local economic sovereignty, political decentralization to the desired level, the end of dangerous pollution, the end of extreme poverty and hunger. Of course, there would still be bad intentions, crime, some war, etc., but it could be better than what we have now.
12/10/18- Another Day, Another Mueller-Trump Distraction
Briefly scanning Google News this morning for the media-intel complex’s propaganda themes du jour, I saw that as is the case most days, a Trump-related, relative non-issue topped the list: this time, the Cohen-Stormy Daniels affair.
Trump is obviously a scandalous and insecure person in many ways, the kind of person who gets validation from trolling Miss America dressing rooms and serially ‘dating’ porn stars. The kind who stiffs thousands of businessmen in desperate bids to gain wealth far beyond what any sane person would ever seek. He (allegedly) drinks 12 Diet Cokes a day and wears three-foot ties. Clearly Trump has some issues, and I think most Americans know that now, and knew or assumed it going in.
(Due to widespread, TDS-related tunnel vision, we must include that he was challenged and preceded by others who had issues: a serial-contract-murdering, serial-defrauding, insider-trading, serial adulter-ing, speechbribe-taking aspiring serial war criminal; a suspected-crack-cocaine-abusing, apparently illegally immigrating, suspected-multiple-contract-murdering, sexually harassing, serial adulter-ing, speechbribe-taking serial war criminal; an accomplice in the murder of 3,000 Americans and book-signing war criminal responsible for the deaths of over 1 million innocent Middle Easterners; a serial adulter-ing, serial-raping, serial-contract-murdering, speechbribe-taking serial war criminal; a JFK assassination accomplice/cover-up artist and war criminal responsible for poisoning 250,000 US soldiers; a mass-incarcerating, massive-debt-accruing war criminal; etc. etc. Yes, this is serious, and yes, these descriptions are all basically accurate. I could back this paragraph with a few hundred citations but will leave you to do the research.)
As to whether his payment to Daniels was a campaign finance violation (a relatively minor offense which Obama was found guilty of during his presidency and only fined for, with little or no media commotion), most of Trump’s ‘misconduct’ was not known of prior to his 2016 campaign. So it is entirely plausible he would pay $130k (less than 1/60,000th of his apparent net worth; in any case a negligible portion of his leverable funds) at least in part to hide the scandal from his wife and family, including a young son, as well as to promote a positive and reasonably wholesome public image, on which major hotels and a ‘Middle America’ TV audience depended. Whether or not he would go on to win the election, his dirty laundry was exceedingly more likely to be found and aired during the campaign, hence the timing of the payment.
Short of a recorded statement where Trump says “this payment was for my campaign and nothing else,” this investigative thread is more dog dung, as is everything we’ve seen so far in shadow-government operative and 9/11-cover-up agent Mueller’s 2-year Russia circus, from the Trump-irrelevant Manafort tax charges to the apparently fake Steele dossier to Cohen and his Trump-irrelevant taxi medallion schemes. And even if some kind of damning inculpatory evidence did emerge, Trump was just donating to his own campaign, which if somehow a technical violation due to improper reporting, is generally legal, and hardly a high crime. Due to the illegitimate centralization of wealth (link), we need campaign finance reform, including a repeal of Citizens United. But until then, it’s only fair to take Trump’s violations, if they could be proven, as small potatoes.
The real question in all this is: if Trump is a relative outsider, why won’t they (i.e. the shadow government, the media-intel sphere) let him govern, and if he’s a relative insider who’s playing a part, what are they stalling and setting him up for?
12/5/18 – A Different Perspective on George H.W. Bush
In November 1963, America mourned the brutal, premature death of JFK. In December 2018, it mourned (or at least the media mourned; no one I know seemed too broken up) the only man in America who had no idea where he was or what he was doing when JFK was assassinated (‘somewhere in Texas’), even though he was provably in downtown Dallas at the time according to FBI records, staying at the Dallas Sheraton, an easy three-quarter-mile walk from Dealey Plaza, cooking up red-herring false leads for the media in typical Agency fashion (see link; first response is worth the read): CIA boss George H.W. Bush, the son of Nazi banker Prescott Bush, eulogized by a son who oversaw and likely had knowledge of the greatest crime in American history, the 9/11 false flag attacks. (see also; YouTube version banned yet again)
Bush may have been a fine father, brother, friend, etc., and there I’m sure there are fine people among his ancestors and descendants. But like the warmongering menace McStain wasn’t a good senator, Bush 1 wasn’t a particularly good president, even by US president standards: higher taxes, more fruitless wars (including the pointless First Iraq War which poisoned 250,000 veterans with Gulf War Syndrome in order to funnel tens of billions to the MIC and banks, betray former US puppet Saddam Hussein, and destroy Iraqi oil production to raise oil prices), more of the same. NWO henchman is a better term. If this kind of public life is ‘great, noble, decent, dignified, classy, honorable’ blah blah blah…what isn’t?
12/4/18 – Thoughts on the Merits of Zionism and the Future of West Bank-Gaza Palestinians
Since I’ve mentioned the thorny topic of Zionism, if only incidentally, I’ll offer my thoughts on it, considering how prominent a subject it is in the conspiracy and political blog worlds, if not much here.
For obvious reasons, differing historical interpretations notwithstanding, there is enough argument for a Jewish state, whether the land is in the Levant or somewhere else. Some Jews, like gypsies do, argue that preserving adaptability and trade-mobility have historically enabled the groups to survive longer as groups than most other nations have, and have reminded that nation-states can be targeted by external forces, or become corrupted and self-destruct, and this is an argument against a Jewish state, and probably a superior, if counter-intuitive argument for ultimate national preservation. But in a world that is blanketed entirely by nation-states, it’s hard to argue against the sovereign nation-state as the chosen vehicle.
From a legal property rights standpoint, the claim of Jews to Judea expired 1,400 or so years ago (or 1,800+ depending on perspective). My sense is that in order to have legal standing in the matter, a person must have been directly involved in a property dispute, even if just as a child of the dispossessed. Once all or most who were present for the event grow old and die, the window closes. The most generous legal interpretation might extend it a few more generations, still ancient history.
From a world-peace-and-stability perspective, almost anywhere else (parts of Argentina and Uganda were possibilities prior to the UK’s invitation to the territory after WWI) would have been better. But at this point, what’s done is done. It was founded in that place, it’s not going anywhere, and the current population had nothing personally to do with any of it. Western imperialist powers cherish the geographic choice that was made and were the first to back it, since it ensures that the West/Atlantic power sphere will perpetually be able to insert itself into Eurasia and continue to spend $1T/yr ($1000B) on ‘defense’ of the US ‘and its allies,’ with $3B/yr in aid a negligible cost of doing business. Without instability, tension, and destruction in the Middle East and thereby with a relatively stable Afro-Eurasia, the Americas risk becoming a peripheral island that lacks the geopolitical relevance of a superpower. But when the center of the game board is smashed, as it has been for decades, the edges are put together and the center becomes the Americas.
So it has been the rulers of the US and its closest allies (UK, France) – not the people of those countries, or of Israel, or the rulers of Israel – who have been gained the lion’s share of money and power from the founding of Israel where it is. Western/New World devices for Old World control or destabilization have been in place uninterrupted since the beginnings of ‘the West’ as any kind of identifiable power structure: via the Crusades (1091-1492), the age of exploration and colonialism (1492 to the 1960s), the British conquest of the Ottoman Empire in WWI (1914-1918), and before that war even ended, the UK’s Balfour Declaration in 1917, as well as the continuous acts of ‘liberation’ in other Mideast nations starting with the CIA-managed Iran coup in 1953. By supporting radical elements at every turn, removing secular, democratically elected leaders from power, and sponsoring the rise of Israel and the oil kingdoms, the US-led West has installed both its friends and its enemies in the region. Hopefully the Israeli people won’t meet the same end the other temporary geopolitical friends of treacherous Western-imperialist bastards have.
Setting aside law and diplomacy, which are frequently disregarded in military actions and group conflicts, there have been hundreds upon hundreds of border shifts and conquests in Europe and everywhere else, and while some still take umbrage at the loss of territory, most who live in these places have resigned to the outcome and moved forward, and few outsiders even mention or are necessarily aware of the event, e.g. Germans and western Poland, Poles and Lithuania, etc. Almost no nation-states that exist today were founded in an entirely just or peaceful fashion, including the US. In almost every case of national founding, some people lost ‘their’ land, and believe themselves wronged. Whether right or wrong, Jews fought a war 70 years ago (with smaller conflicts for decades prior to that) and conquered the area they hold today, in the same manner that most other states were founded. If Israelis who have now been there for 2-3+ generations have to leave or submit to a new government, the argument could then be made that all white Americans should go back to Europe or submit to new Indian-nation governance; as could countless similar arguments. War usually isn’t fair, and the war is long over.
If the Palestinian government and people recognize Israel as a nation – the PLO/PA in West Bank [sometimes] has, Hamas in Gaza hasn’t (the possibility of Israeli control of Hamas as an obstacle to a two-state solution must then be explored, where many elements in the Israeli government oppose that direction; including the possibility that the ineffectual rockets and other attacks may be false flag stratagems)- and the conquering nation, they can perhaps then exist as an independent state or as some kind of semi-autonomous, politically separate unit, without federal standing in Israeli matters since Jews would instantly become the minority. Without recognizing Israel, they risk being treated as prisoners of war of sorts. Short of indefinite detention they’d have to fight, leave voluntarily, or be expelled, which are what have been happening in slow motion. Frankly, I think voluntarily moving to another nation, Arab or otherwise, and starting over (as so many defeated groups have done) would be the best option, since Israel holds the cards and will keep the firm power advantage, and the tiny size of the habitable territory guarantees ongoing tensions. Of course Palestinians can think and do what they want, but I’m talking about the most productive path forward.
Obviously I don’t support any acts of brutality by troops at its borders, rhetoric in the vein of ‘one shot two kills,’ or any kind of external subterfuge, but these are separate issues, just as the many atrocities on the US’s hands (or the UK, Australia, Belgium, etc. etc.) over the years aren’t generally used to challenge national legitimacy, if we’re applying the same standards.
12/3/18 – Fury vs. Wilder: Yes, It Was Rigged
I’m an occasional fan of boxing and watched the Tyson Fury vs. Deontay Wilder heavyweight WBC title fight yesterday. Fury is an Irish Traveller from Manchester UK, Wilder is from Alabama. I liked Fury and Wilder about equally, and called a late-round Wilder TKO of Fury beforehand, knowing Wilder’s punching power and will. Both fighters have great heart, are exciting to watch, and while they surely fight for money, are about more than just that (for this fight, Fury gave his whole $10M purse to homeless aid). Gab-gifted Fury had become intensely popular and widely interviewed in the podcast world in the immediate lead-up to the fight.
I’ve never seen a bigger robbery in boxing, or such indefensible, bald-faced bias in any sport in decades, maybe my lifetime (Lewis-Holyfield 1 is a frequent comparison). Fury indisputably won at least nine and possibly ten rounds. Short of a knockout, the win was clinched by the final round: I (and Lennox Lewis, Floyd Mayweather, and other boxing legends who were present) had it 108-100 going into 12: four round-flips away from a draw, which was the official verdict. Wilder’s two knockdowns in 9 and 12 were in the only rounds he won. Devastating punches, but if you get up from them, they don’t mean all that much to the score.
Fury made some controversial comments on several subjects recently. As a result he was banned from boxing for two years, stripped of his belts, and now this. I don’t fully agree or fully disagree with him, his opinions and perspective are not mine, but if we’re going to call this a free society people should be allowed to peacefully say what they think. Fury never called for violence or committed a crime. We saw this with Alex Jones, who I’m not a fan of and who I believe is a counterintelligence asset himself, and the ‘purge’ of countless social media accounts in the last few years. It has become a knee-jerk intolerance of dissent or difference and it is gravely unhealthy for a democratic society. Whether the dissent is right or wrong, ideas that can’t stand to open criticism generally aren’t worth much.
It’s my belief that people unhappy with Fury pulled some strings, and that’s why the record lies that he didn’t win. And no, I’m not necessarily talking about the ‘Zionist media’ comments; there were many potentially aggrieved parties, of all religious stripes, and his opinions on homosexuality, gender dysphoria/transgenderism, and abortion were what had him banned. Clearly there is a strong establishment agenda around these topics, one that is not in line with everyone’s beliefs and sensibilities. Again, my own opinion on them is not in either camp. YouTube has deranked comments with thousands of votes calling the judging fixed, and mainstream coverage has disabled comments.
So that’s what we’re coming to be left with in sports. Mega-corporate-sponsored everything – from stadiums to bowl games to instant replays to locker-room interviews; rigged matches, and mercenary athletes with no connection or loyalty to their host cities, chasing dollars above all else, unfree and in some cases uninterested to voice thoughts of their own, particularly on anything of remote controversy. The public isn’t helping: ‘shut up and play,’ etc.
Like most of the rest of the high-echelon entertainment world these days, a big yawn is what it amounts to; I’ve never been much of a pro sports fan, but now it’s worth even less time and attention.
It goes without saying that Alejandro Rochin is a disgrace to boxing and people of integrity worldwide. At the end of the day, Fury remains the lineal champ. For those who object, ‘who cares, he’s just a boxer,’ if you don’t think athletes, especially undisputed heavyweight champs with mouths on them can influence society, you’re not paying attention. To easily observe that this fight was in fact rigged and nothing else, just watch the first five rounds, though the whole thing is worth a watch. Rochin scored them 5-0 Wilder, while everyone (including Mayweather, Lewis) and his blind grandmother scored them 5-0 or at worst 4-1 Fury. And for those who lament a long KO count, the time from first contact with canvas to standing on feet is 9.5 seconds; this can be measured (and surely was by both sides afterwards) and is not a debatable point. Wilder’s instagram post of the count is either sped up in the beginning, or starts at the instant of the punch, and not a remotely realistic simulation of a typical ref reaction to a potential KO.
11/30/18 – NASA’s Moon Is Arizona and Its Mars Is Canada. Where Will Venus Be, Yellowstone?
I’ve pointed this out before, but like NASA’s Moon was the Arizona desert and a Kubrick film studio, NASA’s Mars is a photoshopped (merely red-tinted) version of Devon Island Canada. There is no exploration of Mars happening now, and there will be no [real] colonization in the foreseeable future. Neither humans nor spacecraft from any country have ever been to either place, at least not anytime in historical memory. Humans have only reached 1/1000th of the theorized distance to the Moon (254 miles vs. 237,000; up to 12,000 miles for spacecraft), let alone 133,000 times farther to the theorized Mars distance (254 versus 33.9 million).
NASA employees who are not in the know are unwittingly viewing footage of Devon Island, and the Mars ‘voyages’ amount to computer simulations built on mathematics derived from a mostly theoretical universe model. Things like the Mars Rover project can easily be accomplished via compartmentation, without revealing that the vehicle will rove only the Earth.
To answer objections that space-related fakery is a Cold War relic, the use of fakery by the shadow government in other arenas hasn’t gone away, and has only gotten worse.
The reasons why they are doing this are endless, but the simplest and one of the biggest is that Mars and Moon deception are just new renditions of the Divine Right of Kings: they glorify the rulers and bolster confidence in them, and sow doubt before any alternative political and economic paths
More specifically, to the extent space hoaxes are believed they empower the religion of Science, as the establishment, in the very long term, attempts to dispense with democracy and bring in a Platonic scientific dictatorship led by unelected, mutually appointed ‘experts.’
And to address the gap between the Apollo missions and present-day hoax production, see the fake Challenger incident from 1986 (which provided an excuse for the now 49 years and counting it has been since the initial fake missions, on the basis of their being too dangerous. Note: in at least some of these cases, shockingly, the people are still going by their pre-fake-death names):
Collared lemming spotted in large panoramic shot of Devon Island-as-Mars; an amateur photoshopper imitating NASA’s antics in just over one minute of effort, apparently taken from the Burren in Ireland, one of many ‘otherworldly’ places found throughout the world, on all continents:
Top-notch lampooning of NASA’s Mars hoax, published in 2012:
11/25/18 – Revising Human History, part 1: ‘Ancestor Figures’
The photo on the left is a funerary urn from Guerrero Mexico, estimated from 0 AD to 500 AD and believed to be Proto-Toltec in origin, published in a book from 1965. The figure on the right is from southeastern Turkey, known as the Balikligöl Statue, discovered in 1993 a few miles from Göbekli Tepe and estimated by archaeologists to around 9,500 B.C.
This particularly simple and striking comparison stands among hundreds upon hundreds of exhibits that disprove mainstream or ‘consensus’ understandings of human history, including human migration and technological progression, which for the most part rest on academic theories, rather than a broad body of physical evidence.
The civilizational arc proposed in the 20th century – from Paleolithic to Neolithic, etc. – is thoroughly proven to be BS. The Beringia/Clovis-First theory has long been in tatters, with several dozen pre-Clovis sites now unearthed, some in excess of 100,000 years old according to dating methods. Certain ideas and people crossed all oceans and lived on the remotest of islands and in the harshest of climates untold thousands of years ago. They possessed knowledge and abilities official narratives say they couldn’t have, e.g. the Dogon and their astral knowledge. I believe something or someone helped them to expertly navigate and repopulate as they did, perhaps ancestral survivors or preserved knowledge from a lost, advanced civilization.
The framework that increasingly does appear to be correct is ‘pre-diluvian’/pre-Flood – where societies may well have been more advanced than our own – and post-diluvian; or pre-cataclysm and post-cataclysm if you prefer less biblical phrasing. This is not to say Flood/cataclysm timelines match those in the Bible, only that there was such an event(s). Contemporary geological dating methods indicate the most recent one was around 12,500 years ago. The rudimentary tools and technology we have found in the post-cataclysmic age appear to be evidence of relearning, not first learning.
If you refuse to at least entertain these ideas in spite of the enormous and growing tide of evidence in support of them – geological, archaeological, historical/euhemerical, etc. – you risk being less a free thinker, and more a Shermerian/Maherian zealot for the religion called Science, adherence to which is based overwhelmingly in faith in authority, rather than on confidence derived from independent understanding (the lower-case version is an intellectual pursuit that has no agenda, is never settled, defers to no imagined consensus or community, and accepts no assurances from so-called experts).
In addition to the two above, see the following pieces, which are displayed in the Trans-Atlantic Deception post. Most of them are thought to be post-cataclysmic, but all predate ‘discovery’ by ostensibly more advanced Modern (i.e. post-medieval) Europeans, some by millennia (Irkutsk Siberia (2), Easter Island (2), Nigeria, Marquesas Islands (2), Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Peru, Ukraine (2), Armenia, Ethiopia, New Zealand (2), Papua-New Guinea (2), Mongolia, China (2). These poses weren’t in any way cherry-picked; in many of the aforementioned places they are the most common form of human depiction found over periods spanning thousands of years:
Kyrgyzstan, Ireland, Kurdistan, Italy, France, Corsica, Bolivia:
11/22/18 – Re-examining the Roots of Crispus Attucks: A ‘Black’ Pokanoket Indian, and the First to Die
Coming off Veterans Day, and now amid race-pandering by talk radio and YouTube personalities about Thanksgiving and its history, it seems an appropriate time to re-examine the life of Crispus Attucks, a Massachusett Indian (likely Wampanoag/Pokanoket, who met the Puritans at Plymouth) and the first person to die in service to the country, in an eminently American way as I see it.
Attucks got in the face of illegitimate, unjust authority, rallied his fellow sailors to protest British rule (with defensive weapons in hand), and was gunned down by crown troops in the Boston Massacre of 1770. This act played a key role in tipping the scales away from hostility and towards eventual war.
Crispus Attucks is also considered an important figure in black history, in addition to Revolutionary history. Indeed, he was seen as black then, and is seen as black now. But who was he and where did he come from? That’s where the record seems to vanish in the fog. Surely there must be ample scholarship around the man, and I set out looking for it. But all I found were children’s books (link) and mostly low-caliber academic texts by little known professors (who were given book deals by big-name publishers), both of which were light on or free of primary-source citations and rigorous review of the available evidence, with some of the academic works written almost as if few would ever read them, but where as ‘credible’ sources from PhDs and known publishers, they could provide a base for a false narrative. Among early black figures, Attucks presents a particular problem to establishment historical narratives for several reasons, mainly how public and well known his act was, and how old his story is and thus close to his indigenous American roots, where most of the others lived in the 19th century, further removed from their prior identity, e.g. Nat Turner.
Attucks is an unusual name I hadn’t seen before, so I started there. From colonial dictionaries I learned that Attuck is the word for deer in the language of the Narragansett Indians and that of other New England tribes. Looking through the rather short Wikipedia article on Attucks (since completely overhauled, in spite of the onslaught of pro-establishment editors) and several other online biographies, I found it peculiar that this fact (or at least speculation) of a specifically Massachusett Indian heritage (as opposed to vague ‘possibly/likely part Native American’ [and thus mostly African] claims) were universally absent. Neither was the certainty of a more general ‘American Indian’ link put forth. If a person’s surname were D’Angelo, Herrmann, or Kim, would they be supposed merely as having ‘possible European/Asian heritage,’ or would a link to Germany/Italy/Korea be safely assumed? I searched Google and Facebook for people with the name Attucks, and to no surprise, they were all ‘African American’ people, mostly residing in the Northeast and New England.
His mother was Nancy Peterattucks, who in primary source material is described as a ‘Natick Indian’ (see Praying Indians) and a negro. But where did he get the name, who was his father? First I thought I’d see what shadow-gov Google had to say:
Yes, the same claim as the children’s books and eighth-grade-level history texts. Prince Yonger was said to be an African who arrived either from Africa or the Caribbean, was eventually freed, and lived in Framingham Mass., where Attucks lived, and may have become Attucks’ stepfather when Attucks was 14 or 15 years old. He is important because Crispus Attucks looked black, and this fact needs a clear and simple explanation. Yet an examination of Framingham histories showed Yonger arrived in Massachusetts in 1725, two years after Attucks was born in 1723, and marriage records showed he didn’t marry Nancy Peterattucks until 1737. He had two children with Nancy in the early 1740s, both of whom took the name Yonger. Other than this second marriage, where he may or may not have served in a stepfather role (not necessarily likely since teenaged Crispus may have been working in a different household at that time) nothing ties him to Attucks or his three blood siblings, or asserts or suggests paternity. Multiple town histories discuss both Yonger and Attucks at considerable, multi-paragraph length, but none state or imply at all that they were father and son, or even co-habited as a mixed family. How could the authors – none of whom were basing their claims on any counter-evidence, aside from the citation-free children’s texts, which strangely enough is where the lie seemingly originated – have missed these easily discoverable problems in the timelines? Having seen this bizarre pattern with other black historical luminaries (where empty claims – usually involving a link to Africa or some African ethnic group – with no basis in evidence become accepted as fact via the layering of low credibility texts), I knew I was onto something and spent the better part of the day exploring further. Like every other well known ‘African’ slave I have encountered, from Toussaint L’Ouverture to Mathieu da Costa to Olaudah Equiano to Frederick Douglass, Crispus Attucks was a loose thread.
Several hours of research turned up many good finds, and painted a clear picture of Attucks: a black person and a former slave, but a fully American man with zero evidence of African descent, and not just a dock worker as the secondary texts claimed, but a whaler like his tribal ancestors. I’ll go over just a few here in the interest of brevity.
From ‘Selected Writings of William Cooper Nell,’ noted 19th-century historian and abolitionist:
[Nell quoting an 1860 letter from a Natick resident, also printed in an 1860 edition of The Liberator newspaper, which read:]
“Several persons are now living in Natick who remember the Attucks family, viz., Cris, who was killed March 5th; Sam, whose name was abbreviated into Sam Attucks, or Smattox; Sal, also known as Slattox; and Peter, called Pea Tattox… my mother, still living, aged 89, remembers Sal in particular, who used to be called the gourd-shell squaw, from the fact that she used to carry her rum in a gourd shell… the whole family are said to be the children of Jacob Peter Attucks… it has been conjectured that they are of Indian blood, but all who knew the descendants describe them as negroes.” The letter continues, “his sister [Sal] used to say that if they had not killed Cris, Cris would have killed them.”
In the vein of Slattox, Pea Tattox, and Smattox: Cris = Cris Peter Attucks = Cris P. Attucks = Crispus. (In what contemporary culture, more than in others, do we see the taking on of nicknames as permanent names of sorts?)
From ‘Muster Roll of the Company . . . at Fort Massachusetts, dated March to Decemcer 11, 1749:’
Moses Peter Attucks, Cent., Negro. . . Leicester [Mass.] (an apparent cousin or uncle of Attucks)
From estate inventory of Joseph Buckminster, 1747:
A negro woman, Nanny [Attucks] (ample evidence proves Nanny Attucks lived on Buckminster’s property)
From History of Framingham (Barry, 1847): Nov. 26 1739, voted that Mr. Henry Emmes and Capt. Thomas Buckminster [former owner of the Attucks family, Attucks meaning deer] be a committee to take care of the preservation of the deer.
Eventually I came across a submission by independent scholar J.B. Fisher of Southern NJ to Potter’s American Historical Record, Volume 1, published 1872 and entitled ‘Who was Crispus Attucks?,’ which, while failing to make some important connections, noted the evidence for only Indian descent, along with descriptions of negro appearance, which Fisher wrongly took as contradictory:
‘First the term ”Mulatto” was applied very loosely up to a late date. In 1834, in the Marshpee Indian case . . . here the terms ”colored person” ”black” and Indian are all synonymous, they all mean Marshpee Indians . . . in 1763, Marshpee [a praying town, now Mashpee Mass.] was incorporated as a district in words as follows: Be it enacted that all lands belonging to the [unbaptized] Indians and [baptized Indian] Mulattos in Marshpee . . . (lengthy passage; see link)
Quoting from ‘Reminisces’ by George T. Hewes, member of the Boston Tea Party:
‘Mr. Pierce remembers Attucks distinctly, though he never saw him before. Attucks, also, who he says was a Nantucket Indian, belonging on board a Whale ship of Mr. Folger’s, then in the harbor (and he remembers distinctly the peculiar noise of a frightful war whoop which he yelled) this Attucks he cautioned to keep off, and be careful.’
Fisher was not aware of several things, established in local histories that were already written: 1) Attucks was in fact a slave 2) Attucks was in fact described by society and government as negro, as well as mulatto. 3) Most of the negroes and mulattoes there were of American descent, not African.
John Adams, second US president, from a trial where as a lawyer he defended the British soldiers: ‘The mob whistling, screaming, and rending like an Indian yell . . . a motley rabble of saucy boys, negros and molattoes, Irish teagues and outlandish Jack Tarrs . . . this Attucks had undertaken to be the hero of the night, and to lead this army with banners, to form them in the first place in Dock Square, and march them up to King Street with their clubs.’
From cross-examination in the trial transcripts: “Question: Did you see a mulatto among the persons who surrounded the soldiers? Answer: I did not observe. Question: Did they seem to be sailors or townsmen? Answer: They were dressed some of them in the habits of sailors. Question: Did you know the Indian who was killed? Answer: No. Question: Did you see any of them press on the soldiers with a cordwood stick? Answer: No.”
From an escaped slave notice in the Boston Gazette, October 1750:
“Ran away from his master William Brown of Framingham, on the 30th of Sept. last, a Molatto Fellow, about 27 Years of Age, named Crispas, 6 Feet 2 Inches high, short curl’d Hair, his Knees nearer together than common; had on a light colour’d Bear-skin Coat, plain brown Fustian Jacket, or brown all-Wool one, new Buckskin Breeches, blue Yarn Stockings, and a checked woolen Shirt”
The following is what appears to be the true biography of Crispus Attucks, as indicated by primary-source evidence exclusively:
1) John Attuck, a Wampanoag/Pokanoket Indian, is hanged by British colonists in King Philip’s War in 1678.
2) Following the war, Massachusetts Indians either flee or if they choose to stay, are forcibly organized into ‘praying towns,’ re-education camps of sorts, are baptized, and become slaves. Attuck’s wife and children are located to praying town Natick Massachusetts. Indian identity is criminalized. For example, calling oneself a Pokanoket Indian was punishable by death in colonial Massachusetts.
3) Descendant Jacob Peter Attucks, likely grandson of John Attuck, marries Indian (described also as negro) and Natick resident Nancy aka Nanny; both are slaves. They move to Framingham at some point and have four children in the 1720s, including Crispus in 1723.
4) Jacob dies, is sold off, or otherwise disappears at some point. Nancy marries Prince Yonger in 1737. They have two children in the 1740s, Phebe Yonger, and a son who died just after birth. Nancy is emancipated by her owner (all Mass. slaves are freed by law in 1780, though most are sold to the Southeast US or Caribbean first; hence the low numbers of blacks and Indians in New England).
5) Crispus Attucks escapes from slavery in 1750 and works in various places as a sailor and whaler, following in the footsteps of his nautical Indian descendants. He assumes different names to avoid detection, e.g. Michael Johnson, eventually returning to work as a whaler and dock worker in Boston, where the Massacre occurs.
Why is Attucks presented only as a black slave and ‘African American,’ and his Indian father, mother, and ‘squaw’ siblings buried? Because at that time, in the mid-18th century especially but also beyond that point, almost all ‘negroes’ and ‘mulattoes’ were simply baptized, Westernized Indians, and most Americans today who would be called black are of considerable Indian/American heritage, if not completely American in many cases, and these two things cannot co-exist in official histories that insist America was a mostly empty continent with a sparse, nomadic, exclusively ‘mongoloid’ population. There is more I lack time to go into (links to be added shortly), but this much is established: as with the most of the rest of ‘black history,’ and much of history in general, the official story of Attucks is a sham.
Below is a sampling of some of the Thanksgiving-related content from the Trans-Atlantic deception post, including this comparison of postcards from 1908 and then 1909, around the time when the Africanization and de-Indianization of American blacks began kicking into a new gear:
11/19/18 – HHS Official Daniel Best Murdered for Challenging Drug Prices, Covered-up as Suicide
HHS official and father of three Daniel Best was set to lower outrageously high prescription prices by force of government. He was found outside his apartment building’s parking garage, dead from multiple blunt force injuries to the head. Wasn’t a fall. The coroner’s verdict? Suicide. News flash: cops and medical examiners can be corrupted too. Look into Dr. Fahmy Malak.
This is how it works in most of the ‘free’ countries. Be less than acutely problematic to the rulers and buy all the official narratives, and you have nothing to worry about. Be otherwise, and depending how far and how visible/high you go and which method will work, you get surveilled, harassed, discredited, blackmailed, framed, and/or killed, i.e. suicided / ‘robbed’ / accidented / assassinated. Moles get whacked, status quo is preserved, control is maintained. That’s not at all to imply ‘non-moles’ aren’t living good lives and doing good things, but the point stands.
It must be noted that Best was a former Pfizer and CVS Caremark executive who was making $500k/yr prior to his time at HHS, so there may be more to the story. What’s clear is that powerful forces did have a strong motive to kill him and send a message to his replacement, and powerful forces did cover his murder up, presumably because they committed it.
The situation could be otherwise, where this kind of thinly veiled subterfuge didn’t work or work as much, but it would involve more of us using our brains and becoming ‘conspiracy theorists’ (which most of the rest of the world considers having a normal thought process), as an increasing number have already done (evidenced by the comments, where zero readers accept the official version).
11/17/18 – An Attempt at a Fair Look at the Trump Presidency to Date
I’ve seen references to the Trump administration being a ‘sh*tshow,’ and endless pining for the halcyon days of Obama. I don’t get it. I’m no big fan of Trump, but what specifically has happened in Trump’s administration thus far that qualifies as a disaster? Most things have actually improved slightly, or stayed the same, not that I’m content with the state of affairs.
A disaster, if you want to call it that, does loom in the form of an enormous stock price correction and bond/debt crisis (and/or a staged war-trigger event involving Iran, Pakistan, etc.), but neither Trump nor Obama will be to blame; rather, intelligence/media and banking elements (whom I often call the shadow or permanent government) will. On most fronts, the bad things Obama did, Hillary expressly promised to do in spades, so nothing much was averted there.
Economy: About equal, maybe slight advantage Trump
Obama: Avoided presiding over recession due to Fed debt monetization [i.e., increasing; all monetization is debt] via ultra low interest rates. Majority of businesspeople dreaded his lack of touch with private enterprise, where private sector résumé at age 57 remains limited to ‘chooming’ and scooping ice cream in high school.
Trump: Has avoided presiding over recession due to Fed debt monetization via low interest rates (now rising to low-normal levels), and by taking on even greater deficits than Obama. Majority of businesspeople feel like they have more of an ally in Trump, and may be more comfortable making long-term investments, whether or not the comfort is justified. Whenever the decades-in-the-making recession happens, neither president will be primarily to blame.
Hillary: About equal, since it’s the Fed’s game.
Bush: ” “
Foreign policy: Considerable advantage Trump
Trump: Ordered symbolic air strikes in Syria that killed few or none and did little damage. Has made so-far empty threats of retaliation against Syria and North Korea. Said considered forms of whistleblowing to be treasonous. Oversaw virtual elimination of Western-intel creation ISIS in Syria, helping to stabilize Middle East for first time in decades.
Obama: Expanded drone warfare to seven countries and dropped 26k bombs per year on them, oversaw eight years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan (often via mercenaries) while claiming to end those wars. Oversaw provision of ISIS with hundreds of brand-new Toyota trucks, hundreds of millions in cash, and other intel gifts. Ordered assassination of American journalist and his teenage son for ‘inspiring’ terrorism, along with untold other assassinations without due process, based on AI-generated recommendations. Allowed torture and indefinite detention of foreign policy-related whistleblowers (referred to by Obama as ‘some folks’), and prosecuted record number of whistleblowers.
Clinton: Probably far worse than both
Bush: Far worse than both
Personal/sexual behavior and misbehavior: Probable advantage Trump
Trump: Had consensual sex with a porn star while married, paid her off in disclosed settlement. Multiple porn stars who there is no evidence knew Trump turned up dead just before and after election. Several women allege forms of legal, if embarrassing conduct. Boasted about sex conquests to male journalist who was in his 20s. Wanton prosecution and investigation of Trump associates has occurred, but after 26 months there’s still no evidence Trump himself did anything illegal. Business career mixed, with successes marred by repeated stiffing of any unsecured creditors.
Obama: Sexually harassed multiple male staff at Harvard Law Review while married, paid them off in confidential settlement. Multiple gay men in church congregation and Chicago neighborhood who appear to have known Obama turned up dead just prior to election. One man alleged crack cocaine use and consensual sexual encounters while Obama was married. That the media ignored these things doesn’t make them any less significant than Trump’s, which they frothed over. Like Clinton, makes living primarily from mid-six-figure bribes/paybacks from banks and large institutions, under the guise of speech-giving.
Clinton: Far worse than both combined; stealing homes from seniors, rigging elections, a dozen-plus contract hits, and who knows what else.
Bush: Whether he’s playing dumb, and what we don’t know; those make all the difference. Probably worse than both.
Speeches and public rhetoric: Advantage Trump
Trump: While slightly abrasive, first president since Kennedy to call out media-intel complex as true (or at least aspiring/competing) ruling power, and certainly not a friend of the people. More humorous and entertaining than Obama with his canned, predictable, safe jokes. Panders to ignorant elements of population, including Islamophobes and bona fide xenophobes (not referring to support for border regulation/security). Has made some offensive statements, e.g. ‘my African Americans,’ etc.
Obama: Singsong cadence and folksy style pleasing to some, but speeches a zero-substance, bland waste of time. In most of them, Obama’s words could be referring to anything, anywhere, at any time in history. ‘It’s time we look past our differences, roll up our sleeves, and move forward.’ Snooze. Translation: Do what I want now.
Clinton: Boring, uninspired, model-establishment. Mindless, empty-vessel mantras: ‘Forward’ ‘I’m with her’ ‘Change-maker’
Bush: “
Public image: You decide
(by public image I’m referring to the type of person people expect to be president, and how the person bears on the average or median citizen’s sensibilities; these do not necessarily reflect on my personal judgment matrix)
Trump: Bad hair. Ties way too long. Marriage appears to be somewhat a sham. Shoots from the hip, not infrequently resulting in embarrassing, idiotic statements. Mixed reviews from abroad, with some liking him, and others bewildered he is president. Zero points subtracted based on illusions about what the US was (with respect to events like 9/11, foreign wars, etc., etc.; where chaos, lies, and high crimes, beneath a veneer of diplomatic decorum, were the norm) prior to Trump.
Obama: Likely to be habitual cocaine user. Marriage not much different than Trump’s, with serial adultery. Likely to be an illegal immigrant. The ridiculed ‘birther’ claims are actually very well backed. Obama A) blatantly doctored the online version of his birth certificate B) claimed he was born in Kenya for more than 15 years in his publisher’s bio, and in other media C) strongly appears to have a stolen SSN D) likely worked in intelligence in his early 20s (many indications mother Dunham was an agent), where he could have obtained fraudulent US birth/SSN documents E) grandmother and other family members insist they were present for his birth in Kenya F) birth announcement in Hawaii newspaper does not mention place of birth, and birth announcements have no independent factual basis/requirements, and are merely submitted on the word of the parents G) several other items I’m not recalling. May be dual Kenyan-Indonesian citizen with fraudulently obtained US citizenship. At this point the most common response is not to refute this evidence, but to say ‘who cares,’ ‘even if it’s true,’ etc. I obviously have nothing against foreigners, but do we really want intel agents with ultra cloudy backgrounds and fake citizenship in our highest office, on sole account of their having a pleasing vocal tone? Zero points given for illusions about who Obama actually is.
Clinton: [IMO] Untold dozens of grave felonies including capital crimes (multiple murders for hire in death-penalty states).
Again, I’m no particular fan of Trump, nor was I of Obama, Bush, or Clinton. But if you want to be taken seriously by half or more of the population in your criticisms (and not just preach to your choir), you have to keep things in long-term perspective, instead of oscillating between despair and complacency every four or eight years on no articulable basis.
The lesson of this tiresome exercise is that the major party mafias are an imposed duopoly, not free choice or popular representation. We need an anti-war, pro-civil liberty, left-right alliance to break it; the lesser of two evils model is a total failure, and always will be.
11/16/2018 (2) – Jim Acosta and Press-Pass ‘Rights’
In addition to being transparently agenda-driven and non-objective, as he always is, Jim Acosta was disruptive and unfair to other journalists present, in a desperate attempt to hog more time and insert his cheap political point about the obviously engineered migrant caravan, and then, predictably, about Russia.
Allowing our current political system as a given, the White House has every right to bar him on those grounds, and CNN can try their hand with another of their Op-Mockingbird propagandists. There is no obligation to entertain prolonged screaming matches and tussles over the mic at White House press conferences.
If Acosta or CNN can sue for White House access and argue Acosta’s speech is suppressed, then so can I. Press licenses and ‘hard passes’ have no deep legal meaning, and amount to a form of crowd control to limit the size and length of press conferences, and vet White House entrants for security reasons. Press conferences themselves are not legally enshrined in any way either; eliminating shadow government operatives posing as journalists from the White House does not represent a Constitutional crisis, unless there is some wider crackdown; many US presidents did not have regular press conferences.
While press licenses serve some practical purpose given the number of citizens there are, they are against the spirit of and legally irrelevant with respect to the Constitution, which makes every citizen a journalist in equal standing. The clown Acosta has no grievance more than any of us do, and his employer is an immeasurably less credible source of information than the average citizen. Again, this and the Whitaker comment are made independent of support or lack of for Trump.
11/16/2018 – Whitaker’s ‘New Testament’ Comments Were Appropriate in Context
Newsweek: “Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker Once Said Jews, Muslims, and Atheists Should Not Be Federal Judges” (link)
I know almost nothing about Whitaker. I do agree with his agenda to wrap up the Russia circus, since it is by all appearances a total hoax, waste of time and money, and a distraction from more important national concerns.
Whitaker was speaking to a group of highly religious people, of the same religion as he, and the context was a religious forum. So religion and its relation to law and judgment is going to be the vein in which he speaks. Or was he invited to the conference to put all the merits of organized religion up for debate, and give his Unified Theory of Everything that must account for all possible factors and potentially aggrieved parties?
It’s not as if every utterance a person makes in his lifetime now has to be CNN-panel, 12-hour-debate ready. Some might say, ‘It is like that now.’ I would say, no, it’s not, and that’s [part of] why Trump beat Hillary, and why Fakest News (i.e. media-intel complex propaganda) flounders and its viewership plunges to near-negligible levels.
Of course restricting the scope and complexity of commentary and suiting it to one’s audience can go too far and stray into ignorance and pandering, but that’s a separate issue, and doesn’t apparently relate to this.
11/14/2018 – Amazon HQ2 and the Sources of American Prosperity
Amazon is a retail mega-store, and the only difference between Walmart and Amazon is that ‘yuppies’ (for lack of a better term; where I myself may to some degree be one or be taken for one) mostly embrace and laud Amazon and mostly avoid and decry Walmart. At least with Walmarts, which are widely acknowledged as being highly destructive to local economies, there are some local jobs created, and local businesses that make money from them. With Amazon the destruction is done remotely, from foreign factories and Tech-Yogi corporate campuses in a handful of gov/bank-suckling cities and metros: San Fran, NYC, DC, aka the lands of no recession. The only local beneficiaries of Amazon are low-paid package sorters and van drivers, analogs of Walmart’s shelf-stockers and forklift operators, hardly leading economic figures that could empower regions and communities.
State and local politicians nationwide showed their true colors as they salivated over Amazon. They demonstrated they’re willing to pick the winners and losers, and that votes, privilege, and power are the name of their game, not representation, fairness, and equal treatment. ‘Regular’ businesspeople can go pound sand.
The ‘HQ2’ host cities are awarding Amazon up to $150k per job created. It takes far less than $150k for the average entrepreneur to create a job, and one that actually enriches the local economy or makes a relatively neutral contribution, where Amazon guts it. Many businesspeople find themselves in a troubled or relatively neutral financial position after creating jobs, as opposed to racking up $150k windfall after windfall. (Still, it must be noted that CIA & DoD contractor Amazon’s $150k/job payoffs [to erode local economies nationwide] pale greatly in comparison to the $500 million the DoD paid to train ‘four or five’ anti-ISIS fighters in Syria, who all quit shortly thereafter.)
Over the last year I’ve been in a position to get a better glimpse into what the economy is made of today, and what solvency and prosperity increasingly look like. The answers: 1) medicine/pharma [far and away #1] 2) ‘defense’ 3) gov check in mail (disability, Social Security, high-% pension) 4) education 5) civil service i.e. gov jobs 6) gov/med-contracting unions 7) insurance/gov-contracting/dependent law firms 8) banking 9) insurance. If you’re not in one of these fields, the ones near the tax/Fed faucet, your odds (unless you have a job that consists of providing various services to mostly these people) aren’t zero, but they’re stacked.
For all these occupations do and do not do for our society and economy, they are supporting or secondary economic sectors, not primary sectors. They should make up a small portion of activity, perhaps 15-20% or so total, but now make up the large bulk of it, and the overwhelming share of high-salary, high-benefit jobs. Like Amazon’s retailing, these roles and services can only exist as results of some other, more foundational economic activity. You can’t trade any of them as exports.
It’s ludicrous that a retailer that produces nothing is being held up as a jewel of the national economy, and the ultimate cap-feather of a local economy, when all Amazon does for the US is to worsen the trade deficit at the enrichment of Jeff Bezos, the empowerment of the shadow government, and the often mortal expense of ‘Main Street,’ where the Amazon customer, in exchange, gets temporary, decreasing discounts, higher taxes, higher postal costs, sneakily rising Prime subscription rates, and much lower/no privacy. As impressive as Amazon and Walmart have been from a purely tactical business standpoint (that is, in their early years – before they kissed the ring to go mega), there’s not much of a case they’re a good thing for Americans or the world.
Externally tradeable goods and services are what an economy is built on. All the poorest countries have government employees, police, teachers, doctors, lawyers, bankers. The determinant in them making $80k/yr and not $2k/yr is the exportable economic basis of the country. No exports = no power/standing. Of course, the alternative to this game is internal self-sustainability, but that’s a whole different animal; one I support, but for another discussion.
Aside from CIA dirty tricks and the menace of carpet-bombing (aka liberation) for Dollar Ditchers, what does the US rest on today? It has become an economy of threats, payoffs, scams, and schemes. As the outside world tires of us and internal morale flags, prescriptions, delusion, and escapism rise. Hopefully we’ll fundamentally reform the economy, take our due knocks, and turn course before it’s too late.
At this advanced stage, making that shift to rebalance our economy is going to mean that people do the unthinkable and vote for their principles, at the possible, eventual, temporary expense of their pocketbooks.
An aside on the value of Amazon Prime. When you shake it all out, is it worth it? Even putting aside the harm they do to the domestic economy, and ignoring the stench of Bezos’ war and surveillance-loving Washington Post, probably not. You pay $115/year for ‘free’ shipping, which can take 20 or more shipments just to pay for itself. Things like electronics and stationery are usually available for about the same and sometimes lower prices elsewhere on the internet, often with free or low shipping (lower than Amazon’s non-Prime shipping). And when Amazon prices are the lowest, the difference is usually only $1-2, which again, requires many purchases just to overcome the cost of Prime. Whenever possible, especially for larger purchases, I buy for less directly from the producers themselves (where they don’t lose out on Amazon’s 15-20% cut), or from other online retailers who elect not to passionately kiss Deep State butt, track me, and sell my data. Personally, not to say I’ll never use Amazon, but I’ll be canceling my Prime membership before Amazon raids my account unannounced this winter, with a new surprise price.
11/12/2018 – Thousand Oaks = Yet Another Fake Shooting, Apparently
The presence of a ‘survivor’ of the fake Vegas massacre among the Thousand Oaks witnesses – which a researcher made note of recently – is all you need to see to tentatively put this one in the fake/staged column, where it joins 90-95% or more of such events in the US and Western Europe. Of course more evidence is awaited, but at this point it’s a safe call.
The odds of finding oneself in the midst of two of these events are essentially zero, yet many other of the fake events feature cameos by participants in prior ones. For example, a Boston non-bombing survivor showed up at Vegas. This kind of thing has already happened a half dozen times or more. What we appear to be seeing is a traveling troupe of crisis actors on what might be called the World Terror Tour.
Clearly the event producers could just recruit new participants, so why have a Vegas survivor make an appearance? Some possible answers:
1) To make it seem as if the events are so commonplace, experiencing multiple would be plausible, even normal.
2) To put absurd props in your face and see how you react, increasingly dividing the population between critical questioners and blind accepters / believers.
There was no reason to have dead Sandy Hook children sing at the 2013 Super Bowl with Jennifer Hudson either; or to put 26 Christmas trees behind the firehouse, in plain view of helicopter cameras. They like to mock us, and shock us into submission. “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it,” etc.. Disbelieving the narrative and acknowledging fakery would require an uncomfortable paradigm shift many are not willing or able to undergo.
As I’ve offered in explanation many times, these incidents appear to be classified ‘mass casualty’ training exercises. My theory/belief is that state and local law enforcement, media, and local DHS/FEMA/FBI personnel are asked to participate, but not informed that other such drills have occurred. Participation is not really voluntary, and justified on the basis that deceiving the public is necessary to achieve maximum realism and thus maximum preparedness. Only high-level staff inside certain federal agencies would be aware of an ongoing, nationwide program. They could also sometimes just be live propaganda productions, which have been legal against US citizens on US soil since the passage of the 2013 NDAA in late 2012.
For a real-world example of this kind of broad participation see Operation Closed Campus, a planned, unclassified drill in Kansas in 2011, just prior to the wave of fake events. It was canceled after public outcry at the bizarre drill format, particularly the over-the-top, multi-level government involvement and play-acted media coverage (at which point I surmise the program went classified). Or the London subway drill which involved more than 2,000 participants with fake wounds and injury wraps.
Behind the new trend of faked events there is likely the usual one-stone, as-many-birds-as-possible M.O.:
1) The scene is managed and controlled; no inconvenient bystanders who saw too much, no unintended or unwanted human or property damage.
2) No lawsuits from aggrieved parents, spouses, etc., who make it their life’s mission to get justice and find out the truth of what happened.
3) Brings reality closer to the TV studio. Custom-written scripts, crisis actors, and green-screen media coverage replace live, ‘hot’ events.
4) Public may come to accept anything. Believe one of the ridiculous official narratives and then the next, and you’ll eventually believe anything (see Fake Aliens post).
With Thousand Oaks in particular:
1) Track and surveil vets: they’re genuinely patriotic, armed, proficient with firearms and tactics, and many know the truth of the overseas conflicts: that they’re pointless, often immoral, and wasteful of blood and treasure, hence the high suicide rates. Vets inside the US present a significant obstacle to the shadow government/’cabal’ takeover of the US that’s currently in progress, and they threaten the ‘optics’ of $1T/yr imperialism/’defense’ budget, as the Pat Tillman assassination illustrated.
2) Mix it up: clean-cut soldier, Hillary-loving environmentalist, goth trenchcoat guy, quiet non-descript neighbor. Anyone and everyone can suddenly convert into an ‘active shooter,’ rampage through a public space, and off themselves. Don’t trust thy neighbor, trust the government.
Where were the PTSD shooters after WWII, Vietnam, and the Gulf War? There weren’t any, because the PTSD Shooter is a fake character created by the media-intel complex’s scriptwriters, as the Public Rampage Shooter also for the most part is, where the vast majority of public, random mass shootings are either staged or faked outright. Thankfully, the Kindergarten Shooter is a wholly fictional character, with the staged, UK-gun-banning Dunblane Massacre and Sandy Hook as the only two historical examples.
So why stage a shooting in a gun-restricting state? The goal appears to be not heavy, nationwide gun control, which has zero chance of passing, but the establishment of shadow government agencies as the arbiters of mental health, allowing the ringleaders of the media-intel circus to decide who is sane and who isn’t, and to turn the general population into unpaid Stasi informants in service of this process.
As for the dead sheriff’s deputy and dead shooter, law enforcement and the military are common recruiting grounds and undercover positions for intelligence. Simply transfer the newly recruited or undercover agent overseas, or even domestically, with a new identity (or reversion to birth identity); old identity dead. How does $500k/year and a paid-for mansion in London or Dubai sound for the start of your new assignment? There are at least tens of thousands of people out there who operate under multiple identities, and who leave identities, friends, and acquaintances behind. These identities can be canceled and ‘die’ for political purposes.
While there hasn’t been much to go on with regard to the Pittsburgh incident, I find it odd that a man on a one-shot kamikaze mission to reduce the Jewish population would target a small, old congregation with an average age of around 75. Then there are the DHS ‘active shooter’ training activities in the area just beforehand. As I always maintain, there may well be the occasional real shooting, if only 5 or 10% of them, and there are certainly real people who indiscriminately hate Jews, so I suspend judgment on this one as evidence comes forth.
The beauty – if you want to call it that – of the fake events is that if they don’t work, as they haven’t been, at all, or if the public gets wise to them, as they increasingly are, they can just cancel the program and return to the ‘hot’ events of the past, and those in the know will let sleeping dogs lie. The question is, will they wake up and do so, or go for broke and risk losing all vestiges of goodwill and credibility?
11/7/2018 – If This Was the Election of Our Lives, How Come Nothing Changed?
Now that the smoke has cleared from the ‘election of our lives’ yesterday, I notice that all the following things, today, still promise to obtain, based on who won, who may or may not be appointed to the Supreme Court down the road as a result, etc. etc.:
1) All real property (including all public property), all possessions, and all income that are taxable and exclusively tenderable in US dollars or if not, are owned by an income-taxable ‘US person,’ as well as all government revenues, continue to be literally the titled property of the Federal Reserve (it’s written right on the paper bill, in plain English), which is owned by its private member banks (i.e. US and non-US-based commercial and investment banks), and are merely on loan, at interest, for the moment. All Federal Reserve Note money that exists is interest-bearing debt principal, and all FRN-denominated debt is ultimately owned by and payable back to the original creditors, i.e., to the creators of FRN money. The owed interest does not exist.
2) Upwards of $1T/yr continues to be spent on non-freedom-protecting military aggression and security theater, and nearly a half a trillion more (and rapidly growing) on interest.
3) Truly absurd medical prices remain the norm, where five minutes of attention in an emergency room – without ambulance transport, after a long wait – might run you a cool $1500 (with hourly-adjusted services charged at about 2,200x the minimum wage), and where a night or two in a hospital, with maybe an hour of actual treatment, might set a lower-wage person back a year’s take-home pay. Of course no one actually pays these instant-bankruptcy prices, but they allow the insurance and corporate-health cartels to set the rules of the health game.
4) As do truly absurd education prices, where a decreasingly valuable bachelors degree might put you $100-200k in the red in non-dischargeable, interest-bearing debt, before you can even think about a house, car, or food on the table. Of course no one actually goes without food to pay student loans, but it’s another axe over our heads, to keep us fearful and obedient.
5) The national debt soars past $20T at a clip of $1T/yr, with tens of trillions more in unfunded liabilities, making promises of Social Security and Medicare for any Americans under age 55 or 60 (if not older) completely and utterly empty, and claims of solvency, good faith, and credit a fantasy.
6) The real value of the Dow sits at 5-7,000 (as the bubble number stands at 25,000), just a rate-hike pin-prick away. And that’s assuming there has been consistent, solid growth every year since the 1980s, where many might argue a real decline or flatline has occurred. Again, a mere realignment of stocks with growth trends in CPI, real estate, GDP and other core markers means a catastrophic 75-80% plunge, annihilating scores of trillions in never-was, 401k paper wealth.
7) Faked and staged events abound, chemtrails fall, and rates of cancer, dementia, once-rare allergies and immune disorders, reproductive and hormonal issues, and other manner of ailments steadily rise.
In other words, the average citizen in ‘our democracy’ continues to be held firmly by the _____, while being ______ up the ___, big-league/bigly. The above observations aren’t doom and gloom, they’re just the absence, or partial rollback, of delusion.
Yes, I too met ‘my civic duty’ and voted. I sat in front of the computer checking results, as Fakest News played on the TV in the background. And as I did that I thought, as I have many a time and many a year back, that this is about as real and long-term-relevant as professional sports, which I also enjoy on occasion, and which are covered by said News in an increasingly similar fashion.
To be clear, I voted only on the tactical basis that my five-minute detour to do so might be worth the inch of difference it could make, and as I indulged in the media coverage, I held no hope that any of the above items – the ones that actually matter – would change.
We could have real and well founded hope and optimism, we could take the power back overnight, we could reform our monetary and foreign policy, but it would require the tiny handful of decent people in Congress, not the vast majority of corrupt hacks, to be elevated to the top (and yes, fan-boys and girls, your local Congressperson is in all likelihood one of the paid-for hacks). It would require that the citizens popularizing these politicians and ideas not be shadow-banned, openly banned, and worse by the media-intel shadow empire.
And to rise above the partisan fray is going to require the left and right to compromise and form an anti-imperial, pro-liberty third party, not remain divided and gloat over meaningless, alleged victories at 51-49/49-51 margins every two years.
11/3/2018 – The FDA: An Attack Dog for Pharma, and Little More
The disgraceful FDA has been making headlines in the past few weeks:
‘After failure at federal level, FDA pressures states to ban kratom [which safely helps 5M users quit opiates]’
‘FDA approves synthetic opioid 10x more powerful than fentanyl’
‘FDA approves synthetic marijuana extract for medicinal use [while supporting ban of plant]’
The FDA is little more than an attack dog for pharma and needs to be abolished. This warning letter to ‘Front Range Kratom’ provides some clear insight to how the abominable, Tenth Amendment-violating agency operates:
The claims on your website and social media sites establish that the above-mentioned products [mine: dried leaves with no additives] are drugs as defined by section 201(g)(1)(B) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)(B), because they are intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. As explained further below, introducing or delivering these products for introduction into interstate commerce for such uses violates the FD&C Act.
This succinctly elucidates the FDA’s official, foundational stance: that nothing from nature is good or works, only synthetic, patented, bank-owned products are/do. Food doesn’t affect health, it’s just calories. Diseases don’t have causes, they just exist. If you want to manage or reverse them, you have to buy drugs, and the ones we favor. And if you dare to say otherwise, we’ll spy on you, SWAT-raid you, shut you down, seize your product, and send you to prison.
Obviously nothing could be further from the truth. With few exceptions, synthetic vitamins are ineffective and sometimes cause disease, while whole-food micronutrients support critical body functions and prevent illness. Psychoactive plants are as a rule good or relatively innocuous, while synthetic psychoactive drugs are almost universally net-negative and often disastrous. Changes in diet can transform health and prevent disease, while prescription drugs merely manage symptoms (very often the result of bad diet), and their innumerable side effects can trigger new illnesses.
The FDA’s cover story is that it’s all for your safety. Given the revolving door with pharma, the bald-faced fraud perpetrated in its campaign against kratom (see post below), and a huge number of other indications, we know that’s bull, and that any honesty and protective action are only incidental, mere costs of doing business in its mission to protect patents and profits.
As for how the below post applies to the Pittsburgh incident, I can’t say. I had no time to view live coverage, and in the preceding months and years the entire sphere of official-narrative criticism (who would often point out glaring holes in narratives, unconvincing acting performances, etc.) has been slowly dismantled by the tech giants, namely Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, as well as by Paypal and other funding services. The only channels left standing on YouTube appear to be fed-infested militia honeypot groups, with any independent voices having their videos blocked from upload and channels IP-banned. Sure, there are commentators like James Corbett who have independent websites, but he and other higher-profile outlets shy away from talk of full-on fakery, likely to preserve their mainstream viewership, which seriously deflects the pertinence of their content.
But to return to the issue of whether or not Pittsburgh was engineered in some way, manipulation wouldn’t necessarily mean no one died. As we saw with 9/11 and dozens of incidents before it (as well as more recent incidents like the Sikh temple shooting, a false flag event where real killings appear to have been carried out by military contractors of some kind), the shadow government, who has murdered well over 100 million people directly and indirectly in the last century or so alone, has no qualms about real death. But again, it has recently become more difficult for often second-hand commentators like myself to form judgments one way or the other, since any non-establishment ‘front-line’ analysis has been purged from all the major social and search platforms also known to many as the internet.
In that vein, there was a Paypal-aided shutdown of Twitter-alternative Gab (characterized as neo-Nazi by some websites, which wasn’t my impression of it; most of the content I saw a year or two ago seemed to be Breitbart-ish in politics) less than a day after the event, based on the alleged shooter’s membership alone; yet his membership on the major networks prompted no such shutdown.
— Oct 2018
If you just can’t come to terms with the reality that many of the media-featured ‘tragedies’ of late are death-free, faked events (and thus the human props in them are, in at least some cases, indeed actors), and wouldn’t spend any more than a minute even entertaining the notion, this video, perhaps the most damning single piece of evidence out there (among thousands of compelling exhibits between all the events), is for you (YouTube version here: /watch?v=kfsInwOGdxM). It allegedly shows ISIS member Brahim Abdeslam blowing himself up at a restaurant in the alleged Bataclan attacks in Paris, where 130 were said to die. The bomber vaporizes from the explosion’s force (the article reads, ‘there was so little left of Abdeslam’s body, that forensic officers had to rely on a tiny portion of finger print to identify him’) — yet glasses, ashtrays, and people – feet and in some cases only inches away – escape completely undamaged and unmoved (what is actually occurring I can’t say; a small firecracker inside a down pillow, overlaid by a CGI Abdeslam?).
The odds this could happen are precisely zero: fakery proven, conspiracy theorists correct, naysayers and vigil attendees duped. Yet mass delusion, while on the sharp decline, persists. As Mark Twain said twice in his autobiography, ‘how easy it is to make people believe a lie, and hard it is to undo that work again,’ or for the unverified/paraphrased version, ‘it’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.’ Yes, I’ve railed on this general theme a hundred times, but we live in a country full of 6-month historical memories and 8-second attention spans.
— Oct 2018
TSA unveils plan to mugshoot, fingerprint, and eye-scan all foreign and domestic travelers (If you haven’t been abroad recently, as of several years ago citizens of certain countries were made to submit to a mugshot and fingerprints upon entry. Then about four years ago, it became foreigners from all countries, and for about three years now, all Americans returning to the US are mugshotted upon entry, and the camera terminal also contains a fingerprint scanner. It was already clear, but the TSA now acknowledges plans for biometric entry and exit for Americans, as well as for domestic air travel (and later, maybe bus and train rides, even highway driving).
The shadow government has been treating us more and more like prisoners over the past several decades, and this is why I oppose a wall. There are many other, less permanent ways of regulating the border. More often than not, walls have been used to keep an oppressed people in, rather than foreigners out.
The 4A-violating TSA needs to be abolished immediately. Its existence and antics are based almost entirely on one staged shoe bombing, one staged underwear bombing (where said bomber was escorted through security and onto plane with no passport), and two cartoon airplanes. Neither deep-state page Obama nor Trump-knows-best are the answers to this lunacy. Instead we need reasonable leadership who understand the importance of civil liberties, e.g. people like Rand Paul and Justin Amash on the right and Tulsi Gabbard on the left, ideally together as a third party, which is probably the only way any of them could rise above the establishment idiocy and win.)
— Oct 2018
Paul Craig Roberts banned from Twitter (I’m not a fan of all of Roberts’ work, but most of it is relatively on point. His exile from Twitter shows that the long arm of social media censorship has reached further and further into the mainstream. As Jimmy Dore, whose channel may be next to go, just predicted, the recent purge might have less to do with political correctness, and more with a pre-emptive silencing of opposition to war with Iran (and let’s hope not Russia). The trigger for war? Perhaps a fake or real nuclear/dirty-bomb attack on a US city, or that of a US ally, falsely blamed on an Iran-sponsored terror group.
Unless the tech giants are broken up as monopolies, there’s little that can be done about the clampdown other than to fully recognize what is occurring, that most of the online discourse, let alone the laughable news media propaganda, is increasingly controlled and unrepresentative of society. That way the credibility and relevance of the sold-out court commentators and intellectuals who are left standing will continue eroding away, and lose (or having already lost) the critical mass needed to sway public opinion.
This is why grand plans always – without any historical exceptions – fail, the ‘inevitable’ futures proclaimed by the rulers never come to pass, and the power-mad dupes who bought in end up on the real or karmic gallows. They lose touch, get impatient and over-confident, and squeeze too tight.)
— Oct 2018
Let’s take a quick look at the likely phony package bombings. First, the bombs were exceedingly poorly made and none even partially detonated, so we can rule out any intention to kill. Furthering that point, it was clear that none of the packages would be opened by the actual targets, but low-level staff at best. So a false flag of some kind – i.e. a deed performed by someone other than the supposed: in this case, an imaginary right-wing terrorist – can be safely assumed. To narrow down on a culprit, cui bono, who benefits? Certainly not Republicans, libertarians, Greens, not Antifa, no one benefits at all but the ostensible targets themselves, establishment Democrats, and intelligence and media figures. Being ‘bombable,’ to quote Seinfeld, generally means you’re important, relevant, radical, imminently dangerous; establishment Democrats are none of these things; conversely, they’re boring, predictable hacks who most Americans, left and right alike, just want to retire and go away.
Let’s consider what the non-bombings might have at least been hoped to result in: A) justifies increased security theater and surveillance [check] B) makes the population look divided, and the political climate chaotic [check] C) makes Republicans and people opposed to the media-intel complex look unhinged and dangerous [check] D) makes corrupt, core-establishment stooges look like heroes, martyrs, revolutionaries [check] E) galvanizes Democratic voters into turning out and bringing the media-imagined, unlikely ‘blue wave’ to fruition F) makes the midterms into some earth-shaking saga, when unfortunately, few candidates from either party with any promise or street cred have even made it past the primaries [check].
— Oct 2018
Anyone who does not weigh or at least entertain all of the following nuance when debating the complex issue of immigration in the context of migrant caravans, that:
1) there is a shadow govt aka media-intel complex aka deep state 2) the many caravans strongly appear to be shadow-govt ops 3) the migrants’ homelands, both in Latin America and the Middle East, have for decades been ravaged by the US surface and shadow govts, with an enormous death toll, at the behest of Western/US corporate and banking interests 4) immigrants of the past did not have to pay $15k in legal fees and wait many years in limbo; they merely signed a book, got checked for disease, and entered 5) people born on this Earth have the God-given right to peacefully travel and trade where they will on it 6) legitimate democracies and other bona fide, consensually formed communities have the right to regulate permanent settlement in their territories 7) people born on this Earth do not have the God-given right to collect welfare and other state benefits or vote themselves those benefits, things most immigrants of the past did not do 8) there would be less need and more money for these social programs if the banking system weren’t siphoning off a larger and larger share of the economy, and taxes were spent wisely
… is part of the problem, not the solution. All that said, I don’t oppose Trump blocking the clearly engineered march, based on points 1 and 2 alone.
— Oct 2018
Under FDA pressure, Ohio moves towards kratom ban (The zero-credibility, bought-and-paid-for FDA has waged a years long battle against the Southeast Asian tree kratom, lobbying for DEA scheduling to no avail. Plan B has been to pressure states, most recently in Ohio, one of the states worst hit by the heroin epidemic. The FDA has built its case mainly around 44 ‘kratom-related deaths’ since 2011, all of which involved ‘other factors,’ including a gunshot wound to the chest, a fall from an upper-storey window, and cocktails of highly lethal prescription opiates; for instance, tramadol, which was ingested alongside kratom in nine ‘kratom-related deaths,’ a single prescription drug, has killed at least 30,000 in the US alone over that time, **about half as many as violent homicide has;** several other deaths involved fentanyl.
Aside from its fraudulent death claims, the FDA’s remaining basis for a ban is that kratom, a leafy plant in the coffee family, is ‘opiate-like’ since it interacts with opioid receptors; but so do wheat and cheese. I’ve never taken kratom, but it seems to be safely helping its 3-5 million users manage pain and break free from prescription opiates, and there are no deaths attributable to it. That the shadow govt-owned FDA is willing to lie about kratom and kill tens of thousands per year in order to protect pharma profits is far from shocking, and sadly par for the course. Ben Swann has put out several good exposés of the FDA’s machinations on his YouTube channel.)
— Oct 2018
We all know the shadow government is behind these contrived Latino immigrant caravans. What’s happening is obvious: cash-rich shadow gov pays off the cartel coyotes (themselves intel assets/allies), who then offer free or heavily discounted transit for migrants from select regions, where people who don’t have $100 to their names suddenly have their $5-10k toll paid and decide to make the move. Unfortunately, entire nationalities get put into the crosshairs as a result of the bad PR. But it’s just another day for Fakest News aka the media-intel complex: staged limo crashes, manufactured migrant marches, fake shootings and bombings, CGI airplanes, distorted histories, fraudulent wars, the list is endless.
— Oct 2018
Over a long period of time, I have compiled significant observational evidence on one of the main points of contention in the ultra high vs. ultra low carb debate, about which diet is better for diabetes prevention. I’ve never eaten a high-carb diet (if defined as 80%-plus caloric share), but a clear pattern has emerged that when my carbohydrate levels have been higher, my fasting blood glucose has been significantly lower, as well as post-prandial (post-meal) sugar, on the order of 15-20 points lower, suggesting improved insulin function. During times when my diet has had the most fat and the least carbs, my blood sugar levels have been the highest, though still not in prediabetic range, and when dietary carbs and sugar levels (from fruit etc.) have been high or highest, blood sugar has been low or lowest. Granted, these were mostly whole-food carbs (mainly fruit, legumes, tubers), and there was little flour, sugar, or other refined carbs present. But I’m fairly confident that excess fat (let’s say near or above 60% of calories) can interfere with insulin response, that insulin efficiency improves when carb levels are normal, and that whole-food fruit sugars – in amounts that would give Eric Berg and Thomas DeLauer aneurysms – do not lead to diabetes.
If I had not also been restricting refined carbohydrates and eating large amounts of fiber, the highest-fat diet likely would have contributed to long-term risks of both heart disease and diabetes, and therefore cancer. A certain fat level (80%-plus a la keto) may be too much for fiber to handle, hence the persistent long-term CV risks/death toll even with high fiber and vegetable intake. So back to the original question: does fat cause diabetes or does sugar? Both can. Fat without fiber does, sugar/refined carbs without fiber does, and fat and sugar together, eaten without fiber (all the junk food classics), cause it the most (explaining the Chinese diabetes spike, as fiberless white rice is paired with more and more meat).
This is why I suspect animal fat has been blamed for diabetes, because many people who eat the most meat eat the least fiber; meat by itself, unlike nuts and seeds, lacks fiber and must be intentionally paired with it, and many fail to do that. Fiber, which you will get more than enough of just by eating a whole-food diet, is not just an optional tool for regularity, but an indispensable macro-nutrient that plays a key role in the prevention and reversal of all the most common diseases.
–Oct 2018
As established well enough below, the NY limo crash was a faked event, in which either no one died or everyone was already dead. Why car crashes would be faked was also covered (not that the why even matters when the what is physically impossible).
In this utterly insane circus of a political and informational context (one that Hillary would enthusiastically keep in place), hopefully the Bill Maher-loving, self-styled science and fact-checking champions on the left will finally start to see why people were willing to take a gamble on Trump, when comparing him to the bizarro world that is already upon is. But no, instead they’ll probably call the fact of limo fakery (a clear-cut beginner’s case with very many analogs of greater complexity and implications) ‘batshit crazy,’ and continue on in smug delusion.
— Oct 2018
A frequent theme here (discussed in depth in Fake Aliens post) has been the manipulation and manufacture of events with the aim of stretching the bounds of what is believable, so that anything will be believed and the world will truly become a stage, as much as it already is. I’ve also discussed the varied sources of ‘cancel-able identities’ that can serve as fake victims. This applies to all kinds of tragedies, not just ‘active’ shootings and public bombings: for just a few among the dozens to hundreds of examples (beyond the obvious and thoroughly proven in Sandy Hook, Boston, Orlando, Nice, Vegas, etc.), the Cassidy Stay murders did not happen as reported or likely at all, the Trayvon Martin incident is highly suspicious and appears at best to have been a set-up of some kind, and there are strong indications the Christopher Dorner manhunt was a training exercise.
Last year there were 34,439 fatal car crashes in the US, resulting in 37,461 deaths (1.08 deaths per accident), and surely all but the tiniest sliver of crashes are real in every sense. The recent NY state limo crash is an exception to that. The owner was an FBI informant, had links to [almost invariably Western intel-engineered/run] terror groups, no bystanders seem to have witnessed it other than to say they heard an explosion, and federal agents, mainly the NTSB, took over the investigation. The SUV reportedly hit another, much smaller SUV. It didn’t hit a brick building, train, or mountainside. Equal and opposite reactions dictates that in terms of force (mass over velocity) exerted, the moving and stationary objects in a collision are interchangeable. If a sheer rock face moving at 120 mph hit an SUV, you could imagine there being no survivors.
It’s just not believable that not one of the 20 would luck out and survive in this case, if just in the hospital for a few hours or days. But all instantly dead, without even long-shot attempts to resuscitate? I don’t buy it. In the single side-facing perspective of the vehicle (SeeBS report linked; the ridiculous animation is a must watch; see also video comments) that is available, no portion looks badly damaged, not even the windows. OK, so this is clearly a fake, but why fake car crashes? Distorting the public’s belief standards for car crashes is important (especially in the age of hackable, self-driving cars), since staged accidents, often plane or auto, are a common method of taking out shadow-government opponents (in addition, the more varied the fake scenarios are, the more thorough the dumbing down is). It is convenient to them if the publicly will uncritically accept every tale of an accident, and head to their local candlelight vigil to be filmed by news media.
— Oct 2018
While I don’t make any claims on Kanye’s mental health or lack thereof and wouldn’t be caught dead in a MAGA hat (not into cults of personality or pre-packaged viewpoints), pretty much everything he said during Chris Rock’s taped SNL monologue (described as awkward by heavily medicated Pete Davidson and others), and during previous rants, was accurate. That abuse of boys, girls, and women is rampant among the same male-dominated ‘elite’ who engineered MeToo (if you are blind enough to dismiss this outright, start with the banned/canceled film Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover-Up).
That there has been a long-running, primarily Democratic party scheme to weaken and break up black (and white, Hispanic, etc, but especially black) families, and to have a government check in the mail take the place of husbands and fathers (and sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, neighbors). Whether these policies have racist and anti-family, anti-community motivations or not, those are their obvious effects.
There are definite echoes of Michael Jackson’s important speech that large parts of schoolbook history are indeed a fictional fraud, where rarely heard truth was cast as unhinged rambling. Most anything that the establishment and its Hollywood minions in good standing decry as terrifying, horrifying, batshit crazy, demented, sick, awful, dark-hearted, etc, etc, bears at the least some consideration, if it’s not self-evidently true.
— Oct 2018
Greek president to remind Germany of €280 billion in war reparations (All’s fair in love, war, and neofeudal debt-currency scams, and like begets like. Everyone needs to go Iceland on the out-of-control EU and its phony debt claims. Italy and Austria seem like the next to jump the Euro currency zone, meaning they’ll effectively be out from under the EU thumb, like the ‘members’ in Eastern Europe are and will remain, ignored timelines of the undemocratic, meaningless Maastricht treaty notwithstanding.)
— Oct 2018
Study Confirms that Humans Recognize 5,000 Faces (Other studies show that the average person can associate about 500 names with people at any given time. If I don’t know your name and face, you aren’t yet my friend, and you certainly don’t represent me, nor I you. Does that mean we share nothing? Absolutely not. But when it comes to the worldly and the corporal, human beings have their limits: names, faces, dollars, subjects / constituents, and it is vain in both senses to think otherwise.
Tribe, village, town, city-state should be the target range for human-scale political systems, where all or most power sits. Allow power to move beyond the capacity of men and you start to get monsters, more and bigger. Sovereign or mostly sovereign political units can share common laws and standards with other units to facilitate trade and travel, and join in enormous, unincorporated confederations (or ‘unconstitutional,’ as Tolkien called it), but the bigger the constituted unit gets and the more that is ceded to the top of it, the worse things will always get.)
— Oct 2018
I previously mentioned Joel Fuhrman as the single best high-profile nutritional voice for people without the time or patience for independent research, and I stand by that. Fuhrman’s ‘nutritarian’ approach and ‘G-BOMBS’ (Greens [including crucifers]-Beans-Onions [and other alliums]-Mushrooms-Berries [cherries, and other polyphenol-rich fruits]-Seeds [and nuts] mnemonic provide a simple and effective blueprint for whole-food micro-nutritional sufficiency and broad protection against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, that when taken with moderate amounts of meat and fish, also resonates with the traditional cuisines of most high-longevity cultures, as well as with what is available in most of nature.
Walking through a habitable ecosystem, the foods you will encounter overwhelmingly consist of greens, wild garlics or onions (allium genus), fruits (most often berries, currants, cherries), fungi, nuts and seeds, and one or more staple carbohydrate (acorns or chestnuts, easily processed legumes and grains, starchy tubers, tree syrups), as well as herbs and spices. Obviously other food types should be included, but if you build your daily diet around a fairly even balance of these categories, it will be very hard to go very wrong; a recent example: large serving of greens, stewed beans with onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms, moderate amount of high-quality meat; snack: walnuts and blueberries.
Eliminating both fruit and legumes deprives the diet of important fiber and phytonutrients and throws off normal macro balance, necessitating excess fat consumption to fill the caloric void, where I would define imbalance as anything much below 30% carbs (~180g/day) and above 50% fat (~125g/day), and with that profile most of the fats better be whole-food, fibrous kinds (e.g. nuts, seeds, avocados).
— Oct 2018
Vice producer: “There were people who were paid by organizations like [‘women’s advocacy group’] UltraViolet, to try to harness that energy in a way that would make those viral moments that we ended up seeing.” Paid to make viral moments. In other words, this and almost everything else in the media-intel focus is propaganda, as has been long known: the narratives, the staged photos on front pages, the WMDs, chemical attacks, etc.
Now the media is trying to say they technically aren’t paid protesters since they weren’t paid for this job, even though they agreed to do it for money, and have likely been paid in the past for the same work. Fine, they’re fake protesters, protesting on behalf of a fake victim. Do alt-right outlets and cointel shills in the conspiracy realm also employ fakery? Sure. Did Trump? I would guess, yes. But two or 10,000 fakes don’t make a real.
— Oct 2018
Kudos to Trump for ‘doubling down’ and calling a spade a spade: Ford is by all appearances a lying political operative, and the claims appear well enough to be a complete hoax. To all assault victims who have stories with fewer holes than swiss cheese, aren’t the daughters of high-level CIA agents, haven’t authored papers on self-hypnosis to ‘create artificial situations’ or spent decades teaching at psych-intel hotbeds, haven’t provably faked multiple phobias and trauma symptoms, haven’t lied under oath about polygraph-passing expertise, haven’t waited 36 years until the eve of your accused’s professional culmination that you and all your friends happen to be viscerally opposed to, don’t talk in a highly affected way that looks just like unwatchably bad acting, and haven’t accepted donations of $800k from GoFundMe alone, I sympathize with you and encourage you to come forward. Instead of clawing at the Supreme Court’s doors, victims and deluded protesters should be at Ford’s, given the perhaps unprecedented damage she did to past and future efforts to report sex crimes.
— Oct 2018
The Kavanaugh-Ford affair has highlighted a crisis that is occurring in this country and is a frequent topic on this blog, and it’s not about political division or gender relations. It is a bigger epistemological crisis, having to do with credulity and the standard required for belief. There will always be some scheme or ploy to move us in the desired direction. If the citizens cannot distinguish apparent fact from apparent fiction, and are unable to weigh evidence and make informed conclusions, democracy is gone and schemocracy, the rule of schemers and scammers over dupes, is in effect.
Regarding the logical non-sequiturs put on display: that people have personally been victims of assault or abuse, as unfortunate and unjust as that is, or that they can relate to [apparently fictional] stories of victimhood of other women has nothing whatsoever to do with whether Kavanaugh should be Supreme Court justice, unless there is also a preponderance of reasons to believe Kavanaugh is himself an abuser, and there wasn’t, at all. The discourse around confirmation, in sadly predictable fashion, morphed into a MeToo story-sharing forum and general protest against assault, without any hard examination of the evidence (probably since there wasn’t much to examine) that would make these things relevant or not to Kavanaugh.
Those who opposed Kavanaugh on political grounds, myself included (mainly on civil liberties, as I oppose all the other justices; while also opposing his attempted railroading on likely bogus allegations), must focus on reforming politics (or ignore/boycott it altogether), not shutting down mental processes and wilfully becoming pawns of the powerful. If reform is possible, the last half-century has shown that it will come through unity, compromise, thoughtful debate, and common ground, not ridicule, attack (or avoidance), and go-nowhere minority platforms (e.g. Progressivism, libertarianism). In the absence of that, the pathetic 4-year cycles of post-triumph complacency from one side, and indignation, dread, and revenge from the other (when all the while, the same core policies continue) will keep replaying.
— Oct 2018
Documentary from Hearst/Fox/Disney-owned Vice about ‘black identity extremists’ who are being harassed, surveilled, raided, and jailed without bond by the FBI and DHS today in COINTELPRO fashion (an illegal FBI program that included outright assassination of black activists, as well as multiple attempts to extort MLK into suicide just prior to his murder by the shadow government, among thousands of other high crimes) for legal self-defense initiatives that amount to a neighborhood watch organization. Haven’t yet watched and I imagine it’s rife with subtle propaganda, but it discusses an important topic.
Through a mistake in the mail I get a copy of the comical, thoroughly entertaining ‘Intelligence Report’ from the Southern Poverty Law Center every quarter. One issue contained a map of ‘hate groups’ (most or many of which are and have long been headed and heavily populated by federal agents). As corporate-left groups like the $400-million SPLC continuously tout their anti-racist credentials and rally blacks and people of color towards the Democratic cause and away from ‘old white men,’ it’s worth noting that in the report there were 4x times more ‘black nationalist’ groups listed than any other kind of group (some of the other categories were white nationalist, environmental, animal rights, [non-black] Native-American nationalist), and that a large percentage of the organizations appeared to be religious and historical societies, not political groups.
Any person or group asserting any kind of sovereignty/independence or seeking a fundamental change to the status quo (including its historical narratives) is an extremist or hate group to the bank-owned corporate left (and right). Same as it ever was, the rulers hate dissent; don’t be fooled by the new labels and new divide-and-conquer tactics.